The Circle (2020) s03e12 Episode Script

The Final Stretch

["Hungry Like the Wolf"
by Duran Duran playing]
[Buteau] It's the second to last day
in The Circle,
but I'm sure the players
will be keeping their cool
and treating it just like any other day.
[all] Good morning, Circle!
One more ratings,
and tomorrow's the final!
I'm lost, and I'm found ♪
And I'm hungry like the wolf ♪
[Buteau] And with the finale
just within reach,
some of them are starting to get real,
even if they're technically not.
I'm starting to feel a little bad
about being a catfish.
I just pray
that people will see past that.
At the end of the day,
it's a game, and we all know that.
And everyone has to do
what's best for their game.
I still trust them,
but I know everyone's gonna be
a little bit more cutthroat
for themselves.
[James] Six faces. One gotta go.
I don't think anybody feels safe,
and they shouldn't.
It's the final blocking.
Anything could happen at this moment.
[Buteau] Anything? As in "James
in a camo T-shirt" anything
or like "The Circle sending an alert
before breakfast" anything?
[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-[all] "Alert!"
What do we got?
[sighs] First alert of the day.
This is early.
Oh gosh.
Ah, ah.
What could it be this time?
Be good news.
-"you will each receive"
"a message from home."
No way!
I'm already getting emotional.
[Buteau] Me too, honey.
Tissues at the ready.
[emotional music playing]
[Buteau] First up
for their personal message
from home is Ashley.
Circle, uh, play message from home.
-Hi, Ashley. It's Ashley.
-[Matthew laughing]
I'm so proud of you. I'm so proud of us.
Keep your heart on your sleeve.
Continue to be as genuine as possible,
obviously using my face
but using your heart.
I have no doubt in my mind you can do it.
I have no doubt
you're gonna win The Circle.
[chuckles emotionally]
I freaking love her. [sniffles]
-Hi, handsome boy.
I'm missing you so much.
I'm so proud of you.
Matt, it goes without saying
how much I miss you. You know that.
And I'm too busy to miss you,
'cause I'm taking care of the damn dog.
-[Matthew's dad laughing]
-Daddy misses you too, a lot.
No matter what happens,
going forward from here,
you're a complete winner, Son.
And we just have nothing
but pride and joy for you.
Superstar, Son!
We love you. We miss you.
Can't wait to have you
back home, though. [chuckles]
[chuckles, sniffles]
I needed this.
I needed to see my parents. I miss them.
It's just the most beautiful thing
I could I could ever ask for.
This is, uh
This was so special.
[kisses] I love you guys.
Oh man!
That's worth more
than anything I could ask for right now.
[Buteau] Already regretting mascara today.
Next is Jacki.
Circle, play message from home.
You did it, Jacki. I am so proud of you.
Oh my God! That's Cece.
She's, like, my best friend. [sniffles]
I know that your brother is looking down
on you right now and smiling.
I know that, in your life,
you've gone through so many adversities,
but you have just been
this amazing light in my life.
I'm so happy to have known you
and wonderfully blessed
to call you friend.
Remember to be yourself,
um, remain true to who you are.
I know
you're probably overthinking this game,
but, you know, you got this.
If anyone can play this game, it's you.
Miss you so much.
Can't wait to see you soon.
She's, like, been there for me
more than anyone in my entire life.
And, um, I really needed that.
Circle, thank you so much
for this message.
Circle, play my message from home.
[Buteau] Nick's message comes
from older brother Max,
sister-in-law Nicole,
sister Casey, and his twin brother Zach.
But most importantly,
we finally get to meet Bruce the dog.
[all] Hi, Nick! Congratulations!
Aw! [chuckles]
Nick, I don't think
I've been more than two weeks
without talking to you on the phone.
Definitely miss hearing your voice,
but I know you're crushing it
on this show.
Uh, hope you're not chopping onions
right now listening to me.
But congratulations
on making it this far. [chuckles]
Keep it up. Um, just keep having fun.
We probably don't tell you it enough,
but we love you,
and we admire you so much.
Just such a natural charmer that we know
you were made to win this game.
That's the plan.
Nick, we're so proud of you
for making it this far.
We never had any doubt.
Now here in the final stretch,
I'm gonna need you to focus.
[chuckles] I got this!
Mind on the prize, okay? Brain, not heart.
Stay focused, win this thing,
and we'll see you here soon.
I got you.
Enjoy the rest of your time
at The Circle, Nick.
We miss you.
We hope you're having a great time.
Actually, we know you are,
so keep having fun. [chuckles]
Stay your goofy self.
Uh, and we miss you
and can't wait for you to come home soon.
-We love you, Nick!
-Love you!
-[all laughing]
That was awesome. Wow! Family!
Thank you.
My older brother, Max,
had a great comment in there,
"Brain, not heart."
I came in saying
that I was gonna be super logical,
but I think I've slipped a little bit
into letting my heart take over
more than my brain.
And I think Max is right.
It is time to focus back in.
This is the final blocking.
I need to be focused on, like,
what is best for me strategically
and try to get the emotions out of there
for one last blocking,
and then I can relax.
[emotional music playing]
[Buteau] Next is Kai's video from home.
[squeals softly, chuckles]
Hello, baby girl, how are you doing?
This is Mama.
She misses her Keisha so much.
Your mom and I are just so proud of you,
but you know that already.
From the time you was small
until this next journey in your life.
Be genuine. Be who you are.
You have love inside of you
that exudes out of you
and makes a person feel warm and tingly.
Do your very, very best,
and your best will be good enough.
[Kai's mom] You are strong.
You are powerful.
Let that personality
you are blessed with shine,
and it'll bring you on home.
And the final thing I'd say is
you know and I know
that Black girls rock.
I needed that. [sobs]
Seeing messages from my loved ones
reassured me
that it's not about the game.
