K.C. Undercover (2015) s03e11 Episode Script

Stormy Weather

1 KC: Previously on KC Undercover I found out Brady had been sabotaging my missions, but I set up a trap so I can catch him.
I know all about the Raincoat, and I'm gonna help KC use it to destroy the Storm Maker.
Let's go.
- Hey, Cooper! - You're kidding me! How are you here if you're there? I'm following KC's backup plan.
If it was clear I wasn't gonna be able to get the intel you guys needed from Brady, I was supposed to leave, switch places with her, and she would go back in disguised as me.
Kira: But now KC's a prisoner.
Craig: Which was her plan all along.
That's my girl! What do you know about Project Raincoat, Marisa? Oh, really.
Weeks of fake dating, and I couldn't get you to shut up.
Now suddenly cat's got your tongue? Pbbt! Fine.
Enjoy rotting in this cell, you vacuous dullard.
- (Lock clicks) - Joke's on him, 'cause Marisa doesn't even know what the word "vacuous" means.
Or "dullard," for that matter.
(Woman crying through vent) Hello? - Someone there? - Leave me alone! No, it's okay.
I'm not one of them.
How do I know that? Just trust me, okay? I won't hurt you.
- What's your name? - Gwen Pepper.
I'm sorry.
It's just I've been locked up in here for weeks.
I'm just a scientist, but they forced me - to help them - It's okay.
Don't worry, Gwen, I'm gonna get us both out of here.
How are you going to do that? I'm KC Cooper and I'm a spy with the Organization.
Saving people is, uh, kind of my thing.
In that outfit? Okay, I'm not loving it, either.
All right, so what do they have you working on? It's called the Storm Maker.
It can create storms so powerful they can wipe out any coordinate they choose.
They told me if I didn't do what they said, I'd never see my family again.
Interesting, 'cause the people I work for won't give me two seconds away from my family.
All right, you know what? I'm gonna get us out of here.
The laser again? Ha.
Not this time.
(Sizzles) Okay, I take it back.
I'm starting to really like your outfit.
Let's go.
Oh, when danger comes for you You know I'll stand beside you 'Cause ain't nobody keep their head so cool I'll always find a way, a way out of the fire Don't tell nobody, tell nobody I'm not perfect So many things I wanna tell you But I, I, I, I keep it undercover Livin' my life, on red alert Doin' my thing, gonna make it work Know I'm the realest, baby, I'm fearless But I always got your back Nobody can do it like I can I gotta find out who I am Ain't got to worry about me It's all part of the plan I keep it undercover.
I keep it undercover.
So, what's the next move? Well, fortunately, when KC repaired that necklace that Brady gave you, she also put a tracking device inside.
Should lead us right to her.
(Whirring, rapid beeping) Oh, you mean this necklace? Why do you still have it? Well, I sort of forgot to give it to KC when we switched places, but if it's any consolation, she's wearing my bra.
Craig, what are we gonna do? Our baby's out there with no support! No, no, I just told you, she Not that kind of support! Calm down, calm down.
We'll figure it out.
We just can't let the Organization know that KC deviated from the plan.
(Phone ringing) Ugh! It's Johnson from the Organization.
- Well, see what he wants.
- You see what he wants! I don't want to talk Hey, Agent Johnson.
I need you and the family to report to HQ right now.
Okay, so, when you say "family," who exactly are you referring to? You, Craig, and KC.
Ernie's already on his way, so get down here ASAP.
I guess we have no choice but to tell him about KC.
And get her in even more trouble? No, I don't think so.
Uh, maybe you guys could just, like, you know, drop me off on the way.
I could use a nice, long bubble bath.
Oh, no, you're coming with us.
What are they gonna do when they see me? Oh, they won't see you.
Wow! (Gasps) Are those secret files? And look at all these TV monitors! Their cable bill must be a fortune .
Marisa! Marisa! Get over here and start acting like you got some sense.
Sorry, okay, it's just I've never been here before.
Yeah, but KC's been here a million times, so pull it together.
Okay, I'll just channel my inner KC.
Let's do this.
All right.
Good of you to finally show up, KC.
Why, thank you, fellow spy.
I mean, 'sup, fellow spy? As we all know, the Storm Maker has been activated.
Orange groves in Florida are freezing.
Farmland in Pennsylvania is being flooded under a deluge of rain.
We have to destroy that machine.
- KC.
- Yes! That is me, KC Cooper.
You've always been a brilliant tactician.
Any suggestions on how we can infiltrate the Alternate? Uh, well, can't we just use that Raincoat thingy? (Kira laughs) Good one, honey! KC knows Raincoat isn't real, because she made it up to trap Brady! Remember! Oh, right.
I remember! Um, but I'm actually gonna be sitting this mission out, so you got this, right, bro? Uh, no.
I need the both of you to track down Marisa.
You find her, you find the Storm Maker.
Uh, yes, absolutely.
My mom, dad, Ernie, and I will go find Marisa.
We will do it all together as one big, happy family.
KC, I don't know what your problem is, but get it together.
You and Ernie track down Marisa.
Kira, you and Craig determine why these specific locations have been targeted.
