The Bear (2022) s03e10 Episode Script


Shit. Fuck.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
- Good morning, chefs.
- Chef.
- How we doing so far?
- Chef, morning.
- Everybody good?
- Chef.
- Chef, you good?
- I'm doing great, Chef.
Appreciate it. Thank you.
- Morning, Chef.
- Chef, morning.
- How we doing?
- Good, Chef. Good.
- Good?
- Yes.
- First week?
- First day.
- Really?
- Yes, Chef.
And sous chefs have
you making family meal?
- Yes, Chef.
Ah, a lot of pressure,
especially roast chicken.
- It's pressure. Yeah.
- Yes, we love it.
Can I Can I help you? Show
you a few things, get you started?
- Please.
- Good.
We're gonna start by showing
you how to remove the wishbone.
- Yeah.
- You can feel the wishbone in there?
- Yes.
- So, it's on both sides.
- And, you know, as a child, right?
- Right. Make a wish.
Roasted chicken Yeah. We'd take
the wishbone out and hang it up
and dry it overnight, and then we'd
sit with our brothers or our mother
or whoever and, uh, try to break
Who was gonna be the lucky person.
But now I'm just scraping with
the tip of my knife, you see?
This knife, you can you can
hear it. You can feel it, right?
The vibration on the knife
kind of sounds like
um, my dentist
my dental hygienist cleaning my teeth.
- You got that?
- Yes, Chef.
I can start to pull it out.
- You can see it now, right? Exposed.
- Yeah.
- Boom.
- There you go.
- Your wishbone.
- Perfect.
You can save that for tomorrow.
- Now we're gonna truss it.
- Okay.
Begin by wrapping it
underneath the pope's nose.
- The pope's nose?
- Right here.
And then bring it across.
- Uh-huh.
- Make a figure eight.
- You see that eight, right?
- Yes.
- And then just bring it back and push.
- Wow.
Now, I'm pushing with my thumbs
right against the the wing joint.
Turn it over, bring it
underneath the wing, right?
Wrap it around.
- See the neck right there?
- Chef.
Wrap it around the neck.
Very simple. Making sure that you pull.
Push that back.
- You see how nice
- Yeah. Beautiful.
the bird is, right?
Why do they call it
the pope's nose, Chef?
- The pope's nose.
- Yeah.
So it's funny, there's
a couple of stories,
but the one I like the most
or the one I've heard the most,
is it was a time, um, in England
in the reign of, you know, King, uh
- King James III.
- Oh.
And, uh, it was the
anti-Catholic sentiment
going around the country,
and so, um, they called the ass-end
of the bird the pope's nose
- I see.
- as a derogatory comment about the pope.
And there we go. So we just cinch it up.
You've been here for 23 years now?
- Right?
- Twenty-three years.
- Oddly enough, it seems like yesterday.
- Yeah.
I went to work for a French
chef named Roland Henin,
and, uh, I was the staff cook,
so what you're doing here today
- is kind of the same thing.
- Sure.
And he came to me one day
and he asked me, he said,
"Thomas, do you know why cooks cook?"
And I'm like okay, I'm trying to think.
He said, "We cook to nurture people."
I know people call me a chef,
but our trade is cooking,
and that, to me, is such
a profound profession
because we get to really be part of
people's lives in significant ways.
- Yeah.
- So never forget that, right?
We are here today because
of those who came before us.
- And so this is your first day.
- Chef.
You'll have a legacy here
in this restaurant, you know,
and after you leave.
So always remember, right,
come in every single day
and just try to do a little
better than the day before.
- Just a little better. Modicum of effort.
- Yes.
And that'll compound over
the years that you're here,
and you'll leave this
restaurant with education,
training, skills and a path forward.
You're nurturing yourself.
You're nurturing the
team you're cooking for.
You're gonna be nurturing our guests.
We're even nurturing our farmers,
our fishermen, our foragers,
our gardeners, who are bringing
us all these wonderful ingredients.
- Of course.
- And so, just remember, right?
- It's all about nurturing.
- Chef.
I'll let you at it.
- Thank you, Chef.
- Thank you, Chef.
