Four More Shots Please (2019) s03e09 Episode Script

Games People Play

You remember the games we played as kids?
Hide and seek, ludo, snakes and ladders.
I was up for it all.
I was born competitive,
and I hated losing.
Games people play.
But in adult life, I found the real game.
The blame game.
And all of us play that game.
But this time, there's no winning.
You lose even when you win.
Because you're left alone.
MMA is a full contact combat sport.
So, yes, I trained very hard.
Six hours a day for six months.
And I tried my best to do
full justice to my character, Shaina.
Speaking of training,
didn't you first meet Umang Singh
for this film as well?
-She was your trainer.
-And fiancée, too.
-She was.
You're here in Mumbai for promotions.
Any plans to meet up with her?
She jilted you at the alter
on the day of your wedding.
Yes. But life happens and I've moved on.
Speaking of which, congratulations.
-Ana and you make a beautiful couple.
-Thank you so much.
I finally know how real love feels.
Can we talk about the film?
Who is she?
Samara's new girlfriend.
Nice. I'm happy for her.
You've been with Meher.
Yeah, but I don't post
lovey-dovey pictures on social media.
What's the problem?
The lovey-dovey pictures?
Or that she moved on before you?
You know you need closure.
-Fuck closure.
Hypocrisy much?
You told me that you invited Mihir
to your wedding because I needed closure.
Why are the rules different?
You're a 5-year-old child.
Stop saying that! I'm not a child.
Tell Sneha you're not a child.
Morning, Mom!
Excuse me. Excuse me.
-You had breakfast in the room?
I was feeling very lazy,
so I thought, why not order room service?
Okay, Mom, I want to talk to you.
Yeah, let's do that. Come. Let's go down.
We can talk comfortably.
Have you had breakfast?
No, I want to talk now.
I need to say this now.
-I know!
-It's late
No, Mom, listen to me!
-It's late, and I must
-But let's
No. Mom, please listen to me.
Okay, I just wanted to say that
I know the way I have been behaving
for the last few days is very
I'm not ungrateful, Mom.
I know you planned it all for me,
and I'm actually
Sneha, there's no toothpaste
in the bathroom.
Hey, Sneha
Listen, Siddhi
-I can understand why
-Siddhi, listen to me.
Wow, fuck, I'm such a fool!
I can't believe that I quit
my course in New York for you!
Which course?
When did you apply for a course?
Well, I applied and I got through!
And then Dad passed away.
And I opted out of the course
because you said you needed me.
But you didn't say
you needed me
until you found Dad's replacement.
Siddhi, it's
It's not
You made me wait all my life
for your acceptance.
And now, when Dad is not there anymore,
when we should be a family
you choose to move on.
What are you saying, darling?
How can I possibly move on from you?
Going for a drive?
Sneha's having sex with Rajan!
Good for her.
Wait. Just calm down.
You calm down!
-You don't understand.
-No, I do.
I do. She got widowed at 48.
Should she spend her life alone?
Alone? How is she alone? She has me!
But then you'll get your own life. Then?
Siddhi, what are you doing? Just relax!
Don't say that!
Think from Sneha's perspective.
And shit like that! Why should I?
-Does she think from my perspective?
You're being selfish and unreasonable.
-How can you say that?
-Because it's true!
How long will you carry on this attitude?
When you broke off our engagement,
I listened to you. When you Siddhi!
What are you doing?
When you said
there's nothing between us, I listened.
But now I feel like
I was just listening to a child.
Not an adult.
You need to be a real adult, not play one.
But I was trying to be an adult.
I was trying to take charge of my life.
I was gonna do that course in New York.
And I sacrificed it for Sneha.
And you know, she has never sacrificed
anything for me. Never!
See, now that's a child talking.
You want your mom to pay you back.
That's quid pro quo, not sacrifice.
Siddhi, you're upset
with yourself, not your mom,
because your dreams fell through,
so don't blame your mom.
I'll sit with Siddhi.
-Did you have a nice time?
Are you alone?
Do you wanna be my friend?
Let's do it!
Cheer up, dude.
Good night, darling.
Were we this good when we were together?
We've evolved.
You mean we are older now?
I mean you are older now.
Yeah, I guess we needed to grow up
before being together.
And by we, I mean mostly me.
I agree.
Whatever it is, I like it.
Me, too.
There's a courier for Shashank Bose.
-One second.
-Yeah, give it to me.
Yeah, I'll connect you, ma'am.
He has a meeting
scheduled for 10:00 pm tomorrow.
May I?
Of course.
Yes, one minute.
He has a meeting at 2:00 pm tomorrow.
One minute. Yes.
-Here you go, girls.
-Thank you!
-Have a good time.
Thank you, Sneha.
Thank you.
Am I a horrible person?
No. But you did a horrible thing.
And I feel horrible about it.
As you should.
