Daughter from Another Mother (2021) s03e10 Episode Script

¡Qué bonita familia!

- Mom, why are you doing this?
- Why are you playing that music so loud?
It's the only way I can concentrate.
Getting a resume
to fit into one page is a nightmare.
You have to do this
at seven in the morning?
I need to find myself a job now.
And I still need
to contact headhunters
and I really need an assistant.
No, what you really need to do
is go back to therapy, Mom.
Yesterday we overheard you crying.
I must've been having a nightmare.
Because everything is perfect.
Whenever you say everything is perfect,
literally, everything is bad.
Especially if you say
you need to go back to work.
- That's what you do when you're depressed.
- Mm-hmm.
Okay, I I admit that I consider work
my safe space, but this time is different.
Everything's going well.
What do you mean
the apartment is already taken?
An hour ago.
I was waiting for you two to confirm.
You said you had to talk
with your husband.
He's not my husband, okay?
He's my daughter's father.
It's very different.
- Okay.
- Thanks.
Now what do I do?
Oh, sweetheart,
leave it up to the universe.
Everything will fall into place.
Check this out.
Your Aunt Marta, engaged.
Why do people
still have weddings nowadays?
- Someone explain that.
- Oh, don't you start.
She's your cousin, and we're going.
Don't you think getting married
is so old-fashioned?
You're saying you wouldn't want
to get married?
Get married? Never.
Okay, bye.
- That was your dad.
- My dad?
You mean your grandpa.
What does Grumpy want?
He wants me to play golf with him
in a match against the Tocas.
Mm-hmm. In the classic rivalry,
the Tocas against the Aguilars.
- The issue is that I don't like golf.
- Mm-hmm.
I think he asked me
because he's not talking to my dad.
But you could go.
He and I haven't talked since I quit.
And I'm busy planning
how I'm going to propose to Tere.
Well, if the proposal's the problem,
I'm happy to write a song for you.
Mmm, I think it's better
I ask Mariana to give me an idea
to make sure that Tere will love it.
I'm gonna have to golf
with Grandpa, right?
I think you are.
Oh shit.
Pablo, I've lost half an hour.
I can't afford to lose that time.
How's the Christmas version
of Cucara Crush going?
Ugh, I've barely finished
the Christmas tree cockroach design.
It's just been really hard
to find two apartments that are close
and safe for Regina.
What should I tell the brands?
They wanna advertise 'cause that version.
Yeah, sorry. Fuck.
The problem is that Mariana
doesn't wanna pay a lot in rent,
and I told her
that I could cover both apartments, but
You see?
Your head is in Tijuana,
but we're still here in the shit!
I promise I'll be more attentive.
What can I do to help you?
No, it's not you.
- I'm just dealing with burn-out.
- And
I think we should invest
in another employee
so someone can help me
with the finances.
You are the CEO. It's your decision.
Then I'll get back to work
on the programming.
Yes, that's right.
Let me know, please,
as soon as you have something.
- Okay, bye.
- Hi.
Hi. Ugh, I'm sorry.
I'm all worked up
about the move to Tijuana
and not having a place to live,
but come in, come in.
Before you move,
I'm gonna need your help, Mariana.
On how I should propose to your mom.
You want to propose to my mom?
Are you really sure
that my mom wants to get married?
Because I thought you guys
weren't so into that vibe.
Uh, of course we are.
You don't like the idea?
No, it's not that.
I'm happy if my mom is happy.
Right now, honestly, I just don't
have the headspace to plan anything.
Please, Mariana.
I really need your help to plan a proposal
that your mom won't forget.
No, it's not a bad idea,
I just have too much on my mind right now.
Have you thought about asking Lorena?
- Lorena?
- Sure.
Lorena is just her friend.
She doesn't know her like you do.
You are the only one
who can help with this.
Your mom is the love of my life, and
I want it to be
an unforgettable moment.
And this time, I don't wanna fail.
Okay, uh
I'm gonna brainstorm some ideas.
