The Bionic Woman (1976) s03e12 Episode Script

All for One

Come on, man. Hurry.
Who's there?
This computer bandit.
He used the university terminal.
Probably means that he or she
is a teacher or an alumnus.
Look out!
Who you got for a teacher?
A guy named Tharp.
You know him?
Cat is a turkey.
We kill two birds
with one stone.
THARP: The agent and Benny.
Come on, man. Hurry.
BENNY: Almost there.
That's it. We've
got the money.
Now I've got to deprogram it.
MANGO: Someone's coming.
Gotta split.
I'm not finished, man.
MANGO: Come on, man. Boogie.
I'm not finished.
Who's there?
Come back here.
Rudy, are you trying to tell me
that somebody transferred $5,000
out of an OSI account
and you don't know
where it went?
It could be in any bank
account in the country.
This computer bandit not only
has a way to dig into our pockets,
but he's got a system that's
absolutely untraceable.
He's a genius. We're
lucky it wasn't more.
That operations account is controlled
by our highest security computer system.
If he's got access to our money,
he's got access to all of our top
secret computerized data as well.
That's right. And there's
no way we can stop him.
At least for now.
What do you mean,
"At least for now"?
Have we got any leads?
A small one.
Apparently, the bandit didn't have
time to erase his program last night.
So, with that mistake, we were lucky
enough to lock onto a terminal he used.
Where is it?
South Coast University.
Yeah. The research
library there has
a terminal that's hooked
into the Library of Congress.
So do a lot of other schools, but that
doesn't mean they have access to OSI funds.
It does if you have the
right computer program.
There are a lot of
computer networks.
There's communication,
there's banking, there's research.
A large percentage of them
have one trait in common.
They're all hooked into
the Library of Congress.
Now, this person at South Coast
University has devised a program that,
through the Library of Congress,
gives him access to the banks and
businesses throughout the country.
Now he can literally transfer funds
from their accounts into his own at will.
Amazing, Rudy.
A program that can take
top secret material
and make it as available
as a library book.
The Bionic Project.
Jaime. Max.
Do you have any idea what a
foreign power would pay for that?
How much damage it could do?
Well, for what it's
worth, we're lucky.
Right now it appears as if
all he's interested in is money.
Iran a profile on him
just to find out what kind of
a character we're looking for.
Here's what we've got.
He's a genius, for starters.
He's highly educated.
PhD is likely.
He worked for the government
or a bank at some point in time.
And the fact that the bandit
used the university terminal
probably means that he or she
is a teacher or an alumnus there.
We'd better get
somebody over there.
Have you talked
to anybody on campus?
A professor named Tom Tharp.
Now, he claims that he walked in on
the bandit last night, scared him away.
Who are you calling?
How would you like
to go back to college?
Look out, look out.
I'm actually going down.
Look out.
Look out. Coming through.
Coming through.
Out of the way.
Get out of the way.
Look out, look out. Uh-oh.
Watch what you're doing.
Sorry, late for work.
Late for work.
Ooh, baby.
Hey, there, need some help?
No, thank you.
You know, I saw you
over at the bookstore.
You new?
Hey, you probably
don't know who I am.
I know.
May I have that, please?
Morning Dove.
My favorite.
Afternoon locker room.
It's not mine.
Thank you.
You sure there's nothing
I can help you with?
Sure. Where is the
Physics building?
Don't know.
But, ooh, can I show you some interesting
ways to the Phys. Ed. department?
Mmm. I'm sure you could.
Ciao, baby.
BENNY: Just a minute, man.
BENNY: Hey, Mango, we
got us a hot lady coming in.
MAN: Coffee, black.
BENNY: All right.
Coffee for you, too?
Another coffee, man.
Hey, Mrs. Simpson, you're smiling
the smile of a lady who knew her Camus.
Hey, how did you do on your
philosophy exam, Mrs. S.?
Yeah, come on, what happened?
All right.
Mango, a Special Special
for the smart lady here.
