Stargate SG-1 s03e11 Episode Script

Past and Present

(chevrons locking) Anybody get the feeling these folks|don't do a lot of travellin'? It looks like it hasn't been used at all.
Well, they might not even|know what the gate is.
- It might be just an artefact to them.
|- It's possible.
You could stand here for months pressing|symbols and still not open a wormhole.
(whispering) O'Neill.
Sh! It was like an explosion, Orner.
I heard it.
- There wasn't any explosion.
|- I heard something.
It was a big - A big what?|- Hello! You heard us.
Where did you come from? - How did you get in here?|- Door was open.
Is there anyone around here|who might be considered in charge? (clears throat) Me! Show me your papers.
We don't really have any papers.
|We're travellers.
We've come to meet you.
- To meet me?|- Not you! Actually, I meant your people.
I'm Daniel.
This is Major Carter|and Jack O'Neill and Teal'c.
Who'd give you a name like Teal'c? It was given by my father.
|It means strength.
You remember your father? For as long as I draw breath.
Then you could have not been here|at the time of the Vorlix.
That doesn't ring a bell.
It was the day that all we know|of ourselves was taken away.
We can only remember|the days since the Vorlix.
Before that nothing.
Don't detect anything|out of the ordinary, sir.
Neither did the MALP.
I think we're OK.
The MALP is worthless.
You I'll trust.
You needn't worry, friend.
Ke'ra says whatever it was that caused|the Vorlix came and went a year ago.
At least a year.
In the first days after the Vorlix,|well, there was panic and confusion.
It's hard to be precise.
So you all just woke up one day|and didn't know who you were.
How does that work? My first memory after the Vorlix was of|running in the streets, as if for my life.
She was running right there|beside me whoever she is.
Seems like some kind|of mass amnesia, sir.
Hm? It happened to a friend during|the Gulf War.
She was knocked out.
When she came to, her memories|and identity before the crash were gone.
So everybody here took a hit to the head? Well No, sir.
I I'm not sure|what could cause amnesia on this scale.
I've never before encountered|such an occurrence.
- All of our elders are missing as well.
|- You remember elders? No, but there are photographs|of them in every house.
- The children are gone, too.
|- If we ever had children.
Well, we weren't grown on trees.
Then why have we photographs of elders|and none of children, hm? Daft.
But if you do have any information|we could use, you must see Ke'ra.
That's the second time|you've mentioned that name.
You don't know who Ke'ra is.
She is minister of health, science,|and restructuring the Vyus government.
- Busy gal.
|- We're all busy.
Well, we would be lost without her.
|And you know it.
Well After you.
You needn't flatter her|when she isn't in the room! - I'll take them.
You go home.
|- Well, don't expect supper! Never do.
- Ke'ra, some people want to see you.
|- They will have to wait, Orner.
- Does that help?|- No.
I can't breathe.
Those with food allergies|can't remember them.
Well, it looks like she's going|into anaphylactic shock.
Breathe now.
- There.
Better?|- Yes.
- Thank you.
|- Rest here a while.
Orner, you were about to|introduce your friends.
They are travellers, Ke'ra, from far away.
I can see that.
Uh O'Neill, Carter, Daniel and Teal'c.
So I'm guessing you were or are a doctor.
It seems to me that|before the Vorlix I helped others.
That is all that I sense.
- Are you?|- A doctor? No no.
Uh Well, yes.
Um I'm a doctor of archaeology.
|I study the past.
Then you are a most welcome|visitor here, Daniel.
They were not here|at the time of the Vorlix.
You've done absolutely the right thing|in bringing them here, Orner.
Thank you.
He fervently believes|we are husband and wife .
and that we need not wait till we regain|our memories to renew our relationship.
Perhaps you can help us.
Please, follow me.
This room has all of the knowledge|and research we've been able to recover.
I've spent every waking hour in here,|reading, searching Dispensing whatever|useful information I find.
If you were able to help us, I know|our people would be eternally grateful.
- You seem to have things under control.
|- On the contrary, sir.
We're falling apart.
Industry and|agriculture on Vyus has come to a halt.
And when winter comes,|it will be disastrous.
