Friday Night Lights s03e10 Episode Script

The Giving Tree

- We should probably get going.
- We should.
We're gonna go celebrate, create some memories, all right, 1-2? That is what I'm talking about, young man! Come on, now, we're gonna celebrate.
Come on.
All right.
- Daddy got him on a leash! - I bring you here as assistant coach - until Mac gets back.
What do ya think? - Yeah, sure.
I'm going to college.
Only Riggins to get in.
- I told you.
- I'm in because of you.
- Where are you? - I'm actually in Dallas.
- Is everything all right? - Yeah, everything is fine.
I wanted to hear a familiar voice.
I'm such an idiot, Julie.
There's no possible way on Earth that I'm gonna be able to make up everything I have to make up.
I missed so much school, I'm I'll never get into college at this point.
Look, OK.
All you have to do is just bribe your teachers with some cupcakes to let you make up the tests.
Cupcakes, really? And then, they're having another SAT this Saturday, Matt is taking it.
So you just go to that SAT, get really high SAT scores and then your GPA won't matter as much.
Yeah, the problem is, I suck at tests, so there is that.
So then why don't just get Landry to help you? It's not like he has anything better to do.
It's an idea.
All right, I'll see you later.
Bye, honey.
So, does anyone have a plan or are we just gonna sit here all day? 'Cause I'd like to know if that's the plan.
- Let's go to the Alamo Freeze.
- We've been sitting here for an hour.
- The Alamo Freeze is gross.
- You know what? I'm leaving.
Don't touch my door.
What's wrong with you? - I didn't give you permission to leave.
- You're not my dad.
Another word about your dad, I swear I'm gonna punch you in the face.
- Man, just relax.
- Hey, guys.
- How're you doing? - I just wanted to let y'all know Madison's parents are out of town, she's gonna have some people over.
So y'all should definitely come.
Hey, who's Madison? - Freaking perv! - Would y'all shut up? Yeah, keep it coming! Hey, Charles, how about using a fork, OK? God, these guys are like cavemen.
- Do you want an appletini? - No, uh I don't drink alcohol.
- Yeah.
- You don't? How about a glass of milk? - You know, I'm fine.
Thank you, though.
- No, I insist.
No, this should be your thing, you know.
You drink milk.
You're like this young, wholesome, milk-drinking quarterback.
You have some just a little bit on your lip, just right here.
There we go.
Keep 'em coming, love.
- Thank you, ma'am.
- You like that.
You good, Buddy? Yeah, I'm good.
Want anything else? Buffalo wings? Some chicken fingers with that little spicy ranch sauce you like so much? What I wanna know is, when are you gonna tell me - why you brought me here.
- That's what I'm trying to get to.
Remember that little investment we made, a few months back, into the - strip mall? - The sure thing? It went belly-up.
It's OK, though.
I got a plan that's gonna put Dillon on the map, and I want you in on it.
I'm gonna give you a chance here tonight to be my first investor.
Now you tell me right now that this isn't so.
- What I come up with - Tell me you didn't lose my $70,000.
- I'll make you so much more money - No, I was in this for 70 grand, - it's gonna work out.
- There's no such thing as a sure thing.
You two lovebirds wanna quiet down a bit? I'll tell you what, cowboy, you redneck son of a bitch, you need silence to watch naked women, is that what you're saying to me? - Sit down.
- Now listen, you tell me right now that you did not steal my money.
You're not even gonna miss that 70 grand! Don't you talk to me about that 70 grand.
You gotta tell me - You kept begging for deals all year.
- Are you out of your mind? Son of a bitch! Get up, you son of a bitch! With the participation of: benj!, Collioure, DarKsh, GillesSilb, Ju, ouazo, tactactac, Teardrop, TVnut What the hell happened? Ah, well You oughta see the other guy.
No, I It's not anything that you need to worry about.
You need to be thinking about Friday night, Eric.
The Bisons play dirty, everybody knows that.
And the refs don't like you, so don't worry about me.
I'm not worried about you.
You know you're gonna spend the night in here? 'Cause they're not letting you out.
Yes, I do.
