The Circle (2020) s03e11 Episode Script

Choosing Sides

The battle lines have been drawn,
and influencers Nick and James
are about to decide who will be blocked
and become the latest casualty
of Circle war.
If you have butter-flavored popcorn,
you better grab it now.
It is gonna be interesting,
I tell you what.
[Buteau] Newbie Jacki cannot be sent home,
but everyone else is in the firing line,
as the battle of the alliances begins.
We have definitely got a battle
on our hands.
Two very clear sides.
Neither of us are gonna wanna budge.
We gonna do what I wanna do.
I promise you that, boo. [sips]
I'm so ready. So ready.
Let's start this.
Here we go.
Circle, message, "First off,
huge congratulations, dude.
Great to see you here."
"Excited to figure this out
with you." Send.
I hope me and him both
can be grown-ass men about this
and figure out what's best for our game.
Message, "I couldn't be happier
that I'm doing this for the first time
with a seasoned vet."
"Let's make this happen.
Prayer hands." Send.
So far, seems friendly. [chuckles]
We'll see how long it lasts.
Circle, message,
"What about Kai? Kai is my sister,
and she's been
nothing but nice to me this entire time."
"I have a strong connection with her
to the point
where I can't find anything bad
about her."
"What are your thoughts?
Question mark." Send.
Seems like
a little bit of a cop-out, James.
Circle, message,
"Kai has been here since day one
and is an incredible player."
"I respect the game she is playing
and her carefully crafted messages."
"However, I think
she is our biggest threat
in winning this whole thing."
"She will make big moves for herself."
He went in on Kai.
He was kinda polite about it,
but he wanted to make sure
I know his goal is to get Kai out.
It's not gonna happen.
All right, here we go.
James, "Let's move on to Isabella."
[James] Message, "She seems
like a great person, but the problem is
I have no connection with her in a game
that's about making connections."
"She hasn't tried to start
any conversations with me
or build a relationship, which worries me,
because she's a mystery
this late in the game."
This is definitely James's top target.
'Cause I know there's no way in hell
he's gonna allow her
to be blocked tonight,
just like I won't allow
Kai to be blocked tonight.
Circle, message,
"The person I would like
to rule out is Isabella."
"She is a fantastic girl,
and once you all get to chat,
I know she will be extremely thankful
and loyal."
"You can definitely count on her." Send.
Isabella's already ruled out.
He's not gonna let her go,
so I'm not gonna fight his decision
on this one.
Message, "If you like Isabella,
she has to be an awesome girl,
have to keep Kai."
All right, James,
I like the way you're talking.
Okay, Circle, message,
"I wanna go to the end
with people that I admire,
so let's take Isabella and Kai
out of this discussion."
"So this just leaves us
with Ashley and Daniel Dot, dot, dot."
[inhales] Whoo.
This where it gets tough.
This where it gets hard.
It's gonna come down
to who has the stronger alliance.
Circle, message, "Let's move on to Ashley.
What are you thinking?"
Message, "Ashley has been
entirely phenomenal with me in this game."
"We had a great conversation
about the LGBT community
that was really important
and that I needed to hear."
"But I have heard some bad stories
about her not being trustworthy."
All right.
Circle, message,
"Ashley was the first girl
I talked to on day one,
and I was immediately impressed
by her honesty and genuine kindness."
"Ever since then,
she has been completely trustworthy
and has always kept her word."
[inhales deeply]
[blows raspberry]
Circle, message,
"It is amazing when he is on your side,
but he seems
to sit on the fence quite a bit."
"He has an alliance with me."
"It sounds like he has an alliance
with you and Kai at the moment."
"It is great
that he can get along with so many people,
but he is likely to jump ship, based on
the latest conversation of the day."
"I have a much stronger connection
with Ashley,
and it sounds like you and her had
a completely open, honest,
and meaningful conversation." Send.
It sounds like Daniel has been jumping
on whatever alliance he can.
I'm just trying to figure out
the implications
that could happen from this.
What I'm doing is basically just trying
to paint this picture
of him having a ton of alliances.
Might not be true.
Hopefully, James was a little insecure
about where Daniel sat on the fence,
and, by me saying this,
it'll make him reconsider.
If Daniel is just aligning himself
with us right now
just to make it to the next ratings,
he might not be the best ally.
I do have more of a connection
with Ashley,
but we're so late in the game,
the numbers matter more
than the connection.
Message, "I am really struggling right now
because I enjoy my connection
with both these people."
Circle, message, "Totally agree."
"I love both of them.
They are great people,
but we do have to think
about what is best for us in the game."
This is such a massive blocking.
He's not wrong.
Daniel's just been a number.
I I didn't align myself with Daniel
because I wanted to.
I aligned myself with Daniel
just for numbers.
But Ashley and Kai really don't get along.
So this decision
really could bite Kai in the ass,
and that's what I don't want.
I'm fighting everything in my soul
to try to find something else
to say about Daniel, and I can't.
All right, message,
"You make a lot of great points,
and at the end of the day,
I do have a stronger connection
with Ashley than Daniel."
"But if I agree,
I need something from you."
Oh my God!
Ashley and Isabella are gonna love me.
"I need your word
"I need your word, man-to-man,
that you intend on going to the end
with Kai and I."
