Four More Shots Please (2019) s03e10 Episode Script

The Good in Goodbye

Good is such an overrated word.
Good baby, good girl, good friend,
good daughter, good wife, good mother.
Trying to be good
all the time is exhausting.
Maybe it's time to say goodbye to good.
Is everything okay?
I'm messed up.
-You're not.
-I am messed up.
I was confused
between Meher and Samara and you and
My mind was just fucked, you know?
And I used you.
I know.
You're still not over her.
-Meher and I were barely a thing.
-No. Samara.
It's complicated, you know?
I felt so suffocated and
You don't owe me an explanation.
Honestly. It's all good.
No, it's not.
I guess Meher was right.
You know, I just
You know, what do you do
with all this pain? I
Where does all this love go?
Why does it hurt so much
to see her with somebody else?
It's so messed up.
Because you still love her.
No, I
I don't know, I just
Everyone's a mess, Umang.
Love doesn't go anywhere.
People do.
We'll figure it out eventually.
-Or not.
-Or not?
Or not.
Can we stay friends?
How are you like this?
I was born a great person.
And then a lot
of straight-up years of abuse.
Yeah, of course we can stay friends.
Do you wanna help me with the set up?
-Please, Anj, just get it.
-I'm an artist.
-Yeah, sure.
-Don't interrupt my flow.
Isn't Dada an artist?
-Is Varun here?
I'm not here to make a scene.
I just want to speak to him.
Dada, see this.
-Hi, Pooky Auntie.
Arav said his first word yesterday.
I kept trying to make him
say "Mama", you know?
But he said "Papa".
Remember that,
during pregnancy, you were convinced
that his first word would be "Fart"
because I had so much gas
and kept talking about it so much.
I guess when you're a papa like me,
these words become almost synonymous.
I am sorry.
For everything.
I'm an idiot. I'm an ass. I'm an asshole.
You're right to file for divorce.
Come home, Varun.
Arav and I, we need you to come home.
-Can you forgive me?
-That's why I'm here.
I miss you.
I'm angry at you, but I miss you more.
I miss us.
I miss us too.
How long should we treasure
someone's things?
Until letting them go stops upsetting us.
How long should we treasure
our loved ones?
You should never let them go.
you should reapply
for your writing course.
-Darling, it's time.
Mommy, I don't want
to leave you alone here.
Don't worry about me.
I must learn to live by myself, Siddhi.
And what about Rajan?
That chapter is over.
Rajan understood.
Are you leaving right away?
After Arya sleeps.
I'll talk to her.
What you doing, baby?
I'm not a baby, I'm a big girl.
You'll always be my baby.
Even when you are 80 years old.
Then I will be old baby.
Dada is going back to Arav's house.
That's okay, Mama.
He's my Dada first, then Arav's.
But Arav is so small, he needs Dada.
And I need you.
Now, you will make the boat.
Will you teach me how to make a boat?
-Bye, Varun.
Do you know what tonight was?
My film. My fucking film premiere.
And instead of enjoying all the attention
and the accolades,
I'm thinking about you.
You! Because this city makes me crazy now
and my apartment makes me crazy.
I would appreciate it,
if you could get out of my fucking head!
You owe me that at least!
I don't owe you anything.
You left me at the altar.
Of course you don't owe me anything.
-Does Ana know you're here?
-Yeah. We tell each other everything.
-I'm sure you do.
-We tell each other everything.
-I'm sure you do.
I needed you.
Needed me?
Samara's needs,
Samara's wants, Samara's desires.
If you could see beyond yourself,
you would've realized,
how suffocated I was.
Really? You could've said something.
You could've given me a heads-up.
What could I say?
What you said in front of 50 other people.
When I just poured my heart out to you.
I said it so many times,
but you never listened.
I thought we had a relationship
based on honesty,
not beating around the bush!
That's exactly
what we didn't have, Sam. Honesty.
You wanna talk about honesty?
I appeared in your cheap,
little fitness videos.
I gave you my house, my time,
my contacts, everything!
I risked my entire career
when I proposed to you.
I sponsored our wedding.
I paid for everything!
I worked really hard
and you couldn't take one little trip?
Trip? A trip is for two or three days,
not for an entire year!
And did you ever stop
Did you even think of asking me?
I have a life, friends and career, too.
And, yes! Four years' worth of efforts
with those cheap, little fitness videos!
I did something for myself.
And it may not be as glamorous
as your life, but it's still valid.
It's my life!
And you expected me to pack everything up
and go away for one year?
And everything would wait
until I got back, right?
And I didn't play any role
in creating that life for you, right?
Yes, you did.
And for that, I thank you
from the bottom of my heart.