You behaved like an extremely selfish,
immature, spoiled brat.
Mihir said the same.
So, you realized it when Mihir told you.
And when we say it,
you always reply, "Fuck you!"
You know what it is?
Because she's not attracted to us.
Like, the next time
we have a talk with you,
we should wear Mihir masks.
Stop it! I'm not attracted to him!
Yeah, right.
Anyway, how do I fix
the Rajan-Sneha fiasco?
Maybe start by saying sorry?
Tell her that she should live
the way she wants to.
Yeah, seriously.
Go to Sneha and say, "Mom.
Forget everything that happened.
Everything's fine now."
Speaking of "Everything is fine,"
Samara is dating somebody new.
Yeah, I saw.
Some pictures somewhere.
And I slept with Sean.
I should've bet.
I would've made so much money.
Shut up, please.
I slept with Dhananjay.
-Oh, God, Dee!
Just physical. Nothing else.
Liar! It's a lot more than that,
and you know it.
I'm thinking
of giving Varun another chance.
But Kavya? What about her?
Kavya is going through with the divorce.
What are we doing, guys?
Finally, we're doing what we want to.
We're just making our own choices.
Good, bad, ugly, whatever it is.
I'm sure the world thinks
that we're really fucking up but
So, we're fucking up!
So, here's to fucking up.
Yes! Here's to fucking up.
Yeah, here's to fucking up.
-To fucking up.
-To fucking up!
That feels good.
For behaving like a selfish,
spoiled, entitled brat.
Siddhi, you put your life on hold for me.
I'm the one that should be apologizing.
No, Mom. I was horrible to you.
I'm so sorry.
You have every right to move on
and live your life.
Siddhi, darling, I'm not moving anywhere.
I'm here with you.
Will you please call Rajan?
No, Siddhi.
Mom, he understands
what you're going through.
He's also lost a life partner.
Both of you need each other.
We need each other.
You and me.
But I know you have a big heart.
Can't it fit me, Dad, Rajan,
all three of us?
Don't forget to use protection.
I want to remain the only child. Okay?
-Siddhi, behave!
-You behave.
Can we talk?
Why talk?
Wham, bam, thank you, ma'am?
Now with that out of the way,
can we talk?
I'm hungry. Wanna eat?
Arya, see which one you like for Grandma.
-The blue one.
-Even I like it.
Row, row, row your boat
Merrily down the street
Come, my mom is there.
Mom, look who's here.
Hi, Kavya. Hi, Auntie.
-Hi, Anjana.
-Check it out.
With these stripes,
I look like Prisoner No. 1, right?
Hey, Kavs.
Hi, champ!
Come here.
You've grown up so much.
So big he's become.
You hate malls and shopping.
Yeah, no, I
Sometimes, you know
No, you know what, it's fine.
We can all just keep changing.
It's fine.
Mom, let's go.
Let's go.
Why is Auntie angry?
Arya, she just wants to
-I want to be with Arav.
-Arya, stop it.
-Stop it!
-Arya, stop.
-Arya, stop it!
Arya, just stop!
What What happened?
He's okay.
You know, he wanted custody
and I stopped him!
This is how you repay me?
Kavya, I never meant it to be this.
You didn't mean it?
You didn't do anything? It just happened?
Take a look at yourselves, both of you!
What have you both turned into?
-Hey, Dee.
Listen, I was thinking,
can Bosco handle the bar tomorrow?
He could. Why?
Fundraiser party for Dhananjay.
Not like I'll make a huge donation.
Can you come along to support me?
Shashank, what
-What are you doing?
-My divorce came through.
She cleaned me out.
I'm sorry.
Are you happy now?
Why would I be?
You wanna see me suffer.
-Why would I want that?
-Because you fucking hate me!
I don't hate you.
-Then why did you leave me?
-Come on!
I didn't leave you.
We were never together.
You can keep lying to yourself.
We were in a fucking relationship!
A so-called relationship based on a lie?
Don't get all sanctimonious.
You bloody well knew I was married.
From day fucking one!
I didn't know you were lying
about being in an open marriage.
Shashank, till today I ask myself
what the fuck was I doing?
What was I doing with you?
What was I doing to myself?
What was I doing to Arya?
Didn't it mean anything?
Did I mean nothing to you?
Doesn't matter anymore.
How can it not?
What the fuck were you doing with me?
I just
I just needed to feel
needed. I needed to feel desired.
Even if
just for a second.
I was tired of myself.
I was tired
of being this boring workaholic.
I was tired of being a mom, a lawyer.
I was tired
of wondering, where did that Anjana go?
That 26-year-old
who so loved life, freedom, and success.
Instead she became, what, a single mother?
Fighting the boys' club at a firm?
This is not what I dreamt of, Shashank.
This is not what I wanted.
There you are.
Great turnout, right?
Your guest list.
They had to come. Seriously, none of this
would be possible without you.
