The Unit s03e11 Episode Script

Side Angle Slide

Hot enough for you? You know, the Russians, They don't go in for boilin' hot.
Not like your finns or your Your Turkish baths.
Now, that's hot for you.
Istanbul? Now, that That was like an oven.
The look on your face, man.
Enough of that.
Couldn't understand the guy's English.
I thought he said to me, "do you want a towel?" A towel afterwards.
Those Turks, they take care of all your needs.
There's no accounting for taste, is there? To your left.
Keep talkin'.
Well, we certainly racked up some, uh Some miles on the old company shilling,now, didn't we? Wait till he makes contact.
- Has he got it with him? - Yeah In his pocket.
Ok, I got him.
Don't think his buyer's here.
Oh, well.
What do you reckon? Should we get him? Not without the buyer.
He's probably on the phone right now callin' it off.
- He is onto us.
- Yeah.
Then bird- Doggin' him only confirms his suspicions.
I don't believe this.
and no handoff.
Devon, we'll get another shot.
He's not going home to mother russia Without making the sale.
- There were no sudden movements? - No - No signal? No tell? - No.
But the Russian was tipped off? You suggest that's why he fled.
No, I didn't say that.
He got spooked.
He ran.
So you're saying there was nothing About agent burke's behavior That struck you as suspicious.
Personally, I find that hard to believe.
I find it hard to believe that a man that I've known for years is a traitor to his country.
Sergeant, this isn't pleasant for any of us, Devon being one of our own, But that is why you were brought in.
To betray a friend? To root out a common enemy of our countries.
My orders are only to take down the Russian, prevent the smuggling of stolen uranium to potential terrorist buyers.
You had the Russian in Gdansk.
Then the sale was taking place in Brussels.
Now he decamps on you here.
You're being played, sergeant, and our intel network is being compromised.
If Devon is the leak in our apparatus, you have to stop him.
Gentlemen, I apologize.
I was detained by the ambassador.
I am the embassy's liaison to the british home office.
I guess I missed the swearing in.
It's good to see you again, Jonas.
- Mrs.
- Canning.
- I've taken my maiden name.
- Ms.
However, all pleasantries aside Yes.
- Agent Burke.
- All right.
He doesn't know you're having this meeting? - No.
- Is he the leak? As I've already said Sergeant Blane is reluctant to shred the relationship.
What about your relationship with mrs.
Burke? What about her? Well, you've seen her over the years.
A bit.
Not much, no.
You almost married her.
I think we're done here.
Why are we done were? You can't expect us to ignore the fact That you were engaged to the fellow's wife.
I won't involve her.
Noone is asking you to involve her.
You are being asked for information.
We are seeking only information.
No? Your friend may be selling nuclear materials to terrorists, And your history with his wife may be very important to us, and your response is no? Have you ever heard of E.
Forster? He pitch for the angels? He was a british writer.
He said, "given the choice between betraying my country and betraying a friend, I hope I would have the courage to betray my country".
Noble sentiments.
You know what those noble sentiments are called? They're called treason.
So get the picture Qaddafi has got his full team with him when he lands in Dublin.
Over 400 of them, including the female bodyguards, Amazons.
And as I remember, my partner here, He turns round and says, "Can whave a look at what's in the hold Just see if you carry some bombs or uncustomed scotch or something".
I was being thorough.
Oh, yeah Tell 'em, what we found what was in the hold Come on Jonas Goats Goats It was filled with goat carcasses And a stench he won't believe like a packing house in August.
To you my friend Right back at you brother Heathear come get us another bottle Why did you bring goat carcasses? No idea juste come get us another bottle I'm affraid that was the last one Nosense.
You're the last one, that's for sure So what kind of house we live in? Hey you know what? It's allright cause it's getting late anyway No, no you're not leaving.
I'm gonna find something well Dev, is allright.
You come to visit me at my own home and what did you find? A cheap bastard who can't even afford to entertain his friends.
Come on man.
No, I mean, look at this place.
Look at this piece full of shit What is that, vinyl? This whole place is a dump.
You know me, you will know me.
Work hard I m trying on to live in - Sweet heart, you don't - Shut up I'm capable of taking care of myself.
