The Kardashians (2022) s03e10 Episode Script

What Just Happened?

Show them your true colors ♪
KIM: Previously on The Kardashians.
We all look up to you.
You are pretty much now
the leader of our family.
Clutch. Brake, brake, brake.
Foot off the gas. Foot off the gas.
(Kylie yells)
-KYLIE: Kendall!
-KENDALL: Kylie!
KIM: This is, like, bucket list moments
and I wanna soak it all in.
Why are we crying?
I've gone through a lot recently.
I need you to be okay.
But what's one more thing on my plate?
Oh my god, there's so much to go through.
Yeah. This was the cover of
the Yeezus album.
This is, like, me holding
on to the Kanye that I know.
I'm definitely not
gonna cry off this makeup.
Gonna get it together.
Tristan and I, I mean,
there's still boundaries.
These boundaries are so important
to put into place with Tristan because
we've done this song and dance
a handful of times already.
We get along fine, and for my kids,
I will put anything to the side.
(dramatic music plays)
(upbeat music playing)
KRIS: Hi! How are you guys?
EMPLOYEE: Fine! Busy, busy, busy.
KRIS: I bet you are.
I saw all the new Christmas stuff.
EMPLOYEE: Yeah, we've got
a lotta new Christmas.
KRIS: I love this time of the year
because we can really
just focus on family,
especially this year with everything
that Kim's gone through
and Khloé's had a lot on her plate.
There's a lot going on,
so this means the world to me
when the holidays roll around.
Where should we start?
-Should we start
-EMPLOYEE: Wallpaper?
KRIS: Let's look at the house real quick,
so I can get a visual
-of what we're doing.
-Okay, this is gonna be Yes.
-KRIS: So cute.
I am really excited this year
because I think I figured out
the perfect gift to give
my kids for Christmas.
I wanna give each one of my six children
a dollhouse,
a Christmas miniature dollhouse,
that they can share with their
kids for the rest of time.
-EMPLOYEE: Didn't even occur to me.
-(gasps) Stop it. I need this.
See, the plaid thing?
I'm obsessed with little plaid
You know what I mean?
-I love dollhouses.
And I love creating dollhouses,
I love looking at dollhouses.
-Uh, the toys are perfect.
-OR MORDEKHAI: No, it's perfect.
I did one for myself many, many years ago
when Kourtney, and Kimberly,
and Khloé, and Rob were little,
and it was one of the
best things that I did.
There's the little house
that Mommy decorated.
What a great house, huh?
What do you expect for $1,000?
It should be great.
But, uh, what the hey, huh?
Christmas only comes once a year.
I've worked on these dollhouses
for the better part of the year,
and I remember being in Milan
and I had the opportunity to bid on
Betty White's dollhouse furniture,
and, "Oh, I'm getting
"Betty White's dollhouse furniture,
I can assure you."
So cute. Like, a whole wicker set,
that could go on the porch.
Love that.
-ASSISTANT: You wanna bid $400?
ASSISTANT: It's already at $400.
How 'bout $450?
-Go on, Kris, go on.
When you want something
in life, there's a way
to get what you really want.
-Just tell them to give up.
-ASSISTANT: Still with us, $600.
Of course.
Outbid that bitch
that's trying to beat you.
-Tell 'em who's on the phone.
-ASSISTANT: Do you wanna bid $800?
-I do.
-They don't know who they're dealing with.
-ASSISTANT: You got it.
-Excellent, $800.
-PERSON: Woo-hoo!
I'm so excited to be able
to do this for my kids,
and for them to see the houses
on Christmas morning.
But it's a lotta work. I only
have a couple of weeks left.
And I'm, like, my own
little interior designer.
(softly) Oh my god.
Okay, I found some more of my vibe,
and then, we need some beds.
We need chandeliers.
-Maybe there's a plaid couch.
-OR: That'd be cute.
KRIS: That isn't the vibe.
(Kris gasps)
What is happening?
-OR: So cute.
-We need all of this.
-(piece clatters)
-(gasps) (softly) Oh! Shit.
A black Doberman Pinscher.
Oh, you know what we need for True?
We need a gray kitty.
Let's get that.
This little Prada bag,
this should be for Kendall.
I just, still, the, the holly,
-I mean, we'll keep 'em as a backup.
(gasps) Nutcrackers!
-That's what we're missing!
-OR: We need nutcrackers!
Yeah! (laughter)
And this little noel,
that should be for Kim
'cause that's her middle name.
That Santa's pretty cute.
'Cause the Santas can look either
really cranky or constipated.
(laughter) You know what I mean?
All right, guys, thank you so much.
I just need to go home
and watch The Holiday.
KYLIE: Hi, guys.
I know. I know.
Oh, you excited?
Hi, my babies.
Yes, I know.
I love you guys.
Kylie, hi!
KYLIE: I am obsessed with
Italian Greyhounds
and I think that my mom
never let me get one as a child.
Everybody, calm down.
Every time I'd see one on the street,
I'd, like, just,
"Mom, that's supposed to be me!"
SCOTT: There's seven of these dogs?
Okay, everybody.
Got a (bleep) zoo in here.
Be nice to Scott.
-Smells like dog in here.
-(laughs) Ya think?
We are going on a walk
with Kylie and all of her dogs.
