Power Book II: Ghost (2020) s03e10 Episode Script

Divided We Stand


[DAVIS] Previously on Ghost
[NOMA] Hell of an engagement ring.
Unfortunately, that ring belongs to me.
What I need, only Noma can get me.
If I get you these green cards,
will you please stall Noma out for me?
Noma said that Lombardi was her ex.
This is her kid.
This is her Achilles' heel.
What the fuck is this?
You're not being arrested
for drug dealing, Effie.
[LAUREN] That's the bitch
that tried to kill me.
This is a RICO.
You're looking at 20 years federal time.
Weston Holdings is a
fucking Ponzi scheme.
That means my fucking
trust fund money is gone.
[BRAYDEN] Yeah, and the Tejadas'.
You gave our money to a
bunch of motherfuckers.
Now I gotta go get it the fuck back.
Yeah, I'm into this honesty thing.
I'm just not into losing.
That's funny, because you're losing me.
- [DIANA] What's that?
- A letter from my lawyer.
Saxe says Tariq set
me up to get arrested.
We better not do anything
till we know for sure.
[DIANA] Why would Papi's prints
be at the scene of Zeke's murder?
It was your mother.
She wanted Lorenzo dead.
I'm so done with your lying bullshit!
I would have did the
same thing for any of you!
If anybody should be dead, it's yo' ass.
- [MONET] I should be dead?
- [DIANA] Yes!
Get the fuck off her!
[MONET] Don't you ever put
your fucking hands on me again.
Get the fuck out of my house.
- [THUD]
How did you even find me?
Your buddy, Monet Tejada.
This battle between us has gotta end.

Tameika, where's my mom?
Tasha is missing.

[JOE] They say this
is a big, rich town ♪
I just come from the poorest part ♪
Bright lights, city life ♪
I gotta make it ♪
This is where it goes down ♪
I just happen to come up hard ♪
Legal or illegal,
baby I gotta make it ♪
[50 CENT] I never took
a straight path nowhere ♪
Life's full of twists ♪
And turns, bumps and bruises ♪
I live, I learn ♪
I'm from that city full of
yellow cabs and skyscrapers ♪
It's hard to get a start in
these parts without paper ♪
Homey, I grew up in hell ♪
A block away from heaven ♪
That corner every 15 minutes ♪
They moving seven ♪
Pure snow, bag it then watch it go ♪
Occupational options ♪
Get some blow or some hos ♪
Shoot the ball or the strap ♪
Learn to rap or to jack ♪
Fuck it, man in the meantime ♪
Go head and pump a pack ♪
This my regal, royal flow ♪
My James Bond bounce ♪
That 007 ♪
That's 62 on my count ♪
I'm an undercover liar ♪
I lie under the covers ♪
Look a bitch in the eyes ♪
And tell her ♪
Baby, I love ya ♪
You're my inspiration ♪
You're my motivation ♪
You're the reason that I'm
moving with no hesitation ♪
[JOE] They say this
is a big, rich town ♪
Yeah, I just come
from the poorest part ♪
Bright lights, city life ♪
I gotta make it ♪
This is where it goes down ♪
Oh, yeah, yeah ♪
I just happen to come up hard ♪
Legal or illegal,
baby I gotta make it ♪


[DRAKE] It's over, it's over ♪
Yeah, I'm leaving, I'm gone ♪
I can't stay here no more ♪
- Here.
- [OFFICER] Gate.
[DRAKE] And I can't
sleep on the floor ♪
Man, I'm leaving, I'm leaving ♪
You know I got my reasons ♪
Yeah, I'm leaving ♪
Yeah, I'm leaving ♪
Yeah, I'm leaving, I'm gone ♪
I'm leaving, I'm gone ♪
Had to knock down the wall ♪
Yeah, I swear to God that I'm gone ♪
- I'm leaving, I'm leaving ♪
No looking back when I'm gone ♪
No more, I'm gone ♪
I don't wanna miss the boat ♪
I don't wanna sit in coach ♪
I don't wanna sit at home ♪
I gotta get where I'm going ♪
I'm afraid that I'ma die ♪
Before I get where I'm going ♪
I know I'ma be alone ♪

I gotta get on the road ♪
I gotta get on the road ♪
I ain't looking back no more ♪
No, no, no ♪
No more, no more, no more ♪
No more, no more ♪
No more ♪
No more, no more ♪
No more ♪
No more, no more ♪
B, I gotta find my mom, man.
But how the fuck did Tommy get to her?
Working from beyond the fucking grave.
He had a fail-safe just in case
anyone figured out he was a rat.
- Mole.
- What?
Technically, Saxe was a mole, not a rat.
Who gives a fuck? It's the same shit.
Either way, that mole
knew where my mom was,
and he told Monet, and Monet told Tommy.
I mean, why would she do that?
I don't know.
All I know is, I'm
taking Tommy and Monet
- off the fucking map.
- [BRAYDEN] Okay, whoa.
We can't make that move
with Lauren about to testify
and Effie in custody.
If she flips on us, we're fucked, 'Riq.
- You think
- Who knows, bro?
I mean, at least your uncle
isn't a threat to us anymore.
You're good with all that, right?
He's a fucking coward.
Look, I can't even can't
even think about shit like that
until I know my mom's all right.
What can I do?
- You strapped?
- Yeah, I'm strapped, motherfucker.
Let me see that.
Hurry up.
All right, good looking.
I'ma hit you when I need you, a'ight?

Monet Tejada.
I'm surprised it's taken this long.
[MONET] We don't need to chitchat.
That's a lot of product you've
got sitting on them shelves.
You asked for this meeting.
You must have a solution for me.
For which problem?
Your Wall Street
operations are shut down,
the feds are at the gate,
and weight ain't
moving through the Ivies
because that girl Effie got locked up.