Nothing less.
- You're not from Vyus.
|- What gave us away? Whatever agent caused the Vorlix is gone,|but its effects were pandemic.
If you know who you are,|then you cannot be of this world.
Well, you know that big, round ring thing|stashed in a warehouse down the road? So it is a transportation device.
- (Teal'c) So it is.
|- We call it a Stargate.
Stargate, yes.
Um Dr Zirvis mentioned|that word in his research.
Though I have given up hope of finding|this Dr Zirvis amongst our people, .
his papers have taught me much.
"Our visitor claims to have come to Vyus|from beyond the stars themselves, .
though I cannot comprehend the science|behind this Stargate device she used.
" I have studied this device,|but have been unable to activate it.
Ke'ra, could you go back to the part|about the visitor again? She's mentioned many times|in the archive.
- What can you tell us about her?|- She was somewhat of an apothecary.
- And she did not survive the Vorlix.
|- How do you know? The bodies of an elder woman and man|were discovered days later .
in a building destroyed by explosion -|the only remains of elders we've found.
We deduce the male|must have been Dr Zirvis .
and the female matches what little|description his notes gave of the visitor.
- What is the name of this elder woman?|- It is mentioned.
Here, yes.
"She calls herself Linea.
" Colonel.
Oh, hi.
What's your name? I have told Dr Fraiser this may be|the planet Linea escaped to.
I'd like to know|what we're dealin' with here.
Sounds like a world-class|case of amnesia.
- Check these people out, will ya?|- Yes, sir.
Let's, um set up over here.
I keep finding references|to something called Dargol.
Yes, I found Dargol was a chemical|once used as a pesticide.
It seems to have had an impact on the|environment and has since been banned.
Yes, we had a similar problem|on my world with a chemical called DDT.
It built up in the food chain|until entire species were threatened.
I first believed that Dargol|was related to our loss of memory, .
but there's little evidence of it.
I have found residue only in the bodies|of those who have died since the Vorlix.
What? Sometimes images of people|look familiar to me.
I wonder if I knew|this person or that person.
There are still so many questions.
|Why are there no images of children? Where have our elders gone? Through your Stargate, perhaps.
Well, it's possible that|your people foresaw a disaster .
and sent the most helpless to safety.
No, Daniel.
Whatever happened|happened quickly, without warning.
How do you know that? Because, if you saw disaster coming,|you would have left yourselves a note? Sort of a "to whom it may concern"? (Ke'ra giggles) Sir? Oh I was just thinking about amnesia.
It doesn't quite track|with Linea's nickname.
- Destroyer of Worlds.
|- Yeah.
That one.
Well, actually,|in sort of a sick way, it does.
Ke'ra said herself their society was on the|verge of collapse.
This world is in trouble.
Perhaps Linea was experimenting|with other ways to destroy worlds.
Variety being the spice of life and all? The fact is, sir,|we let Linea out of Hadante prison.
We gave her all she needed|to know about the Stargates - .
to go anywhere she wanted.
|- I know.
We're responsible, sir.
I know.
Tell me of Linea.
Well, uh basically,|we met her on a visit to another planet .
during which we were imprisoned,|unjustly, and Linea helped us escape.
Well, surely there was nothing wrong|with that if you were imprisoned unjustly.
Well, she was imprisoned justly.
It was after we escaped that we learned|that this nice older lady .
was in fact a very, very bad older lady|who had committed terrible crimes.
What crimes? She created a plague that almost|wiped out an entire people.
They called her Destroyer of Worlds.
She found your world because of us,|through one of our computers.
And that's why we're gonna do|everything in our power to help.
I know you will.
I may have something.
What? I think it's Linea's diary.
|I remember seeing her with it.
Your diagnosis was bang on, Major.
|Now, sir I can either take several weeks|setting up a lab here, .
going back for computer analysis, .
or we go back with volunteers,|do a series of MRls .
and get answers a lot faster.
I would be glad to volunteer,|and so would others.
As long as we maintain proper quarantine|procedures, it shouldn't be a problem, sir.
All right.
I'll go back and brief Hammond.
I believe I can help.
I'm sure you can.
