Gokusen (2002) s03e10 Episode Script

Obtain happiness by your own hands!!

I'll hand out the results of the
health checks you had the other day.
Dr Natsume looks so handsome
in his white coat.
What? A re-examination?
I have to be examined
with a gastrocamera?
What a relief! I'm not overweight!
Does this mean I have to drink less?
Yes. And those who need
further examinations,
make sure you go to see the doctor.
Miss Yamaguchi, yours is wonderful.
You are very healthy.
It's amazing if your body
has no problems at all.
Dr Natsume gave me a compliment!
Hooray to health!
Miss Yamaguchi, that's remarkable!
I'm so jealous of healthy people.
Well done, Miss Yamaguchi!
I have to learn from you.
Oh, you're exaggerating.
Do you pay any special attention
to your diet?
Yes, my family eat
mainly Japanese food,
and we often have hot pot.
You have hot pot at home too?
It is a balanced diet,
and it's nice that
it's just a homely meal.
Hot pot is brilliant! I used to be
in charge of preparing our hot pots.
Dr Natsume, if you like,
why don't you try it?
I'll make you a special hot pot.
- That sounds great! I want to come!
- Yeah, to Miss Yamaguchi's home!
- I want to go!
- I'll join in too.
- But I only invited Dr Natsume.
- Miss Yamaguchi!
I think you mentioned your home
is very small, didn't you?
Oh, yes, it is!
My home is so small that it's hard
for two people to
walk past each other.
I'm sorry, but I think it'd be a bit
rude to invite you to my house.
- What?
- I wouldn't mind it at all.
- Absolutely
- Not!
Dr Natsume, I can't
invite you to my house,
but let's have it somewhere else.
We'll have delicious hot pot alone.
Miss Yamaguchi,
a moment, please?
Dr Natsume, hot pot
Why did you let your guard down?
I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself.
You remember what will happen if
the school learns about your family?
I do remember.
I'll be fired
- Your job doesn't matter at all.
- What?
It's my job that will be at risk!
Oh, I forgot about that.
It is the most important thing.
Is that so?
This is bad! Hosokawa and Ikeda
Don't mess with me!
Well, bring it on!
Stop it!
Guys, calm down!
What are you two doing?
Stop it!
I said, stop!
Good lord! It's still only morning
and you're fighting already. Why?
He ate all my potato chips!
Only the crumbs are left now!
You're joking! The crumbs you eat
directly from the bag are the best!
What are you two,
primary school kids?
Come on, guys! Put back your desks
and return to your seats!
By the way, how come
you're so strong?
Yeah Why?
You're only asking this now
after so long?
I have wondered, but
Your strength just now
was very mighty.
Before we realized it, we've come
to think, "Yankumi equals strong".
We just never paid attention.
Please continue to do that.
Did you learn martial arts?
Well I love action movies, and I
learned by imitating what they do.
Just that?
I had also learned the art
of self-defense.
You see, girls get groped by
perverts and it's tough for us.
Oh I see
But isn't it pointless?
- What?
- Exactly!
Nobody would grope Yankumi!
She's not sexy!
Nobody would make her his target!
I'm going to take attendance!
I think Yankumi is hiding something.
I'm sure there's something more.
She's a teacher in the daytime
and a masked wrestler at night?
Let's go and investigate it.
We'll follow her and try to find out
the secret of her strength.
I see!
Good idea
Goodness me.
I'm imagining things.
We're safe
So sorry
She stopped.
Hi, how are you guys?
- Very good.
- Boxing?
That's why she is so strong?
We're going for a road run.
Okay, do your best!
Is she a regular patron?
Good boy!
You are so cute today!
What the heck is she doing?
Is she trying to be Mutsugoro?
Good boy! See you tomorrow.
I don't think that's the reason.
- What the heck was that?
- Let's go.
What are you guys doing?
Why have you been tailing me?
Well You're asking us why?
We want to find out the secret
of your strength.
I haven't got any secret
This is bad! If they follow me
to my house,
they'll find out my secret!
What did you say?
- Is that frog flying?
- Frog?
Hey! Don't run away
I think we lost her.
Darn it! She always runs so fast!
And why did we run after her?
Hey, guys! What are you doing?
Mr Kumai!
Did you see Yankumi go by?
No, I didn't.
But she must be around.
She lives near here.
Mr Kumai, you know where she lives?
Yeah, I do
I'm home!
Missy! What's happened?
Well Just something
Minoru, can I have some water?
Where are Grandpa and the others?
They went out for a meeting.
I see
Oh, Kuma? What's up?
This is bad! Ogata and the others
are headed for your house!
