The Baxters (2024) s03e09 Episode Script

Lost and Found

[Elizabeth] Previously on
The Baxters
I think we're gonna need
more original pieces.
Four pieces in two weeks.
This is everything
you ever wanted.
Everything all right, Diane?
Just thinking. [laughs]
Look at it through her eyes.
You're taking the place
of her son.
Hey, baby girl,
you're feeling okay?
Oh, you've been
feeling off all week.
Mom, what are you doing here?
I'm not sure
why you hate this family.
I cannot respect
this man you've become.
Neither can I.
Or me.
[Ashley] Sorry, Luke.
[Luke] I didn't know
where else to go.
[theme song playing]
'Cause life has a way
Of pulling us under ♪
But we'll stick it out ♪
If we got each other ♪
When it all feels too much ♪
I know you'll come running
For me ♪
Through the highs and lows
We'll find our way home ♪
Family ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Family ♪
What are you doing in my house?
-Uh, Luke.
-It's okay. Hey, it's okay.
It's okay. It's okay.
He's a buddy from school.
It is not okay.
Okay. All this screaming really
isn't helping my headache.
-All right.
-I gotta shower.
Luke! What are you thinking?
I know, I'm sorry.
Look at him. He's harmless.
We've worked a couple
landscaping gigs together.
He went out last night.
He lost the keys to his dorm.
What was I supposed to do?
Um, call his roommates?
My kid is in
the other room, Luke.
He helps me get work, okay?
I owe him.
[grunts] He needs to
get his stuff off my artwork
and leave immediately.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, okay. I know.
I guess I wasn't thinking.
I'm sorry. Look, at least
he made you coffee.
[Ashley sighs]
I would not call that coffee.
Ash, I'm sorry. Look, let me
help you clean up.
look, you've been here
over a week.
Okay? I'm doing you
a big favor.
I'm keeping a big secret
from our family for you.
You do not abuse that.
Right. I know. I'm sorry. I
I don't know where I'd be
without you right now, Ash.
I I promise not to
pull anything like this again.
[man singing in shower]
Okay? I recommend staying away
from the undergrads
and sticking to your
law school friends.
Definitely. And, look,
I'll be out of here soon, too.
Promise. All right, I picked up
a couple of new
landscaping gigs,
so I'll be able to
afford my own place
really soon. Right?
And I'll make you
a new pot of coffee.
[sighs] I got to go to work.
Make sure he's gone
before I come back.
That baby goes down
for a nap so easily.
I thank God for it every day.
Ah, flowers for
the wedding, huh?
Um, my sister Brooke suggested
we hire a planner to help
because it's so soon.
I'm not sure she's helping.
I'm sure it's gonna
be beautiful, no matter what.
Thank you for saying that.
You're welcome.
I was thinking we could
take Jessie to the park
after her nap.
It's so beautiful out.
You know what, would you mind
if we took her to walk
around the campus
where her daddy worked?
We could do that.
I want her to grow up
really knowing how
incredibly smart he was.
Me, too.
Um, I have a little work
to get done before then.
I'll be upstairs.
[chuckling] Good morning.
I must have dozed off.
Was she up all night again?
Why didn't you wake me?
She's fine.
Just had a fever.
Kids get it all the time.
Brooke, it's
the third time this week.
What's her temperature?
Um, I don't know.
I haven't taken it in a while.
You haven't taken it?
Mmm, do you think
I don't know what I'm doing?
You think I don't?
You're not the only doctor
in this family.
Peter, don't wake her up.
Hey, honey.
Sweetie, I'm just gonna
take your temperature
real quick. Okay?
Okay. Just open up.
There you go.
It's over 103.
Come on, sweetie.
You gotta get up, okay?
What are you doing?
Taking her to the hospital.
Okay. Okay.
It's okay.
I'll find someone
to watch Haley.
[Diane] I feel most at home
on a college campus.
[Kari] I never asked you.
Do you think Tim became
a professor because of you?
Funny. You know,
I never asked him.
Why, he certainly grew up
around a bunch of academics.
I like to think that
we rubbed off.
That big building back there,
that's where your daddy
gave his biggest lectures.
I wish I could have seen him
in front of that room.
I did.
He was amazing.
Yeah? Oh!
I guess this little baby
is going to
spend a lot more time
near a football field,
you know, with Ryan's job.
We'll make sure
there's a balance
-of both.