I did not want to worry you prematurely.
I was told it would all be rectified.
[MONET] Who told you that shit?
That Tariq nigga?
You can't trust him.
Only my streets is
bringing in money right now
because I finessed the Russians,
took Kai out, and
wiped out the Castillos.
Do I have a solution?

I'm the solution.
Empty promise.
How will you manage our operations
when your own children
want nothing to do with you?
Look, if you back me,
I'll keep them in line,
get your weight moving again.

Before I could possibly agree to this,
I need some answers.

What happened to my fiancé, Mecca?

Tariq! Oh, my God.
- It's been so long.
- Cut the shit.
- Where's Tommy?
- You fucking kidding me.
Is that how you wanna talk to me?
Okay. Where's Tommy, ma'am?
He's dead. Didn't you get the memo?
[TARIQ] Listen, this is serious shit.
I need to know where Tommy is. Now.
All right, I expect
you're not gonna go away
unless you see for yourself.
What are you
[SCOFFS] Tariq, he's not here.
He never is.
Come on.
- What did he do?
- [TARIQ] Listen.
He went after my fucking
mother, all right?
And I swear to God, if
anything happens to her
Tariq, I raised your dad,
my son is a drug lord,
his father was a made man,
and I have pictures of you in diapers,
so just calm down.
Take your hand off the fucking gun.
Okay, good.
Nobody's gonna hurt you here, sweetie.
What are you drinking? Hennessy?
I don't usually drink.
Juice box?
Look, I need to find my mother,
and Tommy's the only fucking person
- that knows where she is.
- What, are you gonna shoot me
if I don't tell you?
Come on.
That never occurred to you.
Sit down.
You're a good kid,
in spite of all your role models.
Yeah, Mrs. Egan, I'm
afraid I'm not the same kid
that you remember.
Well, I can see that, baby.
But you know, I don't know shit.
This woman with red hair
Her name was Monique.
- [TARIQ] Whoa, whoa, M-Monet?
- Her.
So she came to my house,
and she gave me a letter.
She wanted me to give it to Tommy.
That fucking letter had
my mom's address on it.
Well, I didn't know that, Tariq.
You know I try not to get involved.
Listen, if you can tell
Tommy that Monet dropped by,
you can tell him that
I'm looking for him.
Hey, hey, Tariq, you're still a kid.
And-and what I do know about my son
is that you never wanna
get on his wrong side.
We both have that in common.

Mecca meant this for me.
Keep it.
I don't want that shit.
You didn't love Mecca?

Your son Zeke.
Mecca was his father.
And now you wanna use me
to bring your family
back into your fold.
Interesting choice.
Look, I'm trying to protect my family.
Wouldn't expect you to understand that.
Let's be clear.
You don't know anything about me.
But if I had children,
I'd keep them as far away
from this world as possible, love.
Well, I tried that shit with Zeke,
and he's the one who's dead now.
Yeah, and I'm sorry for your loss.
Were you trying to protect Zeke?
Is that what happened to Mecca?
[MONET] Look, I ain't
admitting to shit,
but I will tell you this much.
I will kill to protect my family.
[NOMA] So an ex-lover killed Mecca.
How fucking ordinary.
[MONET] Well, if that's the case,
you really gonna let a fuckboy
get between our business?
A woman in my position
has to consider all the
angles to stay on top.
Mecca's murder, I never saw it coming.
He kept you and your son a secret.
I was so blind,
so in the dark,
it made me feel vulnerable.
And I can't afford that, love.
I understand the need for that control.
Yeah, well, I'm sure we
have many things in common.
And I can't tolerate deception.
In any form.
I've served you loyally, Noma.
And you'll continue to
do so with a reminder.

Are we clear, Mrs. Tejada?
Anything suspicious
about the Weston suicide?
Nothing we can prove.
Circle the wagons.
We need to protect the witnesses.
Where are we with Morales?
Transferred into federal
custody and processed.
Couple nights in the
MCC will soften her up.
And after Lauren testifies
in front of the grand jury,
we'll have Effie indicted
on attempted murder.
- She'll cave.
- [MEDINA] Hmm.
She'll connect Tariq to the Tejadas,
and then we can charge
Diana Tejada with the RICO,
and she'll fold on the
rest of the organization.
I'll finish digging
into Morales' records.
These two girls, Effie and Diana,
both Stansfield students?
With promising futures.
That's pretty savage.
That's how we play it.
Good afternoon, Miss Baldwin.
We're here to talk you through
the grand jury hearing.
I talked to Cooper Saxe.
How is his death related
to this? Was that Tariq?
Of course it was.
We're still investigating.
We're not ready to make that case.
The words "grand jury" may
sound scary, but it's not a trial.
The process is merely a formality.
Typically, an AUSA would take over,
but I've been waived in, so I'll
be with you every step of the way,
asking the questions.
[MEDINA] And no defense,
no cross-examination.
You just say what you know.
They'll assess the evidence
and vote to indict Ms. Morales.
You're not asking me
to blame this on Tariq?
No, no. Effie is our goal here.
This is about getting justice for you.
My life is never gonna be the same.
[BLANCA] I hear you, Lauren. I do.
But it'll be a life,
and your bravery will keep others safe.
I wanna see my family.
Soon. I promise.
Please don't do anything
crazy in the home stretch.
You don't wanna expose them, Lauren.

[CANE] Yo, what the fuck you doing here?
It seems y'all can't keep Noma happy,
so I'm your new boss now.
- You're welcome.
- Fuck, nah.
- No, no.
- Dru, chill the fuck out.
This ain't no game.

So we answer to you now?
If you answer to Noma,
you answer to Monet.
In other words, no more fucking around.
Cane, Dru, you back on the streets.
Tell your sister to call me.
And you two Trading Places motherfuckers
owe me some serious money.
Wipe that fucking smirk off your face.
Y'all gave my money to
the country club crooks,
so your name is on that bill now too.
And y'all gotta make
Noma whole again too.
So put your fucking Beavis
and Butt-Heads together
and find a new market.
The only thing keeping
you alive is your debt.
And you.
We need to talk.