It's about being me
and staying true to who I am,
and no matter what,
as long as I do my best,
then that's good enough.
And yes, Dad,
Black girls do rock. [laughs]
[Buteau] Amen, Kai's dad.
Now it's Isabella's turn.
Oh my God.
[laughs] I'm already crying,
and I haven't even seen it.
Circle, play my message from home.
Oh, it's my sister! [laughs]
-Hi, Sophia, or should I say Isabella?
-I cannot begin to explain
how proud I am to be your older sister.
There is no one as kind
and pure and loving as you,
and even though I think the idea
of you pretending to be me is still crazy,
you continue to astound me.
And you are just so beautiful,
and I I am so inspired by you daily.
Ah. [sniffles]
If I had any advice to give you,
I would say to always, always, always
continue to be Sophia
and I just hope
that you always, always stay the same.
[Buteau] And now, the rest of her family
and girlfriend Savannah.
-Hey, sweetie! You made it! You did it!
-Ah! [laughs while crying]
We love you so much.
I miss you more than anything.
Our cats miss you more than anything,
and I know because they've started
to act up a little bit.
So, I do need you to come home.
I need that firm hand.
Sophia, you're just amazing.
Can't wait to see you. [chuckles]
-[all chuckling]
-Oh no! Dad's crying!
Me too, Dad!
I'm so, so proud of you
and and what you've accomplished.
What I love about you, Sophie,
is your heart is so big.
You are such an inspiration to me.
I'm so proud of you, darling.
You came into this with a plan.
Stick to it.
[sniffs, groans]
I love those guys. [laughs]
This has definitely given me
the confidence and just like, reassurance
that I can just be myself and win this.
It feels really good to hear Isabella say
that, like, even though it's her picture,
it's it's, like, me
that's gotten me here.
I don't have to [sighs]
be this super cool, flirty girl,
you know?
Like, I I can just be myself,
and and that's enough.
[inhales] It's what I needed.
I needed to see their faces,
and seeing this
just makes it all [sighs] worth it.
[Buteau] Finally, it's time
for James to see his message.
Circle, please play my message from home.
There's my brother right here.
Hey, James. Congratulations.
I'm so proud of you
for making it this far.
Look, I'm not gonna be fake.
-Bring the money home or don't come home.
Nah, I'm just playing.
We miss you so much.
I know we don't have the relationship
to where we always talk about the love
that we have for each other,
but at the end of the day,
you know I love you to death.
-And I know that you love me to death.
You were there for me
when nobody else was,
and I appreciate that so much.
I think that you are a phenomenal person.
I've always just admired
how you never give up.
You are so persistent.
Stay focused, keep your head in the game,
don't get distracted,
and bring home the money.
That's all I got to say.
Bring home the money, bro.
Like for real,
like, make it happen, captain.
[sniffles, groans]
Hey, Papas. I miss you so much.
-Oh man. [sniffs]
-I'm so proud of you.
I'm gonna cry not to try not to cry,
but I'm really, really proud of you.
I know you're out there
having the time of your life.
Know that I miss you.
Couldn't be more excited to be your girl.
-Twelve years behind us,
and I hope for another 1,200
in the future.
Keep being that sweet person
that you've been thus far,
because great things come
to great people, basically.
James, I know you can do this.
You're so close.
-Aw, thank you, baby. I love you.
-I know you can do this.
So keep going. Keep going.
You got this, babe.
You got this. I believe in you.
-I love you so much.
-I love you too. [sniffs, groans]
I didn't think I was gonna cry. [sniffs]
Oh man!
Whoo. I want to say thanks to The Circle.
This gave me
what I needed to push through,
uh, and understand my
my mission that I have,
it's is is to win the money,
and I want to bring it back to them.
Whoo. [exhales deeply]
That was a lot.
[Buteau] Wow! That was emotional.
Maybe we should give them
some time to process that.
Okay, time's up.
Start the Circle Chat, guys.
-take me
to Circle Chat.
[Sophia] Circle, message,
"Well, I haven't cried happy tears
like that in I don't know how long."
"I hope everyone is feeling
as loved and strengthened as I do."
"I know we all needed it.
Heart emoji." Send.
You're damn right, Isabella.
[inhales] Needed that.
Message, "Hey, Circle fam."
"Did that feel good or what?"
"I'm pretty sure I cried enough
for everybody in The Circle."
"#MyFamilyIsEverything." And send.
"I usually talk to my twin every day,
so I've been missing him a ton.
It was great to see him."
Aw. Nick's a twin?
"It was great to see him
and have him hype me up."
"He was able to sneak little Brucey
into the video. #GroupHug."
His dog's name is Bruce?
[chuckles] I want to meet Brucey.
Circle, message,
"I'm sure we all feel the same way."
"That was a win in itself."
"Tearing up and can only imagine
the love in the videos all of you got."
She sure did.
[exhales] Circle, message, "I didn't think
I was going to cry in The Circle."
"But getting a message
from my brother that is trans"
"really made me appreciate
every single one of you for accepting me
as one of your own."
"I've been put in a lot of situations
where people didn't want anything to do
with me because of the color of my skin."
"And I don't feel that in The Circle."
"So thank you for the deep connections
that I have made with all of you."
Man, I don't feel like crying again.
Message, "I don't think we all realized
how genuinely we all needed that."
"I'm glad it gave us
the boost that we needed
to carry us through to the end."
"This has been an amazing journey
that I believe has bonded us together."
"And to quote Ashley"
"The Circle Chat"
"is now closed."
[whispering sound effects]
[chuckles softly]
Back in the game, though.
We back. That's it. Nothing
I ain't crying no more. I'm done.
Let's make this money, baby.
[snapping fingers]
[Buteau] With messages from home
giving them the final push they need,
our players are feeling strong
[Buteau] focused
Ow! My little eyeball.
