The Unit s03e09 Episode Script

Binary Explosion

Previously on The Unit You're joining family? Yeah, if they'll have me.
There's an extra grand in it.
For what? Colonel, we weren't even fighting The M.
s were called to a domestic disturbance in your home.
It was not the first time.
You will move, until further notice, into the bachelors' NCO quarters.
You will not be allowed in your house unless accompanied by an escort from this chain of command.
- Annie, I'll - Go get some ice.
We're gonna see how many uses we can put it to.
You were shot twice.
I've got it.
The bleeding stop.
He is stable.
You hold on.
You hold on, you hear me? You being here without an M.
could get you fired.
We're doin' double time to get more pay! Doin' double time to get more pay! Quicktime! March! Maybe tell your homeboys I want to do business with them.
No, man.
Come by later.
We'll talk there.
Mark time, march! Didn't I warn you about talking in my formation? Sarge, I was catching a cramp.
Women get cramps.
What are you, some kind of girl, boy? No, sarge! I'll bet your real name's Suzie, ain't it? No, sarge! Get out of my formation, staff sergeant Suzie.
You're on latrine duty.
Fill this gap! Forward march! You slap bones? Why don't you finish my man's hand? Turo, by the way.
What up? I'm G.
Snake Doc, the mouse just found the cheese.
Roger that, cool breeze.
Let's see if the hawk takes the bait.
I think we're being countered.
I'm eyes in.
Good defense, G.
Now we got another 10.
So now both teams need 10 to go.
Way to turn the tables on 'em.
I'll catch you losers later.
I'm out.
Uh oh, not bad.
Yeah, that was cool.
- You want some more? - Some more what? Hey, that's the question- Some more what? I'm listening.
Maybe we can work on some other things.
I got access to stuff your gang might me interested in.
My gang? What gang is that? You got the grip I gave you.
We're both Byz-Lats, man.
Sorry, soldier, the only gang I'm in is called the U.
I'm down with them, too.
Come on.
I'll buy you a brew.
This our peeping mom? Special agent Adrianne Lane, criminal investigation division.
Seems we're both eyeing the same plate of food.
I know all about the Byz-Lats.
What do you know? Their use of moral waivers to infiltrate the army.
Oh, that's nothing new.
The longer this country's at war, the more we need to lower the bar.
We need more soldiers.
Many of whom who are joing ranks to steal and commit other crimes in uniform.
You're talking about gang-bangers.
My mission is to arrest and make examples of them.
Gangs are not our concern.
What is? We're only interested in what these solders have been contracted to do.
Last month we intercepted an order seeking heat-sensitive explosives.
We got a man planted on the inside tracing that order back.
Sergeant Charles Grey.
That's right.
Something amiss? We know all about sergeant Grey and his involvement with the Los Angeles set of this gang prior to his enlistment.
We've got movement.
Is this where y'all keep the cold ones? Take off your shirt.
This dude's not a cop.
What makes you so sure? We did too much dirt together back in the day, didn't we? You knew your man had a relationship with Diaz.
No such thing as coincidence.
How long you been in? About 3 years.
You? Lost count.
But, uh, been working at the armory lately.
Straight on.
I'm running the joint.
I can get AP-4s, M-16s.
Everything going missing in Iraq goes missing here first, you know what I mean? How much you talkin'? Business as usual, man.
We don't do commerce with outsiders.
I was putting in work when you were sitting in diapers.
So don't ever call me an outsider.
Hey, you want to jump him in, be my guest.
I passed this test in '93.
Yeah, well, school's back in session.
Crank the sounds.
Where does this line start? Damn, man.
Looks like you gotta start all over again.
Come on, grandpa.
That was just one punch.
Stop this.
He'll be fine.
You don't know what these guys do to each other.
You sure this guy's fam? What? Nobody here man enough to jump me in.
We gonna do business, let's do business.
Otherwise I'm out.
Who the hell are you guys? Doesn't matter.
Tracking these explosives is all that's important.
This is my case.
I have already compiled pictures and other evidence to start arresting these soldiers.
That's not the strongest case to make during a court-martial.
Doesn't matter.
If we light them up now, it'll deter other soldiers from going down the same path.
We just want you to hold back on that a while, until we find out where those materials are going.
I'm not holding off on anything until you show me some credentials.
Mind if I show you something? This is a heat-sensitive binary explosive.
It requires 2 compounds.
Apart, each is harmless.