My guy! Yes! Brilliant!
Circle, message, "Dude, you have my word,
if I'm an influencer again,
you and Kai are safe. Red heart emoji."
Shit is getting real.
People are gonna be shaken.
[Buteau] They probably will.
Let's shake them up
a little bit more, though, first.
Circle, do your thang.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-Oh God.
This is it. Ugh.
"The influencers
have made their decision."
[groans] This never gets easier.
It never gets easier.
I just hope James stuck to his word.
I'm tingling.
I hope he would fight for us,
because I would've fought for him.
[exhales] Circle, take me to Circle Chat.
I'm so glad I'm sitting at this table
and not in my living room.
I love this place.
I really don't wanna leave.
I wanna win so bad.
My heart has stopped,
and I'm not even getting blocked.
I feel good that James has got my back,
but maybe he could only have my back
to a certain extent.
If Nick's typing, I'm going home.
If James is typing, Ashley's going home.
That's how I look at it.
Oh God.
Come on, James, type.
Come on, James, type.
[smacks lips] Message
Yes! Oh my God! This is Come on!
Oh, James is typing.
Oh, fuckin' shit!
"We have made a decision
that was not an easy one."
"As we are getting to the end of the game,
these decisions do get tougher"
"and I hope you understand
this isn't personal at all."
Oh God! This is so nerve-racking.
Like, it really could be me.
I find it hard to believe
that if James really did not fight for me,
that he would be able to type,
saying, "This is why I did it."
This will be a true testament
of his loyalty.
"The player we have decided to block is"
If I gave up on James,
I couldn't deliver that news to him.
Come on, God. Come on.
He would've said,
"Nick, you have to do it."
Daniel? That's another alliance.
Oh my God. I did it.
I did it. I made it.
I made it. I made it. I'm still here.
[grunts] Ooh!
Yes! Come on.
How did Nick do that?
Ashley and Isabella
have to be stoked right now.
I hope Kai understands
that Daniel had to go.
I know, by the looks of it,
it doesn't sound
like this was best for her,
but I did make a truce with Nick.
And hopefully, I
hopefully, he can stand by that,
that me and Kai will make it
to the finals.
I don't know why he didn't fight for me.
Daniel, I appreciate everything
you've done for me.
I hope, outside this game,
we still could be friends.
It doesn't make sense for his game.
He's going to lose trust
between Kai and Jacki.
-And he really has, like, no one now.
If you're saying
that Isabella is a catfish,
and you're not fighting
for her to be gone,
and you know that Ashley turned on me,
and you might've not been fighting
for her to be gone,
I'm just trying to figure out,
how does Daniel end up being gone
when he's done nothing but be loyal?
[Buteau] Daniel has become
the sixth player blocked from The Circle.
But, Daniel, my king,
don't pack that crown up just yet.
Oh my word.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
What you got for us, alert?
"You can meet one player face-to-face."
Who am I going to meet?
This is a big decision.
Do I want tea? Do I wanna spill the tea?
Do I wanna ruin people's games?
What am I gonna do?
Ooh, that was exhausting.
Oh my gosh. [chuckling]
Damn! Daniel, you blacked out, bruh.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
God. Jesus!
We got an alert, folks!
What more do you want from me?
[chuckling] It's already been
a long, long day.
Daniel might come see me.
Who's Daniel gonna meet?
I would come see me.
Oh God. Oh gosh. This place is a mess.
Ow! [winces]
All righty.
Really nice apartment. Where is she?
-Oh my God.
-Oh my God! She's a catfish.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!
-No, no, no! [giggles]
-Come here. Come here.
Oh my God! It is so nice to meet you.
Oh my God! Please sit on the couch.
[Daniel] Oh my God. Wait.
I have stuffed animals for you
because I would be really sad too.
That's my big sister,
and I'm fucking gay, and I
I know. Hello. I'm Sophia.
I am obsessed with Sophia.
I am so, so, so obsessed!
-[Sophia] Isabella's my older sister.
I chose to be my sister
'cause, like, she's just always been
the most stunning, beautiful, like
I was always the ugly duckling.
She was always the most, like, beautiful.
Everybody, like, sees her
and just looks at her and is like,
"Wow! You're gorgeous," you know?
I know if I play straight,
and I play this, like, hot blonde,
I can get the people
that I wouldn't if I play me.
-You can get the Nick. Period.
-I can get the Nick.
-And it's worked so far.
-Yes, ma'am.
[Sophia] So, I don't know how, so
It's been really hard for me.
It's been really cringey
'cause I'm really gay.
That's my beautiful girlfriend.
Three years. Love her so much. Yeah!
[Daniel] Oh my God! My heart right now.
I am obsessed. I can't. Love her.
This is my lucky vest.
I've had it every time I've done anything.
-[Daniel] Oh my God.
-Yeah, so
Okay, okay, so, I'm gonna give you my tea,
person by person.
Ashley, I feel like,
just watch out for her,
'cause I feel like
she is going to tank you.
Let me give you some tea about James
'cause James
-I know nothing, but he hates me.
-[Daniel] Okay.
He was like,
"Isabella, clearly a catfish."
He said Ashley flips her game
right and left, right and left.
-What the heck?
-[Daniel] We had our alliance.
