Mayor of Kingstown (2021) s03e09 Episode Script

Home on the Range

Jackson to Central. We're under attack!
[CARNEY] I got inmates dead,
a fucking CO dead.
[IAN] Tell me what fucking set
- has a goddamn sniper.
- Fucking Bunny.
[STEVIE] Bunny's warehouse is empty.
- Mike gave us the tip.
- [ROBERT] Yeah.
And then he tipped off Bunny Washington.
[CALLAHAN] What are we doing, Mike?
Konstantin is gonna drive
a knife in your fucking
back and devour you.
All right, what's the fucking plan?
I end the Russian,
- on your behalf.
- And Bunny Washington?
I'll take care of him, too.
[KAREEM] Tell me something, Ian.
How do you connect with
that kind of monster?
- The man on the porch.
- No. No, no.
- Everything okay?
- Cherry Maxwell was raped.
So who do you think did it?
A CO. William Breen.
[MIKE] I'll handle it.
You're fuckin' done at the
women's prison. You hear me?
You're gonna transfer to Anchor Bay.
Why does he keep bringing up Milo?
Tatiana knew his end was near,
may have warned him.

[GUARD] File in.


[IRIS] Mike?
It's me.
What the fuck are you doing, Iris?
- Hey!
You're not supposed to be here. Right?
Yeah, I know, but Konstantin thinks that
Milo's still alive.
- Are you on something?
- I'm on a lot of fucking things, Mike,
but my fucking ears still work.
That's why he killed Tatiana.
She told Milo that the hit was coming.
Okay, I hear you.
Sit down.
- Relax, okay?
- I'm relaxed.
Do you hear what you're saying?
- Defies all logic, Iris.
We run that dock.
We saw the boat explode, didn't we?
It's been a long one
for you, I can see that.
- Huh?
- Thanks.
Konstantin is a fucking junkie.
- You hear me?
- Yep.
He's out of his mind.
And frankly
right now, you are, too.
What do we do next?
I'm going to fix this.
I'm going to make it right for everyone.
And then you're gonna
get the fuck out of town.
I'm gonna look over my shoulder
the rest of my fucking life.
When I get done
there's gonna be no
one left to follow you.
You believe me?
Let's, uh Come on, let's get you
to lay down, okay? Just
get a little rest. Okay?
It can't hurt. Come on.
Come on, come on.
Not so bad, right?
I don't think pillows
like that fluff, Mike.
Well, it's not the
five-star that, uh, you know,
- you're used to, right?
- Mm-hmm.
[SIGHS] Get a couple hours.
I'll have Rebecca
smuggle you out of here.
Play it safe, okay?
Will you stay with me?

Everything's gonna be okay.
You hear me?
You got nothing to worry about.

- Warden, I wanted a minute.
You have from here to the stairwell.
I feel stupid, sir, but
something came to me last night,
tossing and turning.
The guy on the bike,
I think he was white.
Say that again.
I caught a glimpse of the guy
on the motorcycle, part of his arm.
He was white.
Or he was Latino or Asian
or a light-skinned brother.
I think white, Warden.
I got good eyes.
Well, I'll, uh, I'll put you at DOC.
You know you're gonna have to
revise your statement with KPD.
- Are you prepared to do that?
- That's what I saw.
It's what you remember
seeing in the aftermath.
That's how memory works, I guess, sir.
I'll set things up for
you with the department.
- [MIKE] Yeah?
- The fucking natives
are restless, Mike.
Callahan got evac'd
to Kingstown General.
Internal bleeding. He's getting cut open
- now.
- Shit.
Fingers crossed the fucker
dies on the table.
We're not that lucky.
Well, his minions are
home on the fucking range over here,
and they are pissed, Mike.
Yeah, all right. Keep me posted.
is a number that is
no longer in service.
Fuck you, Bunny.
Maximum safe distance?
Yeah. Konnie's got eyes on the hotel.
He's not gonna be this far out.
You gonna get some more rest?
No rest for the wicked.
You know Mitch did the same for me?
What Mike's trying to do for you,
Mitch did that for me.
What did he do?
Offer sanctuary.
Hardest thing for me
Hardest thing I ever did was accept it.
You want to give back to Mike?
Stop trying to save him.
Save yourself, Iris.
- [MIKE] Trace?
- [WHISPERS] Oh What?
- Morning.
- Hey, Mike.
- Want some coffee?
Kyle's on a shift.
Yeah, yeah, I know.
I track his schedule.
Guardian angel, looking
out for everyone.
No, no, not really at all.
- Thanks.
- Mm-hmm.
So, look, I just wanted to come by
to tell you that guard,
he's gonna be transferring.
Well, he's not the only one, Mike.
Well, it's the only one that matters.
Everyone else will get the message.
- Okay?
- Hmm.
If any of this backs up on you,
have any problems,
you want to talk, just,
I'm here, okay?
Yeah, thanks, um, for helping her.
No, I didn't do this for her.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
[JUDGE] Let's call that lunch.
- Reconvene in one hour.
[BAILIFF] All rise.