I've got a Dungeon Master's Guide ♪
I've got a 12-sided die ♪
I write these stupid words ♪
And I love everyone ♪
Waiting there for me ♪
Yes, I do ♪
I do ♪
In the garage, I feel safe ♪
No one cares about my ways ♪
In the garage where I belong ♪
No one hears me sing this song ♪
In the garage ♪
In the garage, I feel safe ♪
No one laughs about my ways ♪
In the garage where I belong ♪
No one hears me ♪
No one hears me ♪
No one hears me ♪
No one hears me sing this song ♪
- Well, well, well. Look who's here.
- My fricking boy! Dude.
Oh, shit.
Back where we started.
Did you see that we hung
your jersey up there?
- Retired it, huh?
- Yeah. Fastest retired number of all time.
- I'm honored. Thank you.
- No, man, we're honored.
Yeah. Fuck yeah, you're honored.
- I'm a fucking legend.
- That's my legendary dawg right there.
- And his legendary four days.
- Five days.
And I'd like to think
that, had I stayed on,
my talents would have just
flourished exponentially.
Yeah, so you're saying
that we would've just
- retired your jersey anyway.
- This is what I'm saying. Correct.
Like, in reality, you
saved us some time.
Yes, because every
second counts, bitches.
- I like what he's saying.
Can I ask you about the balloon?
Was it always supposed to
be apple-flavored, or
- Yeah, we changed it a few times, but yes.
- Right.
'Cause there's a mozzarella
one as well, right?
- Right.
- Yeah.
Yeah, I just, um I just quit.
Yeah, man. Well, it's about time.
I'm sure your palate says thank you.
I don't know. I haven't I haven't
really noticed a difference yet.
What's up with Malcolm?
What's going on with his hair?
I mean, if I'd have known he was
going to leave to get a haircut,
- I would have cut it myself.
What's up, guys? You know
where you're going yet?
- I guess reality hasn't set in yet on us.
- That's Yes. Yes.
- Yeah, we'll be okay.
- Yeah, I know.
Well, this I know to be true.
Hey, you guys mind if I
hang in here for service?
You don't wanna sit out there?
No. Fuck that.
Of course.
- The pillow, the one that's
- The lavender pillow.
- The lavender pillow, right.
- Yeah. The lavender pillow.
How does that work? Does it
Is it, like, perforated
beforehand or do you puncture it?
- We puncture it after.
- Puncture it. Okay.
Actually, talking about puncturing, um,
'cause I'm just thinking about, um,
like, uh, needles, like, um
So with the, uh, truffle explosion,
is that injected or is that,
like, set when you make the pasta?
Nah, that's set.
- Oh, okay.
- That one's set.
Oh, okay. 'Cause it
just It explodes so much.
- I thought it was maybe
- Right.
Yeah. Injected.
Now, what's up with the
restaurant? What's going on?
- Um, you know, kicking my ass as usual.
- Yeah.
You know, I've been an
adrenaline junkie my whole life,
but that shit does not come for free,
and I don't think I wanna
pay with my sanity anymore.
Yeah. Yeah. No, I hear you.
Final service. Time to rock.
You wanna lead?
No, thanks. I'm retired.
Mind if I take it?
Go get 'em, Chef Jess.
You know, actually, again, needles.
Hot potato, cold potato,
because that has a needle in it.
- It does, yeah.
- Yeah.
- Well
- Peel it, Chef.
Yeah. What was the idea for that?
I mean, as in like, how did
you come up with that plate?
'Cause it's like nothing I've ever seen.
Yeah. You know what? I gotta run.
Why did I say needles so much?
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Hey, how you doing?
- Yeah, I'm good.
You're doing good? I think we're
- Yeah, just over here.
- Yeah.
Hey, everybody. This is Chef Sydney.
- Yeah.
- Hi.
That's Luca, Syd.
- Hey.
- Hi, Chef. How you doing?
- Will, Syd.
- Doing good. Nice to meet you.
Hey, guys.
Twenty-two, go.
Twenty-three, go!
- Twenty-four, go!
- Chef!
Nineteen, walking in four.
- Table 305, hands, please.
- Chef!
It's one of the first dishes
I got to work on, uh, here,
and, uh, serving it to all
of you is fucking brutal.
So, uh, please be gentle.