That's my horse right here,
the mixed-colored one is mine.
Scott, Kylie, and I
vibe really well, I feel.
We've all spent a lotta time
together through our lives.
We've known Scott since we were
really, really little.
Unstoppable, unstoppable ♪
KYLIE: Now, you guys,
what are we supposed to do with this knot?
Look at what they did.
I'm so confused.
Lately, I've spent a lotta time
with Kylie and it means a lot.
I think, especially for us right now,
during these holiday times.
Pick 'em up, Scott.
I think it's beautiful what siblings have,
I think we've experienced
so much of life together.
And not only that, like,
when you think about
how close we are in age,
all of our core memories are the same.
She's the only person on the planet where
we have the same,
pretty much, core memories.
KYLIE: Let me try to untangle
these little cuties.
If anyone runs away, you
will probably not make it back
'cause you're small.
(eagle calls)
SCOTT: This one actually
matches my jacket kinda.
-KYLIE: Here's that.
-SCOTT: There we go.
-Hey, Jack, hey, Jill, how you doin'?
-KENDALL: Come on, guys.
KYLIE: Norman, you're pooping?
Yes, I can name all of them, I think.
-Who's that, Kevin?
-That's Kev.
Norman and Bambi are the two oldest,
and then Harlie and Rosie.
-SCOTT: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
-My god.
SCOTT: There's a lotta
doggin' around here.
-Everybody, behave.
Guys, hold on.
And then she got Kevin.
SCOTT: Whoa, whoa, whoa.
We've got a tangle on aisle three here.
And then Jack and Jill.
SCOTT: I can't believe
you have seven of these guys.
It's like a farm.
You never know which way they're going.
KENDALL: Ah! Oh my god!
SCOTT: Holy, I almost just stepped in this
huge pile of (bleep).
(Scott sighs)
How old were you kids
when I met you? Seven?
I remember where,
we were at the go-kart place.
-SCOTT: The go-kart place?
-for Kourtney's birthday, yeah.
-Oh, Kourt's birthday?
What was she, like, 27?
-Was she? That's my age.
-Think so.
-KENDALL: How old were you?
You were young.
-KENDALL: Shut up.
Oh, I gotta tell Stas this.
We should untangle them a little, Scott.
SCOTT: I mean, for sure.
So, what happened with Stas?
The whole internet thinks
that Stas and I are dating now.
SCOTT: No, just kissing.
-KYLIE: I always make out with Stas.
-SCOTT: Right.
-I don't know why this
is, like, a new thing.
I thought that's just what you guys do.
But a lot of best girl friends do that.
Totally. They just make a
story out of anything.
-KENDALL: Everything.
-KYLIE: Anything and everything.
I remember when I was 19,
I was wearing, like, this colorful dress
and as I'm getting in the car,
the pap goes to
stomach's on the ground,
gets his camera up my skirt
and takes a picture.
I'm literally, like, so violated,
I'm crying in the car, I'm stressed out
the whole night,
the whole next day,
like, this photo
of my vagina's gonna come out
and now I'm like, "Now I understand
why this happens to other women."
-Like, the Britney Spears situation
-Yeah, they,
-they didn't give a (bleep).
-The photo came out on Daily Mail,
you can see my underwear a little bit,
-in between my legs.
And the caption was like,
"Kylie with little dignity."
You know, with little,
like, respect for herself.
-Like, making it like
-Yeah, a little respect?
-Like, they just
Like you didn't just fully violate me.
I don't know, I'm surprised
I'm still, like,
a happy, normal person,
everything I've been through, but
I think having, like,
honestly, a good family
that's going through the same thing.
We have such a great support system.
Oh my god, when we were 16
and they used to
follow Kendall and I
and try to get a reaction out of us,
-and say
-the meanest things. Oh my god,
-they would say
-What would they used to say?
"Are you a whore just like your s"
-We're 16 years old.
-We would be 16.
-Kylie didn't even have a license.
-"Hey, little sluts."
-SCOTT: Oh my god.
-"Hey, little sluts.
"Little dirty sluts."
Are you guys gonna have
a sex tape like your sister?"
Like, literally going off on us.
"When are you guys gonna get naked,
-you little sluts?"
I'm a virgin at the time.
Like, I'm literal Like, it's
Couldn't be the more opposite
to who I am as a person,
but, you know, I think
we grew into really decent people
through all the weird, shitty things that
we've seen or experienced
through our lives,
but I we just, I don't know,
shame on that (bleep) loser.
Where are you now, bro?
Seriously, I actually
wanna know your name.
This was a long time ago.
Tw Eleven years ago.
Yeah. If you find the photos, let me know,
we can track down this photographer.
(deep breath) 'Cause he sucks.
-KYLIE: This was amazing.
-I'm gonna go out on a limb
and say I'm not gonna be a dog walker.
KOURTNEY: I'm on, like,
a major time crunch.
I have a 2:00 call.
So, Liz took a bunch of notes.
Boohoo is a fast fashion brand
that approached me
about doing two collections
and being their sustainability ambassador.
Our notes even go back
to when we launched
the collection in New York
and we're getting, like,
a ton of backlash,
A lot of it fell on me.
And I actually love that
-'cause I feel like I'm in the position
-SAM: Yeah.
KOURTNEY: to shine a bigger spotlight
-on this problem.