We had Viva La Revolution. I feel like
-Cute. I love that name.
-I know, right? I try my best.
-[Sophia] No, that's good.
-But look where it got me.
-[Sophia] Yeah!
-Literally, look where it got me.
But James and Nick
are the fakest bitches in here.
Rate freaking Nick is a huge threat.
-Rate him fucking last.
Try to take down the guys,
'cause for some
-James should've kept me safe.
-[Sophia] Yeah.
-And he didn't, so again
-That was wild.
James wants you gone.
James said today, James was like,
"Isabella's my number one target.
I need her gone." I know.
But what I'm gonna try to do is,
in my goodbye message, to be like,
"Some of y'all people
who think are catfishes, like"
I'm gonna make people believe
you are real too. I'm going to do it.
You're the friggin' best, Daniel.
-Again, you've done so good this game.
-[sighs shakily] I feel like I'm trying.
Here's the thing.
You are gonna get to the end.
-You can do it. You've made it this far.
-I got it. I can do it!
-I love you. I'll give you one last hug.
-I'm so happy you came to see me.
I can't wait for us to meet up as friends.
-This made my day. I know, after this
Do it. Do it for your family.
Do what you gotta do.
-All right! I got this.
-I love you, babes. Take it to the end.
[Sophia] Bye! Good night.
Yes, yes, yes!
Ah! [sighs]
What good information!
Wow! I need to write this down. [chuckles]
[Buteau] Daniel may not have learned
how to cook in The Circle,
but he came in
already knowing how to stir the pot,
and after mixing it for the last time,
the other players need to get some rest.
I thought the other days was tiring.
This one was mentally stressful.
This whole, like, choosing sides thing
and numbers thing that we did today,
I really hope it could resolve tomorrow,
and the waters can settle.
And hopefully, we can all just have
that baseline agreement like,
"Guys, now that we're here,
let's maybe enjoy the next
[chuckles] the next little bit."
Let's do this. Peace out.
[all] Good night, Circle.
[Buteau] Have a good sleep, you guys.
God knows y'all gonna need it.
["No More Heroes"
by The Stranglers playing]
[Buteau] Morning in The Circle,
and with the finale in sight,
our players are waking and wondering,
who can they rely on?
[all] Good morning, Circle.
No more heroes anymore ♪
No more heroes ♪
I'm ready for another day,
and I'm happy to be here, darlin'.
Let's get it. [groans]
[Kai] It was a whirlwind yesterday.
I am grateful that I I am staying,
but I just wish I had more alliances
that I could trust in The Circle.
I was thinking that James
would actually watch out for Daniel.
No more heroes anymore ♪
[sighs] It was the right decision for me,
if we're talking game.
It was the right decision
for myself and Kai.
And it it was important
for me to lose that battle
to give me and her a better chance
to potentially win the war.
'Cause we still have numbers.
We just gotta make sure Jacki is with us.
I gotta do
Oh Lord, have mercy!
[Buteau] The Lord may have mercy,
but I'm not so sure about Daniel.
[Sophia gasps]
Sookie, sookie now!
[all] "The Newsfeed has been updated."
I know what this is.
This is my boy Daniel.
I was about to do some cosplay, Circle,
but I guess that will have to wait.
-[all] Circle
-take me to your Newsfeed.
-There it is.
-"Daniel has left a message"
-"for The Circle."
Daniel, you better have kept your word
and made me sound good, boy,
'cause if you come on here
saying you saw a catfish,
I'm gonna be real mad.
I wonder, in his video, if he's gonna drop
a little bomb or a little dig at me.
I would 'cause I'm petty like that.
All right, let's take a watch of this.
Circle, play Daniel's message.
Hey, y'all, it's Daniel,
and I'm 100% real.
I knew it.
I'm 100% that bad bitch,
and I meant what I said to most of y'all.
I am so gutted to be leaving
this late towards the game,
but if y'all can take anything
from my blocking,
it just shows
that not everything is as it seems.
It's very telling that some people said
they have my back and didn't.
And I think it's gonna cost them the game.
I mean, why bring someone into an alliance
when you're gonna get rid of 'em?
Ooh, I'd hate to be James today.
I just wanna wish y'all the best of luck
for the rest of this game.
I'll be rooting for the ones
that I know are real now.
He said I was real.
And for ones that are fake,
ooh, you'll be getting what you deserve.
See y'all soon! [chuckles]
[screams, laughs]
He got a little too much sass,
so I don't think he'll be cool with me
outside this game.
You know what? I love Daniel.
And you know what's even crazier?
Is that every single person
who has been in an alliance with me,
from Calvin to Ruksana to Daniel,
has been 100% authentic.
Whoo! Real recognize real.
This is going to help me tremendously.
He called out James.
He said that he knows
the people are real now,
and that's who he's rooting for.
That's me. [laughing]
Hmm. [clicks tongue]
Lot to think about.
So shots were definitely fired there.
Whoo! It's about to be tough.
It's gonna get brutal.
James is shaking in his boots.
[laughing] James is shaking in his boots.
[Buteau] Boots? He barely got on drawers.
I got a lot of blood
on my hands yesterday.
I have some real, real things
I need to say, and
I gotta talk to everybody. Damn!
[chuckles] Sassy-ass Daniel.
