The Circle (2020) s03e10 Episode Script

A Circle Divided

[Buteau] Newbie Jacki has been hosting
the Circle of Fortune.
But this lovely game,
like so many in The Circle,
has taken a dramatic turn,
as she's chosen James
to reveal who he thinks is a catfish.
All these people are gonna hate my ass.
[Buteau] Don't worry, Jacki.
All Circle eyes are on James right now.
I knew it was about to get messy.
There's no good way
out of answering this question.
I hope he says Ashley.
I hope James puts that bitch in her place.
He's definitely not gonna say Kai.
He's not gonna say Daniel.
Don't want it to be me.
Please don't be me.
Please be anybody but me.
You know what? I'm just gonna say it.
Circle, message
I did not expect this.
People don't like Isabella.
Circle, message,
"She comes off too perfect
in conversations"
"and I be thinking
that's too good to be true sometimes."
Wow, it really is the two damn sides
coming after each other, huh?
Things are not looking good for Isabella.
Wow! I wonder how Isabella is feeling.
[smacks lips]
[James] Isabella knows
I'm coming after her now.
It's public knowledge.
[Sophia groaning]
He wasn't gonna
throw his girl Kai under the bus,
so he just had to find somebody else.
[sighs deeply]
I think he just picked me
'cause he was like,
"It's a pretty picture.
Let me just say she's too perfect."
It's tough, 'cause I think
Isabella is a big target now.
We absolutely need to stick together
so that we can save each other.
That's so annoying.
Just really freaking frustrated
and worried that now all of my allies
are gonna start thinking the same thing.
I don't know
how I'm supposed to change the way I talk
and come across not perfect. Like, do I
What am I supposed to do differently?
This sucks.
[Buteau] She's not
the only one feeling troubled.
'Cause after Kai was called out by Ashley
as her biggest threat earlier,
Daniel wants to check in on her.
And he's got his pimp cup,
so y'all know he ain't messing around.
[Daniel] Message, "Hey, love,
I needed to reach you after that game
because I have no idea
where Ashley's animosity came from."
[Kai] "#SiblingsHaveEachOthersBacks."
It's actually funny,
because right as I decided
to start thinking
with my heart versus my head,
then all of this comes to light.
But I'm not gonna let
Ashley change that strategy for me.
I want Kai to feel,
"Damn. He has my back."
"I can be real with him.
We can shoot the shit together."
Um, and that she can trust me.
Message, "Hey, hey, lil bro."
"Thank you so much for reaching out to me.
It really means a lot."
"Your guess is as good as mine
when it comes to Ashley's animosity
toward me."
"The last time we talked,
I thought we had formed a sisterhood,
but maybe
that was all just in my head." [chuckles]
"Ashley's behavior definitely changed
after she became an influencer."
One hundred percent, I think
Ashley's behavior definitely changed,
and it definitely is noted.
This is a really big conversation for me,
because I really haven't shown
my strategic side to anyone yet.
And now is the time
to go against the other side,
see what we can do, try to get to the end,
and make shit happen.
Message, "I feel like
there is an alliance against us."
"We need a plan of attack
so we can be here until the end."
"#JusticeForRuksana." Send.
I love that hashtag.
Justice for my girl,
a fallen fucking queen.
Oh, this is great.
Message, "I definitely agree
that there is an alliance against us."
"So I was thinking,
it seems that Jacki trusts James."
"So maybe we need to get James
to talk to Jacki
and vouch for me and you as well."
"#WhatDoYouThink?" And send.
Baby, I thought the same damn thing.
Message, "Couldn't agree more
about James being our in to Jacki."
"At this point,
I feel like us four are the outcasts
trying to battle the popular kids.
Carpe diem, baby.
Like, viva la revolution!
It's literally now or never.
Tomorrow could be
the last effing blocking.
What people don't understand is
that if this alliance can be made,
it changes the game yet again.
Message, "Definitely pourin' out one
for the homies. We got this."
"Thank you for reaching out, lil bro.
You definitely raised my spirits."
"Can't wait to talk to you again.
#NightyNight. Red heart emoji."
And this is how you build
genuine connections, Ashley.
[Buteau] It's all talk of future plans
for Kai and Daniel,
but it's all action for James,
as he's already taking it upon himself
to make moves on Jacki.