Keep your shit-talking
at a low volume. Enjoy.
No smudges.
Next time you get 15 seconds,
press the fucking button.
Sign the agreement, Syd.
[LUCA] I remember the
first time I yelled "hands"
on the, like, first dish
that I'd fully made,
and it was simultaneously the happiest,
most fucking terrifying
moment of my life.
And I was staring at it from the pass,
all the way through the dining room,
like, waiting for the ceiling
to collapse or something.
It was horrible.
Do you remember yours?
- My first dish?
- Yeah.
Oh, my gosh. It was awful.
Wait, the experience or the dish?
The dish was awful.
I 'Cause, like,
now my desserts are so,
like, just scaled back,
and I think this dish
had 12 elements on it.
Mine was corn bread ice cream.
Working for this guy.
Working for this guy.
He ran me through the gamut.
Ran me through the gamut.
How many different ways can you get
ice cream to taste like corn bread?
Turns out months and months
of different ways.
It's, like, why I became
obsessed with ice cream.
knew that. That's cool.
you learn when you dine out
with your spouse, right?
Can you not handle this?
Is it too much for you?
- Answer me.
- I can handle it.
- "I can handle it, Chef."
- I can handle it, Chef.
- Why a restaurant?
- Why not a restaurant?
We get a bad review, I
gotta cut the fucking string.
The first dish I made, it was,
like, a soft chocolate ganache.
And I put, like, all these
different, like, dollops on it.
And I showed it to Alex,
and he was just like
Took a picture,
and he, you know, uploaded it to Twitter
and he said, "I just seen
the greatest ganache ever."
And it was like,
"Innovation still exists."
And my heart, like, dropped.
Like, I was like, "Oh, man."
Then it was just, like, that feeling of,
like, creating something new
was just, like, everlasting.
And then having someone
you really respect say
- [TOSI] Validate it.
- Absolutely.
- "Okay, it's ready to go on."
- Yeah.
- Not just you saying it's ready to go on.
- Yeah.
Chef, it's not ready
yet, you understand?
It becomes our menu. Like your
fingerprint is on the menu.
- That feeling.
- Yeah.
But, like, the fact that then he
posted it and gave you credit for it.
That's not common, man. You're
Dare I say, like, the greatest
mistake is working for a bad boss.
Such that, what it unlocks in you
is the culture that
you choose to create.
This needs to get good or go away.
This needs to get good or go away.
You redid everything.
- Syd! Syd!
- So, I was trying to
Just because you're in
the Napa doesn't make this
a not-fuck business, you know?
People say that I self-sabotage myself
to kind of purposely
put myself in the shits.
But it's because, like,
I need that fear to get something done.
I need the fear of a deadline
to, like, light a fire under me.
Has anybody ever left
on the preorder option?
- Fuck.
- Don't say no like that.
We're just all sharing stories,
I just wondered, I was just curious.
I remember one time I got a
haircut in the middle of service.
- I was No, this is
- That's crazy.
Yo, this is crazy.
My barber was around the
corner from the restaurant.
- So, I was, like, all right
- You set up your station and then left?
So, I set up the section.
I had, like, my number two.
I was like, "Yo, hold it down. I'll
be back right before we hit it."
So when I came back,
Wylie was like, "Where were you?"
And I was like, "Oh, I got
this thing for this magazine."
He was like, "The magazine is
called Dessert Professional.
Was that professional to leave?"
And, but yo, like, that was crazy.
The greatest lesson you ever
learned from Wylie Dufresne:
Don't leave in the middle
of service to get a haircut.
It was pre-service. It wasn't like
Mind you, you're still sort of
making a little bit of an excuse.
- "It was pre-service. It was pre-service."
- It was around the corner.
- He wasn't totally wrong.
- Yeah.
Actually, now that I think about
it, I don't think he's right.
"My number two was holding it down."
[CHEF DAVID] Do you want to step
out for a second? A little too much?
I think we could open a restaurant.
- Who's "we"? "We" who?
- Me and you, Mike.
Hey, guys, why don't y'all stop?
I'm gonna let Carmy catch up.
We used to do julienne showdowns,
which I know sounds stupid, and it was.
And I'm, like, new and I
wanna prove myself, you know?