I don't know what James was thinking
sending Daniel home.
He ain't here to make friends apparently.
James is playing this game
to win.
I cannot wait to tell everybody
that I am the person
that Daniel came to see.
-So, Circle, take me to Circle Chat.
-[both] Circle, take me to Circle Chat.
Whoo! This is too much.
I'm gonna need to sit down for this one.
Message, "Baby Daniel! Exclamation point.
Exclamation point. Exclamation point."
"Covering the eye emoji."
"I know I'm new here,
but I felt fiercely protective
of this sweet, little 20-year-old."
"I'm so sad he's gone. Heartbreak emoji."
Message, "Hey, Circle fam.
Daniel was such a ball of light."
"Light bulb emoji."
"I will definitely miss
his positive energy,
but I am so glad
I'm still here with you guys."
[James] I would like to come in and joke,
but I I really can't right now,
'cause the damage is done already.
I gotta get to repairing.
My day is is is about repairing
the relationships
that I might have broken.
James verbatim saying that,
"Hey, y'all are my priorities,"
it made us feel safe
and that he would have our back
if he had an opportunity
to become influencer.
And I guess
we might've played into his hand,
because Daniel got blocked in the process.
Circle, message,
"Daniel is the little homie."
"This was probably
the most difficult blocking yet,
and it literally broke my heart."
"I hope you guys join me
and raise a drink to Daniel."
And use the the drinking glass emoji.
Yeah, perfect. Send.
All y'all fake. All y'all fake. [chuckles]
Nobody was really there for Daniel.
James, you gave him your word, buddy.
Circle, message, "Last night was tough."
"James and I had
long, heartfelt discussions,
and it was clear
that we both feel very strongly
about all of you."
"I'm sure we'll all miss
Daniel's hilarious jokes,
but on a positive note, I am super excited
to be here with all of you. Heart emoji."
They must feel very strongly
about everybody that is still left,
so that does count for something.
Is nobody gonna ask?
Circle, message,
"I'm sitting here wondering
who Daniel visited
because #ItWasntMe." Send.
Well, Nick, I'm so glad you asked.
So, if Daniel didn't go see Nick,
I wonder, did Daniel go see James?
Daniel obviously visited Kai.
Circle, message,
"I had my pride flag ready
and everything."
Circle, message,
"Daniel came in last night
with the biggest frown on his face,
but after chocolate milk,
a cozy chat on the couch,
and the biggest hugs I could"
"give, he left
as the same bubbly, goofy Daniel
we know him to be." Oh sh
But he went to go see Isabella.
That is, um
That is interesting.
Why did he visit Isabella?
It must've been to see if she's a catfish.
[in singsong] Ooh, ooh.
Who's a catfish now-ow-ow-ow?
[Buteau in singsong] Uh, you-oo-oo-oo.
I think that he didn't want
to see Kai or James, you know?
And I think that my ass
is definitely on the f line now.
This is actually a positive for me
that he went to go see Isabella,
simply because I'm already low
in Isabella's ratings.
I'm already low.
So, if Daniel went to go see Isabella,
and they talked mess about me
and had all this,
Isabella can't put me
no lower than last already,
like she probably has been.
I thought Daniel went to go see Kai
to throw salt on my name.
Circle, message,
"All right, let's perk the final six up
and have some smiles in here."
"Thoughts on uploading another picture?
Question mark. Tongue face." Send.
Actually, that would be kind of dope
to see something different.
[chuckles] I pretty much
only know these people
by the one tiny, little photo that I see.
Circle, open Unapologetically Me.
Circle, open the picture
of me in the reindeer onesie.
[chuckles] I love that.
I want people to laugh.
Ah! Okay,
she looks like she's a lot of fun,
super silly, super goofy.
Circle, message,
"Ashley, I really needed that laugh."
"That picture is everything. LOL."
Okay, Circle, I'd like to pick this photo.
I am obsessed with that kitten.
I miss my cats.
Oh, this is a good picture of Kai.
Oh, look at her.
She happy and smiling and laughing.
Look at her.
Look at that body-ody-ody for days.
I really like this picture.
I just look like I'm having a blast.
Circle, let's take a look
at that skateboard photo.
I love it.
There's my Daddy Nick.
I can't believe
I've kept this fake relationship up
with Nick for as long as I have.
[Buteau] Wait till you have to go
skateboarding with him.
Oh my God! He's so beautiful.
I freaking love this man.
Go to the one with my grandmother
in the top right corner.
Okay, James, I love it.
I love seeing
that James has a personality.
This photo makes me personally happy,
and also I think people need
to see a a more emotional side of me.
I think he realized
he needed to do something today.
Ugh, I love [laughs]
James with all my heart.
Circle, please open the top right picture.
I think this is fun.
Oh, that's iconic.
I was gonna say something inappropriate.
I'll be like, "She got crabs."
But those are lobsters,
so that would've been rude.
[Nick] I mean, she looks bad.
She's definitely showing a spicier vibe
with this photo. [chuckles]
All right, Circle,
I gotta stop looking at it.
Close the photo.
Circle, message,
"Between Kai and Isabella,
I'm going to need a boob job,
an ass job, and highlights,
all caps, immediately."
"Also, James,
your smile is one in a million, baby."
Really adorable seeing
that other side of all the players.
