The Baxters (2024) s03e11 Episode Script

God Made Us Three

[Elizabeth] Previously on
The Baxters
We need to talk about
Kari's wedding dress.
What if he shuts us both out?
I'm terrified, Mom.
Would you be comfortable
giving me Ashley's number?
I'm always gonna be here
to make you feel better.
Excuse me.
Imagine how hard it is for her
to hear that she's
being replaced.
Kari, are you having
second thoughts
about the wedding?
Miss Baxter? Yeah, sickness
taking Adrian's life is SIDA
or as you in America call
[theme song playing]
'Cause life has a way
Of pulling us under ♪
But we'll stick it out ♪
If we got each other ♪
When it all feels too much ♪
I know you'll come running
For me ♪
Through the highs and lows
We'll find our way home ♪
Family ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Family ♪
I feel like I'm
forgetting something.
Ash, you've double
Triple checked.
-You're not
-Cole's already with mom
Portfolio's been shipped.
Keys and car's almost here.
Hey, Ash.
I'm really proud of you.
Keep me posted
from LA, okay?
Okay. Bye.
[Ashley] Hey.
What are you doing here?
Hey, Ash. Can we
talk for a few minutes?
Yeah, but can't it wait?
I'm on my way to the airport.
No, no, it really can't.
This is important.
I overheard your phone call
at Mom and Dad's.
Ashley, I know about Adrian.
Brooke, my ride's here,
I have to go.
Ashley, listen to me.
This is serious.
I really think that you should
stay home and get tested
as soon as possible.
Yeah, I will,
when I get back.
Ashley, if you test positive,
you need to start
treatment immediately.
I said I don't
have time for this.
I am literally on
my way to the airport.
Ashley, I love you,
and I
I don't know what I would do
if something happened to you.
Adrian didn't have it
when we were together.
How can you be sure?
I know that I don't
need to tell you this,
but if you contracted
the virus,
then Cole could have it too.
Cole is perfectly healthy.
He's fine.
I think it's important
that we rule it out.
I have to go to
the gallery opening, okay.
My future depends on it.
[peppy song playing]
When's your future fiancee
getting here?
When does Ashley get in here?
She got in late last night.
That's why you're tired.
No, I haven't seen her yet.
Her big show's tonight.
So I'm meeting her
at the gallery.
And I need to leave here by,
like, 4:30 maybe 4:00.
I gotta go home, take a shower,
change, get all the supplies.
-And then I gotta
-Deep breaths, buddy.
It's gonna be amazing.
You think you can cover
for me tonight while I'm gone?
It'd be my honor.
-Thanks, bro.
-No problem, dude.
Oh, help me finish
this truck, though.
[man] So,
how was everybody's day?
[music playing on earphones]
It was
It was pretty good.
-Yeah, mine was good, too.
[girl 1] We had
that quiz again.
I don't know
if it went the best.
-[girl 2] Yeah.
-Believe in yourself.
Should we begin?
[girls] Yes.
Okay, so today
we're gonna talk about
[increases music volume]
Can you help me out? ♪
Can you help me out? ♪
-[Kari] Almost ready
with the next one.
-[Elizabeth] Okay.
Say a little prayer.
Mom, the wedding is so soon.
If we don't pick
a dress today,
Kari's gonna be walking
down the aisle in jeans.
-Oh, wow.
That's so pretty.
You look beautiful, Kari.
-[Erin] Yeah.
[Elizabeth] It's beautiful.
-Honey, it's gorgeous.
-You look so pretty.
Oh, and I love the cut.
So pretty.
-[Kari sighs]
-Oh, no.
Wait, wait. We can't decide
without the finishing touch.
-Oh, wow.
-That's really special.
It's pretty.
I feel a "but" coming.
It's just not the one.
Plenty more to see.
-Let me go pull some
from the racks.
I should go home.
I left Jessie
with Diane hours ago.
I'm sorry.
Oh, honey. Don't worry.
Ryan adores you.
And he wouldn't care
if you walk down the aisle
wearing one of
the pretty dresses
-that are already
in your closet.
He asked me the other day
if I'm having second thoughts.
I didn't know
how to answer him.
Are you?
Preparing for
this wedding with Diane here
has been really hard.
I feel like I can't let myself
picture the day,
which is why
I can't picture the dress.
Well, why don't you try
to picture it right now?
