The Way Home (2023) s03e09 Episode Script
Too Late to Turn Back Now
Previously, on The Way Home
You guys nailed it!
Yeah, that really felt
like the one, huh?
I just have a lot of things
that I need to work out.
But, Kat, I won't wait forever.
I'd like to hire you,
apply your knowledge
to my vineyards.
It's pretty clear that
Colton's heart belongs to Del.
Wait, there's people inside!
- Thank you for saving my brother.
- This is all my fault!
Did we just see
who I think we saw?
JACOB: How do we ever
come back from this?
I don't know.
But we have to.
Dad was here, Jake. How?
I don't know.
But he saved my life, Kat.
None of this should
have ever happened.
We've been gone too long.
But how do we leave?
We can't.
At least not the both of us.
Father can't be left to deal
with this on his own.
He's homeless.
- I can go.
- No.
No, you stay, and I'll go.
I have things to attend
to at Goodwin Vineyard.
Jake, wait.
Look, I know
- that this job is important.
- Yes! It is, Kat,
so just let me do
what I have to do.
I believe you have things
to attend to here as well.
ELLIOT: The town set
the homestead on fire?
Yeah, but it was Cyrus Goodwin
who lit the match.
Did you ever hear about that,
No. Colton was
the family historian,
but he never once mentioned
this family history.
So when Grandpa rescued you,
he said that the fire
was all his fault?
But it wasn't.
The fault lies squarely
at Goodwin's feet, and he will
live to regret it. I promise.
Jacob, the man's been
dead for 200 years.
- He's not dead to me yet!
- Okay, calm down.
Look. If Colton felt guilty
for whatever reason,
that could explain
why he decided what part
of family history to share,
and what part to withhold.
Well, he withheld
far more than he shared.
And Kat, what's her plan?
She's helping Elijah
find a place to stay.
Make a plan to rebuild, I don't
know if that's even possible.
She's doing that all on her own?
Susanna's with her.
And Thomas.
So, Colton to 1814 and 1816.
And who knows where else?
But, when did that happen
for him?
How old did he look,
do you remember?
Uh, he was, he was young.
He had a suit on.
It was black, with a vest.
Rick's funeral.
I saw him that day in the pond.
He wasn't jumping in,
he was coming back from 1816.
He traveled during
our time together,
but he kept it from me.
Welcome to the club.
Grandma? You alright?
What are you doing?
Starting fresh.
Grandma, no!
Give it more time,
don't, don't throw out
Colton's things.
I am done talking to ghosts.
I want the truth!
I need you to go back to 1974
and get some answers, I need you
to do it for my sanity.
I thought you didn't want me
to mess with your memories.
My memories are messed
beyond recognition.
Okay, I'll see
what I can find out.
"If a vineyard at any stage
of growth is set on fire,
the soil becomes tainted.
The grapes that grow
will carry that taint of smoke
and ash for years to come,
rendering the wine undrinkable."
We've been through dark times
before, you and I.
We have.
But luck runs out, Thomas.
If things had gone south,
last night, if, if Jake and I
hadn't made it,
my family would have
no way of knowing.
And if this had happened
in your time?
If something happened
to you there?
I wouldn't know either.
And I'd have no way
of getting to you.
Maybe this fire
was a wake-up call.
Can't cheat fate forever.
I think what you planted
will work well, Lewis.
But there's a certain hybrid
grape from Wisconsin,
it's proven to be
more winter hardy.
I'm impressed,
you've thrown yourself
into the job
before you even start.
To tell you the truth,
I find it fascinating.
I just installed
this state-of-the-art
irrigation system.
It can deliver the perfect
amount of water to all the vines
in the entire field.
- It's amazing.
- Yeah. The lines are all in,
so once the well is dug,
we're ready for the seedlings
in the spring.
You know, I have to say.
I'm proud that we're building
this together, Jacob.
Two founding families
working as one,
it's like Port Haven's
early days.
And, I'm even more confident
that I'm placing my dream
of a winery in good hands.
Come on, let's head back.
Hey there, can you fuel up
the side by side?
Let's go to my office,
I got some paperwork
I need you to fill out.
I'd like to get you started
next week, if that's okay.
- Works for me.
- Great!
And if we take this highway,
we'll get to see
the Grand Canyon. Wild!
- I still can't believe this.
- Believe it, kid.
- You deserve it.
- Alice!
You're back! Oh!
You won't believe
what's happened.
Colton has the most
far out news.
Get this girl a milkshake, Jay.
The least I can do
for all her help.
My help, what do you mean?
The producer loves the demo,
we just heard back from him.
- What? That's amazing!
- He wants me to come
to San Francisco to record
the demo properly,
and show him my other songs.
This could be my big break.
And yours too.
- M-mine?
- He loved your voice.
He wants you there with me.
So what do you say?
Performing together,
writing songs?
Uh, I want to, but I, I can't.
But we're a trio.
Driving down to San Francisco.
Flowers in our hair.
- You're going too?
- Yeah, of course.
This is my ticket out of here.
What better way to escape
than be Colton Landry's groupie?
I'm with the band!
- Ah, I think your milkshake's up.
- Mh.
- Here.
- Thanks, Jay.
Sorry, Evie's a little intense.
It's a great opportunity,
but I just
didn't see this coming for you.
Oh yeah, it's a new road
for sure.
But I hope it ends with Delilah.
If I can make it,
earn some actual money,
maybe her family will think
I'm worthy of her.
Have you heard from her
since she left?
No, but I'm not giving up.
So, um
Should we get back
to planning our epic road trip?
Uh, I should probably head home.
See if Grandma's talked
Mom off the ledge yet.
Yeah, she's not too thrilled
about all this.