-SAM: Yeah.
This is not, like, one person's problem,
-you know? This is, like
a big problem, I think, in the world
and in the whole fast fashion industry,
the whole fashion industry
just because, like, how fashion trends
-SAM: Yeah.
-are constantly changing.
Fast fashion is a business that just
quickly turns around new fashion trends,
drops new clothes daily,
usually is priced really well.
It's, like, very accessible
fashion trends.
The first thing you think of when
anyone thinks of fast fashion
is that it's not
sustainable for the planet.
I feel like I learned so much
doing the first collection,
I'm sure you guys as well.
My first collection, my goal,
was to show how fast fashion
can be more sustainable,
and I interviewed experts
and we talked about all
different ways of how we could do better.
Every one second, around the world,
the equivalent of one
dumper truck of textiles
is either landfilled or incinerated.
First, tell me, I guess, your reaction
to all the criticism that came in
and what is your response to people
-calling it greenwashing
-Yes, I knew that there- would be
-Mm. Okay.
-criticism in doing it,
but I also felt like
making the noise
is also letting so many people
-that may not even know
KOURTNEY: that these issues
exist, and they exist
within the entire fashion industry,
like, not just fast fashion.
I feel like hearing
people's feedback, as, like,
harsh as it might be,
which is why I think
I don't know if you guys saw,
but I posted, and I was like,
"What can we do?
"Who wants to talk?
-"Like, I'm here,
I w I'd love to learn more
"because I've never said, like,
"'I am the queen of sustainability
-and I know it all." But I think that
what I would hope
that they would see is, like,
-the beauty of this
is that the fast fashion
industry is the opposite.
-SAM: Yeah.
-of what you think of
when you think of sustainability.
To me, that's, like,
-the hardest place to start.
So, I think it's such
an amazing opportunity to, now,
beyond my collection, like,
-hopefully, just as a company to, like
-SAM: Yeah, yeah.
take all these things that we're learning
-and we're researching
-Yeah, and the thing
the whole thing is, obviously,
we're working with you
because you've got this
such a great following,
we wanna influence people
-and educate people, you know, that
you can have more sustainable choices
-and as a business,
we are, obviously, so committed to,
to doing that and doing better,
and to know that
we have that conversation,
that was the whole point from
the beginning.
But I think we also need to
acknowledge that, like,
when Kourtney is, like,
the head of this collection, like,
people know exactly who
to find to say things to,
-whereas, like, Boohoo gets backlash
but it's not backlash to,
like, you and you,
-it's backlash to this, like, brand.
-SAM: Yeah, yeah.
Like, Kourtney gets a lot of,
like, personal backlash aroun-around it,
and then she feels like she has to, like,
make a statement, make a post.
I'm definitely not a sustainability expert
and I definitely don't claim to be,
I see myself as, like, a vehicle
to help make the change.
I do have an opportunity
to push Boohoo further.
I think that the vintage pieces
-Oh yeah. Amazing, yeah.
-were, like, really amazing
and that that idea is something
we should keep pushing.
The thing about that was
-we'd never done vintage, right?
So, this is the first Boohoo,
so this collection,
it, it drove us to do things
we've never done before,
and the great thing was
our customer loved it.
You know, she the,
the biker jacket sold out, so.
I wonder if you guys almost have, like,
a sustainability
-section on the site.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Or if there was certain things that were
maybe above a certain percentage
-of recycled fabrics or whatever.
-Yeah, yeah.
See, you know your stuff now.
-The percentage
-Yeah, no, it's good.
-The things that I didn't know before.
I think anything that I wanna
put my time and energy into
I wanna do it the best that I can
and approach it with a lot of integrity.
Fast fashion isn't going anywhere,
so why not push them
to make these changes,
even if they seem small to some,
they are an improvement.
Boohoo puts out, like,
10,000 items a day
-Yeah. Mm-hm.
-of, like, new items on the site,
so I feel, at least for my collection,
-like, narrowing down the colorways.
-100%. Yep, yep.
-Yep, yep.
-KOURTNEY: Um, and I know last time,
like, I had said that
on certain colorways,
-and then they were still produced
-SAM: Mm-hm.
even though I was like,
"I don't like this colorway,"
-and then they were still produced.
-SAM: Mm-hm.
And then same
with a rerelease of the items,
like, I know we had said,
"I don't really think
we should rerelease them,"
and then they were rereleased anyways.
And we took your point
on that stuff and I think,
as a business, we listened
to that feedback that you had
from, em, from New York Fashion Week,
and we are actually reducing
the amount of product
-that we're bringing to the website
by at least 20%,
-so we're gonna really reduce that.
-KOURTNEY: Amazing.
And we did a similar thing
with your collection,
so, obviously, it sold incredibly well.
Some of the pieces,
we didn't get the full stock
so some of the pieces, we were
waitin' on half of the stock to arrive
-so that was,
that was why
there was a second drop
because we didn't get it all in
'cause we put, we put
the collection on a boat, basically,
-to reduce carbon emissions.
-Oh, okay.
But I do think with this next collection
it's about being more concise.
-So, that's definitely something
we'll work into the next one for sure.
We did baby steps
for the first collection,
-and now we can take bigger steps.
-SAM: Yeah.
