The Baxters (2024) s03e10 Episode Script

An Urgent Message

[Elizabeth] Previously on
The Baxters
So if I fly her back
to propose,
would you think
of coming with me?
I'm keeping a big secret
from our family for you.
You do not abuse that.
I feel really ready
to start a family.
I'm afraid Sam
is on a different timeline.
[man] I'm calling from Paris
on behalf off
Adrian and Karen.
[Diane] Ryan's not Tim.
There couldn't be
two more different men.
Why isn't this
hard for you, Kari?
Can you just admit
that I was right this time?
[theme song playing]
'Cause life has a way
Of pulling us under ♪
But we'll stick it out ♪
If we got each other ♪
When it all feels too much ♪
I know you'll come running
For me ♪
Through the highs and lows
We'll find our way home ♪
Family ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Family ♪
Hey, you two.
How are you holding up?
Honestly? Numb.
We need good news, Brian.
Well, let me start with
the most important thing.
The oncology team
has completely ruled out
a cancer diagnosis.
But, my team did discover
something problematic.
There's an anomaly
in Maddie's bladder.
We don't know
how it developed,
but it's preventing the organ
from fully draining.
Which is why
she started to go septic.
Do you think
it could have been viral?
We're still running tests.
Can you determine
when the abnormality
first presented itself?
Hard to say. Because of her age
and size, it's quickly set in.
Okay, so what's
the treatment course?
A more aggressive series
of antibiotics immediately.
It'll target the area, which
should reverse the anomaly.
She should
recover quickly,
but there will be
some kidney damage.
It's something
you'll track and manage.
This will not affect
her ability to thrive.
But she'll struggle with
fighting off infections
for the rest of her life.
Let's stay positive, Peter.
Thank you, Brian.
I mean, the care that
we've received here has been
Your family
is our family, Brooke.
She's awake.
And asking for you,
and another ice pop.
[all chuckling]
That's our girl.
Do you want to see her?
-Let's go.
-Oh, hello.
Oh, my God.
This is for you.
-Thank you.
-Ah. Mariana, you made it.
-Thank you for having me.
-Oh, welcome.
Oh, wow. This is beautiful.
[Elizabeth] Didn't it
turn out well?
That doesn't look like a girl
that just spent
-days at the hospital.
I think the promise
of a welcome home party
-was better than any medicine.
-Of course.
Hmm. Treat the patient
and the sickness.
[Pastor Mariana] This is
one amazing family.
-Thank you.
-You're so blessed.
It's your grandpa's
birthday today, little man.
He was such a special guy.
He loved to
run around Central Park.
Cheered so loudly
for his favorite baseball team.
And he loved to bring
special gifts home for me
from all of his trips.
And I'm so sad that
you don't get to meet him.
I promise you that
you'll know who he was.
We should blow the candle.
Got it.
Happy birthday, Dad.
[doorbell rings]
[man] Who's there?
Hi, sir.
This is Luke Baxter.
I'm filling in for Phil today.
Well, get to work.
Yeah, I guess I'll knock
if I have any questions.
We need to talk about
Kari's wedding dress.
What dress?
Yeah, exactly.
I don't want to pressure her,
but if she doesn't
get one soon,
she's not gonna have
time to get it altered.
-En garde.
-En garde.
-Hey. Hey, hey.
No, stop. Not okay.
I'll be safe.
Oh, that's
the wrong answer, mister.
-I'll be back.
-Okay. Thanks, Ash.
Got it.
-[Maddie chuckling]
-[Cole] I will, because
I'll eat one. I'll eat it!
-I'll be back.
-Oh. Okay.
You okay?
Yes and no.
What is it?
I wanna be honest about
something with you, Sam.
I want us to start talking
about starting a family.
Whoa. Okay. Uh
See, I knew
you'd react like that.
No, I am just surprised.
Well, I shouldn't be.
I've seen you with the kids,
and I know how much you want
what your sisters have.
But you don't?
We just have a lot
going on right now, Erin,
and I think that we should
settle in Dallas first,
then we can talk about it.
Do you disagree?
I'm just worried that
when we get to Dallas,
you're gonna find
another reason to wait.
Is that true?
I don't know.
Please just think about it.
So can I drop Cole off
around 9:00 a.m. tomorrow?
My flight doesn't leave
till noon, but I wanna
give myself enough time.