Damn, that boy works quick.
Oh! [chuckles] "James has invited you
to a private chat." Great!
[James] Circle, message,
"I can't tell you
how excited I am for you."
"You did such a great job
hosting the game."
"I don't think anybody
could have done it better, if I'm honest,
and I know you looked good
while doing it too."
"Heart emoji eyes."
Oh my God! Is he flirting with me?
I'm like, "Okay."
I've been in a relationship for 12 years.
My girl told me,
"Do what you gotta do to win."
She don't care
if I come home with a damn wife
that I win the money.
Circle, message,
"I personally want to thank you
for choosing me for that question,
because everyone had
the same suspicion of Isabella."
[Jacki] "Only thing that sucks is
that Nick might be mad,
as he pretty much loves her."
"Laugh out loud, but how do you feel
the night went? Question mark."
[James] I understand
that we don't have much time.
So I gotta do some
some super, like, speed dating with her,
and I gotta make sure
Nick is not in the picture.
So if Nick flirts with you, Jacki,
I hope you got the message
that he's flirting with, uh, Isabella too.
He's giving me some dirt on Nick.
Okay, so he's being very open right now,
and I need to take advantage of this. Um
So, message,
"James, this was a really tough night,
and we gotta talk about Isabella."
"I was shocked by your answer."
[James] "What can you tell me
about the game so far?"
"Who do I need to be watching out for?"
So she's digging for information.
I want to be an ally
of information for her.
[Jacki] James,
"Right now, I need to catch you up,
because I once was new,
and nobody wanted to give me information."
"Isabella is not what you think she is."
"She's nice,
but I never trust her motive. Period."
Who do I trust here?
I got a good vibe about James.
Message, "Being new sucks!"
"Really appreciate your help."
"I'm gonna lay it all out."
"What is going on with Ashley and Kai?"
"There seems to be some discord
amongst the girls."
"The guys seem really tight."
"I know zilch about Daniel, though.
He seems like a sweet kid." Send.
Message, "Ashley and Kai
are both very trustworthy,
but we are getting to the end of the game,
and people are butting heads."
"I would trust Kai as a player
because she's very loyal and honest."
"Don't mind Daniel. He's probably
still going through puberty." [laughing]
I I really like James.
I think he's awesome,
and I really appreciate this.
Message, "Please don't hesitate
to hit me up anytime."
"Have a great night. XO." Send.
I like James.
I, like, cannot stop smiling
after this conversation.
I kinda wanna send XOXO,
but I kind of always send
[chuckles] too many texts.
So I think I'm gonna play it cool,
and I'm just gonna let this chat end here.
I am 100% positive that Jacki trusts me
after the great conversation
we just had tonight.
I'm I'm damn sure she does.
[Buteau] After the Circle of Fortune,
the band members
are feeling a little out of tune
and doing
what every rock and roll band does
when they have a bad gig,
get into their jammies and go to bed.
Ugh, my God! Tea was spilled tonight.
I feel pretty comfortable
going into tomorrow.
But I know that as soon
as you start feeling comfortable,
that's when things crumble,
so I'm never comfortable.
-Good night, Circle!
-Good night, sweet Circle.
See ya tomorrow.
["Shout" by Tears for Fears playing]
Shout, shout, let it all out ♪
[Buteau] It's a new day in The Circle,
which means split-screen good morning.
[all] Good morning, Circle!
Let's frickin' do this!
[Buteau] And after the Circle of Fortune
brought the game show blitz
with a heavy dose of shade,
the players have a lot on their minds.
-Let it all out ♪
A lot just happened yesterday.
So much unraveled, I feel like.
James called me a catfish.
I got really upset about it,
so I really need to talk with my bandmates
and see where their heads are at.
I'm almost positive that James and Kai
are going after Isabella and Ashley.
If I start losing allies,
I might be in trouble.
It's an even split right now.
It's Isabella and Nick and myself
versus James, Kai, and Daniel.
So we need to make sure
that we're on the same page,
and we possibly bring Jacki in.
Oh my goodness. Okay.
We need to win over Jacki,
because if we don't win over Jacki,
Viva La Revolution will crumble.
