The Partridge Family (1970) s03e09 Episode Script
Swiss Family Partridge
Hello, world, hear
the song that we're singin'
Come on, get happy
A whole lot of lovin'
is what we'll be bringin'
We'll make you happy
We had a dream
we'd go travelin' together
And spread a little lovin'
then we'd keep movin' on
Somethin' always happens
whenever we're together
We get a happy feelin'
when we're singin' a song
Travelin' along there's
a song that we're singin'
Come on, get happy
A whole lot of lovin'
is what we'll be bringin'
We'll make you happy
We'll make you happy
We'll make you happy ♪
ALL: I can't sleep at night
I ain't been eatin' right
Just seeing you
and me together
KEITH: Well, I been
skipping down the cobblestones
Talking to myself alone
Sleeping by the telephone
And I like it And I like it
Ever since we
talked that night
Flyin' like a summer kite
My mama says
I ain't been right
I believe it I believe it
'Cause it means I'm in love ♪
Got myself together if I say so myself
'Cause it means I'm in love with
you Love is gonna get me by, by
'Cause it means I'm in love ♪
Jack in the beanstalk climbin' all the way
To the beautiful sky
I'm in love with you
KEITH: To the beautiful
sky Love, I'm in love with you
KEITH: To the beautiful
sky Love, I'm in love with you
I can't sleep at night
I ain't been eatin' right
Just seeing you
and me together
'Cause it means I'm in love ♪
Got myself together if I say so myself
'Cause it means I'm in love with
you Love is gonna get me by, by
'Cause it means I'm in love ♪
Jack in the beanstalk climbin' all the way
To the beautiful sky
I'm in love with you
'Cause it means
I'm in love, I'm in love
'Cause it means
I'm in love with you ♪
Well, after two
weeks on the road,
it will be nice to
get home again.
Yeah. Going back to school
will be like taking a vacation.
You're sick.
Well, I have a little
surprise for all of you.
We're not going
straight home. We're not?
We're gonna leave the snow
and spend a couple of days
in a very secluded, rustic cabin.
fantastic. All right.
Thanks to Reuben.
No, don't thank me.
Okay, we won't.
Why not thank me?
It was my idea.
I borrowed the
cabin from a friend.
Oh, Reuben. Thank you.
I really mean that.
Yeah. Me, too. From
the bottom of my heart.
Thank you so much.
They speak for me, too.
Your generosity and thoughtfulness
has deeply touched me.
Me, too.
I may cry.
Even when I get
respect, I get no respect.
DANNY: Wow. What a great place.
Look at all those
trees and mountains.
CHRIS: It's neat.
KEITH: Two days
here will be out of sight.
LAURIE: You weren't kidding when
you said this place was secluded.
There isn't a house for miles.
Oh, Reuben, it's just
beautiful. Thank you.
That's okay, Shirley.
Look, I'm gonna let you in.
And then, Keith, would you mind
driving me back up to Lake Tahoe?
You're not staying?
No. I only came along to
show you how to get here.
You think I'm gonna
be confined with five kids
when I can be confined with
a whole town full of red lips?
Oh, no.
Inside, everybody.
Well, there goes all our fun.
Ah, it'll be over in a minute.
Meanwhile, you got this great
cabin to entertain yourselves in.
Keith, would you run
me back to Tahoe now?
Drive that mountain
road in this downpour?
You got to be kidding.
Reuben, Keith's right.
It's too dangerous.
You better wait
till the rain lets up.
Oh, it's only a little downpour.
Mr. Kincaid's right,
Mom. It's only a light rain.
Yeah. If you and Laurie
gather the animals,
Keith and I'll build the Ark.
Four hours.
Four hours of pouring rain.
What joker said it would
be over in a minute?
That was you.
Well, I never thought
you'd turn on me, Laurie.
I wanna go out and play.
Honey, you can't go
out until the rain stops.
But it's really boring.
There's no TV or anything.
He's right, you know. A caveman
would consider this place a slum.
When we first got here, you
said the place was quaint.
Well, that was when
you were staying here
and I was going
back to Lake Tahoe.
