The Baxters (2024) s03e12 Episode Script

Return Together

-[Elizabeth] Previously on
The Baxters
-Will you marry me?
Nothing could change the fact
that I want to spend
the rest of my life with you.
[Ashley] The man that
I was with in Paris,
Landon, he's dying of AIDS.
Which means
I could've been infected.
I want us to start talking
about starting a family.
[Sam] We should settle
in Dallas first,
then we can talk about it.
I'm just worried
that when we get to Dallas,
you're gonna find
another reason to wait.
without you
or Tommy in my life.
Tell me what I can do.
I want you to work on things
with your family.
[Pastor Mariana] I know
Tim would want you and Jessie,
to be loved and cared for.
[Kari] I am ready
to marry you now.
[theme song playing]
'Cause life has a way
Of pulling us under ♪
But we'll stick it out ♪
If we got each other ♪
When it all feels too much ♪
I know you'll come running
For me ♪
Through the highs and lows
We'll find our way home ♪
Family ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Family ♪
[people chattering
We're gonna get through this.
-No matter what happens, okay?
You keep saying that
but I still feel like
I'm ruining your life, Landon.
Let's take it
one step at a time, Ash.
First the test.
[door opens]
Sorry I'm late.
-Hey, Landon,
thanks for being here.
-Of course.
I know she's glad you're here.
Doctors speak
a foreign language.
I'm more than happy
to translate.
Deep breaths. Okay.
Ashley Baxter.
Hey, you go with your sister.
I'll be here.
[thunder rumbling]
Mommy. Mommy, it's so loud.
I know, baby. Come here.
It's okay.
I'm scared.
What do we do?
We pray.
[thunder crackles]
God, send us your comfort.
Hold us tight in your arms.
Show us that tomorrow
is a beautiful day,
free from all our fears.
[thunder crackles]
[bell tolling]
Okay, guys,
we're gonna start now.
-Can we Can we do this?
-[chattering indistinctly]
Let's start
with rehearsal, please.
-Good luck.
Oh, all right. Okay.
Let's do this.
Team Baxter.
[all laughing]
Um, guys, we're here
to walk you through
the motions
of this ceremony,
that is gonna join
Kari and Ryan.
[all clapping and cheering]
You're all gonna move
to the back of the church
and we are gonna start
practicing processing in.
So from the
I have a few things
I wanted to say,
if that's okay.
I came here to ask
for your forgiveness.
You said I was breeding
my own anger,
and you were right, Dad.
The shooting
changed everything
How I saw God,
how I saw the world
It scared me.
So I ran.
But I'm done running.
You all tried to show me
that I was lost.
And you were right.
I admit that.
But I'm ready
to find my way back
to this place,
and back to you.
Look, I still have
a lot of questions for God,
and there are pieces of
what happened between
Reagan and I that
I just need a little bit
more time before I could
share with you.
There's one thing
that I'll never ever
question again
I'm a Baxter.
And this family,
this family is one of my
greatest gifts
From God.
And I just wanna say
thank you.
Thank you
for trying so hard
over the past few months
to make sure
that I never forget it.
[Luke sighs]
[sighs] Thank you, God.
-Welcome home.
I'm so sorry, Mom.
-I'm so sorry.
Welcome home, son.
[sobbing] Welcome home.
Welcome home. Welcome home.
[cell phone chimes]
-I just got a text
from our venue.
-The septic tank burst.
The whole place is flooded.
Yeah. They say
we have to find another place.
-Okay, let's just stay calm.
We'll figure it out.
-We'll make some calls.
[Elizabeth] We'll fix this.
It'll be fine.
I, uh I might actually
have an idea.
[birds screeching]
Wow, Luke, it's incredible.
[chuckles] I told you.
Thank you.
-You're saving
our whole wedding.
-Don't thank me.
Thank me.
We used to put
the hors-d'oeuvres
back in that corner there
on a nice high table,
and, uh, the dance floor
right here in the middle
of everything,
and all along this terrace,
a long dining table
overlooking the dance floor.
Sir, what can we do
to thank you for this?
Invite me to the wedding.
-[all laugh]
[humming] I still got
a few old moves in this body,
-in spite of this stupid thing.