One of our heads
will be on the chopping block.
Baby, it sure as hell can't be mine.
So, Jacki, prepare
to be swoon off your damn feet, girl.
[Jacki] I definitely see a division,
and I don't know how it's gonna go down.
So I need to capitalize off of this drama.
[Buteau] Jacki, don't say the D word
in front of the C word,
or else it'll send the A word.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
"Alert!" [gasps]
An alert this early? What's happening?
Oh boy.
Oh sh "Alert!"
-Here we go.
Oh damn.
Oh my God! My stomach!
What are we doing today, Circle?
Jeez. What you got for me?
[yells] Oh!
-[all] "The Circle is now complete!"
-What does that mean?
Oh my gosh! Thank you.
I feel like getting naked.
Oh my God.
-"No new"
[screams, laughs]
[all] "The winner is among you!"
Shut up!
She's right here doing her hair.
-I wonder what everyone else is thinking.
Yes! Yes! [in singsong] Yes!
I have a one-in-seven shot
at literally winning The Circle.
There's only one winner.
You're looking at him, Circle. Oh!
This is it. We gotta get shit done, girl.
Ooh, it's about to be dog-eat-dog!
Every one of y'all
can kiss my ass honestly,
'cause I need to win.
That sounded angry. [chuckles]
[Buteau] It's okay, James.
They can't hear you.
Your mama can, though.
And with the final seven confirmed,
it's time for the players
to swing into action, kind of.
All right, let's get some yoga done.
I wanna chat with Ashley and Isabella
just so I can let them know
I'm still on their side.
I'm also obviously gonna bring up the fact
that there's a new player
that we need to reach out to
before James and Kai do.
Circle, take me to a group chat
with Ashley and Isabella.
Circle, take me
to the group chat with Nick.
It is about damn time, Daddy Nick.
Thank God.
We've been needing a band meeting.
[Buteau] While the band meets up
for chat practice,
James is hitting up his crew,
and they've got strategy
and pancakes on the menu.
Circle, message, "What's up, fam bam?
Congratulations on making it this far."
"It's crazy to me that the three of us
never got together and talked"
"but you two have been my main priority
at all times. #Periodt!"
You must be reading my mind.
Message, "You are so right."
"Kai and I were talking last night
about this alliance
and how we are going to get
to the end together. #"
[all] "AreWeAllIn?"
"Question mark."
That's what I'm talking about.
Duh! Of course, lil bro!
Circle, message,
"For me, the Circle of Fortune
made it very clear
that James and Kai are"
-"gunning for both of you."
-Yes, Nick, exactly.
Circle, message,
"I trust you guys with my life,
but we need more numbers
for all three of us to be at the final."
"Jacki's definitely the missing piece
to the puzzle."
"And with her,
each of us has the numbers." Send.
Message, "Jacki is
the most important person
to align with right now. Hashtag"
-[all] "Get her before Kai does."
[sighs] This is so good.
Message, "James, we have a plan,
but we need your help."
Okay, okay, okay.
"Long story short, all we need to do
is get Jacki on our team."
Circle, message,
"I agree with all of this"
"but let me offer you some information."
James, what tea have you got for us?
[James] Circle, message,
"Jacki had a flirtatious conversation
with me that went really well."
"I'm sure she trusts me." Circle, send.
Message, "James, since you seem
to have a close relationship with her,
it is easier now to bring her in
and have her trust us."
I'm going to add in Jacki."
[chuckles] They gonna add Jacki?
Jacki, come on in.
[both] "add Jacki to the group chat."
Nick, Isabella, and Ashley.
What the
I'm about to fall off this damn treadmill!
Obviously, something's been going down,
and there is a, like, clear divide
between these groups here.
And I have to decide immediately.
Like, these people
are waiting to talk to me.
Oh my God! I don't I don't know.
[Buteau] And now, like at the gym,
we're all waiting on this one girl
on the treadmill.
[suspenseful music playing]
-Is she not gonna respond? [chuckles]
Come on, Jacki.
What's taking you so long? Get in here!
I'm just very much in shock right now
that there's this divide.
Why is Jacki taking forever?
Oh, Lord have mercy.
What's about to go down?
Circle, take me to
-Are you kidding me?