Now, why the fuck you telling
my kids I killed Lorenzo?
How the fuck would I know that shit?
I ain't tell them nothing.
Well, you knew it wasn't
GTG that killed Zeke,
and I'm sure you figured out
the rest of that shit too.
Oh, that's why you sent
Tommy after my mother.
Nigga, I don't know what
the fuck you talking about.
I ain't have shit to do with that.
But if it was left up to me,
Cane would be digging
your grave right now.
But lucky for you, you need to keep
your little bitches in line first.
Effie and Lauren can't talk.
- Am I clear?
- Yes.

Tariq, a moment.
The green cards.
My family received approval.
Yeah, I know that, but you were supposed
to stall Noma until we
figured something out.
Yet Noma knows everything
and Monet's now the fucking boss?
This is what I received
from stalling Noma.
Be happy she prevented
Monet from killing you
till the heat was off of our enterprise.
It will benefit us all
when you are back in Noma's good graces.

Use the time wisely.
I will.
[DIANA ON RECORDING] Hey, what's up?
It's Di. Leave a message.
Diana, get over your shit
and call me back.
We need to talk about Saxe's letters.
Is Tariq a snitch or not?

Don't do nothing stupid.
And follow me.

You got some fucking balls.
You brought a fucking
gun to my mother's house?
This exact fucking one, Uncle Tommy.
I swear to my life I'll use it
if you don't tell me what
happened to my mother.
Yeah, all right.
You quit popping off, and I'll tell you.
Put the gun down first, Tariq.
You wanna know where your
mother is, put the gun away.

We hashed it out, okay?
You got the drop on me.
And then thank God your mother
knocked you the fuck out,
'cause you was about to shoot.
I love you, but I'll put a bullet in you
to stop you from killing my mother.
You think you're finally
gonna kill me, huh?
Well, you killed your father.
So pulling the trigger on me
ain't gonna be nothing to you.
I just saved your life, Tommy.
What, you're gonna kill me
while I'm trying to check on my baby?
Yeah, come here.
You gotta turn him like this.
Towards you, so he's on his side.
Okay, okay, be careful, please.
I ain't the one who
just knocked his ass out.
He's fine.
He's just sleeping it off.
Why'd you do this?
You had the drop on me.
I've already lost too
much family, Tommy.
We don't need to kill each other.
Let's dead this shit.
What about me?
What about Keisha?
You think I wanted to
kill my best friend?
Like that shit was easy?
She was gonna rat on my son
and then she was gonna rat on you.
- No.
- No, I saved your life again.
Listen to me. Our blood feud ends now.
Or else we're gonna end up in the grave
just like Lakeisha, just like Ghost.

Look, I love you,
Tommy. I never stopped.
Don't ever forget how we've
been there for each other.
We are day-ones.
We're the only ones left.
I know.
I just feel like I
keep losing my people.
So let's not lose each other.

God, Tash, I wish we
could just smoke a blunt
and ride around the city.
I got so much I wanna tell you.
- You know, I got a brother?
- What?
- That's insane, Tommy.
- Oh, yeah. I mean, it's a half-brother.
But he got a son.
I'm a actual uncle now.
So you know it's real when I tell you
I want this shit to be over.
I trust you with that information.
So is my family safe from you?
'Cause your family's safe from me.
What the fuck you mean, Tommy?
We are family.
I love you, too, Tash.
- But I gotta get the fuck up out of here.
- All right.
- Where is she?
- I don't know.
When the marshals
showed up, we took off.
But I know she wouldn't
want you going after Monet.
You speak for my mother now.
If you put Monet in the ground,
then you're getting your mother,
your other sister, and
your grandmother killed.
Uncle Tommy, fuck that noise. Okay?
Monet made a fucking move already.
I need to retaliate.
You ain't got no ally.
You ain't got no plan for war.
You need to rethink your beef with her.
You think I can't handle a fucking
war by myself, Uncle Tommy?
I know you can't ride one out
from the back of a
fucking college classroom.
Your father tried to ride one out
from between two worlds.
It's what fucked him up.
If you wanna survive,
you either a civilian or a gangster.
There ain't no in-between.
Stay in your lane. All in or all out.
If you get distracted
you dead.
A'ight, so say I do hear you out.
Say I'm all in.
You care, right?
You proved that by
having my fucking back.
Oh, Tariq
this ain't my war.
Plus, in New York, I'm already dead.

Be smart, Tariq.

[NEWSCASTER] Less than 24 hours away,
and polls show Rashad
Tate firmly in the lead
over his rival, AVH,
to be the twelfth district's
democratic nominee.
And in New York, that's a
guaranteed ticket to Congress.
Okay, okay, okay.
Please, not until after the election.
Don't jinx my ass.
Taking on Weston Holdings was brave.
Courage is never
something that I lacked.
No, courage was never your problem.
Ethical conviction
was your issue, but
you showed me you are
who I hoped you could be.
And I'm very proud of you.
Thank you.
So maybe we can try again.
Only if I can do it the right way, baby.
- "The right way"?
- [NEWSCASTER] We will, of course, be with you
Rashad [LAUGHS]
- You know your knees are bad.
Harper, I'm gonna ask you a third time.
Will you marry me?
- Yes.
- Yes!