DANNY: I'm hungry.
Yeah, I could go for
something to eat, too.
Well, I brought plenty of food.
Enough for the whole weekend.
Keith, would you go
out and get it please.
It's out in the bus.
I'll get soaked.
Be sure to wear your raincoat.
It's out in the bus.
Be sure to wear
it on the way back.
I barely heard you
over the thunder.
I would have kicked louder
but my toes are soggy.
That's not all that's soggy.
The bus is now two feet shorter.
It shrunk?
It sunk. Right up
to its axles in mud.
It'll take a tow-truck
to get us out of there.
No problem. We'll
call a garage in town.
Where are we gonna call from?
Well, the nearest phone is
In town.
Neat. We're stuck here forever.
Honey, we're not stuck.
Look, I agree this isn't
the vacation we'd hoped for,
but why don't we look
on it as an adventure?
Look, there must be
another cabin with a phone.
When the rain
stops I'll go look.
Sure. There's
nothing to worry about.
Reuben, I'll fix us some
food if you light the stove.
You're on.
Where's the knobs?
What knobs? The
knobs to turn on the stove.
There aren't any knobs.
No knobs.
It's a wood burning-stove.
There's a wood bin in the corner.
I'll help you, Reuben.
Get that one. I wanna dry off.
Isn't that too big
to start a fire?
Haven't you ever
heard of a forest fire?
there's no such thing.
Forests are much
too big to burn.
Right. Smokey
Bear is just paranoid.
Okay, I'll light the end of the
log and you stuff it in the stove.
It's not burning.
I think you're supposed to
start out with shavings and
Laurie, I know
how to start a fire.
When I was in Korea, I
started hundreds of campfires.
Reuben, how did you start
those campfires in Korea?
Well, I
I don't suppose anybody
has a flamethrower?
Mom, that was a great dinner.
Don't thank me. Thank Laurie.
Well, you cooked the dinner.
She started the fire.
One lucky break and
she gets all the glory.
You know, eating all that food
gave me enough energy
to realize something,
I'm bored.
You're bored?
Spent six hours in
a room with five
Look, the reason you're bored is
because you're not doing anything.
Mom's right.
Just because we're confined, doesn't
mean we can't entertain ourselves.
Hey, I know a game
called Finish the Story.
Somebody starts out a
phrase like "Once upon a time,"
and then somebody else throws
in a phrase until you have a story.
Oh, that sounds thrilling.
I'll bet Hugh Hefner plays
that game all the time.
Come on, Reuben, it's
better than complaining.
Okay, okay. Once upon a time
There was a very happy family.
With a manager
that was a grouch.
They went on a weekend trip.
And they all got
stuck in the rain.
Everyone had a rotten time.
And the little kids cried.
Okay, that's enough of that
game. Let's try something else.
And they tried something
else, and they were still bored,
and it was all their
manager's fault.
You know, what would be fun?
A scientific experiment,
like making a rain gauge.
So, Danny, why
don't you go outside,
open your mouth,
and stay there till you fill up?
This is silly.
What did people do for
entertainment before TV?
They talked.
Whatever happened to
the art of conversation?
Who knows? Nobody
ever talks about it.
I think talking is a good idea.
It'll give us all a
chance to interrelate.
What do you propose
we talk about?
Sure, anything that
comes into your mind.
Let's talk about free love.
Next subject.
The conversation just
started to get interesting.
Uh, let's talk
about world affairs.
Too depressing.
Yeah, that sums
up world affairs.
You want to know the words I
misspelled on my spelling test?
Neither do I.
Wonderful. Now, we've discussed
sex, politics, and education.
Well, now that we've
covered everything,
why don't we all sit quietly,
and think about
what we've learned?
Look, it is getting dark.
Maybe we all better go to bed.
These lamps don't
give off much light.
At 7:30?
It's either that or sit around
and make shadow pictures.
There are two bedrooms.
You know, it's strange.
If your friend lives by
only bare necessities,
why does he have two bedrooms?
He's married.
I'll take the bedroom on
the right. Good night, all.