Now, I put a drop of each compound on this powder fuse.
These are the same these soldiers have in their possession.
You disguise it in an object like a pen.
No metal, no moving parts.
And you're through airport security.
Now, remember, that's just one drop of binary explosive.
We don't know how much these soldiers have.
Now, let's talk some love before someone hops on a plane with a mini shampoo bottle of that stuff and lights a match at 30,000 feet.
It's crazy busy in here tonight.
It's always like this when they play the big game.
We got soldier boys and college kids all mixed in with the regulars.
One of whom saw you serving and dangled this for his own private dance.
I'm not working the floor tonight.
Well, you should be.
Money to be made.
I'll watch your tables while you go cash in on the 50.
I paid for a dance.
I want my full 5 minutes.
Why haven't you taken my calls? To talk about what? For starters, your new job.
I'm not your wife, soldier, and I'm not your dancer.
My time's not up.
What is it you want? I want you back.
That line is usually followed up with a hotel key.
Not this time, Tiffy.
The last few months, Hector's death, I've been re-evaluating some things.
There's nothing I want more than to be with you.
The team finds out and they'll put a bullet in your head, and god knows if Hector told anyone he saw us.
I'm still breathing.
Tell me you didn't send him out because he saw us.
I absolutely did not send him out because he saw us.
I don't want to sneak around anymore.
Then let's not.
- Good-bye.
- Look, We're both gonna be divorced soon.
And I'm looking forward to spending that time alone, taking care of myself.
I want to take care of you.
Does that include resigning from your command? If that's what it means to be with you, yes.
In 6 months, we could be together live in another corner of the country, start fresh.
I've heard that song before.
Now I can make it happen.
Or you can Live your life down here.
You tell me.
You tell me.
I'm supposed to hit a truck for them tonight and score some I.
We'll let you get away with the robbery and then follow you to the buyers.
And pray that the binaries are there.
Well, just keep everybody back.
You are stealing military supplies that will be controlled and monitored.
What you have to understand is, those vests go missing, it's my job.
And who are you again, lady? I am the person that can bust these guys now and end your investigation in a New York minute.
If you had the evidence to arrest these guys, you'd have done it already.
So back off.
You know something? Enough.
Look, my man's life is on the line.
I'm not taking orders from her.
No, you're taking them from me.
All she needs is for the C.
to surveil the robbery.
It's called cooperation.
There is no reason to speak to her like that, I apologize.
Sue me for sexual harassment.
Come on, man, we're done here.
You know, I have been on this gang for over 13 months now.
Look, we'll get their weapons stash.
You'll have your evidence.
Just give me 24 hours and I'll keep my men on a tight leash.
Thank you for stepping in.
Well, it wasn't right.
I understand.
Look, it wasn't my choice to work with them.
I need the little one because of his story with the gang.
The big one came as part of the package.
my chips off the table whether you have your explosives or not.
That's more than fair.
Man, you know which one it is? I told you G would come through.
Simple snatch and grab.
Listen, they're all simple till they're not.
What's up, man? We gonna talk business or what? Hey, chill, brother.
We're catching up right now.
It's been like forever since we kicked it this long.
Since when? Tell me that you remember.
Right before that liquor store job.
What was that like, now? We stuck up the bodega back in our 'hood.
A few days later, I got busted- off to juvey.
G here evaded and joined the army.
Don't hate on me 'cause I was faster than you.
Ooh, you see that? Oh, ho ho.
Not bad.
A little toe-to-toe? Really? It's been a while.
Where you at? A little bit.
You still fall for that, man.
Shut up, man.
I figured you'd be higher up than you are.
I made corporal Kind of slows you down.
Uncle Sam only let us get so far.
True that.
So, G, what brought you back to the life? I tried to make a living in the army.
Damn near got myself killed last deployment a few months ago.
Shootin' people with darker skin, huh? Yeah.
And the Pentagon jerked my around on the rehab.
I realized Uncle Sam ain't got no love for me.
That's real, bro.
The only brothers I ever had are the brothers right here.
Check this out.
Is this all y'all got? The guy we had on the inside got shipped out, and we moved a lot of it.
What you lookin' for? A Stinger.
I can hook you up on that, man.
No problem.
Dude, I never thanked you.
For what? Looking after me.
When you do we was comin' up.
Cut it out No, no, no.
When moms died, I was buggin', man, and you had my back.
You were this nappy-headed teenager bouncin' around the hood.
Somebody had to do it.