Right. One Special
Special coming up.
Ooh. Well, what
can I do for you?
Well, that depends. Are you a
better cook than you are a bike rider?
Oh, that was you back on the
Yes. It was me on the
Oh, hey, well, I'm sorry
about that. I really am.
It's okay.
What would you like?
I would like a cup of tea and some
directions to the Physics building.
You know where that is? I've got
an appointment over there at noon.
Oh, yeah. I've got a delivery
over there at noon myself.
Tell you what. Why don't you sip on
your tea for a few minutes and wait for me?
And I'll walk you over.
You don't have to
do that. I'm just
Hey, you know, like,
after running you down,
I figure it's the
least I can do.
Tea's on the house.
Okay. Thanks.
Mango, hurry up with
that Special Special.
The can opener's broken, man,
and I can't get the ketchup open.
Need some help?
I'm pretty good
with those things.
Sure. There.
Help yourself.
Thank you.
There you go.
You mind telling me
how you did this?
Oh, I just used my fingernail.
(LAUGHING) Yeah, okay.
All right.
How about a coke?
BENNY: Come on, Stubbs,
put the special
in Mrs. Simpson's Special
and give her her food.
Coming up.
There you go, Mrs. S.
Now you hang
loose, Mrs. S.
This doesn't look like
the Physics building to me.
Your power of
observation is astonishing.
Robin Hood to
the rescue. Mango.
MANGO: What?
Give me a big shake.
You know, there are plenty of
other astonishing things about me.
Will you please get lost?
I am not interested, okay?
Excuse me, is this seat taken?
Hey, I said the seat's taken.
But the lady said
The seat's taken.
Now get out of
Oh, man, I'm sorry,
man. It slipped.
Man, I'm gonna kill you.
You better not mess with me,
Jack, 'cause I know karate.
Oh, yeah? Well,
you're gonna need it.
Man, lucky he hit the bushes.
I think we'd better go.
Sure. Anything you say.
Anything you say.
happened? What happened?
So, what's your name?
Jaime Sommers.
Well, I'm Kareem
Abdul-Jabbar, Jaime.
But you can call me Benny.
Okay, Benny.
What you going to do in
the Physics department?
I'm gonna take a computer
programming course.
Computers, huh?
Hey, I dig computers.
Who you got for a teacher?
A guy named Tharp.
You know him?
Cat is a turkey. That's the
dude I'm delivering lunch to.
Really? Well, are there any
other teachers that are better?
I mean, who knows the
most about programming?
Uh, Tharp, I guess.
But believe me,
this guy's a turkey.
You know, he goes into
hiding every Thanksgiving.
You know, you don't hardly
look like the electronics type.
Oh, I don't, do I?
Well, you'd be surprised
what's under this skin of mine.
Yeah? Well, I like surprises.
Thank you.
Come in.
$2.57, Mr. T.
It's Dr. Tharp, Benny.
This time, give me the change.
Who are you?
Jaime Sommers.
Oh, uh
Jaime Sommers from
the government?
Well, this is a pleasant
surprise. (CLEARS THROAT)
Oh. Um, it's a
pleasure to meet you.
Won't you sit down?
Thank you.
Here's your change, Mr. T.
This is supposed to be
a secret, Dr. Tharp.
Or weren't you aware of that?
Oh, well, uh, you don't have to
worry with someone like Benny.
It probably went
right over his head.
I doubt it. Um
Oscar said that you, uh,
enrolled me in a couple of classes?
Yes. As an auditor.
Except I don't think you'll
find the computer bandit there.
Why not?
Well, as I understand it,
the system is so sophisticated that even
your people can't make heads or tails of it.
Who told you that?
Well Well, it's
just simple logic.
If the government could've
found a way to stop it,
why would they send you here?
So what, uh What
can I help you with?
What do you plan to do?
Oh, just taking a few
classes, ask some questions.
I think I'll go over tonight and
keep an eye on the terminal.
Maybe I can catch the thief
on a return trip. Who knows?