"Jacki has declined your invite
to join the chat." Why?
I'm not rating you high, girl. Goodbye.
Nobody declines the band!
The band declines people!
People don't decline the band!
"Jacki has entered the chat!"
Here we go, y'all!
Right now, it is kiss Jacki's ass
till the sun don't shine no more
and have her on our side.
In all honesty,
I had a great conversation with James.
So I'm gonna have to go with James.
Circle, message, "Hey, Jacki,
these are the two people
I trust the most in The Circle,
so I want to welcome you
to our big family.
"Kiss emoji. #NoSnakesOverHere." Send
"#NoSnakesOverHere." [clicks tongue]
Message, "James,
I'm really excited to get to know
you, Kai, and Daniel better,
but I gotta let you know
what's been going down."
"Detective emoji, magnifying glass."
I'm here for it, Jacki. Spill the beans.
"I just got two group chat requests,
bomb emoji"
"and I had to reject one!
That was a very difficult decision."
So she rejected theirs
and took our request.
Circle, message, "Uh, why would
a new player decline a group chat?"
[Matthew] Circle, message,
"Is she kidding?"
"The only thing I can think of
is she got a request from Kai
at the same time as ours."
That makes sense.
Like, Kai's gotten to her first.
[sucks lips]
Circle, message,
"Jacki, I knew you was smart."
"You chose the right group chat.
There is two sides to The Circle."
"Let me tell you about the people
in the other chat Dot, dot, dot." Send.
Oh my God! What?
Why do these people not like each other?
I'll just give details about all of them.
Come on, James. Take 'em down WWE style!
Circle, message,
"Ashley has flipped sides several times."
"Several times"?
"Isabella is obviously a catfish."
"Nick openly flirts with you
when he has confessed his love
for Isabella,
and they have shown their true colors."
He laid it down. This is why I like James.
Like, no bullshit. Gets right to it.
That is all I needed to know.
Message, "Why I love
and trust this group so much
is we are straight shooters."
"Honestly, I feel like
I'm back in high school again,
and I didn't get invited
to the popular kids' table." Send.
And I got no tolerance for people
making people feel low, feel bad,
and I do not like
that Daniel has felt like that.
Like, that hurts me.
Message, "That group likes
snatching our wigs."
"Ashley was friends with Kai
and legit threw her
under the bus last night."
"Nick promises safety to players
and then blocks them the next day."
Send it.
"and legit threw her
under the bus last night."
Oh, hell naw!
Shit's just got fucking real.
Message, "Jacki, everything
that James is saying is sadly true."
"This group prides themselves
on being honest, loyal, and genuine."
"Your vibe gives off the impression
that you're just like us. Hug emoji."
[Jacki] I definitely feel like
I made the right decision here,
especially seeing what Kai had to say.
I feel like I picked the right group.
Circle, message, "I told you great things
about Kai and Daniel when we talked."
"So which side do you want to be part of?
Question mark. #WeveGotYou." Send.
Message, "Is this even a question?
Obviously, I'm going with y'all."
"I got no time
for high school bullshit. Fire emoji."
"Thank you so much
for all this information."
"Sending you all great vibes."
"Praying emoji!" Oh my God! We did it!
This game continues to shock me.
Circle, please leave group chat.
Oh, this was good.
We got Jacki!
Oh my God! That conversation was huge.
I put my work in for this team.
I I hope they see that,
and I hope they know what to do.
If I had a mic, I'd drop it.
[Buteau] As day gives way to night,
our players are winding down
and getting over the drama of the day
in their own unique ways.
All of these bitches are so fake.
Take them down. Om.
[softly] Good vibes,
good energy in the air. Om.
[Buteau] Those good vibes aren't reaching
Isabella's apartment, though.
The pain of being called out as a catfish
and being rejected
by the newbie is getting to her.
Morally, I came in being like,
"I'm gonna just reach out
and, like, build connections
with every person I can."
And somewhere along the way,
this monster came out
from somewhere inside of me
and just started hyper-focusing on Kai,
how she's my archnemesis.
When in reality, Kai and I
have literally never had a chat together,
and that is just not Sophia
and not who I am.
So, Circle, please open a private chat
with Kai.