But I gotta go, right?
Like I said,
I'm not gonna give up.
Um, hey. Can I cop a ride?
- Yeah.
- Wait, no!
I just got you back.
There's things to say.
I'll catch you later.
- Hey, you're here!
- Hey, buddy!
Welcome! So great
to be working together.
It's quite the setup, huh?
Everything under lock and key?
Yeah. Yeah, Lewis is a bit
of a security nut.
We're due to install cameras
everywhere in a couple of days,
now that we're up and running.
Hey. I'd like to start
my research,
so I'll need access, but Lewis
hasn't given me a code yet.
I'll give you mine,
until Lewis gets around to it.
You're sure? I don't want
to cause you any trouble.
Forget it.
That's what friends
are for, right?
I didn't mean to upset you
that day at the pond.
I know that you were
just being practical.
And you were right
about Cole and Delilah.
I mean, he's clearly
still under her spell.
Does that change things
for you? About San Francisco?
No. This trip,
getting to spend time with Cole,
maybe I can break that spell.
I still love him so much, Alice.
I'm gonna find us this perfect
tiny apartment,
and I'm gonna hold
these soirées,
just like George Sand
used to do in Paris.
It'll be like this
beautiful bohemian family.
What about school?
You both graduate this year.
How long can you be gone?
There's you being
practical again.
I, I guess I just don't know
where this trip
fits with everything.
Well you've
never really been
on my side, have you?
No, that, that's,
that's not true, Evelyn.
I was just worried that you
weren't seeing reality.
Dreams are important, but they
can't be the only thing.
You're fooling yourself, Alice.
I saw the way you lit up when
Colton asked you to come with him.
To sing with him.
You were positively glowing.
Dreams are the thing.
And you can't follow them
if you're standing still.
She's right, you know.
About dreams.
Footfalls echo in the memory.
Down the passage
we did not take.
Towards the door
we never opened.
It's a quote from
my favourite poet, T.S. Eliot.
What does that mean?
Be the one to open the door.
Fix things.
Life's too short for regrets.
Cyrus has yet
to regain consciousness.
Everything is in question.
Elijah is safe in my rooms
at the general store,
but he needs to rebuild.
And Cyrus has the means
to help him do so,
but my future here
is so far from certain.
You're Cyrus' wife!
If he dies
His sons will return
and cast me out.
Seeing what this town
has been capable of,
I'm trying to reconcile it with
the Port Haven I used to know.
I'm doing it.
Writing a book,
just as you encouraged me to do.
A history of my town.
I even wrote a chapter
about Cyrus.
- What he's done.
- Good.
It's important you put
that down on paper.
I'm not safe here, Katherine.
I used to have some control.
I was able to carve out ways
to do the things I loved,
to be some semblance
of the woman I wish to be,
but now
If Cyrus dies,
I'm left defenseless.
And if he lives, yes,
I may have some freedom,
but I remain his possession.
Get Cyrus to change his will.
He needs to leave everything
to you, not his sons.
What a time you must live in,
To believe that is possible.
MAN: He's awake!
Cyrus is awake!
What are you doing in that pond?
Dear lady, it is a miracle
that your husband lives.
But I will speak plainly.
He will not return
to the strong, powerful man
he once was.
The blow from the falling beams
has rendered walking impossible,
and while he will recover
from his burns,
the smoke inhalation has
permanently weakened his lungs.
What does that mean?
- Fire has all but destroyed his larynx.
It's not likely he will
ever speak again.
I am so very sorry.
Colton? I'd like to think
we're friends.
And friends keep
each other's secrets.
So please, let me keep yours.
Remember I said my grandma
told me stories
when I was little?
About the pond?
I believed them.
Grandma made me swear
I'd never go into the pond.
Not until I was older.
But then, that night in '65
I had no choice.
- Evelyn?
- I had to save Evie.
Evelyn! I'm coming!
So I jumped.
Nothing happened.
Except getting stuck
in some weeds.
I felt betrayed.
The pond wasn't magic,
it was just dangerous.
I hated my grandmother for
filling my head with nonsense.
I thought maybe people
were right. She was crazy.
But then on the last day
of school,
Jasper had just promised me
the summer gig at Coyle's.
And my mom and I
got in a big fight
about how I'd do it,
and the farm work. I was angry.
It all happened so fast.
That was my first trip.
It took me somewhere
I'm Elijah Landry.
- Landry.
- And this is my son.
Jacob. Pleased to meet you.
1814. I met my ancestors.
And I realized
I could help them.
Jasper collected all these
folk songs,
there was one about 1816.
The year of no summer.
I knew what
was coming their way.
Will you do something for me?
Plant as much rye and potatoes
as possible this year and next.
Passing traveler's premonition.
I came back to 1974
excited, proud.
I'd just saved my founding
family from starvation.
And, and Grandma Fern was right.
The pond was magic.
But when I told her what
I'd done, she was so angry.
You told them their future.
You broke the rules!
I didn't care what she said.
The day of the cove party,
I wanted Evie to know.
And she always believed
this pond was magic.
But she was leaving for Morocco,
so I decided to tell her
in a way that I knew she'd love.
By writing messages
in invisible ink
in the Alice books.
- Yeah, exactly.
- She never read those messages.
No. And then Delilah arrived.
For one crazy moment,
I thought magic was everywhere.
At first, the pond, and now
this dream of a girl.
But then, Rick died that night.
Fern always told me
that the pond
takes you where you need to go.
And I needed to go to Rick.
I thought maybe I could
stop the accident
from happening. I had to try.
But it didn't take me
to save Rick.
It took me to 1816.
To see what I'd caused.
The whole town turned on Elijah
and his family,
all because they planted
potatoes and rye.