I love you.
So Monet's just our fucking boss now.
She made the one move she had.
It was smart.
Forcing her kids to work for her
under penalty of death is smart?
She's a fucking sociopath.
Does it matter?
We ain't got nowhere else to go.
Oh, no, I forgot. He's
a fucking mama's boy.
Always has been, always will be.
If I was you, I'd shut the fuck up.
I'm so tired of your fucking bullshit.
- Do you even care that she killed our father?
- Enough! Hey!
Stop, okay?
This beef ain't between us.
It's Monet again.
She's always the fucking problem.
Y'all know that.
When will y'all realize
we don't live normal lives?
Dru, I need you to
man the fuck up, okay?
You're not gonna be a NBA housewife.
And Diana, let's stop pretending
you're some college
sorority chick, all right?
We're drug dealers.
That's the family business.
That's who we are.
Now, I have a collection to hit.

You know what?
Fuck both of them.
They're never gonna see us coming.
And by the time they do,
it'll be too fucking late.

Nice of you to join us.
What the fuck don't you
understand about family emergency?
I'm here now.
My brother is dead, Brayden.
Show some goddamn unity.
I think you guys should just all
get out of the city for a while.
You know, avoid all the
media, cops, all that bullshit.
No, Brayden's right.
I can't go out on the
street without being heckled.
Jesus, you're all
thinking about yourselves.
What about a fucking
funeral for Uncle Lucas?
Oh, Becca's right.
What about Uncle Lucas?
No one's even fucking going to that.
- [BRAYDEN] What the fuck?
- [TRACE] Mom, Dad, Becca,
you might wanna get out of here.
Ain't nobody going nowhere.
Your family owes my family money.
I have no idea who the
hell you people are,
but we are not in a position
to repay anybody's losses.
- [BRAYDEN] Cane
- [CANE] Listen, man.
You're not in a fucking position
- to not be in a position.
- [BRAYDEN] Cane
let's fucking handle this later.

Relax, little man.
Look, everybody calm the fuck down.
If you don't have the money,
these paintings right here
damn sure don't look fake.
Fucking nice-ass house.
[CANE] Yeah, check this out, Ma.
This one got your name on it. Monet.
- Yeah, right there.
I'll put this shit
up in the dining room.
Let me get that watch, snowflake.
Oh, dude, it's a family heirloom.
[GASPS] Oh, my God!
- [TRACE] All right.
- All right. Appreciate it.
I'll make sure I let the nigga
at the pawn shop know that.
Hey, all this shit,
it's just a down payment.

We'll be back for all this shit.

[ROBERT] What the fuck, son?
You had every opportunity
to leave that life behind.
You are not one of them.
Yeah, you didn't learn your
fucking lesson the first time?
Your brother was the biggest
crook in the generation.
You're gonna act like
this is the first time
you suspected anything?
Yeah, okay. See if
the SEC buys that bullshit.
This fucking family.

- You spoke to your sister?
- [CANE] Yeah.
Shit that happened to
Pops really fucked them up.
All right? Dru and Diana might be out.
That ain't gonna work for me.
Yeah, well, you gonna
have to work your magic.
When was you gonna tell
me Effie got locked up?
Yeah, Davis told me.
Can I count on you, Cane?
'Cause me and you both know
that Tariq is not gonna be
able to handle this shit.
Listen, don't trip
about Effie, all right?
She didn't snitch out
Tariq like I asked her to.
But she held it down. She kept it 100.
Are you nigga, you are pussy whipped.
Can't you see this
bitch is out for herself?
Man, fuck it. I-I'll
handle it on my own.
- [MEREDITH] On the gate.

Why are you changing my cell?
Do I look like I'm here
to answer your questions?

Looks like we got another bad bitch.
Lights out at nine.



[DAVIS] Good, you're here. Look.
From what you told me, you need to leave
this Monet shit alone, all right?
She said she didn't do it.
Obviously, she's gonna fucking lie.
I'm only alive 'cause I owe money.
If I may suggest,
when your lawyer and
your homicidal white uncle
both tell you not to start
a war, you should listen.
And we have more pressing shit.
The feds have me on camera
passing a note to Diana.
You gotta get her charges dropped.
Or else I go down with her.
Trust me, I'm working on that.
What the fuck happened
at Weston Holdings?
You know, I think it was the
fucking Councilman Tate nigga.
- Shit.
- [TARIQ] Yeah.
Okay, I-I'd recommend not
murdering a congressman.
But having leverage on
Tate could be useful.
Oh, you know that snake-ass
motherfucker is always up for a deal.
That's for damn sure.
I'll take care of that.
And you, my friend,
need to focus on Effie.
She has to go, Tariq.
Whoa, whoa.
Ain't that exactly what the fuck
you're not supposed to say?
She's not on our side.
If she folds, we all get jumpsuits.
Didn't she snitch on you before?
Yes, but it's not that simple.
All right, obviously, the
feds will lock us the fuck up.
But Noma will kill us.
Effie has the picture that I need
to get out from under Noma's thumb.
You'll never get to use
it if Lauren testifies,
which reminds me, she has to go too.
What the fuck are you
on right now, Davis?
You sound like Monet, my
nigga. Stay in your lane.
I don't give a fuck anymore.
Those are your bitches.
Since when is killing a problem for you?
I learned that killing leads
to more fucking problems.
Listen, I understand you
just lost your brother.
I get exactly how you feel.
I lost my twin sister
right in front of my
fucking eyes, Davis.
But now's not the time to crash out.
You gotta pull your shit together.
All right, what if she recants?
What's her incentive?
She gotta feel more in danger
if she testifies than if she doesn't.
I hear her parents came back
to town after Effie's arrest.
That could be a soft spot.
But recanting won't outright solve it.
They'd still have time to trump up
some other charges against Effie.

Will Effie talk to you?
Yeah, I think so.

You have to convince her to do
something she won't wanna do.


[SINGER] Yeah ♪


Drop it. Drop it.
Get the fuck off of me!
You're trying to fucking kill me?

Tougher than I thought.