Just tell me what happened.
Oh, my Lord, that is awful.
- What happened? - I don't know, honey.
He got into a fight over at the Landing Strip or some crazy thing.
- I'm not quite sure what, but - Oh, my Lord.
Just listen to me real quick.
What he wants to know, can you go over and let Lyla know what's going on? Well, yeah, you know, I'm actually not far from there now.
I was supposed to pick up Jules at Matt's house at 6:00.
- Could you do that? - All right.
All right.
I'll go over there now.
- Hi, Mrs.
- How are ya? - Good.
- Good.
I just, um Your dad asked me to drop by because he got himself in a little bit of a - a bit of a scrape, and - What do you mean? Well, I guess there was some kind of a fight or something, and - A fight? - Yeah, and I think When? Where? What do you mean, a fight? With who? He was apparently in a business meeting at the at the Landing Strip, and Anyway, so he's gonna have to spend the night in jail, is the point, but he's fine, sweetie, he's fine, OK? And he was worried about you, he wanted me to let you know, OK? I know you're a big grown-up girl and all of that, but if you wanted to just come stay with us tonight at our house, you'd be more than welcome, in case you feel like you might like to have some family around, OK? I love you.
I love you, too.
We should probably get up.
Your mom is gonna be here in like a half-hour, and Grandma and Shelby will be back from the doctor's soon.
Or we could just listen to one more song.
Yeah, we could do one more.
Dad, get out! Now, that part, that's the part where I wanted to clap.
Hey, y'all.
- How are you? - Hello.
Can I talk to you for a sec? - Yeah, that's - I mean, just for - Yeah, that's fine, just - Sorry, it'll only take a minute.
You always just pop up at the most random times.
Yeah, you know.
You sound really good, though.
It's supposed to sound a lot heavier than that.
My distortion paddle's not even working, but And now is, like, the first time that we've ever really run through it all together, but Cool.
Look, I need to ask you a favor, if you can.
I'm taking the SAT's on Saturday 'cause I gotta get my points up by, like, a thousand.
And I thought it'd be better if I had a coach, and you're really good at that, so I was just - hoping - So you want me to help you out? If you could, that would be amazing.
Yeah, that's fine.
I don't see why not.
But I just got band rehearsal, - and practice, and school - Right, of course.
You're the best.
You are, thank you.
- So I'll call you tomorrow.
- We'll set something up.
- OK.
All right.
- Thank you.
- Bye, y'all.
- Bye.
What? It's like you're her prostitute, right? - Except you don't get paid.
- Or laid.
How many times have you gotten laid in your timelife, Jimmy? - He does have a point.
- How many times? It's OK, let's just work on the claps.
Sorry about the whole air mattress thing, we don't have extra beds.
Look, I'm sorry about your dad, really.
I mean, it sucks.
Do you wanna talk about it at all? That's OK.
Thank you.
But just a heads up, there might be some some drama with my parents, tonight.
- Why? - Well, Matt and I were - What? - We were doing stuff, and then - my dad came in, and - Like, making out doing stuff, or like, doing stuff? - Like, you did it? - It was, like, afterwards, and then my dad walked in, and That sucks.
Yeah, welcome to my world.
Good Lord I found Matt and Julie in bed together this afternoon.
What? I found Julie and Matt in bed together this afternoon.
Where? Over at Matt's house, when I went to pick Julie up.
- Where was that grandmother? - I don't know.
What were they doing? Honey, there were in bed together, it was very obvious.
You walked in? What did you do? What did I do? I went outside and waited for Julie, that's what I did.
I'm gonna go talk to her.
Before you go in there and talk to her, you'd better know what you're gonna say.
I have no idea.
What are you doing? Just trying to see how long they're gonna ground me for.
Well, at least they have another daughter.
Sorry, bad joke.
Matt seems like a really nice guy.
Yeah, I know, it's it's not the problem, he's a great guy.
It's I just feel like everything is different now.
Like I'm not Daddy's little girl anymore.
So your dad told me about what happened at Matt's last night.
Is there anything you wanna say? He should have knocked.