It was my fault.
Even though I was able
to save someone from the fire,
I-I basically destroyed
my entire family's future.
- So then, why jump today?
- I wanted to try,
one more time
before I left town.
Because I broke the rules.
I told people their future.
So the pond doesn't
work for me anymore.
Why tell me all this?
I think you're like me.
I think you're a time traveler.
Are you?
I'm not a time traveler.
But I believe that you are.
Cyrus. You want to live,
but you need my help to do so.
And I need your protection.
I know you love me.
And you risked
your life for mine.
But you are the reason my life
and the Landry's lives
were ever in danger.
And justice must be served.
Only the doctor and I
know of your condition.
And I will keep your secret.
But from now on,
I will speak for you.
I will be your voice.
And run Port Haven as I see fit.
Do we have an agreement?
No stamp.
I found out the truth,
and it's okay.
Colton only time traveled twice
and just as a teenager.
He wasn't lying to you
your whole marriage.
The fact is he did time travel.
He was traumatized
by his two trips.
I-I'm sure he never wanted
to share that trauma with you.
And how did you
find out all this?
Colton told me.
So he freely told you
what he didn't tell me.
No, he thought
I was a time traveler too,
which is the only reason
why he let me in,
but I-I told him I wasn't.
He didn't recognize me in 1999,
and he only ever treated me
like Kat's friend.
So it just made me think
that I didn't tell him the truth
in 1974, otherwise he would've
remembered who I was.
I can't keep
any of this straight.
The day of your engagement,
what made you decide
to come back?
Maybe we'll talk
about that later.
You're back!
Yes! And I'm so sorry
to show up on your doorstep
without any warning,
I I don't want
- to get in your way, or anything.
- In the way?
Delly, you are the way!
The only way, do you understand?
- Cole?
- I wanted to do this
before you left,
but I never got the chance.
Delilah Watson,
will you marry me?
Yes, I'll marry you.
Delly, what's wrong?
When I got back on my birthday,
I expected this big,
warm welcome,
but Mom and Dad, they were
just standing there, so quiet.
Why, what happened?
Daddy's in financial trouble.
That's why they sent me here
this summer.
- He lost everything.
- Del, I'm so sorry.
I could care less
about the money, Cole.
But it meant everything
to my parents.
Money was who they were.
And without it
they just changed.
They stopped seeing me.
It was like I didn't even exist.
They were just so damn
consumed by what they had lost,
it was all they cared about.
And they lost me, too.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
They sold my horse, Cole.
They sold Lightning before
I could even say goodbye to him.
KAT: Susanna will now speak
for Cyrus. It's a perfect fate.
And what of our fate?
I, uh. I don't know.
You know, I tried
to get to you once.
You went in the pond?
- Bloody cold.
- Very.
Clearly, it didn't work.
It never will.
The pond won't let you
jump forward in time.
So if we were
going to pursue this
Then I would be giving up
my life.
To join yours.
I'd never ask you
to make that sacrifice.
There's a saying in my time,
that people come into your life
for a reason, a season,
or a lifetime.
Well, it was a hell
of a good season.
It wasn't just a season.
Because of you,
I know what I want from love.
I want unwavering support.
And I want to be challenged
by somebody that loves me.
For exactly who I am.
So no, Thomas Coyle,
you were not a season.
You were a reason.
And this fellow, ah, in your world,
he'll be
a lifetime?
No one should know their future.
And yet we know that ours
will not be spent together.
So what's next for you?
There is a ship in the harbor,
bound for New York.
I have family there.
Take it.
This could be your chance
for a real future.
Fare thee well,
[VOICE BREAKING:] my Thomas.
"My Thomas."
I like the sound of that.
I know a path to the past ♪
Is it a secret
worth knowing ♪
So, you are back.
Have you finished packing yet?
For San Francisco?
San Francisco?
You haven't told her, Colton?
It's nothing, it's just
This guy wanted me to come over
there and play some gigs.
Cole! He's a big-time producer
who wants you to make a record.
It's a huge opportunity.
I know, it's flattering,
but, you know, I
I-I haven't made up my mind yet.
- What are you talking about?
- I'd like to know too, Cole.
If you want to go
to San Francisco
I-I don't.
I've got better things
to think about.
We've got better things
to think about.
We're engaged.
Wow. That's
You two are meant to be.
It's a record deal.
- Are you sure about this?
- I am.
We're getting married.
This is the happiest
ending of all.
Back to you ♪
Hoo-oo-oo-oo-oo ♪
CYRUS: Elijah Landry and his sons
have sold their souls
to the Devil!
Hey, Jacob?
Are you heading out?
I was thinking about it. Yeah.
Look. I have to do something.
And I'm gonna need your help.
I wouldn't ask
if it wasn't important.
Oh, Katherine.
This is a battle we cannot win.
I think we must
walk away from this.
Somehow, I will fix this.
Okay, I-I know that
it all turns out alright.
Well, perhaps in your world.
It's gonna be fine. Okay?
It, it is, I promise.
Ha! How are you here?
- Jacob brought me.
- Where Where is he?
He had to go back.
He told me to go on without him.
I'm actually here.
It's It's real.
Oh, it's so, it's so much
more than that.
It's amazing, you
You are amazing.
Elliot, this is Elijah Landry.
It's an honour to meet you, sir.
Welcome to Landry Farm.
What's left of it.
I'm here to help.
Your timing is impeccable.
- Can we talk?
- Mm-hmm.
How are you doing?
[SNIFFS] How does it look?
Colton and Delilah are engaged.
Everything's off.
I'm alone.
It's me against the world.
There's nothing
left to dream about.
