The Equalizer (2021) s03e12 Episode Script

Lost and Found

Previously on The Equalizer
- Hey, Mom, is everything okay?
- I just got served.
Your father wants sole custody of you.
Please don't do this.
I will not stand by and watch
you become collateral damage
of your mother's secret life.
I'm telling myself
that I'm setting injustice right,
but what does any of that matter
if doing all of that makes me lose Dee?
Just won't be equalizing anymore.
I'm officially retired.
Robyn is out there saving lives.
She's gonna give all of that up
because you are accusing her
of being a bad mother.
The world cannot afford to lose Robyn,
and neither can Dee.
Miles is dropping
his petition for custody.
What does this mean for you now?
Well, it means I get to continue
helping people.
Just need to find a better balance
between work and family.
Where are they?
Leave them alone.
My family has nothing to do
Tell me where they are.
Morning, all.
You're up early. Ugh,
I am loving the
highlights in those braids.
Thank you. I'm just fired up
for my training session with Mel.
We're gonna work on submission holds.
Uh, change of plans.
Mel's doing a great job with you,
but if I'm gonna train you, too,
you're gonna have to shore up
your fundamentals.
Stamina, patience, technique.
All necessary to build
a firm foundation.
The best discipline for that
is boxing, so I had Dante
pull a favor
and hook you up with someone.
- Boxing coach?
- The best in the city.
Trust me,
when he's done with you,
your form will be pristine.
I don't know, "fundamentals"
sounds a lot like starting over.
Is that really necessary?
You know what my father said,
"If you take shortcuts, eventually,
you gonna get cut short."
You hear that?
That's the sound of knowledge
being dropped.
I got to go to work.
Knock 'em dead.
Protect yourself at all times.
You be safe.
- He lost his memory?
- So he claims.
No I.D., no recollection of anything.
So, why's he here instead of a hospital?
Better to let him explain.
Start at the beginning.
Uh Uh, well, that won't take long,
seeing as I woke up
in a dumpster this morning
with, uh, with this grapefruit
on my head
and-and no recollection of how
I got it or anything else.
Uh, I wandered into a pool hall
to keep warm, and
the bartender heard my story,
told me about your message
board, and, uh, here I am.
- So, what can you remember?
- I mean,
I can remember basic stuff
like-like how to use a fork,
Nazis are bad, always hold
the door open for a woman.
Did-did I get that wrong?
I got that wrong?
Ugh, maybe I'm worse off than I thought.
What about the personal stuff?
That's the problem.
I I don't know who I am
or where I'm from.
Nothing before this morning.
So, why not go to the police?
I thought about that,
but when I realized I had
this in my pocket, I
- Are you crazy?
- I'm sorry. I just wanted to show you.
I-I don't think it's loaded.
Well, it is.
And it's been fired recently.
Serial number's been filed down.
- You care to explain that?
- I wish I could, but I
But you can't remember.
Why-why would I have something
like that on me?
In my experience,
people who have a gun on them
are either in trouble,
or they're looking to start some.
Any chance there's a third scenario?
'Cause neither of those sound great.
I know you're in a difficult position,
but this kind of thing is not what I do.
On your website, it says,
"You got a problem?
Odds against you? I can help you."
If that doesn't apply to me,
then I don't know what does.
I have nowhere else to turn.
if you're a good guy,
and you're in trouble,
I can't exactly turn you away.
And if you're a bad guy,
then I definitely can't
turn you loose on the city.
- Okay, so you'll help?
- I'll do what I can.
We'll start by running prints.
Maybe that'll give us the who.
- Okay, great, great. Thank you.
- Don't thank me yet.
I'm gonna have a friend
run tests on this gun.
But if I don't like what I find out
It's okay, it's okay.
I just want to know because
the not knowing
is unbearable.
Come on.
- Where are we going?
- To that dumpster you crawled out of.
Maybe you dropped something
that'll help.
At minimum, maybe it'll jar your memory.
Keep those hands up.
Yup, the one-one-two combo.
Keep moving!
Keep moving!
Good job! Throw one.
Stick and move!
Use your jab.
Don't drop your hands. Stop headhunting.
- Detective Dante? Hey. I'm here.
- Off the ropes!
- Morning, Delilah.
- Morning.
Hands up.
- The one-one-two.
- This place is intense.