- [MIKE] Cal.
- [CALLAHAN] Mike.
You should eat something.
Get your strength back.
Shit tastes worse than prison food.
Yeah. How you holding up?
- Fucking sore.
- Mm.
Bleeding's stopped and
blood pressure's stable.
You can try and frag my ass,
but I'm fucking grenade-proof.
Tell me something good.
I've brushed Bunny
Washington off the plate.
KPD's on him.
Yeah, I don't play baseball.
Did you go Capone on that
giant fucker or did you not?
It's happening.
The Russians aren't gonna be
able to finish what they started.
I got KPD at the door,
front and back entrance,
the elevators, so we're good.
- Our people?
- Yeah.
True believers.
So get better.
You need me,
you shout the guard
out front, all right?
- All right, Mike.
- Don't forget to eat.
- Hey.
- Yeah.
Where are my fucking get-well flowers?
That's for funerals, Cal.
That's for fucking funerals.
Riots and grenades and bombings, oh, my.
I'm swimming against the current
in a toxic river.
Your predecessor was too
slick for this position,
played all ends against the middle.
- God rest his soul.
- Amen.
But now he's gone and
you are on the front line.
Just be prepared for
what comes with scrutiny.
- Get your house in order.
- That's what I want to do,
and that's why I'm here.
Cleanup could be as bad for you
as anyone else, you
get the state involved.
I'll take whatever comes.

Ah, fuck.
- Yeah.
- Hey. You have an escaped prisoner?
That shit ain't on us.
Raphael was at court
and just walked out the front door.
What happened to keeping
me posted, Carney?
This shit just happened, Mike.
You're finding out as I am, okay?
He hasn't been in the wind long.
Yeah, well, he's not
gonna make it out of town.
Fucking Christ. Jesus.
Where are you?
[IAN OVER PHONE] Field trip upstate.
Uh, Raphael just walked out of court.
- Escaped prisoner notice is out.
- [IAN] Shit.
All right, well, I-I'm
about an hour out of town,
- there's nothing I can do.
- You can get the word out.
Not to look too hard.
- What do you mean?
- It means I can solve
all of our problems, just
need him out a day or so.
Yeah, okay, well, but
if SWAT gets on this,
good luck putting a leash on Robert.
I'll handle Robert.
I got the power on deck ♪
You can see your boy
coming through, flex ♪
Ready? Coming through, flex ♪