All right, well, you I don't like your tone.
I'd like to be able to have a conversation with you about it.
So let's have a conversation.
Well, I don't really know what to say.
I don't really know how to have a conversation about it.
You know, it's it's disconcerting, and your dad and I - I don't know, Jules.
- Just tell me what my punishment is.
Your punishment is you're gonna have to have a conversation with me about it.
Let's go to school.
Come on.
- You do realize I'm 17, right? - I know how old you are.
Buddy Garrity, you have been charged with drunk-and-disorderly, assault and battery, and inflicting $30,000 of damage to the Landing Strip.
- How do you plead? - Not guilty, Your Honor.
Bail is set at $10,000.
Have you really not talked to your dad yet? No, I haven't talked to my dad, he hasn't said anything.
- Nothing? - No.
Well, then, maybe maybe we should just meet at the movies instead of me picking you up.
I'm not gonna meet you at the movies, you have to come to my house.
- No, I really don't.
- Man up, Matt.
Is J.
home? I'm sorry.
You must be Mrs.
I'm Madison.
- It's really nice to meet you.
- Well, nice to meet you.
- You have a beautiful house.
- Oh, thank you! I know J.
from school, so I was just popping by.
- I hope that's OK? - Oh, yeah.
- This is my husband.
- Mr.
That's me.
- Nice to meet you.
- And you.
Is J.
home? - He's upstairs studying, actually.
- Why don't you clatter right on up? Thank you.
I'll find my own way.
Yeah, it's just Who the hell is that? Didn't you hear, honey? That's Madison.
"The other delegates and him immediately accepted the resolution drafted by the neutral states.
" So, if you break this down, "the other" modifies the word "delegates," so that one's not it.
"Him" should be "he.
" - There you go.
- I'm smarter than I look.
- You guys working hard? - Yeah.
Landry, we're so happy to see you back around here, we missed you.
Didn't we, honey? While you're here, can you take a look at the pilot light in that wall heater? - I just about blew myself up.
- Mama, Landry is He's helping me right now.
Well, whenever you have a moment, there's no hurry.
See you later.
Sorry about that.
So, where were we? When are you gonna tell me what happened, Dad? I had a business meeting.
- A business meeting at a strip club? - Yeah, that's where he wanted to go.
This Russell Flaherty guy, I've known him a long time, I made an investment with him because we needed the money, I needed some cash flow, so Deal went south and I lost all the money, and I lost my temper, that's all, I lost my temper.
The guy had it coming to him.
He swindled me for the last time, I'll tell you that.
I thought it was an investment.
It was an investment, but Basically, he just stole my money, is what he did.
- But you don't need to worry about.
- Not for me to worry about? Dad, I just saw you get arraigned for being a crazy drunk man at a strip club.
How am I not gonna worry? Please, explain to me.
What happened? Listen.
Times have been tough, business has not been good.
So your dad took the savings money and made a risky investment, it was stupid, and I lost some money.
I tried to get some quick cash flow with the savings money and it didn't work out, so basically we're in real big trouble.
- We're in big trouble.
- OK.
So I'll get a job and I'll help out until I go to college.
- No big deal.
- I used the college money, Lyla.
The savings that we were keeping for your college is the money I used for the investment.
And now Honey! It doesn't mean you're not going to college, I'll figure out a way to do this.
Lyla, don't do that.
Where're you going? You're not going anywhere.
Wait a minute.
- Don't do this.
- Don't touch Don't! - Lyla! - Don't! Don't touch me! Lyla, honey, please don't leave me.
Will you please tell me the lesson that you learned? - Always lock the door.
- When having sex with the coach's - daughter.
- You don't need to announce it.
Not that any of this really matters, because as soon as Coach sees you, that might be the end of everything for you.
I'm basically looking at a dead man walking.
Do not look him in the eye.
Hey, gentlemen, listen up! Let me have your attention real quick.
We just got word on Friday's game as far as the We lost the appeal on the referees, is what I'm saying.
Here's what that means, gentlemen.
Means we can expect a lot of miscalls and a lot of late hits, come Friday.
