The Wild Wild West (1965) s03e12 Episode Script

The Night of the Legion of Death

Aaron Addison, do you have anything to say before sentence is carried out? I'm inn- I'm innocent.
I'm innocent! I admit I was sent here to spy on you, but I didn't kill anybody- Make me believe it, Addison.
How? Tell me the name of the one who sent you here.
All right.
H- His- His name is- Sergeant, deploy your men around the area.
Stop everybody.
If you're in doubt, shoot.
Get him! Hello.
Hello, I'm sorry.
Am I trespassing? I think that depends on who you are and what you want.
Sorry for staring, but I'm not used to seeing something so lovely in a garden house.
No, please forget that I said that.
Oh, really? I thought it was a rather pretty compliment.
Yes, It was.
But it's my last, and you may quote me.
There's a lady in the wings, isn't there? There was a lady, but I didn't know that she had a husband.
By the sounds of things outside, a very important husband.
keep a sharp eye out.
No, I think I can tell you definitely, those are not outraged-husband noises.
Oh, you'll never know how delighted I am to hear that.
Because I thought those- Those troopers with the green shirts were after me.
Uh, you don't know about the militia? You must be new to the territory.
Yeah, as a matter of fact, I'm just passing through.
Is that, uh, Governor Brubaker's, uh, private army? The militia is more than that.
They're quite useful in controlling the Indians and maintaining law and order.
I don't think their duties include helping angry husbands who are- Yes, corporal? Oh, I'm sorry, Miss Faure, but there's a killer on the loose.
We got orders to look everywhere.
And you think he's hiding in here? Oh, No.
But he's dangerous.
But don't you worry none.
I'll be here till he's caught.
Oh, there's no need for that, corporal.
Ah, I'm impressed.
You must be very important.
Would it restore your faith in women if I showed you a way out? You mean there's a way out of here? How nice.
Every garden house should have one.
Where does it lead? To a service exit in back of the governor's mansion.
The thought just occurred to me: Maybe the militia is searching for you.
Thank you very much.
Don't mention it.
Nature and art conspired to produce this most perfect of governors.
I can easily believe that.
That is Governor Brubaker? And I'm his secretary, Deke Montgomery, with a question.
A question? Yes.
How did you get past my office and these so-called guards here? Oh, I just walked in and I was alone, and And didn't see anyone, correct? Correct.
Well, sir, as long as you are here, make yourself comfortable and tell us what we can do for you, Mister Uh, West.
I came to plead for clemency for Aaron Addison.
Oh, what a pity.
You're too late.
Uh, he's dead? Uh, where may I find his body? Where all bodies go after our territory has exacted the punishment decreed by law.
To the morgue.
I should add, however, that a sniper's bullet saved our hangman the trouble.
Perhaps you heard.
No, I didn't hear.
I'd like to give the body a decent burial.
You're too late again.
Someone beat you to that, too.
In fact, Mr.
West, the only thing you are not too late for is the interrogation that our Captain Dansby is so justly renowned for.
Covering such points as who you are, why you are so interested in the late Aaron Addison, exactly how much pain you can endure.
Put your hands up.
Hello, I'm Catherine Kittridge.
Oh, jack of diamonds.
Do it to you every time.
What a run of luck I'm having.
I've come for Aaron Addison's body.
Now, if you please.
Oh, boy.
I feel as if someone stuffed the old noggin full of tapioca.
Yeah, that sedative had a slight overdose.
I'm sorry about that, Artie.
Thank you.
We don't have time for the effects to wear off.
All right, I'll give it the old college try.
Say, would you mind looking down and seeing whether I'm moving my feet? I can't feel anything.
Yeah, you're doing fine.
Hey, what's going on? You got no right being here.
You know something? The man is right.
Yeah, you are- You are right.
Let's go, Vernon.
Uh, wait a minute.
What did you fellows do with the stiff? If you have lost a body, my good man, you are unfit to hold public office.
Is that right, Sidney? Yeah, let's go- N- Wait a minute! Just a moment, Vernon.
You all right? Oh, I'm fine.
I'm fine.
Let's go, Artie.
Oh, excuse me.
Oh, thank you, sir.
Thank you very much.
I heard about the way some guys go around sampling embalming fluid, but that guy's too much.
help let me out of here I hear something.
That ain't a stiff.
Open this one.
Oh Hy-ah! Don't look now, Jim, but there's a patch of troopers back there just busting their britches to catch up with us.
Come on! Hell, that makes it sporting, doesn't it, Artie? Hy-ah! Hang on, Artie.
We're gonna hit that curb.
Let's get ready to jump.
Go! Ah, thanks a lot, Jim.
Hey, that did it.
Did what? That knocked that tapioca out of the old noggin.
I feel great.
Hey, we better wait a minute.
