Castlevania (2017) s03e10 Episode Script

Abandon All Hope

Where is it?
If I have to call you “Sir,”
I am going to give up
and live in a ghost town
with a mad magician woman
who will probably
eat my eyes while I sleep.
I may have been on my own too long.
No more destruction. No more fires.
Kill the people,
but leave the city standing.
Tell the others.
Perhaps others will occupy this city
one day.
Or, perhaps, it will become a monument.
Another hopeful idea
that died in its sleep.
It’s a beautiful night.
What the hell is that?
Well, that is, very probably,
actually, Hell.
And how would you know that?
One terrible night
with the King of Bohemia
and a bag of something
that turned out not to be opium.
We really don’t have time for the story.
Can you close that door into Hell?
Uh, well, not easily.
But, I will try.
Sypha, do you have my back?
Ugh! Huh!
Unh! Unh!
Ah! Ugh.
Whoa! Unh!
How is this thing still standing?
Because it’s been filled with the souls
of the recently murdered.
So, I’m going to have to kill it
several times over?
And they say there’s nothing fun to do
in villages at night.
Ah! Ah! Ugh.
Sala, you fuck.
Oh, you're fast.
You have bested me. Well done.
But you may not win the war.
My men are everywhere.
It’s over.
You're already dead.
Let go!
Take the back field into the woods.
Go right at the fork and over the creek
until you reach the apple tree.
Stand in front of it.
You will see your path to safety.
Why? Why would you tell me this?
It turns out that you
were the better judge of all things.
Run, Sala!
Huh yah!
Yah! Huh!
I can’t get hold of it.
Damn it.
Damn you!
All this to bring back Vlad bloody Tepes?
All this death and horror for that leech?
Yes. All this.
All the strength you gathered
from murdering a town
and drinking its soul.
I can’t move the window in the corridor.
But, you can!
Show me what I want to see,
you fucking bastard!
Ugh. He really is a magician.
Show me!
Belmont! Kill it!
Uh! Ahh!
I’m closing the Corridor!
Get out now!
Thank you!
Thank you both!
I'll see you again!
What's happening?
You’ve been lying to us.
I have not.
You have.
Because everybody lies to us.
Everybody hides things from us.
You won’t help us.
Because nobody helps us.
We will work out how to move this castle.
We will find all your secrets.
We will use them
to build our own empire.
I gave you everything.
No, you didn’t. Nobody does.
We have been lied to and cheated
across half the world.
Do you expect us
to believe you’re different?
I tried to be.
You haven’t taught us magic.
You won’t move the castle.
You’re just like all the others.
Please. I know your lives have been hard.
But the world is not against you.
I am not against you.
Of course you’re not.
You’re already dead.
I told you my father
didn’t like magical weapons.
I did not say I didn’t use them.
I never lied to you.
I’ve killed Sala.
Where is he?
Take the back field into the woods.
Go right at the fork in the path.
You’ll find him.
Find me my knife.
Because, I’m going to
wait for that bastard in hell
and kill him all over again
when he arrives.
Burn my house down.
Ah! Oh!
What’s all that
under him?
This thing’s been used a lot.
What are those small bones?
He asked me to burn it down.
It’s actually still standing.
Should we burn down
one of the few buildings left?
It was his last request.
You know what?
Let’s go in.
I just want to know
what’s behind that door.
That doesn't seem right.
Come on. This guy was so organized.
There may be something
the survivors could really use.
Here, every little story is a huge thing.
A farming accident. A sickness.
A lost child.
I have to say,
running a town
does not sound like it’s fun.
It has its little pleasures.
The scraps of clothing in the pit.
The small bones.
He said he killed Sala.
It was his pit.
He was the Judge.
And he found his little pleasures.
I want to leave here, now,
and never come back.
Morana’s a genius.
It was all my idea, though.
- I
- Leave it, Striga.
Say it. Morana’s a genius.
It was still my idea.
Your idea was the equivalent
of the village idiot
walking in here and saying,
“I think we should be able to light fires
by punching a fish.”
It basically made no sense
and Morana made it work anyway.
Oh, for God’s sake.
Striga, she knows.
I certainly do not.
Yes, you do.
How could you know that?
I am a genius.
You’re all brilliant. Stop bickering.
What’s he doing here?
Lenore, this is our room.
We don’t even let the guards in here.
You wanted Hector’s help. So,
Hector gets to sit with us sometimes.
What's this?
Well, we have a few
vampire magicians here.
I had one of them make those.
I also borrowed that book from him.
Hmm. The blacksmith magician.
Brave choice.
Striga almost had him staked
out in the sunlight over Christmas
after he melted down her old armor
to make himself new feet.
That’s him, lovely old man.
Strange twitch.
These are slave rings.
One of them found its way
on to Hector’s hand
while he was swearing his loyalty to me.
Excuse me?
Yes. He was inside me at the time.
So, as you know,
when Hector forges a night creature,
they are loyal to him.
But now!
He is bound to me
through the spell on these rings.
When he makes a night creature,
they’re loyal to him,
and he swore loyalty to me,
so they’re loyal to me, too.
All these rings are linked.
Wear the ring, and his night creatures
will be loyal to you, too.
And if Hector ever tries to harm us,
or take it off, or run away,
his ring will cause him so much pain
that he’ll think
he shat out his own heart.
Problem solved!
Bloody hell.
In return, we’re going to convert one of
the old outbuildings for him to live in.
We’re going to make it nice.
He’s going to live just as well as we do,
and he’s going to have
freedom of the castle.
Oh, I don’t think so.
I do. He gets something back from this.
He gets a comfortable life.
He gets to feel safe.
- Do I get to
- Morana will
The real people are talking.
Morana will make the arrangements.
Striga will organize the forging.
Carmilla will agree to all this
and live with it.
I’m not a genius. She is.
The vampire sister
had her own scheme all along.
Oh, my God.
You adopted him!
All right. Fine.
Oh, and the house
will need a really big bed.
It turns out
he’s actually fairly good at sex,
and I want to train him.
Get away from me. Uck, seriously.
Please leave now.
I don’t think I needed that information?
- Did I need to know that?
- Bye-bye.
You tricked me and made me your slave.
I did no such thing.
You made me a slave.
My life is over!
Your life is saved, Hector.
And I gave you
what you always really needed.
I made you into my pet.
This could not have gone more wrong.
What happened?
We’ve spent a couple of months
living your life.
Adventures and victories.
And now, we’re living my life.
I suppose I could've
put up big signs all over the place.
Do not enter. Danger of death.
Abandon all hope.
That sort of thing.
But this seemed to work well enough
for dead old dad.
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