Merlin s03e11 Episode Script

The Sorcerer's Shadow

MAN: In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young boy.
His name - Merlin.
Your mother know you're out here? What's your name, boy? Gilli.
What's in the bag? Nothing.
Where you heading? Camelot.
To fight in the tournament.
Is that what your pretty new sword's for? Yeah.
Let me see.
You ever seen this tournament? Believe me, a little boy like you has got no chance, especially without a sword.
THEY LAUGH Give it back.
I'm doing you a favour.
One day you'll thank me.
I said, give it back! I thought you were a fighter.
Well, here, I'll show you how to fight.
Good luck at the tournament.
THEY LAUGH Did anyone think this tournament through? A contest, open to all-comers, with a prize of 100 gold coins.
I wonder what kind of people are going to turn up? It's tradition, Merlin.
The tournament's been held every ten years for centuries.
Nothing to worry about.
Tell me he can't use that in the contest! He can use what he likes.
It's an open tournament.
What about the knight's code? Counts for nothing.
The only rule is, there are no rules.
Yeah, you're right, there is nothing to worry about.
Excuse me.
Hello? Drink? A room.
I'm only taking competitors.
Spectators have to stay outside the city walls.
Well, I am a competitor.
Course you are.
I'd like a room, please.
You'll have to share.
But You want a bed or not? And I'll have my money now.
Why? Because you'll be dead by sunset.
My, if it's not the Prince of Camelot.
I'm his servant.
I've always wanted a servant.
Here, clean them.
What? My boots.
Hurry up! I'm looking for a cloth.
I don't care if you use your tongue.
Clean 'em! Stay where you are.
Oh, so you've decided to join us after all.
I think you should put that down, sir.
THEY LAUGH Did you hear that? Oh, I heard it, all right.
Why don't you say that again? I'm sorry, this is my fault.
I'm not hearing you.
I've said what I had to say.
Watch out! Argh! Now, get out! Thanks for the warning.
It's me who should be grateful.
It's all right.
I've already had a run in with those two.
You have? I know what's it's like to be picked on.
Merlin! Well, thanks again Merlin! Merlin, that's me.
I'm Gilli.
Merlin! Ah! I've got to go.
Remind me how many times you've won this tournament, Uther? Three.
That's a lot to live up to, Arthur.
I remember your last victory.
You were a master in the arena.
It's such a shame we won't see you compete again.
Who says you won't? You said you were too old.
It's not age that stops me.
I'm still a match for any man.
Well, we won't be finding out.
Why ever not? Because I don't want you getting hurt.
HE LAUGHS Do you think you could still win the crown? The kingdom needs him to rule, not to fight.
You think I can't do both? You're not as young as you used to be.
Besides, I need someone to keep me company in the stands.
If you'll excuse me, I need to prepare for the tournament.
It is such a shame.
It would have been good for the people to see you compete one last time.
But still, Arthur's probably right.
You can't do everything.
How're you feeling? Confident.
Are you sure? Yes.
Because last time this tournament was held, three men died.
Really? That was just on the first day.
Thanks for that, Merlin.
And on that second day Let's just get through the first You're right, because that's when most people die.
Merlin? Yes.
Shut up.
APPLAUSE SWELLING APPLAUSE It is my pleasure to welcome you all to Camelot.
This is a contest like no other.
It is open to all-comers FANFARE .
including our reigning champion, the King.
APPLAUSE There are no rules, no weapons are banned.
The last man standing takes the prize.
Thank you.
That'll need treating.
It's all right.
Gaius is the Court Physician.
It's just a nick.
I'm fine.
He's using magic.
I suspected as much.
The ring bears a mark of the Old Religion.
Such rings are very rare but they act as a conduit, a channel for magical powers.
So does have magic like me? He doesn't have your powers, Merlin.
But to wield a ring such as that would need considerable gifts.
Well, he's braver than me, using magic in front of all those people.
Brave or stupid? If Uther finds out, he'll have him killed.
It is the only explanation.
We must not jump to conclusions, sire.
What other explanation could there be? The guards report seeing an unnaturally bright light, its heat was so intense they could feel it at the end of the corridor.
