The Following s03e12 Episode Script

The Edge

You've been drinking.
What happened? Where were you last night? I screwed up.
How could you do this to us? You got to give me a chance.
- I'm done.
- No, no.
You still have me.
What the hell are you doing with her? I asked you a question! Unh! Ugh! You're my little sister, Penny.
I've been protecting you since I was 10 years old, and I'm not gonna stop now.
You just need to stop partying so much.
We're just going to see Eliza.
I assume you are familiar with Ryan Hardy.
I can deliver him to you.
What is that worth? Someone has my laptop.
They're using it to watch Max.
If someone is using the laptop, we can find them.
The signal just disappeared! Everything OK? It's the safe house raid.
Some of the details just aren't adding up.
No! No, no.
You don't understand.
No, no.
I did manage to track where the laptop's been used.
It's inside the FBI.
We just need to find someone who can hack into the FBI.
Do you know anyone that does that? Because I sure as hell don't.
Actually I do.
Who is it? Someone very unexpected.
Don't kill me.
I let you live because you promised to disappear, and yet, here you are.
I need your help.
The contact site I gave you was to alert me of an imminent threat.
I know, but an opportunity came up.
What kind of opportunity? A way to get Ryan Hardy.
Hi there.
What makes you think I need a way to get at Ryan? If he was easy to kill, he'd be dead by now.
Look who I found.
Can I keep him? He's kind of hunky.
Forget it.
You remember what happened to your last pet.
We were just being careful, OK? We didn't know how you'd react to being contacted.
I got to say this is a pairing I didn't expect.
Seriously, if you were any kind of a man, you would have killed her for the way that she played you.
Ha ha ha! I thought you said he was scary because I'm not impressed.
Mark, please.
We all want the same thing.
We can help each other.
Not interested.
There's a corrupt agent inside the FBI.
Interested now? Page me when she gets back from X-ray.
I want to run some more tests.
Give me a minute, Sandy.
What are you doing here? I've failed you.
I know that, but there's got to be a way that I can fix us.
Ryan, you can't even fix yourself.
It's clear you've been lying to me since the beginning.
How can I ever trust you again? I can get on top of this.
I've I've I've done it before.
You just got to give me another chance.
I can't.
I love you.
It's not enough.
Oh, wait.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
After everything we've been through, this can't be it.
Can we talk later, please? I'm barely hanging on here, Doc.
I don't know.
I Maybe.
Good, good.
Thank you.
- Hey.
- Hey.
What are you doing here? Oh, I wanted to see you, so I brought some coffee to sweeten the deal.
Um, I'm almost ready.
Do you want to just hang, and we can go in together? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'll wait.
- OK.
- OK.
What are you doing? I'm just looking for a new book.
You mind if I borrow this one? Sure.
You ready to go? Yeah, yeah.
Let's go.
How you holding up? I'm good.
I'm not your girlfriend or your niece, Ryan.
You don't have to pretend with me.
You let Joe screw with your head, but that is over now.
He is dead.
You need to pull it together.
People are counting on you Spare me the tough love, all right? Well, it wouldn't be tough love if I did.
You want to throw away everything you've built in the past year, that's your call, but Theo is gunning for you, and that puts everybody around you in danger.
You really think you'd be able to live with yourself if Max or Gwen got killed because you were half in the bag? I'll see you out there.
You have a nice place.
Don't get comfortable.
You won't be here long.
Don't be an ass, T.
Does anyone want something? No, thank you.
I'll take a water, please.
Sure thing.
So our friend traced the laptop signal back to the FBI in New York, but he didn't have the skill to get past the firewall.
It wouldn't matter if he did.
Once the feds found my hack, they brought down the iron curtain.
I haven't found a way to pierce it.
I thought you were a genius hacker.
I am, and you're only alive because your spy might just be what I need to hack back in.
I'm confused.
You just said you couldn't hack the FBI, so how are you gonna find this guy? Did your friend check to see if the laptop was the only computer accessing the web portal? - No.
- If he's smart, he wouldn't bring it back to his house.
That would be too easy to trace.
We just have to hope that he's dumb enough to log on from a second computer.
Excuse me a minute.
Eliza wants to meet.
You think it's legit? I think we always plan for the worst.
This was a mistake.
Just hold it together.
We just need that name, and then we're out of here.
Change of plans.
Before I help you, you two are gonna help me with something.
Wait a minute.
That was not part of the deal.
The deal is what I say it is.
Think of it as a team-building exercise, and if my instincts are correct, you might even get to kill some people.
Hey, Max.
Any luck finding Theo's sister? No.
According to the social services database, a dozen foster kids went through the Jackson house in the months leading up to the murders, but none were named Sophia, and none matched the description Oleg gave of the girl.
