Shtisel (2013) s03e09 Episode Script

Where Does Everyone Suddenly Go?

It's an earthquake!
-Giti, it's okay.
-An earthquake!
There's no earthquake,
it was just a bad dream.
We're fine.
It was just a bad dream.
-Where are you going?
-To make sure everyone's okay.
I'm worried, Lippe.
I have a bad feeling.
I can't explain it, but I'm worried.
I'm very worried.
Maybe God is trying to tell us something.
-Tell us what?
-To repent and mend our ways.
Do you mean I have to repent?
Alright, we'll think about it.
Meanwhile, I'm going back to sleep.
Hanaleh, my beautiful child.
Now you're 14 years old.
I would have loved to see you,
talk to you, laugh with you,
and give you a great big hug.
It saddens me that I can't,
but I want you to know,
nothing makes me happier than knowing
you're alive in the world.
Even if it seems I'm no longer around.
My beautiful, smart daughter.
Whenever you feel
that you need a mother's embrace,
close your eyes and know
that I am hugging you very tight.
Mom is always with you.
Mom hasn't gone anywhere.
I just moved to another room.
But I am with you all the time.
Oy Gevalt! God…
How are you?
Kive is moving out today, at long last.
He's moving on.
I tried hard to make it work.
Well, I'm going to have breakfast
with my bride.
Shulem, don't forget to give me
what we discussed.
Nuchem, tell me…
When was the last time
you spoke to Nechama?
Yesterday, maybe the day before. Why?
"Blessed are You, God,
the Life of the worlds."
How are you, Giti?
-How do you feel?
-Trying to keep myself busy.
-Can you help me serve?
-Yes, sure.
Giti, I want you to reconsider
this thing with Yosa'le.
I said what I have to say.
Please, Giti.
She's from a good family,
even if she's not the type we're used to.
He wants her so much.
He loves her so much.
It isn't fair to him.
Not fair to him? He lied to us, Lippe.
To us and poor Shira Levinson.
He met that girl in secret
while he was engaged.
Maybe he wouldn't have
if we hadn't lied to him first.
We didn't lie to him, we protected him.
We must protect the matches
of the other kids as well.
Sorry for barging in.
Do you have a minute, Giti?
I came to say thank you and goodbye.
Yes, the children and I are moving
to Ramat Gan.
Close to Bnei Brak, but not too close.
I want to live somewhere
where no one knows us.
-A new start.
-Exactly, a new start.
I will never forget your kindness.
Thank you.
I'm so happy for you, Malki.
Thanks for the gift.
Is it okay to say
that I'm relieved she left?
-I don't know, the way she looks at me.
What's her story?
Her story is her story.
We have our own story.
-Hello, Rabbi Shtisel, how are you?
-Praise God.
-Come in. Why are you standing out there?
-Akiva's not home?
He should be here any minute now.
He said you'll help him take
his belongings in your private car.
It's very nice that you have
your own private car.
My Dvora could only dream of such a thing.
But thank God, times have changed.
Please, Ms. Racheli, come in.
I'll make you a cup of tea.
No, I'll make you a glass
of cold apricot syrup juice.
-Thank you.
Thank you.
Well, praise God, yes?
Praise God.
You know, Kive…
He usually does the right thing.
Sometimes he needs a little push,
a kvetch to get there.
I hear that you're good at kvetching.
When it comes to Kive, I'm an expert.
You could call me "Kive-Kvetcher."
So tell me, you and Kive,
how did it come about, etcetera?
Do you know how I met him?
As I walked down the street
I suddenly saw a woman.
A bride.
Looking at me from a painting,
as if she was waiting for me.
I had just suffered
one of the most powerful
waves that had ever engulfed me.
I felt as if I was in a distant land.
I wanted to die.
And everyone around me,
looked dead as well.
Walking dead.
I was out of treatment,
trying to get back into life.
This woman whose husband painted her,
she's no longer alive and yet…
I had never seen more life in a person.
And suddenly… I wanted to live.
To do what it takes to live and love life.
Every moment was suddenly precious.
Like a diamond, you know?
Nice, very nice.
But I missed something you said
at the beginning…
Something about the sea,
treatment or waves?
Akiva didn't tell you?
About what?
About my… problem.
My emotional… disorder?
That, of course. He told me.
Well, we all have problems.
By God's grace, we keep at it.
Yes, you could say that.
Nice, very nice.
This, that, the other.
Now it's all clear.
So you're saying that…
you saw Libbi at the exhibition?
Nice, it's a nice story.
A nice story. Nice.
So you said you'd help him
with your private car?
Yes, with my private car.
Maybe you shouldn't wait around.
You can go home.
He'll call a mover, a taxi or something.
What do you say?