"Isabella has invited you
to a private chat." [laughing]
Oh! [laughing]
Well, whatever do you have to say, Bella?
[Sophia sighs]
Circle, message, "Hey, girl."
"I know we haven't had a chance
to chat yet, and to be completely honest,
I wish
I would've reached out sooner." Send.
Yeah, you should've.
I really believe
that this reaching out to me
is 100% tactical
since she's been more loyal to Ashley
and more loyal to Nick.
I just don't buy it.
My alliance is strong,
and I'm not trying to mess that up
with any of the other players.
"We obviously haven't connected."
"From the beginning, you were the girl
I wanted to work with the most."
"As time went on,
and we still didn't speak often,
I let my insecurities get the best of me.
I wanted to say I'm sorry for that."
"I know I had a bad day,
and I know this probably comes across
as me sucking up"
[Kai] "but our time in here is limited,
and I really wanted
to get this off my chest when I could."
I took everything so personally
that she said and that she did,
because I wanted to be
her friend so bad [laughs]
that it just turned
into, like, all of this blah.
Now, I'm not a savage,
and I am leading more with my heart
toward the end of this game.
So I am definitely going to offer her
words of encouragement.
So, message
She's typing.
She's typing. [chuckles nervously]
Oh God.
"I'm sorry that you had a bad day.
I wouldn't wish that on any player."
"I appreciate you being transparent
and telling me how you genuinely felt."
"How are you feeling now?"
[smacks lips] Okay.
Circle, message, "To be honest"
"it is so easy
to get caught up in this game
and lose sight of who you really are,
and that's exactly what I've done."
Maybe that's something
she can relate to, so [exhales]
I think she just decided
to take whatever anyone wanted to say
about me and run with it,
instead of giving me the opportunity
to show her who I really am.
Message, "I want you to know
that you are not alone
when it comes
to feeling the pressure of The Circle."
"Isabella, thank you so much
for reaching out and clearing the air."
"I respect you more than you know
for your honesty."
"I'm always up for making new friends."
"Heart emoji." Yay!
[in singsong] Being yourself pays off.
[Buteau] Ain't that the truth, Sophia?
Sorry. I mean Isabella.
[Sophia] Circle, message,
"I appreciate that so much."
"Kai, you have been playing
an incredible game, girl."
"And for what it's worth,
you have my full support,
and if I make it to the end"
"I want to be sitting
next to a bad bitch like you."
Why, thank you, Isabella,
for recognizing my greatness.
I'm finally back to good ol' Soph-Bella,
and that is all I want out of this game,
is just to give it me
and a little bit of Isabella
but mostly me.
I would love for Kai to be
the final member of the band. [chuckles]
I know she would never split her ways
with her other alliances,
but that would be iconic.
[Buteau] Aw, a breakthrough for Isabella!
And elsewhere, after Jacki
turned down his group chat earlier,
Nick is doing what any self-respecting bro
does in the face of rejection,
asking again.
I still know nothing about Jacki,
but I have to be on her good side
because she can completely sway
all the ratings.
So I need to get to know her.
Circle, start a private chat with Jacki.
Okay. I'm really interested
to hear what Nick has to say.
Circle, message,
"Jacki! How are things going?"
"I imagine you've had a crazy busy day."
"I noticed your profile said something
about a synthesizer. Are you a musician?"
"Side note, I'm also six-two, comma,
we are #LeveledUp. emoji."
Message, "I'm so happy
that you messaged me."
"I've been really looking forward
to the opportunity to speak with you."
"Smiley face emoji."
"I'm not very good, nervous emoji,
but I absolutely love
playing my microKORG synthesizer."
[Buteau] That'll be music
to a musician's ears, right, Nick?
"MicroKORG synthesizer."
[laughing] I have no clue what that is.
"I got really excited when I saw
you're a drummer in a punk rock band."
"Star-eye emoji." Send.
Well, so far, she seems nice.
We'll see, and we can see
if she brings up declining the group chat.
Um, honestly, I kind of wanna get
to the nitty-gritty
and talk to him about today,
'cause, like, I'm sure they feel rejected.
Message, "I definitely want to talk to you
about the group chat situation."
very difficult position
and got a request from your group
and a group with James, Kai,
and Daniel at the same time."
