The Unit s03e10 Episode Script

Gone Missing

When did you last watered my roses? Dad expected them to be disciplined enough to water themselves.
It's not that I expect them to water themselves it's that they have the wherewithal to tough out not being watered You pack unother people clothes? I suspect it's full of dirty laundry It might be.
I thought they teach you discipline in boot camp, private Blane.
They told me to dedicate.
- Roses - Yes, there are Welcome home my baby You know what I think I think my arms will gonna pup of my shoulders if you don't stop natter and open the door Surprise! Hold on this.
Can I have your attention, please? To our daughter, who stuck it out, who toughed it out, who kicked some serious ass Today graduated from boot camp as private elizabeth blane.
Cheers, baby.
Well, I got something else, too.
What's this? Imagine that.
You know what I'm holding? Something that comes as no surprise to me.
Honor graduate, promoted to private first class, recommended for officer candidate school! My little baby! Yeah! Oh, no, I'll get that.
- You take the poll.
- You sure? You want the ice or the poll? It's official.
You're pregnant.
We need official name picking sections of our journey.
I'll take some.
Coming right up.
American soldiers are here! Bob? Bob.
One question.
Do you dream, bob? You're not here.
Go away.
If I'm not here, I can't go away.
So I'm here.
Fact is, I'll always be here.
Baby, people are waiting for the ice.
We brought too much.
Can you stick that in the fridge for me? Ok, so nobody likes the name oliver or olivia for the baby's name.
Town plaza.
Surrounded on 3 sides by multi-storied residential and business buildings.
We expect a lot of civilans over I take it.
You take it correctly.
Up to and possibly including the minute of the event.
Are you sure the premier will make an appearance? Bad intel makes for dead soldiers.
No, this is the day.
This is the one day of the year he must appear before the people, and it must be here.
It celebrates the liberation from the turks in 18-0-something? Yeah, well, they call it "victory day.
" But it makes no difference who or why.
The important thing is that he would be there on thursday afternoon, We'll be in the crowd.
That's exactly right.
And that's where carlito's special round comes in.
It also makes the angle of the shot critical.
Now, normally we'd be high, engaged in plunging fire.
High is where counter-snipers and surveillance will look.
And that's why we will be where they don't look.
So we'll need to be positioned around the plaza on different sides that means cover to be scattered.
That violates a sniper principle.
Yes, but if you are aware of the principle and you violate it knowingly, it's not a violation.
It's called good tactics.
So, where do we set up? Mac, you're going to be here, on the second level of this building.
Carlito, you'll be in this building over here.
Don't shoot me, bro.
I'll try not to.
And bob and I will be here.
I thought we were all going to be separated? You're the shooter, not me.
I can base influence and coordinate the action from this point.
So Carlito, let's get those Buck Rogers rounds down to the range and see what they can do.
I told you, we're good to go, top.
What, you don't trust me? Big communicator said, "trust, but verify.
" Going to join us, bob? Bob.
Yeah, top.
I'm coming Just like the other ones- All less than half minute of angle.
What did I tell you? Even old mack here couldn't screw that up, and he tried.
Well, that meets the first test.
Will the round stay all the way through and hitting someone else? Guaranteed.
And you're so sure why? Matter of physics.
I'll make it simple for you.
I know they didn't cover that in your g.
What I did here, I filled the central cavity of the bullet half full with mercury, so when the round is fired, the mercury sets to the rear of the bullet.
Then, on impact, it slams to the front where it meets the nose of the bullet as it comes crashing to the rear.
So all that energy- Like, a ton and a half- Gets dumped in the target on impact.
Well, time to see.
Mack, you get the first shot.
This is a normal issue round.
Should give you through-and-through penetration.
The jug on the left, if you please.
Target killed.
Bullet went all the way through the back stop.
What did you expect from ball ammo? Well, let's see if carlito's special load performs, or is he just blowing smoke? Just don't miss.
You're breathing on me.
Get out of here.
While we're still young, bob.
Bullet stayed in.
No undue penetration.
What did I tell you? All right.
We can pluck a man out of a crowd with that bullet and have confidence it will get only its intended target.
You did good, carlito.
