The Following s03e11 Episode Script


Reporter: Joe Carroll took hostages inside death row.
Agh! Ryan: You asked me if you were in my dreams.
You are.
We're friends.
- And? - And you're teaching me to kill.
You are my real legacy, Ryan.
I can die knowing that I will live on through you.
Ryan: I don't want to lose you, Doc.
I'm gonna do better.
I'll be out in a minute.
I'm gonna put you out of your misery.
No! I know how to get to Mike Weston.
Well, according to this, somebody's watching Max, somebody we can use to get to Mike.
I have the BIA.
If someone is using the laptop, we can find them in real time.
The signal just disappeared.
Why do you think Theo reached out to Joe? He's getting ready to come after me, and he's gonna need help if he wants to survive.
Penny: But taking on Ryan Hardy and the FBI is crazy! We're gonna need to move quickly on this.
What the hell are we gonna do? I have a plan.
Why do you even need this notebook? - What's in it? - A name, someone with the power to give me my anonymity back after I take out Ryan Hardy.
- Here's to you.
- No.
Here's to us.
Ohh! Sneaking out? Yeah.
I got to Get home.
I get it.
I don't normally do this either, but last night, you seemed so sad.
I didn't think you should be alone.
Yeah, you're right, but I shouldn't have been here either.
Gwen: Ryan? I've been worried to death.
I've been calling you all night.
You're hurt.
You've been drinking.
What happened? Where were you last night? I screwed up.
Did you How could you do this to us? I'm sorry.
It's just after Joe's execution Stop! You do not get to blame him for this.
I told you to stay away from Joe.
I begged you to come home to me, and now you've ruined us! No.
I c I can make this right.
How? He's dead, and you can't let him go.
He owns a part of you that I can't reach.
You know what? I'm tired of trying.
Gwen, please.
You got to give me a chance.
I have.
I'm done.
No, no, no, no.
Joe: don't worry.
You still have me.
This is stupid.
You're just gonna grab Mike in broad daylight? I'm done waiting.
I want to make him suffer.
Let's just take a beat and be smart about this.
Someone has my laptop.
They're using it to watch Max.
They could be an ally, ok? We we can use them to blindside Mike, - get him to come to us.
- That'll take too long.
- Mark, please - I'm not Mark! Yes, you are, and your heart is broken, and I understand that, but if you take a run at Mike right now, you'll die, and I'll be on my own again, and I don't know how to do this alone.
Killing him is all I think about.
You don't think that I want to kill Ryan for what he did to Kyle? We're in the same place, Mark.
We both defined ourselves by another person, and now they're dead, and we're lost, but there has to be more than revenge.
Like what? I don't know, but but I know that Kyle would want me to live, to try and find happiness, and I'm sure that Luke would want the same for you.
Mark, no.
I have to.
For Luke.
Mark: What are you what are you doing? He's got a security detail with him.
That was almost the end, Mark.
You would be dead, and Mike would have won.
All right.
We'll do it your way.
I'll see you later? Hey.
What's up? You heard from Ryan? Not since yesterday.
He's not in yet? No.
Well, I'll give him a call after I talk to Sloan.
I've eliminated her from the suspect list of possible moles, so I want to bring her in on the investigation.
We can use a extra set of eyes.
- Gwen? - Hey.
Is everything all right? Ryan's been drinking again.
Drinking? Yeah, and, uh, I can't be there for him anymore.
I just can't, so, uh, somebody probably should be.
I'll head over there now.
Are you ok? Not really.
Gwen? Remind me to get that key back from you.
What are you doing here, Max? Gwen called me.
How is she? She's upset.
She's worried about you.
Have you been drinking? What are you doing? I really don't want to go into it right now.
I love you too much to let you get away with this, so let's call a sponsor.
Why don't we go to a meeting? I'm good.
I don't know what type of game Joe was running on you yesterday, but he is finally gone.
You are free.
You should be relieved.
And you should get back to work.
Well, that's not gonna happen.
You're stuck with me.
I don't need a baby-sitter, Max.
The tip Joe gave you about Theo being born from violence in Philadelphia We got a lead.
That's great.
I ran all crime reports from the years of Theo's childhood, and I found a multiple murder some 25 years ago in Philly.
Entire family was slaughtered except the oldest son.
Terrance Jackson, the sole survivor.
This is Theo.
He pointed to his mother's abusive boyfriend as a suspect domestic violence But he had an alibi, so the case went unsolved.
the boyfriend's body floating in the tinicum marsh.
Cause of death? Inconclusive.
This could have been Theo's first kill.
He would have been 16 years old.
Revenge for his family's murder fits his profile.
What happened to Terrance Jackson? After 16, he ceased to exist.
No school records, no foster homes, nothing.
Created a new identity.
Where you going? Shower.
Could you make me some coffee? Sure.