You know something, you was better off with him, anyway.
You picked the wrong man.
He's not always like that.
No need to apologize.
Lately he's become so bitter.
About what? Everything Our marriage, his job.
And of course he doesn't talk about his work, but Hey, no, I understand.
He's under such stress.
Maybe he can't take it anymore.
Does he talk about quitting? Jonas, do you ever Think about how it might have turned out between us? Heather I do.
I'm sorry.
I I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.
I think about those days.
Have you forgiven me For the awful way I left you? The statute of limitations maxed out long ago.
I was young and stupid.
Well, neither one of us knew what we were doing.
What's my excuse now? I think you're being too hard on yourself And Devon.
I do worry about him.
Then I'll talk to him.
At ease, brown.
I've received some information From up the chain of comman Which concerns you.
What information, sir? Well, it's here somewhere in all this paperwork.
Is it something I did, sir? Apparently so, son.
Here it is.
Be better if you read it yourself.
I'm being promoted.
Sergeant first class.
Knockin' you up a paygrade.
I'm sure you and kim can find a use for the extra dough.
Yes, sir.
Thank you Thank you, sir.
Yes, this is bob brown.
Can I speak with kim, please? Hey, bob.
It's george.
- Listen, kim's doing her show right now.
- Does she have a break comin' up? board's pretty full of calls.
Can I give her a message? Nah.
No, I'll, uh Thanks.
I'll just talk to her later.
We should tell him to turn the officers club Into a health clinic, See how fast things change then.
We're here taking your calls today About healthcare for military families.
You have kim brown on ktml, The missile.
HI there.
Thanks for taking my call, kim.
Your show is great.
Well, thank you, ma'am.
Are you an army spouse, too? Desperate army spouse, you could say.
My husband's on his third tour in iraq, And he's ok and all,but We have a 3- Year- Old daughter With a heart disease, and well.
she needs expensive surgery.
I'm so sorry The thing is the army now outsources It's medical insurance, And the company won't pay for the operation.
Is there nothing.
We don't contract out in today's army? Have you gone to your husband's c.
? I've gone to everyone.
No one wants to deal with the red tape.
Maybe we can help.
I don't know where else to turn.
I'm at my end.
Well, now, darlin', It can't be as bad as all that.
- What if - I thought if I killed myself, Maybe that'd get someone's attention.
No, no.
Don't even joke.
Your daughter needs you.
At least then they'd have to bring her daddy home.
Ma'am, I'm gonna put you on hold for a sec.
Our general manager is gonna take down your information.
We'll fix this situation.
You pull yourself together and don't hang up.
i I don't know.
Promise me you'll hold.
Swear it? Ok.
Thank you, kim.
Hang on, darlin'.
And we'll be right back for everyone else After these messages.
This is ktml, the missile.
He's lookin' very dapper this mornin'.
To market, to market to sell a fat pig.
You know, if you ask me, Capitalism ruined the Russian people.
How's that? Well, now every chemist and his cousin there Is out selling nukes, trying to make the car payments.
He's lookin' to make contact.
Jonas, look, about last night, I may have had one too many, but Eyes on.
In some ways, I guess I trust you more Than I do the guys in my own service.
It's like being in a vipers nest with them.
That right? Just wanna say I'm glad that i Hold on.
Hold on.
His hand.
His right hand.
He's holding something.
He's settin' up the meet.
I'll clear the mark.
No, no.
Leave it.
Wait and watch.
Aw, come on.
Who is he tryin' to fool? Children's books? The guy's not even married.
It's a perfect place for a dead drop.
Guy goes in to buy his kid some books, Can't remember what his wife told him to get, Stands around all day.
There we go.
There's our buyer.
I'll check the back.
Hey! Stay right there! You stay right there.
Immigration! Keep moving! Keep moving! Russian disappeared down the alley.
But our kite runner here left this in the shop.
Honestly didn't think it would come through so fast.
I did.
And a bump in paygrade, that's somewhat welcome,huh? I'm real proud of you, honey.
It's not a big ceremony.
It's just a few of the guys.
The colonel'll say a couple words, And then you, pin the new stripes - Right here.
And I talked to molly.