[BUNNY] See, this is why I
don't like them drive-throughs
right here. They always
fucking up the order.
By the time you find out,
it's too late to turn back and shit.
- It's crazy.
- W-What you want?
Give me three of them, uh, uh,
biscuit sandwiches
with chicken and gravy.
All right? And make sure that chicken's
extra crispy, too, all right?
And get something for you,
too, but grab that shit quick.
All right? We got to roll.
[MIKE] Uh-uh-uh-uh. Don't move, Bunny.
I want us both walking away from this.
- But you got to hear me out, okay?
- What the fuck is this, Mike?
- Desperate hour or some shit?
- No, this, motherfucker,
is so you listen this time.
You have ambition. That's fine.
You want to go beyond the
fucking horizon expand, I get it.
But you got to clean up your
own fucking house first, okay?
You made a big move on
Callahan, and you missed.
I can give him to you
and I'll put down the Russian.
Let that sink in.
Before you say anything.
You brought the cops to
my fucking door, Mike.
Like you weren't already relocating
the second I drove
out that fucking place?
Give me a fucking break.
We're townies, you and I, Bunny.
Now, I don't know about
you, I'm tired of outsiders
coming in and messing with our house.
So, yeah, I'm desperate.
And so are you, 'cause it's
zero fucking hour, Bunny.
Raphael reach out?
Ain't your fucking concern, Mike.
Yeah, well, that's a yes.
And that's good 'cause he's the key.
'Cause I'm clearing the table,
and I'm giving it to you.
That's a, "Thank you, Mike."
All right.
- You got a choice then, Mike.
- Mm-hmm.
Yep. You deliver on all
that shit you talking.
All of it.
'Cause you don't, I ain't
got no choice but to kill you.
You got any doubt,
you go ahead, pull
that trigger right now.
Text me your new fucking number.
Tired of chasing you around.
[NIMMO] We moved
too fast with you, Kareem,
long and short of it.
And with the spectacle of
this most recent catastrophe
Well, that was, uh, an
attack from the outside.
It was beyond my control.
Well, the trauma you suffered,
the stress of running a prison
I've done the work, Ken, okay?
I was cleared for duty,
so let's move my trauma
to the personal business column.
No, that, uh
that isn't the play here, Kareem.
My advice? Lean into it.
It's hard to fire an employee
who's suffered as much as you.
It makes us look bad, as an institution.
We'd rather you control this.
We'd rather you resign.
Look, it's better for
you, Kareem, the optics.
- You control the narrative.
- The optics. You're firing me.
We don't want to fire you,
is the point I'm making.
You want me to resign.
I can't do that. No.
On your short tenure, you have had
an epidemic of ODs, a spike
- in prisoner violence
- As has every prison
- in Kingstown, as a result
- A grenade attack
- in which a CO was killed
- All as a result of DOC policy
[NIMMO] An attack in which
a CO was killed by a sniper.
and the aftermath of the riot.
And, Kareem,
this attack might have
come from outside, but
how did they know their
target was in the yard?
It's a problem, you not
asking that question.
Uh, no. Hold on. I've-I've
asked the question, okay?
And I will find the answer. I
just started my investigation.
I will find who's responsible,
- I just need more
- Kareem, you are responsible.
I'm not quitting.
You have two weeks.
If we don't have your
resignation within this time,
we will terminate your employ.
I've worked too hard, too
long to have this taken away,
taken away over things I
can't control, things that are
- out of my hands.
- You can always work back to it.
- Work back to it?
- There are 49 other states, Kareem,
- federal prisons, private prisons
- Yeah, well w-what about my salary, huh?
My-my-my benefits,
health insurance?
It'll take me 20 years
to "work back to it."
I'm sorry.
- I really am.
- No, no. Fuck your sorry!
I don't have time.
I am here, right now.
I don't want to work my way back
to something I've already earned,
something I've sacrificed
for, damn near sacrificed
every fucking thing!
For this?
To be treated like this?
I'm gonna give you a minute, Kareem.
To, uh, collect yourself.
it's not the end of the world.
What about my family?