It is. Spent a lot of time here myself.
Put that weight on him.
Put the weight on him
I got someone special
I want to introduce you to.
That's Manny. Local legend.
Golden Gloves champ.
Went on to have
a pretty good pro career.
Even got a shot at the title once.
Come on.
That's it, that's it.
Keep the left hand up.
All right.
Good work, Jackson.
Morning, young lady. So, is this my, uh,
my new student?
I am.
Manny, meet Delilah.
Daughter of a good friend of mine.
Well, then I have to give you
the special workout.
You're gonna start her with that?
You know the drill.
They all go through that.
What's that?
You're about to find out.
All right, I'll let y'all get to it.
Put your stuff over here.
So, the most
important thing in any
discipline of fighting
is the footwork, okay? So
You're never gonna be
as strong or as fast
as you want to be unless you have a
stable foundation.
Now, remember, you got to keep your feet
shoulder width apart.
Left foot forward, you're gonna sit down
and move the foot first.
Yeah, just like that.
Left foot first. But don't
drag it. Yeah. Don't drag it.
Lift it. Try again.
There you go. One big circle.
Keep going. Again and again and again.
Okay. How long do I have to
keep doing this?
500 times.
- Seriously?
- Yeah.
Keep going. Don't stop until I tell you.
Now that's it. Keep going.
Don't stop.
Anything familiar?
It's that one.
Okay, the tiniest thing
can trigger recall.
Sights, sounds, smells.
You never know.
Okay, just keep looking around.
Maybe you'll find a wallet,
I.D., anything.
Hey. How'd it go?
Uh, she's excited to try something new.
Manny'll take good care of her.
- Thank you for setting that up.
- No problem.
Regarding your mystery man
ballistics on the gun
are gonna take a minute,
but I did get a hit on the prints.
His name is Roy Hayes.
Okay, so his prints were in
the system. Why? Do you know?
Wasn't for a crime, but
prints get logged
for all sorts of reasons.
Company background checks,
teaching jobs, um,
military applications.
Oh, one more thing.
His address is in
a small town in Michigan.
So, what's he doing here?
Good question.
Okay, do me a favor,
send his name and address to Harry.
Maybe he can find out
more about our Roy Hayes
by poking around his hometown.
Will do. I'll let you know as
soon as those ballistics come in.
Well, turns out your name is Roy Hayes
from Michigan.
Roy. My name is Roy.
Roy. Huh.
Huh, that's funny.
I-I-I don't feel like a Roy.
Any memories coming back?
Um Roy. Nothing.
I mean, I'm-I'm glad I have a name.
Oh, I was afraid I was gonna be
"Hey, you" for the rest of my life.
And Michigan?
Does that mean anything to you?
No. Nothing.
What about the dumpster? What
do you feel when you look at it?
That's good.
Instinct can be a form of memory recall.
Okay, why would I be scared
of a dumpster?
I mean, if I had to guess,
I'd say you were
running from someone, you
tried to hide in here,
and banged your head.
Running from who?
Get down!
Look out!
- Thank God you're okay.
- Who
There were two of them.
They must've been circling
the block looking for him.
You were right. Roy jumped
into that dumpster to hide
from those guys.
Harry find out anything else
about Roy Hayes from Michigan?
Yeah, that he was the solo name
on his lease,
and he works at Home Depot.
Harry left a message
for his manager to call him back.
Meanwhile, he's gonna keep digging.
Hey, I, um,
don't mean to be ungrateful, but, um,
these clothes are
- weird.
- Yeah, they belong to my husband.
Listen, I'm gonna need you to be careful
with that sweater.
I know it may look like
a child knit it,
but it's actually by a very famous
Japanese designer who no one is sure
really exists.
It's very expensive,
is what all that means.
- Oh, okay.
- Is what I'm trying to say.
- I'll keep that in mind.
- Great.
- All right, um, by the way, I, uh
- Yeah?
Don't stretch it. Oh, Roy
Check this out. I have a tattoo.
Think it means something?
That you have a thing for lions?
- We should send it to Harry.
- Mm-hmm.
Maybe if he posts it to one
of his tattoo subreddits,
someone will recognize the artist.
You guys are really good at this.
Oh, also
Don't stretch the
I found this when I was changing.
That is some confusing manscaping.
Yeah, it is.