These scorch marks would seem to support their story.
They appear to have been there for some time.
Did the guards get a good look at this man? No, it was too dark.
I can see no evidence of magic.
There's a strange odour.
How do you explain that? It's coming from the grain store, there It's, eralecost.
For the tavern.
They use it in their brewing Brewing? Indeed, sire.
It imparts a special flavour.
Very well.
It was clearly Gilli, judging by the scorch marks and the odour.
There's an old healing spell, it's crude but it works.
You heat the skin to coagulate the blood and it cauterises the wound.
His shoulder? No wonder he didn't want any treatment.
You'll have to talk to him before it's too late.
KNOCK AT THE DOOR Who is it? Merlin.
Come to see how you are.
It's a lot better.
Can I have a look? There's nothing to see.
The way you fought earlier That was incredible.
Yeah? For someone your size, to go and beat a man like that.
I'm sure a lot of people are going to think you're using magic.
I'm not going to tell anyone.
I'm not using magic.
You don't have to fear me.
It bears the mark of the Old Religion.
Where did you get it from? My father.
He left it me.
Did he have the same powers as you? He was a gifted man, but he would not touch magic.
He vowed never to use it.
He feared it, wouldn't even let me talk about it.
Why? He was scared Uther would find out, that the King would discover he was a sorcerer.
Even when he was attacked - he had three men on him - he still wouldn't use this.
Is that how he died? I'm not going to be like him.
Because you want to be proud of who you are? All these questions You remind me of someone I know.
Who? You saved my life and I'm trying to save yours.
You need to withdraw from the tournament.
It's an open competition.
You're supposed to be able to use whatever skills you have.
Fighting skills.
You're not a swordsman or a gladiator.
Fighting is not your talent.
Magic is.
Then why can't I use it? Because it's banned.
Without magic, I'm a nobody.
People think they can kick dirt in my face.
You're not a nobody.
Then let me prove that.
If you continue to use magic here .
you'll be caught.
Uther will have you executed.
CHEERING CHEERING CHEERING Have you seen who you're to face in the semi-final tomorrow? HE LAUGHS You might need to put in some practice.
Well, the crowds are really looking forward to it.
So am I.
It should be quite a match.
APPLAUSE Seems like you're my next opponent.
Excuse me.
Can you let me past, please? No, because I want you to help me decide .
which of these I'm going to kill you with.
GASPING SAD, EPIC MUSIC I've never killed a man before.
I just wanted to feel .
what it was like to be .
But this I'm not a killer.
This isn't me.
You need to withdraw.
I'm going to.
There he is! CHEERING AND APPLAUSE Drinks are on the house! Three cheers for Gilli! Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, horray! What do I do, Merlin? If I fight my father tomorrow, the way I can, I'll show him up, I'll humiliate him in front of his people.
Or worse, I could wound him, even kill him.
He's not going to back down.
He's determined to prove himself.
You have to let him win.
You don't have to put up with the gloating.
Do you have any idea what it's like to live with a man who constantly thinks he's the best? Mmm Must be irritating.
And you.
You'll need it.
Don't be so sure, father.
When I was your age, I conquered Camelot.
I didn't inherit this Kingdom, I won it.
One day you'll be strong enough to take my crown, but not yet.
Ready? Ready.
I thought you said you were ready.
Need a breather, father? Footwork.
Always was your weakness.
That can't have been easy.
If he wasn't my father The King's through to the final.
You need to worry about who he might be facing next.
CHEERING I thought you said the boy was going to withdraw.
That's what I thought.
We'll have to warn the King.
Why are you protecting him? You know what Uther will do.
Gilli is using magic for his own gain.
It's corrupting him, poisoning him.
Just let me talk to him.
I fear it's too late.
Gaius, please.
You taught me what magic was for, you gave me the opportunity to be the person that I am today.
I've had you to help me.
Give me one more chance to talk to him.
We'll have to put an end to this.
If he fights tomorrow, either his magic will be found out or, worse, the King will die.
Now, a lot of people ask me, how did he fall on his back? I just tripped him like that.
I mean, I'm strong.
You don't realise.
What's this about? Your opponent.
Thought you might like to know how he is.