-[Buteau] balanced
[Buteau] and, um, peckish?
[Buteau] With his older brother's words
ringing in his ears,
Nick is engaging his brain
and not his heart
to start a group chat with Kai and James.
I really need to talk to James and Kai,
because I think they have
a really good shot at becoming influencer.
Definitely the family video motivates me
to really want to take home that prize.
I need to make sure
I'm on their good side.
[water running]
[both] "Nick has invited you
to a group chat."
-What the hell is this?
I'm gonna have to sit down for this one.
Whew! [sighs]
The last time I talked with Kai,
we both said we had each other's backs,
but that was a while ago.
So I just need to sort of check back in,
make sure she knows
that I am with her 100%,
to the end, 'cause I don't know
what James has told her.
Mmm, this is interesting,
because I was sure
that Nick wanted to get rid of Kai
when we was in the influencer chat
at the last blocking.
But that was sort of a negotiation tactic,
but he might have been like,
"Kai, Nick is gunning for you."
So, I need to make sure they all know
that I am on their side
and wanna make it to the end with them.
It's just interesting
he brought Kai in this conversation.
Circle, message, "What is up, y'all?"
"I can't believe
we have made it this far."
"James, you and I had
an extremely open and honest discussion
about everyone during our influencer chat,
so I feel like I know you
better than I know most other players."
"Kai, we may have started off a bit rocky,
but we recently had
some great conversations
and have been able to demonstrate
that we had each other's backs."
"There's no doubt that I want to ride
with both of you till the end. #LetsRock."
I feel a genuine message off that.
Keep in mind, I made Nick say man-to-man
that he's gonna keep me and Kai safe.
I told him
that I would keep him and Kai safe.
Hopefully, that makes
this seem less strategic.
To be honest,
I just feel like that's extremely fake.
When James tells me
that he was ready to get rid of me,
that hit.
This is a smart move for Nick to make sure
I know that Kai is safe with him.
Circle, message,
"Nick, you and Kai have had my respect
from the beginning of this game."
"And I am glad that you are going to stick
to your word from the influencer chat
about now keeping Kai and I safe."
"I would want nothing more
than to be standing with you and Kai
at the end Dot, dot, dot."
It seems like, when he said
about "now keeping Kai and I safe,"
so they must have said that in the chat?
James directly referred to us chatting
where I said
I would keep Kai and him safe.
Now I've said it again, James has said it,
so Kai has to think it's true.
if Nick is a man like he say he is,
all you got is your word.
Okay. Um
[Nick] Here we go. Kai, "Hey, guys,
congratulations on making it this far."
"I know we haven't always seen eye to eye,
but I'm glad we have proven to rise above
those issues and support one another."
All right.
Message, "I am totally on board
with standing beside you two
in the final"
"as long as we promise to have
each other's back till the very end."
"#IGotYall. #TeamworkMakesTheDreamWork."
That's what I'm talking about, Kai.
Now, if you promise me something,
Nick [chuckles]
and you go against it,
I can't be your friend
in real life. [laughs]
So, now, not only did I get
man-to-man word from Nick,
now Kai is like, "Do you promise, though?"
I just really hope
that Nick reads this thoroughly
and gets where I'm coming from,
as in don't switch up on me.
Circle, message,
"Kai, you deserve to be in the finale,
and if I have the power,
I will make that happen."
"#TotalTrust. You have my promise.
In fact, let's call it a pinky promise."
I'm not gonna lie.
Reading that makes me feel good.
I'm gonna take him at his word
and hope
that he genuinely keeps his promise.
[James] The only reason I did not trust
Nick was because, at the last blocking,
it was an obvious alliance
versus alliance.
I do have no reason
not to trust Nick, really.
I feel pretty good about that chat.
I definitely feel good
about James in there.
Kai, I know
that her and James are so close
that if James says he's with me,
I think Kai's with me.
[Buteau] While Nick's taking
the direct route
to influence his Circle fate
Will I be married in the next five years?
[Buteau] Ashley is turning
to a slightly less orthodox way
of predicting the future.
Will I be blocked tonight?
[dart clatters]
I guess that's, like,
"You don't deserve an answer right now."
They're not even gonna
see me coming today.
Out of nowhere,
your ass is blocked! [laughs]
[Buteau] And while G.I. James
does whatever he does,
and the others relax,
Nick's putting the final pieces
into his puzzle
and hoping to create a domino effect.
Let's help him
with this game-playing metaphor
by throwing one of these in.
-[all] "Savage Questions."
-[James] What is this?
-I don't want any savagery! [chuckles]
"Savage Questions."
All right, hold on, Savage Questions.
No! [laughing]
[Buteau] Each player is given the chance
to ask another player a savage question
Oh God! [chuckles]
Oh, this makes me nervous.
[Buteau] anonymously.
Okay, that changes things a little bit.
The fact that it is anonymous does help.
[laughing] Yeah!
Give me that anonymous courage.
I don't think anything good can come
from Savage Questions.
We're literally at the end.
Like, every single move we make
is, like, under a magnifying glass.
This is really important.
Bring it!
So you can really use this opportunity
to your advantage.
[Buteau] Well, let's find out, Nick,
'cause you're up first.
Circle, I wanna send my question to Jacki,
because I feel the most uncertain
on where I stand with Jacki.
I feel like I have a tighter alliance
with everyone else,
so I want to try to throw
as much shade and doubt her way.
It's a question for moi?
[Buteau] Once asked,
the player on the receiving end
must answer publicly.
are you actually a video game girl,
or is that just
the perfect catfish persona?"
Do you think she's just gonna say,
"Yeah, I'm a catfish. You got me."
[splutters] Come on.
The way to prove I'm a video game girl
Let's get out the résumé.