(chevrons locking) You guys go ahead|and show 'em how easy it is.
We'll see you on the other side.
- I I can't.
|- Trust these people, as you trust me.
- You all right?|- Incredible.
- Am I in one piece?|- Yes, Orner.
One skinny little piece.
- General Hammond, this is Ke'ra.
|- It's a pleasure, Ke'ra.
On behalf of the government of Vyus, .
we thank you for your generosity|and your support, General.
Daniel, you wanna show 'em|to the infirmary? Thank you.
Colonel, what if Dr Fraiser is unable|to reverse whatever caused this? I don't know.
Now, if you look at the blue areas,|you all have the same obstructions .
in your temporal lobes|and hippocampus of your brain.
I'm not sure what it is, except it's some|sort of residue between the synapses.
So your memories may be intact.
|They're just not accessible.
- So their memories are just blocked.
|- Literally, yes.
And does this material match|the Dargol residue I gave you? We'll be able to confirm that quickly.
And if it can be removed|without damaging the neurons Then we can be cured.
We need only to find the right medicine|to dissolve the residue.
- It is more difficult than it sounds.
|- Then we should start immediately.
Ke'ra, we've been at it for a long time|and I still have some tests to run, so - So why don't I give you the 50-cent tour?|- Yes.
Thank you.
Your complex is incredible, Daniel.
|Your technology.
I never dreamed of such marvels.
- Thank you.
|- You're welcome.
Is it morning or night on the surface?|May we see for ourselves? Uh No, not yet.
Soon, though, I hope.
I hope so, too.
So this is it.
Uh It's not much of a view,|but it's got all the comforts of You've been very kind.
Thank you.
So there are clothes in the dresser.
- Uh, some are sort of|- Is my clothing unsuitable? No! No, no, no.
It's No, it's, um It's fine.
I was just, uh Are you hungry? Uh, cos I can I can have them|send something down.
You're hungry.
I'm hungry.
Let's get|something.
You want something? - Yes.
|- Right.
Since the Vorlix, close contact|has become almost taboo.
We were afraid that if we ever|regained our memories Mm-hm.
You'd find yourself|waking up beside the wrong person.
But you are not from Vyus.
No, I'm not from there.
|From Vyus, no.
Ke'ra - I understand.
|- No.
You don't.
I mean, um OK.
I'm finding myself very, very very But, uh The fact is I've only|just recently lost my wife.
And, uh Well, that's not totally true.
|I actually really lost her a long time ago.
But the fact is I don't think|I would trust myself completely to - I'm sorry.
I interrupted you.
|- No, you didn't.
No, uh - I wasn't gonna say|- I had to do that.
I had to do that in case, .
when my memory returns,|I find myself attached to someone else .
and I am unable to ever do it again.
I understand.
That's That's probably why I should do this.
- You were lookin' for me?|- Yes, sir.
I've been studying Linea's journals.
She found a link between Dargol -|it's a chemical pesticide - and longevity.
What's a bug spray to do with longevity? It seems it was having the effect|of slowing the ageing process.
Not in an extreme way,|but certainly significant enough.
- Lucky bugs.
|- Yes and no.
They stopped using it over 20 years ago.
|It was adversely affecting their fertility.
- So no kids.
|- Right.
Linea was trying to enhance|the life-extending properties of Dargol - .
to create a sort of Fountain of Youth.
|- She was trying to make herself young? According to her last entry, Linea was|about to conduct some lab experiments, .
using an intensely concentrated form|of Dargol, on two Vyan elders.
A male and a female.
And? And that's where her journal ends.
Ah! - The Vorlix, perhaps?|- Exactly.
What if there was a laboratory accident? A massive chain reaction of enhanced|Dargol gas that caught Linea by surprise.
The entire population|becomes young again overnight.
You realise, of course, the implication.
Um Their elders aren't missing, sir.
|They are the elders.
The Fountain of Youth worked.
|The amnesia was simply a side effect.
Uh Wait a minute.
Linea is dead, right? Well If the two bodies that Ke'ra found were|the elders Linea was experimenting on - Don't say it, Carter.
|- Sir, we wouldn't recognise her.