Earn a bit of respect.
And then second or third
cut, sliced my hand open.
- Shit.
- And they were so nice to me.
Like, it was so embarrassing,
but they were so cool.
Just keep going.
It was someone from front of house,
and I'll never forget, she taped me up
and, like, sent me back out there,
'cause this was right before service.
And it weirdly gave me confidence.
It weirdly made me feel like
I've kind of earned my
place there a little bit.
Or something close to confidence.
Well, I feel like there's
also this sense of, like,
everybody knows you can handle
your shit a little bit now.
Like, you're not gonna back down.
- Right.
- Like, you're in it.
I was just, like, immediately
obsessed with the controlled chaos.
Like, the orchestrated frenzy.
The idea that literally every
single one of life's experiences
can be happening simultaneously
within the same four walls.
And then you get to, like,
be the conductor of it all.
Like, when I was 12, my
dad had me write down,
like, my life's goals,
which is a little intense.
But I wanted to open a restaurant
in New York City, because I was like,
"I wanna throw a party
every single night
- for the rest of my life."
- Wow.
This is why you're alone.
You can't handle this.
I think you're so
special and so wonderful.
- You are not tough. You are bullshit.
- I love you.
- I love you. I'm really proud of you.
- You are talentless.
- You've really thought about this, huh?
- I really love you.
- Take fucking hands.
- Hands!
I think why I wanted
to be a chef as Like,
when I was in middle school,
I was in this, like,
home economics course,
and I made, like, a dessert.
And, like, when I served everyone,
just the feeling of how
they connected to the food,
it felt just, like, super magical.
Like, no one in the
classroom knew who I was,
but they were, like, connected
to me through the food.
And that was, like, okay,
I think I wanna do this
for the rest of my life.
Like, you know, like,
that felt, like, okay.
- Yeah.
- [ROSIO SANCHEZ] I just love food.
It was always about making
something with my hands,
making something
amazing that I'm proud of
and having somebody else enjoy it
in a fleeting moment. Like music.
Your dessert with a Negroni
ice cream on it at Sanchez.
It's like one of the best
things I've ever eaten.
I feel like an impostor
because I feel like
I don't like cooking as
much as everybody else does.
Um, I knew that I always wanted
to make things for people.
And then, growing up, you know, my
parents were never in a good place,
but I always knew that
I could make something
so specific that would m
bring them joy, you know?
And that was the thing
that I got addicted to,
and I think that I seek approval
out of people every single day.
And yeah.
At Elske, we run the food to
everyone who comes and eats,
and that has added this, like,
additional layer of something I love.
It just means so much to these people.
And for them to become regulars or
I don't know, it just brings
this other layer to cooking.
I love it, so.
- There's nobility in this.
- Yeah.
We get to help people celebrate
some of the most important
moments of their lives.
We can give them the grace,
if only for a few hours,
to forget about their
most difficult moments.
Like, we can make the
world a nicer place.
All of us in this room.
We have this opportunity,
perhaps even a responsibility,
to create our own little magical worlds
in a world that is increasingly
in need of a little more magic.
And every time I find myself,
like, about ready to burn out,
I reconnect with the fact that
that is the business we're in.
- Ten, 36. Don't fuck with my count.
- Fire. Eight, 13, 36.
- Three, 52, 14.
- Eight, 13, 29. Sorry, Chef.
- If you serve a broken sauce, are you broken?
- Fuck!
I've definitely met thousands of people
who definitely do not love restaurants.
- Well, they would love ours.
- Yeah? Why is that?
Because it would be ours.
- Sometimes you just have to give up.
- You should be fucking dead.
- Say, "Yes, Chef." Say it.
- Yes, Chef.
Go faster, motherfucker.
Can you go any faster?
Why are you so fucking slow? Why?
- Why are you fucking with me?
- Are you shaking?
You're a failure. Your
brother hates you.
Why do you keep trying? Fuck off.
What will we call this place?
Sorry, I forgot my spoon. I
went to use my watch. [CHUCKLES]
Using my Rolex. Um
Uh, this will be quick.
I just wanted to thank
you all for being here.
Um, and it's so lovely to
see you all again. Um
Uh you've all played a beautiful part
in keeping this
particular plate spinning,
for which I am eternally grateful.
