The Equalizer (2021) s03e09 Episode Script

Second Chance

Previously on The Equalizer
I'm not too keen on private citizens
opening their own branch
of law enforcement.
Come on, Marcus,
imagine what we can accomplish
if we were on the same team.
It's about Mel.
She's been training Delilah
in self-defense.
Although I expressly forbade it.
She used O-goshi on a kid today.
Damn near broke his arm.
She's not ready, Mel.
I decide what is appropriate
for her to learn.
Not you.
One of the most
important things to learn
with this skill is when or when not
to use it, but you'll get there.
You're still gonna
let me train with her?
There's no better teacher.
You're still upset with her
about the training behind your back.
It's more than that. I've always kept
my private and professional
lives separate.
Walls are all down now,
and you don't like it.
I don't know how I feel about it.
Hey, yo, uh, give me five.
What are you doing here?
Can't stop by to see an old friend?
You know the drill. I can't be
seen with nobody from our old crew.
That's part of my parole conditions.
I do appreciate the way
you did your time like a man.
They don't make 'em
like us anymore, Tim.
These youngins
will snitch in a heartbeat.
Why you here, Randall? Straight to it.
Always liked that about you.
Something came my way.
I need someone I can count on.
Someone with serious
safe-cracking skills.
Can't do it.
Hey, man, I'm finally
getting my life together
And I got no plans of
going back to prison.
It's an easy job.
Big-time money.
Look, you won't have to
waste your time in this place, man.
It's honest work.
So, sorry, Randall, but I'm out.
Nah, I'm sorry.
For the confusion.
I'm not asking.
I'll send you a note.
Let you know where to meet.
Ah, thanks for
a great breakfast, Aunt Vi.
Really appreciate it.
My pleasure. Oh.
Could you please
give this to Harry for me?
Just a little thank-you
for a favor he did.
What favor?
Oh, no big deal.
Mel is taking it easy on you, huh?
No, it's not the work.
It's these 5:00 a.m. starts
that are killing me.
Be careful what you wish for.
There's no whining in whatever
you're Jeet Kune Do-ing.
Cecil and Kat are
coming over for a rematch
and I need you at your best.
Hit the shower.
Thank you.
Spades with Kat and Cecil again?
You think they haven't come up
with a new way to cheat?
I'm not worried.
They want more smoke, bring it.
You sure you don't want me to set up
a surveillance camera
on Kat and Cecil's cards?
I mean, to even the playing field.
No. Because the beatdown
they're about to get
is gonna be criminal.
I don't need evidence on that.
Go ahead, Aunt Vi.
He's got me in a bad spot.
What was in the photo?
My little brother, Shawn
with a gun to his head.
He says if I don't
do this job, he'll kill him.
Do you know when Randall grabbed him?
When's the last time
you saw your brother?
Four years ago.
It was at my trial.
He never came to see you in prison?
Nah, I knew he was upset.
It wasn't until months later
when I realized how much.
That's tough.
Look, you got to understand.
It was just us two.
I mean, our parents died
in a car crash ten years ago.
And I promised Shawn
I would never leave him.
But then we needed money for insulin.
Among other things.
And that's when I fell in
with Randall's crew.
Look, when I got paroled,
I just wanted to show him
that I had changed, you know?
You know, that-that I had
cleaned up my act.
But, I mean, he won't talk to me.
Maybe if he sees you've really
changed, he'll come around.
Okay, but that's the thing, is if I do
what Randall's asking me,
everything I worked for
goes down the drain.
And you can't risk going to the police
because if Randall finds out
When's this job going down?
Tomorrow night.
Why you?
Why go through all this
to get you involved?
Surely there's
other safe crackers around.
There are, but I'm the only one
on record who's ever cracked
a C.F. Kane-7 safe.
I mean, it used to be a badge of honor.
Now it's a curse.
Yeah, life can be ironic that way.
It's not fair.
Look, I-I made a mistake as a kid.
I p-paid my dues.
This is supposed to be my second chance.
And the world just sees a criminal.
From my boss taking
a cut of my paychecks
to my P.O. threatening to send me back
if I don't pay him, but
but I'm the thief, right?
I understand getting second chances.
I'll look into it.
Ah, ah, ah. Here.
- Hey.
- Hey.
I still feel like things
are a little, I don't know,
off between us.
Because they are.