No. Evelyn,
you said it yourself.
Dreams are everything.
So don't stop.
You have a big, beautiful
life ahead of you.
So, live it.
And, and meet people.
life can get so small
if you let it.
So, don't let it, okay?
I was always on your side.
ELIJAH: Katherine. Elliot. Come.
Oh my God.
What is all this?
A miracle.
Susanna, how did you?
While my dear husband
remains at home recovering,
his first concern
was for the welfare
of the Landry family.
He insisted on sending supplies
from his shipyards
to rebuild your home.
This is for you, my dear Elijah.
Humanity is not all lost,
I promise.
Thank you.
I don't even know what to say.
You're my family, Katherine.
My first good deed
in Cyrus' name had to be here.
And there's more to come.
Port Haven needs a hero.
And I want it to be me.
And If I do ever publish
my book,
my venom-filled chapter on Cyrus
will have to be withheld.
Including it will undo
all of the good
I intend to do
before I've even begun.
And I can do such good,
You're gonna pull
the chapter yourself.
No one's gonna coerce you.
My days of being
coerced are over.
This is my Elliot.
Elliot Augustine.
Well, then I suppose the Landrys
are not the only family
I have here today.
It is a pleasure to meet you,
No. Meeting you is a gift.
Thank you,
for everything you've done.
For the Landrys, and for Kat.
It's meant so much to know
she's had
an Augustine on her side here.
And she always will.
I promise.
Hey, where have you been?
To make amends with Evelyn.
I landed right after
your engagement, actually.
I was trying to help.
Trying to convince her
to keep going.
I just hope it worked.
You convinced her to go?
I think so. So, did she?
Yes. She did.
Any luck?
Grandma's all for it,
but Mom's not budging.
She says you can't stay here until
I make an honest woman of you.
What about San Francisco?
We could go.
Cole, a record deal's
more important
- than finishing your senior year.
I heard that you're still
looking for a place to stay,
so I asked my parents,
and you can come to Lingermore
for as long as you want.
Oh, Evelyn.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
You're amazing, you know that?
I do know, actually.
Hey, hey. Stay for a bit.
I can't. I'm leaving, Cole.
Hopefully for good.
- What are you talking about?
- I'm gonna travel.
- See the world.
- No, Evie.
- You, you gotta stay. You're my best
- Friend.
I know.
And because of that,
you're gonna have to let me go.
I have so many dreams
that I want to chase.
And you do too.
And you need to chase them.
Don't let anybody stop you.
I guess you owe me one, Delilah.
Are you ever not studying?
I've been known
to sleep occasionally.
That's Evelyn's pendant.
How did you know that?
I-I've seen a picture of it.
In my grandma's photo album.
So, you and your grandma
were close, then?
Yeah. We were.
Evelyn had an amazing life,
I heard.
She had her share of adventures.
She, uh
She married young, though.
Things ended badly.
So bad, she actually
dropped her married name.
Oh, that took
a lot of guts back then.
She always fought the system.
She routinely took my dad
out of school to travel,
she said the best education
was experiencing other cultures.
The art, the music.
She was also incredibly cynical.
Oh, so that's
an inherited trait.
It was her against the world.
I think that's why
she retreated.
But she and I got each other.
Both pretty competitive.
She was a wicked chess player.
And then,
when she got sick, I just
I couldn't handle it.
The night she passed,
she tried to call me, and um
I didn't pick up.
I don't know, I was
I was scared.
I will regret that
for the rest of my life.
You know, Evelyn gave
my grandmother a piece of advice
that she never forgot.
She told her to embrace life,
even when you're scared of it.
Because you can't follow
your dreams
when you're standing still.
The message she left me,
the night I didn't pick up
That's exactly what she said.
- Uh.
- Uh
Yeah, we're, we're closing, so
- I You should, uh
- Right, yeah. I'll go.
ALICE: I'm so glad you're back,
because I kissed him.
- Kissed who?
- Max.
And now the question is,
did I kiss him
because I wanted to,
or because I know
how our story ends?
We get married, and we
Stop. Did you want to kiss him
when you kissed him?
I did, I-I wanted to. But
I don't know,
what does that mean, is it real?
You kissed him
because it felt right.
Not because of some
pre-ordained destiny,
so just leave it at that.
How about a sleepover, huh?
It's always helped us,
in any time, right?
You know, Evelyn could've been
a best friend, too.
Just like you and me, 1999.
I'm sure you arrived
at the exact right time
when she needed you the most,
just like you did with me.
Besides, what could be more
special than what we had?
Right? We had late nights
blasting Alanis,
slushies at the Point.
Bonfires at the cove.
Playing MASH with Elliot.
Wait, what? What's MASH?
- It's the fortune game.
- I don't think I was there
for whatever
you're talking about.
No, you definitely were, Allie.
I-I remember that.
It was you and me and Elliot,
it was right before
I left for camp.
That never happened.
At least not for me.
that hasn't happened
for you. Yet.
Hey, do you know where Jacob is?
He's not picking up.
No, I haven't seen him,
but I think he took your truck,
'cause it's not outside.
The vineyard suffers a fire.
Oh my God. Jacob.
Yes, see? You were there.
- There for what?
- Here.
- Alice showed up again today
- No, no, no. Stop.
Don't you know by now that you
shouldn't tell someone their future?
Not if I get to go live it!
DEL: Jacob, stop!
Don't turn on that gas.
What are you doing?
This is craziness! Stop it!
- Why are you here?
- I found your research.
Goodwin burnt
my father's house down.
You think I could just,
just let him get away with that?
I need to see him suffer!
You have got
to let go of the past.
You have got to
let go of the past, Jacob!
I want you to get in that truck.
Get in that truck!