Don't (sings) La la la Sir, she has the knowledge of chemistry,|the medical skills.
I think we have to at least face|the possibility that Ke'ra is Linea.
(Hammond) She's also|a victim of the amnesia? - (O'Neill) It fits.
|- It fits.
What about the body of the old woman|they found that fits Linea's description? Linea's first victim.
Daniel, you saw the test results.
|What more do you need? Ke'ra's DNA matches the samples|I took from Linea.
It's irrefutable.
Irrefutable! OK! So let's just lock her up,|throw away the key.
Or send her back to where we found her.
Linea, Daniel.
She used to be Linea.
We're lucky she didn't|knock us off before.
A question.
Who would you trust with|your life more than anyone in the world? I won't be offended if you don't pick me.
|Could it be Teal'c? Sure.
Teal'c, just refresh my memory.
|What was your previous occupation? - I was first prime of Apophis.
|- Right.
- Did a few nasty things back then?|- We see the point you're trying to make.
No, you don't.
She is not the same person.
She is not who she used to be.
Let's not condemn her|for who she may have been in the past.
I think we should keep her|confined to her quarters .
until we can resolve|the Vyans' medical crisis.
- Colonel O'Neill, perhaps you'd inform|- I'll inform her.
Daniel! What's wrong? - We have work to do.
|- There are quarantine procedures .
that General Hammond is insisting on.
|He's, uh - You have to stay here a while.
|- But I am not contagious.
- I know.
|- Then why? I can't tell you everything, but the Vorlix|was more than just losing your memories.
- Is that why there are guards outside?|- No.
That's standard procedure.
- If you say so.
|- I do say so.
So I'll come visit you|in a little while, OK? Is Dr Fraiser still working|towards a cure for amnesia? Yes Yes, she is.
- So I can rest assured?|- Yes.
Oh, my! There is a distinct lack of|optimism in this room.
We've been working to dissolve|a chemical inside the brain .
without harming surrounding tissue|and it is not easy.
- What have you learned?|- That it could take years, sir.
We don't have that much time.
Unless we get help.
From? Ke'ra, sir.
- Absolutely not.
|- (Fraiser) Sir.
I don't like the idea any more than you.
But without her knowledge of|biochemistry, especially of Dargol, .
we may not reverse the amnesia in time|to prevent a catastrophe on Vyus.
Doctor, you're asking me to allow|a known homicidal maniac .
to work with potentially|lethal substances.
Yes, sir.
But with all due respect,|Daniel may be right.
Ke'ra may be an entirely different person|than Linea without Linea's memories.
Excuse me! Amnesia check.
- "Destroyer of Worlds"?|- (Carter) Sir Ke'ra wants nothing more|than to help her people.
As long as she doesn't take the antidote - There won't be one without her help.
|- So it's up to you, sirs.
I think a precaution or two|might be in order, sir.
You're right about that, Colonel.
It's all right.
- What have I done, Daniel?|- Nothing.
They're just going to escort us|to the medical lab.
I'll stay with you.
Dr Fraiser needs your help.
Be careful, Ke'ra.
That could become|unstable or even explosive.
An unbalanced mixture|could create a poisonous gas.
We must not exceed a 3% solution.
- She's brilliant.
|- Yes, she is.
She's so far ahead of us, Daniel,|it's frightening.
There is some danger.
|I would like to test it on myself.
- That's not an option.
|- May I ask why? Because if it's unsuccessful,|we'll need your help again.
If it's unsuccessful, Orner may die.
|I would never forgive myself.
Then I forgive you now.
I know how important|this is to our people.
It must be injected directly into|the carotid artery.
Right here.
You ready? (heart monitor bleeps) How do you feel?|The effect should be almost immediate.
- I feel something.
|- (faster bleeping) Are you recalling anything? Orner! Help me hold him down.
(continuous bleep) He's not breathing.
|There's no pulse.
It's a code blue! One, and two, and three, and four Come on.
Wait a minute.
He's stabilising.
(regular bleeping) Help me get him up.
Do you remember? - I am sorry.
|- Next time it will work.