But it's not just because of you.
This whole new dynamic
of my professional and
personal life intersecting.
Yeah, I get it,
things are changing, but,
Rob, it doesn't have to be a bad thing.
I know.
But it's gonna take
some getting used to.
Give me some time. We'll get there.
These are from Aunt Vi.
Oh, yeah,
I love surprises.
Oh Oh
Oh, my goodness.
I mean, who knew that heaven itself
could be delivered in a box?
Those are Aunt Vi's
"special occasion" brownies.
How did you get her to make these?
I think it's her way of
thanking me for, uh, showing her
how to exploit certain,
um, you know, some flaws
in the content, uh, streaming protocols.
He gave her all his streaming passwords.
Hey, snitches
get, uh
- Brownies, I guess.
- Mmm.
Just talk to me about Randall Grayle.
Right, okay, so,
according to the FBI database,
Randall is the prime suspect in a dozen
high-line robberies across the country.
And despite having an arrest record
as long as the BQE
and leaving a trail of bodies,
nothing seems to stick.
Airtight alibis every time.
And his last job, uh,
an NYPD officer got killed.
Okay, what's your gut on Tim Fells?
I don't know. I feel for the guy.
I mean, he made a mistake
a long time ago,
but he's still paying for it.
Sad truth is ex-cons
face two prison sentences
one behind bars and one when
they get back on the outside.
It's a scarlet letter.
What about the brother?
He spent four years in
foster care when Tim was inside,
and now he's on the dean's list
at City College.
As of two days ago,
he's got no new activity on his
credit card or social media.
- Cell phone?
- It's offline.
I got a program running
right now to reconstruct
his GPS from the last few days.
- I mean, it should be ready soon.
- The heist is tomorrow.
We don't have a lot of time to find him.
And Randall has a history
of being calculating
and volatile. If he even
suspects that Tim went
to somebody for outside help
let's not give him a reason to suspect.
So, what's the plan?
'Cause I'll do anything
to save my brother.
Tell Randall you're in.
Wait, you want me to go through
with the heist?
Of course not. Just
string him along until we find Shawn.
Randall can smell B.S. from a mile away.
What if he sees through me, huh?
He'll have Shawn killed on the spot.
If there was another
option, I wouldn't ask.
We'll pull you out
as soon as we have Shawn.
- I'll tell him I'm in.
- Good. And, Tim,
I'm not gonna let anything
happen to you or your brother.
Yeah, baby!
Y'all set again.
- Oh, yes. Yes.
- Ugh, come on.
Oh, my goodness.
They're mighty quiet, Dee.
Maybe it's all the L's
they've been taking.
That's what it sounds like to me.
Well, well played, you two.
Let's call it a day.
No, no, no, no, no. Come on now.
- We're just messing with you.
- No, it's not that.
We're just dealing
with some stuff at home.
- Mm-hmm.
- Oh.
Is everything okay?
Not so much.
But you know we're planning on selling
our house, and moving to Florida.
To be closer to our grandkids.
But when we had our house
appraised, we were told
that it's not worth
nearly what we thought.
How's that possible?
A place that size with all that
colonial architecture?
I think it'd be worth a fortune.
Not according to our appraiser.
What burns me up
is this house down the block
same square
footage, but a smaller yard
is on the market for double
what they say ours is worth.
Let me guess, the owners
of that property are white?
- Mm-hmm.
- That's not right.
I've heard about this kind of thing.
I've got a friend in real estate,
she says that time and time again that
minority-owned homes come in far less
than comparable white-owned homes.
Well, that goes back to Jim Crow,
redlining and white flight in the 50s.
It's government-sanctioned racism.
What can we do? When we pressed
the appraiser about it,
all we got was a runaround.
What's the name of the appraiser?
Potter. Wallace Potter.
It's good to see you still have
a good head on your shoulders.
Well, I, uh, thought
about what you said.
You know,
me busting my ass on a loading dock
that ain't the move.
Intel was spot-on.
Randall Grayle's back in town.
Should we move in?
No. Grayle's slippery.
We need more evidence
to send him away for good.
But the moment he steps
out of line, he goes down.
That's Tim Fells.
If he's here, then Randall's
getting the band back together.
Set up the shotgun mics. I need to hear
what these guys are saying.
Yes, sir.
Whatever Randall's planning,
he's not getting away with it this time.