And you drive!
I'm begging you.
Previously, on The Way Home
You guys nailed it!
Yeah, that really felt
like the one, huh?
I just have a lot of things
that I need to work out.
But, Kat, I won't wait forever.
I'd like to hire you,
apply your knowledge
to my vineyards.
It's pretty clear that
Colton's heart belongs to Del.
Wait, there's people inside!
- Thank you for saving my brother.
- This is all my fault!
Did we just see
who I think we saw?
JACOB: How do we ever
come back from this?
I don't know.
But we have to.
Dad was here, Jake. How?
I don't know.
But he saved my life, Kat.
None of this should
have ever happened.
We've been gone too long.
But how do we leave?
We can't.
At least not the both of us.
Father can't be left to deal
with this on his own.
He's homeless.
- I can go.
- No.
No, you stay, and I'll go.
I have things to attend
to at Goodwin Vineyard.
Jake, wait.
Look, I know
- that this job is important.
- Yes! It is, Kat,
so just let me do
what I have to do.
I believe you have things
to attend to here as well.
ELLIOT: The town set
the homestead on fire?
Yeah, but it was Cyrus Goodwin
who lit the match.
Did you ever hear about that,
No. Colton was
the family historian,
but he never once mentioned
this family history.
So when Grandpa rescued you,
he said that the fire
was all his fault?
But it wasn't.
The fault lies squarely
at Goodwin's feet, and he will
live to regret it. I promise.
Jacob, the man's been
dead for 200 years.
- He's not dead to me yet!
- Okay, calm down.
Look. If Colton felt guilty
for whatever reason,
that could explain
why he decided what part
of family history to share,
and what part to withhold.
Well, he withheld
far more than he shared.
And Kat, what's her plan?
She's helping Elijah
find a place to stay.
Make a plan to rebuild, I don't
know if that's even possible.
She's doing that all on her own?
Susanna's with her.
And Thomas.
So, Colton to 1814 and 1816.
And who knows where else?
But, when did that happen
for him?
How old did he look,
do you remember?
Uh, he was, he was young.
He had a suit on.
It was black, with a vest.
Rick's funeral.
I saw him that day in the pond.
He wasn't jumping in,
he was coming back from 1816.
He traveled during
our time together,
but he kept it from me.
Welcome to the club.
Grandma? You alright?
What are you doing?
Starting fresh.
Grandma, no!
Give it more time,
don't, don't throw out
Colton's things.
I am done talking to ghosts.
I want the truth!
I need you to go back to 1974
and get some answers, I need you
to do it for my sanity.
I thought you didn't want me
to mess with your memories.
My memories are messed
beyond recognition.
Okay, I'll see
what I can find out.
"If a vineyard at any stage
of growth is set on fire,
the soil becomes tainted.
The grapes that grow
will carry that taint of smoke
and ash for years to come,
rendering the wine undrinkable."
We've been through dark times
before, you and I.
We have.
But luck runs out, Thomas.
If things had gone south,
last night, if, if Jake and I
hadn't made it,
my family would have
no way of knowing.
And if this had happened
in your time?
If something happened
to you there?
I wouldn't know either.
And I'd have no way
of getting to you.
Maybe this fire
was a wake-up call.
Can't cheat fate forever.
I think what you planted
will work well, Lewis.
But there's a certain hybrid
grape from Wisconsin,
it's proven to be
more winter hardy.
I'm impressed,
you've thrown yourself
into the job
before you even start.
To tell you the truth,
I find it fascinating.
I just installed
this state-of-the-art
irrigation system.
It can deliver the perfect
amount of water to all the vines
in the entire field.
- It's amazing.
- Yeah. The lines are all in,
so once the well is dug,
we're ready for the seedlings
in the spring.
You know, I have to say.
I'm proud that we're building
this together, Jacob.
Two founding families
working as one,
it's like Port Haven's
early days.
And, I'm even more confident
that I'm placing my dream
of a winery in good hands.
Come on, let's head back.
Hey there, can you fuel up
the side by side?
Let's go to my office,
I got some paperwork
I need you to fill out.
I'd like to get you started
next week, if that's okay.
- Works for me.
- Great!
And if we take this highway,
we'll get to see
the Grand Canyon. Wild!
- I still can't believe this.
- Believe it, kid.
- You deserve it.
- Alice!
You're back! Oh!
You won't believe
what's happened.
Colton has the most
far out news.
Get this girl a milkshake, Jay.
The least I can do
for all her help.
My help, what do you mean?
The producer loves the demo,
we just heard back from him.
- What? That's amazing!
- He wants me to come
to San Francisco to record
the demo properly,
and show him my other songs.
This could be my big break.
And yours too.
- M-mine?
- He loved your voice.
He wants you there with me.
So what do you say?
Performing together,
writing songs?
Uh, I want to, but I, I can't.
But we're a trio.
Driving down to San Francisco.
Flowers in our hair.
- You're going too?
- Yeah, of course.
This is my ticket out of here.
What better way to escape
than be Colton Landry's groupie?
I'm with the band!
- Ah, I think your milkshake's up.
- Mh.
- Here.
- Thanks, Jay.
Sorry, Evie's a little intense.
It's a great opportunity,
but I just
didn't see this coming for you.
Oh yeah, it's a new road
for sure.
But I hope it ends with Delilah.
If I can make it,
earn some actual money,
maybe her family will think
I'm worthy of her.
Have you heard from her
since she left?
No, but I'm not giving up.
So, um
Should we get back
to planning our epic road trip?
Uh, I should probably head home.
See if Grandma's talked
Mom off the ledge yet.
Yeah, she's not too thrilled
about all this.
But I gotta go, right?