[Nick] "I knew you and I had
a lot of common interests,
and we would probably vibe very easily.
I just knew we would end up talking."
So she's basically saying
she already felt like
she had a good sense
of me, Ashley, and Isabella,
so she felt like
she needed to accept the other group chat
so that she could learn more about them.
All right, Circle, message,
"That's a tricky situation,
but don't worry about it."
[Jacki] "#WeGotYou."
I feel like it's going well.
Message, "You're so sweet."
"Thank you for the kind words.
It really means a lot.'
"Your warmth and friendliness resonate
with me. Would love to chat again."
"#TallNerdyMusicians. Three smiley faces."
Circle, message, "So glad we got to talk."
"It must be super tough
trying to get up to speed."
"I'm not trying to turn you on too much,
but Dot, dot, dot."
[laughing] "your boy can solve
a Rubik's Cube in less than a minute."
[Buteau] Bragging
about finishing something
in less than a minute is a weird flex.
Nice. [laughing]
That is some good shit right there.
"We best chat again soon."
I feel really good
about that conversation.
I I feel like Nick and I are vibing here.
I've opened up to him.
I'm happy I was able to explain myself
and get to know him better,
and, like, we got a shit ton in common.
[Buteau] Yeah, you've got a keyboard.
He's pretending to be a musician.
You both have heads and hands
and elbows and Where does it end?
I mean, I feel like
it couldn't have gone much better.
And hopefully, I can earn a spot
in the top three of her ratings,
hopefully first, but who knows?
[Buteau] Which segues us nicely
into an outside, moody shot
and a you-know-what!
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
I hope it's not what I think it is.
Well, for sure, we know
it's not another new player.
Hit me with it.
The time has come to rate for your life!
I still haven't calculated yet!
What to do?
This is one
of the most important ratings ever.
This is intense.
We all knew it was coming.
"As a new player Jacki can rate
but cannot be rated."
Oh, God bless you. Oh my God!
Jacki is my friend ♪
Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha ♪
All right, Jacki.
I hope I made a good impression.
I have confidence
that Jacki is gonna rate me pretty high,
if not the highest.
I just had a really good conversation
with Nick.
I talked to Kai and Daniel
for the first time.
I have so much
going through my head right now.
I I have no idea
how I'm gonna do this rating.
[Nick] I feel like
there are two very clear sides,
and one of those armies
is losing a soldier.
I need to put what's best for me
so I can stay here another day
so I can be there tomorrow.
It's not about who's in last place.
It's about who the influencers are.
[all] Circle, take me to my ratings.
[rhythmically] I don't know.
I don't know. I don't know.
Ay, yi, yi.
There's so little people! [sighs]
[suspenseful music playing]
Circle, please put Ashley in fifth place.
I I really can't rank her higher
than fifth right now,
'cause I need to know more
about this girl.
She reached out to me today,
and I rejected her.
So I feel I feel really torn up
right now about this.
I'd like to put James in fifth place.
James obviously wants me gone.
Yesterday, he was very quick to say
that I'm a catfish, and I need to go.
I think I need to put Nick
in my fifth position.
Now this is all strategic.
Nick cannot become influencer.
He is the biggest threat
to me and my allies.
Lock Daniel in fifth position.
Out of everyone here, I think Daniel
is the most likely person to block me,
especially because I blocked
his best friend Ruksana.
I'm giving Nick my fifth place rating.
First, he screwed me over
with my number one Ruksana,
and I want him nowhere
near the freaking influencer board at all.
I want his ass out the house tonight,
and I hope we can make it happen.
In fifth place is gonna be Kai.
In the game that Jacki hosted,
I know I put a target on my back
for Kai to gun for me,
so I need Kai to get out
as soon as possible
so that I can be safe
another night in The Circle.
Fifth place goes to Ashley.
She rubbed me the wrong way,
and I don't trust her.
So I gotta do my best to make sure
she gets as far
from the influencer position as possible.
Fourth place. I feel like I could go
with Daniel on this one.
Third place goes to Isabella.
Even though I know
that she wasn't necessarily 100%
this whole time,
it was a bold move
for her to reach out to me
and try to make things right.
Circle, please give Kai
my second place rating.
So, Circle, I am going to put Kai
in my first position.
