Pretty Hard Cases (2021) s03e09 Episode Script

Right Hand Red

Tuesday's defence team
has found out the identity
of our primary confidential
informant Jake Mardy.
How'd they find out he's our CI?
The smartest thing to
do is for you to testify
for the crown, that
way we can protect you.
What about my girlfriend?
What about Yolanda?
Maybe she can come with you, okay?
You used to not be such a dork.
- You knew how to have fun.
- Fine. I'm here to party.
- I'm not feeling so good.
- It's probably the purple rain
I slipped into your drink a while ago.
It's gonna be a trip.
Adeline French? You found her?
We found this on security
footage at an outdoor patio
at Gemini Beach Club
in the Virgin Islands.
Goby and the shrimp,
they bond as juveniles
and then they stay
together their entire lives.
Just like me and Jenn.
I wasn't that careful around Ro.
Let her find out a few things
that can lead her down a path.
- Set up a trap?
- Why not?
Congratulations, honey!
You don't have a hug for your old mama?
- Uh, Wazowski.
- Hey.
How'd you sleep?
Oh, I slept like absolute hell.
I just kept thinking about Ro, you know?
And Jenn, just on my
computer looking at our files.
How are you?
Honestly? I came to work
early to avoid my mom.
She's trying to help me plan my wedding.
I mean, where were you when
I needed someone to help
plan my high school graduation, Mom?
Thanks, no thanks.
Anyway, I can't think
about her right now,
- we have bigger fish to fry.
- Exactly.
We set a play, now we
just gotta follow through.
- Detective Duff.
- I'm here too.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Your presence is
required in the boardroom.
Don't worry, I'm coming too.
- Mom?
- Meet your wedding planner!
Mrs. Kelly Duff-Greene!
Oh my God, you are fierce,
I can feel the energy in those delts.
- Okay, who are you?
- He's my brother.
I met your mom outside
of your loft last night
and told her about Houston.
He's the best wedding
planner in the GTA.
GTA? Bitch, best wedding
planner in the O-N-T!
Maybe the whole entire C-A-N.
5 stars, 5 stars, 5 stars.
Look, look, we already
got the ball rolling,
we just need a few
minutes of your time
Are you serious?
to choose your favourite options!
Ma! I don't need a wedding planner.
I know you don't like planning,
but there is a lot to figure out!
Not right now! Especially
at my place of work!
Listen, uh, Houston, is it?
Uh, look, I really do
appreciate your job,
and really, your enthusiasm.
- But
- Butts are for slapping.
- Don't make me do it.
- What?
Guest list, dinner list, DJ, flowers!
You have got to be
kidding me! Stop it! Mom!
He's hilarious!
Could you imagine
growing up with this guy?
We had so much fun.
Just pick one of these. It's on me.
Contemporary tower or
Beautiful blooms?
No, no, no, Mom, I just
want to marry Nathan, okay?
We don't need a cake,
I don't even like cake.
Your mom is paying for
the cake, all right?
You just have to pick one!
Okay! Beautiful blooms.
Organic and casual just like the bride.
And, while you're at it, invitations!
Copperplate for the caps,
fragment core for the content.
No curves, no cursives, emails only,
no one is reading print anymore.
Christ on a cracker, you are hired!
See what I'm saying, Mom? We got this.
Look, I do appreciate
the gesture, but
If you touch me again, I'm
gonna put your butt in jail.
Jenn Diamante.
What do we have here?
Okay, no records, no arrests,
a few traffic violations.
Okay, let's see
Let's dig into that juvie
file. Possession, assault
I'll get the files sent
over from 82 Division.
Going through her financials,
uh, she was overextended
two years ago, but she's doing okay now.
Oh, wait, this is interesting.
- What? Tell me.
- Okay, she made
four large payments
to a numbered account.
Uh, could be a supplier,
another partner.
Could be paying herself,
hiding her drug money.
Guess who else has a youth record?
