The Following s03e09 Episode Script

Kill The Messenger

Mike: I found Strauss' go-between.
She's a paralegal on the defense team named Juliana Barnes.
Tell me about Daisy and Kyle.
They were Strauss' students.
I have to initiate all bodily contact.
Why pretend to help me avenge my family? Because Andrew said that you were the perfect patsy.
Get on your knees.
Hopkins: The experts say he couldn't have survived that fall into the water.
Well, he's a cockroach.
He survived.
[Mike and Max breathing heavily.]
Got a hit on one of the employees at Manitech Securities, a guy named Sam Lewis.
His real name is Theo Noble.
Why are you doing this? Because they found me.
Ryan: You had a beautiful family.
Why couldn't you just leave? Because I control their fate, not you.
I am gonna end you.
Be careful, Agent Hardy.
I am the man who will take your future piece by piece.
Joe Carroll is the worst form of cancer.
So his death is about revenge? His death is about justice.
If you can't understand that, then maybe you should get the hell out of my apartment.
I was pretty clear that I needed this to go well.
Me and Joe were almost blown up today! You are really losing it, Ryan.
So how do we do this? I have so much to teach you.
Man on TV: Joe Carroll's reign of terror Ryan, are you OK? Oh, yeah.
I'm good.
I'm good.
It was just a bad bad dream.
Joe Carroll.
No wonder you were having nightmares.
It must have come on when I was asleep.
You shouldn't be sleeping out here.
This isn't us.
I don't want to fight anymore.
Me either.
Man on TV: and uncovered the truth behind Arthur Strauss, the man who mentored Joe Carroll.
How many more of his psychotic students remain hidden in the shadows? Come to bed.
Brave the cold, dark night and return to the scene of the crime as we count down to the execution of Joe Carroll.
Stay there.
I know this is a pain.
I'm the only E.
doctor in New York with an armed escort to work and the gym and the drycleaner.
Yeah, it sucks.
I get it, but these threats are real.
So this is our new normal? No.
We get our lives back as soon as I find him.
Believe me I'll find him.
I know you will.
Officer on P.
: Driver, pull over to the side of the road.
What the hell? Hands! Let me see your hands! Officer, wha what's going on? Driver, out of the car.
Hands where we can see them! Let's go.
Come on.
Ryan: OK, OK.
Gwen: Ryan! - Slowly.
- Let's go.
Gun! Gun! Gun! All right.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
I'm FBI.
I got a shield, left coat pocket.
Agent Hardy, I didn't recognize you.
- This is your car? - Yeah.
I'm very sorry.
I I don't know what happened.
Sometimes, our computer has a mind of its own.
Your computer? Yeah.
Your car came up stolen.
Suspect fitting your description was described as armed and dangerous.
Sorry, Agent.
Very sorry, sir.
What the hell was that all about? _ _ _ _ _ Oh.
You look weary, sir.
It was a difficult shoot, but I'm thankful to be home.
It's good to have you back.
Thank you.
Where where's Penny? She's been gone several days.
I see.
I'll let you settle in, sir.
I'll return tomorrow? _ _ Hey, man.
I'll see you out there.
So I did what you asked.
I went through the evidence from Mark's safe house top to bottom.
You're gonna tell me I'm crazy, right, chasing ghosts? Actually, I might have something, evidence that a computer was in use.
But there was no computer in the evidence log.
But there was an open Ethernet line with an unusually high data transfer rate.
Someone in that house was spending a lot of time online.
Missing computer.
This is good.
So how how do we find it? We have to isolate its BIA, its burned-in address.
Once we have that, it'll get us to an IP.
And to Mark.
Status report, conference room.
Thank you.
So you're telling me Theo Noble didn't exist before 2007? Ryan: It was a cover just like the Sam Lewis I.
he used when he worked at Manitech Securities.
So he creates these identities why? Primarily to kill, although Sam Lewis did give him crucial access to the FBI servers.
There's no way of knowing how many other identities he has, but with Theo Noble, he had the perfect cover life, and I think he saw his family as sacrosanct, which is why he never killed in that identity, and when we forced him to destroy his family, it took away his safety net.
[Cell phone ringing.]
What else? We've been running on the theory that he hides his serial killing in murder-suicides, so we isolated 30 cases that fit the profile.
No indication of suicidal tendencies.
The death scenes could have been staged, and in each case, there's a history of chat room usage.
just the beginning.
We need a nationwide search.
[Cell phone ringing.]
Just answer it.
Ryan Hardy.
What? Used to buy what No.
Uh, listen, I I got to call you back.
It was fraud alert.
My credit card was used to buy a motor boat in Utah, and my car came up as stolen today on the NYPD database.
Theo hacked your personal info.
He's hitting you where you live.
He's trying to knock you off balance.
Call just came in from NYPD.