Theo must have scrubbed her from the system.
Let's get some agents over to Philly social services and have them dig through the hard copy files because there's a chance he only targeted the digital records, and if that's true, maybe we can find her.
Unh! Unh! Psst! Where's Eliza? She couldn't make it.
I'm disappointed.
Won't last long.
I'm sorry.
Your friends aren't coming, but mine are.
Where do I find Eliza? Forget it.
I'm not helping you.
I'm positive you're supposed to call her after I'm dead, which means her number's in your phone.
It's highly encrypted.
There's no way you'll be able to hack it.
Let me worry about that.
Have you traced the phone to our friend yet? In process.
So to find your guy, I need to log on to the web portal.
And here we go.
I was right.
It was accessed by a second computer.
Probably a desktop.
There's an apartment in Sunnyside, Queens, rented by Tom Reyes.
now on the FBI's Hostage Rescue Team.
He's Max's boyfriend.
She cheated on him with Mike Weston.
No wonder he's watching her.
Here are my terms.
You want Tom to serve up Mike so Mark can torture-kill him, but first, you got to do something for me.
We just did something for you.
My house, my rules.
You just gave us the name.
Come on.
We're out of here.
You won't even make it to the door.
Mark, Mark, Mark.
We are so close.
One more step is not gonna hurt anyone.
Fine, but this is it.
Give this to Tom.
Make sure he plugs it into the FBI server.
When I get my access back, then you can get all the revenge you want.
After we kill Mike, I'm gonna come back and kill him.
Found Sophia.
You were right.
Theo only altered the digital files.
That's Sophia age 8.
After the murders, she bounced around to a dozen other foster homes.
Then on her 16th birthday, she died.
At least, that's what her death certificate says.
that to give her a new life.
Let's run the prints in this file against any recent crime scenes.
Already on it, waiting for results.
Get Cyber to computer-age this photo and send it to me.
Either of you guys seen Sloan? No.
She's not answering her phone or texts.
What? We put her on the mole search.
She was looking into incident reports of the raid at Mark's brownstone.
She said she had questions.
Maybe she was on to something.
Got a hit on Sophia's prints.
Drug dealer murdered in Newark two days ago.
Local PD pulled prints that match Sophia's.
You guys stay on Sloan, have NYPD issue a bolo.
Retrace her investigation, check her computer.
I'm going to Jersey.
Take Max with you.
I got it covered here.
- Ryan - No, no.
I I can handle this solo.
I'm coming with you.
What, are you tag-teaming me? - Yeah.
- Deal with it.
All right.
Let's go.
According to police reports, our victim Josh was stabbed to death in the back bedroom.
Any mention of a woman matching Sophia's description? No.
Then again, a house full of junkies doesn't make for the most forthcoming witnesses.
Think our girl's an addict? She's not here for the ambience.
Oh, boy.
Well, let's roust them, see if anybody knows anything about the murder.
- Hey, buddy.
- Come on.
Hop up.
Got some questions for you, yeah? Wake up.
Come on.
Get up.
Get up.
You OK? Sloppy.
Took my eyes off him.
This is Max Hardy.
I'm agent with the FBI's New York field office.
I need a police unit sent to this location to transfer a suspect to your holding facility.
I think you broke my arm, man.
Good! Get up.
Now this is what's gonna happen.
You are gonna answer some questions, or you're going through another window, you understand? Relax, relax, man.
I didn't know you were the police.
I thought you were trying to rob me.
There was a murder here, all right, a few days ago, a guy named Josh.
I didn't have anything to do with that.
Know who did? No, man.
You recognize this woman? Naw.
Pick a window! OK.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
I I I don't I don't know her, but she looks like this girl Josh used to hook up with.
What's her name? Penny.
Penny what? Just Penny, man.
You know where we can find her? She gave me a taste of her score last week.
She got it from this dude Sal.
He he deals out of a storefront over on Benson.
That's all I know, man.
Seriously, I swear.
- Hey, man.
- Hey.
You seen Sloan? No.
Why? She did talk to you, though, right? Yeah, yeah, about the raid on Mark's safe house.
Is there a problem? No.
Just having a hard time getting ahold of her.
Did she mention going anywhere last night, meeting with someone? No, no, not that I can recall.
Smile! Don't do it! Hands up.
Hands up.
Out of the bathroom.
So we came over here to Jack you up over spying on Max, so imagine our surprise Joy really.
When we find a dead girl in your bathtub.
Now let me guess.
She found out about you spying on your girlfriend, and you had to kill her.
Word of advice, sweetie.
Next time you kill somebody, don't leave the body lying around your house.
What do you want? Stick this into a server at the FBI.
Shouldn't take more than two minutes.