Ogata and the boys are coming here?
Why is that?
Well, I bumped into them,
and I might have accidentally
told them where you live.
What were you thinking?
It'll be a disaster if they learn
about my family!
I'm sorry. I was talking to them,
it was just a slip of the tongue.
Okay. I have to do something.
Tetsu, Minoru, there is
an emergency.
Yes, Missy
I'll go find them
and beat them up!
No, it's not like that!
Hide all the yakuza-like things and
act like we're an ordinary family!
- Go!
- Yes, Missy
These perhaps?
What are you doing?
Hang on
What's the matter, guys?
How did you find my house?
It took a lot of effort
since you kept running away.
Well I wasn't
running away as such.
I was just jogging.
What the heck?
This place looks so much like
those homes from decades ago!
Yankumi, your home is interesting.
What kind of a house is this?
Hey? I think I've seen them
somewhere before.
Well I don't think so
- Oh. The Takoyaki stall
- Oh
Yeah, our family has run that
Takoyaki stall for generations.
These are our employees,
Tetsu and Minoru.
Say nothing that's avoidable.
Yankumi, your family runs the stall?
The Takoyaki is really good.
Thank you
I think I'm safe
But it says "The Oedo Family".
(The Oedo Family)
We have guests?
We have guests?
We regard you as men,
so we'd like to ask you this favor.
If the school finds out about
her family,
Missy cannot continue
to be a teacher.
So will you guys keep this
as your own secret?
I beg you.
Okay, we will.
It doesn't really matter.
School is boring without Yankumi,
isn't it?
You have some good students.
It looks delicious
Guys, have as much as you want.
- You can have second helpings.
- Okay.
- Not you!
- Sorry, Big Bro.
Bon appetit
Glad to see that you like it.
But what a surprise!
Yankumi's family is
- Well
- Yeah.
My parents passed away in an
accident when I was seven years old,
so Grandpa took me in.
I see.
Now this is the family
that I treasure,
and everyone here is
more than family to me.
When are you ever
going to stop eating?
We are all so touched by
Missy's moving story!
You have ruined it.
But there'll be no meat left.
Good lord!
Go on, have more meat!
- Have some more!
- Come on, have more!
Some vegetables too!
- Good
- Thank you!
Yankumi has her own story too.
But it looks like fun being
in her family. I'm so jealous.
Yeah, it's what a family
should be like.
Nothing I just thought
that wasn't like you.
No, that's not true.
Guys, let's go sing karaoke!
- Good idea
- Sorry.
I'm going home.
(Divorce registration form)
Things were going smoothly
until he went astray.
The son of a teacher
at Kaitoku High School
is a bad student
in Akado Gakuin
Yamato is a disgrace to our family.
His brother went to
an excellent university
Where and how did he do wrong?
But it is not only Yamato's fault.
He does whatever he pleases
because you spoil him.
It isn't Mom's fault!
Yamato, it's okay.
Good morning
Good morning.
Dr Natsume
I get to see you for
two consecutive days
This is so lucky!
What are you here for today?
I've been talking to Ms Ayukawa
about the wedding ceremony.
Yes, we have.
Wedding ceremony
Oh, congratulations on
getting married!
When did the two of them
How did this happen?
When I met Dr Natsume, I thought I'd
finally met the man meant for me!
Why is my love life
always like this?
I've made up my mind.
I will never fall in love again.
I will live only for my career!
Dr Natsume, Ms Ayukawa.
Oh, gosh, no! It's not our wedding.
A nurse at my hospital
is getting married.
Yeah, and she happens to be
my friend.
Oh, is that so
Is that so?
Okay, I'll see you later.
- See you!
- See you.
Dr Natsume, take care.
See you.
He's so handsome!
Dr Natsume, I am going
to live for romance!
Miss Yamaguchi.
You still dream about getting
married at your age?
Why, can I not?
Reality isn't a dreamy story.
You only think each other lovely
or handsome in the first year.
Soon enough, even if they are
doing the same things,
you'll only think that they're an
idiot and look on them with distain.
- Mr Sawatari.
- What?
Did something happen between you
and your obliging wife?
Of course not. We get along
very well.
There obviously is something wrong.
Excuse me, is Miss Yamaguchi here?
Yes, I'm Yamaguchi.
I am Yamato Ogata's mother.
- Ogata.
- What?
Your mother just came by.
Your parents are going to
get divorced?
She just came here to tell you that?
Have you told your friends?
My parents getting divorced
doesn't concern me.
I'm not a kid.
That's not exactly true.
The relationship between me
and my dad has always been bad.
I don't belong in
that family either.
Nothing will change.