A break-in and murder was reported at Juliana Barnes' law office.
Juliana Barnes? Didn't we seize everything after her murder? Max: OK.
All right.
We got locals on the scene.
One victim, security guard.
His throat was slashed.
It doesn't make sense.
Why hit the office of Strauss' paralegal? There's got to be something hidden there that we missed.
[Tires squealing.]
You all right? Everybody OK? You OK? Yeah.
I'm OK.
- Anybody hurt? - She's hurt! Is she OK? [Cell phone ringing.]
Theo: That looked like it hurt.
Where are you? Everywhere.
I'm in your traffic lights, your credit report, your E-mail account.
This just came up.
From Jenny.
"Miss you, big bro.
" Smiley face.
You keep my sister out of this.
You can't count the ways I can get to you.
Guess what, Theo.
You're just one man.
I got a thousand FBI agents on my side, and I will take those odds any day.
All the agents in the world won't be able to save you.
You need to be punished for what you did to me, and I'm just getting started.
[Police radio chatter.]
You think this was Theo? Let's think about it.
Juliana was Strauss' go-between.
She was the one that reached out to Kyle and Daisy and Andrew.
That means Strauss gave her their contact information.
He could have given her something on Theo.
What if he gave her information on other students, too? Well, Joe said that Strauss kept his students separate.
They had no way of contacting one another.
Maybe that's what Theo wants, to contact Strauss' other students.
[Computer beeps.]
Nice shooting.
Military? I was.
for Lee.
What happened? Uh, it's a long story.
I know what that's like.
You army, too? Yeah.
28th Infantry, Harrisburg.
My C.
ran me out of basic, week 9.
Worst part, guys like that, they get away with it, you know? Guys like us we get nothing.
Hell, yeah.
Oh, that's a center shot.
You got skills, man.
Heh heh heh.
We should grab a beer.
Shoot for who buys? You're on.
[Rock music playing.]
_ [Indistinct chatter.]
Hey, handsome.
What can I do you for? Another vodka over.
You got it, sugar.
You sure that's all you want? How come you aren't dancing? You're prettier than every girl in this place.
Heh heh.
You're sweet.
I'm shy.
All these eyes on me would make me nervous.
How about just two eyes? I got a beach house How about you come by tonight? Heh.
Well, I do love the ocean.
As your court-appointed attorney, I am obligated to provide you a full briefing of your final day prior to execution.
And are are you aware of how things, uh, terminated with my previous counsel? I'm well aware of all your murders, Mr.
Carroll, so let's be clear.
I don't want to be here, so if you don't mind, I'm just gonna do my job.
By all means.
Your last 24 hours will begin with a full physical.
You have your choice of a final meal.
Religious counseling will be made available.
Heh heh! Hmm.
If you so desire.
Time has been set aside for personal visitation.
Once the execution has been carried out, you have a choice - _ - Poe's such a tragic figure.
- _ - Yes, indeed, he was.
Death was a motif in his life just as much as in his work.
Uh, his parents both died when he was very young, brother, a sister, a wife.
- Uh, Professor Carroll? - Yes? You mentioned in your lecture that Poe committed his life to writing after his brother's death.
That was his his chief inspiration.
Was it his guilt that drove him? Did he feel responsible? Heh heh.
Are you suggesting that Poe murdered his own brother? Heh heh.
Well, no such evidence exists for that.
Certainly, that's the first time I've heard that accusation.
Maybe it's because Poe was smart.
He stayed under the water and never aroused suspicion.
Isn't that possible? I'm sorry.
I didn't quite catch your name.
I I got to get to class.
Woman: Poe had a unique take on death, didn't he? Sir? Sorry.
Yes, yes.
Any final requests? Yes.
I I do have one actually.
I I'd like to send a message to Ryan Hardy.
Tell him I have some information about the man he's looking for.
What what's wrong? What are you doing here? Ryan, it's insane.
I've been brought under review at the hospital.
For what? My electronic medication record shows a discrepancy.
It says I'm overprescribing meds, but it's a lie.
It's Theo.
Seriously? This could damage my career.
I could be suspended or worse.
Ryan! A call just came in from Joe's prison.
Give it to Donovan.
He wants to talk to you.
Too bad.
Ryan I love you, but I don't know that I can do this.
I am going to make this right, I promise.
[Waves rolling.]
That feels amazing.
Girl, we're just getting started.
Like this.
Name's Walter.
Ha ha! I know, but do you mind if I call you Kyle? It's just a little game that I like to play.
You can call me whatever you want.
Slow down, Kyle.
Kyle! Slow down.
Agh! - Boo.
- Aah! Did you really think you'd get away from me? Aah! Aah! Found you! Now it's time for you to pay.
Please, please, Mark.
Mark, please don't kill me, please.
No, no.
Mark drowned.
I'm Luke.