All right.
Here's the play.
I'm gonna gift wrap an escaped prisoner.
Okay? There's gonna be no problems,
he's turning himself
in, hands to the sky.
- And that Bunny's promise?
- [MIKE] Yeah.
- Okay.
- And how do we know
he's not bait and we're
walking into a fucking ambush?
Robert, God, man. I did the deal, okay?
Well, sorry if I'm a
little fucking sensitive.
Ah, well, then, I'll have
him hog-tied, if you like.
If you're into that thing. Right?
It's gonna be easy bust,
right? This is simple.
This is a win for KPD,
this is a win for the DA.
And a win for the fucking mayor.
It just gets a little
old, Mike, you know,
you fucking telling me
how to do my job here.
[KYLE] That's not what
he's fucking saying.
I'm not telling you how
to do your fucking job.
I'm telling you what's
on the table, Robert.
- We got a fucking problem?
- We a trust problem, yeah.
- Is that right?
- [ROBERT] Yeah.
- You don't trust me? All right.
- [ROBERT] No.
Okay, is that why
you called my brother out in
front of your fucking team?
[KYLE] Oh, Mike.
Fuck, that's-that's over, that's done.
- [MIKE] Oh, that's
- That's covered. Hey, Robert,
this is Mike's word here, okay?
Mike's fucking word, not Bunny's.
Got it?
That's good enough for you?
Yeah. Yeah, I guess so.
[MIKE] Yeah.
Just give me a time and
a place and I'll be there
- with fucking bells on.
- Yeah. Thanks.
- [MIKE] Fuck.
- I don't know.
Second-guess someone long enough,
they get testy, you know?
Just trying to help him.
I mean, if I'm being
honest, he's not 100%.
Meaning what?
Meaning he wouldn't pass the
fucking concussion protocol.
Needs to be benched.
You know? What do we do?
He's one of us.
So, we help him.
Till we can't.
Well, I remember the off-ramp.
You know, remember that. Route 28.
Mm Bridgewater.
- Yeah.
- All right.
M-My mind is like boxes,
yeah, and lots of boxes.
- [IAN] Yeah?
- And they're a-all stacked up.
I just I have to pick the right one
- without them all falling down.
- You'll pick the right one.
That's what you do, you're
It's a fuckin' talent.
You mean like Jenga?
I like your friend.
Everybody likes Stevie.
You're funny.
Hey, Charlie,
what happens if the boxes fall, man?
Mmm. Bad things.
Here we go.

Have a seat.
[KONSTANTIN] Do you want a drink?
I have a get-well proposal for you.
Aryans are hanging on by a thread.
Callahan thinks you moved on him.
Well, I'm not disappointed
someone made a play,
but it wasn't me.
So, if it wasn't you, Konstantin,
then it was Bunny Washington.
I can give him to you.
Switching alliances on a whim?
My alliance with Bunny,
it's just like yours with AB.
I was with you at the Cavo
when he tried to take you out.
You think he didn't know I was there?
This motherfucker, I gave him an inch,
he tried for a mile.
And what do you want me to do, Michael?
Bunny's moving weapons.
Six figures' worth, military grade.
He's gonna want to protect it.
He'll be heavily armed.
You want me to ambush him?
Why not leave that to your cop buddies?
KPD can't sell guns. You can.
Well, why so generous, Michael?
I want a finder's fee.
- Ten percent.
- Twenty percent.
Or I just punt it to KPD.
You get Bunny's armory,
you get his soldiers.
And your cops will count the dead?
You'll promise that?
Oh, I fucking guarantee it.
Name's Mike, by the way.
No one calls me Michael.