What about music? Hmm?
Are you going to
teach her everything Aw!
Tim's daddy taught him
about jazz and the blues.
You know, they, uh
took piano lessons together.
Father and son, side by side.
I'll do my best.
It's not gonna be the same.
You know, how could it be?
I mean, Ryan's not Tim.
There couldn't be
two more different men.
That's not true, Diane.
Come, let's sit down.
We'll talk for a while.
I shouldn't have come.
It's just too hard.
Why isn't this
hard for you, Kari?
-Oh, God.
-I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
That was so out of line.
So out of line.
I understand, Diane. Really.
Kari, I think it's time
that I went home.
Okay, let's go.
No, no, no, honey, my home.
I just feel that I am hurting
more than I'm helping.
That's not true.
Please stay a little longer.
I'll think about it, honey.
I'll think about it.
I want to be here for you.
We all do.
I know, but I don't know
if you can be.
Honey, I don't know
if anybody can.
-Come on.
All right, buddy.
Time to pack it up.
That solves that.
Luke, what's up?
I'm at work.
Hey, Ash, you didn't by chance
take your portfolio
in to work with you, did you?
[Ashley] No,
why would I do that?
Luke, why are you asking?
[Luke] You know the kid
who stayed at your house
last night?
Ash, I think he might have
taken it with him.
[Luke] Yeah.
Hey, Dr. Laine.
Hoping we'd see you.
John. Elizabeth.
Sorry to be seeing you
under these circumstances.
You get any results back yet?
We're going to be
admitting her for a few days.
[monitors beeping]
White count's
over 10,000, John.
Ten thousand?
-You think
-We don't know yet.
[Laine] Could just be
an infection run rampant.
We're going to start her on
some antibiotics immediately
while we run more tests.
If she responds, we'll know
it's just an infection.
And if not?
I've expedited
all the lab work.
And alerted
the child oncology team.
Are you going to tell them?
Cancer, John?
They have to run
a lot of tests first.
We just need to stay positive
and I think we should
be in here, come on.
[door slams]
Ash, I'm so sorry, okay?
I don't know how
I let this happen.
You need to understand
how important these paintings
are to me, okay?
Not just to me,
to my career, okay?
If I can't deliver,
I will be missing
the opportunity of a lifetime.
Do you understand that?
So we need to
track him down immediately.
What do you know
about this kid?
His name is Phil. Okay?
I don't I don't
Oh, he said He said
he lives in South Hall
on campus.
Okay, that's where we're going.
[monitor beeping]
[Elizabeth] Hi, sweetie.
Where's Dad?
He's talking to Dr. Laine.
It's good to see you
praying, Brooke.
Feels like it's the best thing
I can do for her right now.
And for you.
How is she?
She's a total trouper.
I, on the other hand
-[Elizabeth] Oh
Aw, baby.
I know.
It took a mass shooting
to get me out of the hospital
and back into church.
Now it's taken
Maddie being sick
to get me to actually pray.
I don't know,
maybe if I had been
less preoccupied with work
and spent more time
on my faith, I just
God doesn't work
that way, Brooke.
And all we've got to do now is
to stay focused on the present.
Peter wanted to bring her in
weeks ago
when the fevers first started.
Kids get fevers all the time.
It's usually nothing.
You know that.
I know.
That's what I told him. But
Now, if it's
something worse, I
[Elizabeth sighs]
Now we've got to stay
focused on the present.
God is with us.
And He's with Maddie.
Hi. Have you seen
a guy named Phil?
He's kind of tall.
Little scraggly.
No, sorry.
You know what?
We need to get inside
and we need to knock on doors.
I'm asking the next person
that enters to let us in.
Oh, actually, no, no, that's
called trespassing, okay?
[scoffs] Luke, please.
There he is.
-That's him.
-[Ashley] Yes.
Okay. Stay calm.
We do not want him to think
-that we're going to
Hey, you! Phil, stop!
Luke. Hey!
-[man] Ooh!
-[Phil] Sorry.
[Ashley] Give me back
my paintings!
[Luke] Somebody grab him!
[Ashley] Stop him.
Come on, Ash.
Phil! Stop!
You can't run forever.
Okay. Okay.
-I give up. I give up.
-Dude, not cool.
You better have my paintings!
-[Phil] Uh
-Who even does that?