Message, "My favorite game this year,
DOOM Eternal."
"Nothing feels better than chainsawing
a demon zombie in half." Send.
It's a good answer
but also could've easily been said
by a guy.
Fucking nailed this answer.
I believe her.
'Cause my girl is not a catfish.
But I just need some sort of
at least a little seed of doubt
in everyone's mind.
This made her look
more like a catfish. [laughing]
I can't wait to see what else is coming.
[Buteau] Next up is Ashley.
So, I want to ask this question
because I want to put pressure
on this player right now
so people are more likely
to rate her lower.
My savage question is for Kai.
"Who do you think is least deserving
of winning the prize money and why?"
Oh! [exhales]
Why do you put me in this position?
-Ugh, these are rough.
Hopefully, other players see this and say,
"Okay, that's who she'd block
if she was influencer."
This could have come from Jacki.
This just seems
like an Ashley question to me.
I feel like Kai is gonna be struggling
to answer this one.
I feel like everybody's deserving,
but then I don't feel like
that'd be answering the question.
You gotta play your cards right, Kai.
Circle, message [exhales]
"I believe that every single player
is deserving of winning the prize money."
"I do believe
that those who have had to overcome
more of The Circle's challenges deserve
to really be considered,
because these players have shown
tremendous growth throughout the journey."
"Therefore, the least deserving player
would be that who hasn't grown
as much in The Circle."
And send.
What a cop-out. She didn't say a name.
She wasn't straight up
about exactly who she's talking about.
Is that Jacki?
I think she's talking to me.
It probably would've been really shitty
to see Jacki's name
completely written out,
even though this alludes to her.
Everybody's just sugarcoating everything.
I feel like that's a cop-out,
but I'm willing to take it
if I don't have to say anybody's name.
It was a really hard question,
and I think Kai dealt with it tactfully
and and and with class.
[Buteau] Good job!
Now it's your turn, Kai.
I really wanna know about Isabella.
This whole thing
she's got going on with Nick.
My savage question for Isabella is,
"Is your Circle fling with Nick genuine
or just game play?"
[inhales deeply]
"Is your Circle fling with Nick genuine
or just game play?"
-[laughs] That's what I was thinking.
-Oh, what?
Could be from Nick.
Why would she say
anything other than, "It's genuine"?
Easy question.
I feel like Nick
asked this question. [laughs]
If Nick asked this question, it it's sad.
He just want Isabella to love him so bad.
I think this was probably written
by James.
It's from Nick or James.
[sighs] La, la, let's see.
How do I wanna go about this?
I'm hoping that,
when Isabella answers this question,
it will reveal some truth to the players
as to if she's more of a tactical player,
or is she really building
genuine connections?
Ugh! I really hope Nick is just a gay man
who is also really struggling
flirting with a woman
and doesn't want anything
out of this, and
So that way,
when I meet him, there's no hard feelings,
and he's not crushed.
Even if it's just game play,
there's no reason for her to admit that.
All right. Circle, message,
"I definitely didn't come in to The Circle
thinking I was going to find
someone like Nick."
"I don't know if Nick feels the same way,
but from the conversations we have had,
I've enjoyed getting to know him
and don't want it to stop anytime soon."
She just put herself out there!
[romantic music playing]
Aw. See, I might be bringing
people together. [chuckles]
I mean, that was a really nice message.
I would be crushed
if Nick really has let his guard down
and opened up his heart
and is really starting to catch feelings
for Isabella. That kills me.
All right, Isabella,
well, you better believe
I'm gonna be taking you on a date, then.
As long as I'm the flower girl,
I'm happy. What a cute message.
Like, where's the savagery?
Like, this this this what y'all do?
Huh? Come on.
[Buteau] You want savage, James?
You better bring it.
I don't I don't know
where Ashley lies fully,
so I kind of want to cause some drama
between two of her closest allies.
I think
everybody's been playing soft tonight.
I think I need to spice things up.
Anonymous, "Who are you more loyal to
Dot, dot, dot."
[all] "Nick or Isabella?"
Trying to break up the band?
Holy sh
I think the intentions here
are definitely dirty.
I don't know what what y'all was doing.
This is savage.
I already blew up my game
the other day calling Kai out.
I'm not ready to do it again.
I feel like if she says, like, Isabella,
then people are gonna gun for me,
you know?
Wiggle out that one, boo.
I had a feeling this question would come,
um, so I'm ready for it.
I just hope Ashley doesn't say something
that just, like, ruins everything.
Circle, message,
"You're really giving me
a Sophie's Choice, aren't you?"
"I know these two wonderful people
have both felt my integrity
throughout this game."
"If it came to a sacrifice,
and I was able to,
I'd put myself on the chopping block
before them
because that's just the type of person
that I am."
"I'd pull the coin out of my pocket,
parentheses, Nick would be tails,
and let fate decide."
[James] "I know this may sound
like a cop-out, but it's 100% my truth."
Damn! She she aced that.
Ashley gave a a decent, genuine response,
so I'm not too upset with her,
but it's not like
I gained a bunch of respect for her.
[gasps] She did not just say
"a Sophie's Choice."
I think the purpose of this
was definitely to divide the band a bit.
I'm not giving them that answer.
This is how I feel,
and they're just gonna have
to digest this.
I like that people don't know
how she's rating,
and I like that people,
you know, don't know
if she's gonna put Nick first,
put me first.
[all] "Congratulations, players,
on your savage questions."
Thank God that's over.
That was making me sweat.
[both] "The Circle hopes
that this has been informative."
It certainly has, Circle.
It certainly has.
[upbeat music playing]
[Buteau] As evening descends
the day before the finale,
our players are doing some important prep
ahead of the final ratings.
[Kai] I know you're not gonna eat all this
but just put it all in the bowl anyway.
