Gokusen (2002) s03e11 Episode Script

Yankumi's last tearful cry... Cherish your life!

Congratulations on your graduation.
Well done, everyone.
We have you to thank for that.
Thank you.
Thanks, Yankumi.
Tetsu! Minoru!
Why are you two here?
What are you doing?
What if the school finds out
about my family?
Get out of here!
Get out of here now!
Missy, I can't breathe Let go
It hurts Oh, no
Please give us a break
Hawaii is the best place
to go in summer.
Are you planning to go to Hawaii?
We haven't decided yet.
But it's the summer vacation.
It's Miss Takano's first summer
vacation here, right?
I think I'll buy a new swimsuit.
Are you buying a bikini?
Yeah, of course
Miss Yamaguchi, will you join us?
Wow Hawaii
(For couples)
"Spend time alone with your beloved
in a luxurious hotel in Hawaii."
With your beloved?
Of course, I am going to go
with Dr Natsume
Let's create a memory that
belongs only to us.
Yeah, let's make it a summer
that we will never forget.
Hawaii is great!
Yeah, I absolutely love Hawaii too!
Well, I get sunburned
every time I go, though.
What? 248,000 yen?
Because it's the summer vacation.
So of course it costs so much.
Yeah, of course
What are you so excited about?
Wow, you are going to Hawaii
during the summer vacation?
Is that a problem?
No, no problem at all.
Going to Hawaii in
the summer vacation, huh?
July is coming?
That means summer vacation
is finally coming.
Guys, let's go on a trip together.
Good idea! It's our last summer
vacation in high school.
Right! It's our last
summer vacation!
Yes! Let's go somewhere together!
Where are we going, then?
It has to be the beach in summer!
Then we have to go to Okinawa!
- Good idea!
- Yeah
We might get to meet
some girls in bikinis!
Girls in bikinis
Don't put me in your weird fantasy.
Okay, guys! Let's go to Okinawa!
But guys, do you have money
to travel?
Then Why don't we work part-time
and flirt at the shops on the beach?
- That's a good idea!
- I agree!
- Let's do it!
- Good! We'll do that!
Okay, guys!
Let's hear it for this summer!
We are going to get girlfriends!
We told you not to
suddenly appear like that.
What? You want to go with us?
Don't worry, I am going to Hawaii.
- Seriously?
- Awesome!
I'm so jealous.
Well, I'm an adult,
going to Hawaii is no big deal.
Why are you making so much noise?
I could hear you at the end
of the corridor.
Sorry, we were talking about the
summer vacation and got too excited.
- Summer vacation?
- Yeah.
You seem to be pretty excited,
but you remember you have your end
of term exams before that, right?
Of course we remember.
Well, it's none of our business
even if we do, though.
If you want your summer vacation,
you'd better work hard
toward your exams.
Anyone who fails the exam,
that is, those who get less than
30 marks,
will have extra lessons
during the summer vacation.
Extra lessons
Every day from Monday to Friday.
Well, it looks like you won't be
having a summer vacation.
Hey! Nobody ever told us that!
Why are you doing something
so unnecessary?
- Boo
- Calm down
Miss Yamaguchi, make sure
you teach them properly.
The class teacher is responsible for
giving them the extra lessons.
In other words, if any one of them
fails the exam,
you will not have your
summer vacation either.
What? You didn't tell
That's why you were sneering
Miss Yamaguchi, I'm sorry but
you'd better get used to the fact
you won't have a summer vacation.
It's impossible that
nobody in 3D fails!
Say that again!
How dare you say that!
If no one actually fails,
I'll stand on my hands
and go around the town once.
I'll even do it in my loincloth.
You'll really do that, jerk?
You'll really stand on your hands
in your loincloth?
Yes, I will. I really will.
Good! We will make sure you do that.
Hey, guys! We are going to get
over 30 marks in all subjects!
Well done, guys!
Your resistance is futile,
but I do wish you good luck.
You Hey, monkey!
Get your loincloth ready!