Then we'll be out of your hair.
I'm not a traitor.
You've got a dead girl in your bathtub.
You're whatever we say you are.
We'll be in touch.
Oh, and you might want to think about getting rid of that body.
It's starting to smell.
Think Penny will show? Well, if she's hanging around crack houses, she's more than just a recreational user.
You been drinking? No.
Really? That's not why you were a step slow back at the house? I threw a guy out a window.
You call that slow? I don't call that slow.
Any word from Mike on Sloan? No.
FBI has her leaving the office at 8:00 last night.
Mike went by her apartment.
It was empty.
It doesn't look good, does it? No.
I'm back in.
I'm back in.
All right.
Now all I need to do is trace the phone number I pulled from the guy in the park.
I found Eliza.
You want company? You start packing.
We're out of here once I talk to her.
This identity is over.
You got it.
Penny, I'm serious.
Don't worry, T.
I'll be a good girl.
All right.
I'm gonna stretch my legs.
- I'll go with you.
- No.
Stay here.
Keep an eye out for Penny.
I'm so glad you called.
I hope I'm not making a mistake.
No, you're not.
If you lie to me, I will hang up.
I won't, I promise you.
Are you still drinking? Yeah, but I'm gonna stop.
You know, when we first met, you were in such a good place.
I thought that was the real you, but This is the real you, Ryan.
You're obsessed, tormented, unable to let go.
I can change.
I did change for a while.
Then do it.
Stop drinking, quit the FBI.
I ca I can't do that, not with Theo still out there.
After Theo, there will be someone else.
You're really not giving me much hope, Ryan.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I got to call you back.
Are you serious? I'm on a stakeout.
I'll call you as soon as I can.
Anything? No sign of her.
It's Mike.
Did you find Sloan? She's dead.
Someone shot her and put her in the trunk of her car.
They say she died last night.
Well, we're gonna head right back.
Sloan's dead.
We got two cruisers doing a sweep of the neighborhood.
Any sign of your girl? No.
We just found an agent of ours was killed.
Do you mind running Agent Hardy to the scene, please? No problem.
What about you? Penny's close.
Can't leave right now.
I'm gonna stay with you.
Max, I'm fine.
The priority needs to be finding Sloan's killer.
I'm gonna work the search with Newark PD, and then I'll be back, I promise.
Just call me if you find something.
They're all gone now.
Just you and me.
Let's talk about your brother.
You like it rough, huh? Ha ha ha! Good.
Me, too.
I'm starting to sense you're the strong, silent type.
Me, I'm more of a screamer.
Knock yourself out.
No one can hear you in here anyway.
Here to see Eliza.
Let him in.
Cinco minutos.
Have I jumped through enough hoops, or do I need to slit your throat in order to stick the landing? A little bravado's sexy, but don't get ahead of yourself.
Enough with the games.
Are you accepting my offer to take out Ryan Hardy? You have yet to tell me what you want in return.
My sister and I want to disappear beyond the reach of the FBI, CIA, and Interpol.
More importantly, we want a life where no one is hunting us.
You believe we can do that? Strauss hinted at your reach and influence, your power to make certain authorities turn a blind eye.
Was he wrong? Was he wrong? We're prepared to meet your ask, but there is one caveat.
No one is to know of our involvement or existence.
If that were to happen I understand.
Well, then, I'll be in touch.
Run the numbers for me.
It's Penny.
Do your thing.
Penny, call me as soon as you get this.
The FBI is on to you.
Where's Theo? Theo? No.
Not ringing any bells.
Every time you lie to me, you get a strike.
That's one.
What happens when we get to 3? Theo Noble, formerly Terrance Jackson.
The two of you helped kill his family when you were children.
You must have found the Madman.
- How is Ollie? - Incarcerated.
So he gets jail, and I get what house arrest? Oh, no, no, no, no.
You're not under arrest.
See, if you were under arrest, you would have rights and protections.
You're in my custody.
- Sounds scary.
- You have no idea.
Where is he? Oh, come on.
You know how brothers are.
They don't call, they don't write.
Strike two.
You know exactly where he is.
You're the only thing he cares about.
You're his one constant.
What do you do for him, huh? It's not a big mystery.
He owes me.
After he had his bitch of a mother killed, he promised things would get better.
He was wrong.
One foster home to the next, each one worse than the last.
We had each other's backs, and that's all we had.
How about you? Your turn to share.
Your niece Max, she's a cutie.
It's so great working with family, right? You leave her out of this.
- Or what? - It gets messy real fast, Penny.
Ryan, I got to tell you, your strikes don't intimidate me.
Ha ha! Come on.
When you grow up in the foster homes I grew up in, we got the real kind, the kind that scar.