Doing your homework? GPS coordinates trace back to this house in Annapolis.
That's fancy.
Who lives there? Ownership is hidden behind layers of shell companies.
I haven't been able to unravel them all, but it's safe to say there's a lot of money and power behind it, the kind of money and power that can help us disappear.
So what's the plan? How'd you like to go for a drive? Can we get breakfast on the way? Sure.
Do you trust this guy? No.
He was a friend of Juliana's.
He gave us the cameras for Max's apartment, set up the web portal to stream the feed, so he should be able to tell us who's still watching it.
Um I think Luke should be here for this one.
You don't need him.
You can do this.
No, but He was always good at this kind of stuff.
Whatever you need.
Hey, Silas.
Not cool.
You need to go.
Don't be like that.
I just need a little help with something, and then we'll be on our way.
Forget it.
Did you hear what some freak did to Juliana? Her face was burned off.
That freak was me, and her death was a thing of beauty.
don't be such a dick about it.
Take him in the back.
What? No.
You know, I just don't get the whole hipster thing.
Never mind the ironic headwear and the artisanal pickles, it just seems so stupid to grow something so flammable on your face.
It didn't have to go this way, Silas.
I was all ready to come in here, flirt with you a little.
It's cool, it's cool.
Let's just start over.
I'll do whatever you want, ok? Ok.
But give us any trouble, I'm gonna roast marshmallows off your face.
Theo: Looks like someone's having a party tonight.
Well, I love parties.
We gonna crash? If only it were that easy.
What? We need finesse here, Penny, not mayhem.
How you doing? Can we help you, sir? I sure hope so.
We're lost, and our navigation system is on the Fritz.
You know, you pay all this money for technology, and it just screws you when you need it most, right? Am I right? Sir, this is private property.
You can't be here.
You need to leave now.
No problem, no problem.
You wouldn't happen to know how to get to 97 - from here, would you? - Can't help you.
- Ok.
- Now.
All right.
Have a nice day.
We could have taken him.
That's not the point.
We can't just hop the fence, which means we got to find another way in.
How's he doing? It's not good.
- You ok? - Yeah.
You could have called me.
You know, you can talk to me about anything.
You know that, right? I know.
Let's get to work.
Max was just catching me up on the latest.
I noticed some things in this file.
It just does not add up.
Like? Well, look at the victims' bodies.
Legs straight, together, arms extended over their heads.
They were posed postmortem.
Yeah, but the autopsy report says that the violence was focused, directed, methodical, not erratic.
That's atypical for an abusive boyfriend.
Wait a minute.
There's a broken mirror in the house.
Any of the victims' injuries consistent with broken glass? No.
Definitely not.
Is the mirror significant? Yeah.
I've seen it before.
Matches the M.
of a serial killer who was active in Philadelphia in the nineties called the madman.
What do we know about him? Never been caught.
Former colleague of mine Lisa Campbell had the case, and I think she's an academy instructor at Quantico now.
This is how we're gonna get Theo.
Well, the broken mirror does play into the madman's signature, so this could be one of his.
It's possible, but you didn't fly all the way down here for a cold case.
What's really going on? Terrance, the surviving member, vanished from the grid when he was 16 years old.
We think he became Theo noble.
So how does solving this case get you to him? Ok.
So here's my theory.
his entire family has been murdered by his mother's boyfriend, right? So he plots, he plans for I think if we reveal the madman to be the family's true killer he won't be able to resist.
He'll come after him, and we'll be waiting.
Use one shark as bait for another.
I'll pull all my files.
Sloan: Hey, Tom.
Sorry to bother you.
Uh, just doing some housekeeping on the incident reports from the raid at Gray's Brooklyn safe house.
Do you have a minute to come by the command center? Um, I'm actually off site right now.
Can I call you right back? While I've got you, can I ask you a couple quick questions? Yeah.
I'm kind of busy.
It would really help me out.
All right.
What is this about? Just crossing Ts and dotting Is.
Um, you helped clear the gray safe house, right? - Yeah.
- Which floor? First floor.
And were you up on the second floor at all? I probably passed through with my partner.
So you were never alone up there? No.
That's what it says here in your report.
Um, let me know if you need anything else.
Will do.
Lisa: If the madman really did attack his family, then Terrance or Theo Is very lucky to be alive.
He's ever only left one other survivor.
She described the suspect as medium build, dark hair, work boots.
Anything else? No.
She didn't get a good look at him.
The lights were out.
Hang on.
Philadelphia department of water and power van parked outside the Jackson house.
What were you saying about the lights in the building in that other case? Their power had been shut off.
They hadn't paid their bills.
Utility workers are practically invisible, right? Unfettered access to buildings, come and go as they please.
It's the perfect camouflage.
We need to go through the other madman cases and see if there was any DWP activity nearby.