We are going to outwit
stupid Sawatari!
Good lord! Fine Let's do it.
Somehow things just got better!
It's Class 3D's All Pass
the End of Term Exam Operation!
Let's do our best
You've grown up, Nana!
She weighs nearly
five kilograms now.
She seems to grow faster
than other babies.
She is just like you, Kuma.
Yeah, she is!
Hey, what are they doing?
I haven't opened a textbook
since primary school!
This is reducing
my brain's capacity.
And if we have to study so much,
I definitely want to go to Okinawa
in the summer vacation.
But we have no money.
Let's earn some by playing pachinko.
Wow! That's a great idea!
Let's go to the pachinko parlor!
What are you talking about?
You're still in high school,
so you're not allowed to gamble.
Don't give me that!
But you get to go to Hawaii!
Missy, you have that much money?
Of course I have enough to go there,
because I'm a grown-up.
I do have a good financial plan.
Miss Yamaguchi.
Dr Natsume!
It's Yutaka Take!
It's Mr Yutaka Take!
It's the man himself!
Hello, it's been a long time.
- You know him?
- I saw him on TV.
You saw him on TV?
Miss Yamaguchi, he's my friend.
Dr Natsume, you know
so many people.
You are Miss Yamaguchi?
Dr Natsume often talks to me
about you.
Dr Natsume talks about me?
Oh, gosh!
I'm not that pretty
He says that you are
a very cheerful teacher.
Cheerful, huh
Sorry, may I have your autograph?
Please give us one too
That reminds me.
Excuse me!
Do I put my bet on the final race
if I want a long shot?
Well, it's a bit
Actually It's about the money
for my trip to Hawaii this summer.
- Hawaii?
- Yes.
Well This
Dr Natsume, actually
If you don't mind, would you
That's your financial plan?
I'm sorry.
It was a good chance to ask
Dr Natsume to go with me, but
Miss Yamaguchi, let's go
to the Iolani Palace.
Let's take a photo in front of
Kamehameha's statue.
I'm not taking any.
Come on.
The end of term exam
and summer vacation are coming,
teachers should be so anxious
during this period,
but you're talking about
Hawaii and Kamehameha?
How can you get so carried away?
Teachers should pull themselves
together during this season!
Many students take to misconduct
in the summer vacation.
Well, 3D has taken to
misconduct already!
To begin with,
I planned the extra lessons in
the summer vacation for 3D.
What? For 3D?
I mean, they keep causing trouble
during school time,
I can't imagine what will happen if
nobody watches them for a month.
I see! It's more reassuring if they
come to school for even a bit.
That's right!
Impressive, Mr Sawatari. You have
thought about everything.
Of course, I am the vice principal.
But they won't have extra lessons
if they pass the exam.
Of course they are going to fail.
That was Goda, right?
Yeah, it looks like
he's running for his life.
He must have done
something bad again.
(Restaurant Robbed
in Shirokin Town)
(Thugs Beat Up the Owner
and Ran Away)
(Was It Done by a Gang of Robbers?)
It's another dangerous crime.
Seems that the robbers
haven't been caught.
Oh, my god!
There is something wrong with 3D!
They've fought with someone again?
Studying They are doing
their revision!
The class hasn't even started yet
I can't believe this!
They can do it if they try.
They must have felt your passion.
Yeah, I guess.
- Mr Sawatari.
- Yes?
You made a promise, right?
If they all pass the exam,
you'll stand on your hands
and go around the town.
And in your loincloth too.
Yes, I did. I really did.
But it's useless for them
to study for it now. It's useless.
Excuse me.
Oh, thank you Thanks
I can teach you
how to do it better.
The boys are studying very hard.
I have to do something too.
Today I am going to ask
Dr Natsume to go with me!
I, Kumiko Yamaguchi,
will make the greatest confession
of love in my life!
I am going to do it!
I can't do it. No.
I can't do it any more either.
I give up
Guys, don't give up so easily.
Everyone is working hard.