-[all laugh]
Thank you. You are saving
our whole wedding day.
Hey, I told you.
It's really all Arthur's doing.
No, it's not the venue.
It's you being here.
-I appreciate that.
-[Ryan] All right.
-We got a wedding to do, okay?
-[inhales] Sure do.
[Peter] You think this will be
enough pizza?
[chuckles] Uh, let's hope so.
Fair enough.
Wow. I can't believe
how much they got done.
[Sam] Well, this
This family's incredible.
I know.
Hey, will you thank Erin for
watching all the kids tonight
so we could help out
Kari and Ryan?
Oh, she's in her glory.
She's got babies on the brain.
And you?
Uh, I'll get there.
Sam, there's nothing
more transformative
than the love that you have
for your child.
It has the power to make
you and your wife
better people,
and a stronger couple.
Just so you know.
[all cheering]
I don't know about you guys,
but I could eat this
entire pie.
Oh, hey, save some for Ashley.
I'm gonna bring it back to her
when I go home.
I hope her jetlag
wears off by tomorrow.
I mean, I need her
to walk down the aisle.
She'll be fine.
Thank you, guys, for helping us
move everything over here.
We'd be lost without you.
On all nights,
but especially tonight.
Aw, see?
I told you these kids
would come in handy,
[all laughing]
Well, I know
this isn't a formal
rehearsal dinner anymore,
but could
we still pray together?
Of course. Thank you.
Lord, it's possible that
I've never been more grateful
for a single moment
than I am for the one
that we're sharing right now.
I got a feeling
that this family,
our new family agrees.
Lord, so many different paths
have led us to this moment.
It lead us through
the pain of loss.
A struggle of losing faith,
and even moments of sickness.
But we ride stronger,
using your strength
as our guide.
We grow closer using
your unconditional love
as our inspiration.
And we look to the future
with hope,
for all the beauty
that is to come
for this unforgettable family.
In your name we pray.
[all] Amen.
-Well done, by the way.
-Thank you, sir.
Learned from the best.
[piano playing]
[chattering indistinctly]
Yeah. Okay.
Yeah, thanks.
-[door opens]
-[Ashley] Hey.
We've been looking
all over for you.
It's time for family photos.
Was that the doctor?
-What did she say?
-Let's wait.
-It's a big day and
-Tell me what she said.
It was transmitted to you.
You're HIV positive.
Listen, listen to me.
There has been
incredible progress
over the last few years
in keeping
the AIDS virus at bay.
Many, many people live.
Long lives at this stage.
We're gonna get you
the best care and
Hey, hey!
You are strong
and you will have
the strength of this
entire family behind you.
-God's got you, Ash.
We can fight this.
You don't need
to tell anyone yet.
I'm here for you today, okay?
Come here.
I love you.
I love you.
You don't have
to do this, Reagan.
-I'm serious.
-I want to.
But we can take our time.
You just got back.
-I just got back.
-No, no more secrets, okay?
Especially from your family.
Such a long path.
I love that you made it.
What's with the bag, huh?
This is actually a, well
-Hey, Mr. Baxter.
-Oh, Reagan.
Hi, Mrs. Baxter.
I, um We
Mom, Dad,
this is Thomas Luke, our son.
There's so much
that we both need to explain
to you, especially me.
But I didn't want to Tommy
to miss another second
with his family.
Would it be all right
if we joined you today?
-Oh, yes.
Your son!
It's your grandma.
-Would you like to hold him?
-Oh, yeah.
-Here you go, buddy.
Hey, sweet boy.
He looks just like a little boy
I used to know.
[all chuckle]
You will always
be a part of our family.
-Thank you.
-And so are you.
-You're stuck with us.
-[Elizabeth] He's so beautiful.
[Pastor Mariana] I would like
to welcome you
to the wedding ceremony of
Kari Baxter and Ryan Taylor.
These rings
are a symbol of the love
by which Kari and Ryan have
bound themselves to each other.
And now for their vows.
[Kari] With this ring,
I thee wed,
I Kari, take you, Ryan,
to be my husband.
To have and to hold
for richer or poorer,
in sickness and in health
for as long
as we both shall live.