Like I said,
I'm not gonna give up.
Um, hey. Can I cop a ride?
- Yeah.
- Wait, no!
I just got you back.
There's things to say.
I'll catch you later.
- Hey, you're here!
- Hey, buddy!
Welcome! So great
to be working together.
It's quite the setup, huh?
Everything under lock and key?
Yeah. Yeah, Lewis is a bit
of a security nut.
We're due to install cameras
everywhere in a couple of days,
now that we're up and running.
Hey. I'd like to start
my research,
so I'll need access, but Lewis
hasn't given me a code yet.
I'll give you mine,
until Lewis gets around to it.
You're sure? I don't want
to cause you any trouble.
Forget it.
That's what friends
are for, right?
I didn't mean to upset you
that day at the pond.
I know that you were
just being practical.
And you were right
about Cole and Delilah.
I mean, he's clearly
still under her spell.
Does that change things
for you? About San Francisco?
No. This trip,
getting to spend time with Cole,
maybe I can break that spell.
I still love him so much, Alice.
I'm gonna find us this perfect
tiny apartment,
and I'm gonna hold
these soirées,
just like George Sand
used to do in Paris.
It'll be like this
beautiful bohemian family.
What about school?
You both graduate this year.
How long can you be gone?
There's you being
practical again.
I, I guess I just don't know
where this trip
fits with everything.
Well you've
never really been
on my side, have you?
No, that, that's,
that's not true, Evelyn.
I was just worried that you
weren't seeing reality.
Dreams are important, but they
can't be the only thing.
You're fooling yourself, Alice.
I saw the way you lit up when
Colton asked you to come with him.
To sing with him.
You were positively glowing.
Dreams are the thing.
And you can't follow them
if you're standing still.
She's right, you know.
About dreams.
Footfalls echo in the memory.
Down the passage
we did not take.
Towards the door
we never opened.
It's a quote from
my favourite poet, T.S. Eliot.
What does that mean?
Be the one to open the door.
Fix things.
Life's too short for regrets.
Cyrus has yet
to regain consciousness.
Everything is in question.
Elijah is safe in my rooms
at the general store,
but he needs to rebuild.
And Cyrus has the means
to help him do so,
but my future here
is so far from certain.
You're Cyrus' wife!
If he dies
His sons will return
and cast me out.
Seeing what this town
has been capable of,
I'm trying to reconcile it with
the Port Haven I used to know.
I'm doing it.
Writing a book,
just as you encouraged me to do.
A history of my town.
I even wrote a chapter
about Cyrus.
- What he's done.
- Good.
It's important you put
that down on paper.
I'm not safe here, Katherine.
I used to have some control.
I was able to carve out ways
to do the things I loved,
to be some semblance
of the woman I wish to be,
but now
If Cyrus dies,
I'm left defenseless.
And if he lives, yes,
I may have some freedom,
but I remain his possession.
Get Cyrus to change his will.
He needs to leave everything
to you, not his sons.
What a time you must live in,
To believe that is possible.
MAN: He's awake!
Cyrus is awake!
What are you doing in that pond?
Dear lady, it is a miracle
that your husband lives.
But I will speak plainly.
He will not return
to the strong, powerful man
he once was.
The blow from the falling beams
has rendered walking impossible,
and while he will recover
from his burns,
the smoke inhalation has
permanently weakened his lungs.
What does that mean?
- Fire has all but destroyed his larynx.
It's not likely he will
ever speak again.
I am so very sorry.
Colton? I'd like to think
we're friends.
And friends keep
each other's secrets.
So please, let me keep yours.
Remember I said my grandma
told me stories
when I was little?
About the pond?
I believed them.
Grandma made me swear
I'd never go into the pond.
Not until I was older.
But then, that night in '65
I had no choice.
- Evelyn?
- I had to save Evie.
Evelyn! I'm coming!
So I jumped.
Nothing happened.
Except getting stuck
in some weeds.
I felt betrayed.
The pond wasn't magic,
it was just dangerous.
I hated my grandmother for
filling my head with nonsense.
I thought maybe people
were right. She was crazy.
But then on the last day
of school,
Jasper had just promised me
the summer gig at Coyle's.
And my mom and I
got in a big fight
about how I'd do it,
and the farm work. I was angry.
It all happened so fast.
That was my first trip.
It took me somewhere
I'm Elijah Landry.
- Landry.
- And this is my son.
Jacob. Pleased to meet you.
1814. I met my ancestors.
And I realized
I could help them.
Jasper collected all these
folk songs,
there was one about 1816.
The year of no summer.
I knew what
was coming their way.
Will you do something for me?
Plant as much rye and potatoes
as possible this year and next.
Passing traveler's premonition.
I came back to 1974
excited, proud.
I'd just saved my founding
family from starvation.
And, and Grandma Fern was right.
The pond was magic.
But when I told her what
I'd done, she was so angry.
You told them their future.
You broke the rules!
I didn't care what she said.
The day of the cove party,
I wanted Evie to know.
And she always believed
this pond was magic.
But she was leaving for Morocco,
so I decided to tell her
in a way that I knew she'd love.
By writing messages
in invisible ink
in the Alice books.
- Yeah, exactly.
- She never read those messages.
No. And then Delilah arrived.
For one crazy moment,
I thought magic was everywhere.
At first, the pond, and now
this dream of a girl.
But then, Rick died that night.
Fern always told me
that the pond
takes you where you need to go.
And I needed to go to Rick.
I thought maybe I could
stop the accident
from happening. I had to try.
But it didn't take me
to save Rick.
It took me to 1816.
To see what I'd caused.
The whole town turned on Elijah
and his family,
all because they planted
potatoes and rye.
