The Following s03e10 Episode Script


Tell me something, Ryan.
Your dreams am I in them? So how do we do this? I have so much to teach you.
I'm the most important relationship in your life.
You're a disease.
Tomorrow night when they kill you, I'll be cured.
Ryan Hardy declined your invitation to attend your execution.
- There must be some mistake.
- I'm afraid not.
I don't want to lose you, Doc.
I'm gonna do better.
I'll be out in a minute.
Where's penny? She's been gone several days.
Why hit the office of Strauss' paralegal? There's got to be something hidden there that we missed.
I'm in.
Strauss used a special code to protect his secrets that can only be deciphered using a key phrase chosen by the creator, but I think Strauss entrusted you.
Give me what I want, I will punish Ryan Hardy for both of us.
Ryan Hardy belongs to me.
I'm sorry, Theo.
I'm not ready to pass on the torch while I still have a card left to play.
Pay for what he's done! Welcome to the last day of your life.
This is a day many thought would never come.
Joe Carroll, the murderous cult leader responsible for killing dozens while terrorizing the country, is due to be executed tonight at midnight.
It was a little over a year ago that Carroll’s reign of terror was finally brought to an end by FBI agent Ryan Hardy.
Since his recapture, Carroll has been kept You're pretty popular.
Every reporter in the universe is calling me, asking me for a comment.
I'm actually hoping Theo's cyber attack shuts my phone down.
I couldn't sleep, so I breakfast.
Might be a little cold.
Our source inside the prison confirms Carroll has no visitors scheduled.
Even Ryan Hardy has declined to attend his execution.
Why are you doing this to yourself? You should try and forget about it.
I know.
Easier said than done, but seriously, skip work.
Let's go see a movie or something.
That's a really nice idea, but I think I would be climbing the walls inside of 5 minutes.
Got to keep busy.
I'll call you later.
Miss Thompson.
Are you the cruise director for today's execution? The court has asked me to make sure that your rights are protected during the execution process.
Otherwise, I'd be watching from home with a bowl of popcorn.
Tell me, is this the first time you're witnessing a death up close? Yes.
Don't be surprised if you get a little, uh, turned on.
Good morning, gentlemen.
D-day, Joe.
Got my eye on your cell.
Sadly for you, it is reserved for celebrities, not plebian killers with mommy issues.
You're be the one that's gonna be crying for his mama when those chemicals go in.
What's the pool up to? What pool? How long it will take Joe to die.
Over/under 4 minutes.
You want in on it? I'll pass.
So where are we at with Theo? He's definitely the one who got Gary posted on death row.
Cyber found the backdoor he used to hack into the prison server.
They closed it.
Why do you think Theo reached out to Joe? Ruining my credit rating isn't gonna satisfy him for long.
He's getting ready to come after me, and he's smart enough to know that he's gonna need help if he wants to survive.
What the hell you doing with her? I asked you a question! You need to think hard about this moment, son.
Your whole life has led up to it.
Two roads face you, and one stretches into the distance.
Let's call that enlightenment, rehab, career, family.
The other one ends in about 10 seconds.
That one's simply called death.
Unh! Morning, Joe.
Who's your friend? Jim Vail.
I'm the governor's chief of staff, and I'm here to make sure your execution goes off without a hitch.
Well, I'm sure it will play big in the governor's upcoming campaign.
Well, h-how about I endorse him with my final words? For God's sakes, don't do that.
Let's get started.
I'm gonna let you out of the chair, but try anything, and officer Price is gonna light you up with a stun baton.
Come on, guys.
Don't make me file a petition with the court for cruel and unusual punishment.
Unh! Ohh! Aah! Ohh! Don't! Hold on, hold on just just a minute.
Agh! On the floor.
Now! You didn't think killing me was gonna be easy, did you? Hmm? How bad? It's a nightmare.
He killed two guards.
He locked himself in the infirmary, he's got 3 hostages, including the governor's chief of staff.
We're gearing up our sort team to go in now.
You do that, and Joe starts killing people, the VIP will be first.
The longer we wait, the more time he has to barricade himself in.