This is Tharp.
I talked to the
agent today and, uh,
in a roundabout way got her
to confirm what we thought.
Our friend's program
is very, very valuable.
Yeah, everything's set.
The only thing is, uh, what
do I do about the agent?
Kill her?
Yeah, yeah, I understand.
Jaime, how you doing?
Hey, how you doing?
I'm cool. I'm cool.
Tell me, what'd you think
of, uh, Tharp this afternoon?
Oh. Turkey.
Yeah Yeah, I told
you, didn't I? Yes.
What are you guys
doing over here?
I thought you parked,
uh, over in the patio.
Oh, only during the daytime.
See, like, at night we park near the library
'cause we sell a lot more coffee, see?
Plus, we're closer to the
kitchen when we close.
I see.
Where you headed?
The Research Library. And
yes, I could use some coffee.
You mean the government
pays you to work at night?
What was that Tharp was saying
this afternoon? Are you a Fed?
No, I am not a Fed.
I'm a clerk.
I work in a government
records office.
Records office, huh?
What does that have to
do with the university?
Oh, they're computerizing
the department, see?
So they sent me here
to learn about it.
Come on, where's that coffee?
A large or small?
Oh, large. It's gonna
be along night.
Watch your head,
baby. There.
Mango, draw a large coffee.
BENNY: So they're
computerizing the department.
What kind of system
are they putting in?
A big one.
They said it's going
to handle all the files.
Oh, that's good.
That's good.
Cream or sugar?
Now you're talking.
Let me have a quarter.
There you go.
Thank you.
Thank you. Good night.
You have a good
night, okay? Okay.
A big one, huh?
Dr. Tharp?
Oh, hello.
Um, call me Tom.
I was just, uh, checking some
variables for tomorrow's class work.
So, are you ready for
your night-long vigil?
Well, I don't know
about all night.
What time was it when, uh,
when you walked in on those guys?
It was a little after midnight.
Oh, so maybe I can
get a little sleep, huh?
You know, I was just over
at the Gypsy Wagon and, uh
Benny was asking me some
pretty uncomfortable questions
about who I was and what I was
doing here on the campus and
Well, I said I was
sorry about that slip.
not used to all this spy stuff.
Anyway, Benny and those
kids over at the Gypsy Wagon,
they're completely harmless.
But I think they're a lot smarter
than you give them credit for.
A lot smarter.
Noisy old coat.
(SIGHS) Okay.
I'm not gonna
make it if I don't.
horrible, doesn't it, dear?
But it's the only thing
that'll keep me awake.
Mind if I sit down?
Go ahead.
I have to get through five
chapters before tomorrow morning.
You're gonna stay up all night?
Oh, I have to.
Part of being a student.
And I love it.
Mrs. Simpson, I think it's just
fantastic what you're doing.
I know, I know.
What's an old bat like
me doing in college, right?
You said that, I didn't.
Young woman
You don't know what
it's like to be an old lady
with no future or family.
It's awful.
I just knew that I was going to
die in some old county poor house.
Not because something
was wrong with me,
but out of sheer boredom.
Well, I just decided
that was ridiculous
and I started thinking about what it
was I wanted to do most in the world.
So get a college degree, huh?
(DISTORTED) The only problem
was that I didn't have any money.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, child.
Am I boring you?
No, not at all.
Well, as I was saying, the problem
was that I didn't have any money.
(ECHOING) And they just laughed
at my applications for scholarships,
I'm sorry.
It's all right, dear.
Just sleep.
BENNY: That's the signal.
Okay, Stubbs, you signal Mrs.
S. if you see anyone coming.
Come on, Mango.
Ah, my little money machine.
What have you got
for me tonight?
BENNY: Tap into the
Library of Congress.
All right, I'll transfer over
to the OSI memory bank.
And zap out
How much you think, Mango?
MANGO: Couple grand?
Let's make it $5,000
transferred to my account here,
Now, let's check out the lady.