It will blow his head off.
What was that? Do the same thing to a man.
It will blow his head right off.
Remember this- The target is only a stand-in for a living man.
It's not about the shooting.
It's about the killing.
It's about the killing.
You do k.
When you were in basic? Sure did.
You let the other soldiers do the work while you sit on your butt making chit-chat? No idea you still had this.
Carry it with me all the time.
Bets, what's your rabbit's foot? Cameo.
Grandpa gave it to ma the day she graduated high school.
It's beautiful.
Old thing from a drawer of costume jewelry betsy played in.
Grandma gave it to ma for courage.
She was nervous because she- I'm sure these very tired women don't want to hear about that.
are you kidding? She was valedictorian and was going to give a speech.
She and grandpa got awards.
Grandpa Tyron was the first black principal at the school and got an award for academic achievement.
So it is the family rabbit's foot.
Mom gave it to me before my first spring dance.
Let's forget about the past.
Let's talk about this young lady's future.
In 2 days, you're off to o.
Didn't bring mama good luck.
Her daddy died that same night of a heart attack.
Molly, I'm sorry.
Not something you advertise.
Do you have any pictures from your graduation? I'd love to see.
Ma was so upset, she never picked up my graduation pictures.
Grandma put away everything that reminded her of grandpa.
Mom, her sister.
Did you tell your mother you like to see your father's things? It's been a long time now.
That's a closed door.
So, how about you? Did it bring you luck? The dance? Gordon mcgee asked me to the spring fling.
The next day, he comes down with the measles.
as a junkyard hound.
So, why do you still carry it? History.
Got to remember where you come from, I don't want to shoot you.
But I will if you don't put that down.
Running late.
Got to see tiffy and annie about a thing then get over to the station for my show.
I just need to talk to you for a second.
We'll talk when you get back.
You leave this evening, right? Yeah, I am.
But Kids are at daycare.
Molly's going to pick them up, so you just relax until it's time to go.
Oh! Can you take care of the dishes? The dishes.
Of course.
I'll get the dishes for you.
Love you all day.
And twice at night.
The concept of just war.
Bob, why don't you instead ask me the meaning of life? That's probably an easier question.
What is the meaning of life? The meaning of life is not known to us.
Look, chaplain, what I want The taking of life.
When is it justified? You mean you Bob, when you justify Yes.
That's exactly what I mean.
When is it right? The bible says "thou shalt not kill.
" I used to be here, on the teams, you know, back in the nineties, before I got out and went to the seminary.
Yeah, I'd heard that rumor.
It's true.
Well, look, the bible says "thou shalt not kill.
" No.
It says, "thou shalt not murder.
" - Is that a small point? - I It says "thou shalt not murder.
" Ok.
The 2 words, in hebrew, are quite distinct.
And so, the use is quite intentional.
Murder is the unnecessary and immoral taking of life.
Well, is the taking of life ever necessary? You know that it is.
Would you ever kill an intruder, who came to your home in the middle of the night to harm your family? Would you? Some say that the taking of life is never justified.
Those people, soldier, employ others to protect them so that they will never have to face that choice.
Do you hear me? - Yeah, I hear you.
- You understand? I understand.
But But That's right.
- Ok.
Let me tell you this one thing.
- Oh, I know.
"god loves me.
" Yes.
God loves you.
Hey, and I know you're hurting.
But I'd like you to leave with this.
When there's no more information, it's time to make a decision.
We all have our limits.
Maybe you've had enough.
God bless you.
Oklahoma board of education creek county school district, Oklahoma hall of records.
City hall And nothing.
No class roster for Depew high, graduating class of 1980.
Maybe we got the wrong year.
Checked 5 years back, a couple of years forward.
No class rosters, no archives of graduation photos.
School closed in 1982.
The lady at the chamber of commerce told me all the records got lost in transit somehow.
Well, then, that's that.
There's got to be someone in Depew knows how I can get a picture of that graduating class.
I want to give it to molly and betsy before betsy leaves.
Betsy's orders will come in on monday.
That just gives us 2 days.
Well, there's just not enough time.
- I got an idea.
- I have a feeling I'm not going to like this.