Please, please! You you betrayed Mark.
He had a soft spot for you, and you played him.
It wasn't me.
It was Strauss.
She said, lying.
He would have killed me if I didn't do exactly what he said.
We're exactly the same, you and me.
We both lost people we loved.
Oh, you poor thing.
You're just a broken-winged bird, aren't you? I'm gonna put you out of your misery.
I know how to get to Mike Weston.
Hey, guys.
Sloan: Ryan, I reverse-traced the phone number that Theo used to call you.
It took me to a burner.
So no GPS.
Right, but I installed a streaming alert.
The second he makes another call, we'll have him.
He's not gonna use that phone again.
He's too smart for that.
Bro, I was ready.
Best shape of my life.
PFT scores, off the charts.
So what happened? My psych eval went sideways.
Jackass captain bounced me over hostility issues.
What's his name? Robert James Tubbs.
He had it out for me from the start.
I was meant for the 12th.
I bleed ranger.
Never even had a chance.
I lost my wife and and my apartment, any any dreams I had left.
You can get it all back, you know? Your manhood, your dignity.
Yeah? How? Unh! Daisy: The cameras that we planted are still active.
They link to this web portal.
If the FBI found the laptop, then they would have taken them down, so somebody else has it.
I don't buy it.
Feds came in the door Laptop was on your bed.
They have it.
Maybe they just haven't looked at it yet.
Well, according to this, the laptop was logged in to this portal every day since the raid.
Somebody's watching Max, somebody we can use to get to Mike.
- Shh.
- Mark! I told you Mark's dead.
I'm Luke.
Take off your clothes.
Pretty please.
Is this enough for you? Or maybe you want more.
St stop it.
I guess Mark's not dead after all.
Who the hell are you? Masks on, right? That was the plan.
You need to face him.
Face the man who took your dignity.
That's right.
You turned me out on a psych rap.
Yeah, you sick, crazy, son of a Shut up! Tell him.
Tell him what he cost you.
I gave up everything to be a ranger, and you took that from me, you took everything, maggot! [Spits.]
You'll never get away with this.
Unh! Again.
Now how'd that feel? Oh, good.
Really good.
Then you're gonna really like this.
I thought we were just supposed to scare him.
He needed to die to free you up for things to come.
What are you talking about? Do you think I just stumbled across you by accident? I sought you out, soldier.
Why? Because you're special.
I am? Yeah.
In fact, you have the potential to change the course of history.
Like that like that dude from "The Matrix.
" Exactly.
Man, I can't wait to rub Linda's face in this.
You can't.
Your ex-wife never believed in you, I get it.
You are the one, Gary, and this man's death signifies your rebirth.
Hey, Mike.
So, you know, the project you're working on with Sloan? Tracking down Mark's laptop.
Uh, Ryan's got her running point on Theo's phone call, so she asked me to take over.
What? Nothing.
I'm just surprised you said yes.
You shouldn't be.
Mark belongs behind bars.
I'll do whatever it takes to put him there.
Even working closely with me? Do you want to see what I found or not? Lead the way.
Give me your mask.
There's a river nearby.
We'll dump it there.
Aw, I left it in the house.
Where? In the kitchen.
I'll go get it.
I'll get it.
You wait here.
- Hello? - Linda, hey.
It's Listen, Gary.
I've warned you not to call here.
You listen! You're wrong about me, all right? I'm not a loser.
I'm the one, and you're gonna be sorry that you ever let me get away.
[House door opens.]
Let's go.
All right.
Talk to me.
You're right not to go see Joe.
It was just a ploy to get more face time with you.
Are you really skipping the execution? Yep.
I would think you of all people would want to watch him die.
I'm tired of watching people die.
Ryan! Theo used the phone again outside a home in Waynesboro, Virginia.
Home belongs to Captain Robert Tubbs, U.
What's his connection? I don't know, but it looks like Theo just killed him.
Waynesboro PD responded to a 911 call 30 minutes ago shots fired.
This is how they found Tubbs.
Tear his life apart.
There's got to be some reason he drove all the way down there to kill this guy.
Lucky break, Theo using that phone again, but why? What's he doing? [Buzzer.]
You lost, Gary? No.
No, no.
I just, uh, got reassigned from gen pop.
Guess you guys are short-handed, so First I'm hearing about it.
Theo on earpiece: Just relax, Gary.
I'm taking care of everything.
Just tell him to check the system.
Check the system.
Are you clear on the heightened security protocols here? Yes, sir.
All right.
Be smart.
These guys are carnivores.
I'm in.
Tell Joe Theo says hello.
Theo says hi.
It's been a long time, Joe.
"It's been a long time, Joe.
" You've become quite the celebrity.
I could say the same about you.
Strauss clearly had his best student under wraps.
I may have been the best at embracing his philosophy, but "You were always special.