Wait a minute, you
don't expect the rest of us
to sleep in one bedroom, do you?
Do you really think that's fair?
Why not? I'm taking my
bedroom sight unseen.
Reuben, the boys
will sleep in one room
and the girls in the other.
Now wait a minute. There's
probably only one bed in there.
That's something you're gonna
have to figure out for yourselves.
Oh, well
Good night.
Yeah, good night. Good night.
Dibbies on the bed.
Wait a minute!
It's not fair. I yelled
dibbies on the bed.
True. But then I pointed out
that I am bigger than you are.
It still doesn't make it right.
If you are big enough to
get away with it, it's right.
That's international law.
It's not fair. I yelled
dibbies on the bed.
Tracy has a point, Mom.
Seems to me that we
should all get a chance to vote.
After all, this is a democracy.
Well, I certainly wouldn't
want to be undemocratic.
So I vote for the bed,
since you two are too
young to vote, I win.
Captain Thunder sure is neat.
He just punched
Snakeman in the face mask.
Chris, don't give us a
blow-by-blow description.
Just because you're interested does
not mean the rest of us wanna hear it.
I'm glad you brought
that up, Keith.
Has it occurred to you that the rest of
us don't wanna hear you play the guitar?
I am not thrilled about
Captain Thunder.
I'm not crazy about guitars.
But if you fire one more round
of knuckles over my head,
I'm gonna stuff
you up the chimney.
Relax, Reuben. It's just that
it's too early for
him to go to sleep,
and we're all on edge.
Besides, you know
you're not sleepy.
Okay, I'm sorry.
It's just that we're stuck here
with no contact with
the outside world.
The rain will let up
soon and you can leave.
Does anybody mind
if turn on my radio?
As long as you don't
do it with your knuckles.
But who knows how
long It's gonna last
You have a transistor radio?
We can get a weather forecast.
think there's a news station around 84.
MAN ON RADIO: Ironically,
only a short distance away,
Southern California is enduring
its second year of drought.
The temperatures range
between a low of 80
(SHUSHES) Did I hear a radio?
But the near-record rainfall that
is besieging Southern Nevada
is now expected to last at
least four or five more days.
Highway patrol has issued
don't wanna hear any more.
I have a date with Lola tomorrow
night, but I suppose nobody cares.
Reuben, do you realize we may
be stuck here four or five days?
Mom only brought
enough food for two.
But there's no place
to get food for 40 miles.
Well, that means
Well, that means that
the next time you see Lola,
she'll notice how trim you look.
Look, there's really nothing
for any of us to worry about.
I mean, we know we're
gonna get out of here.
Don't we?
I don't believe it.
I'm stuck with
five kids, no food,
and Herb Alpert and
his Tijuana knuckles.
Did you jack up the bus?
We jacked down the jack.
It sunk in the mud.
Wasn't a total failure, though.
Two feet down, we struck water.
Well, now what do we do?
Like I said, we should
come up with a survival plan.
All right, Danny, that's enough.
Now, first thing we have
to do is to come up with a
Survival plan.
I've got a plan. Let's panic.
All right. Before
we get excited,
I think we ought to analyze the
pros and cons of this situation,
and then make a
clear, rational decision.
All right. First, the pros.
Okay. Let's move on to the cons.
All right.
We're stuck in the
mud and can't get out.
We're totally isolated and there's
no other cabins around here for miles.
Nobody's coming up that
mountain road in this rain.
Town's 40 miles away.
No phone. No food. No Lola.
The more we talk, the
more I like your original plan.
To jack up the
bus? No, to panic.
All right, since we don't know
how long we're gonna be here,
we'd better ration out the food.
He took my biscuit.
Our biscuit.
International law strikes again.
Well, Chris and
Tracy have to eat,
so I'll volunteer
some of my food.
Yeah, I will, too.
I will, too.
I was gonna give them
some of my biscuit,
but I don't have it anymore.
How important
are they to the act?
You know
There is one thing that
you have all overlooked.
Besides food,
what is the one necessary
element to support life?
Besides that. Lola.