Hey. I know this stamp.
It's from Sanctuary 57.
Sanctuary? Like a church?
More like the opposite.
It's a lounge on the Lower East Side.
Let's just say their clientele
isn't exactly law-abiding.
Maybe I went there for the
"two for one" drink special?
The point is, you were there.
That means, if anyone saw you,
they might know
what you were up to last night.
Listen, I'm gonna take him
down to the club,
we'll check it out. Okay?
Okay, I'll touch bases with Harry,
see if he dug up anything else
- about Roy's life back in Michigan.
- Okay.
Roy, we're going downtown.
Keep those hands up.
Keep moving.
Lean back. One-one-two.
One-one-two. There you go.
Bring that left hand back.
Guard your face.
All right, all right, all right,
take a break,
take a break, take a break.
Get a little jump rope in.
All right, champ?
You know your stance is too wide.
An hour and a half later,
and I still can't get it right.
Who knew something could be so hard
and so boring at the same time?
Look, I know it's frustrating,
but if you want to get better,
listen to Manny. He's the truth.
Haven't seen you here before.
My first time.
- All right.
- You come here a lot?
Yeah, every day, twice a day.
That's pretty hardcore.
I'm training for the Junior Olympics.
Wow, no way.
That's so cool.
it'd be a whole lot cooler if I make it.
When you make it. I'm Delilah.
Delilah's a pretty name.
Suits you.
So, you training for something
or just looking for some self-defense?
It's a little bit of both.
Well, keep at it. You got potential.
"Two for one" drinks.
Uh, don't you think
it's-it's a little early?
Roy, before, you were wondering
if you'd come here for
the half-priced drinks.
You must have remembered that sign.
That's good. Look around.
See if there's anything
else you recognize.
I You could have brought me
to an actual sanctuary,
and this would all look the same.
Okay? I'm-I'm never
gonna get my mind back, am I?
Hey, hey, hey, Roy.
Chill, Roy. Listen.
I saw a lot of head injuries
when I was in the military.
The most important thing
is to not get discouraged.
You never know when a spark's gonna hit.
Oh, there she is.
Hey, what's up?
Like that. Come on.
Please stop. That looks like that hurts.
- I just want to talk.
- All out of talk, honey. Now step off.
Easy, girl, this is designer.
- Is it?
- Okay W
It's a-it's a damn good knockoff.
I don't want any trouble.
All right? What's your name?
Okay, Nina,
you saw this guy, and you ran.
You can tell me or
I can call my friends at the NYPD
and they can make this block
their new hangout.
I may or may not
have taken his money clip last night.
That's why you're here, right?
Uh y-yeah, yes.
- Abs Totally.
- Just tell me everything
you know about last night.
How did you meet him?
I was at the club, I was doing my thing,
and he-he waved me over.
Said he wanted some company,
but barely paid attention to me.
I had to do all of the talking,
which, normally, I don't mind.
But, suddenly,
he gets up and tries to leave
before we could conduct business.
Wait a second, wait a second. Okay.
You told me you were in love with me
and you wanted to get married.
Can't blame a girl for trying.
I remember something.
Do you remember anything else?
- No.
- Okay.
Keep trying. You, money clip.
Hey, hand it over.
Come on. I don't have it anymore.
You know what a cavity search is, right?
Okay, fine.
I may have spent
some of the money already.
Valor Motel.
You're visiting from out of town.
This might be where you're staying.
Thank you.
Come on.
You good? You seem a little off.
I just keep having
these crazy nightmares.
Oh, yeah. I get those.
I get this one recurring one
where I'm on a cooking show,
and I'm right in the middle
of making a perfect beef
tenderloin wrapped in bacon.
Speaking of tenderloin,
I look down, totally nude.
I mean, I'm wearing an apron,
but, you know, it's too short.
You remember that conversation
we had about oversharing?
I do. I'm sorry.
T.M.I. Got it.
I think I'm just stressed out.
Well, don't discount
your dreams, you know?
They say it's your subconscious
trying to tell you something.
I just came to see if you found out
- anything else on Roy.
- Yeah, well,
at first, not very much.
Some community college credits,
rescued a Pekingese,
zero social media presence.
So, I decided to dig a little deeper,
and the deeper I went,
the more I became convinced that his
electronic footprint is fake.