We were brave in doing it,
but we phased into it,
and it is about what we can do in actions,
but like, like I said before,
it's what we can do for the next one,
but then what we can do the next five,
10 years, you know, and beyond.
-Thanks, you guys.
-SAM: Thank you so much.
It's been great to hear all your feedback.
-Thank you. You too.
-I'm excited for the next one.
-Thank you, Leanne. Bring it on.
-Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Oh my god, isn't it so funny
that everyone thinks that
we're dating these days?
-I know.
-When we get a little alcohol
in our system, like, we just like
to kiss each other and stuff.
-We should be making martinis!
-(Kylie screams)
What are we doing?!
-I do wanna make martinis.
Can we have a martini lemon twist, honey?
KYLIE: Okay.
ANASTASIA: Why do people think
that's so weird?
-I don't know.
-Like, we're just obsessed
with each other.
All my comments is, "We know."
-"We know." Denial is a river.
-"You guys are having sex."
-(Anastasia laughs)
-And we're not. I wish we were.
Anastasia and I have been
friends since we were
probably 12 or 13,
she's definitely my oldest friend.
-It would just have been way easier
-So easy.
-It would've made life so easy.
-if I was sexually attracted to you.
We grew up together, we've been through
so much together.
She's like a sister.
Okay, so, I've officially
started the process
of changing my son's name
'cause his legal name is Wolf Webster.
-So, I'm going to do Aire Webster.
-And I just always wanted a name
for him that had meaning,
-and I like It's a Hebrew name
-What does it mean?
-It means "lion of God."
The advice I would give to you
-is find your name
-Pick the name before. (laughs)
your hormones start raging
-and you have the child.
It was the hormones that took me out.
It was like, "I'm too emotional,
-he's so special to me."
-I know.
There's not a name good enough for him.
I didn't realize the postpartum
would hit me that hard.
I never've called him Wolf, ever.
And then the second
I-I was like, (gasps).
That night, I cried in the shower,
and I was like, "That's not his name.
-What did I just do? Wolf?"
-(producer laughs)
Someone just told me this 24 hours ago,
I just named my son Wolf!
Like, it wasn't even, like,
it wasn't even on the list.
So, are you gonna say it
for, like, before his birthday?
On his first birthday,
-I'm gonna do a post.
-Because I want to start living our life.
I wanna take him to Disneyland,
-I wanna take him out and live life
-Just live.
and not worry about
-what other people think.
-Anyone else.
-Period. (laughs)
Also, I You know I got
my breasts done before Stormi.
Within six months of, like, having Stormi,
not thinking I would, like,
-have a child when I was 20
-Mm-hm. I remember.
like, they were still healing
and I had beautiful breasts,
like, natural tits.
-Sat perfectly.
-Just gorgeous.
They were like perfect size,
perfect everything
-(laughs) It's okay.
-and I just wish, obviously,
-I never got them done to begin with.
I would recommend anyone
who is thinking about it to wait
until after children.
But, yeah, obviously,
I, um, have a daughter, too.
I would be heartbroken if she wanted to
get her body done at 19.
And she's the most beautiful thing ever.
I wanna be, like, the best mom
and best example for her,
and I just I wish I could, like,
-be her and do it all differently.
-(Anastasia laughs)
'Cause I wouldn't touch anything.
-If only we could reverse time.
-I know.
(both gasp) Thank you!
(laughs) It's a Monday.
-A Monday, but here you go.
-Here's to being confident.
-And to us.
-And to us.
-Because we're dating.
-We are.
(Anastasia laughs)
We have a week before Christmas,
so I'm here to check the dollhouses out
and see if they need
any final touches, and
It's so cute, I can't wait to see them,
but I get so distracted
every time I see all these cute things.
-Oh my god. Hi, how are you?
-Hi! Hi. Fine, I'm so excited
-Good! I'm so excited.
-about this whole thing.
I want
you to see all the houses.
-This is for you.
-Oh, thank you! How sweet.
Just a little something to say thank you
for all of your help, and
Who knew that something
this tiny could bring so much joy, right?
-EMPLOYEE: (chuckles) Right.
-KRIS: So, where are they?
-EMPLOYEE: Oh, right in front.
-(Kris gasps)
-(employee chuckles)
-KRIS: Oh my god.
-Thank you for this.
-I mean, come on.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
Oh, they're so cute!
Nothing is completely finished,
-not one of them,
but they're just on the verge.
Look at the porches
with the rocking chair,
and the little chairs, and the wagons.
Oh my god.
And then you're doing
the wreaths on the doors.
-KRIS: So cute!
The outside of the houses, perfection.
Exactly what I imagined.
Oh my god.
Oh my god.
The inside of the houses, however,
are not exactly my vision.
-This is a little messy.
I have something so specific in my head
that it really needs to be perfect.
I think we need some
darker furniture in here,
-this is all This is looking a little
-EMPLOYEE: Mm-hm, okay.
KRIS: I think there's too much,
um, too many trucks down here.
This is looking a little busy,
-way too busy.
KRIS: Kim will lose her mind.
-Yeah, this I don't like either.
They put so much effort into the house,
and then this is, like, ruining
I It's just setting me off.
I know what you mean.
Okay, this is horrible.
Yeah, this just needs to be cleaned up,
and there's way too much, it's just busy.
If you want something done
the way you want it done,
you have to be brutally honest.