She's gonna pick the kids up from school, And she said she'd feed 'em at her house, too.
What are you doin'? Just replying to some listener e- Mail.
Seems I have a few fans.
But it's not a priority.
You are my priority, sergeant first class.
Well, uh, the ceremony begins at,uh At 6:00.
I thought you and I could celebrate over dinner in town.
And this is all tomorrow night.
I told you that.
- You did, yes.
It's just, um - What? - It's - It's what? - I have my show.
- Well, kim, i I checked.
I made sure that you'd be out in time.
I hope, but I just It's I have this one caller.
Well, then someone else can listen to her whine.
Look, I had to pull a lot of strings Get this ceremony moved So you'd be done with work.
Then I'm there.
Thank you.
I went to buy books.
You got kids? I I, uh You don't have kids, What were you doin' in the shop? So, what are you, eh? Some type of child molester? I learn English this way.
Easy words.
So why'd you run? No papers.
You're here illegally.
Well, that's too bad.
What about this note? "Lancaster car park.
" What is that, a meeting place? Look at me, what was you gonna do in town? Pick up a little yellowcake? You want a little backstreet bargain? Hey, hey, take it easy.
This This is not my paper.
Handwriting's a little too legible For someone that don't speak the language.
Jonas, don't you go soft on me now.
I think we all agree If the produce at the px isn't fresh, We'll just take our business to the supermarket in town.
Well, that about wraps it up for today.
Oh, we have time for one more call, I think.
You have kim brown on ktml.
Hi, kim.
It's me, the desperate army spouse.
Well, hello.
You sound better today.
Thanks for calling in.
Sorry I hung up on you yesterday.
I admit we were all a little worried about you.
Oh, I'm feeling better now.
See that? A new day, a new attitude.
I don't feel much of anything.
Excuse me? I said I feel better.
Those pills I took, they're just starting to work.
Honey, what kind ofills are we talkin' about? Sleeping pills.
What? Don't be mad at me.
Just make sure they bring my husband back And take care of my daughter's surgery.
How many pills did you take? How many? A- All of 'em.
George, she's overdosing.
All right, um, ok, Find out what her name is, where she lives.
I'll call the police.
"For invaluable service country and this unit, "Demonstrating exemplary professionalism Hl "as a solider and a leader, "I hereby promote sergeant robert davis brown To the rank of sergeant first class.
" Where's your wife at, soldier? She wasn't feeling well today, sir.
Well, in her absence, It's my honor to present these to you today.
Thank you, sir.
Don't think this makes you special or anything.
Ahh! All right.
All right.
Breakin' 'em in, buddy.
Honey, where is your daughter now? She's at day care.
My neighbor's picking her up later.
Look, I want to help you.
That is why you called me.
No one can help me.
Damage is done.
Then what can I do? Tell me.
I just want someone to listen.
I want people out there to know.
I'm sorry, but that's not what I'm here for.
Look, I took you off the air So that you and i could speak in private, So that you could give me your name And where you're calling from.
- Don't go in there.
- Kim! Kim! Damn it Kim Bob, the caller she's talkin'to right now is I don't care who she's talking to.
She is my wife, and I wanna talk to her.
Hey, lishen! All right? Just listen.
Kim, I'd rather kill myself now Than watch my daughter die later And see my husband come home in a box.
I'm just so scared and alone.
You're not alone.
I'm right here with you.
The man you apprehended at the bookshop Is in fact an illegal, But he's not a terrist.
He got in the way of the drop.
If it was a drop.
- The note.
- A plant, I assume.
- A plant? Whose? - Devon's.
He put it in the book.
Is that right? Ask yourself.
The Russian escaped.
How does a middle- Aged, overweight man Outrunn s.
Trained agent? You need more than that toonvict a man of treason.
What did you learn from his wife? Nothing.
Did she tell you she was unhappy in her marriage? I don't meddle in another man's family life.
You mean, not for professional reasons.
There's nothing between heather and me anymore.
To a spous it might look otherwise.
Devon knows better.
Your wife might not.
Oh, I see.
I need you to understand that heather burke May be your only weapon to stop her husband.
He's been turned.
He is our enemy.
