Friday the 13th: The Series (1987) s03e12 Episode Script

Epitaph For a Lonely Soul

(thunder crashing) (organ plays solemn music) (thunder crashing) (thunder rumbling) (thunder crashing) (doorbell chimes) Mr.
Wells? I just wanted to look at her again.
I understand.
We ask ourselves why, but there are never any answers.
Take comfort in her memory.
Is there anything else I can do for you? Um I've got some music I'd like you to play at the funeral.
It's in my car.
I'll get it before I leave.
Oh, take-take as long as you like.
Thank you.
(doorbell chimes) Excuse me.
I really appreciate this Eli, so late and all.
I'm in a jam.
Standing room only down at my branch.
I've got nowhere to put this.
Just a kid.
Motorcycle accident.
It's gonna take plenty of sealer and wax.
Open viewing? Yup.
Parents are springing for a half couch mahogany.
Can you handle it? Yeah.
(thunder crashing) What's this? It's old man Morton's.
He was using it to embalm his wife when his heart gave out.
Got to get rid of it.
Why? Ah, some of the guys down at the morgue think Mrs.
Morton was still alive when our dear old founder was embalming her.
What? Do the police know? Hardly.
Not good for business, Eli.
It's You know, this is a bit of a collector's item.
(thunder crashes) You mind if I keep it? Be my guest.
Thank you.
Oh, thanks for helping me.
I owe you one.
Uh, do you want to come in? We could have a Well, we could have a sherry.
Ah, thanks Eli, but I got a full postmortem to prepare.
Well, maybe another time.
Yeah, maybe.
(thunder crashing) (engine starting) (sighs) The mysteries of life, the universe, and now you know everything.
Don't you? (opera aria playing) Mr.
Leonard? (cassette case tapping) (sloshing) (aria continues) (thunderclap) (sighs) Still a bit lumpy.
(whirring) (thunderclap) (whoosh) (mechanical humming) (screaming) (groaning) (thunder crashing) (phonograph powers up) (slow ragtime jazz playing) (mechanical creaking) (chimes tinkling) (thunder crashes) (big band music plays) Jack, you must try one of these.
My salmon is fantastic.
Yeah, the only fantastic thing about this party will be its conclusion.
At least Johnny had the sense to go and visit relatives for this week.
Well, if you're hating it so much, why did you have it? ADA.
Who's Ada? The Antique Dealers' Association.
This party is a duty of the treasurer, which is what I am.
MICKI: Who's that? JACK: Melanie Sanders.
She has the largest collection of antique porcelain in the whole country.
Exquisite taste except in men.
What exactly don't you like about him? I can't stand him.
One of our city's finest.
He was elected police commissioner last year.
Practically hired a skywriter to break the news.
What Melanie's doing with him, I Jack! (laughs) Real homey place you have here.
(Jack chuckles) Yes.
Very homey.
Uh, Melanie, I'd like you to meet my partner.
This is, uh, Micki Foster.
How do you do? Well, say, Jack, how are things on the, uh, other side, eh? (laughs) Well, have you got any new occult adventures to report? Would you believe me if I told you? Oh, probably not.
But say, I've got something that might interest you.
A young guy came into the station last night, wailing about some corpse that sprang to life over at the, uh, Glenview Mortuary.
Really? Yeah.
I thought he must have been a friend of yours because he said the damn thing just sat right up on the embalming table! (laughing) Did you check it out? (laughing) HANK: That's what I love about Jack, you know.
He'll believe almost anything.
That's because anything is possible.
(stifled laugh) Have another drink, Jack.
Oh, but, uh, go a little easy on the appetizers, eh? (laughter) What do you think? I think he's obnoxious.
But if he isn't going to look into that story, then we are.
Hmm? Can you hear me? (wheezing) Do you know what's happening? (sighs) Mr.
Morton uses this to kill his wife.
And I use it, and it revives a dead body.
You've had a rare privilege, sir.
You've lived twice.
But I'm afraid I can't let your family see you in this condition.
(grunting) (mechanical humming) (Wells sighs) My fiancée, Lisa, died a week ago.