[Buteau] Okay,
Kai's preparation is my favorite.
Like I always say,
you can't have good ratings
without a clean counter, right?
[James] Whoo-whee! Come on.
[Buteau] And after her revealing answer
in the game earlier,
Nick wants to hit up his kind-of-
Circle girlfriend Isabella.
Ah, much better. [chuckles]
Isabella, I definitely want
to let her know
that we're gonna totally make it
to the finale,
and, if we do, we're going on a date.
So, Circle,
let's start a private chat with Isabella.
Oh. [sighs]
"Nick has invited you to a private chat."
Circle, message, "Isabella!
I gotta say, I was cheesin' pretty hard
as I was reading your answer
to the 'savage question.'"
"I wanted to reach out because of the bit
that said you weren't sure of how I felt."
"So far, I like what we've got,
and we better be going on a date
after all this!" [laughs]
"So excited for the possibility
to finally meet you in the finale."
Oh no!
It's hard,
because Sophia freaking adores Nick
and wants his heart
to just be kept so safe,
and it's difficult because, as Isabella,
I have to flirt to keep him on side
and keep up this persona that I created.
Ugh, it sucks having to be this alter ego,
but I hope
that, coming out of this, he's like,
"I don't even care. You're sick as hell.
You're my good friend Sophia."
Boom, boom, boom.
We flirtin'. Look out.
four I's. Whoo!
"A date after this is a must,
and I can't wait
to meet you in the finale as well."
"As far as I'm concerned,
it's not a possibility. It's happening."
"Wink face." I like it.
I came into The Circle to win 100K,
and I'm gonna leave with 100K
and a hot date with a boy. [laughing]
Circle, message, "What is your bar vibe?"
"Are you hitting the dance floor
or more of the dive bar type? #OrBoth."
Reading this conversation,
I'm just like, "Blech." [laughs]
How have I done this for this long?
Oh my God, Sophia!
[chuckles] Who are you?
[Nick] "Definitely both."
"Absolutely adore a night on the town
dancing with my girls."
"I hope one night
I can get Ashley out with me."
Ashley had a really savage question today
in the savage game,
and I wanna know
what Nick has to think about that,
'cause that was rough.
Circle, message,
"After Ashley's question tonight,
I know she could use reassurance
from her two best pals."
"How do you feel about checking in on her
and inviting her into our chat?"
That's a good point.
She did have to pick sides between us.
Let's do it. Ashley needs us.
"Isabella has invited you
to a group chat."
Circle, take me to the group chat.
Circle, message, "You handled
that 'savage question' like a champ."
"Nobody can break up the band.
Rock emoji." Send.
Freaking love these two.
Oh my God! I can't wait to see them
on the outside of this.
Circle, message, "Maybe I shouldn't,
but I'm honestly feeling so great."
"I've also been manifesting tomorrow
that the three of us are there together."
"Also, I can't wait to see us
dressed all formal and shit
but acting like absolute goobers.
Crying laughing face."
Circle, message,
"I love the word goobers."
"Wait a damn minute Dot, dot, dot.
Is that our band name?"
[gasps] Our band name
is The Goobers! [whimpers]
Goober gang for life!
Circle, message, "So glad we stumbled
into that group chat together
so long ago."
"I've had your backs ever since,
and I don't plan on stopping." Send.
You better not. [chuckles]
I'm counting on you.
Circle, message,
"Say out loud three times,
all caps,
'The Goobers will be at the finale.'"
The Goobers will be at the finale.
The Goobers will be at the finale.
The Goobers will be at the finale.
Let's go. It's done. Ooh.
Oh my God. The thought
of seeing the band at the final is
My heart flickered.
I have a little bit of guilt
for being a catfish,
but [exhales]
you know, at the end of the day,
I didn't know
I'd get this close with people,
and I hope
that they don't get upset about that.
We will do
whatever damage control we need to,
but what if one of them is a catfish?
I don't think one of them is a catfish.
I don't. I think both of them are real.
I am a little nervous
as to how they're gonna react,
'cause I'm obsessed
with both of these people,
and I think Sophia gets along better
with them
than this fake Isabella character does.
[Buteau] With the final blocking
hanging over The Circle,
gamer Jacki is looking
to make a last-minute play
to strengthen her alliance
with James and Kai.
Game on.
[Jacki] We are in the final countdown,
and the last time
I talked to James and Kai,
we were allegedly in an alliance,
and I have no idea
where that stands anymore.
This is my last chance.
Like, I got to get
James and Kai to be behind me,
or chopping block.
Like, I will fight for them,
and I need to tell them that.
Like, I am behind both of you,
and I will fight for you,
but will you fight for me?
That's the question.
Circle, please open up a group chat
with James and Kai.
[both] "Jacki has invited you
to a group chat."
Hey. [chuckles] What up, Jacki?
Okay. It's the original squad.
Message, "Hey, y'all. I really wanted
to catch up with both of you."
"It's been a couple days
since we last spoke."
"How are you both feeling?" Send.
Circle, message,
"What up, boo? It's been a crazy few days,
but we are all surviving."
"Is anyone else nervous
about the blocking tonight?"
"Question mark, question mark.
#LetsMakeItHappen." Send. Keep it simple.
Just get a little little hint
that I wanna still make
what we have happen.
That hashtag speaks volumes. It's like,
"This group has got to make it happen."
Message, "Hey, Jacki.
I'm currently feeling anxious."
"Wide-eyed emoji."
"I am so glad
to be speaking to you right now."
"I've been touched by some of the things
you have shared with the group."
"I've been wanting to see
how you are feeling." And send.
That makes me feel a little bit better.
Message, "Kai, thank you."
"Def nervous."
"James, you always put a smile
on my face."
"You've been so kind to me
since I entered The Circle."
"Let's make this happen.