You have a visitor.
What happened? You okay?
So I can assume it wasn't
you that sent that warning?
- I don't know what you're talking about.
- What the fuck are you here for then?
I got a plan to get you out.
I don't need shit from you.
My lawyer's coming to sort this out.
I have my own money.
I'm gonna post my own bail.
You know, you can't
post bail, right, Effie?
Nigga, are you crazy?
- Are you trying to get me killed?
- Listen, Davis said if you post bail,
they have months to indict you.
But if you sit, they have to impanel a
whole grand jury to
indict you in five days.
How does less time help me?
Because once they get
the charges dropped,
they'll have less time
to find out anything else.
You'll walk.
Look, we haven't seen eye to eye,
but we're on the same team, right?
Because you need something from me?
That picture of Noma's daughter, yes.
I need it.
If I get it, figure out who she is,
I'll get you out, and I'll
get us out from under Noma.
Well, I found her already.
The fuck you mean you found her?
I found her already.
And you're not getting a goddamn thing
until you get me the fuck out of here.

All right, so they need a grand
jury to indict Effie in five days.
That's our window to get Lauren
a reversal story against Effie.
Effie gets clear, we walk free.
I don't think we got
enough time for that.
- I will cut that fucking hand off.
When did baby Rambo's balls drop, huh?
[TARIQ] Listen, listen, listen.
Only way we get Lauren to change
her story is if we work together.
So both of y'all shut the
fuck up and listen, all right?
What you got?
Remember when Obi dropped
pictures of our families?
We're gonna threaten Lauren's parents?
But just with pictures.
Look, she needs to understand
that even WITSEC can't protect
her and her family, bro.
Look, I'ma set up a meeting with us.
You guys talk to her.
You guys show her the pictures.
We promise her safety in return
for her recanting her story on Effie.
Dru and I will get the photos.
Bet. I'll have Davis show
y'all where to get them.
- Just tell me when you wanna leave.
- I swear to God
Yo, yo, yo, shut the fuck up,
man. We got shit to do.
You better have a damn
good reason for calling.
[SIGHS] Lauren, listen.
You can't testify, all
right? It's not safe.
So someone's gonna kill me?
The same way you killed Saxe
after I told you he
was talking to Jenny?
That wasn't me.
All right? Saxe was dirty as fuck.
He dug his grave 100 times over.
How do you even trust the feds?
They can't even keep
their own people safe.
They don't even let you see your family.
Come on, listen.
I'm the only person that can help you
in your situation, all right?
And how am I supposed to trust that?
If I wanted to hurt you, you've given me
the opportunity to do so
a million times already.
Just trust me. I got a plan.
Meet up with me, and
we'll speak about it.
Okay, but it needs to be in public.
I'll meet you tonight
in Fort Greene Park.
All right, I'll be there.
Thank you.

[SHERYL] I know.
We have to keep trying.
- I


Let me call you back.

[CANE] We need you to
quiet the fuck down,
Mrs. Baldwin.

Honestly, don't trip, all right?
She lives.
Hey, light skin. Nice to see you again.
- You fucking tricked me?
- Lauren, you're not in any danger.
I tried to save you, remember?
Did you? Look, I don't care.
I will fuck all y'all
up before I go down.
Look, they're just here to make a deal.
Face to face so you know that
they're telling the truth.
That's it.
I wouldn't be scared
of the undynamic duo,
but what I would be scared of
Is me.
My mom and dad? Really?
What? Cane, what the fuck?
We never spoke about this shit.
- Let them go right now.
- [CANE] Or what, huh?
You'll slightly puncture me
with a fucking steak knife?
Listen, I don't listen
to this nigga, okay?
I listen to myself, all right?
Now, if I give you my word, it's bond.
Recant, forget I fucking know you.
[TARIQ] Yeah, you go
about your regular life.
School, family, back to the future
that you've been preparing for.
I mean, what, you wanna be in
bum fuck Arizona being a cashier?
That's all WITSEC has for
you, Lauren, literally.

And what about Effie?
Is she in on this deal?
That's who tried to fucking kill me.
And I'm gonna need guarantee
from that bitch before I do shit.
But I swear to God, if something happens
to my family, it is over.
let her parents go.
Show her she can trust us.
- Come on.
- Cane.

[CANE] All right.
But remember, we always
know where to find them.

Jenny and Blanca were
right, weren't they?
The drugs, murders, it
all comes back to you.
- No, listen, it wasn't supposed
- Don't!
This is the last time you lie to me.

[TARIQ] Fuck.
I mean, even if this shit does work,
we still gotta worry about
the charges against Diana, no?
You got Davis handling that shit, right?
Right now, in fact.
[SINGER] I'm all the way up ♪
All the way up ♪
All the way up ♪
I just received the call from AVH.
She's officially conceded the race.
I'm happy tonight that
virtue and integrity won.
And I couldn't have done it
without my extraordinary staff:
Brushaundria, Jim, Sabrina,
I couldn't have done it
without all of your support.
But mostly, I couldn't have
done it without the guidance
from my lovely fiancée, Harper.
Come on. Come on up.
- I love you.
- I love you too.
- [TATE] And remember,
New York still leads the way.
New York leads the way.
[ALL CHANTING] New York leads the way!
[SINGER] Nothing can stop me ♪
I'm all the way up ♪

I'm proud of you.
[TATE] Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
I appreciate you.
What's happening, nigga?
Or shall I say congratulations,
Ah, Davis, I didn't realize
that you were a supporter.
I'm not.
But I have a message for you.
Shall we?
[BRUSHAUNDRIA] Thank you for
going out to those polls and
Tariq and the Tejadas know it was you
who burned them at Weston Holdings.
You've got a bullet coming your way.
Are you sure you wanna
threaten me, my nigga?
'Cause after tonight,
I can have your ass
chasing after fucking
ambulances in Trenton.
Now who's threatening who?
There's something you can do
that might earn you some grace.
Get that charges against
Diana Tejada dropped,
and make sure they back off me as well.
Look at your ass.
But you know, I'm always
open to helping friends in need,
particularly when they donate
large sums of money to my campaign.
[LAUGHS] Of course.
Consider it done.
Professor Bennet, I was
just looking for you.
Amina Hosseini of The Tribune.
Now's not a good time.
I would love to run a piece on
your love story with Rashad Tate.
Old flames reuniting
during the campaign.
Well, it would be about
the end of a love story,
a real fucking tragedy.
And nobody wants to read that.
So if you'll excuse me.