But what we're not gonna do is we are not gonna lose our tempers.
We will not lose our tempers out there.
What we are gonna do is we're gonna put our heads down and we're gonna play our game of football.
Understood? - Yes, sir! - You leave the officials to me.
Two games - And we're in State.
- Then State.
Loquacious? - Overly sad? - Tal - Talkative? - Yeah.
- Talkative.
- Lugubrious.
"Lugubrious" is "overly sad.
" Polyphobic? I'm so bored right now, Landry.
So bored.
Well, I'm sorry to bore you, but we really need to You're not boring me, this vocabulary is boring me.
Do you want a coke? I can make us sandwiches, I just want a break.
- Let's take a break.
- Actually, I've got band practice in a few minutes, so we should probably finish these.
- Can't they just wait for a half hour? - No, they can't.
- You guys cutting a record? - No, but I'm not gonna just I'm not gonna just ditch them, so I can have a sandwich with you.
I told you that I would help you with your vocabulary words, and that's what I'm doing.
You're leaving? Why are you getting so mad? Because you keep taking advantage of me because you know how I feel about you, Tyra.
You do it like it's nothing, and I just let you.
So Where are you going? - Are you serious? - Have you ever read The Giving Tree? Yeah, when I was, like, five.
Why? It's about this tree who loves this boy more than anything, right? And the boy just takes and takes until there's absolutely nothing left but a stump.
And I'm like the tree and you're like the little boy, you just take and take and then there's absolutely nothing left.
That's exactly what I feel like, just a stump.
'Cause this is not a friendship.
You're selfish, you It's not a friendship, OK? I'm in a world of hurt here, Eric, there's no doubt about it.
I mean, do you know that the dadgum Landing Strip is charging me $30,000 for damages? $30,000? That place isn't even worth $30,000! - I don't know what to say about that.
- Listen to me, I don't even know how I'm gonna keep the condo, I'm so damn broke.
Thank you.
You know, and Lyla Lyla is gone.
Lyla's moved in with Riggins.
God Almighty, can you imagine what's going on over there? I do not understand this.
We're in the middle of a family crisis, and Lyla leaves in a huff.
When I was in college, I had to work my butt off.
- I had to work for the money - Can I tell you one thing? Money comes and goes, yeah? These kids of ours, that's a one-time deal.
Would it be all right if we had this conversation now? Do you love Matt? I love Matt.
Does he love you? - Matt loves me.
- He does? - And what about birth control? - Mom, - I don't wanna talk about - Honey, that's the conversation.
Yes, we're using birth control.
What kind, specifically? Condoms.
We're using condoms.
- Do you know how to use them properly? - Yes, I know how to use them.
You have to use them every time 'cause sometimes boys try to tell you that you don't need them all the time.
Matt's really good about it.
And you know that, just 'cause you're having sex this one time doesn't mean that you have to all the time, and if it ever starts feeling like he's taking it for granted, or you're not having you're not enjoying it, you can stop anytime.
And if you have a break-up with Matt, it's not like, you know, you have to have sex with the next boy, necessarily.
Why are you crying? 'Cause I wanted you to wait.
And that's just 'cause I wanna protect you, 'cause I love you and I wanna make sure that nothing bad ever happens to you.
And I want you to always be able to talk to me, even if it's something so hard like this.
I didn't want to disappoint you.
So, who's the redhead who came by the house the other day? - Madison? - Madison, yeah.
Who's that? Just a cute girl I met at school.
- She's a good girl, I like her.
- Oh yeah? - Are you ready? - Remember you are in the middle of the playoffs, my friend.
That was a good shot.
Listen to me, OK? Now is not the time to be chasing skirts.
- Why? - We're talking about the Texas State High School Championship.
Look at me! Madison and a bunch of girls like her will be waiting in the wings when the season is over.
She's not gonna sit and wait around, she's gonna find someone else.
She'll sit and wait around for 50 years, if you win the State Championship.
She'll be sitting there with bells on, believe me.
Do me a favor.
Time-out, time-out.
Look at me.
Look at me! You're on a break with her.
She's on the back burner.