Oh, it's you.
Is Benny using the terminal now?
Yeah. He's checking the lady
out like you thought he would.
That means he's using the same
program that he's been stealing with.
I guess.
Hopefully, if he
finds out who she is,
he may just do away with her.
We might get Benny to
do our dirty work for us.
Let me know what he
decides to do, will you?
Yeah, I will.
Stubbs, why the guilty face?
This is going to make
you a very wealthy man.
I know. Goodnight, Dr. Tharp.
Goodnight, Stubbs.
I'll see you tomorrow.
MANGO: Security
clearance grade six.
BENNY: She's with the OSI.
Computer robberies.
Aw, man, she's here to stop us.
That's something that
I'm not gonna let her do.
That's something I'm just
not going to let her do.
Jaime, we can't afford to lose
$5,000 every night of the week.
You didn't hear anything?
Oscar, I fell asleep.
I was out cold.
The custodian even had trouble
waking me up this morning.
Then the bandit did it
right under your nose, huh?
You don't have to rub it in.
Let me ask you this. Is there any
chance that you were drugged?
Is there any chance
that you were
drugged last night?
Man, I'm telling you,
it's getting heavy.
I knew something was going to happen
when I couldn't erase that program.
Why did Tharp have
to walk in on us?
We gotta do something, Benny.
I know, man, but be cool.
We can't overreact, you know?
I'll think of something.
Yeah, well, you better think
of something fast, Mr. Genius.
'Cause we talking about the OSI.
Man, we are talking
about one lady.
Hey, Benny?
Oh, hey, Raul.
How you doing?
All right, man, but, uh
You need a Special Special?
If you can spare it, man.
That's what we're here for.
One Special Special coming up.
BENNY: How much damage can one lady do?
Come on, man. She doesn't
even know who we are.
Benny, listen to him.
I mean, if she catches you putting
one Special Special together,
you're gonna be in
the joint for 10 years.
Right, If she catches me.
But she isn't gonna catch me.
So just be cool.
Here you go, Raul.
One Special Special.
I gave you a little extra
for books this time.
Hey, thanks, Benny.
Listen, uh, you really
Hey, man, that's not necessary.
I almost forgot.
Thanks a lot. Hey, man,
you done with it already?
Yeah. The first couple of
chapters were kind of boring,
but when I got into the quantum
theory, I got off, you know?
What, and you understood it?
Oh, man, it's a snap.
Yeah. Right. A snap, man.
I can't get through
that quantum theory.
Well, look, uh,
if you need any help,
you come to me. All right?
All right, I will.
All right.
Gracias, hermano.
Hey, hang in there.
All right.
Hey, Benny?
Hey, hey, hey, Jaime.
You sure are looking fine today.
Well, I should be. I had
enough sleep last night.
Well, that's good.
That's not so good.
I was kind of counting on
your coffee to keep me awake.
Did you put any coffee in it at all
or was it just melted brown crayons?
Well, what do you expect for
a quarter? It wasn't that bad.
Oh, it was last night.
How is it today?
Strong and black.
I'll try a small one.
Here you go.
Thank you.
See you.
Bye, guys.
Man, I'm telling you,
she's getting heavy.
You've got to be kidding.
Benny Jeffries has
the LO. of a peanut.
Peanuts don't read textbooks
on quantum theory.
And those that do
don't run lunch stands.
Now look, Benny makes
a great chicken salad sandwich
and he's pretty good at running
the Gypsy Wagon. But that's it.
He's a dead end kid.
I don't believe that.
Where do they keep all the things
from the Gypsy Wagon at night?
Uh, in the kitchen storage
room, I guess. Why?
What are you going to do?
Nothing today.
But tonight I think I'll
check out the kitchen.
Because I think Benny is handing
out a lot more than chicken salad.
Yeah, this is Tharp.
Look, I, um
No, no, no, I can't retrieve
the tape until tonight.
That computer terminal's too
busy during the daytime.