Worth checking out.
I'll reach out to Philadelphia DWP, see if they have any records of people doing service during the time of the attacks.
- I'm gonna head up to Philly.
- We'll head up to Philly.
- We're going, too.
- No.
Stay here.
Get us a name.
Call if you get something.
You think he ditched us on purpose? I hope not.
You know, they didn't have macrobiotic chalupas.
Penny, you need to grow up.
This is serious.
You're serious.
This is what we make it.
You know what your problem is, T? You need everything to be perfect all the time.
I am spontaneous and fun.
Try reckless and more than a little immature.
So what is going on inside this mansion that it needs that much security? I don't know, but it's connected to Strauss.
How do we get in? I hacked into all the high-end limousine companies in the D.
I found 5 headed to the mansion.
Ran a client list.
Looks like he could be our younger cousin.
Meet Daniel Carr, lobbyist extraordinaire and our ticket to the party.
Were you and Luke ever apart as kids? No.
We did everything together.
He was my only friend.
All the other kids thought we were weird.
I I was the complete opposite.
I had so many friends growing up, but it wasn't until I met Kyle that I realized how lonely I was.
He gave me the strength to finally be myself.
I'm jealous.
I don't know who I am without Luke.
You are a smart, sweet man, and you're strong, and you're funny, and you're a hell of a cook, and with all this tragedy you've experienced, you still got a good heart.
I mean, you trusted me.
I'll never forget that.
Man on TV: Tonight in our continuing coverage, America takes a deep breath and closes the final chapter One moment.
Most notorious and charming murderers.
After a bloody hostage crisis defused by agent Ryan Hardy, serial killer Joe Carroll was executed yesterday.
Carroll terrorized the east coast, killing dozens, and managed to escape federal custody not once but twice.
It was Ryan Hardy who You shouldn't be out working today after what you went through yesterday.
I like to keep busy.
If we catch the madman, you need to understand that I'm gonna bring him in the right way.
You accusing me of something? No.
I just know you like to color outside the lines, but this guy killed a lot of people on my watch, so I need a clean conviction.
Got to do it by the book.
Of course.
Clerk: How can I help you? I got this.
Two rooms, please.
- Hey, Mike.
- We got a name.
Crosscheck of DWP records shows a lone employee working within the same sector of at least 4 of the madman murders.
Suspect's name is Oleg Vukovich.
Max is sending you a picture and a last-known address now.
Should we send a local HRT team to meet up with you and Lisa? No.
We'll check it out.
We'll call you if we need backup.
Max and I are on our way there.
Your guys get anything? No, no.
They're still working on it.
- Room key? - Ah.
There you go.
All right.
I left something in the car.
- I'll be up in a minute.
- All right.
Woman: This place is far, huh? Yes, but worth the wait.
It's the most exclusive party you'll ever go to.
Looks like we're here.
I don't see any houses.
Who the hell are you? Evening, Daniel, ma'am.
What the hell is going on? I've got some questions about this party.
If you know about the party, you know I can't say anything.
It's easy to talk tough, Daniel But I'm a professional at causing pain, and you're an amateur at taking it, so let's cut to the chase.
Who's hosting the party? I've only heard a first name Eliza.
Now listen to me.
These people, you do not want their attention.
Oh, but that's exactly what I want, Daniel.
Penny: Now both of you, get undressed.
We don't want to get any blood on the clothes.
Man: Aah! Stop! Woman: God! Aah! Arrr! What the hell were you thinking? You nearly got yourself killed, and now the madman is in the wind.
We'll find him, all right? We had him, and if you'd followed protocol, he'd be in custody! You better talk some sense into him.
You ok? - I'm fine.
- Are you fine? They could suspend you for this.
I don't care, ok? Pull everything you can on Oleg Friends, family, other property, anything! I've never seen him like this.
I have.
I know it's late.
- Everything ok? - It's the safe house raid.
Some of the details just aren't adding up, and I'm on a deadline.
You offered to help.
Is this ok? Sure, sure.
Come on in.
Uh, I got good news and bad.
Did you find who's watching Max? Uh, no, but I did manage to track where the laptop's been used, and that's the bad news.
It's inside the FBI.
Your mystery man works for the feds.
How long till we identify him? Never.
Hacking the FBI firewall is too black hat for me.
I'm worried I set off an alarm just sniffing around the outside.
See? I told you this was a waste of time.
No, no, no.
This still helps, ok? We just need to find someone who can hack into the FBI.
Do you know anyone who does that? Because I sure as hell don't.
Actually, I do.
How are we supposed to find this Eliza chick anyway? I figure she'll be pretty close to the action.
Come on.
Where are we going? Bracelet.
Have fun.
Have fun.
Sorry, folks.
This area is off limits.
Oh, it's ok.
We're just going to see Eliza.