I think we need to ground each room
with, first and foremost, the right rug,
-the rug, the furniture
the table, then add the accessories
-and then you need
half of the accessories,
-do you know do you see what I mean?
-Okay. Mm-hm. Yeah.
-We need another stab at this.
It's hard to do
-to be in someone's mind.
KRIS: How many days do we have?
We have to get them
delivered on the 22nd, latest.
-Okay, we have about 10 days.
-Nine, nine days.
-Nine days?
Yeah, I can do it in nine days.
I have this amazing vision
in my head for Christmas morning,
and I have this scenario
all mapped out in my head,
how it's gonna go,
and the kids are gonna love the houses.
Just want it to be more Christmas-y.
-So red, okay.
-Red or green.
It's a six month to a year project,
so it has to be done on time.
-So, Or, I'll let you carry on.
-OR: Okay.
KRIS: I am so anxious
that these houses aren't
gonna be done in time.
If things aren't going at a proper pace,
I'm not gonna make Christmas.
-Okay, thank you so much!
-EMPLOYEE: Okay, okay. Thank, thank you.
-I'll get to work.
-KRIS: All right, you guys, thanks.
-All right.
-Okay, I'll take care of it.
Okay, I appreciate you.
-OR: Yeah, I'll see you later.
-KRIS: All right.
Oh, you wanna sit as a three-peat?
-Or do you wanna sit in the back-back?
-NORTH: I wanna sit next to you.
KIM: It's Christmastime,
and Christmas is always about,
I think, giving and seeing how
you can help other people,
and I definitely want
my kids to understand
the importance of the holidays.
Been lookin' for you, girl,
and you're here the whole time?
We are on our way to the Alexandria House
and the Alexandria House is
a transitional housing center
for women and children.
They let you stay there,
really as long as you need
to get back on your feet,
and it's just an awesome organization.
KIM: We have to watch
the movie The Santa Claus.
-Oh, the guy?
-KIM: Mm-hm.
-That turns into Santa Claus?
-KIM: Mm-hm.
-I know that.
-How do you know that?
I know that because it's so crazy to think
there's one person that could
go all over the world
that's not God.
I kinda still believe in Santa
'cause you've ha
you have to believe in magic.
Those that don't believe
in magic will never find it.
There's a lot of magic
that has happened in my life.
People always ask, "How did you do this?"
And I'm just like,
"A little bit of magic
played a role in that, too."
But I think that when
kids believe in magic,
I'd love to keep that element alive.
KHLOÉ: Well, what is Christmas, really?
-It's Jesus's birthday.
-NORTH: Yeah.
KIM: I mean, don't you think
God has something to do with it?
KHLOÉ: Yeah. Don't you think he,
like, helps everyone out?
-NORTH: Well
-KHLOÉ: None of it's
supposed to make sense.
-NORTH: How?
-KHLOÉ: You're supposed to just believe.
Gosh, I stopped believing in Santa Claus
'cause my asshole sisters told me.
I just would pretend
like I didn't hear them
and they were always like,
"You're so dumb!"
Like, they were,
they were so mean, actually.
I still believe in Santa Claus,
by the way.
-(people saying "Hi")
-KIM: Nice to see you.
-JUDY VAUGHAN: Welcome back.
-KIM: Thank you.
-It's great.
-KIM: Thank you for having us back.
I have been coming to the Alexandria House
for a long time now
and I just think it's
such an amazing place.
This is North.
Hi, North, nice to meet you in person.
Any time I can do something
to help other women out,
I would absolutely love to do it
and I'm bringing my daughter.
-(crowd applauds)
-Hi, guys. Hi.
'Cause she's really old
enough to understand it
and I want her to see, um, for herself.
How are you?
-Hi Aw.
-(indistinct chatter)
Hi! How are you?
We are incredibly blessed
and it's important to show
our kids about giving back
and about helping people
and doing good work in the world,
but also just about the realities of life,
and also, how badass women are.
PERSON: So, everyone's excited
to be here, right?
I just wanna take a moment just to thank
our amazing guests who are here today.
-(crowd applauds)
-To Kim and Khloé, North.
We wanna hear some of the stories.
Who wanted to share?
Um, I was homeless for five to six years
before I got here,
um, with me and my three kids.
But when we came in,
it completely transformed my life.
-(speaking Spanish)
-Thank you for coming
and for the support
that you give Alexandria House.
(speaking Spanish)
You have no idea how important
the support that you provide is to us.
And I also wanna thank you,
Khloé, and thank you, Kim,
because, actually,
we need the next generation
to keep this struggle going
and look at, look at the kids around us,
you're our hope.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
(crowd applauds)
We are all so thankful that we're here
and we're so thankful that
you guys chose to, you know,
give us just
a little glimmer of your lives,
and we feel so honored and blessed,
and Judy and the whole team,
all of you guys are warriors
and angels, and we really are
just one village
and we wanna help one another
and, hopefully, you guys continue to help
and it's a ripple effect
and to show our children that.
And we should never be too strong that we
can't ask for help
'cause we all need it at some point,
whether it be emotional
or just someone to vent to,
or financial, physical,
whatever, we all need it.
(uplifting music playing)
Andrea and family!
Cindy and family!
WOMAN: Can I, can I bug you
for a quick video?