- I don't think so.
- What?
Hey, guys You aren't doing
your revision?
Of course they aren't.
(Izakaya Bar Kado-chan)
What would you like to talk about?
Will you pull yourself together,
Kumiko Yamaguchi?
If you don't mind
During the summer vacation
Will you
go to Hawaii with meor not
I was just wondering
Go to Hawaii?
Good idea.
Yes, it is!
It's going well, isn't it?
I love Hawaii too,
and I've been wanting to go there.
Same here!
I am winning this match!
My summer vacation
is in September.
Our hospital is short of doctors,
so we take turns to have
our summer vacation.
Is that so?
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
My summer
is over.
No matter how I think, it's not
possible for us not to fail.
We aren't the type that can study.
But I do want to make
stupid Sawatari stand on his hands.
Guys, sometimes it's important
to give up in life.
Yeah, I know, but I feel a bit
guilty toward Yankumi.
Yeah, she won't have
her summer vacation either.
It's okay.
Gosh! Don't just appear!
Let's have our extra lessons
in the summer vacation.
What's happened?
Don't ask me anything!
He said sorry
He said sorry
He said sorry
We want to ask you guys something.
- Detectives?
- What is it?
There was a robbery in
Shirokin Town last night.
Can you provide us with any clues?
What are you implying?
The witness told us that a few young
men ran away from the crime scene.
So you suspect us?
Could it be
Do you guys know who did it?
Well, we saw Goda somewhere
near Shirokin Town last night.
Do you mean Akado's graduate,
Ryuji Goda?
Don't make excuses for yourself
and run away from it!
Shut up!
You should move on
in your life as well.
It was him?
Thanks, guys.
I thought he had turned over
a new leaf.
If you've gone astray once,
it isn't that simple to return
to leading a decent life.
But it is not impossible.
It depends on how serious you are,
and whether you want
to do it or not.
How do I let him know that?
Missy, if you worry about someone
who isn't even your student,
you'll exhaust yourself.
It's the same thing whether
he's my student or not.
I can't just sit there and watch
someone go astray.
I'm sure that one day
He will know how you feel.
Good morning, Miss Yamaguchi.
Actually, I am now with
your lovely students.
It seems they told the cops
that they saw me,
so I want to thank them.
Don't be absurd!
If you want to save their lives,
come to the Onigaya Warehouse.
Let's go.
Could he have
This is bad
It's 3D again?
It's Goda.
Goda came to the school!
What? Goda?
Guys, what's that noise?
Yeah, now you mention it
How dare you tell the cops!
I am going to pay you back
quite thoroughly.
They are wreaking havoc!
Just come here as soon as possible!
Wait for me. I'm going to help you.
It's awful To sum it up,
it's total chaos.
- The police still aren't here?
- I just called them!
Oh, please come here now!
Miss Yamaguchi
What on earth is
Miss Yamaguchi doing?
Goda has a twisted grudge against
them and came to seek revenge?
So it seems.
It never occurred to me that
a graduate of our school
would commit a crime like this.
We will do our best to arrest
Goda as soon as we can,
but please be on your guard.
We will.
Please contact us at once
if you see Goda.
We will.
See you.
I should have been stricter
with him
when he was a student here.
I thought if I expelled him,
it might affect his future. I was
too positive making this decision.
I guess I was wrong.
No matter how much passion
a teacher gives them,
incorrigible students
remain incorrigible forever.
A teacher shouldn't give up
so easily
I don't want to hear
your idealistic theories.
Please tell the students
to be very careful.
Yes, ma'am.
Our priority now should be
to prevent our students and
the school from further damage.
Darn that Goda!
It was a sudden attack.
How dirty!
I'll find him and beat him up.
That jerk!
Don't think such stupid things!
What is stupid now?
We did nothing, right?
But we got beaten up!
How can we do nothing?
Yes, but what's the point
of seeking revenge?
He will only get revenge
on you again.
But he might come to pick
a fight with us again!
Are you telling us to shut up
and let him beat us up?