It's fine. I'd like to wait for him.
I'll tell you what.
I have to run some errands.
It's best you wait for him at your place.
Kive, you know,
with everything he has on his mind,
maybe he forgot all about it.
Sometimes I forget…
that not every story is for everyone.
-Thank you for the juice.
-Absolutely, yes.
You're here at noon?
-Get dressed, we're going out.
To choose an apartment. A home.
What are you talking about?
We're going to be a family real soon.
We need a home. For a family.
I looked into a few options.
I think I found a good one, thank God.
We're going to see three places.
-How much is the rent?
-No, we're buying.
We need a home.
A home of our own
where we'll raise our children,
God willing, in good health and joy.
Hurry, I said we'd be there in 30 minutes.
-Where's the money from?
-Don't worry, I'll explain on the way.
Wait, Hanina.
-What brought this on?
-It's very simple.
Soon we'll be a real family.
You, me and our baby girl.
We'll all be healthy, you hear me?
We'll all be healthy and well.
I want us to have a real home,
a healthy family home.
Not some basement apartment
where the ceiling leaks.
Ruchami! What's wrong?
-I can't breathe.
I can't…
I'll get you some water. Ruchami!
Look at me.
Racheli isn't here?
She was here.
Where is she?
Hit me, Kive.
Get a carpet beater and hit me.
Is that what you need?
A woman whose head isn't right?
Haven't you suffered enough?
When will you start using your brain?
Think of Dvoraleh.
She'll be a good mother to her.
I know she will.
She's a good woman, Dad.
A righteous woman.
She can be our foremother Rachel
and Dvora the Prophet,
for all I care, you hear me?
I am not the heavenly court,
I am only flesh and blood.
But one thing I know,
is not to put a healthy head
in a sick bed.
-And that is the sickest bed there is.
-No, no way.
-My mind is made up, Dad.
-I won't have it!
Had I known, I wouldn't have allowed you
to see her, not to mention marry her!
I wouldn't have allowed you
to have a slushy with her!
First of all,
I don't need your permission!
-Besides, you don't even know her.
-I don't want to know her!
Kive, listen to me good.
Call her and tell her
that you made a big mistake,
that it's not for you.
Take her to the rabbinate
and divorce her at once.
Find yourself a good woman
of sound mind and body.
I found a good woman, Dad.
I'm at peace with my choice.
How much can you torment me?
Me and your baby?
An innocent baby.
No, you can't talk to me like this!
I'm not a little boy!
You're not a little boy? Look at yourself!
Look how you're behaving!
Not an ounce of responsibility!
You tried to ruin every match I had.
Elisheva, Libbi, and now Racheli.
Do you even want me to get married?
Maybe you just want me
to stay here with you forever.
Yes, that's your dream.
That I stay here with you forever.
You know what?
If you could,
you would take me to your grave.
I'm sorry, Dad.
I'm sorry.
I had planned to go to Rabbi Shimon.
The whole way I dreamt
about the rugelach for the guests.
In the end I found myself
at the tomb of Rabbi Cruspedai
in wet socks and not a shekel to my name.
So if you wanna make God laugh,
tell Him what your plans are.
With Farschlufen, tell God your plans
and He'll cry with you.
-Yes, Yosa'le.
-Did you talk to Mom?
I tried…
She won't listen, I'm sorry.
I really tried,
but it didn't go as I planned.
What is it Kornblit just said?
Tell God your plans
and He'll cry with you.
-Never mind.
I'm sorry, I tried and you tried.
What can we do?
It'll work out in the end. You'll see.
It will be fine, Yosa'le.
You will be fine.
You're a young man,
it feels like the end of the world,
but one day all will be well.
I promise you.
Never mind, Dad.
Thank you for trying. Bye.
We have to buy vegetables
at the wholesale market.
Look at this.
Giti, if someone has to repent…
it's you.
Only you.
I won't let you ruin Yosa'le's life.
-What are you talking about?
-It's the truth!
I'm not a Sephardi,
but I've never been good enough either.
I'm not the righteous husband you wanted,
you won't accept that.
From the day you met me
you've been trying to change me
and once the kids came, them too!
This thing with Yosa'le
is just more of the same.
I love you so much,
but I can't live like this anymore!
Racheli… it's Akiva.
You changed your mind?
You decided to stay?
At home?
With your father?
This is my home.
Where you and Dvoraleh are, that's it.
This is my only home.
-This is something, right?
-Praise God.
Thank you, Giti.
Let's make another toast.
The mothers too,
we deserve to celebrate as well.
Maybe just a sip.
Thank you.
Are they still looking?
They're funny.
They're content.
Let's give them
ten more minutes of contentment.
Then we'll go for a walk?
Yes, a walk.