What are you doing here?
Just getting my shit out of here.
It's my last day at
Weston Holdings, so
SEC just cleared me.
You know, they also
wanted to talk to RSJ,
but conveniently, he's
out of the country.
Guess that's one of the perks
of having your own private jet.
Yeah, well, I'm gonna be stuck on coach
on the way back home to Columbus, so
You don't have to go.
Lucas took the blame for
everything in his suicide note.
Yeah, but that doesn't change
the fact that I know I was a part of it.
I gotta take a step back.
You know, look at my life.
Start over.
At least you get to.
Brayden, you know how you said
that you were gonna
make all of this go away?
Your uncle wasn't a quitter.
I mean, I-I told you
where he was hiding.
That suicide note,
it-it didn't sound anything like him.

What are you asking me?

maybe you need to get out of here too.
I mean, seriously.
Think about what you're becoming.

It's a little late for that.

- [LAUREN] I'm not an idiot.
- I know.
Okay, so this isn't about
getting justice for me.
This is about you trying to
get Effie to turn on Tariq
and bring down some big drug ring
while you get justice
for your dead boyfriend
and maybe a promotion.
That's what I thought.
Look, at this point,
I want Tariq gone, too,
but what I'm not gonna do is get
up on that stand and lie for you.
So if you want Effie to flip on Tariq,
let me talk to her.
Well, what makes you think
you can get Effie to flip?
Because I can tell her she has
no reason to stay loyal to him.
What do you mean?
Tariq wants her to keep her mouth shut
and go away so he can be with me.
Have you been in contact with Tariq?
Did he tell you that?
Of course not.
But she doesn't know that.

Lauren, I've crossed so
many ethical lines already,
I - I can't ask you to do that.
Jenny, you have no choice.
Either I talk to Effie
or I'm not gonna testify.
And then what?

Too much of a fair fight last time?

[SINGER] I take my time ♪
I finesse it, yeah ♪
Can't get you ♪
Out of the question, no ♪
I keep falling ♪
You two play nice now.
[SINGER] Give me All my messages ♪

[LAUREN] This isn't being recorded.
I learned my lesson about that shit.
The past few months of my
life have been fucking hell.
Do you understand that?
And whatever it is that you're into,
I'm not a part of it.
Apparently, Tariq didn't want
me dead, and neither did Brayden.
But the cops showed
me pictures of you two.
So what was that? You were
just trying to get rid of me?
[CHUCKLES] You're thinking
way too deep into this.
So then what do I need to know?
Because if I'm not 100%
sure that this shit is over,
I have no problem taking
you guys down with me.
I don't give a fuck about you.
Not one.
You say the last couple months
of your life have been hard.
Try since fucking birth.
You've had every single
golden opportunity in the world
and I was never jealous of that.
But you decided to step out
of your wide-ass, privileged-ass lane,
and you threatened my future.
You see, this was
never personal, Lauren.
This was just business.
But if you go up there
and you snitch me out,
I'm afraid this is gonna
get personal really quickly.
- Are you threatening me?
- No, I'm telling you the truth.
Well, I think you're very confused
on who has the power in this situation.
- Mm.
- [LAUREN] You know what?
I'm not the same Lauren I used to be.

I didn't see you coming last time,
but this time, my eyes
are wide open, bitch.
Look, if you recant, we all walk.
You get your old life back.
We all get our old lives back.
- That's what you want.
- Jesus, you're evil.
All of you are fucking evil.
And somehow, you think
you don't deserve what you're getting.


Members of the grand
jury, you're here to decide
whether or not there
is sufficient evidence
to indict Josefina Morales
for the felony of attempted murder.
And to help you make that decision,
you'll now hear from
the victim in the case,
Lauren Baldwin,
a dean's list student
at Stansfield University.
Miss Baldwin, would you tell the
grand jury what happened to you?
I know you've been through a lot.
In a signed victim statement,
you stated that Miss
Morales kidnapped you,
knocked you unconscious,
strapped you to your seat,
and pushed you into an icy river.
That is what you told me to say.

Lauren, you signed this statement
under penalty of perjury.
Because you forced me to.

I wasn't well.
I was having panic attacks over school
and, um, you know, just the pressure.
I don't I don't know.
And I took a drive,
and I
I'm sorry.
I started thinking about my brother,
who also has panic attacks and anxiety,
and I must have just
blacked out in my car.
When I woke up, Jenny
Sullivan was in the room
with a doctor that
told me that I was dead.
And she told me if I ever
wanna see my parents again,
I have to say it was
Effie who did this to me.
It is obvious that this
witness has been compromised.
Lauren, are you aware
that you are perjuring
yourself right now?
[LAUREN] I was so confused,
as you can imagine.
But she made me believe
that this statement was true.
But it's not.

Sorry, Jenny.
I'm done with your agenda.
I'd like to go home.

What happened?
I don't know how they
got to her, but they did.
- We still have Effie in custody.
And you only have a day left to charge
her before you have to let her go.
And we got nothing from
busting the coffee shop.
They played you.

I'm pulling the plug before
we're embarrassed any further.
No. Medina, after all this time,
you know the St. Patricks.
- There is a way to save this.
- Yeah, pack it up. Piss on the fire.
This is done.

Are you okay, honey?
Yeah, just really ready to go.
Let's go, baby.
Thank you.