[ROE] Oh.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God
- You okay?
- I'm good.
[ROE] You gonna talk to him?
Trying to figure out how.
Well, it's never gonna happen.
You just got to show up and jump.
I'm-a jump.
Mmm. I missed you.
- I missed you.
Happy hour's 5:00 to 7:00.
You wanted to see me?
I did.
Officer Breen's requested a transfer.
There was a place for him at
the Anchor, so I signed it.
Do you know Breen?
In passing.
Have you heard the expression
"It's an ill bird fouls its own nest"?
I know the saying.
Do you grasp the meaning?
If you're suggesting CO Breen
was assaulting your inmates,
then the meaning's very clear.
Tracy, your mother-in-law
would sit there
and rail against one
injustice after another.
But you and Mariam are not the same.
- I know that.
- Let me finish.
You are not the same
because after Mariam ranted and raved
and spoke in tongues,
she went the fuck home.
You have to go back to your shift.
Is that all?
Be careful out there.
I'm not the one who's ill, Warden.
Got to go back in.
Mike getting the DA on board.
It's gonna be a soft landing.
- Things gotta change, though.
- True that.
Shit is changing.
That "great replacement"
thing ain't no theory.
Shit is fuckin' happening.
AB crackers is crushed,
Russians run out.
Gonna get you back in
that Goodfellas suite.
That one-with-gen-pop martyr shit?
Nah, man, that shit over with, dawg.
Play that keyboard, make them stews.
Hey, but, uh, thanks
for taking care of them.
I owe that.
Rhonda wasn't on you, bro.
It's all on me, cuz.
But hey
we all family.
There's one more thing you
got to set right, though.
You due some payback.
All the booths are booked for the week.
Oh, that's fine.
Old business will look after itself.
It's new business that
requires attention.
Have you considered my offer?
Wherever I go, and however I get there,
it's got to be earned by me.
Not gifted. I've had enough
fucking gifts in my life.
Well, I'd argue the opposite.
You've gone above and
beyond. This is no gift.
This is, uh, payment,
um, for your services.
Services to you, or Milo?
All you have served.
And all you've suffered.
You don't want this for me.
It's for you.
You say this isn't control. It is.
- No, it's
- It's a power play.
It's a "fuck you" to him.
No, it's a chance for you to start
Well, I don't need you
to give me that chance.
And I don't want you to.
I take this from you, it's the
exact same as if I took it from him.
[WHISPERING] Please don't compare, Iris.
You are two sides of
the same fucking coin.
You just got more notches in your belt.
I've listened to your stories
since I was 16 years old,
since you turned me out.
Milo didn't do that.
How many flowers have you picked?
How many girls have you named?
How many Tatianas
Well, it takes a fucking
hypocrite to know one.
Hmm? Are you pretending
not to be a killer?
Huh? You condemn me?
I'm not condemning you.
I just know what this is.
And I know who you are.
I know who I am, I'm not a fuckin' fool.
So, no, I won't take your
gift and bless you for it.
I request an audience with the AG,
she turns the heat up on me.
Marks is asking for a fucking
federal consent decree.
Uh, if it goes federal,
she covers her ass, right?
Yeah, but I'm the face
of this shit, Mike.
Whether local, state or federal.
Yeah. You want, uh,
advice you didn't ask for?
No, I don't.
- You sure?
- Yeah.
Don't bring Lansing into this shit.
Deal with your own. Do your job.
That's what I'm fucking
trying to do, Mike.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
I can give you a headline.
Bunny's man inside.
He walked out of the courthouse today.
Oh, fuck, here we go.
I can deliver him to you.
Perp walk. Frame it however you like.
Frame it for you to win, Evelyn.
What's the ask?
As soon as the story dies down,
escape goes away.
- Jesus fucking Christ, Mike.
- Hey, come on.
He's already facing a
dime for defending himself
from a hit, okay?
The Aryans are going
after his wife, his kid
Are you trying to make the
gang member a victim now?
- Is that what you're trying to do?
- No, he look,
he was trying to see
his son one last time.
He saw a shot, he took it, okay?
Do this right, everybody wins here.
If we don't?
You're on fugitive watch, every channel.
You know you got a litter of broken
promises in your wake, Mike.
There's a lot that I keep.
Okay, bring him in, no
- static, no scratches.
- You got it. That so hard?
No static, no scratches.

[ROE] Let's go, baby. Thank you.
What's that?
Something my grandmother
taught your grandmother
to teach me.
It's 200 years old.
Mama said you going back.
Yeah, no choice, Trey.
Come sit here with
me before I got to go.
You remember your scales?
Ain't practiced in a while.
I learned how to play on this piano.
Come up from Alabama about 70 years ago.
Imagine all the hands
that touched these keys.

What's that?
Something I made up.
Something of my own.

I could teach you if you want.
You know, Trey,
out there,
false prophets promise
you all sorts of shit.
And then they take everything.
And then, when you're not
useful to them no more,
they let you die on the curb.
You gonna tell me how it is?
Yeah, I'm gonna tell you how it is.
You think like a man now.
We grow up quick, Trey.
Too quick.
But you can slow it down.
Says who?
Your father.
I give you my permission.
Show your mom that
you're nothing like me, son.
Just be a child
a little while.
A little more.
Don't let them kill you.
Trey, no.
No, Trey.
You don't worry about me.
That ain't your job.
Hit a G.