I promise.
- You will?
- Yeah.
Thank you.
Thank you.
- Hi, Ana.
- Cynthia.
I need you to come back to me.
What do you mean come back to you?
Well, I need an assistant
to help me update my resume,
contact the best headhunters.
Ana, I was actually just going to call you
because we're in need
of a financial advisor.
- For what?
- For my company.
It's for Pablo's little game?
No, forgive me, Cynthia, but
Don't take this the wrong way,
but I don't think
they can pay me what I charge.
"Pablo's little game" has turned into
a full-fledged video game company.
I think we can afford to pay you.
To have someone like you,
with your experience, would
Cynthia, Cynthia,
I'm so sorry,
but I I can't accept your offer. Bye.
Last time,
you were so bored.
You complained the whole time.
Too much sun, you were too tired
It's 'cause I was just a little kid, then.
Now I'm older. I have different interests.
And besides, I wanna learn from the best.
I really need to practice.
Can we go tomorrow?
We're gonna miss you, Mariana.
I love you guys so much.
Hey, your uncle Víctor stopped by earlier.
He asked me to help him propose to my mom.
He's gonna pop the question?
But I'm the least romantic person
when it comes to these things.
I can't think of anything good.
- Will you help me?
- Obviously. I would love to.
The other thing is my mom told me
that she doesn't really like weddings,
and doesn't have any intention
of ever getting married.
So we have to come up
with something really special.
Okay. Don't worry
because I'll come up with some ideas
that will definitely change her mind,
believe it or not.
Thank you, Ceci.
You have no idea how much this helps.
And, Ana, how is she doing?
Um, she
Honestly, she's not doing great.
She says she wants to go back to work,
but that only means
she's trying to escape reality.
I think she has no idea what she wants.
I'm sure she's gonna figure it out.
We'll see.
Without a partner, it'll be difficult.
I know, Grandpa.
I really wanted to play with you too.
But how did this happen?
I had an accident playing the flute.
Listen, I don't like playing
with people I don't know.
What's going on? Why is Grandpa here?
Weren't we supposed to play together?
Yeah, I know, but since I hurt my arm,
I guess you'll have to play with Grandpa
against the Toca family.
I don't think so.
I will not play with a traitorous son.
And I won't play with a crank.
Hello, Aguilar men.
Are you ready for us
to destroy you out there?
We'll see about that.
Yes, we'll see.
I cannot believe Cynthia
is CEO of her company.
Why not?
Cynthia is really smart.
And obviously, she had a great teacher.
I wasted too much time
on all that falling in love bullshit
and lost my focus.
Mom, stop. Falling in love with Mariana
was not bullshit.
I spent too time doing things
for other people and look,
everyone has passed me by.
Even my assistant.
You're really taking this hard
about Cynthia.
But don't bite your nails.
What did she offer you, then?
To be their Director of Finances.
Can you imagine me
as an employee to my assistant?
Well, you're the best at giving advice.
I mean,
weren't you the one
who taught Cynthia everything she knows?
And also, thanks to you,
Mariana found the strength she needed
to take the job.
Come on, you even helped Dad
win back his girlfriend.
So that's what you should do, Mom.
You're really good at it.
I wish I knew what I was good at.
Hey, it'll become clear soon, sweetheart.
You're not even 19 yet.
On top of that,
you took a year off from school.
You see how you're the best
at giving advice to others?
Look at that.
I'm kicking ass.
Lucky shot.
Let's go, Grandpa.
Oh man.
Like always,
you leave all the responsibility to me.
And like always, you'll half-ass it.
- That was terrible.
- You got it!
After all this time,
you still don't have game.
At least we still have a chance.
You would call a lost cause a chance.
I can't work with you.
That is, not for your company.
- But I can for my own company.
- What do you mean?
As a business and financial consultant.
- You're starting your own consulting firm?
- Yeah, that's the idea.
I'd love to get off the ground
with you as my first client.
Nothing would make me happier.
When do we start?