Delinquency Elimination Week?
What? They still do that?
We went to karaoke last night,
and got lectured by
a teacher from Kaitoku High School.
Seriously? How annoying.
That reminds me, Yamato's dad is
a teacher in Kaitoku High School.
Kaitoku High School? Impressive!
That's a super elite school.
Your dad is a teacher?
I had no idea at all!
Shut up!
It's none of your business.
What's the matter with Yamato?
His parents are getting
divorced, huh?
The relationship between Ogata
and his dad is bad.
His brother is excellent, and
his dad always compares them.
It must be tough for him.
He looks like he is okay,
but I feel that he has accumulated
many emotions in his heart.
He can't just feel nothing about
his parents' divorce.
I think he is putting on
a brave face.
It is difficult for a boy
at his age.
But Kumiko,
you won't necessarily be happy just
because both your parents are here,
and not having your parents near you
doesn't mean that you're miserable.
The most important thing is
how the person lives his life
after that.
I see
Yeah, that's true.
You suck at it.
Don't carry all the burdens.
I don't.
You are so obvious.
If you walk around
with that look on your face,
all the bad guys on the street
will pick fights with you.
It's none of your business.
Stop trying to act cool
and start relying on your friends.
What school do you attend?
Who the heck are you?
Teachers of schools in this area
now work together and go patrolling.
Mr Ogata.
They seem to be students
from Akado Gakuin.
I don't think we have to worry about
any smoking or drinking problems.
Sorry, would you leave us alone
for a minute?
He is my son.
Is he really?
Well We'll leave you
to handle the rest.
My goodness!
How much more do you want
to embarrass me?
I didn't do anything bad.
Hanging out in places like this
is the problem.
You're really incorrigible!
- I'm not like my brother anyway.
- No, you're not.
Yuichi is walking the path
I expect of him,
his future is certain to be good.
Look at you compared to him.
You two are not like
brothers at all.
He is your son, but aren't you
going a bit too far?
Ren, don't.
You still hang out with
such ill-bred people.
Don't insult my friends!
Aren't you ashamed of yourself
for hanging out with them?
It's none of your business!
We won't be living together soon.
Listen, Yamato. You
You destroyed our family.
I'll just tell you this.
Dropouts will be losers for life.
They will never be happy.
How dare you!
Ogata, why did you do that?
It was my fault.
I provoked his father.
It wasn't your fault.
This problem is
between me and my dad.
It was my fault.
It's my fault that
my family is broken.
My dad said it too.
He said someone like me
would never be happy.
What happens to me now
doesn't matter!
Just leave me alone!
Don't say anything so stupid.
And of course it does matter!
Even if you run away now,
none of the problems will be solved.
This is exactly when you should
look ahead in your life.
Listen, Ogata.
Nobody's heart has never been hurt.
We all have to overcome many things
in our lives.
Shut up!
Why didn't he tell us anything?
I've been hanging out with him
since the first year,
but I know nothing about him.
We are friends! Why didn't he
just tell us?
This makes me sad.
Isn't it because you are
his friends?
Ogata cares about his friends
more than anyone.
If he shows you how much
his heart is hurt,
you guys will worry about him,
that's why he didn't do so, right?
This is what he is like.
Let's go find him.
- Found him?
- No.
Let's keep looking.
You destroyed our family.
You have money, right?
- Give us your money.
- No, I haven't got any.
What's this you've got here, then?
Get it out.
We'll let you go if you do.
Get it out.
Hey, you guys.
Don't do something so stupid.
What? You got a problem?
Don't try to act cool.
I'm not acting cool, though.
Don't you mess with me!
We can't find him anywhere!
Where has he gone?
Look at me!
How dare you hit me!
Oh, no!
Oh, no!
Hey! What are you doing?
What's going on?
There was a fight.
Someone was injured.
Hey It isn't Yamato, is it?
Excuse me
Let go!
What did Yamato do?
Why do you have to
take Yamato with you?
Please step back.
He is my student.
Please let me talk to him.
Please come to the police station
if you want to.
Why does Ogata have to be expelled?
If Ogata is accused of assault
and sent to a family court,
then the public will learn of it
and it will damage
our school's reputation.
So before that happens,
his father has brought in
a notice of withdrawal.
We're grateful for
your consideration.
It's fine.
We are all teachers,
I can't bring any more trouble
to this school.
Wait a second, Ogata said that
he did not injure the other person.
You don't trust your own son?
Sometimes I can't trust him
just because he's my son.
This is bad!
Yamato's dad just brought in
a notice of withdrawal!
What the heck?
Yamato said that
he didn't do anything!
Why does Yamato have to quit school?
