Two Sentence Horror Stories (2017) s03e09 Episode Script


Do you think mommy can see our new house from heaven? I think so, baby, yeah.
Hello, hello.
Welcome to your new home, Dr.
Hi there, I'm Clara.
Here we are.
It's beautiful.
This is for you.
Thank you.
Here, let me show you around.
Keller Wineries.
That your family's vineyard down the road? Yes actually.
Before we built the vineyard, this was our family home.
It just, it's all a part of the same property.
And I really think you're just going to love it here.
I mean this place has been good to my family for generations.
Seemed like the perfect place for my daughter and I to regroup.
And Mrs.
Davis, when does she arrive? She passed away two months ago.
Oh, I am so sorry.
It's okay.
Some days are hard, but we're getting through it.
Do you happen to have family in the area that can help you? Nah, it's just the two of us now.
That must be so hard.
Well, I just gotta stay strong and focus on being a good father, and on my work.
You're um you're a history professor, is that right? Black history, but I'm on sabbatical.
Figured this would be the perfect place to get away from it all and work on my book.
What kind of a book? The Oregon Black Exemption Laws of the 1800s.
I wouldn't have Sorry, I'm not familiar.
That's all right, not many folks are familiar with the history of the Pacific Northwest.
You know, there was a time when I wouldn't have been able to live in this state, much less rent this beautiful home for my daughter and me.
Well luckily, things have changed.
In some ways, but we still got a ways to go.
Well, listen, if you need anything at all, I am just down the road.
Welcome home.
Thank you.
We've even got a fireplace.
Vivie? Vivie? Vivie, where are you? Vivie! Baby girl! You know you ain't supposed to be crossing the street on your own.
Come on.
There she is.
What are you doing out here? The nice lady who lives across the street waved me over.
What lady? I think she lives in that house, Dad.
Oh sweetheart, you must be confused.
You see, no one's lived across there for months.
Not since the construction started.
She was just there, and she told me this house was bad.
Vivie, there is no such thing as a bad house.
- But she said - Viv! You're going to love living here.
You got a bedroom and a whole playroom to yourself.
And a big backyard.
With a swing.
Do you want to see it? Wow! Can Annie and I play on the swing? Sure.
After we unpack.
This tree looks like it could use a little TLC.
I'm sure you're the perfect person to bring it back to life.
Vivie! Come help me unpack! Daddy, Daddy, I can't find Annie anywhere.
Well your doll's got to be in the house somewhere, baby.
Come on.
Let's look together.
Mommy never made me go to sleep without my favorite doll.
I promise we'll look for Annie first thing in the morning, okay? It's not how Mommy did it.
The ribbon's too long.
It's not perfect, but Daddy's doing his best, baby.
Can you hum Mommy's lullaby? Sure.
You start.
Annie! There you are.
Vivie! Ow! Vivie! Vivie! Vivie, where are you? Vivie! Vivie! Where are you, baby? Where are you? Who are you? That's my daughter's doll.
Why do you have it? Do you know where my daughter is? This tree.
It's bad.
What? No, no, no.
Wait! Officer, like I told you, she was a black woman in her 50s with a birthmark on her face.
And this woman, you think that she had something to do with your daughter's disappearance? She was holding my daughter's doll moments after she disappeared.
Sir, I understand your frustration.
This can't be happening.
My daughter didn't just vanish into thin air.
Look, call back in 24 hours to file an official missing persons report.
If you want, I can make copies of these and I can help distribute them.
Whatever you need, all right? You know, I couldn't remember what she was wearing.
If it was the pink pajamas or the ones with little frogs on it.
My wife would've remembered.
Montrell But I remember that red ribbon though because I put that there myself.
You can't Look, you cannot beat yourself up over this, okay? We'll find her.
Right after Vivie went missing, I saw this older black woman.
She had a birthmark on her face.
Do you have any idea who that might be? I don't.
There's no one in town that fits that description, I'm sorry.
But you know what, I'm going to ask around.
Let me help you, okay? Yeah.
It's a start.
I can't help but think that if it was a little white girl, y'all would have folks over here searching every inch of this area.
Just call me back as soon as possible.
Dammit! Vivie? Vivie, where are you? What is this? Hey! What are you doing? I told you, this tree is bad.
The tree? What are you talking about? You just need to put that axe down and tell me where my daughter is! I didn't take your daughter.
This thing, this tree.
That's what took your daughter.
Just like it took my papa.
A lullaby As long as you can hear the lullaby, there still might be a chance to save her.
Save her? Dammit, if you know where she is I need you to tell me right now.
What the? Did you Vivie? Vivie, I'm coming! Stay away! What do you want from me? Daddy! Vivie, hold on, I'm coming for you.
Hold on, baby.
I'm coming for you, baby.
You damaged my tree.
Not to worry.
It will heal itself.
You see, for generations this tree has acquired a taste for whatever's in your people's blood.
A good feeding every 30 years just keeps the soil nice and rich.
Where's Vivie? See, there's a reason we're so famous for our pinot noir, the grapes they're so incredibly rare.
What have you done with my daughter? The tree is still thirsty.
No more! I won't let you hurt another family.
What's happening? It's taking her.
Look! Papa? Vivie? Baby, where are you? Vivie? I don't understand.
Where is she? Did I run out of time? You said if I could still hear her lullaby It's going to be okay.
- Vivie baby? - Daddy! You okay? You okay? Look at me, look at me.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I'm never letting you out of my sight again, okay? Okay? You all right? Come here.
Come here.
Better? A little.
When your papa disappeared you never left.
Why? I had to stay here for him.
You're a good daughter.
You're a good daddy.
I've been studying our history for two decades now.
The stuff they come up with to try to keep us down.
To try and terrorize us.
I should be surprised, but I'm not.
Thank you.

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