As soon as you find me a good assistant
because I really need someone like you.
Then I think we can start now.
- Deal?
- Deal.
I came up
with an incredible idea.
First, he's gonna take her diving.
And when she's not expecting it,
Víctor will lead her to a treasure chest
which we've placed
next to some beautiful corals.
And once she opens the chest, voilà.
Inside the treasure chest
will be the engagement ring.
And there'll be lots of photographers
ready to capture the moment perfectly.
I'm worried your idea
is a little too over-the-top.
How are we gonna put a chest made up
of who knows what on top of coral?
Well, the corals can be made of plastic.
No. That's contamination.
Okay, fine.
How would you like to be proposed to?
It doesn't have to be
this huge production, Ceci.
I think the most important thing is that
the proposal is special and meaningful.
And you feel like the other person
has really thought about you,
about what you like,
about who you are.
And, yeah, I mean, it wouldn't matter
if he arrived carrying a pizza.
Or riding in on a bicycle
like he's prince charming, right?
I think that's more romantic.
Mariana, that is not romantic at all.
Didn't you tell me you wanted
to come up with something unforgettable
because you're nervous
that your mom's gonna say no?
I think the best thing to do
is tell Víctor I can't do it
and that he should ask someone else.
Sorry, Ceci.
I can't believe it. I told you.
When your stance is wrong,
the ball will pass the hole. Simple.
Oh, Dad, will you leave me alone,
for God's sake?
What now?
All I'm trying to do is teach you, son.
No, it's always the same thing.
you're just trying to manipulate me
because you don't trust me.
I'm gonna do it right!
Creating a team
is the best path to success.
I know you want someone like me,
but you're not gonna find that.
Well, I actually would like her
a little bit different than you.
I understand.
- An assistant is kind of like a marriage.
- Mmm.
You spend so many hours together
that you end up knowing
everything about each other.
You talk on the phone
with that person all the time,
that person ends up being
a big part of your life.
What are you looking for
in this poor new assistant?
They will have to be very academic,
clever, and book-smart.
But not with a stiff personality.
They have to be spontaneous,
but extremely precise.
Okay, Ana, it seems like
you're setting the bar pretty high.
Has to be
spunky, have a free-spirited attitude,
but at the same time,
dare to contradict me.
And make me feel calm and very secure.
Does that make sense?
Then she also has to ride a bike
so she doesn't pollute.
A bike?
Ana, you do realize
that you're describing Mariana?
Do you want an assistant or a partner?
I think you should go find Mariana.
But if you really wanna see her,
it'll have to be today,
'cause she's leaving tomorrow morning
for Tijuana with Pablo.
I know, but I won't go looking for her.
She's already doing what she wants to do.
She's happy.
Her dreams can come true in Tijuana.
And I am happy for her.
Do you still love her?
I think it's better this way.
Now we have one more chance, okay?
Well, mine is closer.
Yeah, well, but mine
has a much better line, see?
Oh come on.
You're gonna fall off the ball.
- Dad, stop being such a fool!
- That's enough.
I've had it up to here with you two.
You know you guys
could beat them in a second.
I'm not even hurt.
I was pretending so you two would make up.
Remember when you used to be a great team?
When no one could beat you?
Especially the Tocas.
Ro is right.
This is so silly.
No way we can lose to the Tocas.
So what do you propose?
That you and I make peace
over a game of golf?
Not just for the sake of golf.
I want to make peace with you
because I miss you.
I miss you too, Juan Carlos.
Why don't you come back
to work with me at the company?
No way.
Let's not start confusing things, Dad.
I've already changed.
I'm a different person.
Actually, I want to start a wine business.
What do you think?
I'm really excited.
I think it's something I'd love to do.
Are you gonna take your turn,
or should I bring you snacks?
We're deciding which ball
we want to use for the play here.
Your wine idea sounds incredible.
- You think?
- Of course.
Well, I'll need a lot
of business advice from you.
Whenever you need.
You take the shot.
After all, you are the star of this team.