Are you willing to risk that threat For the sake of your principles? Go to the girl.
Get us the evidence.
I'll hold on to these.
A compléter I can't believe my engine just died like that.
I really appreciate this.
Ah, it's no problem.
Glad I could give you the lift.
You don't wanna come in? N- No.
No, no.
I got some stuff I gotta do.
Are you sure? I'll pour you one.
And you can meet the llama.
Excuse me? Heh.
The llama.
He's this little dude That sits at the bar all day.
A buddhist guy? No, lama, Like the animal.
Call him that 'cause the dude can really drink, Puts away gallons.
What, is that how men deal with their anxiety? Oh, no.
They have another way.
for lap dancing.
Are you sure you don't wanna come in? I'm good.
You look like you could use a drink.
Yeah, I don't think that'd really help right now.
Yeah, I guess you're right.
Hasn't helped me.
It's been hard.
Yeah, tell me about it.
You know what? I guess it's just gonna take some time.
Right? Uh What? N- Nothing.
It's It's not you.
Uh Ok, um I guess I'll just I'll see you later.
Thanks for the ride.
My god! It's ok.
You gave me such a shock.
Let me help you with this.
That's ok.
That's ok.
What are you doing here? I came to see you.
At least when you break in, I know you won't dama the lock.
You spoke to Devon.
You didn't say I put you up to it? He's concerned about the money.
You share a bank account? Yeah.
Why? You've seen the statements? Occasionally.
We can make ends meet, If that's what he's worried about.
It's about more than that, heather.
What is it? What did he say? Devon's in trouble.
What kind of trouble? We've been tracking a Russian chemist Who's in london to sell restricted material.
Devon may be protecting him.
Well, why would he do that? For a piece of the profit.
- I don't believe I'm hearing this.
- Look - I wanna protect you.
- No No, if it were real, You wouldn't tell me anything.
For anyone else, no.
Oh I see.
This is about us.
- Get out.
- Heather, please.
Get out! Yeah.
I checked the address from the drop.
Ncaster road.
The deal is going down now.
Where the hell are you? I'm on my way.
Where the hell were you?! I had 2 guys behind me.
The Arab set us up.
Set us up, all right.
Please, listen.
Please, it's urgent.
I need the patient's address.
What do you mean you're not open? You're on the phone with me.
Could you just please check your records? Well, she's been on the phone a half an hour.
What's taking you so long? Yes, her daughter has a rare heart ailment.
She probably needs surgery.
She's probably been in there, uh, the last 2 wks.
Give me your name and number.
No, if I knew her last name, I wouldn't be calling you right now.
But, darlin', if you give me your husband's unit, We might be able to get him on the phone with you.
What time is it in baghdad? No.
Don't do that.
I spoke with him yesterday.
He just gets angry with me, Says I gotta learn to handle things.
God knows I tried.
Is anybody that can track that kind of call? No? Thanks a lot.
She's not usin' any of the regular lines.
They think s t using an internet phone.
Yeah, a lot of the army spouses do that to call overseas.
It's cheaper than a land line.
But it's harder to trace.
No, I'm not a member of the immediate family.
Listen, ma'am, whatever yr name is Fine.
Look, carmen, I'm the general manager Of ktml radio station.
If you don't give me any information I need, A woman is going to take her own life, An army wife.
Should she do so, I will do my best To ensure that the entire world knows Than an army nurse at the fort griffith medical clinic Failed to help save her life.
Thank you.
That's all I'm asking.
A compléter Buddy, I left you In the same position, watching the same show.
Dude I was Come on.
Off your seat.
I found 2 volunteers in town That wanna meet us tonight for dinner and a movie.
What's playin'? Does it matter? Another time, man - What? - I just don't feel like it Jeez, you're like my daughter Over there with that mopey face.
Don't make me come over there And tickle the truth out of you.
Finally, what is truth? Truth is what's true.
I found That wanna meet us, and you wanna watch tv.
What's true? I kinda made a play for Annie.
- Annie? - Yeah.
I know.
Pretty low, huh? - I didn't say that.
- You don't have to.
I'll say it for you.
Hector's only been gone a couple of months.
I'm already makin' a play for his girl.