I'm going to fight for both of you."
Okay, that's good. Circle, message
"I trust everyone in this group chat
and want to see the end with you."
[chuckles] "Period."
"Your hashtag game doesn't suck."
You know, James brought Daniel
into an alliance,
and then that fell apart,
but I don't think
James would have said that to me
unless he meant it.
Message, "#IGotYourBackJack.
Strong arm emoji."
Wink tongue out emoji." And send.
I feel a lot better after this.
Ooh, this is good. [sighs]
Ooh, this I'm glad
this happened before ratings.
Oh, I was stressing out
about Jacki's ratings.
Message, "So happy I was able
to chat with y'all a little bit more."
"You're both exceptional humans.
Heart emoji."
"Light always defeats darkness.
Star emojis." Send.
It definitely seems as though
that we're all on the same page.
Uh, message, "This chat made me feel
way better about tonight."
"I'm glad we understand
it's one of them or one of us."
"#FinalFive. #WeGotThis. Heart emoji."
I'm really feeling good about this chat.
Like, I know that Kai and James and I
are all on the same page here.
I am, like,
literally going to protect these two.
Like, I'm here for them.
[Buteau] Gamer Jacki coming in hot
with them fightin' words.
And as night descends,
the others are doing everything
to keep their heads in the game.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-We got an alert!
-Oh boy!
-[James] I already know what this is.
"Players, you must now rate each other."
Oh my God. It's the last blocking!
This is the first rating
where I could potentially be blocked.
"Rate your fellow players
from first to fifth."
This is obviously
the most important rating
we've had so far.
Somebody has to go today.
This is the one that counts.
I'm, like, starting to shake
a little bit. Ah!
It's the last blocking
I need to get through
to secure my spot in the finale.
I'm excited to go into this headstrong.
Let the band prevail.
Oh my God.
I've come so far. I've come so far.
I have to stay.
I have to stay, and I have to win.
This determines the final five.
I'm ready. Circle
[both] take me to my ratings.
Man, man, man!
Circle, please put Kai in first place.
You bold, brilliant beauty, you.
I'm putting you at number one, Kai.
I'm here. I'm fighting for you, girl.
My first place position goes to James.
James has had unwavering loyalty to me,
and I believe him when he says
that he genuinely has my back.
If Nick was an influencer,
I know he'd keep me.
So, for that reason,
I would want Nick to be in first place.
Circle, lock Ashley in first position.
Ashley has been my top ally
ever since the very first day here,
and I think our connection
has only gotten stronger.
In my second position,
I am going to put Jacki.
She made sure
to reach out to me and Kai today
to let us know
that we're still working together,
but I genuinely think she's a dope chick.
I really like her.
I'm gonna put James in third place.
We've had
some genuine, powerful conversations,
and I can't see a finale without him.
Lock Kai in fourth position.
I had a really good chat with Kai today,
where we all promised each other
that we would absolutely love
to be in the finale together.
I gotta take her word for it.
For last place, I'm gonna put Nick.
The last rating, we totally bonded,
but since then,
I have created closer bonds
with other people.
Circle, in my last position,
I am going to put Isabella.
I don't feel safe
if she was the influencer.
-Please, God, bless my heart.
-my ratings.
Boom! "Ratings complete."
[Buteau] Ratings submitted,
the players understandably have
a lot of nervous energy.
[Buteau] If you thought
those moves were good,
wait till you see The Circle's next one.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
We got alert, folks!
This is gonna be something else.
This is the big one.
Here goes everything,
right here on the table. [exhales]
The ratings are in!
Oh my God. It's happening now?
It's happening now?
My fate is gonna be in somebody's hands.
Preferably, I wish it was mine.
This is the defining point
of today and the finale.
No matter what, it's not about the rating.
It's about the influencers.
Here we go!
-Come again?
"Tonight the ratings results
will not be revealed"?
What do you mean?
[groans] Always got something.
Oh Lord.
"However, the two highest rated players"
"will become secret influencers."
What the heck? I just got chills.
That's very scary
to not know who the influencers are.
[groans] So we're not even gonna know?
[chuckling] This is starting
to sound scary.
Oh man!
I don't like this at all.
"Not even the influencers
will know the identity of each other"?
-That's insane.
-That makes it really tricky.
"Together, the secret influencers
must block one player tonight."
I need myself or Kai to be
at least one of those players tonight.
I hope Ashley or Isabella are up there.
-It could go any way.
-[whiny] I'm scared.
Oh, my heart is beating.
Come on.
Oh gosh!
Oh Lord!
[exhales] My God.
I feel like I could hurl.
"You are a secret influencer." Let's go!
[laughs] What? Hold on, let me make sure.
I wonder
who the other secret influencer is.
I'm just gonna ask them their name.
Like, "Hey, who is this?"
Okay, so it's not me.
I ain't going to the Hangout room.
My fate lies
in the hands of the secret influencers.
I just hope they got me.
I guess now we just wait
to see who they block.
"Please go to the Hangout
to make your decision now."
Shit is about to get real.
Somebody gotta make the decision, though.
-[Nick] Let's go.
-Come on.
Here we go. Ooh, feels good.
[Buteau] Knowing
that they're in the finale,
our influencers head to the Hangout
for the last time,
but for the first time,
they don't have a clue who each other is.
Oh, it's good to be back!
Man, it's like I never left.
[James laughs] I told y'all.
[clicks tongue] All right.
All I know [clicks tongue]
is that I can't get blocked.
That's all that really matters.
There's two sides to The Circle.
You got myself, Kai, and Jacki,
and then you got
Nick, Ashley, and Isabella.
But the goal is
to try to get one of them out
to better my numbers,
and I can't back down this time.
I've told four people
that I want to be at the finale with them.
I absolutely plan on sticking to my word.