It was my fault.
Even though I was able
to save someone from the fire,
I-I basically destroyed
my entire family's future.
- So then, why jump today?
- I wanted to try,
one more time
before I left town.
Because I broke the rules.
I told people their future.
So the pond doesn't
work for me anymore.
Why tell me all this?
I think you're like me.
I think you're a time traveler.
Are you?
I'm not a time traveler.
But I believe that you are.
Cyrus. You want to live,
but you need my help to do so.
And I need your protection.
I know you love me.
And you risked
your life for mine.
But you are the reason my life
and the Landry's lives
were ever in danger.
And justice must be served.
Only the doctor and I
know of your condition.
And I will keep your secret.
But from now on,
I will speak for you.
I will be your voice.
And run Port Haven as I see fit.
Do we have an agreement?
No stamp.
I found out the truth,
and it's okay.
Colton only time traveled twice
and just as a teenager.
He wasn't lying to you
your whole marriage.
The fact is he did time travel.
He was traumatized
by his two trips.
I-I'm sure he never wanted
to share that trauma with you.
And how did you
find out all this?
Colton told me.
So he freely told you
what he didn't tell me.
No, he thought
I was a time traveler too,
which is the only reason
why he let me in,
but I-I told him I wasn't.
He didn't recognize me in 1999,
and he only ever treated me
like Kat's friend.
So it just made me think
that I didn't tell him the truth
in 1974, otherwise he would've
remembered who I was.
I can't keep
any of this straight.
The day of your engagement,
what made you decide
to come back?
Maybe we'll talk
about that later.
You're back!
Yes! And I'm so sorry
to show up on your doorstep
without any warning,
I I don't want
- to get in your way, or anything.
- In the way?
Delly, you are the way!
The only way, do you understand?
- Cole?
- I wanted to do this
before you left,
but I never got the chance.
Delilah Watson,
will you marry me?
Yes, I'll marry you.
Delly, what's wrong?
When I got back on my birthday,
I expected this big,
warm welcome,
but Mom and Dad, they were
just standing there, so quiet.
Why, what happened?
Daddy's in financial trouble.
That's why they sent me here
this summer.
- He lost everything.
- Del, I'm so sorry.
I could care less
about the money, Cole.
But it meant everything
to my parents.
Money was who they were.
And without it
they just changed.
They stopped seeing me.
It was like I didn't even exist.
They were just so damn
consumed by what they had lost,
it was all they cared about.
And they lost me, too.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
They sold my horse, Cole.
They sold Lightning before
I could even say goodbye to him.
KAT: Susanna will now speak
for Cyrus. It's a perfect fate.
And what of our fate?
I, uh. I don't know.
You know, I tried
to get to you once.
You went in the pond?
- Bloody cold.
- Very.
Clearly, it didn't work.
It never will.
The pond won't let you
jump forward in time.
So if we were
going to pursue this
Then I would be giving up
my life.
To join yours.
I'd never ask you
to make that sacrifice.
There's a saying in my time,
that people come into your life
for a reason, a season,
or a lifetime.
Well, it was a hell
of a good season.
It wasn't just a season.
Because of you,
I know what I want from love.
I want unwavering support.
And I want to be challenged
by somebody that loves me.
For exactly who I am.
So no, Thomas Coyle,
you were not a season.
You were a reason.
And this fellow, ah, in your world,
he'll be
a lifetime?
No one should know their future.
And yet we know that ours
will not be spent together.
So what's next for you?
There is a ship in the harbor,
bound for New York.
I have family there.
Take it.
This could be your chance
for a real future.
Fare thee well,
[VOICE BREAKING:] my Thomas.
"My Thomas."
I like the sound of that.
I know a path to the past ♪
Is it a secret
worth knowing ♪
So, you are back.
Have you finished packing yet?
For San Francisco?
San Francisco?
You haven't told her, Colton?
It's nothing, it's just
This guy wanted me to come over
there and play some gigs.
Cole! He's a big-time producer
who wants you to make a record.
It's a huge opportunity.
I know, it's flattering,
but, you know, I
I-I haven't made up my mind yet.
- What are you talking about?
- I'd like to know too, Cole.
If you want to go
to San Francisco
I-I don't.
I've got better things
to think about.
We've got better things
to think about.
We're engaged.
Wow. That's
You two are meant to be.
It's a record deal.
- Are you sure about this?
- I am.
We're getting married.
This is the happiest
ending of all.
Back to you ♪
Hoo-oo-oo-oo-oo ♪
CYRUS: Elijah Landry and his sons
have sold their souls
to the Devil!
Hey, Jacob?
Are you heading out?
I was thinking about it. Yeah.
Look. I have to do something.
And I'm gonna need your help.
I wouldn't ask
if it wasn't important.
Oh, Katherine.
This is a battle we cannot win.
I think we must
walk away from this.
Somehow, I will fix this.
Okay, I-I know that
it all turns out alright.
Well, perhaps in your world.
It's gonna be fine. Okay?
It, it is, I promise.
Ha! How are you here?
- Jacob brought me.
- Where Where is he?
He had to go back.
He told me to go on without him.
I'm actually here.
It's It's real.
Oh, it's so, it's so much
more than that.
It's amazing, you
You are amazing.
Elliot, this is Elijah Landry.
It's an honour to meet you, sir.
Welcome to Landry Farm.
What's left of it.
I'm here to help.
Your timing is impeccable.
- Can we talk?
- Mm-hmm.
How are you doing?
[SNIFFS] How does it look?
Colton and Delilah are engaged.
Everything's off.
I'm alone.
It's me against the world.
There's nothing
left to dream about.
No. Evelyn,
you said it yourself.
Dreams are everything.