- But I'm gonna use your ball.
- Hmm.
Víctory for the Tocas!
Doesn't matter.
You and I will get 'em next time.
This is the best plan ever.
Imagine this.
There's a blindfold covering Tere's eyes,
and she can't see anything.
- Mm-hmm.
- She's also wearing earplugs.
- Uh-huh.
- So the only thing she can feel
is you slowly grabbing her hand
as you step into a helicopter.
I love it. And then what?
Okay, once you're up in the sky Poo!
Uh-huh, this one
Hey, Ceci? Ceci!
- Huh? What?
I don't know how much this will cost me,
but it sounds incredible.
- Really?
- You should do this professionally.
Your idea is excellent,
and you're a fantastic salesperson.
- Pew!
- Pew! And a lot of Poof, poof, poof!
Do you need so many sweaters?
Grandma, it gets cold at night in Tijuana.
What's wrong?
I thought you loved the cold.
It's not about the cold.
It's Víctor asked me to help him
figure out how to propose to Mom,
but I'm terrible at these kinds of things.
So, I asked Ceci to help me,
but her ideas are over-the-top or cheesy,
and we're running out of time.
Wait a sec. Wait, wait.
What is this about Víctor
planning to propose?
I don't know.
You said it.
It was supposed to be a surprise.
Víctor is planning
something really special for you.
But I know you're not interested
in weddings or anything.
Hold on, hold on.
No, of course I'm interested in them.
Especially in mine.
No, I have to go. Here.
See you later.
I have to talk to Víctor.
What if he changes his mind? No, bye.
Hey, you'll be back for dinner, right?
Come on, Mom.
This is more important. See you.
Well, Víctor's problem now.
- I figured out what I want to study.
- Ah!
Come tell me.
I'm gonna study hospitality,
tourism, and events.
That sounds great, honey.
I realized now that this is my passion.
I think that's an amazing idea.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
We have to research
which schools have the best programs.
I already looked.
And the best college
that offers that major is in Switzerland.
I'm gonna study in Europe.
Oh, sweetheart,
well, I'm very happy for you.
And if I go, what are you gonna do, Mom?
I'm going to be a consultant.
- You are?
- Like you suggested.
And I've decided
that my first client is Cynthia.
And Mariana?
Mariana is going to be very happy.
I'm really excited that Ana
is going to be our consultant.
I know that it will really help us grow.
You know, we're pretty tough.
I never doubted us.
Hey, you know what would be super awesome?
If you start inventing new games
so the company can expand.
Hold that thought.
It's called, "Babysitters to the Rescue."
The way you play is by making sure
the babies don't fall off the bookshelf,
off furniture, off buildings.
It's cool, isn't it?
It's super cool.
That was nice.
We make quite a good team.
Don't you think?
Pablo, I think we make a really good team
but not a good couple.
To being business partners.
Partners forever.
if I need sperm
to fertilize my frozen eggs,
are you up for it?
Definitely, yeah.
It would be nice
if you and I have a child together.
Cheers to the kids we don't have yet.
You guys are huge losers.
How could you lose like that?
Where's the Aguilar honor?
If we lost to the Tocas,
it's only because we hadn't
had enough time to practice.
But now that I've reconciled
with your father here,
I promise to win back
our title on the golf course.
Your grandpa's right, Ro.
We didn't practice at all.
Give us a chance, and you'll see.
Next time, bam!
You didn't lose
because you lacked practice,
you lost because you lacked Uncle Víctor.
You both know that he's the best.
He's the one with the approach.
Besides, we always have a better time
when it's the four of us.
You know what, Dad?
Ro is right again.
We all have missed you so much.
Including Ceci, including Ro,
including Valentina,
and including your new grandson.
They all need their grandfather
in their lives.
Where is it? Give it to me now!
What are you talking about, Teresa?
Are you all right?
- Yeah.
- What's up?
I'm looking for the ring.
I just really love these things.
Rings, weddings, all the corny things
from the last century.
And my answer is yes.