Yeah. Something about the specificity
and the pattern of the spending.
Normal spending is more random.
It's, like, too perfect.
You know, like it's been manufactured.
Based on that and some other matrixes,
I'm 99% sure that his footprint,
his identity, was totally invented.
He's not really Roy Hayes.
Dante, what do you have for me?
This is it.
Number 24.
All right, something in here
has got to tell us more about me,
right? Why I came to New York.
That's right.
Stay positive.
Hey, Rob, we just got
to the motel. What's up?
Nothing good.
Ballistics just came back on Roy's gun.
It was used in a murder five days ago.
Interesting. I checked in
with the front manager on the way in.
Apparently, Roy got here six days ago.
We going in?
I wouldn't jump to conclusions.
He could have gotten that gun yesterday.
Having a gun doesn't mean
he's a murderer.
Maybe, but a blood-stained
motel room might.
Look at this.
Is Roy Hayes a killer?
Rob, I hate to say it,
but maybe it's time
we bring him in to Dante.
I'm not so sure.
But what I am certain of
is your name is not Roy Hayes.
- It's an alias you likely came up with
- What?
four years ago
when you turned up in Michigan.
So, okay, so on top
of all this, I'm a fugitive?
This just keeps getting worse and worse.
Okay, I I'm a terrible person.
What other explanation could there be?
I know all the evidence
is pointing the opposite way,
but my gut is telling me
there's more to this.
Hey, I just got a hit on Roy's ink.
Uh, there's a guy on a forum
here who says he recognizes
the style and thinks
the artist works in a shop
in Ditmas Park in Brooklyn.
That's less than a mile from here.
Mel, you take Roy to the tattoo parlor.
See if anyone can tell you who Roy was
before he became Roy Hayes.
And Harry and I will try to get
surveillance footage
from the motel.
Maybe it can tell us exactly
what happened in that room.
Keep it nice and loose, turn the wrist.
Boom, boom, right come through,
turn that hip.
Keep working on that.
You got this.
Hey, young lady, break is over.
You stop when you're finished,
not when you're tired.
You know what to do, man.
You saw that?
- Hey, it's none of my business.
- Yeah, you're right.
It's none of your business.
Sorry for snooping.
It's not like it's a full-time hustle,
all right?
Every now and again I get paid
to deliver these packages. It's cash.
Fast and easy.
And I get it. I do.
It's just that, I mean
you seem like a pretty big deal
around here.
Everyone thinks you really
have a chance to make it.
It'd just be a shame
to watch you jeopardize
what looks like a really bright future.
That's the thing
it might not be a future.
Without the cash, I can't get
the right training, the right gear,
- the right diet
- I understand you got to do
what you got to do,
but there is always another way.
- It's not that simple.
- I know.
But like someone told me this morning
when you take shortcuts,
eventually you get cut short.
Doesn't matter anyway.
They won't let me stop if I wanted to.
Look, just, just don't
tell Manny, all right?
I won't.
But maybe you should.
He might be able to help.
Hey. I got a couple of decent angles
of Roy from the motel cams.
I found this.
That guy dead or unconscious?
I don't know. His face is too obscured
so I can't get any facial rec.
- Zoom in on that plate.
- Yeah.
Uh, looks like the car's registered to
Pedro Martinez. Wonder if it's
the same guy that just
got tossed in the trunk.
- We need to find that car.
- It's an older model,
no GPS or roadside assistance.
But let's see
if Pedro left his phone on.
Yep, he did.
Looks like Pedro is stopped
on the side of the road.
Okay, send me that location
and let me know
- if that phone moves.
- Yep.
Well, I'm I'm back
to square one. Okay, my name's
not Roy, I'm not from Michigan.
What I do know is that I'm a murderer.
- We don't know that for sure.
- What other explanation is there?
There was a gun.
The blood in the hotel room?
I did something bad to someone.
Look, if it makes you feel better,
not everyone thinks
you're capable of murder.
My friend wouldn't
be helping you if she did.
Oh, good, we're here.
And it's closed.
Great. Uh, well,
that was a bust. Uh, where you going?
- The car's this way.
- I'm-I'm not I'm not sure.
It Something's familiar
about this neighborhood.
It's like, okay, it's like
my head knows where it's
headed, even if I don't.
Okay, good, uh, don't think about it.
Just go with it.
Turn left here.