Run away.
How can we do something so lame?
It's okay even if it's lame!
You want revenge
because he beat you up.
That's even more childish
and stupid.
It won't solve any problem.
Don't fight if it's pointless.
Do you get it?
A pointless fight, huh?
Yeah, perhaps it is.
I've been looking for you.
What do you want with us again?
You've beaten us up so much,
you should be satisfied.
You guys have some guts.
You seem promising.
Why don't you join us?
If you join us,
we'll let you off.
What if we refuse?
We'll beat you up until I am happy.
You jerk
We are not going to fight you
or join you.
Say that again!
We all
want to graduate.
All that teacher says is fancy talk,
but you guys take her seriously?
Yankumi is different from teachers
who only give us fancy talk.
She is the only teacher
who risks her life for us and faces
us with a straightforward attitude.
Is that so?
Then you leave me no other choice.
Hey, stand up!
It is pointless to do this!
We told you that we are not
interested in fighting with you!
You aren't interested, but I am!
Because you have been
making a fool of me!
Stop it!
Stand up!
I'm going to kill you!
This is bad!
(Natsume General Hospital)
(Surgery in progress)
How is Kazama?
We don't know
Miss Yamaguchi, he's undergoing
emergency surgery.
It appears his internal organs
are damaged.
His life is in danger.
Oh, my god
He is only 18 years old.
It's just the beginning of his life.
Please save his life!
You have to save his life!
- Please!
- Miss Yamaguchi!
You have to stay calm now.
Our doctors and nurses
are doing their best.
How is Ren? Is Ren okay?
The surgery is over, but he hasn't
regained consciousness.
He bled a lot and his condition
is very unstable.
Unstable? You mean
Anything can happen anytime.
I'll go and ask him in detail.
Excuse me, please let us through!
- Ren
- Kazama
I will go to the police.
I'll go with you.
You stay here with Kazama.
You said you would protect me,
didn't you?
You promised me, didn't you?
Don't leave your sister on her own.
Hang in there!
Why did this happen?
- If Ren dies, what should we
- Shut up!
It's bad luck to say that.
That blasted Goda
I won't forgive him.
He did this to us
but we can't do anything?
Ren is a friend we care about,
isn't he?
Someone injured our friend so badly,
are we going to let him go?
Darn Goda!
I'll find him and kill him!
I'll go with you.
I'll go too
Let's go!
Stay alive
Don't cry at a time like this.
When your student wakes up,
are you going to greet him
with a crying face?
Thank you.
Miss Yamaguchi.
I'm sure that he will be all right.
Ren won't be defeated
by something like this.
When the critical moment comes,
he will fight properly.
Even now
He is doing his best.
Excuse me, I'm Yamaguchi.
- It's for you.
- Thank you.
Kuma just called,
he said he saw your students running
past and they looked outraged.
What's the matter?
You guys look scary.
Don't talk like an idiot!
Why are you so angry?
How dare you injure Ren
so badly!
So all of you are here
to seek revenge?
We will not forgive you.
We'll make you suffer like Ren,
so brace yourself!
Bring it on, then.
What's the matter?
You can't fight anymore?
Of course I can fight!
All of you, cut it out!
It's you again?
Look at how stupid this is.
Why do you hurt people like this?
Because I have a grudge
against them!
Get lost, teacher!
Is your grudge something
that can be dissolved by violence?
Say that again!
Even if you do this, it's only
going to create more grudges!
Shut up!
Darn you!
Are you going to destroy every
single thing you don't like?
Yeah, got a problem?
What you are destroying now
is your own life.
What life?
It was ruined a long time ago!
It isn't ruined!
Nobody can change their past.
You can change your future.
Shut up!
What future?
Don't make me laugh, jerk!
Don't get in my way!
Don't be absurd.
He could die if you hit him
with this!
Are you not mortified?
He injured Ren so badly,
and you are okay with it?
I cannot forgive this jerk.
I'm going to kill him!