Just close your eyes.
Come on, Kari, it'll be fun.
Imagine this is
the morning of your wedding
and you're about to walk
through the church doors,
catch a glimpse
of yourself in a mirror.
What does your dress look like?
Okay, um
It has long sleeves.
They're a delicate lace,
the bodice is simple.
Just white
it has a full skirt,
but not too full, you know.
Honestly, it's a dress
you don't see in stores
these days.
Something with a history
as amazing as Ryan and mine.
I have one last idea
up my sleeve.
[hip-hop music playing
on earphones]
-[phone chimes]
-[music stops]
[girl 1] in a while,
so, I think I've forgotten
a bit of it.
[girl 2] Peter's Story
is one of my favorites.
It's the one I go to
whenever I feel myself
questioning my faith.
[man] Peter was considered
one of Jesus' most
devoted followers.
But then I know that
he denied him three times.
Jesus took a man who blatantly
denied him in one moment,
and the next establishes him
as the rock of his church.
That's the God
of new beginnings.
[girl 2] How did Jesus
even trust Peter?
It just doesn't make sense
when so many others were loyal.
Feels like Peter
was just let back in
without consequences.
Yeah, totally.
I don't know.
Proverbs 17:9, says,
"Love prospers
when a fault is forgiven."
So Peter found his way back.
I like to think
he was never fully gone.
Peter could have gone
far away from Jesus,
but he cared too much for that.
He stayed among his community,
even through his
anger and confusion.
Maybe he knew that
he needed them to find
his way back to his faith.
God knows we have doubts.
Like Peter. Jesus gave room
for Peter's doubt.
And Peter came home.
What are you
Ashley Baxter,
I fell for you on the zoo trip
in Mr. Garrett's
fifth grade class.
And every single day since,
I've loved you more.
My heart belongs to you.
For a very long time, I've
I've wanted to
ask you one question.
will you marry me?
I, uh
it's a yes or no question.
[woman] Hello?
Can I come in?
Yeah, that's fine.
Did you finish
whatever your surprise was
for our star on her big night?
Yeah, we're done here.
Thanks for letting me in early.
[woman] Sure,
hope it was a hit.
Oh, why the long face?
Tonight is the night
that's gonna change
your life forever.
I need to see a smile.
Okay. We'll work on that.
I need to steal you for a sec.
I just I can't figure out
where to put our programs
with your gorgeous face
on them.
Yeah, sure.
Yeah? Okay.
[knocking on door]
Hi, Luke.
[Elizabeth] This has been in
my family for generations.
Oh, Mom. Grandma's dress.
Mm-hm. Yes.
I wore it.
And now maybe you'll
continue the tradition.
I've only ever seen it
in pictures. It's
It's in perfect shape.
-It's beautiful, right?
Lace sleeves,
simple bodice,
full, but not
obnoxiously full skirt.
I guess we've
had similar visions.
You want to try it on?
I love it.
But if it doesn't fit,
we don't have time
to get it altered.
I just have a feeling
about it, you know?
Take it home. Right?
When you're in
the right heart space,
you can try it on.
[phone chimes]
Everything okay?
Um, Diane wants to talk to me
and Ryan about something.
Okay. Well,
maybe it's a good thing.
I don't know.
She's been pretty quiet
since we were here
the other day
for Maddie's party.
She's a lovely,
intelligent woman, Kari.
And she loves and cares
about you very much.
A lot has happened
since you left.
Yeah, for me, too.
I mean, we obviously
have so much to talk about.
But after my dad died,
I freaked out.
I couldn't face it.
Any of it.
Then nine months later,
this little miracle
came into my life.
-Is he
His name is Thomas Luke.
After my dad and
his dad.
I call him Tommy.
[chuckles] Tommy.
Hey, Tommy.
[inaudible conversation]
My feet are frozen ♪
Wanna run but I can't move ♪
Cannot disappear ♪
I know I have to choose ♪
Where is the me I imagined ♪
Feel my dreams
Slipping away ♪
So I close my eyes ♪
And try not to fade away ♪
If I could rewind time
Would I regret it? ♪
Is it worth all the time
For me to forget it? ♪
[breathing heavily]
You're okay.
You're okay.
You're okay.
Oh, there you are.
I have been looking
everywhere for you.
A buyer is asking
to meet you.