Okay, let's go.
- Marisa, you need to - (Beeps) Look, I already know what you're gonna say, but if you expect me to sit at home twirling my hair while you guys save my best friend, then you need to put down the crazy pills, because I'm going whether you like it or not.
Actually, I was just gonna say you need to fix your wig.
What's the latest with your little blonde friend, Marisa? She won't tell me anything about the Raincoat.
I'm not sure if she's playing dumb or if she's actually dumb, or if she's super dumb and playing normal dumb, or, I Your mouth keeps moving, yet I've stopped listening.
Okay, what's the deal with the guy talking to Brady? I've only seen him once before, but everyone seems to be afraid of him.
I think he might be in charge.
REID: We don't have time to wait around for the Raincoat.
We need to move forward with Phase 2 of the plan.
A catastrophic storm that'll hit the Capitol building.
And then the Alternate will reign supreme.
They're trying to take out the Capitol.
I need to get in contact with my family.
Yell for help, okay? I'm kind of soft-spoken.
I don't think your family's gonna hear me.
Just do it.
Help! What are you doing out of your cell? Creating a diversion.
(Fight grunts) (Mouths) (Ringing) Hello? - Dad, it's KC.
- KC! Where are you? I'm at the Alternate's Headquarters.
I'll send you the coordinates.
Listen, I figured out what they're doing with the Storm Maker.
Yeah, we know, they're trying to mess with the crops.
No, that is just a distraction.
They're trying to take out the Capitol.
Craig, tonight is the State of the Union address.
Every member of Congress is gonna be in the Capitol building.
Then the Alternate's goal is to wipe out the entire federal government.
We have to warn them.
KC, stay safe.
Help is on the way.
Okay, so are we almost there? Because I feel like we're just going in circles here.
Not far now.
So, what are you gonna do once you find the Storm Maker? Well, destroy it, of course.
Right, but how will you destroy it? Do you have some type of device that can stop it? I heard them talking about a Project Umbrella or Galoshes or something like that.
Project Raincoat? Yes! That's it.
Do you have it on you? I'd love to see it, you know, just to check out the specs and everything.
I am fascinated with anti-technology technology.
How 'bout you lead me to the Storm Maker and I'll show it to you there.
How about we do it my way.
Now, hand it over.
I'm not handing you over anything.
We'll see about that.
(Over PA) I have KC Cooper secured.
She has the Raincoat.
I repeat, she has the Raincoat.
Now, hand it over! Over my dead body.
That could be arranged.
You're a scientist.
Why are you helping them? It's all about the Benjamins, baby.
Plus, you made it so easy.
All I had to do was break out the theatrics and I knew you'd spill everything.
"Help, help! I'm a poor scientist in need of a big, strong spy.
" "I'll help you, little lady.
I'm KC Cooper, and kickin' butt's my middle name.
" You sounded so stupid! What I said was way cooler than that, and you know it.
Give me Project Raincoat, or else.
Or else what? Or else I'll shoot.
Okay, go ahead.
Do it.
What's wrong? Do I need to get a little closer so that baby scientist won't miss? Is that close enough? Stop it, seriously, I will shoot you.
Aah! Dah! You know, for a scientist you're not very smart.
Now, show me to the Storm Maker and tell me how to shut it off.
Or else what, is baby spy gonna break my Ow! Okay, okay, you're not bluffing.
I'll tell you! Whoa! Where'd all this rain come from? I can barely see the road! Craig, why didn't you put the new windshield wipers on the car like I asked? 'Cause it wasn't supposed to rain until next weekend! You know what else wasn't supposed to happen? Nobody was supposed to take out the entire US government with a catastrophic weather machine! Yet, here we are.
The Alternate is doing this, Craig.
They're trying to keep us from getting to the Capitol.
Oh, wow! And now they trying to stop us with hail! (Snap) It's just broke the windshield wiper.
I bet you glad I didn't put the new one on now, aren't you? Our intel was correct, Reid.
I'm locked in on the Coopers' car.
Did you stop them from getting to the Capitol? No, they're still en route.
Then turn it up, genius! (Whirring ) Okay, according to KC, the Alternate base is 50 yards due north.
We should be close enough to hack into the computer system and hopefully shut down the Storm Maker.
Great, and I will sneak in and back up KC.
Just make sure to take that bag.
It's got all my tactical gear in it.
Ernie, uh, unless tactical means grossing out the bad guys with your old gym socks? I mean I think you grabbed the wrong bag.
No, it only looks like I grabbed the wrong bag.
I do that in case anyone goes into it.
Always thinkin'.
And stinkin'.
Underneath that stuff is a pen, a flashlight, a hairbrush, and a pack of gum.
You put the pen and the flashlight together to make a laser gun, and the hairbrush is really a communicator.
Oh, cool! And the gum, is that some sort of, like, explosive thing? No, that's for your breath.
Whatever you had for lunch is not doing you any favors.
System's almost at full strength.
It's time to take out the Capitol.
I don't think so.
- It's over.
- KC Cooper.
- As tenacious as advertised.
- Glad you think so, 'cause as soon as I take out this machine, you're gonna be next.
You should be working with us, KC.