What do you know about Randall Grayle?
I can tell you he's bad news.
In fact, we have information
he's planning something.
The second he moves,
we're taking him down.
- Can you press pause on that?
- Absolutely not.
Randall's slipped through
our fingers in the past.
This is the first time he's shown his
face in New York in three years.
We may not get another chance.
Well, the problem is
he kidnapped my client's brother.
He's forcing him to pull a heist.
I just need to some time
to get the kid back.
I don't know what to tell you.
The only reason we haven't moved
on Grayle already
is we want to make sure
we have concrete evidence
and do everything by the book.
All I need is one, two days, tops.
You got to understand,
Randall Grayle is a cop killer.
I personally had to tell
a fellow officer's
four-year-old daughter
that her father wasn't coming home
after he clashed with Randall.
I promised that officer's wife
I would bring Randall down,
and that's exactly what I'm going to do.
If you move on Randall,
he'll assume our client sold him out.
He'll kill his brother for sure.
Let me guess, Tim Fells is your client.
- I can't let Randall walk.
- I'm not asking you to.
We can work together to take him down.
As soon as I know the
brother's out of danger.
I don't know, Robyn.
Randall's slippery. The longer I wait
Look, have I ever let you down?
You got to trust me on this one.
Can Fells tell us where
that heist is happening?
- What he knows, we'll know.
- Okay.
The moment you find the brother
We'll help you take Randall down.
So, uh
rare coins?
Lost gold from Napoleon or something.
All I know is we're
talking eight figures.
I got a fence lined up and everything.
- What'd I miss?
- Talking about the score,
but no details of where it's happening.
It's, uh
it's cool.
What's going on with you, man?
What do you mean?
I mean, I'm dropping a
life-changing gig in your lap,
and you're acting like it's no big deal.
I'm just worried about
my brother, you know?
I'm here, I'm down.
Like, can't you let Shawn go?
Nah. You don't seem down, man,
so I'm gonna hold on to baby bro
until I get what I want.
Uh, I think we should call it off.
The old man is getting suspicious.
Then calm him down.
You can't play your role,
I don't know what good you are.
Handle your uncle, man,
or I will. I want a trace on that call.
- That about the job?
- Don't worry about it.
All you need to be concerned
with is doing your job.
Crack that safe when I tell you.
Do that, your brother lives.
You don't
- Look, Randall, I swear
- Come back in three hours
when the rest of the crew's here.
We'll go over the particulars.
He's talking a lot
about this job, but still not
a damn thing about the when or where.
I want to know the second
he gets into the specifics.
Mr. Potter. Please, come in.
Thank you for coming
on such short notice.
You were a little insistent, ma'am.
Uh, before we begin,
is there anything
I should know about the-the house,
- the property?
- No, no, no, just that
I'm-I'm considering a re-fi,
and I-I just want to know
what I'm looking at.
Harry, I just left Shawn's apartment.
Spoke to some of his neighbors.
No one's seen him in days.
That lines up with what we found.
Harry reconstructed Shawn's movements
using his cell phone's GPS data.
Yeah, so, two days ago,
he left his night class,
then his signal disappeared.
Briefly popped back up again
at around 11:00 p.m.,
- and then it vanished for good.
- Where?
Near a Dino's Pizzeria in Canarsie.
There aren't any
working street cams in the area,
but check this out. I did a little
recon on the pizza joint owner,
one Dino Garruzzo.
And turns out he did five years
on a RICO charge,
and that wasn't his first brush
with the law, either.
Wait a minute. Dino and Randall Grayle
got arrested together
when Randall was 18.
That can't be a coincidence.
You think that's where Randall
could be holding him?
It's worth taking a look.
But we can't go in guns blazing.
They could kill Shawn
before we get there.
I have an idea. Harry,
do you own a sport jacket? HARRY: Uh
yeah. Maybe.
I mean, I might have something better.
Hi. Can I help you?
Yeah. Richard Hagen. Health inspector.
Oh, come on.
You guys were just here last month.
Yeah, well,
Maybe we should step it up to weekly.
Can you at least come back?
I'm the only one here.
Yeah, including, uh, the customers.
You think the low foot traffic
might be attributed
to the "B" hanging in your window?
Which I'm starting to think
was graded on a curve.
Do you think maybe we could, um
- work something out?