But that doesn't mean
I'm just obligated to do everything
that you expect of me!
Am I a second class citizen?
What are you even talking about?
See? You're not even listening.
What I'm trying to say
is that I want an equal relationship.
I don't want to be
Samara Kapoor's girlfriend or wife!
I want to be Umang Singh.
Hey, don't say "Samara's girlfriend"
or "Samara's wife" like it's an insult.
Becoming Samara Kapoor was not easy.
It wasn't easy becoming
Umang Singh either.
You know what you are?
You're fucking ungrateful.
Would you listen to yourself?
"You are ungrateful."
How entitled can you be?
I loved you.
I loved you too.
Hey! How is Bengaluru?
I've only seen the traffic
and conference rooms.
And these unexpected rains.
Listen, you were right.
I need to take charge
of my excess luggage.
I mean, I want to start afresh.
-With you.
-With me?
As friends?
I like nice guys.
-Actually, I'm not a nice guy at all.
When it snows heavily in New York,
I sometimes skip bathing.
Sometimes, I don't vacuum
my house for two weeks straight.
And don't even mention the socks.
I wear the same pair everyday.
I'm the Indian who creates the stereotypes
and never leaves a tip.
I'm worse. I only think about myself.
Forget two weeks,
I've never cleaned my house or my room.
I'm the golden combo
of being privileged and lazy.
I pay others to do my bidding,
and it was all so easy
till I had to earn my own money.
Welcome to the 98% of the world,
Miss Entitled Brat.
Why are you crying? It was only a joke.
-I'll talk to you later.
-Siddhi, listen
Siddhi, what's the matter? Are you okay?
-What's the matter?
What happened, darling?
I don't know, Mama.
It's like the compass inside me is broken
and just I'm feeling so lost. I'm so lost.
Siddhi, if we had all the answers at 25,
we'd all be monks like Gautama Buddha.
Give yourself some time, darling.
It's okay. Let's not worry.
Yes, darling?
We are a family.
This is done. This is not bad. Come try
-Very nice.
-Thank you!
-Should I grate more papaya for the salad?
-That's enough for the two of us.
You can never have enough
bean papaya salad.
Who could it be at this hour?
-Let me check.
-Good evening.
I invited him.
You weren't calling him, so
It's nice.
-Are you going to New York for the course?
It's a one year diploma course
in comedy writing.
-That's nice.
Okay, guys.
I invited you over because I wanted
to say that you have my blessing.
Whatever you plans are,
I promise I'm gonna be onboard with them.
-As in?
-As in Getting married?
-Are you crazy?
What did I say that's so wrong?
Siddhi, I've spent
my entire adult life being married.
I want to spend
the rest of my life being single. Okay?
Same here.
I don't want to get married again.
Not interested.
But what's wrong with getting married?
And you keep trying to force me
to get married, Mama.
There's nothing wrong
with getting married.
But I've had one wonderful marriage.
That's enough.
I don't need another. That's all.
In fact
I'm also used to living alone.
I like my space.
And I plan
on getting used to my space. Okay?
Siddhi, one day you'll understand
that one's space is what's most important.
Now that that's out of the system
Eat. We can go back to eating.
Sir, I'm leaving now.
-Thank you, Bosco.
-See you tomorrow.
Why the long face?
How should I look then?
Like someone who's finally at peace
with his decision.
-I didn't want to make this decision.
-Did you change your mind?
Not really. No.
You know what?
I've realized this relationship was wrong.
It wasn't healthy.
Not for her, not for me.
Both of us are looking
for something else in life.
Why are we always looking for something?
Why can't we be happy with what we have?
Says you who dumped
the world's prettiest girl at the altar.
I know. So fucked up!
If being happy was easy,
we'd all be growing potatoes in a commune.
No potatoes. Kale and quinoa.
Let's go start our own commune in Goa.
-Let's go.
Hi, Anj.
Okay, I'll be there. Yeah.
-I have the eviction notice.
-We have the original contract.
-This contract's legal.
-You can't do this.
-Go tell the evictions office. Start!
-Step back.
-Get away from my bar!
-Sir, step back.
-Sir, we have court orders.
-This isn't right!
You'll be arrested!
This place is my home!
Sir, you can't do this.
-Sir, no
-I'll call the police.
-Let me go! You can't do this!
-Sir, move!
-Just wait a minute. Sir, this is my home!
-Get out of the way!
-What are you doing?
-This is my home.
-Just wait!
-Let me do my job!
Why are you doing this?
Why are you destroying my home?
-Please, step back!
-This is my home! Please!
-Break it down.
-No! Stop!
-This is wrong!
-Move aside.
Break it down.
It's so strange now.
Feels like just a moment ago,
I had everything.
I had Truck.