We're the next generation.
It is up to us to destroy the failing old way so that from their ashes, a new, superior world can rise.
All right, are we done talking like a comic book? I need you to step away from that machine.
Marisa: Yeah, you heard her, move! The Alternate will not reign supreme.
That's a good one, right? Marisa, what are you doing here? Oh, I'm here to save you.
I even brought this cool laser flashlight thingy.
Lookit! Aah! See? You're not the only one who can do some cool moves.
Yeah, well, I do know that you're not gonna shoot me.
But we will.
(Chirps) (Metallic thumping and KC groaning) Uh, KC, I'm pretty sure they locked it.
Mm, you think? The Coopers are going nowhere fast.
Finally, I'm in their system.
I'll see your blizzard and raise you some sunshine! Wait, where'd that sunshine come from? - Hey, what's going on? - I don't know.
Just get it working again! One Category 4 tornado coming up, with a little lightning to make things interesting.
Oh, no, you didn't! (Thunder crashing) Craig, we need to get somewhere safe.
I'm trying! Turn on the radio.
Check the news.
(Radio) The snow is really coming down out there.
But, wait, it's clearing up and the forecast looks like it'll be in the low 120s.
Wait, what? Hold on.
Now a tornado is approaching the Capitol building! What the! What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? Stop saying, "What do we do?" It's not helping.
Wait a minute, Storm Maker can't produce its weather patterns without a transmitter, right? I have no idea what you're talking about, but if it helps, I'll say yes.
Okay, so if we find that transmitter, then we can stop all this destruction, right? So clueless, so here's another yes.
And it would have to be high enough to emit an unobstructed signal.
- Let's go, Marisa.
- Where are we going? To the roof to stop the transmitter.
Okay, okay, I'm starting to think we should've taken the elevator.
- Okay.
- (Banging) Ernie, hey.
We got, uh, we got some company.
I can see that on the monitor, but I got my own problems.
Someone's hacking me back.
I'm trying to blow the storm out to sea, but every time I make wind, they make hail! Okay, well, try again! Okay, bro? There's nobody better at making wind than you! While you're at it, see if you can put a blizzard right on top of the building.
- Why? - Marisa, tell him the plan.
There's a transmitter thingy on the roof, and we need you to freeze it out.
I'm on it.
Get him! That's gonna leave a mark.
KC, are you almost done up there? I am now! Come on up! Uh, excuse me, sir.
There's the transmitter! I can barely see anything up here! BRADY: This is all you need to see! Well, well, if it isn't KC Cooper and her trusty sidekick Marisa.
Get behind me, Marisa.
(Wind gusts) Here comes Ernie's blizzard.
Marisa: He came through! Now, back up! I said back up! You heard me, back up.
But if we back up any further, we'll fall off the roof.
Oh, did you figure all that out by yourself? Oh, and to think I called you a vacuous dullard.
I'm sorry, a what what? Marisa, when we get home, remind me to download that vocab app on your phone.
Okay, for the last time, back up! Okay, you beat us, Brady.
But I just have one question.
How did you know every move I made before I made it? What, seriously? You didn't know? Marisa.
She told me everything where you were going, what you were doing, and she was only too happy to spy on her best friend.
Marisa, how could you betray me like this? KC, I already told you Marisa, stop making excuses, okay? You stabbed me in the back and you turned against me.
Well, I hope you're happy, because you're about to get us both killed.
Well, you know what? Maybe if you had supported me and my dreams, I wouldn't've felt like I had to spy on you! - (KC yelling) - (Marisa screaming) Noice! Do my dirty work for me.
Oof! (Both grunting) Guh! Ooh! Messing with Marisa is the last thing you'll ever do, Brady! - You're done.
- I don't think so.
The Alternate holds all the cards now.
Yeah, I think you're forgetting about Project Raincoat.
Oh, please! If Project Raincoat was really operational, your Organization would've used it by now! Oh, they already have! You haven't figured it out, Brady? I'm Project Raincoat.
(Grunts) (Fight grunts) Marisa, get the laser gun! No! Hey! Hey! Dah! Dah! (Fight grunts) Lookit! I found a laser gun! Marisa, throw me the gun! It's over, Brady.
There's nowhere else for you to run.
I wouldn't be so sure about that.
A hoodie that turns into a parachute.
Here you go.
Thank you.
Well, I'm glad that's over.
Yeah, well, it's not really "over," because we still have to get Brady, but the good news is when you become a spy with the Organization, we can take him down together.
Yeah, I don't think so.
Kind of over this whole spy thing.
Uh, what? That doesn't make sense.
This is everything that you said that you wanted.
KC, listen.
Wanting to become a spy almost completely ruined our friendship.
And nothing is worth losing that.
Plus, I have to be honest, it's all, like, really, really, really, really hard, and I'm, like, really, really, really, really lazy.
Yeah, well, if you're waiting for an argument, you're gonna have to keep waiting.
Oh, uh, one more question.
What exactly does "vacuous dullard" mean? Um you know what, it means the best person in the world.
KC, you're a vacuous dullard! So are you, Marisa.
So are you.
Rob, your name's on TV!
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