Finally, we can put game play aside.
I loved it.
[Buteau] As Daniel's leaving sinks in,
the players are finding comfort
in a variety of ways,
eating while cooking,
and for Ashley,
tending to her gorgeous beard.
Ow. Ow!
[Buteau] As for James,
the blocking gives him food for thought.
And he's decided to check in
on his number one Kai.
I need to make sure
me and Kai are still good.
I know she was affected
by my decision yesterday.
I need her to understand
that she's always been my number one.
We only got each other right now.
So, Circle, can you open up
a private chat with Kai, please?
[Kai] James has invited me
to a private chat.
I had a feeling
he was gonna wanna explain himself,
so I'm definitely here to hear him out.
But I don't know if I trust him 100%.
I just really don't know what to believe,
'cause I put my total faith in James
that he would save our alliance.
This could go either way.
Circle, message, "Hey, Kai.
I hope you're feeling okay this morning."
"I know you have a lot of questions,
and I can give you a lot of answers."
"But I want to explain to you
why I made the decision that I did"
"Dot, dot, dot." Send.
Okay, James, I'm listening.
I'm looking at James a little side-eyed,
but maybe he can clear
some things up for me.
Circle, message, "My intentions weren't
to go in there and block Daniel,
but my connection with Daniel
isn't as strong as what I have with you."
"So I sacrificed this battle
to give us a better chance
to win the war."
[sighs deeply]
"I really do hope you understand that."
[Kai] "It was a tough decision
but one unfortunately that I had to make."
That's totally honest.
I can't say that I love honesty
and not love it just because it hurts.
I understand where James is coming from.
Maybe I assumed
that James had
a really close connection with Daniel, um,
because of how highly he talked about him,
but maybe I guess I just didn't know.
It sucked letting Daniel go
because I had a mental connection with him
that we're on the same team.
But I think getting rid of Ashley
would have hurt so much more last night
because of the connection we had
and that deep conversation.
That's my two my two groups
that I that I care deeply about,
Black women and the LGBT community
'cause of my trans brother.
Circle, message, "When I came
into The Circle and saw your profile,
I saw my grandmother,
I saw my mother, I saw my nieces"
[Kai] "a proud Black woman."
"For that reason,
you were always my number one,
and you will remain that."
We gotta work together.
We have to.
He has my 100% respect.
The fact that he says that he will remain
to keep me as his number one
really makes me think
that he will continue being loyal to me.
Message, "I will be honest and say
that I didn't really know after yesterday
what your true intentions were."
"But now I certainly do."
I I believe that. I really believe that,
and I felt bad yesterday.
That's why
this conversation was so important,
because she probably thinks
I took a shot at her.
Message, "In my eyes,
you are truly authentic
and someone that I will definitely trust
until we reach the end."
[chuckles] And, "#ThankYou."
That last message, it makes me happy.
And I want her to get something
out of this game-wise as well.
Um, like I said,
I'mma live or die on this hill,
and I trust I trust Kai with my game.
Circle, message, "I'm so glad
we got to have this conversation
because I think it's important,
and I'm excited what is to come for us."
[Kai] "But be careful."
"#IPutMyFootDown. #KeepThatBetweenUs."
I'm glad we had that conversation too,
but that little tidbit is definitely
that's definitely a big deal.
[James] Nick was pushing for her,
and that's true.
He he went harder on her
than he did Daniel,
but I put my foot down.
And I want her to keep that between us
'cause that's information
we could use against them.
Okay, Circle, message, "Let's talk soon
and get our master plan together."
"We have to move smart
so we can make this happen."
"Much love. Heart emoji."
Circle, close this chat.
That was a good conversation.
So we got Kai.
Literally, that was a bombshell, like
The whole time, I was wondering, like,
"Did Nick save me that one time
just to make it seem
as though that he was loyal to me?"
But now I know for a fact
that Nick wants me gone.
This is probably the best connection
that I've had
the whole time that I've been here.
[Buteau] He hasn't even finished his eggs,
but James is already scrambling
to make things happen today.
Meanwhile, the band is back together,
and Isabella,
grateful for being spared a blocking,
has some kind words
for her front man Nick.
Nick came through, and he saved
not just me but me and Ashley.
And I don't know how he did it,
but I want to thank Nick for everything.
However, I need to make sure
that what I say is all good,
because Daniel gave me
a lot of tea last night.
However, I feel like I have so much power
and so much knowledge and information
that in the end game,
it would be so much more beneficial
if I kept it all to myself
and use the knowledge I have
to get me towards the top.
Circle, message,
"Nick, you freaking did it!"
"I knew you'd find a way
to pull through for the band,
and I'm so excited we're all still here.
#TheBandLivesOn." Send.
Yeah, darn right I did it.
I went to war for you girls.
It was brutal. I was exhausted.
Circle, message
"Daddy Nick [chuckles]
you came through last night."
"Thank you. #LoveYouGuys. #BandForever."
Message, "Absolutely stoked
that I was able to save both of you."
"I know you two
are the reason I was an influencer,
so it was the least I could do."
"Not gonna lie. It was exhausting, but
[excitedly] Yes! We did it!
This whole journey,
I have been right at Nick's side.
He's carried me through.
I've saved him
when I had the opportunity to.