- Who?
- Ro Wells.
What is go
What is
You're in a good mood.
I am. I'm engaged to you.
I wondered where you
were this morning, though.
What, early bird catching the worm?
Well, babe, we have a bit of a worm.
You want to fill me in
or should we wait for Naz?
Why don't we wait for Naz, he's
probably gonna call me soon,
- I think he's gonna call, he
- Sam.
Okay, you know what?
Let's bring this worm to observation.
It's quieter there.
Uh, meet you there in five.
After you change that outfit.
Okay. So this lawyer friend,
Ro, went into your work files,
got the name of our confidential
informant in order to what?
Protect her childhood
friend, Jenn Diamante.
Who may be the real mastermind
behind the purple rain empire.
Thing is, we don't
have much on Jenn yet,
just circumstantial stuff.
So we set a trap with a dummy file.
Now, the file says that while Jake
Mardy may have refused to testify,
we have a second informant
who's willing to cooperate
in the purple rain case
and testify for the crown.
We don't have a second informant.
So how is this setting a trap?
We suggested an imaginary
informant, CI-1191,
who's being transported to a safe house
at 171 Locke Crescent.
Now, if we catch Jenn casing the joint,
we'll know specifically
she was trying to infiltrate
our investigation for her own benefit,
and then we're gonna have
enough evidence to what?
Oh, I don't know, take it upstairs.
So we're putting on a play?
- Yes, sir.
- I'm down with that.
Stay low until it's clear!
- Stay low!
- Ow!
- What are you doing?
- We're clear.
Oh, hold up.
I think this is the new me.
Are you done?
- Huh? Oh.
- Yeah. Okay.
We are going to be outside
watching if anyone wants
to pay our CI a visit, so
stay safe and stay alert.
But if they do, we're going to
Uh ugh.
Never mind. The ?
You're gonna go inside the safe
room. And then, you're gonna what?
You're gonna wait for instruction, okay?
Safe room. Call us. Wait for
- Look, don't worry.
- I'm a bit worried.
Oh, you don't have to worry.
I'm gonna guard him with my life.
I've never lost an informant yet.
Hey, you realize he's not
a real informant, right?
Take your glasses off. This
is Watts. He works at OCE.
Oh, I get ya.
It's cool. We're good.
I brought supplies.
No way. You brought everything?
You never know, brother. You never know.
We're out of here.
Okay, lads, we've got
the day to ourselves
- so you know what that means.
- Yeah.
Finding Adeline French.
- Oh.
- That's
I think the red hoodie
business was very convincing
and I bet anybody watching
would have ate it up.
Ugh, geez, just the
smell of the greasepaint,
- the roar of the crowd.
- What are you on about?
Oh, sorry, I just
I was really thinking about my old days
at York collegiate improv troupe.
You know what we're gonna do?
We're gonna do a little bit
We're gonna do a little
bit of it. Are you ready?
Okay, here we go.
You're gonna love this.
Scene. Hello. How are you?
I would like to return this shirt
for a full refund, please.
- Then you say
- Oh okay.
Well, you just can't say
"okay", it's like, "yes, and "
Like, you gotta add to it,
you just can't say one word,
just do what I say, just try,
it'll be fun. Come on. Okay, ready?
And I'm gonna give you a
second chance. Here we go.
And scene.
Oh, hello, Sally. I can tell that 'cause
I can read your name tag on your shirt.
I would like to return this
shirt for a full refund, please.
Yes, and you can't return
the shirt because we have
- a 30-day return policy.
- 30-day return policy?
Oh, no, because I will be dead from
the flesh-eating
disease by then, my dear.
Then you don't need the shirt, okay?
Oh my God, you suck at this.
That's not what's supposed to happen
'cause you're ending the
improv, you keep adding to it
How about we deal with this right now?
What? Oh yeah.
Do you think Jenn will actually show up?
God, I hope so.