Kai has always been first,
and that's why I'm keeping her in first,
because I trusted her this far.
I'm trying to figure out,
why in the hell
would I switch that up now?
Circle, lock Ashley in first position
and hope that it's enough
to pull her to influencer status.
There's no way Ashley would block me.
I'm gonna give first place
to my boy, Daddy Nick.
Daddy Nick is in my alliance,
the band, with Isabella and myself,
and I know if he's influencer,
I will be safe tonight,
and I could sleep easy.
We gotta do this. Oh God!
I'm going off of my gut.
I'm doing what is real to Jacki.
So, Circle, I would like
to put James in first place.
He's powerful in this game.
He's popular in this game,
and he's been very good to me,
and I'm going to return the favor
by making him first.
Feeling pretty good about these.
I have my top two alliance members
in the top two.
Hopefully, Nick or one of
or Isabella gets influencer
so I know I'm safe tonight.
I'm feeling confident in these ratings.
-my ratings.
"Ratings complete!" Whoo!
I feel like this is just gonna be
a monumental ratings.
This a scary-ass night.
Whenever I think this game can't get
any harder or more complicated
Well, carpe diem!
Let's see how they go. [chuckles]
Oh, I hope
I didn't make the wrong decision.
[Buteau] The ratings are done for now,
but you know what I live for?
Some Circle drama.
[Sophia] Just don't move. It won't hurt.
You won't feel a thing.
Like, I'm literally about
to have a heart attack. [yelling]
[Buteau] I guess
Isabella wants to be the only one
spinning webs in that apartment.
I lost him. I have I
he's not I don't see him.
[gasps] That was two. That was good.
I almost died doing it.
[Buteau] Oh honey, spiders
and Daniel's jump rope skills
aren't even the scariest thing
in The Circle.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
It's an alert. I know what this means.
Folks, it is time!
It's about to get real.
I'm scared to see what's about to go down.
"The ratings results are in."
Oh, we're getting right to it.
Easily the most important ratings
[sighs] of the game yet.
I feel like I wanna puke.
I feel like I wanna explode.
I feel like I'm going to faint.
You've made it this far. Let's keep going.
This is gonna tell me
if I made the right decision
trusting my alliance.
[James exhales]
In last place
If it is one of the Viva La Revolution,
it's over for us.
Sixth gonna be bad. It's gonna let me know
if we got control right now.
Praying that we see Kai in sixth.
I'll feel better automatically
if I see her.
I really hope this is Nick.
Don't make me last.
This gonna be Ashley or Isabella.
Please don't be me.
[suspenseful music crescendos]
That sucks.
Isabella is sixth place?
-That is not good.
That was spicy.
Maybe she does not have the alliances
that I thought she had.
How did that happen?
Whoo! Did not see that coming.
Well, no big deal.
Just one of my top allies in dead last.
[Matthew] Fifth place, here we go.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J [winces]
Give me a Kai.
No matter what, if I'm in fifth place,
it's okay. I'm not last.
I don't really want to be fifth either.
I'm gonna be honest, Circle.
Come on. Ashley.
Don't let it be Daniel or me.
I can't be fifth. Don't be fifth.
I don't know what I'll do if I'm fifth.
Don't be Nick. Don't be Ashley.
Don't be Nick. Don't be Ashley.
Palms are sweating.
[suspenseful music crescendos]
[shouting] Fifth? How did I get fifth?
I don't even know
what this game is doing anymore!
We we one-for-one right now. This is bad.
They toyin' with us.
I was not expecting Daniel
to be this low. He was just second.
Mr. Influencer!
Where's Nick? Where is Ashley?
I have no idea.
We like this right now.
Right now, we both lost one.
So it's two and two.
It's up to me and Kai right now.
I'm feeling scared. I'm feeling anxious.
I'm feeling that James
and Kai need to pull through.
All right. Fourth.
I'm not even [scoffs]
being rated right now.
Like, why am I sitting here
getting nervous?
Come on, we're hoping for Nick or Ashley.
James, James, James. This one is James.
If I see Kai's face right now,
that means something didn't work.
I just really hope
that Ashley is not an influencer.
I'm begging you, God. Please be Kai.
She has got it out for me.
Come on.