Good morning, Warden.
As you can see, I have rescheduled today's activities, and I would hate to be interrupted by the riot squad, who I can see quite clearly on the security monitor, so all prison personnel must therefore pull back from this cell block immediately, and if they don't, a hostage will die.
If you cut the feed to my security camera, a hostage will die.
In fact, the only way a hostage won't die is if you acquiesce to my final demand Ryan Hardy, and if he is not here within the next two hours, everybody dies.
Ohh! Hey.
He scared the crap out of me.
I didn't think you'd be awake yet.
I'm assuming you gave Rehema the day off.
The whole week.
Did you get of course.
Where's Josh? Who? He was with me at the house.
Did you kill him? No.
Damn it.
I liked him.
T, you can't keep doing this.
I can take care of myself.
You're my little sister, Penny.
I've been protecting you since I was 10 years old, and I'm not gonna stop now.
You just need to stop partying so much.
Says the guy with an Asian man tied up in his study.
Who the hell is he anyway? His name is Frank Sakamoto, and he's the nation's top academic cryptologist, and he's been completely useless.
What's going on with you? It's not like you to bring a kill into the house.
You really don't know, do you? You haven't been watching the news? You killed Strauss? And now Ryan Hardy's after you? This is the end, T.
Our cover lives are blown.
They get to you, they get to me.
Why do you think I had to pull you in? We're gonna need to move quickly on this.
What the hell are we gonna do? I have a plan.
If it works, we can disappear.
You got to be kidding me.
What? It's been almost two hours since Joe Carroll took hostages inside death row.
Ryan Hardy and his team have arrived at the Virginia State Penitentiary.
Hardy, of course, is one the most high-profile FBI agents.
He apprehended Carroll and helped put him on death row.
Where do we stand? Joe's made no further contact.
We're lined up, ready to go, but given how he's set up in there, I don't like our chances.
The governor's declared armed intervention to be a last resort.
He's pinning his hopes on you defusing the situation from inside.
There's no way he lets me in there without searching me, and the last thing we want is to increase his firepower.
You can't go in unarmed.
It's the only way.
I just need a minute.
Joe Carroll has taken hostages inside death row.
Please tell me you're not going in there.
I have to.
What if he's planning to kill you again? "When I die, you die," remember? No.
Joe doesn't want me dead.
He just wants a witness.
I'm scared.
Gwen, I I got to go.
Wait! I need to tell you something.
Tell me after.
- Ryan! - I love you.
Ryan! Kill the killer! Down with Joe Carroll! This is murder! Just moments ago, we saw FBI agent Ryan Hardy exit the mobile command center and enter the main entrance of the prison.
Several hostages inside the prison.
We cannot confirm who those hostages Ryan.
You get the chance, you put him down.
Mike's right.
Kill him if you can.
This has to end.
If something happens, take care of each other.
Where'd everybody go? Hey.
You're the guy that caught Joe! What the hell is going on? Aah! Aah! Ryan.
My old friend.
You came.
Take off your jacket and shirt, please.
What, you don't trust me? Remove your jacket and shirt, please, Ryan, or a hostage loses an appendage.
Lift it up and turn around.
Now there are some handcuffs on the floor.
Can you pick them up, please, and cuff your hands behind your back? Not until you release the hostages.
No can do.
I mean it, Joe.
They come out, or I don't go in.
May I remind you that you have absolutely no leverage.
Sure I do.
Good luck with the riot squad.
Uh, fine.
Fine, fine, fine.
I'll release one.
No sudden movements.
Well done.
There's a team waiting by the entrance.
They'll take you out.
Ugh! Now if you'd only RVSVPed yes to my execution, none of this would have been necessary.
Agh! This was Strauss' journal.
It's a new cipher, one I've never seen before, some kind of polyalphabetic substitution.
And Saka-whathisname can't figure it out? Sakamoto.
The key is a phrase, but it's long.
Without knowing the source, it's virtually impossible to crack.
Why do you even need this notebook? - What's in it? - A name.
Someone with the power to give me my anonymity back After I take out Ryan Hardy.