What, you want me to feel sorry for you? No.
I want you to feel inspired.
A little liquid courage.
Good man.
So you're bending the rules a little bit.
So what? Hey, Max.
I'm driving back.
You find Penny? No.
Not yet.
We got local PD going door to door.
Any any leads on Sloan's killer? No.
We're gonna retrace her last steps, see where it leads.
All right.
Keep me posted.
She's checking up on you, treating you like a child.
They all are Mike, Gwen.
They care.
They're stifling you judging you.
You don't need any of them.
I did what you asked.
We're done.
Just one more favor.
I can't.
Aw, come on.
No need for that kind of negativity.
It's simple.
You could still put this all behind you.
What do you want? Bring me Mike Weston.
You get something on Sloan's GPS? Thousands of random coordinates with no date, no time stamps.
How are things going here? Nothing suspicious so far.
There is a lead here.
We just need to find it.
I just I can't stop seeing her in that trunk.
Someone we know did that to her.
Why don't I take over the incident reports? Go home.
Get some rest.
I could use a shower.
I'm gonna slog through our in-house surveillance videos at home.
It's like I mean, whoever had the laptop knew we were on to them, so they killed the signal right before we found them.
Maybe there's something on the video.
Had Sloan gotten into that? Yeah.
Maybe she saw something.
Hey, Max.
It's gonna be OK.
You sure? Where are you, Penny? Where are you? I missed you.
This is not a joke.
An FBI agent is dead.
That is so sad.
Do you have anything to eat? I am so hungry actually Ohh! Who does Theo have working for him at the FBI?! Hmm.
Someone's had a few drinky-poos.
Ha ha ha! Fell off the wagon, huh? Bummer.
Strike 3! Unh! Ha ha ha! So I read your social services file, Penny.
Says you nearly drowned when you were 7 years old.
You've been terrified of water ever since, huh? Wow! Do you know what it feels like to be waterboarded? They say it's kind of like drowning from the inside.
When Theo finds out When Theo finds out, what? What is Theo going to do? He's gonna come after me? He's alone.
He can't get to me.
He's not alone.
Oh, no? Who's he got working for him? Huh? Tell me, Penny.
Who's he got working for him? So your nose and your mouth fill up with water, your lungs start to spasm.
Has he recruited Strauss' students? Who? Mark? Mark?! Daisy?! Now you see how easy that was? You're really getting off on this, aren't you? Not yet.
- Hey, Mike.
- Yeah? I just talked to an HRT guy.
He told me that after Sloan interviewed him, she was headed out to meet someone at a bar in Greenpoint.
- Who? - Didn't get a name.
Some off-duty guy.
I'm gonna go check it out.
- Want to come? - Yeah.
I thought you said we were going to a bar.
Give me the phone.
I should have known.
I didn't have much of a choice here.
Put these on.
Put them on! You killed Sloan? I didn't mean to kill her.
It was an accident.
It was an accident! And Max? You used Max? You are a worthless piece of You executed Lily Gray and covered it up.
You slept with Max behind my back! You you did this to yourself.
Who's in there? Mark? You don't have to do this.
We can turn this around on him, you and me right now.
Come on, Tom.
No, Mike.
Let's go.
Let's go! Long time, no see, Mike.
That's because you've been hiding from me like a scared, little bitch.
Ha ha ha! Well, there's no need for name calling.
Can't we be civil? Sure.
Just take these off, we can hug it out.
Ha ha ha! Yeah.
Nice try.
He's here.
I'm done.
Yeah, of course.
A deal's a deal, right? A man's word is his bond.
Err! Now you're gonna get what you deserve.
Do it.
You know what? On second thought, I'm gonna cut out your heart because that's what you took from me when you killed my mother! Let him go.
Drop it.
Drop it now! We had a deal! Mike's mine! Drop it, Mark.
He's mine now.
Oh, Penny, Penny, Penny, Penny, Penny.
I'm gonna ask you one more time.
Where is he? Unh! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Mmm.
Theo is so wrong about you.
Oh, yeah? How so? You're nowhere near his level.
He's been overestimating you.
Oh, she is practically begging for it.
Where are they?! Where is Theo? I don't care what you do.
She's lying to you, Ryan.
There's nothing you can do that would make me tell you.
She will if you make her, Ryan.
Go on, Ryan.
Go ahead.
Make her.
Go on, Ryan.
Just tell me where Theo is.
Just tell me, just tell me, just tell me where they are! Do it.
Aah! Ohh! No! _ Who is this? I know you have my sister.
She just dropped by for dinner.
If you hurt her Why would I do that? How about we get together, just the 3 of us? Yeah.
That sounds like fun.
Mike? Mike? Mike! But you better make that reservation for 4.

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