Let's see how strategic everybody was.
Come on.
Ah, fuck! I'm in fourth place.
Not an influencer.
Dang it!
Oh, how did this happen?
Whoo! Hoo-hoo-hoo!
Ashley! We got rid of two of 'em!
[exhales sharply] Not looking good
for Nick and his allies.
That means one of my Viva La Revolution
is in the end.
If Nick is there,
will they be able to save me?
[softly] Oh my gosh. This is important.
Praying to dear Jesus
that Kai gets third place.
If not, it's a big likelihood
I'm going home tonight. Fuck!
So that leaves James, Nick, and myself.
Third! Come on.
If it's Nick,
it's a big W for our alliance.
Please don't be Nick. Just don't be Nick.
Don't be me. Let me be an influencer.
Please let this be Nick.
Come on, Kai. I need Nick atop of me.
Whoever this is, if I don't see my face,
I'm an influencer.
Come on!
You have to be Nick! You have to be Nick!
[exhales softly]
Come on.
-[yells] Yes!
-Yes, it's Kai! Yes!
[sighs] I'm third.
Okay. Okay. That's okay.
It's me and Nick! [clicks tongue]
Yes, yes, yes! Top two!
Come on. Who got first? Who got second?
[James screams, laughs]
The champ is here!
The champ is here!
-James is first! Yes!
-Yes! Yes!
James, my boy!
Oh shit!
Oh, that feels good! Yes!
[exhales] Love you, Daddy Nick.
I freakin' love you.
I got the check! I'm checked up!
Oh my gosh!
This is going to be a battle,
and I'm sending good vibes Nick's way,
'cause there's no telling
what's gonna happen.
Thank you, Ashley. Thank you, Isabella.
And honestly, probably thank you, Jacki.
We're seeing two powerful players
from these two groups
going head-to-head
to decide who goes home.
[Buteau] The influencers
are now announced.
Surely, the players don't think
they can relax.
[all] "Alert!"
Yo, I'm trying
to get my thoughts together!
There's another alert?
"Influencers James and Nick"
"must now decide which player to block."
Clearly they're gonna have to sacrifice
one person from one of their sides.
I'm not gonna lie. Of course, I'm worried.
Nick probably will make lies up about me.
And will James believe them?
I have no effing idea.
It would be bad
for James's game to get rid of Kai or I.
I'm only 50% sure
that Nick will have my back
for the second time.
So, I think it's fifty-fifty.
"James and Nick must go to the Hangout
to make their decision."
I like this type of pressure
that's about to happen.
Pressure makes diamonds.
All right, this ain't my first rodeo.
I gotta go stand up for for what's mine.
You know what Malcolm X said,
"A man that stands for nothing
will fall for anything." Let's go get it.
Just have to wait and see.
[Buteau] You do, but we don't,
'cause the influencer leaders
of the two Circle tribes
are headed to the Hangout
for a battle of wills.
-[James] Oh yeah!
-[Nick] Oh yeah, baby!
What we sippin' on today?
What they got up in here? What is this?
Oh, yes! Yes!
Ooh, got a little notepad! Ok okay.
I dunno how this is gonna work.
Gonna do my best
to keep my allies in this game.
There's a reason
why me and Nick are influencers.
It's because our teams carried us
to the top,
and we at the edge with Jacki.
And we might give away the numbers
if I don't make the right move tonight.
I really have a lot of faith in James.
He hasn't given me any reason
to think otherwise.
I feel like
Nick wouldn't just toss in the towel
and give me up that easy, you know?
I'm just hoping
that James sticks to our alliance
and is loyal and is true.
I hope he would fight for us,
because I would've fought for him.
The biggest block of The Circle so far.
[sighs] The sides are divided.
We gotta convince him to get rid
of Ashley and Isabella.
If I can convince him,
it'll be a blessing, really,
'cause this is a complete W
for me tonight.
The two people that are absolutely
off-limits to get blocked
are Ashley and Isabella.
They're my closest allies.
I trust them 100%.
They're 100% the reason I'm sitting here.
So that's just not up for discussion.
He think he gonna run this conversation.
He not. I ain't gonna listen to him.
We gonna do what I want to do.
I promise you that, boo.
[theme music playing]
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