Let me call Naz again, loop him in.
Maybe Jake mentioned
something about Jenn to him.
That's a bad one.
Oh, man
Jake. What happened last
night? Did you get a nose-bleed?
Hoovering up too much purple rain?
Ah, Jake! What the
Jake?! Wake up!
Wake up!
Hey! Wake up!
Wake up!
Oh no Jake
I gave you too much
I gotta get this for posterity.
Hi, Nazeer! Off his head on purple rain.
Stop. Stop!
Don't! Don't!
Hey, Nathan, it's it's
me, uh, yeah, it's urgent.
Just call me back. Please.
Uh, hey, Kell, are you still planning
on getting married in a few weeks?
Of course. Why?
It's that some people,
and I'm not those people,
say that it's right around the corner,
so I'm just wondering why you think
you don't need a wedding planner.
What's to plan? I'm gonna marry Nathan.
- Yes. And
- And I don't want to deal
with all the checklists and
details, there's way too much.
- Okay, because
- Because, they make me feel overwhelmed.
Oh my God, did you just improv me?
Kell, look at me. This is not
about Nathan, right? Is it?
No, no, it's not about Nathan,
it's about all the details
and people and all the lists
and there's just too many choices.
Honestly honestly,
you know what I want?
I just want to I want to
I want an improv wedding. Yes.
Like, "will you marry me?"
Yes, and, um let's do it without a cake.
Yes, and I'mma buy that
fly, amazing dress that I saw
at Holt's the other day in the window.
Yes, and we don't need to
spend our hard-earned money
at some stupid venue, no,
let's just have it at a park
or in a backyard and have a fly playlist
and burgers and say I dos
and then get on a plane,
off to some beach somewhere.
That sounds amazing,
but did you think that you
could just improv all of that?
Oh my God, this is Naz.
Hi. It's Sam. I mean, you know
that 'cause you called my phone.
Listen, can we just
forget about yesterday?
Okay, whoa, whoa, whoa, slow
down, slow down, slow down.
Oh my God, okay, Naz,
just take a breath.
I'm gonna get right to
you, I'm gonna bring Kell,
I'm gonna bring Nathan 'cause
you're gonna need a team.
Yup. It's gonna be okay.
It's gonna be okay.
We'll be right there.
- Naz is with Jake Mardy.
- Okay.
Jake Mardy's dead.
- Hey, hey!
- Sam, Sam! Don't touch him.
He's evidence.
Naz. Buddy.
Did you clear the house?
Don't touch anything.
Don't move anything.
I'm gonna call this in to Ballard.
What happened?
I woke up. I went to the bathroom,
I tried washing this off,
he must have done it after I passed out.
Did you "pass out" pass out?
Yes. He, uh
He slipped purple rain into my beer.
I was in and out.
I came out and
He was just lying there.
I tried to help.
But, uh
DSI team is en route.
You and me need to have a
talk before we're sequestered.
In there.
Look around, take pictures.
How long do you think he's been dead?
I mean, I'm no pathologist,
but I'm thinking
I don't know, five, six hours?
Badge? Cuffs? Gun?
All in the car.
I came as a friend.
If there's anything I need to
know, you gotta tell me now.
I I don't remember what happened.
How'd you know where he was?
From the video. I
recognized the wallpaper.
It's his grandma's old house.
I came to see him around
3 pm. I brought
beer, I wanted to find out
who put him up to taking
the fall in the video.
He didn't want to talk
about anything serious.
So we drank, played caps.
That's when I started
to feel a little weird.
And he said that he slipped
purple rain into my drink.
He was laughing his ass off,
talking about, um, Panama, Ecuador,
he was gonna make a fresh start.
Did he talk about meeting anyone?
- Anybody come or go?
- I don't know
Last I remember, it was probably 9.
Did you all argue?
- Have a fight?
- Yes
I think.
What if it was me?
Nathan, I couldn't say it wasn't.