What's annie say? Don't matter.
It's too late now.
Well, I'm the last guy to give tou advice hlationships, But I do know That would take it amiss If we didn't treat them like sexual objects.
Call of the wild, brother.
Call of the wild.
I know it doesn't seem possible now, But you will find options.
I wish I could be like one of them brave army wives Putting up with everithing.
We all put a smile on our face, darlin'.
That is bravery.
Hello! Is anyone here? Hello! No, george.
I'm here right now.
No, there's no one here.
Well, she's gotta be somewhere, 'Cause kim's talkin' to her right now.
Please tell me where you are.
I know you're not calling from home.
Who says I'm not? But you are close? I am, huh? Are you nearby? God knows where I am.
Stay alert now.
Don't fall asleep on me.
Do you hear me? Don't fall asleep.
Like I said,I'm ok.
The good lord is my shepherd.
He's looking at me right now, - Leading me with his staff.
- What? Hello? Are you there? Hello? - Dead air.
- Where you going? - I think where to find her.
- Where? Just call bob and tell him to meet me downstairs.
- Hey Kim! - George, she's slipping.
Just call bob.
Where you are, mate.
Just a nick, And it won't need a stitch.
Is it painful? He's lucky that Russians are bad shooters How'd you know they were Russians? Well, they weren't tutsis, were they? All this time, boris was workin' by himself.
How come now, suddenly, he's got himself a posse? He's on to us.
I told you that in the baths, didn't i? There's no way he's gonna make that sale with me And you hangin' round his neck.
The The big swabs.
Don't Don't worry.
I'll get it meself.
I think he's hiding something from me.
How come you didn't tell me before? Take this.
I've gotten in before.
It's for the cellar door.
You've suspected him for a while, haven't you? Just stop him before he ends up in prison.
What's going on? Your wife's worried about you.
Jonas What is going on? She asked me to talk you into retiring from the service.
You asked him? Devon, I'm scared.
You're scared? Of what? Who's shootin' at you? Look, I'm a big boy.
And I've told you before, I don't need you playin' my nurse, And I don't really like the fact of you going behind my back.
I don't want to end up your widow.
Well, how are you gonna end up my widow When you can't even act at bein' my wife? And what the hell are you at? She said jesus was looking at her.
He had a staff.
She's delusional.
She swallowed a bottle of pills.
No, when we were here for hector's memorl, I remember There.
She's here.
Call E.
Hello! Anyone here?! Ok, so where? That's funny.
Be careful with him.
He's magical.
Catch that cat! What is your problem? - You can't bail now.
- I'm out.
Dude, there's no easier ticket out Of your troubles than this.
You know what, bro? She's not my type.
Well, then I'm your type, So do it for me,ok? Please.
Look, you have a good time.
I'm gonna head.
Is this about annie? About annie? You don't need permiion to date annie.
And who would I get permission from? - You tell me.
- Mok, shut the hell up, man.
From a dead guy? Permission from a dead guy.
- It ain't right.
- What's not right? For who? For you? For her - For hector - Oh, for hector.
How do you know what's right for hector? I was his brother.
He trusted me.
Well, then what finer choice could he make for his girl Than h bt pal? Dirty business, isn't it? Jonas.
The Russian got you in on the deal, Or does he just pay you for protection? This is not what it looks like.
Paint me a picture.
Uranium dioxide.
Uranium dioxide, yes.
It was all a scam.
Whose scam? The Russian's.
Look, there ain't no uranium.
Buyers don't know that.
I let the deal come off, and I take half of Whofer they get.
His good- Faith deposit? There's no harm in it.
It's the buyer you want, anyway.
Look, um, I'll give you 'em both, Buyer and seller.
You're not afraid the Russian will talk, Give you up for a dead man? Maybe heather, too? He can say whatever he wants.
By then, me and heather will the country.
You askin' me to let a traitor walk away? - Who's the traitor? - Baby, it's you.
Oh, come on Now, don't tell me yo not skimmed Something off the top for you and your wife, In case you get into trouble.
Don't make me choose.
Listen to me.
You're not lettin' a traitor walk away.
You're giving a friend a break.
This is all I'll need.