Agh! You ready? Ready.
Who are you? Theo is as good a name as any.
I've been led to believe that we have a friend in common.
I'm sure I don't know what you mean.
He was found dead recently after a very public mistrial.
According to the news, you killed that gentleman.
Strauss' death was a tragedy brought about by his willingness to betray those close to him, a trait I can't imagine that you would condone.
Certainly not what one looks for in a friend, but I'm sure you didn't come all the way here and shoot my security people just to talk about the dearly departed.
I came to make an offer but only once I'm convinced you're the person to make it to.
Can we cut to the chase already? My feet are killing me.
And you are? Not the topic of conversation.
I assume you are familiar with special agent Ryan Hardy.
Well, he caught Joe Carroll and Arthur Strauss, and he's come closer than anyone else to catching me.
Do you really believe that you can stay off his radar forever? For argument's sake, let's pretend like that matters.
Well, then let's also pretend that I can deliver him to you dead or alive, your choice.
Just know that alive won't necessarily mean whole.
No offense, but why would we outsource such a sensitive matter? Because I am already exposed.
You go after Ryan Hardy, and you fail, you put a target right on your back.
I'm providing you with a firewall of sorts.
Question is what is that worth to you? Why do I think you already have a price in mind? Discussion for another day.
Sorry about the mess.
I'm giving you a pass because it was your lead that got us so close to Oleg.
What happened tonight cannot ever happen again.
I get it.
You wouldn't look good in an orange jumpsuit.
Bolos for Oleg are out across the city, and all his financials have been tagged in case he tries to run.
Well, his journal indicates that he suffers from profound psychotic delusions, thinks he's Charon, the boatman of Hades, ferrying souls across the river Styx.
What's his compulsion with mirrors? Why break them? He's scared of them.
He believes they are the gateway to hell, and he's not ready to go back yet.
How can I help you? The FBI what room? I'm sorry.
I can't just give you that information.
Wait a second.
Wait a second.
Wait, wait.
Aah! Gwen: Hi.
You've reached Gwen.
Please leave a message.
Gwen, it's me.
I need to talk to you.
I can I can fix this.
Please, ease call me back.
I love you.
That call have anything to do with how you behaved today? Not at all.
I've left that message before.
Divorced twice.
I finally realized our line of work doesn't leave a lot of room for relationships.
Just one or the other.
I don't believe that.
A word of unsolicited advice Just walk away.
She'll be better off, and in the end, so will you.
Listen, uh, I'm gonna go downstairs, get some air.
You want anything? No.
I'm gonna take these back to my room.
Will you give me a hand? See you tomorrow? Woman on tape: No, please! No! Hello? Ohh! Lisa: Ryan! Ryan, stop! So I got a few questions.
November 14, 1990, an apartment in Kensington.
Mother, 3 children, the Jacksons.
You remember them? Why would you spare the boy? You know, I read your journal.
I know how you feel about these.
Ohh! Oh, god! Stooooopppp! After you tell me why you let him live.
Because he was my friend! Lisa: Get off of him! What do you mean your friend? I did some work in his building.
He would hide on the stairs away from his mother when she hit him.
When I looked in his eyes, I saw that he was like me.
One day, he asked me to come and kill his family.
He was 10 years old.
He was a demon.
He made me promise to kill them all except for the little girl.
What little girl? His sister Sophia.
Terrance didn't have a sister, only brothers.
She was a foster, taken in for the money.
Why would he protect her? Oh, he loved her.
They shared a special bond.
I come bearing gifts.
Still take yours with milk, sugar, and a splash of coffee, right? Yeah.
What's wrong? Ryan was drunk back at the hotel.
If Campbell hadn't been there to stop him But she was, and we'll be there to get him through this.
So this hacker guy, he's the one who killed Strauss? Yeah, and he gave me a way to contact him in case I ever heard of anything that put him in jeopardy.
What's the problem? This is a scary guy, like, maybe the scariest guy I've ever met.
You don't have to stick around.
I can do this by myself.
I owe you, ok? We're in this together.
You think they'll go for it? I don't know.
Is that them? No.
Well, who is it? Someone very unexpected.
Tom: Agent Ruiz cleared out the bedroom on the second floor here, and Talley and Hancock searched the living room and kitchen on the first floor.
So Ruiz is alone on the second floor, but protocol states that HRT agents move in pairs.
Why wasn't that done here? Heat of the moment, adrenaline pumping and all that.
What are you looking for? Trying to find which agent was paired with Ruiz that day.
Isn't it right there in my report? Well, it was a joint engagement, so there's another report filed by our team.
A second report? Yeah.
It's new policy this year.
Here it is.
No, no.
You don't understand.
Let me explain, let me explain.
No, no, no! No, no! Gwen? Joe: Come on.
You're better off without her.
Now How about a drink?
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