What I'm calling about is, um
I need a couple of men tonight.
I think we can, um, as they
say, kill two birds with one stone.
The agent and Benny.
Yeah, around midnight.
Yeah, I'll arrange
it with Stubbs.
All right.
BENNY: You were right.
There she is.
How'd you know about this?
I told you, I heard her talking.
How's she going to get in?
MANGO: Now what, man?
If she got through that door,
she's gonna get into the fridge.
She's going to find it, Benny.
I know, I know.
Let me think.
We could trap her.
Yeah, right.
She's an agent. She's
got a gun, she's got a radio.
What's that?
What does it look like?
Here, take it.
No, man.
Where'd you get it?
My brother. Would
you just take it?
Oh, man, I can't use this.
You don't have to use it.
Just wave it around.
All right.
Let's go.
Give me a hand, Mango.
Napkins in a refrigerator?
Twenties, 505, 1005
My gosh, you don't make this
kind of money selling chicken salad.
"Computer Codes and
Other References"?
Hey, wait a minute, man.
What are we gonna do
with her once we catch her?
(SHUSHING) Be cool,
I'll think of something.
Yeah, well, you
better get it on then.
Will you guys be quiet?
All right. Are you all ready?
Yeah, man, yeah. Come on.
I'll go first.
Benny, is that you?
Oh, give me a break.
What are you boys
doing up so late?
What's going on?
BENNY: Mrs, Simpson, we
have the lady agent in the kitchen.
Don't make a sound.
Mmm. Chocolate.
Hey, Benny.
Get over there by the desk.
Now call your friends.
I don't have any friends.
Call your friends.
Mango, Stubbs, Mrs. S.
MANGO: You go first.
STUBBS: Uh, no, man,
you go first. You're bigger.
All right, you guys,
get over there with Benny.
Aw, man, you blew it.
You, too, Mrs. Simpson.
Come on.
I don't think that's
going to work.
She caught me off guard.
You had the gun.
All right, what're you
going to do with us?
Well, I guess I'm going
to turn you in, huh?
You are the computer bandit.
But I want you to leave Mrs. Simpson
out of it. She doesn't know anything.
Don't be ridiculous.
I'm the reason you did it.
Anywhere you go, I go.
And you, you should
be ashamed of yourself.
That young man is doing more for the
underprivileged students on this campus
than all of your overblown
government programs combined.
I owe my life to him.
Wait a minute.
I don't understand
what she's talking about.
What's she talking about?
Robin Hood, man. Benny's the
Robin Hood of South Coast U.
Robin Hood?
Sure. Steal from the rich,
give to the poor, you know?
He's putting 38
students through college.
Is that true?
Yeah, but what difference does
it make? I still took the money.
Thirty-eight students? Why?
Because nobody else was
going to put them through.
See, when I got out of high school,
I wanted to go to college real bad.
But I couldn't because
I didn't have any money.
What about a scholarship?
You know how many qualified
people apply for those every year?
Man, I had a straight A average
and all that got me was the waiting list.
If I'd been white with some
money, I'd have got in easily.
Even with a B average.
So you decided to do
something about it, huh?
Sure. Always been kind
of quick at learning things.
A genius, from what
my people tell me.
Maybe that.
Anyway, when I got this job on
campus, I decided to take advantage of it.
I went to the library,
snuck in on classes,
I tried to learn everything
I could about computers.
And that's when I got the idea
for this Robin Hood thing.
I decided to use my knowledge
in computers to help out people
who were in the same
situation I was.
So you stole money
from the government,
just kind of started your
own little scholarship fund?
That's right.
Why didn't you put
yourself through college?
I mean, you could
use the degree.
I thought about it.
But I decided I was doing
more good where I was.
Now I guess it's over.
That's incredible.
I think what you're doing
is Is really a beautiful thing,
but I can't get behind
you stealing, you know?
(MUFFLED) Let go of me!
Hey! What are you doing?
Tharp, what's going on?
Stay right there, Benny.
All right.