I believe I know where I miscalculated.
|May we begin again? Let's see how Orner feels in a little while.
The effect would have been immediate.
|We must try again.
Dr Fraiser's right.
|We should probably take a break.
As you wish.
- Daniel, may we speak alone?|- Yes.
I'm just gonna stay for a minute.
- I will accompany you.
|- Teal'c.
I'm concerned only for your welfare,|Daniel Jackson.
I know.
- Very well.
|- Thank you.
- They believe I am Linea.
|- Yes.
Do you? The Vorlix made|the population of Vyus younger.
Years younger.
You couldn't find the elders|because you were the elders.
How can you believe that? There is a test.
|It compares what we call DNA.
- It proves you and Linea are one person.
|- Well, the test is wrong.
I'm not Linea.
No, you're not.
You're Ke'ra now.
Ke'ra's wonderful.
And as long as you remain that person,|that will never change.
You're telling me that I will never|be able to take the antidote.
I would never harm anyone, Daniel.
Do you believe me? I do.
Hey! Heard the test didn't go too well.
She'll figure it out.
I'm not saying the first woman you've|fallen for since Sha're isn't a peach, .
but if she remembers who she is,|you'll be the first to go.
The 800-microlitre potency|is ready for a prelim.
- May l?|- Yes.
It's working.
- You're right.
|- This potency will provide our antidote.
Thank you, Ke'ra.
|We'll take it from here.
But I can assist you.
Uh Ke'ra We should perform the test|once more to be sure.
I think it's better if we do this ourselves.
|Thank you.
I see.
May I return later to observe the test? - Sure.
|- Thank you.
This time it will work.
Are you feeling any pain? Something.
Not pain.
Orner, are you all right? My real name is Nodaal.
I remember everything.
Thank you.
And are we married after all? No.
I'm afraid I am married to Layale.
And who's that? You.
For 43 years! Before the Vorlix,|you and I had not met yet.
I am pleased for you.
You must take the antidote now.
I cannot.
They will explain.
What will be done with me? If you don't take the antidote, I see|no reason why you can't go back to Vyus.
- I intend to ask them.
|- They'll fear me.
I would.
For all that you've done for them,|they'll be grateful.
All debts have now been paid.
I'll come back after I've had a chance|to speak with your people.
I shall miss you, Daniel.
- You've taken the antidote.
|- Leave, Daniel.
You said "All debts have now been paid.
"|That was the message Linea left behind.
Was it? - Did you take the antidote?|- I had to know! I didn't believe you! - Ke'ra.
|- I'm not Ke'ra, am l? - I am the murderer that you said I was.
|- No, you're not.
I need only smash these vials together|to create a poisonous gas in this room.
I only want to harm myself.
|I don't want you to be here, please.
You'll have to kill me, too,|because I'm staying.
All right, Layale.
You're next.
Colonel, a vial and ampoule are missing.
I deserve to die.
- I don't believe that.
|- You don't understand.
There's a part of me|that cares for you, Daniel.
More than I've cared|for anyone I've ever known.
But there is this other part of me|that would gladly watch you die! - Step aside, Daniel.
|- Don't! There's another way.
Move! - Give me the vials.
You need not do this.
|- There are two people inside of me.
And one of them is a monster.
In time, she will win.
You won't hurt me|because there's another way, Ke'ra.
I'm not her! No, you're not.
But you can be her again.
You can forget.
All you have to do is forget.
Ke'ra It's all right.
You're among friends.
Do you remember anything? Nothing.
Your name is Ke'ra.
You've been a visitor here.
Now it's time to go home.
- (Layale) She did this willingly?|- Yes.
With her help, we were able to synthesise|a small amount of the enhanced Dargol .
and reintroduce it into her bloodstream.
Her memory is gone again.
Ke'ra, these are friends of mine -|Teal'c, Jack, General Hammond, Sam.
And these are friends of yours.
|They've come to take you home.
- Do you know me?|- We do, Ke'ra.
We understand|that you've lost your memory.
Know that you are a great leader of|our people, and you are most welcome.
I sense we knew each other well|before my memory was lost.
Did we? No.
No, we never really did.
Goodbye, Ke'ra.

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