Besides that.
Besides that. Water.
Besides rationing our food,
we've got to ration our water.
Okay. Let's ration the water.
Your ration is Lake Erie.
Okay, so I said a dumb thing.
But as dumb as it was, nobody
came up with anything better.
Look, the problem is
simple. We're isolated.
The world is out
there and we're in here.
Yeah. A simple communication gap
of 40 desolate miles.
Do you hear anything?
Neither do I.
Keith, I think your
mother's getting hysterical.
Now she's not hearing things.
What I don't hear is rain.
Hey, it stopped.
Hey, it has stopped.
But not for long, though.
Look at those clouds.
A plane. Maybe
they're looking for us.
Nobody knows we're here.
Then we better figure
out a way to signal them.
We can put some rocks on
the ground and spell out "Help."
Right. And in case
they don't see that,
I'll light a fire in the stove
and send up distress signals.
Morse code's one
thing I did learn in Korea.
How did Laurie start
that fire, anyway?
I don't know.
I was too busy sulking.
Guess what? It's pouring again.
How'd you make
out with the fire?
Oh, fine.
Unfortunately, the rain
came down the pipe, put it out.
The rain didn't
put it out before.
Oh, how'd you do
with the help signal?
Not too well.
We couldn't find enough rocks.
All we managed to
spell out was "He."
Oh, great. We may be saved,
providing some tourist mistakes
this place for a men's room.
I smell smoke.
Why is that smoke backing up?
We turned off the vent so
we could make smoke signals.
Oh, there. It'll clear
out in a minute.
We started a fire.
How did we do it?
Darned if I know.
Keith, would you mind
telling us what's going on?
This is our last
chance to be rescued.
Would you mind sharing
our last chance with us?
I'm setting up the equipment
just like at a concert.
I'm gonna turn up
the amplifier full blast,
and we'll all yell, "Help"
into the microphone.
Hey, you know, it might work.
In these canyons, the
sound could carry for miles.
There's only one problem.
We have to have electricity
to run the equipment.
We're gonna hook it
up to the bus generator,
and if we're lucky
it just might work.
Okay, here goes.
Okay, Reuben. Turn it on.
The engine is running.
I have the two wires.
Now, I'm going to attach the
bare wires to the generator, and
Reuben? Reuben,
are you all right?
Boy, you've done it
again, Mr. Kincaid.
You've just ruined
operation big mouth.
Seems to me operation
big mouth is doing just fine.
Oh, who could that
be at a time like this?
Don't answer it.
Hi. The name's E.J.
Whacker, Forest Ranger.
Just wondered if I
could be of any service.
Oh, can you ever.
How did you find us?
Well, I patrol these
back roads during storms
just in case
campers or folks like
yourselves get stranded,
and I saw the light.
That was probably Mr. Kincaid.
Well, you happened along
just in time, Mr. Whacker.
We are stranded and
we're so glad to see you.
We conquered the elements.
We're free. Free at last.
Well, I'm glad you're free
because now you can help me.
When I pulled in, I got
my car stuck in the mud,
and I need a push.
You need a push?
We'll all push.
Who, me? I'm too small to push
anybody around. International law.
If you had a neck, I'd wring it.
I need more room.
You're taking up
the whole couch now.
If you don't give me more
room I'll take off my shoes.
It's all yours.
Well, things are
certainly back to normal.
Well, I'm sorry it's all over.
I know it hasn't been
much of a vacation,
but it was an adventure.
We faced death
and spit in his eye.
Yeah, it's a great feeling
to know how to survive.
Remember how we hooked
the amplifier up to the bus?
Oh, that was an ingenious plan.
You were electrocuted.
I survived. It was
man against nature.
What about woman against nature?
You did your part.
The cooking, the
cleaning, and all that stuff.
But let's face it. You never
would've made it without us.
Oh, brother.
You guys should get
a merit badge for egos.
Nothing personal, it's just a fact
that men are stronger than women.
Well, in that case,
you can unload the bus.
It's much too heavy
for us frail women.
Well, it's okay to be
the strong, silent type,
but I am going to have to
learn to keep quiet about it.