The rest I'm gonna leave to her majesty.
- You spoke to the Russian? - All Set.
Blackfordshire forest.
He doesn't suspect? Like a babe unborn.
Now tell me.
Shoud i? Jonas we're still brothers.
We need to clear out.
Yeah, of course.
You know, after tonight, there's no turning back.
- Jonas.
- What? I can't I I don't I'm doing this for you.
I'm letting you run.
- I don't wanna run.
- You told him you did.
I can't live the rest of my life as a fugitive.
He won't leave without you.
Then don't tell him I'm not going.
Understand what you're sayin'.
Just don't say anything, not yet.
Please? I What is it? To stay here with you.
Anything?! No! Bob, she's here! All right, she's breathing.
Come here, sweetheart.
Come here.
I know.
They're here.
You're gonna be ok, honey.
You hang in there.
This kind of thing usually calls for more fog.
Why the luggage? It belongs to the missis.
She needs to leave town tonight.
Does he suspect the two of you? Wasn't that your intent? What has she given you? Nothing I can act on yet.
Jonas, you can't protect him.
Right now, he's the last person I want to protect.
The're no good to be dead.
I understand.
Any time now.
Get down.
Stay down until it's clear.
Your dutch passports? Mr.
And mrs.
Martin van driessen.
I see them.
What's he got? Shovel.
He's buried the pot under that tree.
A real leprechaun.
On my mark.
- I'm followin' you.
- No,re in front Down! Down on the ground right now! I had no choice.
Ain't that convenient? The one man who could give you up.
Well, what's the difference? He's nothing.
You got the buyer.
- Is it over? - Almost Get your things.
Come on.
Let's go.
Heather, come on.
- I'm not going.
- What are you talkin' about? Tell her there's no turning back now.
She's not leaving.
What? She's staying here.
He turn you against me? No.
It was my idea.
Oh, I see.
So now I'm the mark, and you get your flame.
Why am I not shocked? I mean, you never loved the plan from the start, did you? He said you could leave.
Just go.
You were in this? He'll say anything now.
Tell him.
Tell me.
I wanted to make things better.
We needed out.
You needed out, But you didn't need a life on the run.
That's where I come in.
I'm sorry, jonas.
I got scared.
Time to go.
Whose arm are you takin'? Nobody's goin' anywhere.
I called in backup.
I was never gonna let you get out of the country.
You're boxed in, baby.
You'll never get past these trees.
I don't think You're the type of guy to turn in a friend.
I don't believe it.
Dev put the gun down.
Hold your fire! What have you done?! You've killed him! You've killed him! No! What have you done?! dude, what's goin' on? Fire torched the kitchen.
Anyone hurt? A few people got burned pretty bad.
Cops also found that they were sellin' meth out the back.
Shuttin' the whole place down.
Hey, dude.
- Llama.
- Huh? Um, I'm lookin' for annie, The bartender.
You seen her? Around the side.
Hey, annie.
Hey, are you ok? Yeah.
Just out of a job.
Looks that way.
How are you doin'? Me, I'm all right.
Yeah? No.
I, uh I been thinkin' a lot about what happened before Ok, look, you don't have to explain.
I get it.
I miss hector, too.
Ah, there's more to it than that.
I If you and me were to get involved Yeah.
If you and i Oh, come on.
I'm listening.
Look, if you and i get invol Well, you earned your stripes today,sergeant.
Not exactly the celebration you had in mind, but No, you made the right choice, though.
After this, I think I'm gonna put the mike down for a while, At least until after the baby's born.
Well, don't be so quick to decide, you know.
There was a rt of me that felt What? Powerful.
Is that awful to admit? No.
What's wrong with power? When you're away on a mission And I'm at home waiting I feel so helpless, And there's nothing I can do to protect you.
A- And here was someone who Who you could save.
Who gave the order to fire? Those men were to wait for my signal.
If they'd waited, you'd be dead.
We had a deal.
I couldn't be sure.
Of what? That you hadn't gone soft.
Kiss my ass.
Well, he was a traitor.
He was my friend.
And she? Given the choice between betraying a friend And betraying your country? There is no choice.
That's right.
Not for you.

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