So don't stop.
You have a big, beautiful
life ahead of you.
So, live it.
And, and meet people.
life can get so small
if you let it.
So, don't let it, okay?
I was always on your side.
ELIJAH: Katherine. Elliot. Come.
Oh my God.
What is all this?
A miracle.
Susanna, how did you?
While my dear husband
remains at home recovering,
his first concern
was for the welfare
of the Landry family.
He insisted on sending supplies
from his shipyards
to rebuild your home.
This is for you, my dear Elijah.
Humanity is not all lost,
I promise.
Thank you.
I don't even know what to say.
You're my family, Katherine.
My first good deed
in Cyrus' name had to be here.
And there's more to come.
Port Haven needs a hero.
And I want it to be me.
And If I do ever publish
my book,
my venom-filled chapter on Cyrus
will have to be withheld.
Including it will undo
all of the good
I intend to do
before I've even begun.
And I can do such good,
You're gonna pull
the chapter yourself.
No one's gonna coerce you.
My days of being
coerced are over.
This is my Elliot.
Elliot Augustine.
Well, then I suppose the Landrys
are not the only family
I have here today.
It is a pleasure to meet you,
No. Meeting you is a gift.
Thank you,
for everything you've done.
For the Landrys, and for Kat.
It's meant so much to know
she's had
an Augustine on her side here.
And she always will.
I promise.
Hey, where have you been?
To make amends with Evelyn.
I landed right after
your engagement, actually.
I was trying to help.
Trying to convince her
to keep going.
I just hope it worked.
You convinced her to go?
I think so. So, did she?
Yes. She did.
Any luck?
Grandma's all for it,
but Mom's not budging.
She says you can't stay here until
I make an honest woman of you.
What about San Francisco?
We could go.
Cole, a record deal's
more important
- than finishing your senior year.
I heard that you're still
looking for a place to stay,
so I asked my parents,
and you can come to Lingermore
for as long as you want.
Oh, Evelyn.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
You're amazing, you know that?
I do know, actually.
Hey, hey. Stay for a bit.
I can't. I'm leaving, Cole.
Hopefully for good.
- What are you talking about?
- I'm gonna travel.
- See the world.
- No, Evie.
- You, you gotta stay. You're my best
- Friend.
I know.
And because of that,
you're gonna have to let me go.
I have so many dreams
that I want to chase.
And you do too.
And you need to chase them.
Don't let anybody stop you.
I guess you owe me one, Delilah.
Are you ever not studying?
I've been known
to sleep occasionally.
That's Evelyn's pendant.
How did you know that?
I-I've seen a picture of it.
In my grandma's photo album.
So, you and your grandma
were close, then?
Yeah. We were.
Evelyn had an amazing life,
I heard.
She had her share of adventures.
She, uh
She married young, though.
Things ended badly.
So bad, she actually
dropped her married name.
Oh, that took
a lot of guts back then.
She always fought the system.
She routinely took my dad
out of school to travel,
she said the best education
was experiencing other cultures.
The art, the music.
She was also incredibly cynical.
Oh, so that's
an inherited trait.
It was her against the world.
I think that's why
she retreated.
But she and I got each other.
Both pretty competitive.
She was a wicked chess player.
And then,
when she got sick, I just
I couldn't handle it.
The night she passed,
she tried to call me, and um
I didn't pick up.
I don't know, I was
I was scared.
I will regret that
for the rest of my life.
You know, Evelyn gave
my grandmother a piece of advice
that she never forgot.
She told her to embrace life,
even when you're scared of it.
Because you can't follow
your dreams
when you're standing still.
The message she left me,
the night I didn't pick up
That's exactly what she said.
- Uh.
- Uh
Yeah, we're, we're closing, so
- I You should, uh
- Right, yeah. I'll go.
ALICE: I'm so glad you're back,
because I kissed him.
- Kissed who?
- Max.
And now the question is,
did I kiss him
because I wanted to,
or because I know
how our story ends?
We get married, and we
Stop. Did you want to kiss him
when you kissed him?
I did, I-I wanted to. But
I don't know,
what does that mean, is it real?
You kissed him
because it felt right.
Not because of some
pre-ordained destiny,
so just leave it at that.
How about a sleepover, huh?
It's always helped us,
in any time, right?
You know, Evelyn could've been
a best friend, too.
Just like you and me, 1999.
I'm sure you arrived
at the exact right time
when she needed you the most,
just like you did with me.
Besides, what could be more
special than what we had?
Right? We had late nights
blasting Alanis,
slushies at the Point.
Bonfires at the cove.
Playing MASH with Elliot.
Wait, what? What's MASH?
- It's the fortune game.
- I don't think I was there
for whatever
you're talking about.
No, you definitely were, Allie.
I-I remember that.
It was you and me and Elliot,
it was right before
I left for camp.
That never happened.
At least not for me.
that hasn't happened
for you. Yet.
Hey, do you know where Jacob is?
He's not picking up.
No, I haven't seen him,
but I think he took your truck,
'cause it's not outside.
The vineyard suffers a fire.
Oh my God. Jacob.
Yes, see? You were there.
- There for what?
- Here.
- Alice showed up again today
- No, no, no. Stop.
Don't you know by now that you
shouldn't tell someone their future?
Not if I get to go live it!
DEL: Jacob, stop!
Don't turn on that gas.
What are you doing?
This is craziness! Stop it!
- Why are you here?
- I found your research.
Goodwin burnt
my father's house down.
You think I could just,
just let him get away with that?
I need to see him suffer!
You have got
to let go of the past.
You have got to
let go of the past, Jacob!
I want you to get in that truck.
Get in that truck!
And you drive!
I'm begging you.