- I can't
- No, no, no.
You do not incriminate
yourself, you hear me?
Whatever you did or didn't do
we got your back.
No forced entry.
Means Jake probably knew
the person and let him in.
Any thoughts on this knife?
Yeah. I think it matches
the ones in there.
Wow. That was fast.
I think they're here.
Well, well, well.
How many cops does it
take to change a lightbulb?
That was rhetorical, but
I think you get my point.
Hannah Cook, DSI. I'm gonna
assume you're the officer involved.
First class what are you
up to now, you saucy minx?
Go for Swallows.
- Left foot green.
- Okay.
There's no way
- Just try.
- Yeah.
Just try.
Absolutely, yeah.
We've got those covered here.
No sign of visitors yet.
Don't worry, Wazowski.
You do your thing.
We'll get back to you.
Ding you later, okay?
T, give us a spin.
Or join us.
- Right hand, red.
- What?!
- Here we go. Here we go.
- You can do it. Here we go.
One, two, three.
What do you think is
going to happen to Naz?
Naz will be fine. Jake
had a target on his back
the moment he put out that video.
DSI will figure that out.
In the meantime, let's figure out
who actually did kill Jake Mardy.
Hang on, hang on!
It's fine, I'm expecting
a sunbed for the backyard.
- Hi.
- Hey.
- What's going on?
- Look, it was so great for you
to come out last night.
Really appreciate it.
I think you left your jacket,
though, and we were driving around,
figured we'd just drop it off.
- That's not mine.
- No? Are you sure?
I thought I saw you
wearing this last night.
Oh, I'm sorry you went
to all the trouble.
Jenn, what the hell?!
We're in the middle of something!
Oh my gosh, is that Ro?
What? What's she doing here?
My God.
Women of the hour.
Scotch and soda, Ginny and tonic.
You two
Uh, I thought that
you were working today?
I am, I'm just doing it remotely.
- What are you guys doing here?
- Just returning jackets.
- Oh.
- It wasn't mine, but still
Very thoughtful.
So, you guys took off
into the night last night
and I didn't know if
I'd hear from you again.
I didn't think so either.
I got Jenn home at 11:30,
tried to get her to bed,
but then ding-dong here
- gets a second wind.
- Oh, what does that look like?
- Remington's, baby.
- The strip club?
- Yeah.
- And I made a fatal mistake
last night, I told my old
friend Ro here that I haven't had
any action in the past eight months,
- by choice, I might add.
- Which is unhygienic, frankly.
She needed to get her groove back
and if you are looking for groove
Valentino's your man.
Ow! Bow chicka bow bow.
I stayed till 4 am, insanity!
I blame you, you criminal reprobate.
- Ah, you loved it.
- Criminal reprobate!
He looks like a nice man.
So Valentino was
working here last night?
What about the photos I sent you?
Did you happen to see
either one of those women
there at your establishment last night?
Okay, yeah. Thanks.
Appreciate it.
Manager recognized both
Jenn and Ro's photos,
said they were there
till around 3:30 am.
Loud, proud, lots of
laps, lots of dances. Ugh.
I don't know, maybe she got
someone else to kill Jake?
Maybe they got Krish out of jail?
- Maybe he did it.
- Or Tuesday, for that matter.
All right. I appreciate it.
Oh, my buddy in DSI says
Hannah Cook's a shark.
No loyalty to police, she comes
from the attorney general's office.
Wait, she never worked homicide?
She's not a cop.
They put civilians in
DSI for this very reason.
Okay, that's all well and good,
but how is she supposed
to investigate a murder?
She's not a cop, she has no
interest in getting the context.
That's not even the worst part.
- What's the worst part?
- According to my buddy,
she's liking Naz for Jake's death.
Of course. I will
keep you posted, I'm
Yup. Yup. Oh, believe
me, I get it, I'm
Yeah. Understood.
Well, this is a shit show.