Artie, how did you get on the gallows, anyway? That's playing it a little close, isn't it? No, listen, I didn't have any choice in that.
It wasn't on purpose, you know.
That Brubaker's got this state sewed up like a Thanksgiving turkey.
Nothing goes on here he doesn't know about.
More than we were advised, huh? Believe me, it is.
I thought that, as Aaron Addison, I'd be above suspicion.
First thing I knew, I ask a couple of questions then, bam, those troopers busted in on me.
The next thing I knew, I was standing trial for murdering somebody I'd never even heard of.
Someone that probably never existed too.
Yeah, they go through all of the legal motions before they hang you.
Hey, I got a little bone I wanna pick with you.
Me? Yeah.
Uh, the next time- if there is a next time - do you mind not hanging around till the last minute before letting me know that you're there? Hey, Artie, I showed up as soon as I could.
Well, it's not that I don't have, uh, every confidence in you, you understand.
Ah, thank you.
It's just that I don't even know whether my message got through, that's all.
Artie It's not that I was worried, you understand.
Hey, Artie- I mean, not really worried, you know.
What? Who's that girl? Where? No, the one at the morgue who came to claim your body.
Addison's body, if you don't mind.
And I can't remember.
Wait a minute, it has to be Cathy Kittridge.
She's the only one I met out here who stood up to the governor and that legion.
We better get out of here.
Any idea where to go? Indeed, I do.
The one port in the storm.
The one free harbor, far from the raging storm.
Follow me.
Another one of your interminable searches, captain? All depends on your point of view, Miss Kittridge.
If you run with enemies of the state, you become an enemy of the state.
And you'll be treated accordingly.
On the other hand, if you'd, uh be willing to be a little more relaxed and, uh friendly towards the state, maybe the state would be a little more relaxed and friendly towards you.
Search the place with a fine-toothed comb, sergeant.
Charming room, Miss Kittridge.
My men have gone over the rest of your house.
I've, uh, reserved this room for myself.
Go ahead.
I can always have it fumigated afterwards.
Captain Dansby.
Yes? I'm- I'm sorry I slapped you.
Really? Yes, and, uh I've been thinking about what you said about being more relaxed and friendlier.
Yes? And I- I thought we might discuss the matter later.
Later, why not, uh, now? I have a headache.
Do you mind? Well, later then.
But not too much later.
Come on out, whoever you are.
Who are you? Well, my name is James West and this is my partner, Artemis Gordon, better known as Aaron Addison.
I knew Aaron Addison.
Well, I was he.
I'm innocent! I've killed no one! This is all a plot on the part of Brubaker to silence me! But you were supposed to be hanged or- Or shot.
He was shot by me.
It's a new drug that puts him in a state resembling death.
That's the only way I could save him from being hanged by the others.
Well, who are you really? We're special agents.
We were sent here by President Grant to investigate your father's charges of corruption and abuse of power on the part of Brubaker.
I've come with a warrant for Brubaker.
And to bring him back to Washington.
You? Alone? Well, Artie, you will help, won't you? Oh, sure.
There will be two of us.
West, I don't know whether you're joking, or simply insane.
Don't you understand? Governor Brubaker is the absolute dictator of this territory.
Anyone who opposes him is either thrown in jail or killed.
My father devoted half of his life to developing this territory.
And at this very moment, he's rotting in prison on false charges.
We plan to get your father out of jail.
It would take an army to do that.
President Grant won't send one.
Another civil war has to be avoided at all costs.
And if Artie and I can handle this situation- Then everything will be all right.
'Cause you just walk into the governor's mansion and serve your warrant.
Is that it? Artie, you know, that isn't a bad idea.
Well, you would have the element of surprise going for you, yeah.
You come here with this warrant to arrest me? Yes, that's right, governor.
Well, well, well.
Are we gonna let him do this, Montgomery? Here's the document you asked me to draw up.
Ah, yes, of course.
Well it so happens we have one for you, Mr.
Dansby, you may serve this.
"We hereby place you under arrest "for the willful murder of one Aaron Addison.
"It may be duly noted, anything you say may be used against you.
" Never mind that.
Take him away.
Uh, just one moment.
Governor, my warrant is a presidential decree.
It takes precedent over your, uh, territorial warrant.
Oh, dear.
Well, now I'm- I'm really in trouble, eh, Montgomery? Presidential decree? What presidential decree? By George, he's, uh- He's really got you there, Mr.
It's silly to let little things bother you, dear.
Uh, since we're not barbarians, we'll give you a trial.
Oh, it's just a thought, but you don't have any evidence against me.
Evidence? Well, we don't worry too much about that.
I'm curious.
What's Grant's strategy? After we've hanged you, what's his next move? Well, there's always the Seventh Cavalry.
Yeah, the Seventh.
Well, it will be interesting.
Find out how good they really are.