Tie up your friends.
Stubbs? Hey, Stubbs,
what's going on?
Who are those guys, Tharp?
Well, what's happening here?
Somebody tell me
what's going on.
you should have stuck with
your french fries and hamburgers.
You're just too smart
for your own good.
What did you do to her?
Just a little chloroform.
She'll be out for a while.
Stubbs, are you crazy?
Do you know what you're doing?
It's a lot of money, Benny.
THARP: A whole lot.
Your computer program's
going to bring us at least
$5,000,000 on the
international market.
How'd you know?
The recorder on the
desk the other day.
You put it in the terminal.
That's right.
And we're gonna pick it up now.
Thank you, Benny.
That ought to do it.
Give me the timer.
Now put the gun in his hand.
Because it's got to look like Benny
discovered and found out the agent
and decided to bail out
of this whole operation.
Kill her, kill
everybody involved.
Except for one slight
And the wagon blew
up before he got out.
All right, let's go. We don't want to
be around when this thing explodes.
Got to boogie before
the gas gets to me.
MANGO: Jaime? Jaime?
Oh, it's gas.
Oh, gotta get out of here.
Come on, Jaime.
Come on.
Get it together, girl.
Mrs. Simpson,
wake up, wake up.
Mango, come on, wake up.
Here you go, here you
go. Mango, wake up!
Come on. Mango,
wake up. Come on.
Come on. We've got to get
out of here, you understand?
JAIME: Come on.
Hold on. Just
don't go to sleep.
Okay, okay, I'm awake.
Okay. Here we go. Up.
Let's go. Let's go!
All right, wake up. Come on.
Come on, Mango. Come on.
Hurry. Okay. Come on!
Come on. (SIGHS)
Come on. Mango,
come on, wake up.
Benny It's gonna explode.
What? The wagon's gonna explode.
Oh, get Mrs. 8.
Out of here.
Get up, Benny. Benny,
come on, get up.
Hurry, hurry. Come on.
Are you okay? Huh?
BENNY: My head.
Who did this?
Tom Tharp?
Oh, of course.
Of course.
He's the only other person who
knew how valuable that program was.
Where'd he go?
Do you know?
He went to the terminal. He
recorded the program the other night.
He's gonna sell it.
No, he's not going to sell
it as long as I can help it.
There are four of them.
I'll be all right.
I'll be all right.
Stubbs, will you hold the light
steady? I can't see what I'm doing.
Dr. Tharp?
Do you think they felt anything?
Benny and Mango.
Come on, Stubbs, just
hold it steady, will you?
That's it. Let's go.
All right, let's go.
Sommers. Shoot her.
Hold it, hold it.
She's not going
anywhere. Get her!
Shoot her.
JAIME: Stubbs?
Stubbs, come on,
you're not a killer. No.
THARP: Shoot her!
I can't.
THARP: Then give me the gun.
STUBBS: I can't.
Give me the gun!
Robin Hood to the rescue.
Can you dig it?
Oh, Benny, can I dig it!
You know, Oscar's experts took
one look at your computer, uh,
program that you have
and they freaked out.
Oh, yeah?
They said it was one of the most
brilliant pieces of computer manipulation
they have seen in
the last decade.
Hey, that's slick, Benny.
Yeah, well, I guess it's okay.
You should be very
proud, Benjamin.
The job they're giving you in
Washington is very important.
Yeah. And a lot better
than doing a dime in jail.
Think about Tharp and Stubbs.
Yeah, but what about you guys?
Mrs. Simpson, how're you going to
finish school? You don't have any money.
Benny, don't you trust
me? Come on, man.
When I tell you I'm going to
make a deal, I make a deal, okay?
You've agreed to go become a computer
troubleshooter for Uncle Sam and in return,
he's agreed to put all 38
of your people through school.
Completely. Finish them.
Are you putting me on?
Is she serious?
Mrs. Simpson?
That's beautiful.
That's beautiful, boy.
Robin Hood strikes again.
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