I never thought I'd be here.
Not in my wildest dreams.
I was thinking the other night,
when I first started
cooking professionally,
uh, it was I was a garde-manger
in a brasserie in London.
And it was an open kitchen,
so I could see all of
the customers coming in
and, rather terrifyingly,
they could also see me.
Uh But I was there
for seven years all in.
I worked my way up to CDC.
And over that time, something
rather beautiful happened. Um
I would see the regulars come in
with their kids and their teenagers
and, uh, I would watch
those kids become teenagers.
I would watch those
teenagers become grown-ups.
And I saw families grow.
You know, families, people
got married, people had kids,
and I got to know them all, and
I got to celebrate with them.
And, um, people often
talk about restaurants.
As in, you know, what's
the history of it?
What's the impact it's making?
Uh, who
Who has worked there previously?
What awards have they won?
What about the, quote, "chef"?
And I think what I've learned
over the years, uh, in
all the places I've worked,
is, uh, people don't remember the food.
It's It's the people
that they remember.
And so I just wanted to say
I'm so grateful that you're all here.
And, um And thank you.
- Thank you.
- Hear! Hear!
Thank you very much.
Three going to 21.
Pick up order 19.
Twenty-four walking in five.
Let's pick it up. Every second counts.
Hey, Jess. Can I ask you something?
Is there a secret?
Secret to what?
You know, like,
staying all pumped.
Pumped like inspired?
Yeah. Inspired.
I mean, I wish.
So there's not?
There's not not,
there's just not, like, a secret.
So, how you do it?
I think I surround myself
with people better than myself.
What about when you're not at work?
I didn't mean at work.
- Well, maybe that's the secret then.
- Right.
Don't tell anybody.
[JESSICA] Hands.
That's a blast from the past.
Did you work on this?
I think Carmy and I shucked
probably ten million of these peas
[CHUCKLES] day in,
day out like robots.
- Shell-shucking robots.
- [LUCA] Mmm.
It's the deadliest kind.
Kinda like a trauma dish then.
Yeah. It's a, uh It's
a big-time trauma dish.
The messed-up thing is I
currently make a dessert version.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Sweet pea panna cotta.
[SYDNEY] You kinda repurposed
your trauma then, I guess.
- [LUCA] That's all we can do, right?
Carm. You all right, mate?
[LUCA] You're staring.
Yeah, like, really staring, actually.
Who are you staring at?
Just a fucking asshole over there.
- Which one?
- It's the dude in the corner.
Just don't don't look right now.
[LUCA] David Fields.
[SYDNEY] Oh, shit. From Empire.
- Yeah. He's a dickhead.
- [CARMY] Yeah.
He's the fucking worst and one
of the best chefs in the world.
Well, he used to be one of
the best chefs in the world.
Total prick.
The bastard made me very,
probably, mentally ill.
Dead inside. Cold. Never turns it off.
Accomplishes more by 10 a.m.
than most people do in a lifetime.
I don't think he sleeps.
I don't think he eats.
I don't think he loves.
He hates black pepper
for some reason I'll never understand.
And he is getting up.
- Carm. Carmy.
- Carm. Carmen.
Do we think that's gonna end well?
- Probably not.
- Yeah, no.
- I'm betting no.
- Yeah.
- Chef.
- Hi.
How you doing, Bergazzo?
I always wondered what I would say
to you if I got to see you again.
Okay. Let's have it.
After "fuck you," I
don't I don't have much.
Fuck me?
Yeah, that's right.
For anything in particular?
No, just generally
being you, I think. Yeah.
Got it.
Well, this has been nice.
Still have these, huh?
I think about you too much.
I don't think about you.
Why are you such a fucking asshole?
How am I an asshole?
Do you have half an hour?
You're welcome.
I'm welcome? For-For-For what?
You were an okay chef
when you started with me,
and you left an excellent chef.
So you're welcome.
You gave me ulcers, and panic
attacks, and-and nightmares. You
You know that, right? Do
you Do you understand that?
Yeah, I gave you confidence,
and leadership, and ability.
It fucking worked.
I'm, like I'm-I'm-I'm
I'm fucking stunned right now. I
Dude, you need to unclutch your pearls.