- Young lady,
are you offering me a bribe?
Because that is a nasty
infraction of public corruption,
Code 387 subsection 2,
- punishable by up to
- No, okay, no.
I was just thinking
maybe you might want a slice
before you start inspecting.
Look, this face might scream
"thrill-seeker," but there are
some risks I'm just not willing to take.
- I'll start in the basement.
- Uh
No, I'm good. I got it.
How's it going?
He's not here.
Maybe we got it all wrong.
Hey, wait a minute.
Just found an insulin pen.
Didn't Tim say Shawn was diabetic?
Sure did. Shawn was in that room.
Wait, whoa, hold on.
Mel, there's another exit.
Down the block.
What? Where?
I see 'em.
Damn it.
Rob, Shawn was here. We just missed him.
Damn. Any idea where they're taking him?
No, but I got the plates
off the car he took off in.
Hold on, Tim's calling.
Listen, we got some news.
Please tell me you found Shawn
because we out of time.
- What are you talking about?
- He-he moved up the heist.
It's going down tonight.
We have a lead on Shawn,
but I need a little more time
- to find him.
- What am I supposed to do?
You're gonna have to stop pretending
and actually go through with the heist.
Was just about to call you. What's up?
Hey, I just got a panicked call
- from Tim about the heist.
- What about it?
It's going down tonight.
Thanks for the heads up.
I'll tell my team to be ready
to take Randall down.
No. We still don't have Shawn.
Are you any closer to finding him?
Harry's tracking a lead right now.
I just need a little more time.
Robyn, this man is a killer.
It's irresponsible to let him
get away with this heist.
People will get hurt.
Not if we play this the right way.
Which is?
Have Tim go along for the heist.
- What?
- At the same time,
we infiltrate Randall's crew,
that way we control the situation.
I don't like it.
Feels like we're playing
roulette on this one.
I know it's risky,
but it gives us a chance
to save them both.
Or lose them both.
If Tim's exposed,
then both brothers die.
Well, you go in now,
you lose lives for sure.
How do you want to play it?
This the whole crew?
That we know of.
So if we want to infiltrate
Randall's operation,
we got to create an opening,
put one of these three on ice.
Question is, which one?
First up is the wheel woman,
Lane Carter, master at grand theft auto.
Yeah, but then I'd be stuck
on the perimeter.
I need to be close to watch Tim's back.
Okay. All right.
- Who's next?
- Hasan Abbas.
Arrested a half dozen times,
for cybercrimes.
He's their Harry.
As though I'd get caught six times.
I've been arrested once.
Granted, it was by the CIA.
You're very handsome, though.
Okay. Thank you. I The point is
is I that could do this one
with my eyes closed.
Good, but then who would be here
helping Rob track Shawn?
Okay, true.
Uh, what about the third guy?
- What's his deal?
- Carmine Nolfi.
Ex-military. Proficient
in close quarters combat.
Okay, so their tough guy,
security, breaking- and-entering expert.
He's our in.
Okay, but who's taking his place?
- Dude.
- It's He just
Relax, honey, he's just
getting to know you.
Mighty fine house you have here.
Especially given your lack of upgrades,
I think you'll find that I've been
quite generous.
Thank you.
Are you quite sure?
Because the family across the street
sold their home for
almost twice as much as this.
I didn't appraise that property, ma'am,
but perhaps they did a-a remodel?
- A new kitchen?
- No, no, nothing like that.
You know what?
I'd like a second opinion.
Mrs. Scott?
- What are you doing here?
- Investigating.
I got a call saying
one of our appraisers
was intentionally lowballing clients.
And here's the proof.
Is this really your work?
- How do you explain this?
- I-I ran the numbers and
Like hell you did. I was here
earlier and, unlike you,
did a thorough assessment
of this property.
- But, ma'am
- But nothing.
You're gone. Effective immediately.
Not only are you done in this business,
but I will pursue charges.
Now get out of my house.
All right, guys, listen up so
you understand tonight's plan.
- Wait, where's Carmine?
- He's late.
And he better have a damn good excuse.
Okay. Once we're through
the perimeter fence,
there's a surveillance system
that blankets the facility.
- Malfunction or make us ghosts?
- Ghost.
Less of a trail the better.
What about a security patrol?
Small group of rent-a-cops.
They're armed
but spread thin at this hour,
so I've timed their routine.