Hello, world, hear
the song that we're singin'
Come on, get happy
A whole lot of lovin'
is what we'll be bringin'
We'll make you happy
We had a dream
we'd go travelin' together
And spread a little lovin'
then we'd keep movin' on
Somethin' always happens
whenever we're together
We get a happy feelin'
when we're singin' a song
Travelin' along there's
a song that we're singin'
Come on, get happy
A whole lot of lovin'
is what we'll be bringin'
We'll make you happy
We'll make you happy
We'll make you happy ♪
ALL: I can't sleep at night
I ain't been eatin' right
Just seeing you
and me together
KEITH: Well, I been
skipping down the cobblestones
Talking to myself alone
Sleeping by the telephone
And I like it And I like it
Ever since we
talked that night
Flyin' like a summer kite
My mama says
I ain't been right
I believe it I believe it
'Cause it means I'm in love ♪
Got myself together if I say so myself
'Cause it means I'm in love with
you Love is gonna get me by, by
'Cause it means I'm in love ♪
Jack in the beanstalk climbin' all the way
To the beautiful sky
I'm in love with you
KEITH: To the beautiful
sky Love, I'm in love with you
KEITH: To the beautiful
sky Love, I'm in love with you
I can't sleep at night
I ain't been eatin' right
Just seeing you
and me together
'Cause it means I'm in love ♪
Got myself together if I say so myself
'Cause it means I'm in love with
you Love is gonna get me by, by
'Cause it means I'm in love ♪
Jack in the beanstalk climbin' all the way
To the beautiful sky
I'm in love with you
'Cause it means
I'm in love, I'm in love
'Cause it means
I'm in love with you ♪
Well, after two
weeks on the road,
it will be nice to
get home again.
Yeah. Going back to school
will be like taking a vacation.
You're sick.
Well, I have a little
surprise for all of you.
We're not going
straight home. We're not?
We're gonna leave the snow
and spend a couple of days
in a very secluded, rustic cabin.
fantastic. All right.
Thanks to Reuben.
No, don't thank me.
Okay, we won't.
Why not thank me?
It was my idea.
I borrowed the
cabin from a friend.
Oh, Reuben. Thank you.
I really mean that.
Yeah. Me, too. From
the bottom of my heart.
Thank you so much.
They speak for me, too.
Your generosity and thoughtfulness
has deeply touched me.
Me, too.
I may cry.
Even when I get
respect, I get no respect.
DANNY: Wow. What a great place.
Look at all those
trees and mountains.
CHRIS: It's neat.
KEITH: Two days
here will be out of sight.
LAURIE: You weren't kidding when
you said this place was secluded.
There isn't a house for miles.
Oh, Reuben, it's just
beautiful. Thank you.
That's okay, Shirley.
Look, I'm gonna let you in.
And then, Keith, would you mind
driving me back up to Lake Tahoe?
You're not staying?
No. I only came along to
show you how to get here.
You think I'm gonna
be confined with five kids
when I can be confined with
a whole town full of red lips?
Oh, no.
Inside, everybody.
Well, there goes all our fun.
Ah, it'll be over in a minute.
Meanwhile, you got this great
cabin to entertain yourselves in.
Keith, would you run
me back to Tahoe now?
Drive that mountain
road in this downpour?
You got to be kidding.
Reuben, Keith's right.
It's too dangerous.
You better wait
till the rain lets up.
Oh, it's only a little downpour.
Mr. Kincaid's right,
Mom. It's only a light rain.
Yeah. If you and Laurie
gather the animals,
Keith and I'll build the Ark.
Four hours.
Four hours of pouring rain.
What joker said it would
be over in a minute?
That was you.
Well, I never thought
you'd turn on me, Laurie.
I wanna go out and play.
Honey, you can't go
out until the rain stops.
But it's really boring.
There's no TV or anything.
He's right, you know. A caveman
would consider this place a slum.
When we first got here, you
said the place was quaint.
Well, that was when
you were staying here
and I was going
back to Lake Tahoe.