I told Detective Nazeer
to stay away from Jake
Mardy, right? He didn't.
Here we are, he's in DSI
holding up in Mississauga
and you folks are all standing
there with a collective look
of outrage on your
adorable, loyal faces.
Please, tell me what
you'd like me to say?
Hannah Cook isn't a cop,
she's not even in homicide.
She's as smart as any one of
us, from what I hear. Next.
We know more about Jake Mardy,
we know who might be targeting him.
I will pass that along.
DS Greene, anything to add?
Yes. Naz is our friend.
We cannot just sit here doing nothing.
Oh, no, no, no.
That is exactly what
you are going to do.
We have to trust the system,
exhibit zero conflict of interest.
We cannot be seen to be meddling.
Am I clear? You do not pass go!
You do not collect $200,
you stand right there on Baltic Avenue
until I hand you back the dice.
While Naz goes straight to jail.
I was already regretting
my metaphor, however,
I think you probably get my drift.
All right. Work on purple rain
from a new angle, if you want,
just please stay away
from Jake Mardy's death.
I will be up in DSI all day.
I will keep you posted.
Well, she did say we
could work on purple rain.
So let's work on purple rain.
I got your message.
- Is Naz okay?
- Naz is okay, he's in shock.
They have him up at DSI right now.
Uh, we should warn you,
we've been instructed
to stay away from this, by Ballard.
Conflict of interest and whatnot.
Whatever. We're in.
- Right, Dack?
- Yes. 100%. 90.
85, really.
Brothers in blue, am I right?
Code beyond blood, beyond words.
A code beyond identity
All right, wrap it up, Dick Dack.
- Let's what are the facts?
- Okay, everything we know is on this board.
We don't know much.
Well, we got what we could get.
We only had 10 minutes
before DSI showed up.
That's not what I mean.
Well, it's what I mean,
but the methodology
in homicide, we don't use
a board, we use a book.
A book is discreet, you
can put the pages in,
- you can take the pages
- Okay, we don't have a book,
we have a board. You wanna turn around,
see what you see and
tell us please? Thank you.
Okay, so what was the time of death?
Uh, somewhere between 9 and 4 am.
That's approximate,
but it's our best guess.
And who was the last person
to see Jake Mardy alive?
I mean, besides Naz, obviously.
We have no idea.
- Hey.
- If it was in a book,
- you might have it in your
- Hey.
How do you investigate a murder
when you don't have all the facts?
No forensic intelligence,
no autopsy reports,
- no other suspects.
- Oh, no, no.
We have other suspects. Show him.
Let me see them.
Jenn Diamante.
Diamante, probably Italian
from the province of Cosenza
in Calabria. Is she swarthy?
Is she swarthy?
I I don't know what that means.
Krish Kharche,
distributor of purple rain.
And Tuesday Frank, uh,
maker of purple rain,
both of whom, we believe,
are working with Jenn
and both of whom were arrested
based on Jake's intelligence.
Nothing drug dealers
hate more than a snitch.
And then, we have Yolanda
Pesci, she's the girlfriend
of Jake Mardy, probably
holds a grudge 'cause
she's really pissed that
she was dragged into it,
so it could be a crime of
passion, but we don't know.
I think we're forgetting someone.
- Detective Taai Nazeer.
- I don't think so.
He's young, he's dumb
and he's full of
- Vim and vinegar.
- It's vigour.
Vigour and purple rain,
betrayed by a high school
bestie, furious the case isn't his.
Okay, can you look at me for a second?
It's not Naz.
Well, it's staying up
there because we are going
to leave no stone unturned, am I right?
- Naz didn't do it.
- Well, it's staying up there.
It's staying up there. We know
that Naz didn't do it, okay?
Let's get started now,
okay? Let's check alibis.
Dack, pay attention. You take Tuesday,
I can take Krish, you guys take Yolanda.
And I will run point from here.
If you need any digging done,
- call it in.
- Perfect.