Wait here.
You'll be punished if you do
something bad.
I think teaching him
how tough life is now
is the last job I can do
as his father.
But he said he didn't do it,
and I will trust Ogata.
Mr Ogata, are you so ashamed
of your own son?
Who are you afraid to tell
that he is your son?
Is it the world?
Miss Yamaguchi, that is enough!
Perhaps the world sees Ogata
as a loser,
but his life has just begun.
I want to
teach him properly that there are
many possibilities in his life.
If you'll excuse me.
- Wait a second!
- Miss Yamaguchi.
You are a teacher.
You have no right
to interfere in their
family matters any further.
Does Yamato really have to
quit school?
I want our whole class
to graduate together.
Good morning.
3D's students are all gone?
Miss Yamaguchi isn't here either!
Where have they gone?
Let's go and look for them.
Why do they keep causing trouble?
Both 3D's students and teacher.
I am terribly sorry.
Is this going to be all right?
I guess this is a bit of a problem.
What are they doing?
Some people got into fight here
last night.
Did anyone see it?
Our friend is suspected of assault,
but he didn't do anything!
Please help us!
Please help us
What are you guys doing?
If we can prove Yamato's innocence,
then he doesn't have to
quit school, right?
We want to spend more time
with Yamato.
Anything will do! Please help us!
Okay, let's do it in groups.
Excuse me, some people
got into scuffle here last night
Did anyone see people fighting here?
Please help us with
anything you know!
Excuse me, some people got into
a scuffle near here last night
Our friend got dragged
into the trouble.
- Did anyone see it?
- Sorry, I don't know.
I see.
Thank you!
Let's ask more people.
Excuse me!
We're looking for witnesses
to a fight!
Excuse me.
I'm sorry, I have no idea.
Thank you.
We found two middle school students
who Yamato helped!
Now Yamato will be cleared
of suspicion!
Will you come to the
police station with us?
You're going nowhere.
If you guys keep your mouths shut,
we'll settle this peacefully.
It was you guys?
You put the blame on our friend!
How dare you do this to him!
Yes, so what?
Boys, run!
All of you, cut it out!
Who are you?
I am the boys' class teacher.
You jerks
How dare you falsely accuse
my student of assault!
You're just a teacher.
What an idiot.
Get lost now!
Don't look down on me
because I am a teacher!
You jerk!
Don't get carried away!
I'll fight with you
if you still want to fight.
But brace yourselves for it,
because to protect my precious
students, I won't go easy on you!
Let's go.
Are you guys all right?
You should have just left me
on my own.
How can I do that?
You are my student
and I care about you.
The wound in your heart now
Carry it throughout your life.
I told you,
there's nobody
who's never been hurt.
Everyone has their own problems.
You just have to overcome them,
one by one.
If you do so, you will become
a stronger man.
And you said you would
never be happy,
but you are wrong.
I'm not wrong.
Just look.
They all tried with all their might
to find witnesses to what happened,
and they proved your innocence.
Having friends as good as them,
shouldn't you be very happy
in your life?
Live with your head held up high.
Perhaps you will live apart
from your family,
perhaps you and your dad
will never understand each other,
but from now on,
you only have to find your happiness
with your own hands.
Because this is your own life.
You should give your mother
the support she needs too.
Good lord! Don't make us worry
like that.
Come on
Sorry, guys.
What are you talking about?
Don't act like a stranger!
We are friends after all, aren't we?
We are. Right, Yamato?
Thank you, guys.
Miss Yamaguchi,
thank you so very much!
You're welcome.
Ogata looks very happy.
I haven't seen him so happy
for a long time.
I have to work harder too.
Miss Yamaguchi,
please take care of Yamato
until he graduates.
Ogata doesn't have to be expelled?
Is it true?
Ogata's mother took back
the notice of withdrawal.
I'm glad to hear that!
I guess Ogata is delighted too.
3D's students just love
to raise false alarms.
They always make me so nervous.
I can't live without
my stomach medicine.
It's 3D's fault that I have to have
another health check.
Listen, guys.
In the future,
we don't know when or what crisis
we might encounter.
But you guys have
the strength to overcome it,
and you have friends
who will give you support.
Just never forget that.
And so
To celebrate Ogata's return,
we're having a Kick the Can
Okay, guys! Are you ready?
(Final episode
90-minute special)
All of you are going to pay for it.
There is no life that should
disappear for something so stupid!
Kazama is now fighting very hard.
I know he won't die!
It's my fault. It's because I said
I would seek revenge on Goda.
Darn it!
Hopeless students will be
hopeless forever.
I'll announce your punishment.
All the students in 3D will
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