Looking beautiful.
Thank you.
-You have met, of course.
-Hey, Jeh.
Hi, I'm Damini.
-Hi, I'm Lara.
-Nice to meet you.
Is that bar issue resolved?
It's India. It'll take some time.
My offer still stands.
Reach out if you need help.
Mr. Deshpande, we're ready for you.
Go ahead. This is your moment.
Come on, we're a team.
Come on.
I'll look after her.
See you in a bit.
As lawyers, we keep oscillating
between what's right, what's wrong.
To win for our client,
we use a couple of clauses
to bring out the truth.
And now we don't even realize
what's truth and what's not anymore.
I wasn't happily married.
And that's my truth.
I was looking for an escape and
And the escape happened to be you.
Sushmita and me
were over a long time back.
I should thank you for that at least.
Then I should thank you, too.
For making me realize
what I want from life.
Does it get better?
Hoping fucking so.
I'm gonna get a stiff drink for myself.
I'm gonna offer you one as well.
I would love some.
I am rising above the party politics
and my surname, Deshpande,
and taking my first step
towards clean, inclusive governance.
And I'm really glad that all of you
are with me in this journey.
But the person who stood by me before you,
is someone I would like to introduce.
So, please welcome
my biggest supporter
and my strongest critic,
Damini Rizvi Roy.
You and Dhananjay?
We only met once before
at a cousin's wedding.
Let's see where it goes.
We always say
that the Assembly needs fresh faces.
But we don't do anything about it.
So, here's our chance.
This is our chance
to replace corruption in this country
with education, employment
and health care facilities.
Then, here's our chance.
And I urge you to please support Dhananjay
and his campaign wholeheartedly.
Thank you for being here tonight.
It means the world to us.
Thank you.
It's a shame your dad couldn't make it.
-I know.
-Your dad was coming?
He was thinking of coming.
He knew Dhananjay's parents
when Mr. Deshpande was an MP
at the parliament.
-Our moms are on an education panel.
We played together
when we were in diapers.
Mom found a picture.
I'll show it to you next time.
I'd love to see that.
Imagine, if my dad got re-elected,
we would've grown up together,
gone to the same school.
Probably gone to conti together,
maybe even dated.
Who knows, right?
It's a co-ed,
Delhi farewell party, sort of. Right?
-Like a prom of sorts.
And everyone gets trashed
and it always ends really badly.
I remember my conti.
Every single guy at the party hit on me.
I was one of the hottest girls.
Well, no past means no extra baggage.
Which means that I can do
the job of your campaign manager
with utmost objectivity.
Such a professional.
-That's why you hired me.
-That's true.
-You guys make a great team.
-That we do.
Please slow down.
Jeh, slow down!
What the fuck, Jeh? What the fuck!
I'm sorry.
-I don't know what happened.
-I'm walking home.
Why doesn't Dhananjay give you a ride?
Since you make a great team.
There it is.
It's always your silence,
isn't it, Damini?
Damini, what's the time?
Damini, what would you like for dinner?
Damini, is there a problem
with this relationship?
Damini, I'm fucking drowning.
Go sleep at your place tonight.
It doesn't bother you
that we're not having sex.
It doesn't bother me?
It doesn't bother me?
What the fuck
do you want me to do, Damini?
What do I do?
Should I force myself onto you?
When I come close to you,
you pretend to be sleeping.
If you return a little earlier from work,
you hide in the bathroom
till I fall asleep.
You need to get drunk to have sex with me!
Can we not do this
in the middle of the street?
But you're the one
itching to have a fight.
I mean, I crack a joke,
and you're fighting.
Your jokes aren't jokes.
They're judgements.
You're constantly judging me
with your rigid moral codes.
Damini is drunk, wow!
She wants to have drunk sex, so bad.
Damini is knocked up
with someone else's baby, so bad!
We weren't even together then.
Jeh doesn't care
about the fine print, right?
It's always about, "How can she do this?"
You're constantly judging me!
Damini and Dhananjay make a great team.
They must've slept together!
You know what? Guess what?
You are right for once. I did.
Fuck you, Damini.
Fuck you, Damini!
You're a serial cheater!
-Fuck you!
-There it is.
The judgement. There it is!
If I slip even a millimeter, Jeh,
you turn into the judge, jury, lawyer,
hangman and hand me a death sentence!
Everything is black and white for you.
And if you haven't noticed yet,
I'm not perfect.
And I'm tired
of carrying the weight of your perfection.
I'm tired of it, Jeh!
I'm always scared.
I'm always scared that one mistake,
and you're gonna dump me.
Well, I made a mistake, so dump me.
Come on, dump me!
You're right, Damini.
We've been struggling for a long time.
In fact, we've always been struggling.
So, what are you saying?
I'm saying that it's over, Damini.
Creative Supervisor: Dinesh Shakul
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