- Hey!
You're fucking crazy!
[STEVIE] This fucker
makes my skin crawl.
[IAN] Stevie, put on your
fucking positive hat, all right?
- It's for the greater good.
- See his fucking hands?
- Like slabs of fucking meat.
- Well, he's a strong fucker.
[CHARLIE] It's nice to be out
of the city, isn't it, Ian?
Well, not a big nature fan, Charlie.
Too many bears and rednecks and banjos.
- You play the banjo, Ian?
- No. No, I don't.
All right, what do you think, Charlie?
Are we getting close?
I'm feeling it.
I'm feeling
- Yeah?
- Feeling
[IAN] All right.
What is it?
It skipped away like a stone, Ian.
It's all right. It's all right.
I have another one, Ian.
In the city, closer,
it's fresh in my mind.
Maybe we try that?
No, no, no, no, we got to
follow through, Charlie.
Like we talked about,
we got to follow through.
We got to finish one job, all right,
before we start the next one.
It-it looks so different, Ian.
I mean, when I was
here, it was all flowers
and-and there was pollen
and I remember sneezing and
I, I didn't have any tissues,
and I had to use her shirt,
and I'm really sorry, Ian.
[STEVIE] Hey, we got time, man.
Nobody's rushing you, all right?
That's all right.
The man on the porch is
easier, Ian, that box is open.
- I can see him in there.
- [IAN] Close that box.
Close that box. Take
a deep breath with me.
Reach up, open the other box,
Charlie, that's why we're here.
Come on, you can do it.
- Those trees, the two trees!
- [IAN] All right.
That's The legs are here, Ian.
- I planted her legs here.
- Jesus Christ.
Her fucking legs, man.
[IAN] The legs are here. Yeah.
- I plant these legs right here.
- [IAN] Awesome.
- That's great, Charlie.
- You did well.
- Thanks, Ian.
I set it up.
You just have to decide when.
Well, Iris needs to disappear.
And I won't have her live life as a,
as a peasant.
Yeah, no, you
you're doing the right thing.
Even if she doesn't know it.
I guess
we're never going back
to New York, are we?
I've grown fond of purgatory.
It has a bad rep.
I don't mind waiting, wondering
will we ever ascend to heaven?
- Yeah. [CHUCKLES]
What would Saint Peter
think of us, hmm?
Well, Saint Peter can go fuck himself,
the fair-weather bitch.
Go on.
Your turn.
- Got the legs.
- Yep.
All right, let me open it for you.
- Okay.
- Here we go.
You did good, Charlie.
- Thank you.
- All right, we're gonna
get you a milkshake on the way home.
Are you proud of me, Ian?
Of course I'm proud of you.
I'm always proud of you.
Who are you texting?
Oh, I just got to get
somebody to feed my cat.
You good?
I'm good, I'm good.
What about the man on the porch?
- [IAN] Fuck! He's coming at me!
Why'd you do that,
Ian? Why'd you shoot me?
Fucking Stevie!
Back the fuck up!
He fucking came at me.
Fuck it.
- He just
- You okay?
He just came at me.
I j I don't fucking
We're good. Holy fuck!
[MIKE] I got a guy
at the back door here.
At the elevators.
And at the room.
So you'll be invisible.
This where that trust
comes in, I suppose.
It's common interest, Raphael.
The road is paved.
You want to go down it, it's up to you.
[SIGHS] Yeah.


Well, he's not gonna get away, Raphael.
Not in his condition.
I'm gonna send him right
back to where he came from.
You fucked up, Mr. Mayor.
Yeah, I underestimated him.
Yeah, the old fucker lives
to fight another day, huh?
Yeah, and on that day,
I'll fucking kill him.
- [MIKE] Yeah.
Corner of Beck and Main,
there's a parking lot.
He'll be there in 30 minutes.
Raphael Johnson, your escapee.
Oh, isn't that fucking Robert's collar?
No, this is you.
You're the buffer. Need kid gloves here.
Mikey, I've had a fuck of a day here.
Yeah. Want to compare notes?
What's up?
I got to be a buffer. You got to drive.
Yeah, no shit.
- Fuck.
- Not getting in your car.