- My life stopped.
- That's the point, right?
That's the point?
You wanted to be great.
You wanted to be excellent.
So you got rid of all the bullshit,
and you concentrated, and you
got focused, and you got great.
You got excellent.
It worked.
You're here.
Look at all this.
I'm gonna go piss now.
And I want all the days ♪
And I want all of them now ♪
I want you here by my side ♪
And then I don't wanna ♪
And only you can let me have ♪
Just one more day ♪
Oh yeah ♪
I want you here by my side
and then I don't wanna ♪
And only you can ♪
Let me have ♪
Just one more day, oh yeah ♪
Come on! No! ♪
I got to, got to get
me one more day, baby ♪
Uh, are you here for a minute?
- A few months, yeah.
- Oh, wow.
Yeah, my sister's here and, uh
Yeah, it's been a while, so.
- Mmm
- Um
- What about you? Do you have siblings?
- No.
- Oh. Wow. An only.
- Oh, yes. Yes, indeed.
Was that, uh
Was that hard ever?
- Really?
- I got all the attention.
Oh, I see. Okay.
- I get that. Yeah, nice.
- Yeah.
But doesn't that also mean you
also get all the bad stuff too?
Honestly, no.
- Wow.
- Sorry. Yeah.
- Wow, that's great.
- Yeah.
Yeah, of course. It kind of
I guess it proves
it doesn't have to be brutal,
it can be, like, more, uh
- Oof. Like, normal?
- Normal.
- Yeah. More mellow. Yeah.
- Sure.
- It sounds nice.
Yeah. Um
Did you like having a sibling?
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, um
For us, it was nice
to look over at someone
who's going through the
exact same situation you are,
you know, so that when
something feels crazy,
you feel less crazy,
- if that makes sense.
- Hmm.
But also, like, if things were good,
then you kinda had, like, proof,
like you knew it was good.
Right. Good. Yeah. Yeah, right.
Are you close?
Kind of best friends and
kind of lost touch, so.
- It's nice to reconnect.
- Yeah.
Yeah, especially when it
literally is like a best friend
that you saw every day of your life
and you kinda went through
this sort of battle together.
Yeah. Do you have anybody
like that in your life?
Maybe my dad.
Your dad. Apart from your dad?
Hey, Syd. Oh, hey, Lucas.
You still doing the cooking thing?
Chef Adam, still, uh, getting
your fingerprints on everything?
Oh, a smudge joke.
That No one's made one
of those. Thank you so much.
Sydney, could I, uh,
borrow you for a second?
Yeah, sure.
- Love you.
- Love you too.
- All right, hi.
- Hey, Adam. What's up?
Hi. Um
- You get a chance to talk to Carmy yet?
- [STAMMERS] No, not not yet.
Okay. All right. Cool.
I mean, let me know, you know,
- if I need to start looking
- Yeah.
No, no, I I get it.
I would if
- You know. Yeah.
- Yeah. Okay. Okay, cool.
Um I just know, um
- Yeah, this is a big change for you.
- Yes.
I wasn't sure if you had
spoken to him yet, so.
No, I just You know, I haven't
found the right time, I think.
- Just
- And there never is.
- No.
- Yeah.
- And you're still interested, right?
- Yes.
Okay, good.
'Cause I sort of want to
start making this thing
- [STAMMERS] Absolutely.
- real.
- Yeah. I I get it.
- Okay. Yeah. Um
- Starting to look at spaces.
- Oh, wow.
Yeah, it's getting exciting.
Uh, yeah, I bet. It's
Of course. It's sick.
- It's huge. Um
- Yeah.
- All right, good.
- Yeah.
- Yeah. Just let me know. Just Okay.
- Okay. Yeah, of course.
- Great. All right. Let's get out of here.
- Yes. Yeah. Okay.
- I'm right behind you. Yeah. Thanks.
- All right. Thank you, Chef.
Oh, I love it ♪
Yes, I love it ♪
Oh, I love it so ♪
Oh, I love it ♪
Yes, I love it ♪
Oh, I love it so ♪
Oh, I love it ♪
Yes, I love it ♪
Hey, old friend.
Hi, Chef.
Finally had enough, have you?