We can go to the forest.
It's 15 minutes from here.
I want to call the kids.
We'll tell them the news soon,
what's the rush?
No, I want to see how they are.
Wait. We'll finish up here
and call everyone.
You'll see there's nothing to fear.
Excuse me.
Ruchami and Hanina aren't picking up.
I'm worried, I want to go there now.
These people invited us.
I agreed to what you asked,
now I'm asking you.
-I want to go over there now.
Although I'm sure they're fine.
You're just imagining things.
-I hope you're right.
-I am.
Where are you? Is Ruchami alright?
Ruchami is in surgery.
We need prayers.
-Where are you?
-At the hospital.
We'll be right there.
-What is it?
-Ruchami's in the hospital.
"May it be Your will,
God of our forefathers,
that You have mercy on Ruchama,
daughter of Gitel,
may Your mercy overcome Your anger,
may You erase all harsh decrees
towards Ruchama, daughter of Gitel…"
"Is the Holy One suspect that He
exacts punishment without justice?"
How are you, Nuchem?
It's over.
-What's over?
She called off the wedding.
What? Who?
Did she tell you why?
She muttered something
about trust, shmust.
It pains me to hear this.
It really pains me.
Thank you.
Women. Go figure.
You piece of dreck!
You jealous man!
-It hurt you, right?
-God forbid.
It hurt you to see me happy, right?
Did it?
You dreck!
God forbid! What are you saying?
It didn't hurt me at all.
I was happy you're happy!
-I took care of you!
-It didn't hurt me at all!
But Nuchem, it hurts me now!
Calm down, what's with you?
What's with me? You dreck!
I'm warning you,
don't make me hit you back!
Don't make me hit you back!
You dreck! You've got some chutzpah!
I've got chutzpah?
I've got chutzpah? Have you got no shame?
Me? Your big brother?
You may be my big brother,
but you're a very small man.
A small man.
"Don't make me hit you back"?
You're all talk.
Don't go anywhere, Nuchem.
Don't go anywhere.
And don't jump either.
This is Shulem. Shulem Shtisel.
I will hardly take up any of your time.
I would like you to reconsider
my dear brother, Nuchem Shtisel.
He is a very dear man.
He may have his shticks,
but he really is a dear man, and he…
loves you.
He loves you very much.
What I said about the money,
that he supposedly, etcetera…
I didn't mean it.
I was jealous of him.
It saddened me
that you want him and not me.
That's it. Be well, Nechama.
We're almost there.
It will be fine, Giti. God willing.
You know Hanina, he's so dramatic.
I'm sure it's nothing major
and all will be well.
-Pull over here.
-Alright, just a second.
Let me off and go park.
Okay, I'm pulling over.
I beg you, Lippe, do whatever you can.
Repent again?
Giti, stop! Don't worry.
Enough with the imaginations!
Blood pressure's dropping!
-Sponge! I have a bleed.
-I ordered two units of blood.
Shir, a unit of blood. Trauma protocol!
I need another sponge.
Where the heck will I find a spot?
Giti, for the life of me
I can't find a parking spot.
What's going on?
Is everything alright?
They're fighting for her life.
-She's… having the baby.
Just get here now.
Please get here.
Don't touch her.
Please, don't touch her.
It's just me, take me.
It's me, I'm to blame. Don't touch her.
I will repent.
I swear. I will mend my ways.
I'll do anything, just don't touch her.
I'm sorry.
What's this, Kive? What are you doing?
I'm leaving.
You can't just get up and leave.
I can. And I have to.
Where to?
Wait, Kive.
Come and tell me what's going on.
What is this?
You're leaving too?
I have some issues
to work out with my bride.
You know you can stay here.
Thank you.
That's it, that was the last box.
Good night, Dad.
You're really leaving?
Goodbye, Dad.
Kive, Nuchem, wait. Not like this.
Don't leave yet. Please.
One glass of soda.
I beg of you.
Just one glass of soda.
You know, I once read a book in Yiddish
that I found in the bathroom.
What was his name?
-That heretic.
-Shalom Aleichem?
No, not Shalom Aleichem.
Darn, what's his name?
A real tearjerker.
Of course. Mendele.
No, not Mendele.
I said Yiddish.
That Polish guy.
What was his name?
-Exactly, Bashevis.
-Then say Bashevis.
They say he was a real rascal.
Maybe. I never met him.
A rascal or not,
there's one thing he understood.
He wrote a beautiful thing.
The dead don't go anywhere.
They're all here.
Every man is a cemetery.
An actual cemetery, in whom lie
all our grandmothers and grandfathers.
The father and mother,
the wife, the child.
Everyone is here all the time.
Do you understand?
We understand.
She's a little Ruchami.
What a beautiful girl.
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