Don't say you'll kill someone
so easily!
Of course I'm not okay with it.
If anything happens to Kazama
Just thinking about it
makes me feel like
I'm losing my mind.
It makes me so sad
and so mortified.
It makes my blood boil with anger.
In that case, why
I don't want anyone else
to feel how I feel now!
I told you that no matter
how many times you fail
or make mistakes,
you can start over again.
I keep telling you this.
There is only one thing that
you cannot start over again.
Someone's life.
Kazama is now fighting
with all his might.
He is doing his best to stay alive.
I don't want you guys
to take someone's life.
Kazama's life,
your lives
Goda, your life too
are all just as important.
There isn't a life that should be
taken by this stupid dispute!
Kazama is fighting
with all his might.
He is not going to die.
You too
You should grit your teeth
and move on in your life.
The future
can be changed?
It can be changed.
Don't die.
We are going to the beach
for our summer vacation, right?
We made a promise, right?
If you keep dawdling,
the summer vacation will be over.
We'll leave you here
if you don't wake up.
Hang in there.
Hang in there
I'm sorry I can't do anything else
besides saying that.
I keep arrogantly lecturing
you guys,
but I couldn't protect you
when you needed me.
I'm not good enough to be a teacher.
I am so sorry
Don't apologize.
You're a good teacher.
Don't shout.
I'll get the doctor.
I had a dream.
We all
attended the graduation ceremony.
Did you hold your heads up high?
I don't know, but
We got our graduation
And I was very happy.
I see.
What is it?
Will I graduate?
Yes, you will.
The whole of 3D, all 28 students
will graduate together.
It isn't just a dream.
I won't let it end as a dream.
Kazama has woken up.
We don't have to worry now.
Mr Sawatari, sorry for calling
so early in the morning.
Kazama has regained consciousness.
Has he?
Now we don't have to worry.
Yes. Thank you so much!
But you can't stay happy
for very long.
There is a bigger problem.
(Robber in Shirokin Town Arrested)
(A Large Gang of Thieves)
(A Skirmish Was the Reason
for the Arrest)
(High School Students Clashed Twice
on the Same Day for Revenge)
High school students from Akado
Gakuin were involved in a rumble,
and I am now at the school.
The leader of the robbers turned
himself in and was arrested,
and he is a graduate of
this high school,
but he caused problems
when he was a student here
After the shocking fight that the
students and a graduate got into,
the school will hold an urgent
guardians' meeting
to inform the guardians about
the details of the case.
Are we going to be punished?
But we didn't do anything wrong.
We got into a brawl.
It's my fault.
I said we should find Goda
and seek revenge.
Sorry for asking you to come here
today when you are busy.
As reported in the news,
our students were dragged into
an assault case,
and it developed into
an altercation.
We have made you worry
and brought you trouble,
so I would like to sincerely
apologize for that.
However, in the end,
the gang responsible for
the robberies have been arrested,
and we are relieved about that.
To make sure that nothing like this
happens again in the future,
our teachers will work together
and teach our students properly.
Ms Akagi,
you are not thinking that the
problem is solved like this, right?
No, that's not what I
To begin with, those robbers
were graduates of this school!
Isn't all this because the school
didn't teach them properly?
I'm terribly sorry.
Don't just apologize!
Anyway, you have to give
the students of 3D
the punishment they deserve!
They got into a fight
to seek revenge,
this isn't something that high
school students should think at all!
Please expel all the students
from 3D right away!
Yes! Expel them from school!
Just a moment, please!
Miss Yamaguchi!
Expelling all of them
from school is too much!
- Please don't do this to them!
- Miss Yamaguchi.
If you would like to say anything,
please come here and say it.
Yes, ma'am.
I am Yamaguchi, 3D's class teacher.
Yes, I think what the students did
was unforgivable.
What they did was obviously wrong.
But the students are still immature.
That is why they make mistakes.
Correcting their mistakes..
should be the responsibility of
teachers and adults.
A school shouldn't be
a place that
only looks after excellent students
who don't cause any trouble.