" Tell me, Theo, is this friend of yours here to to break me out? Because I'm afraid he appears a little underqualified for the job.
No offense.
Sadly, there's nothing I can do to save you.
So why the social call, huh? Oh, unless you're hoping I can save you.
Nothing gets past you, Joe.
No wonder you were Strauss' favorite.
Oh, Theo.
Flattery is so pedestrian.
Frankly, I'm insulted you think I'm so easily manipulated.
So then let's cut to the chase.
Strauss used a special code to protect his secrets "A code that can only be deciphered" Using a key phrase chosen by the creator.
"It's old-school.
The simplicity makes it almost unbreakable" But I think Strauss entrusted you with that key.
And why would I help you? What do I get in return? Infamy.
You're gonna die, Joe.
If you're smart, your legacy continues, and all the murders that "Follow will be yours, "the infamous Joe Carroll killing from beyond the grave.
" Immortality.
What do you have? I went through all the evidence logged from Mark's safe house, and I found this.
A receipt.
For a laptop purchased in Rego Park.
I have the BIA, which means if someone is using the laptop - we can find them in real time.
- How? I'll just enter the I.
, into our system, see if it pings anywhere.
If not, we'll have to submit warrants to all the telecoms, so maybe we can find it that way.
Oh! Sorry.
That was fast.
It's in the building.
What? Where? I don't know.
It's reading as passively connected.
Let me try and isolate the router, pinpoint the exact location.
The signal just disappeared! It must have been powered down.
Mike: Ryan.
I'll take care of it.
We got a problem.
Someone on our team took a laptop from Mark's safe house.
- We might have another mole.
- What? I got something.
The number that Theo's phone called is registered to a Linda Benson in Charlottesville.
Local police rousted her, and she said that the call actually came from her ex-husband Gary.
Well, what do we know about Gary? Hang on.
He's a guard at Joe's prison.
You know, Theo, I I greatly admire your ingenuity, but you haven't won me over yet.
Gonna need a little more incentive.
What? You've had a lot of quality Ryan time.
He has someone new in his life, a new love.
Who is she? Her name's Gwen.
"Beautiful woman.
" Oh.
"A doctor, and they're living together.
" In his new life that doesn't include me.
I know how much that hurts you, Joe.
You give me what I want, I will punish Ryan Hardy for both of us.
Ryan Hardy belongs to me.
You're gonna be dead in 36 hours.
I am offering you an opportunity to live beyond death, to strike out at the man who took everything from you.
Yes or no?! Guard on P.
: Code 6.
Death row.
Looks like your little monkey has been discovered.
Theo, they're coming.
What do I do? Oh! Hey! Look out! Oh.
Yes! [Wheezes.]
I'm sorry, Theo.
I'm not ready to pass on the torch just yet, not while I still have a card left to play.
[Alarm buzzing.]
Man down! Don't move! Do not move! Let's go.
Come on.
Move! So you know Theo.
I tried to tell you, but you insisted on sending Agent One Eye in your place, so What did Theo want from you? What did you tell him? You know, I have to say, Ryan, I'm very disappointed in you.
Well, it it it almost feels like you you don't want to be friends anymore.
I'm not your friend! I am the guy that killed all your followers, put you on death row! Now tell me tell me where the hell he is.
Why? Why should I? You're not you're not exactly being very pleasant.
I I tell you what.
Why don't we have a sleepover? You know, they built this wing just for me, so you could bunk up next door, and and then we could chat the night away.
We could chat about Gwen.
Uh, I gather she's a looker and a doctor.
Guard: Get him up! [Grunting.]
Let him go.
Come on.
Let go.
Pull him off.
All right, all right! [Gasping.]
Oh, such passion! Just goes to show how much you really care about me.
And there was I getting all worried.
I can't do this anymore.
Yeah, of course, you can.
All you have to do is accept that I'm the most important relationship in your life.
No, you're not.
You're a disease.
Tomorrow night when they kill you I'll be cured.
[Alarm beeping.]
[Toilet flushing.]
Gwen? Gwen: In the bathroom.
Are you OK? I'm fine.
I just, uh just broke a glass.
Don't come out.
I thought you'd be home for dinner.
Something happen? No, no.
Man: Try to keep the wolf I hide inside No.
I just, um I was just, uh Man: My secret place I saw Joe.
Theo reached out to him, and I thought going to the prison was the right thing to do.
I was wrong.
It's OK.
- No.
- Ryan.
No, it's not.
You are the most important thing in my life, and I keep screwing it up.
I don't want to lose you, Doc.
I'm gonna do better.
I love you.
I love you, too.
I'll be out in a minute.
I'm in your head, I'm in your head I'm in your head I'm in your head, I'm in your head I'm in your head I'm in your head, I'm in your head I'm in your head Turn around, my bride I'm only here
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