The mortuary is doing the funeral.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
STEVE: Thanks.
Congenital heart defect.
She was 25 years old.
Doctors always said she wouldn't live to see her 30th birthday, but, uh, we never thought it would happen.
She's so beautiful.
And the guys keep telling me to take a day off, but, uh, I don't know.
It keeps my mind off it, you know? Anyway, the police wouldn't listen.
They said I was seeing things.
I wasn't seeing things.
ELI: All my life I've been alone, waiting for someone like you.
Our destinies have brought us together.
(doorbell chiming) Uh, Mr.
Leonard? Yes.
Jack Marshak.
Micki Foster.
Could we have a word with you for a moment? Of course.
(whimpers) As you can see, he's quite dead.
Are you close friends with Mr.
Wells? Just met, actually.
Well, he's going through a very traumatic state.
It's not a-- it's not an easy thing to lose a loved one.
I know.
ELI: And I have seen this sort of thing happen before.
You have? Oh, yes.
Yes, I once had a-a young mother who lost her newborn child.
She stared into his casket until she was convinced that she could see his chest rise.
She was so distraught that we had to exhume the body, because, well, she swore that she could hear the baby's muffled cries beneath the ground.
You see death is an experience that we all fight and deny and well, in that sort of emotional state, our minds can play tricks on us.
Well, we told him that we'd check it out, and we have.
Sorry to have taken your time.
Not at all.
Oh, uh, if you're ever in need of our services.
Thank you.
(sighs) (sighs) Ashes to ashes.
Dust to dust.
Dust thou art and unto dust thou shalt return.
In thy name we consign this body to the earth.
(mourners crying) Tonight, my solitude will end.
Tonight, you'll no longer be a dream.
Welcome back, my love.
Don't be afraid.
We're together as it was meant to be.
(door chimes jangling) Mr.
Wells, how nice to see you.
Uh, I was just wondering if you had a chance to check out the mortuary.
Well, actually, yeah.
We spoke to the mortician.
Leonard? And? And what you saw was a common postmortem reaction.
What, is he crazy?! The thing moved! Hell, it sat up and screamed! He was right there.
Why would he lie about something like that? Maybe he wasn't lying.
You're saying I made this whole thing up? What you saw was definitely real to you And in my emotional state, I'm imagining things? Steve, we saw the body.
It was definitely dead.
So I'm going crazy, is that it? You've suffered a tremendous loss.
I've had enough of this.
Where are you going? I'm gonna go talk to Leonard, myself.
Steve, wait! (crying) He was such a good kid.
ELI: We ask ourselves why, but the answers never come.
Take comfort in his memory.
(somber organ music plays) (birds chirping) (clock ticking) (organ playing) (sobbing) (door shuts) (footsteps) I'm sorry about that.
It's business, you know.
Uh, I bought you some things.
I hope you like it.
I, uh, picked it out myself.
See? (faintly): Where am I? What did you say? Where am I? You you don't remember? No.
Do you remember your name? No.
It's okay.
It's okay.
You You've been sick.
It's affected your memory.
You'll be fine.
Don't worry.
Who are you? Well, I'm-I'm, uh your husband, Eli.
And your name is Deborah.
My Deborah.
Why can't I remember? Shh, it's okay.
(doorbell chiming) Um you stay here, and I'll be right back.
Okay? (organ playing) This is him, this is the body that came back to life.
I know.
What the hell is going on here? Steve, you can't He must've killed him again.
Steve, for God's sake-- get a hold of yourself.
What are you doing? Looking for answers.
I'm sorry, he's been very Don't apologize for me.
Why'd you lie to her about that body coming back to life? What body? STEVE: You know damn well what body! The body in the casket! ELI: I'm sorry, but I don't know what you're talking about.
The one that sat up and screamed when you stuck that-- that instrument into it.
Wells, you've been through a horrible tragedy.
Oh, don't patronize me! ELI: You are not acting rationally.
STEVE: Look, pal! You were there.
I was there.
We both saw it.
It was real.