If I had it my way, the person
that gets blocked tonight
would be Isabella.
[chuckles] But she might be
on the other side, so I don't know.
I need Ashley and Isabella in the finale,
because I know Ashley
and Isabella are going to rate me highly.
So I need those votes,
so I can't have them getting blocked.
Just want to know who it is.
Just want to know who it is.
Praying that Nick or Isabella's in there.
My wishful thinking would be that
Nick and James would be in
as secret influencers,
because I know
that they've given me their word
that they would have my back
and see me through to the final.
[Buteau] The Circle
has given Nick and James
super cool, supersecret influencer names.
I'm assuming I'm Player A,
'cause I'm on top. [laughs]
[Buteau] James is Player A.
Nick is Player B.
Let's do it.
All right, here we go.
Let's get this chat popping.
Time to confuse Player B.
Uh, Circle, message,
"Hello. Congratulations
on making it to the finals."
"This is a great opportunity."
"Let's get started." [laughing]
Oh, don't show any emotion, please.
I would hate to see emotion.
Play it like a robot.
I want them to think
they're talking to a damn vending machine.
All right. Circle, message,
"Hey, this is a crazy experience."
"I'm happy to be here and hope
we can make a good decision together."
"Let's start with Nick."
This could've come from Isabella,
could've come from Ashley,
certainly could have come from Kai.
That that that sounds like Nick already.
Circle, message,
"Nick is very loyal and honest."
"He is very trustworthy
and has demonstrated that
through his actions."
"What are your thoughts?"
Part of me feels like this is Nick,
so I I'mma play it safe.
I I gotta feel it out a little bit more.
In fact, let's just take Nick
out of this discussion. [laughs]
Circle, message, "Nick has been
a valuable member to The Circle."
"He has consistently been someone
people have enjoyed"
[Nick] "but I believe
it's all for the game."
Well, not that negative. I think I'm safe.
Who's next?
Message, "Let's talk about Kai next."
"She is also a valuable member
to The Circle, but at times"
"she has focused on finding
who the catfish are, which annoys me."
Big deal. It's nothing personal.
If I come in here,
and I defend my allies tooth and nail,
then the other secret influencer
is going to know it's me,
so I gotta throw the scent the other way.
Circle, message, "Kai has been great."
[James] "She is very nice
and welcoming to everyone."
That could be anybody.
It could even be Kai herself.
I Whew.
"Player A. Let's talk about James."
What am I gonna say about me?
Don't question my genuineness.
"He is also a valuable member
to The Circle."
"He seems to be highly thought of
after the results in multiple games,
but I question how trustworthy he is.
It's not even a con.
You're not saying he's not trustworthy.
See, this message about myself,
I usually would come in and say,
"Oh, James is sexy. He funny as hell."
But I'm being anonymous right now,
so I can't blow myself up too much.
It kind of just makes me
even more so think it's James. [laughs]
But, yeah,
I don't really know, to be honest.
Circle, message,
"James makes The Circle more enjoyable."
"He is funny but can also have
meaningful conversations."
[James] "I believe he is trustworthy,
but I don't always know
what he is thinking."
I don't know what that means.
How the hell you gonna know
what somebody always thinking?
That's how I kept you on your toes.
All right.
This is where [chuckles]
I need to make sure I don't slip up.
Circle, message,
"Let's talk about Isabella."
"She is very sweet
and has made my experience very pleasant."
"She seems to stick to her word."
"I do think
there is a small chance she is a catfish."
I I'm going to use that.
You gave me that information.
Is this Ashley?
I'm just playing it by ear.
Right now, I'm going with Ashley vibes,
but I might switch it up. We'll see.
Message, "Isabella is also
a valuable member to The Circle."
"She is very pleasant to talk to,
but like others, I do think
she could be a catfish as well."
Not that negative.
So far, so good, I think.
Part of me thinks this could be Ashley,
simply 'cause
they threw Isabella under the the bus.
So, message, "Let's talk about Ashley."
"She is also a valuable member
to The Circle."
"She always makes conversations
more enjoyable to be part of,
but she seems to have
a lot of deals with everybody."
"So I question how trustworthy she is."
I don't think, with this message,
Player B is gonna know who I am.
I think I'm still playing it safe,
but it all depends
who's behind this screen,
who is typing as Player B.
Circle, message, "Ashley does make
The Circle more enjoyable."
"She is funny,
but she can also have
meaningful conversations."
"She is honest and trustworthy." Send.
This might be Ashley.
I'm not saying cons about Ashley,
because I kind of want this other person
to think they might be talking to Ashley.
How did Ashley get rated like this
to be up here?
Circle, message, "Let's talk about Jacki."
"She is very sweet and is always nice."
[James] "However, I believe
I have a stronger connection
with the other players.
What are your thoughts?"
Okay, so, this person
obviously now going after Jacki too.
This is the most cons
that I've listed for someone.
I'm also pretty confident
that I'm not talking to Jacki.
So hopefully, Player A realizes
that this is the person
that I am most willing to block.
I have to protect Jacki
in this message right now.
Circle, message, "Jacki is also
a valuable member to The Circle."
"In her short time, she has added
more value to the conversations
than players
that have been here for longer,
but she has also stepped on some toes."
I'm so surprised.
Everyone's a valuable member
to The Circle.
It's time to stop playing.
I'm gonna drop a bomb
on Player B right now.
Message, "After processing
everything that was said,
I've noticed we questioned
some players' trustworthiness."
"And the one thing
we seem to agree on together
is we both have a small feeling
there is a catfish."
No, sir. Not gonna happen.
Come on.
That's the only thing we agree on.
If Player B goes into defending Isabella,
it's gonna make me think
that it's Nick again.
They're gonna try their hardest
to throw back at me,
I'm pretty sure, Jacki.