All right.
How are your shoes, Detective?
- What?
- Your shoes,
I keep telling them, those
plimsolls they hand out,
they have literally no
support. You might as well
be wearing a piece of paper.
I like to change my shoes.
Midday. It gives my feet a fresh start
and a change is as good
as a rest, am I right?
Oh, yeah.
All right, let's get started.
Hannah Cook, DSI.
It is 1:23 pm and I am
with Detective Taai Nazeer.
Okay, I have reviewed your statement
and I have a few questions.
Jake Mardy, he threw
your big drug squad case
by confessing, correct?
Yeah, falsely confessing.
Mm, must have been frustrating.
Yeah. It was.
He was scared. I mean, he didn't
want to go into witness protection,
so someone must have threatened him
or bribed him to take the fall.
- You two were friends, right?
- Back in high school.
I hadn't seen him in 20 years.
How much did you drink
last night, Detective?
- More than I should have.
- You want to take a guess?
Maybe six or seven beers.
He didn't want to talk,
he was more into partying.
- Any drugs?
- No. Of course not.
But you read my statement, so you
know that he slipped me purple rain.
Ah, I wasn't familiar with that
particular drug until today, actually.
So you know what I did? I
went to your notes, Detective.
Uh "May 29th "
Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera
"Subjects were excessively violent,
irrational and showing signs
of superhuman strength."
"June 10th, subject was manic,
sweating, destructive and incoherent.
Takedown ended when
subject went into seizure."
It must have been quite
the party last night.
Uh, I don't know, I, uh
I don't remember. I was pretty
messed up, so it's all, um
It's all just a little bit foggy.
Would you care for some water?
Gloria. Good to see you again.
Sorry about the circumstances.
Me too. Detective Nazeer is good police.
I'm sure we're gonna be able
to clear this up shortly.
He was on schedule-A narcotics,
- he doesn't know what happened.
- He was slipped narcotics,
he wasn't on them. And
Jake Mardy was an old friend
from way back. I mean,
honestly, he must be traumatized.
- Can you imagine?
- Not really.
I'm not big on imagination,
it's why I'm good at this job.
Oh, well then, we'll have
to get you some more facts
because right now this is
entirely circumstantial.
I certainly hope so. Believe it or not,
I don't particularly like
arresting police officers.
- Oh.
- But my team's on it now,
they're working with homicide.
And if there are any
other explanations, Gloria,
I am all ears.
We are offering a special today on
a truly miraculous energy beverage.
It is a high-potency blend
of vitamins and nutrients.
Feel free to take a sample here.
- Ladies!
- Yolanda.
So good to see you again.
If you're not buying, you're not trying.
- Where were you last night?
- None of your business. Why?
Ooh, I think it is a bit of our business
because we're tying
up a few loose threads
in the purple rain case.
Which I have nothing to do with.
Anyway, last night, I was
hosting a Nutriderma home party
at my friend Amber's, you
can call her if you want.
- Okay. Sure. We will.
Uh, when's the last time
- that you saw Jake?
- I haven't see him in weeks.
He's called a few times, but I
am trying to make a fresh start,
I didn't want to get
tangled up with him again.
What do you know about The Prince?
Tuesday Frank, Jenn Diamante,
do those names ring a bell?
No. I stayed way out of all that stuff
and it's a good thing too
now that I am an official
Hydra-Nutriderma rep.
Did you know that Jake was
planning to leave the country?
No. Why would he leave the country?
What is going on?
Is Jake all right?
Uh, Yolanda, we're gonna have
to speak to you in private.
Said she was with a friend last night.
We'll confirm it, but guys,
she seemed genuinely upset.
What about you guys?
Krish hopped on a flight
yesterday to Cabo, 4 pm.
- Airline confirms it.
- Okay, great.
- How about Tuesday?
- Ah, Tuesday,
the underappreciated genius, the chemist
living in the mobile vehicle.