I had you.
You'll always have me, Jeh.
But not in the same way.
Remember when you told me
about how, in Japan,
lonely people hire people to hug them
and ask how their day was?
I need something like that.
I hope you'll share
your Japanese single malts with me.
Always. And I'll always love you, Damini.
And I'll always love you, Jeh.
It is time to rebuild.
But this time, start fresh.
Go back home. Goa, maybe.
A new life.
A new beginning.
Maybe I'm not built
for relationships, you know?
It took me a long time to realize that.
I'm so sorry, I
-I've been through so much drama.
Your drama,
that drama was us.
I was getting used to it.
You know me as well as I know you.
Inside out.
That's why it's so damn hard.
Come here.
Papa, what brings you here?
Is everything all right?
What happened?
-Is Mama all right?
Yes, she is.
Everything is fine.
Are you okay?
I just missed you.
I missed you so much.
My brave daughter.
Everything will be all right.
You're my brave daughter. Aren't you?
Masturbate alone, die alone.
-Couldn't sleep?
Me neither.
Actually, I'm at the Mumbai airport.
-Layover en route to New York.
-New Year's on a plane? So boring you are.
That I am.
Actually It just seems strange
not to see your face when I'm here.
Mihir, I
-Mihir, just wait. Wait!
-Sids, here you go.
-Where's the ticket?
Listen, Bangkok visa is on arrival.
-On arrival, yeah.
Okay. Go!
One sec. Hug!
-She has the ticket, right?
-Let her go!
Come on, dude!
You You actually came?
I told you to wait for me.
I thought you meant in life.
You're doing that anyway.
You're nuts! You know that, right?
Are you coming to New York?
-No. Bangkok.
-Why Bangkok?
Ticket's to Dubai were cheaper
but I needed a visa for it.
One second. What are you saying?
You need a ticket
to enter an airport and
I just had to do this clichéd,
rom-com airport declaration for you.
But why?
Because you're the clichéd,
rom-com nice guy.
Okay. So, go on.
Mihir, I've got a deferred place
at the writing course in New York.
I'm moving to New York in February.
This is your rom-com speech?
PS. I love you.
-That's all you get after all this money.
Yeah. But what if I need more?
Okay. Wait! Fine!
Mihu-Pihu, you are the sugar
to my ice cream.
The fafda to my Jalebi.
The tonic to my gin.
The dandia to my Falguni.
The punchline to all my jokes.
You're just I don't know.
Wait. That's it?
-Did you see him?
-What happened?
-Did you find him?
I found him!
-Yes! You did it!
-I'm so happy for you!
Tells us everything!
I had to run all the way there
and I barely caught him at the gate
-and he said he loves me too!
-That's amazing!
-Come on!
-Nine, eight, seven, six
-Guys, please!
-five, four, three, two, one
Happy new year!
I love this.
-I'm getting a bit teary eyed.
It's our last new year
with Sids in Mumbai.
Idiot, I'm not dying.
-It's a one-year course. That's it.
-With you, we never know.
You go for a year
and come back with a baby.
What? I mean, not anytime soon.
We'll see how it goes.
She'll video call us next month to say,
"Oh, my God, guys.
"Look at the huge rock
Mihir got me from Tiffany's!"
No way! You know what my resolution is?
I promise, I'll remain unmarried
and un-pregnant this year.
This means that, in three months,
we'll get the good news
and we're gonna have to run to New York
for a shotgun wedding.
No way! Never.
This year, my life will be perfect.
Whether it's career or sex.
Yes! Good.
And this year,
I promise that I won't run anymore.
I mean, I'll obviously continue cardio
and marathons, but not in life.
Not at home. Not from my responsibilities,
or relationships,
or from confrontations.
-Cheers to that.
My New Year's resolution is that
I will become a name partner
in the firm this year.
It'll happen.
And I'll stay 20 kilometers away
from married men.
My God!
Whether they have an open
or closed marriage, or it's ajar,
or they're getting divorced
or are going through a separation.
And especially if that someone
happens to be my ex.
-Here, here!
Thank God!
-Thank you!
-Thanks, Anj!
Okay. I promise to be single.
-Come on!
-Just me and my work, nothing else!
Sticking to only one night hookups.
-Yeah, there you go.
-Never telling them my name.
Never showing them where I live.
And never, ever,
meeting them a second time.
-And never, ever
-Is that gonna happen!
-I will prove it to you!
-It will happen.
We forgot the most important resolution.
-That no matter where we are physically,
we'll always be emotionally
and mentally together.
-Like Arya says, "Together, together."
Okay. On that note,
here's to always calling our own shots.
-I'll miss you.
-Of course you will.
Creative Supervisor: Dinesh Shakul
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