Is he all right? Gaius thinks he'll pull through but .
he might not have been so lucky.
It could've been me that got injured.
I thought you weren't going to fight.
You've seen the way people are now.
They're showing me respect.
You don't know what that's like for me.
I do.
No-one does.
tobe more powerful than any man you know and have to live like a shadow.
Tobe special and have to pretend you're a fool.
I know how it feels.
I understand.
Then you understand why I have to fight.
If Uther is killed, so what? How many of our kind have died at his hands? How many more will? It's time those with magic fought back.
Gilli You can't tell me what to do! You need to learn to use your magic for good.
That is its true purpose.
It's not meant for your own vanity.
I'm not going to apologise for who I am! You can be a servant and pretend you're less than them.
That's not what I do! No? You're defending the King! Protecting a man that would have you dead.
I'm protecting you.
You've been pretending for so long now that you've actually forgotten who you are.
That's not true.
Isn't it? No.
It's time someone struck a blow for the likes of you and me.
And if you're too weak, then I will.
Oh, drakon, mala soi fthengometh tesd' hup anankes erkheo HE CONTINUES INVOKING A SPELL I was beginning to hope you'd forgotten me.
I don't think so.
The problem is, young warlock, that you wish to talk, but you don't wish to listen.
The last time we met, you chose to ignore my advice and overrule me.
I'm sorry.
A Dragonlord should never abuse their power.
What reason do you have to summon me this time? You are a creature of magic and only a creature of magic could hope to understand.
Uther is to fight a young sorcerer in the tournament tomorrow.
Gaius wants me to prevent him from using magic.
But if I do that, there is every chance he will die.
Your choice is a hard one, young warlock.
Yet you, like I, must hold hope that Arthur will bring about a new age, an age where the likes of you and I are respected once again.
If he sees his father killed through the use of magic, it will harden his mind forever.
There must be someother way.
To see one of your kin die is never an easy thing.
But all great struggles demand sacrifice.
I am sorry, young warlock.
I wish I had some words to help you.
Some choices are easy.
Somestay with you forever.
I've come to wish you luck.
Against a boy? He's reached the final.
Arthur, even you could beat him.
For glory.
I didn't have a choice.
You did what you had to do, and you betrayed your kind.
No, that was you.
You betrayed us.
You'd won, but you were going to kill the King anyway? There's no honour in that.
Come on, look inside yourself.
You're better than this.
Magic is not meant for fighting, it's not meant to bring you glory.
I never understood my father.
I thought that he was afraid of magic, but he wasn't.
He was afraid of what it can do, how it can corrupt.
I know now that he was strong.
Well, he was stronger than me.
I'm sorry.
I know it doesn't seem like it now, but one day magic will be permitted once again.
And when that day arrives, you will no longer have to hide who you are.
Your gifts will be recognised and we will be free.
Who knows, maybe then our paths will cross again.
I hope so.
Oh, they will.
We're kin.
I thought the boy was going to kill me.
So did I.
Then suddenly, the old fighting spirit kicked in.
I dug deep, found my strength and the whole thing just began to flow.
I felt at one with the sword.
My feet moved instinctively.
And now you're champion once again.
Maybe you can give Arthur some lessons.
It is I who learnt a great deal from our fight.
I can't see what.
He's a far better warrior than you think.
It is Arthur who should have claimed the prize.
But sadly, he wasn't good enough.
Because he threw the fight that I might save face.
You knew? I have followed your progress with a sword since you were a boy.
I know your abilities better than anyone.
I am eternally grateful.
I hope that when you are King and have sons of your own, that they will afford you the same honour.
Indeed, the most satisfying outcome of the tournament is that Arthur's actions have shown me that he is now truly ready to be King.
I'm proud of you.
I don't deserve it.
You're being hard on yourself.
All right.
What are you doing?! You said you didn't deserve it.
Gaius, I haven't eaten.
Pity, it's delicious.
Gaius! HE LAUGHS All right.
THEY LAUGH The Cup of Life will soon be in our hands.
It's imperative that we get to the Cup before he does.
With such a weapon at their disposal, Camelot would be all but lost.
Stop! Get the Cup, then kill them.

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