I do want to marry you.
So give it to me now.
Hey, please, calm down.
Who told you? How did you find out?
- Teresa.
- That's not important.
The only thing important
is that you give it to me now.
I don't want you to change your mind.
I do like weddings.
Especially if it's my own, okay?
Okay, honey, okay, okay.
Let's take a breath.
Good. Calm.
Oh God.
Come on.
I was hoping to propose in a way
that's unique and unforgettable
This will be unforgettable too. Mm-hmm.
- Mm-hmm?
- Will you marry me, babe?
- Yes, yes!
Oh, it's beautiful.
It looks amazing! Mmm!
- Oh I love it.
- I love you.
- And I love you.
- Look at me too.
- Oh yeah, look how it shines.
- Yeah, it shines. It does.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's okay, it's okay. Shh.
You're crying because Mariana
and Regina are leaving, aren't you?
Now I have to find a unicorn
for her special saint day.
Hey, why don't you give her this?
Neither of the girls
pays any attention to it anyways.
But you got it for Regina.
It's okay. Go ahead, take it.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
Thank you.
Should I really do it?
Should I tell Mariana how I feel?
What's wrong, my love?
What's wrong, baby girl?
Come here.
Yeah, yeah.
What's wrong?
Are you sad
because we're leaving, sweetheart?
That's right.
Ceci, hey
- Sorry to wake you, sweetheart.
- What's wrong, Mom?
Well, I can't sleep
'cause I'm thinking about how you
Cynthia and Valentina are right.
I have to find Mariana
and tell her how I feel.
Mom, that's amazing.
I'm glad that you made up your mind.
And I support you completely.
I support you too, Mom.
I saw you go into Ceci's room,
and I peeked in and heard you.
If you're gonna tell her how you feel,
you have to do it right now.
Yeah, 'cause in a few hours,
Mariana will be on a plane to Tijuana.
Yeah, yeah, I know.
First I was thinking that
I'd try to serenade her.
- No.
- No, Mom, not that.
So what do you think I should do?
Should I bring her chocolates,
a stuffed animal
- No, definitely not.
- That'd be horrible.
I just thought of something perfect.
Mariana's never gonna forget.
Let's hear.
Forgetting anything?
I honestly have no idea,
but with these nerves,
I'd rather leave now.
Otherwise, I'll never get out of here.
Okay, remember to call me
as soon as you're there, please.
Mom, I promise I'll be back soon, okay?
Will you help me with this one, please?
It's time to go, my sweetheart.
Oh, come on, my sweet girl.
What was that? Did you hear that?
I don't know, Mariana.
But get in, or we won't make it.
Is that Juan Carlos with Valentina?
Oh no, now you're hallucinating
from being too sentimental.
Get in the car.
And that looks like Ceci and Ro.
That's not a hallucination.
What are you all doing here?
- Hi.
- Hi.
I came
because I needed to tell you something
before you head out.
I can't let you go
without telling you how I feel.
You got this, Mom, just breathe.
Come on, dear.
Don't you think about cracking now.
But first you have to promise me
that no matter what happens,
you are going to get in that taxi
and leave for Tijuana.
Because I know it's your dream.
Okay, sure.
I came all the way here on my bike
to tell you I love you with all my heart.
I don't expect you to feel the same way,
I just wanted you to know.
Ceci told me
it was your dream or something.
I didn't quite understand.
Don't worry, it's not what you think.
It's just a pizza.
I love you too, Ana.
Let's hear it for Ana and Mariana!
What now?
Yeah, the plane was delayed,
but we should be arriving in
half an hour.
I have a surprise for you,
and you're going to love it!
Ana, we agreed
this was only gonna include family.
Please don't tell me
that you invited 300 people.
No, don't worry. I didn't do that.
But it is a surprise.
Look who's here.
Look who's here, sweetie pie.
- Thank you, Ramón.
- Regi and Mom!
Hi, my little angel.
Hi, my baby girl.
- Look who's back.