Think so.
Something about this neighborhood.
I remember this street.
It feels like I've been here before.
It's-it's very strong.
I remember it, I re
This is a crime scene.
You know this house?
There's a bedroom in the back.
And-and there's a door
to the kitchen on the side.
I know that, but I
I have no idea how.
Hey, Mel.
Something tells me
this isn't a social call.
Unfortunately, no. I'm at a crime scene.
I just texted you the address.
Can you tell me what happened here?
Give me a sec.
Brutal one. Man was shot.
And the tongue was cut out.
Ten days ago.
Could you send me a picture
of the victim's driver's license
and anything else you got on him?
This have to do with your new client?
Maybe. Why?
The number of murders he's connected to
keeps growing. When am I gonna
get to talk to this guy?
Soon. I promise.
I'm gonna hold you to that.
Oh, come on, come on, come on.
Do you recognize this man?
that's my father.
Th-that's my father.
If anyone can tell us
who I am, it's him.
Roy, I'm so sorry, I
your father was killed here
ten days ago.
Wait, wait, my father
was murdered ten days ago?
And four days after,
you came to town and
you bought a street gun.
Do you think
I think you came to town for revenge
and, judging by the blood
in that motel room, I think you got it.
So it turns out our amnesiac
artist formerly known as Roy Hayes
is actually Eric Davies.
His mom died when he was young.
He grew up with his father,
Arthur Davies.
I see.
So after Eric's father's killed,
he comes to town looking for revenge.
Any suspects in the murder?
Yeah, a good one, actually.
Sending you a pic now.
Rodolfo Martinez.
That's the shooter who tried
to take us out this morning.
Well, the guy's a total psychopath.
He's got a history of violent crimes.
He went upstate three years ago
for murder
after a gunfight with a rival went awry
and he killed a passerby.
And the witness
- was
- Eric Davies.
That explains the fake ID.
He must have been put into
WITSEC after he testified.
Yeah, well, Rodolfo
should still be in prison
but his sentence was vacated
after a tainted
chain of custody evidence.
So Rodolfo gets out,
he murders Eric's father,
and then he cuts his tongue out
to send a message
to Eric about snitching.
The guy Eric stuffed into that car
what was his last name?
Martinez. Same as Rodolfo.
Wait, you think Eric got
the revenge that he wanted
by killing Rodolfo's brother?
I just found the car.
I think we're about to find out
whether Roy-slash-Eric
is a nice guy-slash-killer.
- Pedro Martinez?
- Yes, let me out!
- Now!
- Excuse me?
Did I stutter? Get me out of here!
You know, if it was me
tied up in a trunk all night and
someone found me,
I'd try honey, not vinegar.
- Do you know who my brother is?
- Yeah. Rodolfo.
Now, unless you want
to spend another night
tied up in this trunk,
tell me about Eric Davies.
How'd it go down?
Okay, have it your way.
W-Wait, wait, wait! Okay, okay, okay.
I was at Sanctuary 57 Club last night.
Soon as I left, Eric
appears out of nowhere,
Shoves a gun in my face.
Makes me drive us to this crappy motel.
Why'd he kidnap you?
How the hell should I know?
Okay! Okay, okay.
He took me up to his room,
took my phone, told me
to call my brother.
I tell him go to hell,
I went for the gun.
It goes off and I got shot in the leg.
Not your lucky day, huh, Pedro?
So the guy actually bandaged me up.
Then he makes me call Rodolfo,
tells him he just wants to talk.
Meeting place must've been
around here somewhere, 'cause
Eric parked the car and never came back.
- My brother take care of him?
- No.
But not for lack of trying.
Looks like Eric did a pretty
good job with your tourniquet.
I would thank him.
No, no, no, no, wait! Come on, come on!
Come on! Let me out of here, come on!
at least we know Eric's not a killer.
Why else would he rendezvous
with his father's murderer?
Wait a minute.
Eric's bizarre chest hair.
He was wearing a wire.
He was trying to get Rodolfo to confess.
Wow, that's
the dumbest idea I've ever heard.
I mean, you got to hand it to the guy.
- He's got nerve.
- Yeah.
So they meet, things go sideways,
Eric has to run for his life,
then he gets concussed
diving into a metal dumpster to hide.
- The guy's lucky to be alive.