Are you kidding? He caught Strauss and Joe Carroll.
You need to leave him alone.
Not an option.
That's your problem, T.
You always have to win.
And we're alive because of it, because I do whatever it takes to give us what we never had as kids control.
And I love you for it, but taking on Ryan Hardy and the FBI is crazy.
I will make him suffer for what he's done.
I think Joe Carroll might be taking care of that.
You're awake.
What am I doing here, Joe? Up.
Up, up, up, up, up.
What does it always come down to with us, huh? The truth.
You you can fool everyone else, but you can't fool me.
I can quite clearly see that y that you are a man in crisis.
Y-y-you could hide behind that macho facade of yours, but you're suffering, and I know why.
So do I.
You so desperately want that to be true because that way, you don't have to face the reality of what you fight so slavishly every day to deny.
And what reality is that? Well, that I am your soul mate.
Check, please.
Oh, you can mock, yes.
Mock all you like, but I-if that's not true, then then why didn't you kill me when you had the chance? And please don't give me any of that "Kumbaya," "I did it to save my soul" nonsense.
You didn't kill me because you need me, and I would be a terrible friend if I didn't use what precious little time I have left to help you see that.
So you asked why you're here.
Well, today, I'm going to stage an intervention, and when I'm done, all you have hidden will be exposed because today you will admit that I am the most important relationship in your life, not because you think that's what I want to hear but because you know deep in your heart that it's true, and if you don't, we're all gonna die.
You ok? Not really.
If I lose Ryan he's gonna be ok.
And I'll always be there for you Whether you like it or not.
Warden just got off the phone with the governor.
Looks like he's changing his mind about waiting.
We're getting ready to go in.
Joe will kill them if you do.
We need to give Ryan time.
He's got 10 minutes.
After that, it's out of my hands.
Come on, Joe.
This is between us.
Let them go.
They form a vital part of your intervention.
Jump down.
There we are.
Just jump down there, darling.
Now, Mr.
Vail, would you be so kind as to strap Dana here to the examination table? W-w-why? Because I said so.
Joe, what are you doing? I thought this was about me.
Well, it is, but that's no reason why I can't enjoy myself, too.
Ah, Mr.
Vail, would you mind standing by the desk? Ok.
So help me see the truth.
What am I denying? You have always been my most devoted follower.
No one else has ever felt as passionately about me as you do.
I was trying to stop you.
And in trying to stop me, you became me.
I'm not like you, Joe.
I don't have a need to kill.
I think your body count might say otherwise.
If I didn't pull that trigger, innocent people would die.
I saved lives.
Oh, boy.
This is just going nowhere.
I'm gonna have to take it up a notch.
Dana darling, I'm gonna take out your eye.
Wait, wait, wait! Please! No! Wait! Make me.
When I first came here to see you, you asked me if you were in my dreams.
You are.
In what capacity? In in my dreams We're friends.
We Drink together.
And? And you're teaching me to kill.
I'm proud of you, Ryan.
It cannot have been easy to admit.
What do you think your dreams are telling you? That you screwed up my head.
Oh, no.
I think they're telling you that we are friends, best of friends.
You you see me for who I really am as I see you for who you really are.
You don't know me.
Oh, come on, Ryan.
You know that's a lie.
I am the only one who knows the real you.
Come on.
Tell me.
What are you so afraid of? That you're right.
Of course I am.
Don't tell me that you didn't enjoy killing the man who murdered your father or Debra Parker's killer.
Then what? Come on, Ryan.
Confess what you know to be true.
What do you get out of pulling that trigger? Satisfaction Power And that's what felt good.
Thank you, Ryan.
That's all I was looking for was Just a little bit of honesty.
I can accept my fate because you have finally admitted that I'm right.
Unh! Ohh! Ugh.
Whew! Ha! Ahh.
You win, Joe? What are you doing? Trying to get a look inside the prison.
I hid a backdoor in their server.
I got to hand it to Joe.
Guy knows how to make an exit.
What are those? Controls for the prison.
From here, I can do anything I want.
I can just turn off the cameras, open the doors.
If I wanted to, I could lock the whole place down.