- Let me hold her for a sec.
- Come here.
- Okay, here we go.
Oh, Vale!
- Come here, sweetheart.
- Show me all those teeth.
So, hey, what's the surprise?
- Mariana! hi.
- No!
Oh, Ceci!
You're right, this I was not expecting.
There's no way I'd miss you coming home
for anything in the world.
Ceci decorated everything.
- It looks amazing.
- Yes.
- Seriously?
- Yes, and everything is eco-friendly.
- Come on. You wanna see?
- Yeah.
Let's go, let's go.
Okay, let's go what see
what your sister did.
Wow! Vale, are you able to walk?
- One, two up.
- She's so big.
Thank you all so much for being here,
in this place that is really special
for Ana and I.
Where we talked so many times
about the girls,
about the two of us,
and about what we wanted for our family.
It was a place for hard conversations
that didn't allow us to see
all of the beautiful things
that were to come.
It is truly amazing
how life is able to surprise you
when you listen to your heart.
And when
you trust and accept
that what's coming is for the best.
I can say this is the best thing
that could've happened to us.
And who would've guessed?
It all started
as a misunderstanding in the hospital,
then became the very painful exchange
of our babies.
And it ended up being
our beautiful love story.
I think all of this has made us
look at our lives in a different way.
I think that all of us here today,
with everything that we've lived through,
have changed a lot.
For the better, I hope.
We have the family that we want.
And we're all in the place
that makes us happy.
That's why we asked you all
to be here today
to join us in love and gratitude.
Right. Of gratitude for our family
that is not at all typical.
That is formed
by all of the people in our lives
who nurture us and guide us
as we grow into who we are.
And for our daughters.
That includes all of us.
Mariana and I organized this
with all of you, our family,
in order to continue
to raise
and nurture those
that brought us together
in the first place.
Our two babies.
Now three.
- Ah!
- Honey!
Her water broke.
The baby's coming! The baby's coming!
Oh no! Go, go, go.
Fernanda and I
will take care of the girls.
Are you sure it's okay?
All right, breathe, breathe.
That's all.
Say "Bye, Mom."
Now, Ro, he's coming.
- All right, I just sent it.
- Great. Perfect.
She's here.
Okay, let's go.
Careful, here they come.
Okay, should we go?
They noticed us. Do something.
Huh? Uh
So, tell me.
How much would it be for the surgery?
They didn't do liposuction?
Fuck you, dude. Come on.
Okay. I got nervous and felt a vibe.
But I get it now. Let's go see Diego.
- Come on.
- Don't lose them. Go!
Hey! Come on, go!
Aw! Ah!
Oh, thank you.
Oh hi, baby. Oh hi, baby.
I can't believe I have a baby brother.
Can I hold him?
His name is Diego.
- Hi.
- Be careful.
Oh, he's so cute.
I would like to meet my grandson too.
I was wrong.
And I came here to apologize.
But life is short.
And I want to spend it with my family.
Okay, Dad.
Thank you, son.
Get in.
Thank you.
Wanna hold him?
Thanks, Tere.
Oh, love.
No one's taken the wristband off, right?
Nope, no one.
We were around the whole time,
and I can assure you this little guy here
is Tere's little guy.
Hey, boss, is it my turn
to meet the new baby?
Come on, everyone knows
I'm gonna end up as your nanny.
- Oh yeah?
- No way. It's going to be me.
- It has to be.
- No, no, no, no.
Hello, I'm the cousin,
so it's gonna be me.
No way, dude.
- He's Regi's uncle.
- Yeah, dude.
Enough. Dad, I want to hold him.
Here you go.
Hello, my nephew. Careful, careful.
Okay. Enough now, can I have him?
Because someone told me, or taught me,
that it's important to hold your baby
on your chest for the first few hours.
- Is that right?
- Yeah.
Thank you.
Hi, my baby boy.
Isn't he so cute?
- Aw.
- Ah.
Pic time, family!
Come on, everyone.
Make us all look good, Ramón.
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