Seriously, I'm asking
I'm sorry, okay? I know
it was a lame move. I just
Oh, they're really good,
by the way.
Thank you.
That isn't the point! Continue.
I-I thought maybe
this art major that I have
a really huge crush on
would finally give me
the time of day.
Where are my paintings,
I don't know, okay.
I gave them to her
with a note,
and then I walked away.
Okay. Look, do you know
where we can find her?
Ugh. Yeah. She works at
the coffee stand on campus.
Let's go.
-I'm really sorry
-Oh, no, no, no.
Not so fast.
You're coming with us.
[Brooke] Maddie,
we'll see you soon, sweetie.
Yeah. It's just
a few more tests, is all.
Yeah, see we're brave,
Mom and Dad, aren't we?
I'm allowed to be tired.
Our daughter might have cancer.
Yeah, I'm aware.
Look, Peter, I know
that you're frustrated.
I am, too, but I don't
appreciate this hostility,
and it's certainly
not helping Maddie.
Can you just admit
that I was right this time
that we should have
brought her in sooner?
What is the point
of this conversation?
Are you just trying to
make me feel worse?
I just
I don't know how I can even
process all this right now.
I need some air.
Here you go.
-[customer] Thanks.
-That's her.
Hey, what can I get for you?
Sorry, we're not
actually ordering.
We're here about the paintings
that that guy Phil gave you.
Oh. He is such a creep.
Hey, what's up?
No, Phil, we do not have time
for your terrible attempt
at flirting.
I really need those paintings.
Do you have them with you?
I didn't even look at
what was in the portfolio.
I just threw them out
right after he gave them to me.
Please say you remember
where you threw them out.
Uh, yeah. The dumpster
behind Stanley Hall.
Stanley Hall. Okay, thank you
so much for your help.
I'm really sorry.
That's gotta be it.
No, no, no.
Trash is where they belong.
-I didn't believe
in those anyway.
Come on. Don't say that.
I'm really sorry.
Okay. I mean, you
You've just been so great
to me lately, and
And you've even been,
been keeping the fact
that I've been staying with you
from Mom and Dad, and
This is all my fault.
Look, maybe I could
help you redo them.
It's too late.
Don't Don't say that,
it's not
Ash, please wait.
Do not follow me, Luke.
[monitor beeping]
She looks more comfortable.
They should know
if the antibiotics are working
by tomorrow morning.
-Look, Peter
-I'm sorry for before.
I am, too.
I don't wanna fight.
I don't either.
Let's table this all for now.
We both need to be here
fully for Maddie.
That sounds like a plan.
[woman on TV] I often wish
you weren't such a stinker.
Latin, I suppose.
You must come up
and meet my Mother.
She'd like that phrase.
What are you doing up so late?
[TV turns off]
Hank's late from work again,
so I'm spending the evening
watching a very young
and very handsome Cary Grant.
Want to join me?
I'm not really
in the mood right now.
Why so gloomy, dear?
my paintings
for the gallery show
in Los Angeles
are gone.
So now I have to
call the owner, Cynthia,
and tell her we have to
cancel the whole thing.
Oh, I am so sorry to hear that.
Me, too.
I really thought this was
gonna be my big break.
Sometimes, things like this
happen for a reason.
Yeah, it's probably
for the best.
I was so nervous for the show.
Maybe it was a sign
I didn't believe
in the work anyway.
And that maybe this was
a blessing in disguise.
Prepare you for work
you do believe in.
You are so wise, Irvel.
You know what they say:
Old age brings
wisdom and wrinkles.
Though I like to think of them
as memory lines.
You have
the most beautiful hair.
Has anyone ever told you that?
[softly] Once or twice.
Thank you, Irvel.
big fat lummox like you
hiring an airplane to write,
"Hildy, don't be hasty.
Remember my dimple. Walter."
[Elizabeth] Next time
on The Baxters
We need good news, Brian.
My team did discover
something problematic.
I wanna be honest about
something with you, Sam.
I want us to start talking
about starting a family.
I'm going through
a thing with my family.
They don't understand me.
And they're not trying to.
Maybe you don't
understand yourself.
It's your Grandpa's
birthday today, little man.
Tommy deserves
a dad just like him.
Have you thought more about
giving Luke the chance
to be that man in his life?
Ash, it's for you.
Some guy with an accent.
Why are you calling me?
Miss Baxter, there is
no easy way to say this.
[theme music playing]
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