DANNY: I'm hungry.
Yeah, I could go for
something to eat, too.
Well, I brought plenty of food.
Enough for the whole weekend.
Keith, would you go
out and get it please.
It's out in the bus.
I'll get soaked.
Be sure to wear your raincoat.
It's out in the bus.
Be sure to wear
it on the way back.
I barely heard you
over the thunder.
I would have kicked louder
but my toes are soggy.
That's not all that's soggy.
The bus is now two feet shorter.
It shrunk?
It sunk. Right up
to its axles in mud.
It'll take a tow-truck
to get us out of there.
No problem. We'll
call a garage in town.
Where are we gonna call from?
Well, the nearest phone is
In town.
Neat. We're stuck here forever.
Honey, we're not stuck.
Look, I agree this isn't
the vacation we'd hoped for,
but why don't we look
on it as an adventure?
Look, there must be
another cabin with a phone.
When the rain
stops I'll go look.
Sure. There's
nothing to worry about.
Reuben, I'll fix us some
food if you light the stove.
You're on.
Where's the knobs?
What knobs? The
knobs to turn on the stove.
There aren't any knobs.
No knobs.
It's a wood burning-stove.
There's a wood bin in the corner.
I'll help you, Reuben.
Get that one. I wanna dry off.
Isn't that too big
to start a fire?
Haven't you ever
heard of a forest fire?
there's no such thing.
Forests are much
too big to burn.
Right. Smokey
Bear is just paranoid.
Okay, I'll light the end of the
log and you stuff it in the stove.
It's not burning.
I think you're supposed to
start out with shavings and
Laurie, I know
how to start a fire.
When I was in Korea, I
started hundreds of campfires.
Reuben, how did you start
those campfires in Korea?
Well, I
I don't suppose anybody
has a flamethrower?
Mom, that was a great dinner.
Don't thank me. Thank Laurie.
Well, you cooked the dinner.
She started the fire.
One lucky break and
she gets all the glory.
You know, eating all that food
gave me enough energy
to realize something,
I'm bored.
You're bored?
Spent six hours in
a room with five
Look, the reason you're bored is
because you're not doing anything.
Mom's right.
Just because we're confined, doesn't
mean we can't entertain ourselves.
Hey, I know a game
called Finish the Story.
Somebody starts out a
phrase like "Once upon a time,"
and then somebody else throws
in a phrase until you have a story.
Oh, that sounds thrilling.
I'll bet Hugh Hefner plays
that game all the time.
Come on, Reuben, it's
better than complaining.
Okay, okay. Once upon a time
There was a very happy family.
With a manager
that was a grouch.
They went on a weekend trip.
And they all got
stuck in the rain.
Everyone had a rotten time.
And the little kids cried.
Okay, that's enough of that
game. Let's try something else.
And they tried something
else, and they were still bored,
and it was all their
manager's fault.
You know, what would be fun?
A scientific experiment,
like making a rain gauge.
So, Danny, why
don't you go outside,
open your mouth,
and stay there till you fill up?
This is silly.
What did people do for
entertainment before TV?
They talked.
Whatever happened to
the art of conversation?
Who knows? Nobody
ever talks about it.
I think talking is a good idea.
It'll give us all a
chance to interrelate.
What do you propose
we talk about?
Sure, anything that
comes into your mind.
Let's talk about free love.
Next subject.
The conversation just
started to get interesting.
Uh, let's talk
about world affairs.
Too depressing.
Yeah, that sums
up world affairs.
You want to know the words I
misspelled on my spelling test?
Neither do I.
Wonderful. Now, we've discussed
sex, politics, and education.
Well, now that we've
covered everything,
why don't we all sit quietly,
and think about
what we've learned?
Look, it is getting dark.
Maybe we all better go to bed.
These lamps don't
give off much light.
At 7:30?
It's either that or sit around
and make shadow pictures.
There are two bedrooms.
You know, it's strange.
If your friend lives by
only bare necessities,
why does he have two bedrooms?
He's married.
I'll take the bedroom on
the right. Good night, all.