Yes? I'm asking you.
To win the game.
- Get outta here! - Was that in your face? What are we doing here? You ever heard of The Giving Tree? You mean the little kids' book with the little boy and the tree? Yeah, that one.
Landry says that I'm the selfish little kid and he's the tree.
Can you believe that? - That's an awful long pause, Julie.
- OK, promise not to be mad.
That's just kind of your relationship, like He worships the ground you walk on, he does everything you say, and you allow him to be seen with you.
That doesn't help me.
Oh, this is it.
So, if you don't think he has a point, why are we here? Proving him wrong.
Come on.
They are so good.
I've told you.
You don't have a demo CD, you don't have any press to show me These guys have What are these guys called again? - Crucifictorious.
- Right.
Crucifictor Awesome! They are awesome.
And they have tons of fans, I mean, this place will be completely packed.
Not to mention that I'll bring all my girlfriends, who happen to all look like her.
Take it.
You and your stupid band are playing at TC's on Saturday, so don't say I never did anything for you, all right? And you know what? Don't call me selfish.
Hurts my feelings.
I'm just here to pick up Julie to go to the movies and then bring her right back home.
Come on in.
In fact, Coach is out in the backyard, if you wanna go wait out there.
Go on back.
- He's right back there.
- OK, thanks, ma'am.
How's it going? Come here.
I know your father's in Iraq, but if he was here, I think we'd agree on one thing, he and I the both of us.
And that is, women are to be respected.
Yes, sir.
That is my daughter! Yes, sir.
Lyla, I know you're in there, I see your car out here.
- I'm still your daddy.
- What do you wanna do? I have nothing to say to him.
Lyla, come on out.
Riggins, let her out of there! I don't care if I wake up all the neighbors, get out here.
I'm not leaving till you come out here, Lyla.
- What do you want? - What I want is for you to come home.
This is no excuse for you to play house with your boyfriend.
You're gonna lecture me on morals? - Honey, we can work this out.
- How're we gonna work it out? You're $20,000 in the hole for tearing up a strip club, what are you gonna do? Rob a bank? You know, you're acting like a spoiled little brat.
- Excuse me? - A spoiled little brat! You are old enough to know better than this.
Life is complicated, it's not a bowl of cherries, and right now, your mother is out there in California You don't blame this on Mom! You are the one who cheated, the one who threw your family away, and I was the idiot who stuck with you! And you don't dare call me spoiled! We've been putting that money away since I was a baby.
You said if I made those grades that it was mine, and you didn't even ask! You just do whatever you want and wonder why everybody hates you.
I'm not through, do not walk in there! Get back out here! Tim Riggins, I'm gonna talk to my daughter, young man.
Not right now.
Tim, who the hell do you think you are, son? - That's my daughter over there! - You need to go.
See you after the game, OK? You know, maybe we Maybe we should just lay off for a while.
Yo, man, what the hell is that kid doing? He's throwing away a nice piece of tail, is what he's doing.
I bet his daddy told him to do it, man.
He split hard, dude.
I said I love redheads.
McCoy! Way to go, Romeo! - What? - You You dropped that gal? I don't know, kinda 'Cause I'll tell you what, you know what's good before a game? Getting laid, a lot.
You know what I mean? - That's not happening.
- Why? My dad.
So let me get this straight, you just ended that whole thing with her because of your old man? Well sorta.
How do you expect anyone of these guys to battle for you every night if you can't make a decision like that on your own? 'Cause you know you're a leader, right? - You know that, right? - Yeah.
Start acting like one.
There he goes again! They're not playing your own flag, come on, Billy! Come on, open your eyes! Tim Riggins gains a solid five, before getting leveled by Ossum.
Sure looked like another late hit by the Bisons.
The Panthers have yet to get a call tonight.
Hold up! - Oh, yeah! - You good? I needed that! These dudes have been playing dirty all night, what are we gonna do? Suck it up, 5-2! Let's go, call something, 1-2.
- 8, 27, Tiger, on one! Ready? - Break! Just under 2 minutes to go on the half and things are getting pretty ugly out there, folks.