Well, I was just thinking
maybe I should
watch him at your house.
No, no.
He loves coming here.
Yeah, but all his things
are there.
I mean, he could come here
to play in the yard,
but it might be nice for him
to sleep in his own bed.
Thanks. But I already told him
he was coming here,
and he got all excited.
Okay. I just thought
I'd offer.
Thank you.
Maybe next time.
Yes, when you're
on a flight back to LA
because this gallery sold out.
I've so much
faith in you, honey.
Oh, this is gonna be good.
Nice, huh?
If you don't mind
me asking, sir,
how long have you lived here?
All my life.
This house was built
for my grandfather.
It's been in the family for
just about a 100 years.
Wow. I'd love to spend
a lifetime in this backyard.
[laughs] Yeah.
There have been some
amazing parties back here.
But that time is long gone.
Time for you
to get back to work.
Yes, sir.
I'm sorry. I just
I thought
So, are you gonna be okay
in LA without me this time?
Yes, but
I am going to miss you.
[gasps] I knew it.
We were a good team.
We were.
Hey thank you.
For what?
For being there for me
throughout everything that
happened out there, I
really needed you.
So you might say
you owe me one?
Um, where's this going?
Okay, I know you're
really busy getting
your portfolio together,
but I have a special favor
to ask you.
I was wondering if you could
write a song for our wedding.
Something we could use
for our first dance.
Whoa. Mmm-mmm.
That is a lot of pressure.
Yeah, but you're
brilliant, Ashley,
and it would mean so much
to have something special
created by you.
I mean, you did
just call me brilliant.
-Please say yes.
-Come on.
I'll do it.
[both] Yay.
Thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you
-She said yes?
-She said yes.
-Hey! She said yes.
-All right.
Come on, let's eat, everybody.
Come on, let's eat.
[indistinct conversation]
Okay. Hey, everybody,
I would like to propose a toast
-to Maddie.
-[all] Hmm.
We are blessed to have you home
where you belong,
and where you shall
forever be loved.
-[Maddie] Cheers.
-[all laughing] Cheers.
[indistinct conversation]
Ash, when do you leave for LA?
Tomorrow morning.
-[all laughing]
I'm so excited
because I get to spend time
with my favorite grandson.
I'm your only grandson.
[all laughing]
That little guy
is just like his mom,
sharp as a tack,
and great hair.
Well, as far as I can tell
everyone in this family
is sharp as a tack
-and has great hair.
-[all laughing]
Well, thank you for noticing.
It starts at the top and works
its way down, they say.
[all laughing]
Mom, why can't I see
homeless Uncle Luke?
I'm sorry.
God, I hate
keeping secrets.
Luke has been
staying at my house
since Lori kicked him out.
Another important
piece of information.
Brooke, please.
What would you have done?
Told him he could stay if he
made up with Mom and Dad.
I'm trying.
Okay? I tried that.
I tried everything. I
I didn't want him
to go somewhere unsafe.
It's not your fault.
I think he's doing better.
He picked up a landscaping job.
He should be
focusing on law school.
He is. He's just trying to
save up for his own place.
I really think
he's working on
trying to
improve his situation.
But not his relationship
with any of us?
Oh, I'm sorry,
except for you, Ash.
[telephone ringing]
I got it.
[telephone ringing]
did I do something wrong?
No. No, you did nothing wrong.
Mommy's right, honey.
It's okay.
Go sit with
your cousins, okay?
We'll talk about this later.
Ash, it's for you.
Some guy with an accent.
Probably someone
at the gallery in LA.
[whispering] God,
please let this be nothing.
-[Attorney] Miss Baxter?
I'm here.
Oh, good.
We've been trying to reach you.
I was able to dig up
this number in some files
Mr. Adrian Caron had
from your stay in Paris.
Why are you calling me?
Miss Baxter, uh,
there's no easy way
to say this.
Adrian is dying.
His doctor prepared
a list of names, and,
you are on the list.
[Ashley] I
I don't understand.
[Attorney] Miss Baxter,
the, uh,
sickness taking
Adrian's life is SIDA.
Or what you in America call
We're calling people
that may have contracted it
through him, and, uh,
we know that you were together.
Wait, what?
I don't
Uh, what am I supposed to do?
We advise that
you get tested. Immediately.