I surrender.
Circle up.
[RAPHAEL] I surrender.
[IAN] Down on the fucking ground.
[STEVIE] Down! Get down, get down!
Down on your knees!
- [ROBERT] Down on your knees.
- [RAPHAEL] I surrender,
- I surrender.
- Down on the ground, faster!
Don't eyeball me, fucker.
Get on your stomach.
- [IAN] Stevie, get in there.
- [STEVIE] Yeah. I got it.
- Get in there.
- I'm complying, I'm complying.
Yeah, yeah, well, comply fucking faster.
[STEVIE] Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Oh, I got him, I got him. You back off.
[IAN] Knock it off!
Get down on the ground.
Robert, fuck off. Stevie, we got him?
- We got him!
- [STEVIE] I got him, I got him.
- [STEVIE] Give me your hands.
Don't break his fucking arm.
Get up on your knees, son.
[IAN] Yeah? Roll on your side.
[KYLE] See?
Gift-wrapped, just like Mike said.
- You okay, brother?
- Ask me "I'm okay"
one more time, I'm gonna
put you on your fucking ass.

- It's time to make some noise.

Of course it fucking had to be you.
Put your hands up, asshole.

What the fuck?
Where are you?
Looks worse than it is.
What happened?
- Where's Mitch? Is he
- He's asleep.
- He's okay. W-We're all okay.
He wasn't with me. I got
rear-ended at a light.
- [SIGHS] Shit.
- Yeah.
Fuck. Okay.
Uh, did you exchange information?
The person who hit you,
did you get their insurance?
Well, he drove off.
- What was he driving?
[BLOWS RASPBERRY] I don't know, Kyle.
Uh, okay, um
Well, what was the intersection?
'Cause I'll look at the traffic cams,
- I'll get the plates.
- Please don't interrogate me.
What is going on,
Tracy? What-what is this?
Are you bullshitting me or something?
- What?
- I did it on purpose.
There's a guard W Was a guard.
Got into it with him.
What does that mean, you
"got into it" with him?
He was raping prisoners, Kyle.
- Jesus Christ.
- I called out what I was seeing,
and me and this guy, we got into it.
What does that mean?
He confronted me,
- I'm okay
- Did he put hands on you?
- I'm-I'm
- Who the fuck was it?
I'm okay, Kyle, I swear.
All right, um
Okay, you said
you said "was" a guard.
Why "was"? He's gone?
Yeah. He had to transfer.
I saw him in the parking lot.
I saw him today, and I saw red.
Okay, well, how'd that happen, though?
The transfer, because
those take a long time,
to root out that kind of cancer.
And your warden's no crusader.
I went to Mike.
I couldn't come to you, baby.
You didn't think I could fix it.
I-I knew you would, I
knew you would fix it,
I couldn't put that burden on you.
I knew what fixing it would mean.
- Could mean.
I'm sorry, Kyle, I'm sorry, I
I couldn't do that to you.
It's no burden.
It's not a burden.
There is no point to me
if I can't protect you.
- You do.
- You get that?
- You always
- What is the point of me,
if I can't do that?
[WHISPERS] There's no fucking point.

Yeah, I'm here.
By the door, yeah.
We good?
[ROMAN] Yeah.
This one's for you now.
The other: Transportation,
new identity, papers.
A third when she's set up and safe.
Okay? Clean, new life.
[MILO] It's funny to
me, Roman, you know?
The irony of it.
You try to save her for Konstantin
but deliver her to me.
There are no clean lives.
Not for the likes of us.
Certainly not for Iris.
Konstantin soiled her long before me.
And now he wants, what,
fucking absolution?
[GRUNTS] Just finish it.
Just finish it.
Does he fear God's judgement
- Fucking finish it.
- or mine?
I'm sorry, Roman, I need
you alive for a while.


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