But isn't it because you are not
good enough
to be their class teacher
in the first place?
Exactly! You should take
the responsibility and resign!
Someone who's not cut out to be
a teacher should resign!
Seriously, you should resign!
Wait a moment!
What are you doing here?
Return to your classroom!
Don't make Yamaguchi resign!
No other teacher
can treat us properly.
We would have quit school
long ago if Yankumi wasn't here.
We are here because of Yankumi.
It isn't right to force
a teacher like her to resign!
She is your class teacher, of course
she has to take the responsibility!
I will take the responsibility!
It was my fault.
I couldn't forgive Goda,
so I did it.
It isn't only Yamato's fault!
We are just as guilty!
We should be punished with him.
Me too.
Me too
Do not say you will take
the responsibility so easily!
What can you guys do?
If you think quitting school is
taking responsibility,
then you're totally wrong!
You used your parents' money
to go to school,
what responsibility can you take?
You are still too immature to take
any responsibility yourselves.
It doesn't mean that
this is a bad thing.
From now on, you only have to
learn certain things
and grow up to be a decent person.
Don't do things halfway,
do not give up,
control your emotions
and don't hurt other people.
No matter how painful
and trying it is,
just hold out and look ahead
in your life.
Do you get it?
As you said,
I am not good enough
to be a teacher,
and it has caused all this trouble.
I am terribly sorry.
What happens to me doesn't matter,
but please do not abandon
my students.
There are still many things
that they have to learn.
They will learn many things
and they can change,
little by little.
Please help these students,
so that they can walk
a straight path.
Thank you.
The board of directors will decide
what to do
with Miss Yamaguchi
and her students.
I guess
we'll be expelled after all.
Yeah, I guess so.
If that happens
I'm sorry, Yankumi.
We are really sorry.
What are you talking about?
I am not letting them
expel you from school.
Don't say something so absurd.
I will announce your punishment.
I can understand your anger toward
Goda for causing Kazama's injuries,
but I cannot overlook how easily
you sought revenge.
The whole of Class 3D will be
suspended from school for
two weeks as punishment.
You're not expelling us from school?
Make sure you all regret
what you did
and reflect on yourselves.
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much
This is fantastic, guys!
Be grateful for Ms Akagi's
lenient punishment
and do not cause any problems again.
Mr Sawatari.
Sowhat is my punishment?
If you resign,
who is going to teach them?
Your responsibility is to look
after them until they graduate.
Mr Sawatari
Thank you!
I have never seen them
smile like that before.
People can change.
Maybe it is true.
We give thanks to
all the lives here.
Bon appetit
You will see your students today
after the two weeks, right?
For some reason, I'm a bit nervous.
Even you get nervous too?
Sorry, Missy.
Goodness me!
Okay, see you.
Take care.
See you, Missy
Good morning.
Good morning
Good morning, Miss Yamaguchi.
What's the matter, Miss Takano?
I aim to be a teacher like you.
You have to do more than
wearing a sweat suit.
I do things by imitation first.
But no one looks better in a
sweat suit than Miss Yamaguchi.
Good morning.
Good morning
Dr Natsume!
You're finally starting again today.
Kazama is discharged from
the hospital as well. Thank you.
It has been a bit boring
without 3D here.
Isn't it?
The days were peaceful.
I'll have a stomachache
every day again.
You're just saying that.
You felt lonely, didn't you?
Let's do our best!
Good morning!
Sorry for making you worry!
There is nothing to apologize for.
Look forward to
the rest of the year!
Listen, guys.
In the long years of your life,
painful or trying things
will happen.
You might fail many times
in the future.
But no matter how many times
you fail,
you only have to stand up again.
Because you have friends who will
give you support and be beside you.
And you have me too.
Never forget that.
We know that.
Yes, ma'am!
Of course!
Okay, guys!
I will be your teacher from now
until you graduate!
Make sure you listen to me!
Class 3D
Let's do our best
Previous Episode