I don't know how you do this
shit all the time, but you just do.
You just gotta have a little faith.
Yeah, I didn't have any other options.
Anyway, as agreed,
turns out Noma's daughter
isn't even a kid anymore.
She's our age, and she's attending NYU.
Are you fucking kidding me?
This is the name, address,
social media so you can track.
I don't even think that she
knows that her mom is a criminal.
It's like Noma kept their
lives completely separate.
So um, what happens to me and
this business after you do this?
I mean, you've been on
your own before, right?
I'm sure you can build back up.

Just like that?
After you set me up at the warehouse.
We're not even now?
All the shit that you said in Italy,
was that that was just nothing?
What about our future?

Effie, tell me why you
think I can trust you.
You went behind my back to Cane
when you should've came to me.
But I'm not tripping. It's all good.
Let me take you to your dorm. Come on.

Yo, what are you doing?
Finding my own way, like I always do.

A'ight, look. Noma's daughter.
That's the key to our freedom.
She'll stop the fucking
threats to our families,
and we won't have to work for Monet.
Listen, 'Riq, I don't know if I can.
- If you can what?
- Ride with you on this.
Look, for me, I just
I think it's just time to quit.
Cold turkey.
Look, if you can use
that to get me out, cool.
- [TARIQ] Wait, wait, you
- But if it's my head
that Noma or the
Tejadas come for, then
You waited for this shit to get
this fucking hard to quit, B?
And then you leave me with
the bag to hold for myself.
I killed my fucking uncle, okay?
- He didn't jump. I pushed him.
- You did what needed to be done, Brayden.
Yeah, and it's all I
can fucking think about.
My family will never be the same.
We ruin people's lives, 'Riq.
I'm just
I'm not made for it.
- I'm sorry, but
- Come the fuck on, bro.
Come the fuck on.
I'm sorry. I'm out.
Good luck.
- Yo, what's up?
- I need to talk to you, 'Riq.
It's about my mom and my dad.
Yeah, she told me.
She thinks I'm how you
found out she killed him,
but I had no idea.
Shit's so fucked up.
I know.
But look, 'Riq,
I gotta get out, but
she'll never let me leave.
She's fucking crazy,
and honestly, I'm scared.
Yeah, I feel you.
I mean, can you believe she
sent Tommy after my mother?
Is she okay?
She's fine.
Tommy said they hashed it out.
If she went after your mom
like that, how is Monet still alive?
- That don't make sense.
- Look,
because my mom
is still alive, all right?
And that's a win for me.
I don't need no fucking war
between me and your family, D.
That's just gonna end up with my family
having to go on the fucking run again.
[SCOFFS] Fucking Monet.
Okay, look.
What if it didn't start a war?
How is that gonna happen?
Dru hates her, and I want her ass dead
for what she did to my father.
It's time for Monet to go.
I mean, do you really think
you can ever be free
while she's still alive?
She sent someone to kill your mother.
You think she won't do that again?
D, what are you asking me right now?
I'm asking you to help me.
What about Cane?
Cane will never know.
But we gotta move fast.
We only get one shot.

All right, I'm in. What do we do?
She's been trying to get
me to come over and talk.
I'll pick her up from the house
and tell her Dru's waiting at
the penthouse to hash things out.
I'll pull up right to
where you'll be hiding.
Put two through the
window and drive off.
I'll tell Dru and Cane I
never saw the killer's face.

So you ain't got nothing to
say until we meet up with Dru?

- This is some bullshit.
You out here causing
drama when it's finally
- your turn to step up for this family.
- Family?
This ain't a fucking family, Monet.
This is a business.
You killed our father.
What kind of mother does
that to her children?

You're right, D. You're right.
- Wait, wait, wait. Listen.

When I had to give Zeke up,
it took something out of me.
I couldn't be soft on you kids.

Dealing was Lorenzo's hustle.
We raised y'all like soldiers,
and it was easier to see you that way.

Easier to protect you from the
fucked up way these streets treat you.
Now, I know that's not right,
D, but that's who we were.
Now, you put all this on me,
but what about Lorenzo's
hand in raising you?
He chose this life for us, not me.
I'm tough on y'all.
Especially you, because I love you.

And I'm sorry.
I don't know any other way to show it.

You still ain't got nothing to say?
Ma, I left something in the house.
- Let-let's go back inside


[CANE] Ma. Diana.

Oh, fuck.

She's still in surgery.
She's in critical condition.
I wish I had better news,
but uh, it's touch and go.
She sacrificed herself to save me.
Did you see who did this?
It was Tariq.
[DRU] Tariq?[SCOFFS]
He thinks Monet sent
Tommy after his mom.
He's looking for payback.
I'm gonna kill him.
Cane, we don't even know
if Ma is gonna be okay.
Cane, you can't
We have to stick together.
You hear me?
I'ma kill him.
Tariq gotta go.

Ma, you took our father from us!
- You killed him!
Get the fuck off her.
Don't you ever put your
fucking hands on me again.
- [DRU] Cane!

Yo, yo, wait, wait. Hold up. Hold up.
[DIANA] She killed our father.
She can't get away with that.
She put Gordo up to
it and had me kill him.
It's either her or us.
We gotta cover our tracks
if we gonna do this.
Then we do exactly
what Monet did to Papi.
We can't do it ourselves.
We use Tariq.
There's no way Tariq
gets out of this alive.
You know Cane will want blood.
- So be it.
- What? No.
- That doesn't sound
- Diana, we are fighting for our fucking lives.
Tariq kills Monet.
Cane kills Tariq.
What the fuck, Diana?
You were supposed to hit 'Riq's car
so Cane could take him out right there.
I don't know if Tariq is the shooter.
Someone else fucked up the plan, Dru.
I don't know who.

Tariq ain't stupid, Dru.
Just gotta motivate him.

I still have that letter
that Saxe sent Monet.
We can use that.