Personally, I think my legion will give them a bloody nose.
Uh, if, uh- If you do that, I will personally notify your next of kin.
Put him in the hole.
Therefore, we will duly prove that James West callously, and in cold blood, murdered Aaron Addison.
Reeves, you may now address the jury.
I got nothing to say, Your Honor.
Well, then I- I see.
Uh- Uh, Y-Your honor, uh, what my counsel means is, with the court's permission, uh, we move for a dismissal.
On what grounds, Mr.
Reeves? On the grounds that- that- On what grounds? On the grounds that no crime has been committed here.
Oh, yeah.
The court will have to be enlightened as to how such a conclusion was arrived at.
Well, very well, Your Honor.
Uh, you're familiar that Aaron Addison was a convicted murderer.
All I did was carry out the sentence of this court.
Uh, Mr.
Reeves will submit on my behalf that no murder has been committed at all.
Only a citizen's execution, Your Honor.
Your Honor, Your Honor, if it would please the court, I now call to the stand Mr.
Deke Montgomery, the secretary to Governor Winston Brubaker.
What rabbit am I gonna pull out of my hat this time, Jim? Oh, I don't know.
You'll come up with something.
As soon as I think of it.
Uh, Mr.
Montgomery, if you will, please take the oath.
Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? I do.
Thank you, sir.
Uh, won't you sit down? Uh, now, Mr.
Montgomery, tell us, please, in your, uh- In your own words.
Well, thank you, Mr.
Your Honor.
In the course of my duties as secretary to a great governor of this great territory soon to achieve statehood- - I was called upon to review the conviction of Aaron Addison.
At the same time, new evidence came to light which convinced the governor there had been a great miscarriage of justice.
I rushed to the prison with a full pardon and a stay of execution, only to see the man shot down before my eyes.
Uh, what you're saying, Mr.
Montgomery, is that the deceased was not a condemned murderer, but a free, innocent man.
And therefore, the defendant did in fact, in cold blood, murder a free, innocent man.
If the court, please the innocent man in question would like to speak and offer testimony in defense of Mr.
James West.
Gentlemen, be seated.
Members of the jury, have you reached a verdict? Oh, just sh- Sure enough.
Now, uh, before you inform the court of your findings- with the courts permission - I would like to remind you that we're all loyal citizens of a great territory grateful and responsive to a great governor and to his.
distinguished colleagues who remember and reward public spiritedness, when it shows its shining head.
Now the verdict, if you please.
Y- Your- Your Honor, uh, we find that, uh- We, uh- Uh- All of us together, uh, agree that- U- Uh, that, uh- We find the defendant purely not guilty.
And that's a fact.
What? What!? Not guilty? Wh- Your- Your Honor, I- I move that this preposterous verdict be- Be set aside.
Your Honor, if I may interrupt the able prosecutor, it would seem to me that the people have spoken.
By that you mean, of course that, uh- Exactly, Your Honor.
That the verdict must be upheld.
It is so ordered, and the defendant is hereby freed.
It's winning the tough ones that gives me the big pleasure.
Ah, you were magnificent, counselor.
Now if you get into any more legal hassles, why you just let me know and- Like I was saying, I gotta be heading on.
Be careful.
My, my, my.
Never saw a court empty in such record time.
Artie, it's almost like people thought it was unhealthy being around us.
I got a sneaking suspicion they might have been right.
Reception committee, Brubaker style.
That's some- That's some surprise, huh, Artie? Yeah, shock of my life.
You could have knocked me over with a 100-pound artillery cannon.
Well, let's make it difficult on them.
We'll, uh- We'll split up.
Good idea, James.
When you cannot confound the enemy, then you have lost to them.
I am sure that you will get around to the back, and I can join you there at that time.
The only problem is getting around so that they don't know who we are.
I think we can manage it now.
You all set? I hope so.
It was silly arranging for a meeting here.
Oh, it's silly maybe, but it's safer than the streets.
Those troopers out there are thicker than thieves.
Which isn't a bad analogy.
I saw Mr.
Gave him your message to meet him in the garden house tonight.
Oh, thank you very much.
Would you excuse me for a minute? I see that Brubaker's circus is in full swing.
No territorial governor has ever been nominated for the presidency.
He wants to be the first.
"Brubaker for president.
" I hate to say it, but it has a catchy ring.
My father first noticed his mad obsession years ago and tried to stop him.
But he couldn't awaken the people to their danger.
Now that Brubaker has the black legion, there's no way he can be defeated.
Oh, I don't know.
He lost a battle today.
No, not a battle.
A skirmish.
You see, these trials are only to give the appearance of justice.
To pacify the people.
All he lost was a few hours, while you- You see? How long do you think you can keep this up? Oh, indefinitely.
I rather enjoyed it.
No, I mean the eternal dodging and hiding.