- Yeah, well, it's
only a matter of time before
Rodolfo catches up with him.
Where is he now?
Eric was so emotional.
He wouldn't leave the house.
So I called Dante
to send in a uniformed cop
to let him inside. I figured
it would spark more memories.
David 83, we have an officer
in need of assistance.
10th and Broadway.
- Report immediately.
- This is David 83.
On my way. ETA five minutes.
Hey, Eric, I have an emergency call.
Sit tight. I'll have a
patrol car swing by ASAP.
It's me. He's in the house, alone.
Don't let him leave.
I'm on my way.
Listen, stay out here.
Keep watch.
I've been waiting for this
the last three years.
Turn around.
I want to see your face
when I end you.
Let's you and me hang out for a bit.
Toss that piece.
Now, normally, this would be
the point where I say "don't move."
But in your case, I
kind of wish you would.
Whoa, whoa, Eric, Eric!
Hold up a second.
He killed my father.
- Cut out his tongue.
- I know.
And he will pay, but if you
end his life, you end yours.
I don't care anymore.
Eric, I called your job
in Michigan. I-I asked them
to reach out t-to anybody
who might know you.
That date on your arm
that's your son's birthday.
Eric, this is your girlfriend, okay?
You two have a child together.
I have a son?
I love you, Daddy.
Please come home.
Come home, baby.
I remember them.
Thanks for moving.
Think about it.
Before you make a move.
I got some trash I need
to throw out, give me a sec.
Hey, my man.
So, I've been around this neighborhood
about 40 years.
Not too many people
around here I don't know.
So, you're new.
I'm gonna explain something to you.
I suggest you open up your ears.
No business
is conducted near my gym.
That right?
Well, you know what I think?
Sounds like an old rule from an old man.
Yeah, well
I suggest you step back 'cause
you might find out just how old I am.
You want some more of the old man combo?
Is that what you want?
- This ain't over, old man.
- Yeah.
Just remember what I told you.
Everything okay?
Now, you did the right thing,
coming to me.
Now, you need to stay
focused on your training.
Got that?
Get back in there. You got work to do.
I got you.
Looking good. Just remember,
keep your feet shoulder-width
- apart and li
- Listen to Manny.
He's the truth.
Watch your head.
Thanks for your help.
And calling your officer away
sealed it.
I'm just glad Rodolfo is
going back where he belongs.
Third strike means he's
in for a long stay.
Hey, and thanks for hooking
Dee up with Manny.
Ah, he's gonna be good for her.
Yeah, I think so, too.
She's an impressive young lady.
That's because of you.
The job you've done raising her.
Thanks, Marcus.
And he's reading about his daddy.
Tell big man when he wakes up,
I'll see him soon, all right?
- Love you.
- Bye.
Mr. Eric Davies.
Turns out you're
a pretty good guy after all.
It was, uh, it was a little dicey there
for a second, wasn't it?
Thank you for everything.
Thank you for believing in me.
So, what now?
I am on the first flight
back to Michigan.
Mr. Roy Hayes
has a great life to go back to.
"Deciduous," that was good.
Deciduous? That's exactly right.
I feel like I'm getting better at this.
You're getting amazing, Delilah.
Can't believe you tried to slip
"yo-dell" by me. Yo-dell?
What the heck is "yo-dell"?
- I almost got you.
- Hey.
- Hi, honey.
- Hey.
Hey, we're starting a new round.
You want to play?
Just opened a bottle of the good
stuff. Come relax, hang with us.
There is literally
nothing I would rather do.
Ooh, yeah.
So, Dee.
How's the new training going with Manny?
Oh, my God. It was so repetitive.
It was just
No, I'm serious.
But you were right.
I mean, Manny is the
perfect person to train with.
You know he once fought for
the welterweight championship?
You know I once saved
five Afghanistan villages
from being bombed?
I can't top that.
So tell her what else happened today.
Oh, um
I met a boy.
And there it is the real reason
- you want to go back to Manny's gym.
- No
Okay, tell me everything.
Let's go.
- Um, so his name is Jackson.
- Mm-hmm.
And he's a boxer.
- A good start.
- He's tall and smart.
- Smart is good.
- Smart is good.
- Brown eyes.
- Mm-hmm.
Brown hair. He's really sweet.
He better be.
- Sweet?
- Yeah, he's sweet.
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