Um, he's been my right-hand guy.
However, sweet Nick, I will win.
I Thank you for all you've done for me.
Truly, thank you.
[Buteau] For someone who was called out
as a catfish and then nearly blocked,
Isabella is confident.
And as evening arrives,
the players are enjoying
some of their last moments of solitude.
Oh no. We gotta work on my left hand.
[musical notes playing]
-[musical notes playing]
-[musical notes playing]
I'm into that. That little riff
[chuckles] like, I'm onto something
really good there.
[musical notes playing]
[Buteau] And as dope as that riff was,
The Circle has another way
of commemorating the players' time here.
[all] "Circle Yearbook."
What is this? Bring it.
Oh, this is gonna be fun!
[Buteau] Circle Yearbook highlights
the moments and memories
our players have shared together
over the year.
-And by "year," I mean two weeks.
"Most Likely To" I love superlatives.
In my yearbook,
I won Most [in accent] Dramatic.
In high school,
I actually was voted Most Athletic.
I won Most Likely
to Be Social-Media Famous.
I was actually, uh, Most Popular.
I never got any sort
of Most Likely To award, though.
But now's my chance.
Now's my time to shine.
[Buteau] Players can vote
once in each category
but not for themselves.
First category up is a big one,
Class Hottie.
It's a bunch of hotties
in The Circle right now,
but who's the most deserving of it?
This belongs to Isabella.
Class Hottie for sure.
[chuckling] Obviously putting Isabella.
I would like to make Class Hottie
my sweet boyfriend Nick. [shudders]
I think Isabella undoubtedly wins,
for me, Class Hottie.
So, I'm definitely going to have to go
with Jacki to be the Class Hottie.
Jacki for Class Hottie.
[Buteau] When they voted, the results
are uploaded into The Circle Yearbook.
[gasps] Oh my God. Oh my God.
Who is going to be Class Hottie?
Class Hottie is
Oh, I did it!
It's me-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee ♪
I'm the Class Hottie-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee ♪
No surprise. We all knew it. Congrats.
You deserve it.
Lay back on that couch feeling sexy
as shit, girl, 'cause you are.
Ah, I'm blushing, and it's not even me.
It's literally not even a picture of me,
and I'm like, "Guys, stop."
Don't get me wrong,
whoever this lady is, she popping.
But I thought we was all in a group,
and we thought Isabella was a catfish.
I got runner-up, right?
All right, next up.
[Buteau] Anything you say, bro.
Next up is Class Clown.
I can't vote for myself.
I know damn well I should get Class Clown.
Definitely not Isabella, Kai, or Jacki.
They're darling girls,
but they're not that funny.
James, Nick, and Ashley
are all borderline comedians.
[Buteau] Professional comedian James
will be thrilled
at that "borderline comedian" comment.
I'm pretty sure I've laughed out loud
at more of Ashley's messages than James's.
So, Circle, lock in Ashley
as the Class Clown.
I think I'm gonna give Class Clown
to my man James.
No question. James.
I'm going with Ashley.
James. James. James.
I'm probably gonna have
to give this Class Clown to Nick.
And if I don't get it,
I know everybody's working strategically
against me on this one.
And Class Clown goes to
Ah, I knew it. Come on.
Y'all better have said that, boo.
I would've been on all your asses,
I promise you that.
Congratulations, James.
We love you, James. You're awesome.
It would be really embarrassing for him
if he didn't get this,
being it is, like, his job title.
I told you I was funny,
and you say I ain't funny.
But they they think that.
[Buteau] They think you're a clown.
Subtle difference.
Okay, enough joking.
Let's get to the serious stuff,
Circle Most Valuable Player.
It's either Kai or Nick.
I definitely wish that other players
would see me in this light,
as the Most Valuable Player.
Ugh, it's too bad
I can't put myself for this one. [laughs]
Actually, do I wanna be labeled
as The Circle MVP? I'm not even sure.
I feel like this one
puts a big target on you.
I feel like it's Nick.
Do I wanna put that target on his back,
you know?
If I put Nick as The Circle MVP,
the next ratings are super important,
and they might look at that like,
"Oh, we can't have him winning that."
-Circle MVP.
It is James, obvi.
I'm going for James.
For me, it's Daddy Nick.
Circle, I would like to pick Nick
as The Circle MVP.
Put James as The Circle MVP.
He's not my most valuable player. Kai is.
But I want Nick to get this
to put a target on his back even higher.
-[mimics drum roll]
-Oh! [laughs]
Well, they got me on top, Nick, okay?
It ain't the alphabetical order thing.
Don't think it is.
It does feel good to be an MVP.
I'm glad that
it wasn't just me on the page.
I'm glad I could share
the title with James.
They're both great competitors,
and they're both great people.
Like, I really can't say anything bad
about either of them.
You guys both deserve it,
and I 100% agree.
Funny enough,
these were our influencers last night.
People really be sucking up,
'cause they don't wanna go home.
"As a reward
for filling out your yearbook"
"you will be attending The"
"Circle prom later tonight!"
That sounds like fun. Okay.
Are we bringing dates or what?
Yeah, I think I'm ready for some prom.
This sounds so fun. I cannot wait.
Freaking awesome! Do I get to wear a tux?
I love prom!