Just like you, man.
Listen, G's setting us up.
Why don't you let our buyer know he should be on road.
It's all good, man.
He's family.
My boy's a little clumsy.
No, it's all right.
I'm fine.
Here's your pitcher and your bill.
What? It's like a half hour till last call.
Well, we got a 5-pitcher maximum on all parties.
Bring us a bottle of scotch.
Cut-off means cut-off.
That's ridiculous.
Well I don't make the rules, I just need you to follow them.
Keep the tip and keep the good times rolling.
I would if I could, but I can't take your money, all right? We have drink restrictions.
And I'm giving you an $80 tip to look the other way.
Hey, is there a problem, boys? Yeah.
Damn waitress won't give me what I paid for.
He's trying to bribe me to bring him a sixth pitcher.
Sir, we can't sell you any more drinks.
Why not? I'm giving you my damn money.
And now, I'm gonna ask you and your party to get out of here.
Not until you bring me my damn drink.
Hey, your money's right there.
- You heard what she said.
- I'm not going anywhere.
I should have stayed in medical school.
Someone had a good night.
I did ok.
Thanks to your mystery man.
I saw who gave you the $50.
Did you? Colonel Ryan.
I didn't dance for him, though.
Tiffy, you don't have to explain.
Hector told me that he saw the two of you at the motel.
- Did he tell anyone else? - No Just me.
I think.
Did he tell anyone on the team? I don't think so.
He was struggling with what to do.
But you're not certain.
What's the big deal? You're separated.
The unit works a little different than the rest of the world.
We all deserve to do what makes us happy.
Right? It's recognizing what that is that trips most of us up.
Is that right? I don't know.
I read it somewhere.
Come on.
Let's get you home to your girls.
Someone left their SUV for the night.
Somebody in there? You girls go to your car.
I'm gonna take care of him.
Hey, ladies! We're having a party at our house.
You're invited.
No, thanks.
We're both all played out.
Come on.
It'll be fun.
You two, me, the guys.
You heard what she said.
Now back up.
I'm not talkin' to you.
Well, I'm talkin' to you.
Now back up.
You knew this party wasn't gonna end.
I paid for you! Get the hell away from us! Tiffy, run him down.
Run him down! Sorry, colonel.
He just he just I need permission to see my wife.
You just busted through my door for that? She's in the hospital, sir.
- What happened? - I don't know, and you've forbidden me to see her without somebody present.
I'll ride along.
Next! Let's go, let's go! This is not basic training, but this platoon will be in shape.
Next! Suzie, you raggin' it again? No, sarge! Get over here and give me 50.
Next! Did I tell you to do girl pushups? Next! Did you join up to do modern dance or did you join up to be a soldier? Find the weapons stash? Nothing.
A couple of crates.
I'm gonna go back and check it out.
My guess is the big stash is off base.
Next! You slowing down on me, miss? We're gonna have to get them to take us to it.
The job's in a couple days.
I might need some help with my creds.
Then I'll be dressed to kill.
When we move in, get ready to run.
Next! Get back in line, Suzie, and see if you can't get it right just once! Your man just made contact.
Uh, hi.
How do you know that? Gang's not the only thing I'm watching.
I see.
Did he find the stash? I want to make a deal.
- Did he find the stash? - Hear me out.
What do you have to offer me? If I move in now, I get my evidence and I've made my case.
I didn't say my man found anything.
Then why did he make contact? Here's the deal.
You get the collar, you get the credit.
We don't exist.
We were never there.
And why would you do that? I need more time.
I want the binaries.
You want the binaries.
And "B," the man I work with- He can't wait to stand in front of the press and tell the entire world how he prevented one of the most lethal explosives from getting in the hands of terrorists.
We all want to be heroes.
No, you and I want to stop the bad guys.
He would like this story to play on the television above the bar so he can impress the waitresses.
And you? I'd prefer to burn him.
Now, why would you want to do that? To please you.
Because Because, when this is over, I'd like to impress you.
Rock asked me to check the inventory.
He ask you to break in as well? The inventory list is in my back pocket.
You know the guy you all had cooking your books was a chucklehead.
Then how did we get all this? in that order.
You can't blind rob the army.
You have to make a look like this stuff been taken is accounted for.
How did you become so well informed? I can show you better than I can tell you.
You better hope you can.
D3094 is a barcode from the list.
Says it's in storage, but we have that crate.
And army will find it because these trackers are into these crates But if I do this it's off the grid.