They is very interesting to me.
- They is?
- They is indeed.
And Tuesday spent the night in prison.
They were released yesterday.
They were, and then Tuesday
punched a guard in the face
on the way out of the clink,
so they has an alibi.
Am I saying that right?
- So we've hit a dead end?
- No such thing.
- Oh my God.
- The end is just the beginning.
It's always darkness before the dawn.
- You look harder.
- Okay, we will look harder.
- Oh my gosh.
- What?
Oh, is that the I need my
glasses, I need my glasses.
Move, move, move. My
glasses. My glasses.
Look, come look, come see
this please, come see this.
Look! Can you see that?
- I don't
- You can't see it? No?
Here, try these. I just wanna
see what they look like
I wanna see what they look like on you.
I bet you look really nice
in glasses. I don't know,
I know you don't need
them, go. What do you see?
God. Oh.
- Oh.
- Yeah?
- Good God.
- Yes!
- Good God.
- What?
That is Hydro-Nutriderma.
Maybe she was there.
Okay, yes, I went to see Jake
last night, but he was fine.
I mean, he was high as
a kite, but he was fine,
- he was alive.
- So you lied to us?
It was none of your business.
Jake called me yesterday asking to meet.
He was talking about Ecuador
and Chile and a bag full of money
he was getting from someone
as a thank you for something.
Would I come? Drop everything?
Leave my entire life behind?
So, after the home party, Amber drove
me out to this falling down house
in Markham to say goodbye.
I brought her with me
to make sure I didn't run off with him.
He was so messed up when we got there,
I only stayed for like ten minutes.
What time did you get there?
I don't know, maybe like 9:30.
- Did you argue?
- No!
There was nothing to argue about.
I called him a cosmic screw up,
and then Amber pulled me out of there.
She made me stay over at her house
so that I wouldn't change my mind.
Did you see anyone else there?
Did you go into any of the other rooms?
No. No, it was just us.
I mean, I didn't like,
search the place, no.
You said Jake mentioned
something about, uh,
getting a bag of money from someone.
- Did he have it yet?
- No.
He said it was coming later.
Did he say who was bringing it?
Who offered it to him?
No! He seemed excited, nervous.
He was so lit, he really
wasn't making any sense.
What do you mean? What did he say?
The pistol shrimp is
coming, the pistol shrimp
will kill me if I talk.
You see what I mean?
- He wasn't making sense!
- Shrimpy!
You've had better days.
Sorry about your friend.
I should have started with that.
Uh, no prints on the knife, by the way.
They were wiped off.
I don't know, is that good?
That's neither here nor
there. The thing is
I'm not sure you're telling me
there whole truth here, Detective.
What do you mean?
Do you mind if I show you something?
Okay, let's get started.
I gotta get this for posterity.
We found this on an old
camcorder in the living room.
Taai Nazeer off his head on purple rain.
Stop. Stop!
Your cop pals are gonna love it.
I will kill you!
Yeah, let's fast-forward.
What are you doing? Stop.
Oh my God, bro, it's so funny.
Get off of me, man.
Ugh. You're such an asshole.
Don't be such a pussy, man.
Come on.
Oh Jake you know what, Jake?
Get off of me.
Why are you such a dick?
Are you crazy, man?
Yeah, I'm crazy!
- Okay, I'll turn it off!
- Turn it off!
Sounds like you hit
him, wouldn't you say?
I was mad he was filming me. I
- I would never.
- Ah. Hard to say
what you'd never do when you're
on a drug you've never done.
Apparently, Jake was
getting a bag of money
from someone late last night,
- a thank you for taking the fall.
- Yeah, and we believe
pistol shrimp gave him the bag of money
and killed him 'cause he talked.
Jenn Diamante, she has a pistol
shrimp on her left shoulder.
So, this this lady's
not only supplying
the chemicals for the
drugs, she is the kingpin,
- the top of the food chain!