I love prom! [echoes]
[Buteau] The Circle Yearbook
has been completed,
but we missed a couple of categories.
Twenty-four! Forty-five!
Hut! Hut! Hut!
[Buteau] Most Likely
to Play Football with a Wall.
Most Likely to Exercise with a Watermelon.
And wanting to reminisce,
Ashley's Most Likely
to Start a Chat with Kai.
I wanna talk to Kai because,
although I made that bold choice
of saying what I said
when I called her my rival,
Kai and I were close
in the beginning of this game.
So I really wanna rehash things,
and hopefully,
it'll instill some trust back in her,
and, um, she could just see me
a little bit differently.
'Cause I know that that comment
probably hurt her the other day.
Circle, please invite Kai to a chat.
[Kai] Ashley has invited me
to a private chat.
That's crazy.
The last time I heard from her,
she was just saying how I was more focused
on looking for catfish
than building connections,
and she seemed to kind of gloat about it.
Circle, message, "Hey, Kai,
I've been dying to talk to you
since that silly game."
"Not only
because you deserve an explanation
but because you deserve an apology."
"I was put on the spot
and was grasping at straws
for an answer to impress Jacki."
"That's not the type of game I play,
and you've never been my target,
let alone 'rival.'"
I'm not gonna lie.
That message makes me smile.
The fact that she can own up
to the fact that I didn't deserve that
and that she is apologizing.
I hope that she doesn't see it
as inauthentic
and, like, just trying to clear my own ass
for a spot in the f in the
in the final.
Circle, message,
"You are undoubtedly deserving
of a spot in the final."
"I'd never jeopardize that."
"Just wanted to clear the air
before prom tonight."
"And I hope
we can have a dance like old times."
"Hands-up emoji."
[inhales, exhales]
[clicks tongue]
That right there was
a very, very, very honest thing
for Ashley to say.
"Thank you for your honesty, Ashley."
"It means a lot to hear this from you."
"I thought we were in the process
of building a sisterhood,
but instead,
it felt like a knife in the back."
A hundred percent. I get that.
A hundred percent.
I felt hurt.
And I felt like
I didn't do anything to deserve that
but just try to build a sisterhood
with her.
Um, message,
"Though what you did hurt me"
[Matthew] "I accept your apology,
but you can't be real sisters
without a little bit of fuss."
Wow, that's really sweet.
Kai's freaking great.
Ugh, I feel like even more of a dick now.
Circle, message,
"Thank you for even listening.
Don't think I deserved it
after I pulled the rug
from under your feet."
"Most of all,
please know it was nothing that you did."
"The very thing
I admire most about you, your energy,
was the very thing
I allowed myself to be threatened by."
"#ImSorry. Heart emoji."
I believe you, Ashley.
I believe you.
Kai being so forgiving
when she didn't need to be.
She's a freaking great girl.
I feel bad that I ever
I ever even let myself get threatened.
[blows raspberry]
That's a good person.
That's a great person.
I genuinely can sense that she's not happy
with the way that she handled things.
And so I'm not gonna continue
to push the issue.
She knows where I stand.
I know where she stands.
And I'm ready to kind of move forward
and let it go.
[Buteau] Aw, so good to finally see
this duo come full circ
Well, you know.
As evening descends,
our Circle students are settling in
to that nearly-end-of-semester vibe.
-[bottle sprays]
-[spits, chuckles]
Oh, why am I like this?
Aw, so cute.
[Buteau] Jacki,
we didn't tell you to dress up yet.
-[all] "Circle Prom."
-[James] Here we go.
Oh, look at those little promojis.
"Players [screams, laughs]
welcome to the most spectacular night
in The Circle calendar."
"It is time to get your prom on."
"Your outfits are at the door." Ooh!
They don't got my size. Big-ass thighs.
-[Jacki gasps] Oh, wow!
-[Matthew gasps, chuckles] I got donuts?
[Nick laughing]
I'm drowning.
I'm so excited to see what I'm gonna wear.
Prom king, baby.
Look at that white tux.
I'm gonna look like a movie star.
This is a proper crown for the king.
-Look at me. So fly.
-[gasps] Oh, wow.
Hey, Isabella, wanna go to prom with me?
[Jacki humming]
I don't wanna jump to any conclusions,
but, um, it's really funny how this crown
matches my dress just perfectly.
[Buteau] Oh, honey,
a crown goes with anything.
And now for the first great
prom tradition, solo dancing.
["You Should Be Dancing"
by Bee Gees playing]
-Here we go.
What you doin'
On your bed on your back? ♪
Hey! ♪
You should be dancing, yeah ♪
Dancing, yeah ♪
I love disco.
She gets it to me good ♪
Come on.
What you doin'
On your bed on your back? ♪
Hey! ♪
What you doin'
On your bed on your back? ♪
You should be dancing, yeah ♪
Dancing, yeah ♪
What you doin'
On your bed on your back? ♪
Hey! ♪
What you doin'
On your bed on your back? ♪
Hey! ♪
Dancing, yeah ♪
[Buteau] This was epic.
Just need someone
to pull off an awesome finishing move.
-[Jacki] Ah!
[laughs] That wasn't a graceful end.
[Buteau] No, it wasn't.
That's the most exercise
I've had the whole time in The Circle.