I'm asking you to leave these premises.
It was right in here.
Steve! On this table.
You were standing here.
I saw it.
It was real! May I speak to you outside, please? MICKI: I'm sorry, Mr.
(indistinct chattering) MICKI: He's upset.
I thought it would help if came down to see for himself.
ELI: Well, you were wrong! Mr.
Leonard, I'm terribly sorry about this.
I'm sure you can understand.
You know, I really don't have the time or patience to listen to any more of this.
Now either you get him to leave, or I'll call the police.
Hmm! Steve, I really think we should go.
I'll talk to you more in the car.
You're right.
I'm probably just upset.
Let's go.
There's something strange going on in there.
Steve, I really don't think Look Lisa's ring.
It was on her finger.
I know-- I put it there.
Well, all that proves is that Leonard is a thief.
He's stealing from dead bodies.
I wonder what else he's doing in there.
(ignition turns) What are you doing out of bed? Those voices.
Who were they? It's just some people.
It's nobody important.
I know that man.
I know that voice.
Come on, we have to get you into bed.
Who are you calling, Micki? Steve Wells, but he's not home.
He was very upset earlier.
I hope he's okay.
Well, he'll have a lot of emotions to deal with right now, won't he? I just wish there was something I could do to help.
He will get through it.
It's never easy, but I'm sure he'll be okay.
(thudding and scraping) (Steve grunting) (grunting) That bastard! (grunts) (door creaking) (gasping) Steve? You're alive.
LISA: No! No! (thud) (grunting) No! (sobbing): No! No! No! No! (Lisa sobbing) It's okay.
It's okay, it's okay.
It's okay, you're okay, you're all right.
JACK: Still no reply, huh? Nope.
He's not at his work either.
I've been calling all day.
Jack, I'm worried about him.
I'm going to go check his apartment.
I'm sure he's fine.
I can't abandon him.
Micki We were the only ones who listened to him.
Now we're turning our backs.
Everything that mortician said to us makes very good sense.
You know, Steve did mention yesterday that the body came back to life when Leonard stuck it with some kind of a an instrument.
An embalming instrument? I don't know.
Eli Leonard isn't mentioned in the manifest.
I checked.
But I could see if Lewis had a listing for a surgical instrument.
Great, I'm going to go to Steve's place.
Maybe he's just not answering the phone.
Oh, no Steve? What are you doing down here? Where's Steve? You're not to leave the apartment, you understand? Where is he? No! (sobbing) Listen to me! Listen to me! He's not important anymore.
I'm the one you love.
You're my wife now! You're crazy! Leave me alone! I want Steve! Steve is dead and you're alive, thanks to me.
You should be grateful! I've given you a second chance! Leave me alone! Please! Leave me alone! I can't! I won't! Don't you understand? I-I don't have to be alone anymore.
And I won't let anything get in the way of my happiness.
Now, you'll see.
Y-You'll grow to love me.
No, no You'll see.
Y-Y-You'll love me.
No, no! You'll love me.
No, no! (Lisa shrieking) Why won't you listen to me? LISA: Let me go! I don't understand you! I don't understand you! Please! How could you do this to me after all I've done for you? (Lisa sobbing) Please, I just I just want to go home! Don't you see? This is home! (Lisa screaming) No! No! (sobbing): No! This is home! (Lisa crying) (sobbing): Don't you understand? (sobbing): Don't you? (Lisa screaming, pounding) MICKI: Steve's not at his apartment.
The landlord said he went out late last night and never came home.
Hmm Listen, Micki.
I've rechecked the manifest, and there is a listing for a mortician's instrument known as an aspirator.
It was sold to a man named Neville Morton.
Maybe Eli got it from him.
You're right.
Morton is the owner of Glenview Mortuaries.
I'm going to go there.
Maybe that's where Steve went.
Okay, but be very careful, Micki.
I'll see if I can track down this Morton character.
You be careful, too.
Yeah, okay, good-bye.
ELI: Why did she turn against me? What did I do wrong? Maybe I should've waited longer.
That's it.
That's it! It was too soon.