Buckley is using every dirty trick in the book, and there's been a noticeable absence of yellow laundry on that field tonight.
McCoy fires across the middle, he's got Saracen! That has got to be pass interference.
What is that? How can you not see that? You gotta be kidding me! You gotta be kidding! How can you not see that? What do I gotta do to get you to throw a flag tonight? Taylor is absolutely livid on the sideline! I mean, he is inconsolable, and I can't blame him, folks.
That stupid idiot! J.
McCoy back to pass, he fires! Late hit, roughing the passer, oh my! How can you not see that? - What is that, ref? - Come on! What? Come on! You know what you are, you're a no-calling son of a bitch! That's what you are! Billy, you're a no-calling son of a bitch! - You want a flag? - Yeah, give me a damn flag! Let me see it, I wanna see it, I'll do anything to see you pull a damn flag! I'd love to see Oh good, that's great! That's great! Here, you take your flag.
You're gone, you are gone! And Coach Taylor is gone, folks! He has been ejected from this contest.
He's handing the reins over to Wade Aikmen, and he will have to sit the rest of this game in the locker room.
Wade Aikmen has taken over the offense.
Now, he's been a quarterback, - How you doing? - played a lot of college ball, he's been with Coach Taylor all season, so he should be fine.
Ball has definitely landed in his court, it's a hot one.
He's bringing the Panthers out, let's see what he's got.
- Hello? - They're stacking the linebackers, have Riggins on the sweep.
Coach? You hear me now? Can you hear me? I said, they're stacking the linebackers.
I can't hear you, Coach! Good! - 7, 27 come on, go! Get out there! - Hello? Get in there, get over there! Coach, I'll call you back, I can't hear you.
Wade Aikmen's inspired play-calling has put the Panthers deep in Bison territory.
McCoy looking to pass, oh no, and he is sacked! And that is gonna be a seven-yard loss on the play.
The clock is rolling, folks.
Panthers down by 3, they cannot afford to make any mistakes at this point.
Here we go! J.
McCoy is rolling left, he fires back, it's a screen play to Riggins.
He's got room, he's to the twenty, to the fifteen, to the ten, to the five Big Tim Riggins powers in! Touchdown, Panthers! Oh, mercy my! This one is over, folks! Panthers win, Panthers win! You got scotch in here? You really gotta hand it to Coach Wade Aikmen, folks.
He did a fantastic job, under some terrible circumstances.
A bright shining star on the Dillon football horizon.
Well, he's in bed, sound asleep.
Thank you.
You sound a little disappointed.
Yeah, I was kinda hoping he might be out on a date.
That's not gonna happen.
We had a We had a little chat.
You did? - Yeah.
- When? Just the other day.
He saw the wisdom on waiting until we won State You gotta quit making these unilateral decisions without including me.
{\- Sweetie.
No, I am his mother.
- I know, but it's not such a big deal - It is! to take a break and then Mercedes or Madison or whatever her name is, she will be there when the season is over.
You're really starting to freak me out, I don't like it! - What's the big deal? He takes a break - This football thing's freaking me out! from a girl who's distracting him from the most important games of his life.
It's all football, football, football, isn't it? - What? - Nothing.
Oh, man.
- What did you see out there? - Nothing, I didn't see anything.
Excuse me.
Is that? That little bastard! Is this gonna be really bad? 'Cause I'm - I'm a little nervous.
- There is a strong, strong possibility.
Hey, everybody, we're Crucifictorious.
Thank you for coming out.
They're not that bad.
Landry's kinda cute up there Yeah, I know.
Lyla? It's me, your dad.
Please call me back.
I'm sorry.
You were right, Lyla.
And I'm very, very sorry.
Please, call me back, please.
I love you very, very much.
I love you, honey.
Did you know that your dad called my parents last night? He said that I was a negative influence on you.
What? Do you think I'm a negative influence? - What's going on between the 2 of you? - This is a whole lot bigger than you.
So if you don't wanna know, don't ask.
Oh, my God! Grandma, are you OK? Go call an ambulance.
Oh, no.
OK, it's all right.

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