[Ryan] Kari, I give you
this ring as a sign
of my love and fidelity.
I, Ryan, take you, Kari,
to be my wife.
To have and to hold
for richer or poorer,
in sickness and in health
for as long
as we both shall live.
[Kari] Celebrate
each day with you.
[Ryan] Love Jessie
as if she is my own.
[Kari] Thank God
for bringing you into my life.
[Ryan] Never question
that I was put on this earth
to love and cherish you,
Kari girl.
[Pastor Mariana] It is my honor
to present these
beautiful souls to you
as husband and wife.
Ryan, you may kiss your bride.
-[Ryan] We're there.
-[Kari exclaims excitedly]
-Are we there yet?
[chuckles] I'm nervous.
Hey, you got no reason to be.
Okay, you ready?
Welcome to our wedding.
It's I don't have words.
-That's when
you know it's good.
[people chattering
Should we have had the kids
come to the reception?
-I feel bad.
-They're hanging out
and having a big sleepover
with their cousins.
Okay, trust me, they're having
the time of their lives.
You're right. [chuckles]
[Kari] The wedding planner
really pulled through.
You haven't seen
the half of it.
No, wait.
This is
a dream come true, Ryan.
I know it wasn't always easy
getting here,
but you gave me all the space
and love
and patience that I needed.
Thank you.
I've been dreaming about
this day with you, Kari,
for a long time.
Hey, even on the tough days
I knew God
would get us right here.
I'm really gonna miss this.
Being with your family.
I wanna promise you
two things right now.
that we're gonna do
everything in our power
to stay as close as we can as
possible when we go to Dallas.
And two
that when we get there,
we're gonna start working
on a family of our own.
I've thought
a lot about it, Erin.
And the truth is, I was afraid.
I felt so much pressure to
start a life for us in Texas.
I didn't know how we were
gonna be parents, too.
It's all so new to me coming
from a small family.
That I shut you down.
And I'm sorry.
What made you change your mind?
You being really honest with me
about your feelings.
And this.
Thanks for coming.
[chattering indistinctly]
Thank you.
[Erika] Are you ready?
I can't do this.
It sounded incredible
this morning.
No, I wrote it too fast.
And it's a mess.
Ashley, breathe.
This doesn't
have to be perfect.
It's not what makes it
meaningful to Kari and Ryan.
Just sing from your heart.
It'll be beautiful.
All right.
If I could have everyone
please make their way
to the dance floor
for a very special performance.
[crowd applauding]
Ladies and gentlemen,
Kari and Ryan
have arranged for
a very special moment tonight.
For the first dance together
as husband and wife,
the bride's sister,
Ashley Baxter,
will play
an original song. Ashley.
Hi, everyone.
Congrats, Kari and Ryan.
You know I see behind
The smile into your eyes ♪
And I know every corner
Where you hide ♪
And even if we don't see
Clearly eye to eye ♪
I'm on your side ♪
You don't ever have to know ♪
A day without
A hand to hold ♪
You don't ever have to face
The demons all alone ♪
You don't ever
Have to wander ♪
Like you've
Got no place to go ♪
Baby, come home ♪
And let me hold you ♪
So let's change the world ♪
Together, babe, we can ♪
I won't let go ♪
No matter what's ahead ♪
You don't ever have to know ♪
A day without
A hand to hold ♪
You don't ever have to face ♪
Your demons all alone ♪
You don't ever
Have to wander ♪
Like you've
Got no place to go ♪
Baby, come home
And let me hold you ♪
Baby, come home ♪
Baby, come home ♪
[DJ] Give it up
for Ashley Baxter, everyone.
[all applauding]
All right, now I'd like
to invite all the couples
on the dance floor
to join our bride and groom.
Ash, where you going?
We should be dancing.
-I can't be here.
-What's going on?
I got the results back.
Landon, I have it.
Please let me go.
Hey, hey, Ashley. Stop please!
I want to marry you.
We'll find a way
to make it work.
You deserve
a wonderful life
with someone healthy.
Someone with a future
ahead of her.
You don't know
what the future holds.
I do.
Ashley? Ashley, wait!
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