Ten minute coffee break,
then they alternate at the john
for the next five
and then they're back on patrol.
Reliable as a Rolex.
That only gives us a 15-minute
window to get in and out.
14.5, and not a second extra.
After that the main shift clocks in
and the place is crawling with them.
- you're on overwatch.
- Copy that.
Once we get to the target location,
there's an industrial padlock,
which is on Carmine
if he ever gets here.
And then all that stands between us
and sitting on a beach in Fiji
is a C.F. Kane Mark 7 safe.
It's no sweat.
You'll have less than
five minutes to crack it,
so I hope you're right.
Tim, let Carmine in.
Keep your eyes peeled on this guy.
- Whoa!
- Whoa!
Who the hell are you?
Angela Yeung.
Carmine sent me. He didn't call you?
No, he didn't.
Easy, all right? Carmine called me,
said he was in a jam,
needed someone to cover for him.
Said you needed muscle on a job.
So he sent you?
All right.
Where the hell's Carmine anyway?
Look, I am just trying
to do him a solid,
but if you don't need my help,
- I could just jet.
- No, no, no.
It's okay.
You're not leaving.
Not until I get some answers.
We got it. His phone is cloned.
Randall, my bad for bailing
the last minute,
but I got to go down to Florida.
My mother's not doing well.
You're leaving
me in a very bad position here.
I'm sorry, man. I'll make it up to you,
but Angela is top-notch.
You can trust
I don't care what Carmine
Okay. You'll do.
But if I smell anything rotten,
I'm gonna put a bullet
in your pretty face
before you can blink.
Thank you for calling me pretty.
Hasan, get the hell up.
Lane, collect everyone's phones.
Make sure we're completely dark on this.
Hey, Rob? Good news.
Were you able to track
that car that took Shawn?
No. Uh, there was no LoJack
or OnStar, but Mel and I were
able to clone Randall's phone.
He received an incoming call
five minutes after we missed
Shawn at the pizza place.
That's got to be the kidnappers.
Yeah, the phone is in Long Island City,
just under the Queensboro Bridge.
Send me the coordinates.
If I can get there in time,
I can pull Tim before Dante moves in.
Randall, I'm getting
a strange frequency.
Some kind of communication signal.
It's coming from inside the loft.
Are all the phones off?
- Just like you asked.
- Scan everybody.
Tim, if you're wearing a wire,
so help me God
Who the hell are you?
I-I I don't want any problems.
I'm from the National Grid.
Yeah. That don't explain
you nosing around.
I was coming back from another job,
and I saw the lights were on,
and I thought to myself,
"We cut the power off there months ago."
Yeah, well, you thought wrong.
Inside, now.
- Um, I just
- Let's go.
What's the latest?
A woman joined the crew
a little while ago,
and it's been 15 minutes
without any noise.
Hey, Harry. How's Mel doing?
I don't know, man.
Her comms went down.
She's flying blind.
It's gonna be okay.
If anything bad had happened,
I'd know about it.
Okay, all right.
But is there any way to get eyes on her?
What do you mean, gone?
There was no one inside the loft.
Come on, Dante. I thought
you had eyes on the place.
So did I. Look, I don't
like this any more than you.
Oh, please, come on.
She's my wife, Dante.
Randall needs her, Harry.
He didn't kill her.
Okay, fine, but w-where did they go?
H-How did they just disappear
into thin air?
I don't know, but there's no world
where this guy gets away again.
Hold on a sec, Harry.
Harry, we just got an ID
and addy on the man
Randall spoke with earlier on the phone.
Name's Yves
He's connected to this somehow.
I'm sending a unit there now.
So, uh, why all the effort?
You got some reason to believe
the cops are onto us?
Always assume the cops are watching
or listening.
Why do you think I haven't been caught?
Lane, head over
to the Brooklyn Navy Yard.
So, that's where the coins are?
In a shipping container
that leaves in the morning.
Only when it does,
those coins won't be on it.
He doesn't look so good.
Can you at least take out the gag?
He can barely breathe.
Hey, hey, what are you doing?
She's right. He doesn't look that good.
Why you listen to her?
Get this off you.
I-I I don't feel
Just hang on, hang on. We're
gonna get you to a hospital.
Let's go. Come on.
Get us to shipping container RKO 281.
We got 90 seconds before it resets.