I did it too soon.
That's it, I should've waited longer.
(laughing) Yeah, that's it.
Linda Curry.
Two years dead.
(muffled yelling, pounding) Steve? (muffled screams) (Lisa screaming, pounding) (gasping) (shrieking) (coughing, gasping) (dog barks in distance) Linda Curry.
(whispering): She's alive, Jack! Right here in front of me.
Alive?! Somehow Eli can resurrect the dead.
By using the aspirator.
Micki, I've been doing some research.
Morton had a heart attack while he was embalming his wife.
His wife? Yes, seems he'd gone through several wives over the years.
I think that the curse allows you to restore a life only after you've taken one, hmm? (sighs) Steve was telling the truth.
Have you found him? He's dead.
Eli murdered him.
Oh, God, Micki.
Where's Eli? Out somewhere.
I'm coming over.
We've got to find that aspirator.
(dial tone droning) I'm so sorry.
We were always going to be together.
I can't imagine living without him.
(door creaking) In here.
(rummaging) (sighs) Lisa, I found it.
Micki, look out! (groans) (gasps) (wind howling) (gasps) (groaning) (Lisa grunting) (grunting) Don't worry.
It'll be over soon.
What are you going to do? Oh, many things.
Many wonderful things.
First I'm going to wake my sleeping bride.
She's beautiful, isn't she? Her name was Linda Curry, but, uh, that will have to change.
I'm fond of Deborah.
Do you like that name? I've got friends who know where I am.
They're coming for me.
You can see some minor decomposition.
I don't know I blame myself for that.
I didn't embalm her as carefully as I should have.
But then how was I to know I'd be needing her in two years? (chuckling) MICKI: Eli listen to me.
I can help you.
You know, some families, they-they-they hire their own beauticians, but hers didn't-- nope.
All they brought was the dress and the locket.
Stop it! She'll be thankful.
She won't turn against me.
You had your chance.
(mechanical humming) (laughing) (humming stops) She she's beautiful.
She's beautiful.
Come on come on.
Up you come.
All right.
Two years in the grave has wiped her mind clean.
She can start all over again.
A new life.
A new memory.
Oh, you've got to stop this.
You know you're quite beautiful.
And if, uh, embalmed properly, you'll last-- oh, I don't know-- a lot of years.
Then, you'll be ready for me, won't you, hmm? (grunting) Now, this will, uh, probably hurt a great deal, but it'll be over quickly.
(screaming) (doorbell chiming) I told you they were coming.
(screaming) (glass shattering) (muffled screaming) (door creaking) (click) (grunting) (panting) Micki? (Micki grunting) MICKI: Jack! MICKI: Linda.
Linda? Linda, you've got to help us.
Please, Linda.
Micki? (door creaking shut) Take your pick, Mr.
(Eli chuckling) (grunting) MICKI: Linda, please, you've got to unstrap us.
He's going to keep you alive for his own pleasure.
Eternal torment instead of the peace you deserve.
(growling) Linda, he's going to abuse you.
He's already desecrated your grave.
(grunting and groaning) (choking) (groaning) (coughing) MICKI: Linda, look at me.
Look at me.
You remember, don't you? You remember who you were.
(grunting) MICKI: Linda, you've got to help me.
Help me, please.
(grunting and groaning) (Micki screaming) (shattering) (mechanical humming) (groaning) (screaming) (screaming continues) (screaming) Micki.
Go on, get out.
(screaming continues) No! This way.
Linda and Lisa are in there.
MICKI: Hurry! JACK: Come on! Lisa, come on! JACK: Come out, get out! No! No, it's too late.
No! Come on, get out! No! (door closing) (coughing) (sobbing) You all right? (sobbing) Micki, I recovered the aspirator from the ashes of the mortuary.
It's safely back in the vault.
It was loneliness that drove Eli mad.
I think that's what killed Steve, too.
It's almost as though he wanted to die to be reunited with her.
The world is full of lonely people, isn't it? Those who aren't don't realize how lucky they are.
I think they're together now.
Don't you? Come on, let's go.

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