Circle, message,
"I believe you are referring to Isabella."
"She's been there for me
when I have needed to express my emotions,
and I would not feel right blocking her."
[James] "Whether or not
she is using an altered photo
does not change
the way I feel about her as a person."
Okay, Nick.
Okay, Nick.
Whether or not maybe
their photo is a little bit different
doesn't change the way I feel about them.
Message, "The only other player
it sounds like
you would be willing to block is Jacki."
"Is this true?
If so, please explain." Send.
Dude, come on.
I'm forcing Player B
to to show their cards.
Circle, message,
"It is true that the player I would be
most comfortable blocking is Jacki."
"Who is the player
you would be most comfortable blocking?"
I already figured that,
because this is Nick,
and that makes me think
that he wanted Jacki from the beginning.
So I'm gonna throw a little twist
at him right now.
Circle, message, "Let's keep Jacki
on the potential blocking list,
since that's
what you are comfortable with."
"But what I am most comfortable with
is blocking Ashley."
"Although she has been a great player,
I have not seen any growth from her."
What are you talking about?
Ashley started off so shy and quiet,
and then she completely opened up
as the game went on.
You're out of your mind.
Now I know who he wants to block,
and now he knows who I want to block.
So let's see what he has to say.
It sounds like
we are between Jacki and Ashley.
Circle, message, "Ashley has been
in The Circle a long time."
"I do not believe
she would've made it this far
without being trustworthy."
"I like the Ashley I know now
more than the Ashley I first met." Send.
All right. Message,
"Thanks for your thoughts on Ashley."
"Now, I would like to discuss Jacki
and your concerns."
"She has naturally not had to overcome
as much
because of how long she's been here.
That was out of her control." Send.
Circle, message, "Every new player
immediately makes a lot of connections."
"The important element
is how genuine they are,
and Jacki has not had to prove this
Dot, dot, dot." Send.
Either I'm gonna have to block someone
from my alliance, or they are.
I ain't even gonna lie.
This is way harder
than I thought it was gonna be.
[Buteau] The influencers
have finally made a decision.
And before the others actually chew
their nails down to their elbows
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-Oh, it's an alert.
-[Sophia] Oh gosh!
-Here goes the alert.
-[Jacki] Oh my God!
-[Sophia] "Alert!"
-[Matthew] Here it goes.
This is it.
This is it, the final blocking.
Literally everything
we've been waiting for since day one.
I could be the one to go.
All right. Who's getting blocked?
[Matthew] "The secret influencers
have made their decision."
Oh my God!
Oh gosh!
[exhales] Okay.
Wasn't an easy one.
We fought hard.
"Now you must decide
who delivers the news."
Message, "Would you allow me
to deliver this news? Question mark."
Come on.
Just say yes, Player B, so we can get on.
Circle, message,
"Yes. This is very difficult,
and I appreciate that gesture." Send.
I just wanted I wanted to be the one
to deliver the news.
"This news will be delivered
Fuckin' A! [laughs]
"One of the secret influencers"
-"is on their way to block a player"
-"face-to-face now."
-I hope I don't get a knock on the door.
-Holy shit.
[Jacki] I'll make some tea.
Oh God.
Aw. [laughs]
-Nice to meet you.
-Come here. Come here.
-Oh my God!
-Can I tell you I tried so hard?
I know.
I don't know how long we've been up.
You are really tall like you said!
-I know.
-You are exactly who you said you are!
-[Jacki laughs]
-Oh shit, look at this.
You're real.
-[James] Aw.
-[James] I knew you were real.
It's been such a crazy, amazing experience
for me, you know?
The connections I had with people
were just so instantaneous.
Like, I saw your photo,
I was like, "I love him."
Instantly was like,
"This is my favorite person here."
-As soon as you came in, I said, "Oh!'
-[Jacki laughs]
Hey. [laughs]
-I got one thing to say.
I've been in a relationship for 12 years.
I'm sorry for
-You led me on!
Oh my God!
How rude! [laughs]
I wanted to have your back so bad,
and it just was it was a battle.
And ultimately, what we decided,
me and "profile B," was,
I guess, in the spirit of The Circle,
you were limited by your time,
and that's what caused
the lack of connection
with the other player.
I came into this game,
and I knew it was gonna be a challenge.
-[Jacki] And I was just like
My game plan was
to 100% unapologetically be Jacki
and, um, just send y'all, like,
as many, like, positive, loving vibes.
-[Jacki] And, um
I just think I've been
so shocked and blown away at like
I really feel like I know you.
Like, you know what I mean?
Like, I'm like
I was so nervous to come in.
I was like, "Oh shit!"
No, I don't have any hard feelings.
Like, don't even feel bad.
-Well, I appreciate it.
I just want to tell you thank you.
You've been a pleasure.
I I'm not gonna lose
the value you gave to my life.
And I'm so glad that I've met you.
Thank you so much for not beating me up
when I walked in.
Oh my God, I would never.
Thank you for being so kind to me.
-I hate that you're taller than me.
-Oh my God!
We're close.
[both laugh]
-Thank you, and, um, have a good one.
-Bye. [chuckles]
[Buteau] It's game over for Jacki,
but the others are realizing
that they just got another life
for their Circle journey.
Oh my God. I almost threw up.
I think I did it.
No one's come to see me.
Mission accomplished.
[James sighs, groans]
Man! That was nice.
[Buteau] And just like that,
the final five is complete.
[yells] Holy shit! Yes!
I am a finalist!
I did it! I'm gonna win $100,000.
It is done! Let's go!
Yes! Oh my God!
Tomorrow I get to just be me.
And although that's nerve-wracking,
it's gonna feel so freaking good.
I can't put to words
how difficult this game was.
[exhales] I'm in the final five.
I did it! I did it! [laughs]
[theme music playing]
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