Man at the board of education said Depew's such a small town, one man did all the graduation and class photos for the schools there.
- Call him up.
- Can't.
Ephraim watson's in his 80s, lives with his daughter, ruth.
They're poor.
No e-mail.
Think of it as a fun road trip.
Oh, you were in on this, too? Think of it as a "no.
" Lookit.
Had to be so hard on molly.
Her dad dies the day of her graduation.
Now, her daughter's going to finish o.
, deploy to god knows where.
Having a piece of your history can be a real comfort.
I want this picture.
Kim, I can't do this.
I've got the kids.
I arranged for haley to sit the night you'll be gone.
I cannot afford to lose my tips.
I got you a night off and 2 shifts to make up with for it.
Well, thank you very much.
- My car's - We're taking mine.
Oh, we're taking Which one do I get to be, thelma or louise? Yeah! Depew, here we come! Lady back at the restaurant said Depew's 6 miles ahead as the crow flies.
Do you see a crow? 'cause all I see is kim brown's neck between my hands and me squeezing.
Oh, pretty country.
If you're a possum.
What they said the photographer name was again? Ephraim watson.
It can't be hard to find.
No? We have no phone number, no address, just that he lives at the south end of town.
The town's the size of my hand.
Hey, you give me his height and weight, I'll buy a tape measure and we'll stop every little old man around Depew.
Oh, my god.
You are just determined to have a bad time, aren't you? Absolutely.
He doesn't talk? not since '99.
But he kept the photos of when he worked, right? And why would he do that? Uh, files, someone wanting reprints.
He might have.
Did you father do all the school graduations in Depew? You know, you can talk to him.
He can hear, he just won't answer.
But do him the courtesy.
I'm sorry.
Watson, did you take the pictures of the 1980 high school graduation at Depew? No.
No, he did not.
Watson do you know where any of the photos of the graduation might be? Anyone who graduated that year might still have them, might still live around here? Weren't any graduation photos that year.
Why? And if that's so, how can you remember so clearly? My daddy would make $55, he took pictures of a graduating class.
My mother, her budget for food each month was $50.
He come from the job and we all joke "daddy brought dinner.
" Summer of '80, daddy didn't bring home dinner.
But he was hired to.
He was.
But the principal got shot dead right at the end of the ceremony, nobody wants pictures of the class.
All quiet on the western front.
Roger that.
only thing deadly around here is the boredom.
Then motivate yourself.
What the hell are you doing? Maybe no one saw.
hey, I see movement.
I saw it, someone else did.
You're burned.
You got to move.
Roger that.
Going to the alternate position.
I don't know what I was thinking, Jonas.
What hell kind of rookie asshole was that? Blow a mission that's been months in the making.
I don't know where your head's at, but you better get it screwed on quick.
clear out.
Is this the sexy new you? - Kim? - Yeah.
Hey, we were waiting for you to call back 'cause we have some info.
Well, the photographer, ephraim watson, he can't talk.
And his daughter tells us that the principal got shot and killed the day of the graduation.
I have bigger news than that.
The creek county board of education got back to me.
Tyrone rutgers was never principal of Depew high, and No records of tyrone as a principal of the school.
I don't get it.
I already know the principal of the school was shot.
But his name wasn't tyrone rutgers.
His name was harold simmons.
Well, didn't betsy tell us that her grandfather's first name was tyrone? And wasn't molly's maiden name rutgers? I don't understand.
I'm working on it.
News on the 5s.
Some things you just don't want to talk about, so you change them for a reason.
So you lie to your closest friends? Well, you don't lie outright, but You just leave out some of the information.
Why? Because it's too painful.
You want to know what's more painful? What's that? Having your lies found out.
In alternate position.
Going active again.
Now, everybody, say, "thank you, bob.
" thank you, bob.
Take the scope.
I'll take the rifle.
the angle change This may be one hell of a shot.
Want to tell me where you left that head of yours? 'cause it sure as hell ain't on this mission.
No excuses, top.
"no excuse" is the new "screw you.
" That just don't cut it, slim.
Now, I need an answer, and I need the real one.
Jonas I don't know.
It was just.
Spit it out so you don't choke on it.