Wait a minute, you
don't expect the rest of us
to sleep in one bedroom, do you?
Do you really think that's fair?
Why not? I'm taking my
bedroom sight unseen.
Reuben, the boys
will sleep in one room
and the girls in the other.
Now wait a minute. There's
probably only one bed in there.
That's something you're gonna
have to figure out for yourselves.
Oh, well
Good night.
Yeah, good night. Good night.
Dibbies on the bed.
Wait a minute!
It's not fair. I yelled
dibbies on the bed.
True. But then I pointed out
that I am bigger than you are.
It still doesn't make it right.
If you are big enough to
get away with it, it's right.
That's international law.
It's not fair. I yelled
dibbies on the bed.
Tracy has a point, Mom.
Seems to me that we
should all get a chance to vote.
After all, this is a democracy.
Well, I certainly wouldn't
want to be undemocratic.
So I vote for the bed,
since you two are too
young to vote, I win.
Captain Thunder sure is neat.
He just punched
Snakeman in the face mask.
Chris, don't give us a
blow-by-blow description.
Just because you're interested does
not mean the rest of us wanna hear it.
I'm glad you brought
that up, Keith.
Has it occurred to you that the rest of
us don't wanna hear you play the guitar?
I am not thrilled about
Captain Thunder.
I'm not crazy about guitars.
But if you fire one more round
of knuckles over my head,
I'm gonna stuff
you up the chimney.
Relax, Reuben. It's just that
it's too early for
him to go to sleep,
and we're all on edge.
Besides, you know
you're not sleepy.
Okay, I'm sorry.
It's just that we're stuck here
with no contact with
the outside world.
The rain will let up
soon and you can leave.
Does anybody mind
if turn on my radio?
As long as you don't
do it with your knuckles.
But who knows how
long It's gonna last
You have a transistor radio?
We can get a weather forecast.
think there's a news station around 84.
MAN ON RADIO: Ironically,
only a short distance away,
Southern California is enduring
its second year of drought.
The temperatures range
between a low of 80
(SHUSHES) Did I hear a radio?
But the near-record rainfall that
is besieging Southern Nevada
is now expected to last at
least four or five more days.
Highway patrol has issued
don't wanna hear any more.
I have a date with Lola tomorrow
night, but I suppose nobody cares.
Reuben, do you realize we may
be stuck here four or five days?
Mom only brought
enough food for two.
But there's no place
to get food for 40 miles.
Well, that means
Well, that means that
the next time you see Lola,
she'll notice how trim you look.
Look, there's really nothing
for any of us to worry about.
I mean, we know we're
gonna get out of here.
Don't we?
I don't believe it.
I'm stuck with
five kids, no food,
and Herb Alpert and
his Tijuana knuckles.
Did you jack up the bus?
We jacked down the jack.
It sunk in the mud.
Wasn't a total failure, though.
Two feet down, we struck water.
Well, now what do we do?
Like I said, we should
come up with a survival plan.
All right, Danny, that's enough.
Now, first thing we have
to do is to come up with a
Survival plan.
I've got a plan. Let's panic.
All right. Before
we get excited,
I think we ought to analyze the
pros and cons of this situation,
and then make a
clear, rational decision.
All right. First, the pros.
Okay. Let's move on to the cons.
All right.
We're stuck in the
mud and can't get out.
We're totally isolated and there's
no other cabins around here for miles.
Nobody's coming up that
mountain road in this rain.
Town's 40 miles away.
No phone. No food. No Lola.
The more we talk, the
more I like your original plan.
To jack up the
bus? No, to panic.
All right, since we don't know
how long we're gonna be here,
we'd better ration out the food.
He took my biscuit.
Our biscuit.
International law strikes again.
Well, Chris and
Tracy have to eat,
so I'll volunteer
some of my food.
Yeah, I will, too.
I will, too.
I was gonna give them
some of my biscuit,
but I don't have it anymore.
How important
are they to the act?
You know
There is one thing that
you have all overlooked.
Besides food,
what is the one necessary
element to support life?
Besides that. Lola.
Besides that.
Besides that. Water.