No, no, no, no, it's it's wonderful.
I mean, I just wanted some air.
- Yeah, me too.
- Yeah.
Oh, you finally quit?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- How about you?
- Oh. I've just started.
- Oh. Seems reasonable.
- I thought so. [CHUCKLES]
- It's quiet.
- Yeah, it's beautiful.
On late nights here, I used to come out
and watch, uh, the construction of that.
I watched that whole building
being built in its entirety.
- Really?
- Yeah.
It's like real life Jenga.
- Stressful.
- Yeah.
Oh, to see them set up the
crane, I was like, "Fuck!"
- Yeah. No, it's totally insane.
- Bonkers.
Chef, I, um
I don't think I ever got to tell you
just how much I learned in this place.
How much did you learn?
It's a lot.
Thank you.
Well, I learned plenty myself.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
I learned that I want to sleep in more.
- I want to go to London more.
- Hmm.
I want to go to a party.
And I want to meet people.
- Live.
- Precisely.
That's why you're closing?
Yeah. Yes, sir.
But, you know, I got to do
all the things I wanted to do
the way I wanted to do them with
the people I wanted to do them with.
So, can't ask for
more than that, really.
- Uh, heard.
- Hmm.
And now you're starting.
Yeah. Um
It feels like I've
been starting forever.
Yeah, the finish line keeps moving.
- Yeah, that happens, doesn't it?
- Yeah.
But I've heard your
restaurant is wonderful.
- Oh.
- Congratulations. Truly, Carmen.
Thank you.
That's very nice.
Yeah. No, it's it's a
miracle these places exist.
Preach. [CHUCKLES]
Can I ask you something?
Yeah, of course.
What would you tell
yourself, you know, when
when you were where I am?
- I know. I know. I know.
Oh, that's a toughie.
I don't think there's
any right thing to say
that will make any difference.
Uh, I think I'd tell myself that
you have no idea what you're doing,
and therefore, you're invincible.
Can I ask you something, Carmen?
- Next time we see each other
- Yeah?
will you call me Andrea?
Yes, Chef.
Thank you. [CHUCKLES]
Oh, I love it ♪
Yes, I love it ♪
Oh, I love it so ♪
Oh, I love it ♪
Yes, I love it ♪
Oh, I love it so ♪
Oh, I love it ♪
Yes, I love it ♪
Oh, I love it so ♪
Awfully quiet.
- Chef.
- Thank you, Chef.
Come on, let's get the fuck out of here.
This bed is on fire
with passionate love ♪
Oh, my God!
The neighbors complain about ♪
The noises above ♪
But she only comes ♪
- When she's on top ♪
She said you're like a disease ♪
Without any cure ♪
She said I'm so obsessed ♪
That I'm becoming a bore ♪
Oh no ♪
Ah, you think you're so pretty ♪
- It's really bad.
- How bad?
- Ugh.
- Ooh!
Andrea Terry is in my freezer,
and all I have are waffles and pizza.
This is amazing. Andrea
Terry loves this shit.
- And look, we can put this on top.
- Boo!
- Is that a move?
- Let's play for $500.
- No!
Eggo waffles, Chef!
- What the fuck is that?
It just goes into your cuff.
- Service, bitches!
Moved out of the house ♪
So you moved next door ♪
I locked you out ♪
You cut a hole in the wall ♪
I found you sleeping next to me ♪
I thought I was alone ♪
You're driving me crazy ♪
When are you coming home? ♪
Pretty ♪
Pretty ♪
Um Can you take this?
I'm gonna Thank you.
I'm gonna grab something
outside. I'll, uh
Disarm you with a smile ♪
And cut you like you want me to ♪
Cut that little child ♪
Inside of me and such a part of you ♪
Ooh, the years burn ♪
Ooh, the years burn ♪
Burn ♪
I used to be a little boy ♪
So old in my shoes ♪
What I choose is my voice ♪
What's a boy supposed to do? ♪
The killer in me is the
killer in you, my love ♪
I send this smile over to you ♪
The killer in me is
the killer in you ♪
I send this smile over to you ♪
The killer in me is
the killer in you ♪
I send this smile over to you ♪
The killer in me is
the killer in you ♪
I send this smile over to you ♪
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