KIM: Yeah, sure.
Hello, Lyric!
-Thank you so much.
-You're welcome.
How are you?
-Thank you!
-You're welcome!
The Alexandria House
does such an amazing job.
-(indistinct chatter)
-Thank you.
Just being able to support these women
and have something
really special for each of them
makes me so happy
that they feel a little bit
more supported,
especially during the holidays.
(crowd cheering)
(upbeat Christmas music playing)
Okay, we just arrived.
We are at Kourtney's.
It is so beautiful.
Christmastime is one of the main times
of the year that we don't
have our cameras with us.
But I really wanted to share
with you guys what
some of our Christmas is like,
so I snuck in an iPhone. (laughs)
I ripped my dress.
The tradition of the big Christmas Eve
party has always been a thing
since my mom and my dad were together.
So many amazing people come
and we just can, like,
let loose and have fun,
and the kids have so much fun,
and it's so beautiful.
Kourt, say hi!
-We just got to Kourt's house.
Christmas Eve at my house
has been an ongoing thing
for about four years,
and, you know,
I love to try to make things
feel more special with more meaning,
and it's something that
I've curated for my family.
I love that we each have our
own traditions
in our own little families
and then our big traditions
within the whole family.
Yeah, it just means everything to us.
KIM: (softly) It's the middle
of the night,
the kids are sleeping and
I just did the stockings,
I'm doing all the presents.
We just did Santa's cookies with the milk.
Opening up all the gifts in the morning is
always madness,
so this is, like,
the quiet before the storm.
(soft music playing)
(softly) Okay, it's Christmas morning,
I slept in all my makeup.
I have to go wake up the kids.
Santa Claus came, let's wake up.
Santa came, guys.
-CHILD: It's Christmas.
-KIM: It's Christmas, guys!
These traditions of just waking up
and feeling like Christmas
was the biggest deal
and no one can sleep the night before
'cause they're waiting for Santa
is just so much fun.
Oh my gosh!
Look what Santa ate!
And then we have to start
opening the presents.
(excitedly) You got a,
a fast bike, I got a forklift!
(cheerful music playing)
BOTH: Merry Christmas!
KYLIE: Look at what Khloé did
for Christmas morning.
(children yelling)
We're sitting outside,
-watching all the kids.
-Wait, the sun is so pretty right now.
-No, I-I've never looked better.
-(Kendall laughs)
I love Christmas thanks to Kris Jenner.
She just really was amazing
at making holidays feel so special.
So, I think that, you know,
growing up with that
and then getting older,
I just have this amazing love
and such a positive feeling
towards these holiday times.
Khloé surprised us with snow
and a sled, and we're all here.
Yeah, Stormi!
KYLIE: I'm filming, too.
KRIS: Christmas is really
about family and love,
and it's about doing
something for someone else
that maybe they would least expect,
but that really comes from the heart.
KIM: (gasps) Mom!
I've always wanted a dollhouse!
Northy! Oh my gosh!
The white one
Literally. Look it, Northy!
Oh my gosh, you don't know
how much this means to me.
I'm the Christmas photographer by the way.
-I cried I cried.
-This really means a lot to me.
Like, it really does, more than you know.
-KRIS: Aw!
-I always wanted this.
My mommy and I made this
when Auntie Kourtney and I was,
like, seven years old with my dad.
It really means a lot to me.
Thank you, Mom.
KRIS: You're welcome. You're welcome.
I'm so happy you like it.
-She likes it! (laughs)
-I love it.
Oh, I get choked up, it was so sweet.
It was worth every bit of the stress,
every bit of anxiety, it was delicious,
seeing the looks on my kids' faces
and how much they enjoyed
and appreciated these houses
made my whole Christmas.
KIM: Every family member
got a house that's very them.
This is mine, so she made my house white
with all light wood furniture.
So, she had to individually get,
like, the tiny little cookies.
Oh my god, I love this dollhouse.
It's so sentimental to me,
I'm a memory hoarder.
I have, like, these
memories of, like, just
every holiday, like,
playing with the dollhouse
and it just, it just means a lot to me.
Look, this is Kendall's.
KENDALL: I love the dollhouses.
I have, like, riding clothes in my room,
and little boots, and, like, a helmet.
She put an engagement ring in mine
because she thought it was manifesting an
engagement for me,
so if that tells you anything
about where my mom wants me to be in life.
KIM: This is Khloé's,
which has, like,
all the different people
-CHILD: Mommy! Mommy, come!
-KIM: Yeah? Okay, okay, okay.
KRIS: Rob has his USC stuff,
and Kourtney has Minnie and Mickey,
and Kylie has her love of Christmas.
You want me to help you?
KHLOÉ: Christmas is, literally,
a fairy tale, it's a dream.
Everyone is kind, and happy, and loving,
and it's, literally,
the happiest time of year,
and as soon as Christmas is done, we count
down the days until next year.
KYLIE: Let's see!
(all cheering)
("Only Light" by Vanacore Music playing)
No matter what you do,
I'll know that it is true ♪
I'll give my whole world to you ♪
-KIM: Merry Christmas!
-KRIS: Merry Christmas!
KIM: Look it, you guys!
It's been a rough week
and just really hard on everyone.
KIM: This was just a really, really
shocking way to start the new year.