Besides rationing our food,
we've got to ration our water.
Okay. Let's ration the water.
Your ration is Lake Erie.
Okay, so I said a dumb thing.
But as dumb as it was, nobody
came up with anything better.
Look, the problem is
simple. We're isolated.
The world is out
there and we're in here.
Yeah. A simple communication gap
of 40 desolate miles.
Do you hear anything?
Neither do I.
Keith, I think your
mother's getting hysterical.
Now she's not hearing things.
What I don't hear is rain.
Hey, it stopped.
Hey, it has stopped.
But not for long, though.
Look at those clouds.
A plane. Maybe
they're looking for us.
Nobody knows we're here.
Then we better figure
out a way to signal them.
We can put some rocks on
the ground and spell out "Help."
Right. And in case
they don't see that,
I'll light a fire in the stove
and send up distress signals.
Morse code's one
thing I did learn in Korea.
How did Laurie start
that fire, anyway?
I don't know.
I was too busy sulking.
Guess what? It's pouring again.
How'd you make
out with the fire?
Oh, fine.
Unfortunately, the rain
came down the pipe, put it out.
The rain didn't
put it out before.
Oh, how'd you do
with the help signal?
Not too well.
We couldn't find enough rocks.
All we managed to
spell out was "He."
Oh, great. We may be saved,
providing some tourist mistakes
this place for a men's room.
I smell smoke.
Why is that smoke backing up?
We turned off the vent so
we could make smoke signals.
Oh, there. It'll clear
out in a minute.
We started a fire.
How did we do it?
Darned if I know.
Keith, would you mind
telling us what's going on?
This is our last
chance to be rescued.
Would you mind sharing
our last chance with us?
I'm setting up the equipment
just like at a concert.
I'm gonna turn up
the amplifier full blast,
and we'll all yell, "Help"
into the microphone.
Hey, you know, it might work.
In these canyons, the
sound could carry for miles.
There's only one problem.
We have to have electricity
to run the equipment.
We're gonna hook it
up to the bus generator,
and if we're lucky
it just might work.
Okay, here goes.
Okay, Reuben. Turn it on.
The engine is running.
I have the two wires.
Now, I'm going to attach the
bare wires to the generator, and
Reuben? Reuben,
are you all right?
Boy, you've done it
again, Mr. Kincaid.
You've just ruined
operation big mouth.
Seems to me operation
big mouth is doing just fine.
Oh, who could that
be at a time like this?
Don't answer it.
Hi. The name's E.J.
Whacker, Forest Ranger.
Just wondered if I
could be of any service.
Oh, can you ever.
How did you find us?
Well, I patrol these
back roads during storms
just in case
campers or folks like
yourselves get stranded,
and I saw the light.
That was probably Mr. Kincaid.
Well, you happened along
just in time, Mr. Whacker.
We are stranded and
we're so glad to see you.
We conquered the elements.
We're free. Free at last.
Well, I'm glad you're free
because now you can help me.
When I pulled in, I got
my car stuck in the mud,
and I need a push.
You need a push?
We'll all push.
Who, me? I'm too small to push
anybody around. International law.
If you had a neck, I'd wring it.
I need more room.
You're taking up
the whole couch now.
If you don't give me more
room I'll take off my shoes.
It's all yours.
Well, things are
certainly back to normal.
Well, I'm sorry it's all over.
I know it hasn't been
much of a vacation,
but it was an adventure.
We faced death
and spit in his eye.
Yeah, it's a great feeling
to know how to survive.
Remember how we hooked
the amplifier up to the bus?
Oh, that was an ingenious plan.
You were electrocuted.
I survived. It was
man against nature.
What about woman against nature?
You did your part.
The cooking, the
cleaning, and all that stuff.
But let's face it. You never
would've made it without us.
Oh, brother.
You guys should get
a merit badge for egos.
Nothing personal, it's just a fact
that men are stronger than women.
Well, in that case,
you can unload the bus.
It's much too heavy
for us frail women.
Well, it's okay to be
the strong, silent type,
but I am going to have to
learn to keep quiet about it.