- Yes. Top. Tippity. Top. Tip.
- Uh
- Hi.
We were, um
I don't know how I
could have been clearer.
You were not to investigate this death.
Did I stutter? Did did my
metaphor fly over your heads?
What could I have possibly
done to have been clearer?
There is literally
nothing you could have said
that would have stopped us.
- Oh my
- Gloria, we're a team.
And we would have done the
exact same thing for you.
Well, you wouldn't have had to
Because I wouldn't have
gone to see a disgraced CI.
I-I wouldn't have drank six
beers laced with purple rain.
I wouldn't have fought
with my old friend, on tape,
and threatened to kill him.
They're charging Naz
With second-degree murder.
They must have been
chasing after the hordes.
Stop, stop, it's too scary.
- Wow, that took a lot of ammo.
- Yeah.
Oh. Oh yeah, you're gonna
serve me well, my friend.
Aw, good one. Yeah.
Ooh, I think I could be a zombie killer
if we ever get to the apocalypse.
This is better than a real gun.
Yeah, I know, right?
Guys, I got next.
We haven't been attacked in too long.
I know. Whoa, do you see that?
- What?
- Right there, to your left
Oh, my God!
Ooh. Oh.
We have been working
the purple rain case,
just like you said, and
we believe it is connected
- to Jake's murder.
- Okay.
And we think Tuesday's
been making this purple rain
with a woman named Jenn Diamante.
The same Jenn Diamante I
met last night at your party
with the who owns the fish store?
Yeah, one and the same. We
believe Jenn is providing
the chemicals and the
funding and making the deals.
Tuesday's just making the drugs.
Okay. Hold on. Back up.
Boss, we followed the chemicals.
Jenn's been buying a crap ton of
potassium and permanganic acid,
both are a signature
element in purple rain.
Yeah, and then we followed
the finances, and Jenn
made four huge payments to a shell
company in the past three months.
Then we followed the history.
Jenn and her best friend Ro
Wells both have juvie records
for possession, intent to
sell, assault, you name it.
These women were career
criminals at 16 years old.
Wait, wait. Ro Wells the defence lawyer,
works are your husband's
firm? I thought she was
- Was she not your friend?
- Yeah, so did I.
I really thought she was, and then
She had access to my home computer.
- She what?
- We believe that happened
when I was off with my concussion.
But we know that
Tuesday's lawyer is the one
who figured out the identity
of our confidential informant.
Well, that blew up our whole case.
We think it was Ro Wells.
And this is how it connects
to Jake and his death.
It's Swallows. Hey.
Okay. Okay, don't move,
we'll be right there.
Commander, we got a situation.
I'm sorry, we got soft.
Nothing had happened all day.
Okay, did you pull all
the security footage?
Yes. Swallows is on that right now.
Okay, let's go.
- You think he's out?
- Definitely.
50,000 volts will do it.
Did you spot any eyes
on us when we bagged him?
No witnesses, but there
were a lot of windows,
cars, apartments. You never know.
How far are we out?
30 minutes.
Don't take the Garden, man.
You think the Lakeshore's any better?
When we're done with him,
you're gonna wipe the car for prints.
Send it to the scrapyard.
I don't want any trace of us in here.
Commander, are you
seeing what we're seeing?
Yes, I'm afraid I am.
These guys are not messing around.
They're organized, highly trained.
Jenn and Ro were the only
ones that knew the location
of the fake safe house.
Whatever gang they're working with,
they got some serious firepower.
We gotta find out who and fast,
if we're ever gonna get
Watts back in one piece.
God, do we think he's even still alive?
Don't answer that, I'm calling Shanks,
I'm calling ETF, I'm about to
pull every single fire alarm
we have in this place.
Hold on, Commander!
Hey, what's going on?
Watts. He's back.
He's a little banged
up, but he's back.
- Boss, are you still there?
- I am.
- So what do you say?
- I say I'm in.
Let's get these bitches.
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