[pants] Whoo!
It has been a fantastic night.
The only thing better
than dancing with my myself is
talking about it with all my friends.
[all] Circle, take me to Circle Chat.
[Matthew yells] Yes!
Look at those prom kings and queens.
Circle, message, "Not gonna lie."
"I discovered the funk
from deep inside me."
"There is not a chance
y'all can keep up with these moves."
"Dance emoji. Crown emoji." Send.
was having
the time of his life.
Message, "Hey, prom kings and queens."
"I hope y'all are having
as good of a time as I am,
because I literally danced so hard
I feel like I'm sweating
in the most weird places."
Same, Kai. Same, girl.
The knee sweat is the worst.
I feel ya on that.
I'm really glad
we're all just really sweaty.
That's what I said about prom.
All right, so Kai was bringing it.
We might give Nick a run for his money.
I'm just saying.
Circle, message, "What's poppin'?
Has the prom even started
if you ain't dipped your donuts
in the rum?"
"#LetsGetThisPartyStarted." Circle, send.
I wanna try donuts in rum.
That sounds delicious.
Circle, message,
"Do any of you have
good prom-invite stories?"
"#Nostalgia." Send.
Nick, I got a story for you.
Circle, message,
"My actual prom was horrible. LOL."
"It was expensive, on the beach,
sand in my steak, and to top it off"
"my prom date left me
for my cousin." [laughs]
James's prom was horrible. [chuckles]
Who has prom on a beach?
That's just, ugh!
"Since we are in the process of sharing,
I know you know
what I'd do with the money,
but what would you do?"
Damn! I thought we was having a good time.
That seems like a loaded question.
I'm not gonna be the first to answer it.
Circle, message,
"I want to help set up my mom
in assisted living since she has lupus,
help my sister buy a house,
and use the rest
to start my private business
for sensory processing disorders." Send.
[Kai] Wow.
That's crazy. Her mom has lupus.
I know that's gotta be hard
when it's your mom.
I didn't know that about her mommy.
That's so sad.
I've been thinking about that a ton
while I've been here.
What a great question.
How would Isabella say it?
[sighs deeply] Circle, message
"Honestly, my little sister is in school
and really struggling to pay for tuition
on top of her bills." Aw.
"I would love to help her get that degree
so she can start her career comfortably."
How freaking adorable. Great big sister.
I'm not surprised at all.
She's got a freaking huge heart.
I live with my grandma right now.
I just got fired.
My family, we don't got no money.
We we we broke as hell.
Circle, message, "I would definitely want
to help my grandma
because she has been working
her entire life, and she is my rock."
To be honest,
it's it's just
I really, really need this.
James mentioned
that he's close with his grandma already.
Clearly, she is super important
to his life.
Circle, message,
"My dad works so hard
and has sacrificed so much for me."
"He helped me pay for school,
and I've always wanted to pay him back."
[Matthew] Everyone's climbing
the same mountain,
just different sides of it.
You forget that sometimes
other people are climbing
just as rocky of a side as you are.
[sighs] I gotta sit down for this.
My goodness.
[crying] Message
"My brother died after struggling
with heroin addiction three years ago."
"It wrecked my life, my family's life,
and nothing we went through compares
to what he had went through."
"I can't even begin to tell you
the pain that my brother saw."
"Without question, I would give money
to drug abuse prevention." [sniffles]
I Yeah. I can't even imagine
what that's like.
Oh, darlin'.
I think Jacki's extremely brave.
You know, that's something
you kind of never get over.
But whether she's a new player or not,
this opportunity is just as big
for her as it is for all of us.
Circle, message,
"Man, I just wanna say I loved reading
every single one of your reasons."
"No matter what happens,
we are family here,
and nothing can break us apart."
"I couldn't be here
with a better group of people."
"I raise a glass to everyone here
and say congratulations
to making it this far."
"#AllLove. Heart emoji. #BestPromEver."
This was awesome.
Cheers to that.
Circle Prom,
that was one for the books, honey.
[Buteau] With the prom finished,
our Circle students
are handing back those crowns
and heading to bed after a long day.
Tomorrow, it's gonna
it's it's gonna be brutal tomorrow.
[Buteau] Oh, hold up, James.
You know we ain't done with today.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-"Alert"? What?
-What do you mean?
I thought we was going to bed.
I have no idea what's going on right now.
Please just let this be like,
"Alert! Good night. We love you."
"Players, tomorrow is the final blocking."
[inhales deeply] Ooh
"If you survive" Whoo!
"you will be a finalist!"
Whoo! Whoo!
[vocalizes excitedly]
Oh, that'd be epic.
I want to be a finalist.
So close!
It would be suck to lose it right here.
"The players
that make it through to the final"
"will be in with the chance of winning"
"$100,000." [laughs]
Oh, that is life-changing.
Now that I'm so close, I can smell it,
that sweet, sweet cashola. [chuckles]
This blocking's gonna be crucial tomorrow.
I ain't come this far to just lose it.
Obviously, I'm scared about the blocking.
Ugh, I'm scared shitless to be honest.
[exhales softly]
[groans] That's a hell of a way
to end the night off.
Messed up my whole face routine.
The game is on getting through tomorrow.
It is on like Donkey Kong.
[theme music playing]
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