Some lonely clerk in Iraq has turned up his warehouse trying to find it.
Can I see some I.
? I work in this department.
He's with me.
It's a T.
restricted area.
I need to see his I.
as well.
Ah, sorry.
I don't have it on me.
But here's my army I.
It's not good enough, sarge.
I gotta call it in.
The man your guy put in the hospital was my undercover agent.
Is that your idea of cooperation? Well, if we were working together, why didn't you tell me that you had a man on the inside? This is a damn amateur hour here.
And I guarantee you I will generate paper on this.
And that is on your head, agent Lane.
She told me.
I forgot to tell you.
It's my fault.
Different amateur.
You know what? Change of plan.
We bust 'em now.
We haven't even found the explosives.
There are a lot of crates in there.
It could be in any one of them.
Besides, we still got 'em on the weapons robberies.
We'll flip one of them to get to the explosives.
That sound like a plan to you, agent Lane? Yes, it does.
It's ok, baby.
You're in a hospital.
You had an accident and got knocked unconscious.
Doctor said you'd be a little dazey.
Sir, could you give us a minute? Listen, you suffered a grade-3 concussion.
We're gonna stay overnight and monitor your progress.
Where are the girls? Sleeping at Molly's.
- What happened? - It doesn't matter.
What's important is that I'm here And you're gonna be ok.
Excuse me.
Detective? I'd like to ask about the Gerhardt investigation.
Are you a witness? Related? No, sir.
I'm a friend of the family.
We took witness statements on the scene.
You gonna pick up the folks responsible? We've already released them.
I beg your pardon? The football players gave statements that she offered them sex for money.
It's right here in the police report.
What about Annie and the bouncer's testimony.
Both of them are employees at the bar.
We've had reports like this in the past.
It just seems like another case of solicitation gone bad.
That's it? If you wanna follow her on a football hero versus hooker case, be my guest, but there's only so much time in a day.
You want anything else? No, I'm feeling better.
I keep thinking about you.
Thinking what? About how I like coming to your rescue.
Be quiet.
Really, Tiffy, I mean, you go from one catastrophe to the next disaster.
And the only constant is me.
Because you're usually the cause.
I am not the best husband in the world.
But I will never leave you.
And that's not gonna change.
So So we should stop pretending that it is.
Mack, I'm not pretending.
You weren't pretending the last time we were together, were you? No, we were grieving.
We helped each other through the night.
But that doesn't take away from the fact that we're getting a divorce.
I don't want that anymore.
Well, the decision's no longer yours, so you might as well accept it.
All you have is one crate.
All right, just sign on the line there.
Thank you, sir.
I told you this would be easy.
Cool Breeze, I'm on the package.
The police are not gonna protect my wife's honor who's gonna do it? Any trouble comes out of this, it's not only gonna affect you, but also the unit.
You know what they called her, colonel? And I feel for you Mack but I need you to think this through.
And if it was somebody that you loved, colonel, would you give me the same advice? Any glitches? No.
Everything was cool.
A little too cool if you ask me.
So what's up with this buyer? What are you, in the accelerated class? Dawg, you been on me since I got here.
I'm sick of you and your big mouth.
Why don't you do something about it? Cool Breeze, we got a problem.
and counting, Snake Doc.
Come on, man, the M.
s are coming.
I knew this was gonna happen.
Say one more thing about me.
Shut the hell up.
Come on! This is the criminal investigative division of the United States armed forces.
You're not thinking about taking them on? Game ain't about running.
Yo, dawg, this is a military base.
So we're soldiers.
So strap up and get ready, 'cause it's goin' down.
Only 2 access points to this place, Snake Doc.
Roger that, Cool Breeze.
I'm gonna move around back.
Keep an eye on Carlito.
I'll have Lois Lane keep her troops out front and force them back to you.
We gotta bounce now! Morales! I'm getting the car.
Get ready to roll.
How you feeling? Like I been shot in the chest.
The room's empty.
The stash was never here.
Well, then they must have moved it.
You need to chase them off base in order to find this binary, and so you used the chick C.
We needed more time.
And as a result, I got no evidence, my suspects are out in the wind Our man is with them.
down the toilet and my job soon to follow.
Whoever you are, whatever your name is, you're one son of a bitch.
Are you riding with us? I got my own car.
Way to lose 'em, bro.
That was some move you put on 'em back at the light.
Leave your damn guns in the car in case we get stopped.