All right, we got to hustle. Let's go.
What's this all about?
I know you're mixed up in
Randall Grayle's latest score.
Where's it going down?
Before you lie to me again,
keep in mind you're working
with a cop killer.
Any bodies drop tonight,
you're an accessory to murder.
Unless you start talking now!
When we get there, what am I doing?
Inside the container
is a former SAS operative
protecting the coins,
as in Great Britain's SAS.
They train specifically
in close-quarters combat.
Yeah, it's not my first rodeo. I got it.
Boom. There it is.
87 seconds. Not bad, Hasan.
All right, hot shot.
Open it.
Whoa! You want a body on this?
'Cause I didn't sign up
for that kind of manhunt.
All right. Tim, let's go. You're up.
What's wrong? Get to it.
This is a Mark 9.
You said it was the Mark 7.
This ain't the right safe.
Please tell me that's not a problem.
It's a completely different
mechanism on the Mark 9.
You have four minutes and 36 seconds
before those guards walk by
and see that lock on the floor.
That's how much time you have
before your family
bloodline ends tonight.
Dante, I just saved Shawn.
I'm on my way to you. Can you reach Mel?
We lost contact with her a while ago,
but Randall is making his play
at the navy shipyard right now.
My team is on their way.
Well, can you hold back for 15 minutes?
And risk losing them?
- That's not happening.
- I'll be there soon.
Just don't arrest Tim.
I'm taking Randall down.
I'll do what I can,
but I can't guarantee
Tim won't wind up in custody.
Lane, how's it going out there?
Quiet, but not for much longer.
Yo, Tim.
He's working as fast as he can.
He needs to work a lot faster.
Damn. Okay, okay, come on, come on.
We're not gonna make it.
He's taking too long.
Damn it, Tim.
Time's up.
We're out of time!
Let's go. Let's go.
Get out of the way.
The cops are here. Get out now.
The cops shouldn't be on us already.
Someone alerted them.
I knew you couldn't be trusted.
I knew it.
Go get Randall!
Stop! NYPD!
You okay?
Yeah. Oh.
Where's Randall?
You let him go.
To save me.
Tim Fells.
Your brother is safe.
Thank you, man.
Where's Randall?
- Dante
- You said you'd be here.
I had him.
He was right there,
but I let him get away.
I should have taken him down
when I had the chance,
but I let your needs get
in the way of me doing my job.
Dante, I promise,
I will help you find Randall.
Sooner or later, he's gonna have
to resurface to sell those coins.
Don't you get it?
We'll never see Randall again.
Dante, wait.
Be seeing you.
Are you sure there isn't
any way I can repay you?
Pay it forward.
Try to be there, for the next person
who needs a second chance.
And make good use
of the one you'll get with your brother.
I'm sorry, man,
- for everything. No, no, no, no.
- Tim
I-I don't blame you
for not talking to me.
I told you I would be there
for you, and I wasn't.
All right? That's on me.
She told me you risked everything
to save me.
Man, after all I put you through?
I couldn't lose you again, man.
Thank you.
Thanks again. Bye-bye.
- Everything okay?
- Better than okay.
Cecil and Kat's appraiser's
gonna get his license revoked.
Oh, my gosh. Wait!
Uh, look, I want to say I feel
bad for him, but it serves him right.
Unfortunately, there are a lot
more like him out there, but at least
we got rid of one bad one.
True. Well, what about Kat and Cecil?
They're going to get a new appraisal
at no charge.
So they can finally move
to Florida like they planned,
and we don't got to take 'em
all the way back to Boston, am I right?
- We made 'em walk to Boston last night.
- Yeah, we did.
- Good morning.
- Morning. Oh, morning.
What you two so excited about?
Ah, well, you should have seen it, Mom.
Aunt Vi took no prisoners yesterday.
She put Cecil and Kat's
appraiser on blast
and got them the appraisal
they needed so they can
sell their house and move.
Oh. It's good to have a friend like you.
Is everything good?
Honestly, no.
You want to talk about it?
It might help.
A friend trusted me to come
through for them yesterday
and I let them down.
I'm sure they'll understand.
Maybe you can make it up to 'em.
That's the plan.
But in the meantime, I have
to live with these feelings.
And they're not good.
It's gonna be okay.
It's not the end of the world.
I'm sure you're right.
But it sure does feel like it.
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