Oh, boy.
Whether or not this was all part of Joe Carroll’s plan.
Wait a minute.
Something's happening.
It's Ryan.
He did it.
What are you doing? Protecting you from yourself.
Whoa! Hoo hoo hoo! Wait.
Who the hell opened those doors? Wasn't us.
We need to get in there now.
Open the damn doors! Can't.
The whole system just went down.
Guess karma really does exist.
Back up! Back the hell up! Agh! Think we should do a little hostage taking of our own, see what we can get for them.
Knock yourselves out.
Joe's gonna show me his cell, the one he doesn't think I'm good enough for.
I'm gonna redecorate it with his brains.
That's that's not actually what brains are for, but get behind me! Hey, baby.
Come here.
Let me get a look at you.
Hey! Hey! Aah! It's cool.
Do what you got to do.
So you think we need your permission? What? No.
What are you doing? Don't kill him! Unh! Just keep pressure on it.
Wait! Where are you going? Wait.
You can't leave me.
Aah! Ohh! Unh! Ohh.
Stop now.
Please stop! No.
No! Aah! Stop! Aah! Unh! Aah! Aah! Aah! It's ok.
You're safe now.
You're an eye guy, right? No.
Calling me an eye guy is like calling Rembrandt a decorator.
Who the hell's Rembrandt? Ohh! Agh! Come on, come on.
All right.
Let's go.
Come on.
Move in.
Thank God! Are you ok? Yeah, I'm good.
We can now report the hostage crisis inside the Virginia State Penitentiary is over.
The number of casualties still unknown.
Though, the FBI has yet to confirm the names of those killed inside the prison today Hostage crisis is over.
Looks like Joe and Ryan both survived.
You have no idea what the hell you almost did.
You almost blew this whole thing.
So you can big brother me, kill my boyfriends, criticize my life choices, and if I try to look after you, I'm out of line? - Penny.
- You need to drop this Ryan Hardy nonsense, T.
If this contact can help us, let's crack the code, go to him.
You and me, we can disappear together.
You don't get it.
He won't do it voluntarily.
I need leverage to make it happen.
What kind of leverage? We saw Ryan Hardy Him.
His death is the key to our future.
Are you ok? Yeah.
It's over.
Is Joe dead? No, and I don't know what's gonna happen with his execution, but I need to stick around to see.
What?! Are you kidding? I need to get closure on this, Gwen.
I don't expect you to understand.
Good because I don't.
It seems like you're giving him what he wants.
You told me you could handle anything.
I need you to handle this.
So you're a genius hacker.
A code is, like, the ultimate password.
How do you hack someone's password? You study them, you understand what's important.
So the same thing here.
He wouldn't have picked a random phrase.
He would have picked it from a source that meant something to him.
It's got to be a book, but I looked through all the books that the FBI took from his house.
None of them work.
He wouldn't have kept it in his house.
You said you went to Joe.
Why? Because Joe knew Strauss better than anyone.
And you checked Joe's books? Yes.
All the books that they had in common.
But I should have checked the books in Joe's library that Strauss should have had in his.
Strauss quoted him a few times.
Let's see.
"That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die.
" It's working.
Come on.
T, that's not a name.
It's a location.
The nation holds its breath tonight as we wait for word on the governor's decision.
Our legal experts predict he'll have no choice but to postpone Carroll’s execution.
Why? Why did today have to happen? Because you are my real legacy, Ryan, and I needed you to know it, and now that you Admitted we are brothers, I can die, knowing that I will live on through you.
Governor has ordered your execution to proceed as scheduled.
They're coming to take you in a few minutes.
Uh, Ryan.
A parting gift.
Your man Theo, he was born of violence in the city of brotherly love.
Good-bye, Joe.
Good-bye, Ryan.
Joe Carroll, the state of Virginia has sentenced you to die for your many crimes.
Do you have any final words? Quoth the raven "Nevermore.
" Unh! Unh! Ohh! Unh! Yehh! Unh.
The time of death is 12:11 a.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Bad day? Two shots of whiskey, please.
Hope it helps.
Here's to you.
Here's to us.

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