Samour, what up, man? This is Rock? No, we had a little problem.
Always knew you were bad mojo.
Shut up.
I saved all your asses.
You forced us to rush this.
Look, heat's on us too hard to be second-guessing ourselves.
We need to get out of the country.
Need a smoke.
Yeah, we'll get on that.
Ok, we'll meet you at the bar on Sixth.
Alvarado Corridor.
Yeah, 2 hours.
We switching cars? Ain't nobody gonna stop us in this.
See all that right there? That's our walking-around money.
But this check this out.
This is our real money.
This right here is our retirement fund.
Yo, who got a light? Are you out of your damn mind? These are heat-sensitive explosives.
You gotta mix them first, Einstein.
Just change into those and shut up.
Car's clean.
No it can't be, if our man was here the car can't be clean.
One of my men's just found this GPS tracker.
If you can't track them, I guess they're gone.
Yeah, I'm not buying it.
Yeah, I told you our man would leave a sign.
How do you know it's from him? Quartered matchbook.
Old-school army gag.
Alvar 6.
Sounds like Alvarado Street.
It's a street in L.
There's also a Sixth Street in L.
Let's move.
You gonna ride with us now? Are these the guys from last night? I don't know.
I can't remember.
It's ok, Tiffy.
Take your time.
It was him.
He was the leader.
The quarterback? Yeah.
And they were there also.
How'd you find them? I don't want this escalating any further.
Just take the information to the cops.
The cops already let them go.
What? Why? Why would they do that? Because you have a D.
You're a stripper.
And and they said that you were soliciting for sex.
Now I'm a hooker.
I'm gonna take care of this.
Don't go doing anything stupid to save me.
Tiffy, I know how he feels.
I'll watch after him.
How'd you know about those explosives? Any private had ordnance traing knows what those are.
And that guy you shot when we were leaving Was our new platoon sergeant.
What? He's not C.
What was he doing there? How the hell should I know? You set us up.
What, you got happy feet? Put that thing away.
I knew there wasn't something right about you.
Rock, you better get your boy, yo.
I ain't so sure no more, G.
Wait, you think I'd set you up? We like brothers, man.
Swear on it.
We family, dawg.
I swear on my mother's grave.
I'm not setting you up.
Put the gun down.
Don't tell me you're buying into this garbage- Put the damn gun down like I say.
He's telling the truth.
That's Samour.
You guys looking for somebody? Sorry, ladies, we gotta go.
That's the quarterback.
Do I know you? You ought to.
Why is that? You forced my wife into an accident last night.
I don't know what you're talking about.
You and your teammates from the club, get in your cars and follow us to the police station.
Sorry, G.
Joe, but we're heading back to the team dorm before curfew.
Not until you talk to the cops.
Why would I do that? Because I asked you.
Here's exactly what happened last night.
Your hooker wife got an $80 tip from me without working on me for it.
You better watch your mouth.
You better think about what kind of husband lets his wife work at a place like that.
This is going nowhere, Mack.
Let's go.
I'm not done.
Mack, we're finished here.
Let's go.
Call the security Keep your head.
He's just a kid.
That's not what his wife said when she was on her knees- I have several clients interested in heat-sensitive binary.
Guns are not so easy to move.
Stay in the car.
Stop me.
Look, it is her collar.
I'll keep her near.
Don't you want to test the explosives? You know what I will do if they're not right.
Nobody move! Everyone put your hands on the table! Now! I told you he was a snitch.
Don't do it! Oh, be smarter than you look.
Army may have taught you how to fight.
They also taught you how to lie and turn on family.
The only family I ever had left this earth when my mother died.
You know what I keep thinking about? Hector Williams.
Hector Williams was a hell of a man.
We should all think about him from time to time.
Thanks for riding shotgun with me today, sir.
Anytime, soldier.
So everything I said that mattered came out true.
The collar's yours.
The credit is yours.
Ok, maybe you'd like to take me out for that drink now.
That's not the part that matters.
It would have been nice if it was.
Maybe next time around.
You all right? Left a part of me back there.
Want to go back and get it? All gone.
Just stopped by to check on you.
Don't worry.
I'm fine.
You thought any more about our conversation? The answer to your question is no.
It's not too late for us, Tiffy.
Affairs like ours don't lead to marriage.
Ours can.
Boy, you're snakebit.
I don't know what your problem is, but I'm not the solution.
I love you.
I love you, too, Tom.
Take care of yourself.

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