We just are trying to
wrap our heads around what just happened.
I think we were all in shock.
(radio chatter)
Really sadly, Tristan's mom
passed away suddenly.
And, you know, ever since then,
it's just been really,
really hard and tough.
Tristan found out that his
mom had had a heart attack,
and, um
you know, it shook up his entire world.
And so, of course,
we drop everything and we go to Toronto.
Like, uh, it's just not even
a question, like, I'll be there.
Um, before we take off, um,
you know, I think we
always take for granted,
you know, our saying,
you know, "I love you,"
or, or how much you
appreciate your loved ones.
Tristan called me,
um, I didn't really understand
what he was saying,
he was just, like, screaming on the phone,
trying to tell me that she's gone,
but I-I had no idea
who he was talking about.
I was really close to Andrea,
we spoke every single day.
My mom, the blessing
that she can give to everyone,
it's gonna rain down on everybody,
and, and thank you guys so much
from the bottom of my heart,
and really, it means a lot.
Andrea is only 53 years old
and she leaves behind her four boys, um,
Tristan, DeShawn, Daniel, and Amari,
and Amari is 16
and he is severely disabled,
and it's just really sad
'cause we don't know what he knows
or doesn't know, cognitively.
The fact that you had to take time to
be with my family means a lot.
You're our family.
We're bringing back
Tristan's little brother, Amari.
KIM: Andrea was Amari's sole caregiver
who Tristan is now the legal guardian of.
Seriously, you were
and are a little angel.
You know, I think people don't realize,
and I was so young.
I mean, I was 22 when my dad died
and I wasn't involved in any
of the decisions of planning a funeral.
I've never done that before,
but to really see what
goes into that,
it was very, very emotional.
(tense music playing)
You seem stressed.
No. Well, you guys have been
KIM: So, when we were in Toronto,
we had to do everything
from cleaning her apartment
and finding everything
from life insurance policies
to how do you turn off
phones and credit cards,
and the funeral.
We just, you know, had to prep
everything to bring Amari back.
This is, like, a big, huge life change
and just so much to think about.
When Tristan walked in
and he was like,
"We gotta clean for Mommy,"
like, 'cause the house was, like, crazy,
and he was, like, crying and just cleaning
and me and Kim were like, "Okay,
we're gonna clean for Mommy,"
and it was shining.
KRIS: The fact that you
stopped what you were doing,
within two hours,
we're taking off for Toronto.
-Well, that's Kim Kim had her plane.
-And had everything organized.
Thank God for that plane.
KIM: Isn't God just, like, funny how
-Oh, the year of boundaries.
-you were so ready to have your year
of, like, being free, and now, Tristan had
to move in with you,
his little brother had
to move in with you,
his roof caved in, what are the chances?
-You can't leave 'em, you know?
-Well, here's Here's number one,
my number one slogan I always use,
"You wanna make God laugh,
tell him your plans."
Tristan has a house
that he's doing construction on,
he's been renovating.
He was able to live there
during renovations.
But we had
crazy weather for California,
like, extreme rain,
and Tristan's roof caved in
on his home and caused flooding,
so Tristan and Amari are
staying at my house right now
until his home gets fixed.
God does have a plan
and God doesn't want him
to be alone right now
and why should he be?
-KRIS: Oh!
KRIS: Were your ears ringin'?
-Heeey! Oh.
-KIM: Ooh! Hi, chunk!
(Kris chuckles)
-KRIS: There's our guy.
-Hi. Were you guys on a walk?
TRISTAN: Yeah, we were goin'
for a little walk.
KRIS: Everything is meant to be.
-(Tristan groans)
-KRIS: Just everything happens
for a reason.
-Can I hold him?
Do you wanna hold him?
He's in the sticking the tongue out phase.
TRISTAN: Here, let me put this
on your shirt.
KHLOÉ: He's a good spitter, Kim
(Tristan grunts, mumbles)
(exhales) Just feels good
to be around the kids
-Why do you keep scooting closer to me?
-Oh, sorry, I just
I didn't notice.
Just need a little
You're makin' me dip.
Oh, am I?
KHLOÉ: Tristan and I
are not back together.
I know it's hard
for everyone to believe,
but I love, love, love Andrea,
and I-I love Tristan,
I love Amari,
and this is what family does,
Tristan is the father of my kids,
you know, I've lost my dad,
and my dad was, like, a fairy tale parent,
but still, I can't wrap my head
around losing my mom.
And I know how close
Tristan and his mom are
and I just it's just heartbreaking,
and then to be left
with the responsibility
of another person as well is
it's a lot.
TRISTAN: It's good, we're trying
new things and he's liking it.
KHLOÉ: I just think this is
what family does.
When shit hits the fan,
all you have is your family
and Tristan and I are family,
and we're gonna be family
for the rest of our lives.
He looks like the exact
same baby as Robert when he was born.
-TRISTAN: Really?
KRIS: It's the craziest thing.
KHLOÉ: He likes Amari.
-He does?
-KHLOÉ: They like each other.
-TRISTAN: Yeah, mm-hm.
He's been having more seizures than normal
because he's just
-KRIS: Yeah.
-TRISTAN: Adjusting.
KHLOÉ: I'm grateful I'm strong enough
and brave enough to be a support system
for someone else that has no
other support system right now.