You can't serve me. You didn't
even ask my fucking name. Scram.
[DIANA] Tell Tommy this
is a gift from Monet Tejada.

- [DRU] We stick to our story.
- [DIANA] I don't know.
- I don't
- We stick to our fucking story.
It was Tariq.

so glad you called.
[TASHA] Tommy told you
not to go after her, Tariq.
What were you doing there?
Listen, Ma. Diana was in on it, okay?
There wasn't gonna be any retaliation.
Monet was my mark. Not yours.
- I'm your mother. I protect you.
- Oh, that's why you knocked me out.
Hell, yeah, and I'd do it again.
Even if Monet survives,
your hands are clean.
I mean, I'm going back
to Yas and Big Mama.
You are going back to school.
You get your trust, and
then you get out, baby.
Then we can all be together again.
Ma, I fucked up.
What you mean?
My-my trust fund is gone, all right?
I lost it in a Ponzi scheme.
What the boy!
W - was it that Weston shit?
Damn, 'Riq.
What now?
[TARIQ] I don't know.
I mean, I thought I
was only escaping Noma.
Wait, who the fuck is Noma?
All right, Noma is
Mecca's boss, all right?
She found out Mecca was killed.
She came here looking
for Mecca's killers,
and now we've been trying to
fill in his role ever since.
Or you pay with your life.
Tariq, what have you
gotten yourself into?
I mean, it's nothing I can't figure out.
Look, I just need money.
You know? That power.
That power that makes
you literally untouchable.
That shit that Noma has.
Your dad tried that,
and it took him down.
Yeah, but you know he didn't
do that shit right, Ma.
No, no, no. Ghost was a lot of things,
but he wasn't stupid.
All right, but I learned
from his mistakes, all right?
They're lessons for me.

All right. There's a way.
But if you take it, you cannot stop.
You understand?
With Monet shot, it's a
power vacuum. I cleared the way.
You just need to use it
to get close to Noma and try to
Learn everything she knows
so I can end up taking everything
she has and bringing you home.
But it's a dangerous play, baby.
You gotta be careful.
Yeah, I know, but I'm
not gonna get you back
and have a life worth
living without taking a risk.
You know?
'Riq, come on.


Just be careful, please.

I got this, Ma.

I hope so.
[SIGHS] I hope so.

[PAZ] Junior.
[YOUNG] Mom?
What are you what are you doing here?
You haven't been home. [SPEAKS SPANISH]
Sorry. Uh, our witness recanted,
and the case blew up.
[SIGHS] I'm sorry.
But you're still young,
and it'll only make you stronger.
You've heard me say it before,
but I am so proud that you
followed in Angela's footsteps.
Yeah, I know.
[PAZ] And Angela would be proud too.
Um, this uh, came for you in the mail.

It's from that lawyer, Cooper Saxe.

And then there was one.
Arms up.
- It's in my waist.
- Mm.
I see we are all being
more cautious these days.
Follow me.

Obi says you have a proposition.
Yes, I do.
I wanna work alongside
you so I can elevate.
Once you guys expand, I
can run shit right here.
Bold of you to make demands
after a hit on Monet.
I hear whoever it was
didn't finish the job.
Did you have anything to do with it?
Nah, that wasn't me.
There seem to be differing
opinions on the matter.
What the fuck are you talking about?

Thought you got away
with it, motherfucker?
- With what?
- [DRU] Diana saw you, Tariq.
You tried to kill our mother.
D, what the fuck are they talking about?
Tell them what happened.
You almost killed me too.

- Anya Covington.
- Wait, Cane.
Tariq, what did you just say?
Anya Covington.
Yes, your daughter.
I got people with eyes on her.
I promise you if anything happens to me
or my family ever,
I'll send them people
right after your daughter.
Clever boy.
Never without a plan, are you?
But perhaps you've flown
too close to the sun, love.
[TARIQ] Yo, what the fuck, Effie?
- I'm so sorry, Tariq.
- What the fuck did you do?
I told Noma that you were
threatening her daughter.
We're working together, and
I have a future with her,
so I couldn't let that happen.
This bitch.
Now thanks to Effie,
I've moved my daughter to safety.
I've been wanting to
do this for a long time.

Get your ass down!

I think I took one of those fuckers out!

- Yo, B, what the fuck? How did you know?
- Obi called me.
He said he owed you.
Something about green cards.
He said they were
gonna fucking clip you.
I thought you was out, man.
Nah, I couldn't leave
you hanging like that.
Are you fucking kidding me?
What do we do now?
Man, I don't know.
I think we just started
a fucking war, though.
[2WEI] Is you ready
for war my brother ♪

War, my brother ♪

War, my brother ♪

Peace, my brother ♪
I need more than a piece my brother ♪
If you rolling with me my brother ♪
Just know we going past
the peak, my brother ♪
And I keep my eyes on the prize ♪
So I could never see
defeat my brother ♪
Walking the finest line
between a shining knight ♪
And royalty, my brother ♪
I ain't playing but
they see I leveled up ♪
They fed up, I don't
act like I'm fed enough ♪
Hate the game but I'm
sure you can bet it's us ♪
Can't complain but I'm sure ♪
You attempted brother ♪
Fess it up ♪
Everything that you
estimate and underrate ♪
You could say this the
latest of the greats ♪
I always keep the
statement up to date ♪
By the way that I
elevate above the ranks ♪
On the way with the fleet ♪
Take a seat or stay out the reach ♪
World is mine ♪
I ain't claiming a piece ♪
Throne is mine but
I stay on my feet ♪
Locked and loaded ♪
I pray that you get low ♪
If you rolling I pray
you don't get cold ♪
Is you ready for war my brother ♪
Is you ready for war, my brother ♪
[SINGER] I'm backing it ♪
Backing up ♪

[2WEI] War, my brother ♪

Is you ready for war ♪

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