The real one We were sent here to kill a man, Go on.
We have premeditated his death, and we'll carry it out no matter what.
Exactly so.
Well, then, tell me how that differs from murder- Because our government sent us to do it? I mean, if I did this on my own, if I killed this man for profit or revenge, I would be hunted down as a murderer.
Get your eye back on the scope.
How long you been thinking about this? I don't know.
A while.
And you just thought to tell me this today? Well, I thought What you thought doesn't work.
And you brought it on the job.
Well, you'll have to work it out like everybody else.
Everybody else? You think you're unique? Happens to everyone.
What surprises me is it took you so long.
Patty Ann Gustafson had her son chimney- Chimney and the kids over for cheese dip and crackers last sunday.
Were we clip for no idea of what she's serving tomorrow.
Got something.
June 11, 1980.
Graduation, Depew high school.
The principal was shot and killed.
Harold simmons, 59.
Harold simmons? Shot by an avery flowers, 42.
No apparent motive.
At the trial? He's convicted sense to 32 years creek prison.
Is he still alive? He's still in prison? As far as I can see.
He's been in prison almost 30 years.
Thank you.
I want to find out why he shot molly's father.
She deserves to know.
How can this be a good thing, tiff? Why kick up the dust? 'cause I need to know.
Molly needs to know.
Molly needed to know, she knew where to find this guy, right? She knew he was in prison.
Look, you didn't want to take this trip in the first place.
And the reason for taking it is finished.
- Not for me.
- Ok, you go there.
You talk to this killer.
You bring into your life somebody you don't want there.
Just don't do this, please.
- Just come home.
- No.
I want to look at this man.
The other guys, too? Yeah, well, once the novelty wears off It's what makes these missions the hardest of all.
And so? So You're going to have to sort your way through it.
- Or quit.
- Quit? What did you think, you were the first? Certainly won't be the last.
Considered it myself.
The question I have now is can I depend on you for this mission? And I need an honest answer.
Jonas, yes, you can depend on me for this mission.
All right.
'cause we got another problem.
What's that? We've changed rooms, we've changed angles, I need measurements, and my range finder just martyred itself.
Betty blue, where are you? Brer fox be laying low.
Well, get out of the briar patch.
I need you to get in the street, pace off a range for me.
My viewer punked out.
Said and done.
But if I need it, you've got to give me some love.
All I can, brother.
Where did he come from? snake doc, the new measurement is 96 meters.
Did you see that cop? No, I was watching the far side of the plaza.
Let's keep a sharp eye out, shall we? Things are starting to move.
Tough little bastard.
What's that? Nothing.
How can I help you? My name's tiffany gerhardt.
My husband works with the husband of a woman named molly blane.
Molly blane? Her husband and mine in the army.
All right.
I'm here to talk about the crime you committed.
The crime I committed.
You come here to talk to me about a crime.
The man you shot, the principal, was my friend's father.
I can't help you, miss.
Will you please just I'm asking you, one human being to another, help my friend close this out.
Please, tell me.
What could that cost you? Now, I'm sure you regret it.
Just tell me so I can tell her that you're sorry.
- Ma'am - You can speak low.
The guards won't even hear you.
All due respect, they say I killed a man.
Maybe I did, maybe I didn't.
But I've spent some time here 'cause the jury says I did.
Now, I'm up for parole, you imagine I'm going to tell you what I ain't ever told anyone, so your friend can sleep nights? Mr.
Flowers, can I show you a picture? That's me and my friend molly.
She's been living a lie all her life.
She needs your help.
Won't you help her? She surely looks like her mother.
I beg your pardon? She looks like her mother.
Mary She looks just like her mother.
You know her? Her mother's name is mary? Her name is mary.
And you know her? She's my daughter.
Last name's blane now? Never knew what she changed it to the first time.
Where y'all live? I'm Husband's in the army? What's his name? I'm sorry.
This was a mistake.
Oh, boy, oh boy.
I tried for years to find her The internet, other places.
Wh- where is she? Where is she? I can't.
I'm I just You, you don't have to tell me, young lady.
You don't have to betray a confidence.
Name is molly blane.
Her husband's in the army.