You don't have to treat me right
for me to treat you right.
It's not the way I was raised.
-Thank you so much,
-KIM: Of course.
especially, like, from my
from me and my family.
TRISTAN: I mean, I don't know what I'd do
without you guys right now, like,
comin' to my mom's house and packin' up,
and going through photos
and cleaning up her, her condo,
and then gettin' Amari
his, his, his suit for the funeral, like,
you know, you guys are so busy,
you guys have so much businesses
goin' on, like,
honestly, like, I don't know, like,
I just hope God continues
to keep blessing you guys
with everything you guys would want
and that's what my mom would,
would want for you guys, so,
seriously, thank you.
KRIS: You know, your mom
had a lot on her plate
-TRISTAN: Mm-hm.
to be able to be Amari's sole caregiver,
like, really affected me so much
and that just broke my heart
because Amari doesn't know what's going on
and then all the sudden,
you're stripped of the caretaker
that you had your whole life.
I just feel so lost for him
because he's probably
wondering where his mommy went.
And it breaks my heart.
Tristan has definitely made some mistakes
and he's definitely messed up,
but at the end of the day,
he'll always be part of our family,
and we will be there
for him no matter what.
But it makes me, as a son,
it makes proud that I know, like,
my mom, like, h-her time on Earth, like,
you know, she helped a lotta people,
and, and she's remembered
for, like, a lotta great things,
-you know?
-KRIS: Yeah.
-Yeah. Everyone loved her.
TRISTAN: Everyone loved her.
Like, everyone
-KHLOÉ: The most selfless.
-TRISTAN: Mm-hm.
I mean, not many people
can do what she did.
TRISTAN: Everyone would say that.
-She was so proud of you.
She didn't care if she was if it was a
high school game or NBA game,
she's standing up in
at the front, screaming.
And everyone's like, "Who's that? Is,
is that your mom or your sister?"
-I'm like, "It's my mom. My mom."
-KRIS: Oh.
TRISTAN: I know the one thing
she would want
is just to always make sure Amari's good.
-KRIS: Yeah.
-TRISTAN: That's the number one thing,
you know, so.
-Well, here we are
-TRISTAN: Yeah, here we are.
-making sure Amari's good.
-Make sure he's good
-That's the, that's the mission.
Yep, so.
-Just take it one day at a time, you know?
-TRISTAN: Just take it one day at a time.
-KRIS: Yeah.
And just be thankful every day.
("Got The World" by Anna Graceman playing)
But I'm reachin' for you ♪
This season has been, sort of, exhausting.
Bonding with Tatum
has definitely gotten easier,
and then my melanoma scare,
and, you know, with Tristan,
you know, his life changed
within a second and all of ours did.
I got the world right here ♪
When you're in my arms ♪
KRIS: This has been a whirlwind of a year.
Breakups and makeups,
and now a death in the family,
and it's been overwhelming
on certain days,
but we made it through
and all that really matters is my family
and the love that we have for each other.
-You did it!
I had the most beautiful year,
getting so much closer to my family
and spending a lot of time with Kendall.
Look at all Mommy's makeup.
I feel so good being back at work
and I'm just feeling very blessed
and excited for what's to come.
Don't wanna let a moment pass us by ♪
This year has been amazing,
it's had its ups and downs,
I feel like I've learned a lot.
-(on phone) Kylie!
-It's cool to be reconnecting
with Kylie in different ways.
And I just feel really grateful
to have lived the life
that I've lived this far
and I can't wait for the future.
I'm not afraid of losin' track of time ♪
-But I'm scared of losin' you ♪
-Oh, you're so cute!
This year has been
so much newness and growth,
like, a new business
that I've been building for five years,
a new marriage, finding my soulmate,
blending families, it's been filled with
the most beautiful blessings that exceed
any of my dreams.
Like, it's a natural progression in life,
and it feels
like where I'm meant to be,
and it just feels amazing.
(crowd cheering)
And that's our beach.
This season has been a lot,
and there's been a lot of personal drama,
a lot of stress, a lot of happy times.
I creative directed
the Dolce & Gabbana show,
I continue to build SKIMS,
and I managed to stay single.
KHLOÉ: I'm so proud to be in this family.
People might say,
"You guys are cursed,"
or whatever they wanna say,
but I think we are
so blessed to have each other,
to be with one another,
to support one another.
I am invincible because of them.
I got the world, I got the world ♪
I love you so much.
I know I joked about Kim taking the torch,
but not yet, Kim.
PRODUCER: That's a wrap
on season three,
("OOTD" by Vanacore Music playing)
Outfit of the day,
hey, whatcha gonna say ♪
Lookin' so fine
'cause you're doin' my way ♪
Lookin' so fine
'cause you're doin' my way ♪
I got impeccable taste ♪
Quick change, change, glow up montage ♪
Glam queen boss and (inaudible) ♪
Prada's on the phone beggin' me to wear
the clothes ♪
But I do this on my own,
yeah, I do this on my own ♪
Got a vision I gotta do ♪
My composition, yeah, I'm a whole mood ♪
Outfit of the day,
(inaudible) new ways to slay ♪
What, what's it gonna be,
everyone wants to know my OOTD ♪
CREWMEMBER: Season four.
Season four?!
We're back, better than ever.
(bleep) yeah.
The fab four.
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