Well, Ashley, they won't
wait around forever.
This is your moment.
Come. Come. Come.
It's perfect.
You're already here?
Sorry, I was gone for so long.
Oh, honey, no problem.
Jessie and I had
a fabulous time.
We even danced to a little
Miles Davis in the living room.
Oh, I love that.
Um, thank you both
for making the time
this evening, um
There's a few things I need
to say to the two of you.
Come, sit.
I think you both know
that I wish Tim was here.
I wish I could see
my sweet granddaughter
in my own baby's arms.
And yes, it has
been really hard
to be among all this talk
about your wedding
and your future.
I don't wish away
what you two have now.
I walked away from you
at Maddie's welcome home party
because my heart was torn.
I can understand that.
I saw what a loving
and strong father figure
you're gonna be for Jessie.
And it made me realize
it is time for me
to start letting go of the idea
that my granddaughter
can only be raised by Tim.
Thank you.
And Kari,
thank you for choosing
such a loving partner.
It's gonna be a beautiful home.
Now, I'm not gonna lie and say
that this isn't hard,
but when it gets hard,
I think of Tim.
And I know Tim
would want you and Jessie
to be loved and cared for.
And I know he would believe,
like, I believe
you are following a path
that God has so clearly
laid out for you.
Thank you.
I didn't know how much
I needed to hear that.
I know.
Um, I bought this
when Tim called me to tell me
that you were pregnant.
And I want you to have it.
Only keeping this
if you promise
to come back
and read it to her.
I promise.
Okay. Um
I think it's time for me
to go kiss my grandbaby
one more time
before I head out.
I did not expect that.
Me neither.
I am ready to marry you now.
You don't have to talk to me
if you don't want to.
But at least let me give you
a ride back to your hotel.
Can you just tell me
what I did wrong?
It's nothing you did.
You're amazing.
You're the best guy
I've ever met.
-Then why
-It's me.
Something happened
and it changed everything.
Trust me, you don't
want to marry me.
Nothing could change the fact
that I want to spend the rest
of my life with you, Ash.
You don't get it.
So help me understand.
I'm damaged goods.
You deserve someone better.
Don't talk about
yourself that way.
You don't get it.
whatever it is,
we'll work it out.
The man that
I was with in Paris.
I got a call from his lawyer.
He's dying.
I'm I'm so sorry.
Landon, he's dying of AIDS.
Which means I could
have been infected.
Ash, hey. Ash, Ash.
He has your cheeks.
And your cute little nose.
Oh, he totally has your eyes.
why did you
keep this from me?
I'm so, so sorry.
I just didn't know
how to tell you.
And I just, I felt so guilty.
And I feel so guilty.
Pushed you away from
your faith and your family.
None of that was your fault.
I mean, you left
and then I was crushed.
But I could have
been more persistent.
I gave up.
We both did.
I don't want to
spend another day
without you
or Tommy in my life.
Neither do I, Luke.
But we can't just
rush into this.
Tell me what I can do.
I just want to take this slow.
And another thing.
I want you to work
on things with your family.
Luke, listen,
in order to work on us,
you have to work on yourself.
And you're not alone.
You have a family
that loves you
and fights for you.
Reagan. I'm just
I'm just scared.
I mean, I've lived
my entire life
anchored to a belief that
That I knew with
every fiber of my being
I knew God.
I knew the church.
I had a Bible verse
for every single situation
until the shooting.
And then I realized
I don't know anything.
I don't even know myself.
And it's terrifying.
I completely understand.
But what good
is running gonna do?
My running from you
didn't leave my grief
or my guilt.
You running from your God
and your family isn't
bringing you any comfort.
You're allowed
to wrestle, Luke.
God wants that.
Thank you.
I've missed you so much.
[Landon] Ashley.
Don't leave.
Not without me.
[Elizabeth] Next time
on The Baxters
Sam, there's nothing
more transformative
than the love that
you have for your child.
I just got a text
from our venue.
A septic tank burst.
[Landon] Let's take it
one step at a time, Ash.
First, a test.
Was that the doctor?
What did she say?
[Luke] You don't have to
do this, Reagan.
[Reagan] I want to.
No more secrets, okay?
[Pastor Mariana] I would
like to welcome you
to the wedding ceremony
of Kari Baxter
and Ryan Taylor.
[theme music playing]
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