I can find her.
You get back, tell mary I'm up for parole in 3 months.
I get out, I might pay her a visit.
Cops are heading to Mack's location.
He better get out of there, quick.
I've got him now.
Dirt diver, you better bust a move.
They're coming through the front door.
I'm gone.
I'll get to my fallback if I can.
If not, the rendezvous point.
Roger that.
I'll run interference.
Bob, take over.
I'm going to see if I can help mack.
I won't risk coming back.
But I will if I don't find a spot where I can overwatch.
You and carlito have the shot.
You handle that? Can do, top.
Stroke of 5:00.
On 5:00.
Good man.
remember it.
It's the stroke of 5:00.
You can do that, can't you, bob? You're good at killing the helpless.
It's what you do best.
Betty blue, how's your view? Passable.
Got some glare in a couple of spots.
How's yours? Eh, it's ok.
I can get the red and white sides.
Can you cover the other two? It's tight, but yeah.
I got it covered.
How about snake doc and dirt diver? Best thing is leave them alone.
Besides This will be over most scoash.
Oh, yeah.
Here they come.
Cool breeze, betty blue.
You on him? Ready.
Stand by.
Bobby! Didn't I tell you to go to your room? I I didn't I mean I'll teach you to pay attention, you little brat.
Dad, I'm sorry.
I didn't hear Cool Breeze.
The glare.
I don't have a shot.
The shot.
Take it! Done.
good one, bob.
Now, everybody, say "well done, bob.
" way to go, bobby.
let's clean up.
Ditch the gear.
We drift out with the crowd.
See you all at the rendezvous.
My clean-up's going to take me a couple of minutes.
I'll see you there.
I agree with annie.
He can find out where she lives.
He has enough information.
There's a reason that molly didn't want to talk of him.
She made up an entire past just to avoid this man.
He gets out, comes here, what does that do to her? I can't.
You opened the can of worms.
me? You're the one who wanted to go I wanted to get her a photograph, not unravel a whole life.
It doesn't matter who did what.
It's done, and we've got to be responsible.
Is this the hill you want to die on? If it costs me my friendship with molly, it'll break my heart.
But if it costs molly her life or her sanity, it'll kill me.
Let me tell you what you did.
You had no right! Did I dig into your particulars, a few years back, mack hit you? And is that my right? Or your life, chapter and verse, I'm sure there are things you don't want me to know about, and that's your right.
People have secrets.
You ask them the reason for them, they can't tell you.
Why? 'cause they're secrets.
Molly, we just wanted to warn you.
We didn't want to hurt you.
So you hit the piƱata.
and I'll spill it all out, that's ok with you.
You don't have to.
Don't I? 'cause if i don't, next time you talk to me, you'll be wondering if I'm lying.
The day I graduated, my daddy gave me the only present he ever gave me A cameo pin.
The next time I saw him, he was being led from the high school, hands handcuffed behind his back, blood on his clothes.
- Molly - Let me tell it.
My daddy Was a mean drunk.
My mama was worried about me and my sister's safety.
I don't know how principal simmons found out, but he was going to help us out of it somehow.
Now, my daddy, he saw my ma talking to principal simmons before the graduation.
And he was drunk, and he made something out of it it wasn't.
And he shot that man dead.
And, as people do Mary flowers Her sister, and her ma were made outcasts.
My mama lost her job.
Daddy was front page news, and not a person in that town would let us forget.
We moved.
Ma threw away every reminder of him, threw away our family name.
She even asked me about that cameo pin.
I lied to her.
I told her I threw it out 'cause I kept it as a reminder of the last happy moment in my young life.
The cameo betsy had.
I didn't want to kick up dust in her life, so I told her another story.
As would you.
Out of respect to my mother Her humiliation I kept her secret.
Molly, if there is anything that I can do Don't tell jonas.
- It's been real.
- It's been fun.
just hasn't been real fun.
Stick around for some beers? I'm pretty sure I can find someone better looking than you to have a drink with, top.
I intend to.
Come to any conclusions? Yeah.
And? And I like it, Jonas.
God help me, Jonas, but I like it.
Yeah, well, you have to, don't you?
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