[breathing heavily]
Oh, God, please.
[baby crying]
Baby girl,
what is wrong?
Here. Can I try?
[Kari] Sure.
Hey, it's okay.
It's okay, you're safe.
We're just gonna take some
deep breaths, okay, Jessie?
[baby crying]
Sometimes you just gotta cry
and that's fine.
You can always cry with me.
I'm always gonna be here
to make you feel better.
Oh, you're incredible.
There you go. Heh.
I learned from the best.
My mom's
an incredible woman.
Another strong and wise
granny to add into
Jessie's life, right?
Restroom, dear.
Uh, where's that?
Oh, just inside
to the left of the kitchen.
Excuse me.
[baby cooing]
Something I said?
Imagine how hard it is
for her to hear
that Jessie's gonna have
another grandmother.
That she's being replaced.
But she's not.
This family's growing.
Yeah, faster than
she can handle. I
I get it.
Kari, are you having second
thoughts about the wedding?
Okay, we'll
we'll talk about this later.
Ashley, are you okay?
I'm fine.
[Elizabeth] Okay. Well, I guess
it's time for watermelon.
[John] Bring it on.
Your dad loved being outside.
It's a nice way to honor him.
I remember when you guys
would take us to the Bronx Zoo
when I was little.
-[both laugh]
-Yes, you loved
how he did the sounds
for all the animals. [laughs]
Yeah, and the elephant
was by far the best.
Oh, I always loved
the penguin sound.
-Yeah, which he
totally made up.
-[both laugh]
I know that things didn't
work out for your dad and me.
We had some
really special times,
but I never questioned what
a really great father he was.
I know.
Tommy deserves
a dad just like him.
I feel like I'm failing him.
Have you thought more about
giving Luke the chance
to be that man in his life?
Yeah. I mean,
I think about it all the time.
But I'm, I'm afraid,
I don't even know
who Luke is anymore.
And Kari said so many things
that make it sound like
he's moved on
in a million different ways,
and not good ones,
and I just feel responsible,
and then, also stuck,
because I've waited
this long to reach out.
It's never too late to start
the process of healing, Reagan.
But what if
he shuts us both out?
I've no idea
what to expect
and I'm terrified, Mom.
Maybe knowing,
even if the answer is
that you two should be apart,
is better than
living in this painful mystery.
-[man yelling in pain]
[door opens]
Oh, man.
-What are you doing in here?
-Oh, hey, please. I
I heard a crash.
Let me help. Come on.
Come on.
Come on, you'd get cut.
Here, I got it.
You're a chess man.
Just a way
to pass the time.
Can I join you
for a game?
You any good?
There's only one way
to find out.
I hate to do this
to you again, Arthur,
Probably a good thing
we aren't playing for money.
[laughs] Yes, it is.
But since I have
beaten you twice,
I think I
deserve something.
Can I ask you
a question?
Do you
live in this house alone?
Did you used to live here
with your family?
A wife and two kids.
What happened?
Actually, I don't remember.
We fought.
She left.
And I never followed.
I was too stubborn.
So now,
here I am playing chess
with the gardener.
I'm going through a thing
with my family, too.
They don't understand me.
And they're not trying to.
Take it from someone
who's been there,
you don't understand yourself.
You sound like my dad.
Then your dad
is a very wise man.
Fair enough.
One more game?
How do you feel
about checkers?
I feel good about checkers.
Oh, that was so much fun.
I'm glad you made it.
We're so glad
you came, Miss Maddie,
I hope you enjoyed your party.
[Brooke] Thank you,
we really needed this.
Drive safe.
[indistinct conversation]
Thanks for coming.
I appreciate it.
We love you and we'll
see you soon, okay?
[John] Drive safe.
[line ringing]
Hi, Landon, I need a favor.
Would you be comfortable
giving me Ashley's number?
I need her help
with something.
[Elizabeth] Next time
on The Baxters
Ashley, if you test positive,
you need to start
treatment immediately.
I said I don't
have time for this.
I am literally on
my way to the airport.
If you contracted the virus,
then Cole could have it too.
Kari's gonna be walking
down the aisle in jeans.
I didn't know
how to answer him.
[Erin] Are you?
[Curator] Oh,
why the long face?
Tonight is the night
that's gonna change
your life forever.
Hi, Luke.
[theme music playing]
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