Look, Mr.
Brubaker's gonna kill you and Mr.
Both of you! You'll never get out of this territory alive.
Then I'll have to arrest him, I guess.
Arrest him? Mm-hm.
Uh, take him away from this sink of corruption and hustle him off to Washington on the train.
No, no, no.
It's- It's absurd.
It's out of the question.
It's a ridiculous idea.
Actually, it's a rather good idea.
I'm positive that Grant will never risk the weight of Washington here.
So his two bright young men will try to take you to Washington.
How can two men even hope to get within striking distance with all the- With all the guards that surround me? I don't know.
What do you think, captain? If there were some other way in aside from the regular entrance.
Captain Dansby, you- So you know about that too.
I have reason to suspect that West does also.
I see.
So you expect me to sit here and act as bait for those two.
Bait in name only, governor.
I am reasonably certain that West and Gordon will try to approach you via the tunnel.
So I have laid a trap with substantial amounts of high explosives.
But I know how very busy you must be.
The captain and I will detain you no longer.
Oh, she's got it filled with Celosia Plumosa, huh? What? The red plants.
Oh, yeah.
That's brilliant.
How did you find that? One of the governor's constituents showed it to me, Artie.
I suppose this accommodating constituent was female? And of voting age.
A Miss Faure.
Hold it, Jim.
I think you should know, Miss Faure isn't just another girl.
She's it.
The governor's first lady.
Underground, of course.
Well, then we can assume, Artie, that she's told him that I know about this underground lovers' lane, huh? I'd say so.
I'd say we can also assume we've walked right into a trap.
There's an inconspicuous kind of wire.
The kind that might run to a buried charge of explosives, for instance.
Yeah, can be set off from some distance by remote control.
What are we waiting for? They must be well into the tunnel now, sergeant.
Well, there goes that as an exit.
Well, they made a nice tomb for somebody, Artie.
Come on.
It's strange how often I've visited you here and how seldom I've used the front door.
Well, if you'd stop being so stubborn and marry me No, the public loves its image of you as a dashing eligible bachelor.
There will be time enough for that big wedding in the White House.
I must hurry home and change for your rally, dear.
He was an intriguing young man.
And an accomplished liar.
What? Who? James West.
Oh, yes.
I forgot.
You did meet him once, didn't you? Just a brief encounter.
He seems to have made quite an impression for just a brief encounter.
But he would never have become president.
That's the trouble with you, Jim.
You have no political future.
Neither does Brubaker.
You! I heard the explosion in the tunnel.
You should both be dead.
Sorry we didn't accommodate you.
Could have worked out that way.
And by the way, you're under arrest.
You already have the warrant.
I know you'll go peaceably.
Now that that's settled, back to Washington.
Oh, uh, I hope you don't mind using the back door.
What with one explosion or another, it worked out that way.
Take care of Miss Kittridge, Vanover.
We'll take it from here.
Let's go.
Wait a minute, Jim.
We got the wrong man.
What? Take a look.
Don't- No, don't take me away.
Not to Washington.
They'll lock me up.
I never did any of those things.
It was the others.
They did it all.
I, uh- I didn't even know what I was doing.
I- I just- I just signed the papers.
They never even told me what I was signing.
Believe me.
Uh, look, explain it to- To- To President, uh, Grant.
I will.
Uh, he'll understand.
I served with him in Richmond.
Tell him it was the others, see? I will.
The other two! Oh, what an empty man.
How could a weakling like that possibly have been a caesar? He couldn't wield power for one day unless- Unless he was being propped up.
Now the big puzzle: Who's the strongman? Gentlemen.
Right on schedule.
Over there.
Montgomery, of course.
The man behind the great man.
I must say, I missed the connection.
Well, don't feel too bad about it.
I've cultivated the manner of the underling.
I play it very well when it suits me.
You see, for a man like me who's obviously different, the only way to power is to be devious.
To play in the shadows with the glossy, hollow ones, like this one.
It's the only way.
How dare you say that about me? You forget.
I'm the governor! You're not the governor.
You're a wonderfully endowed face, a commanding presence, a bell-like silver voice.
You're a hollow, tin-plated fraud, Brubaker.
I'm the governor.
I made you.
I put you into office.
I created your black legion.
I write your speeches for you, tell you what to say, what to think, what to reach for, who to reward, who to execute.
You're a Greek mask that I speak through.
Don't ever forget that.
Any trouble? Everything's under control, captain.
The governor's needed at the rally.
As soon as we leave dispose of our friends from Washington.
My men will be cleaning their guns.
There will be an accident, all right? Hy-ah.
Hy-ah! We want Brubaker! You hear that, governor? They're waiting for you.
Waiting for that golden voice of yours to lift them to the drunken heights of Olympia.
You remember your speech? Friends, it is I who should be cheering you.
Yes, that's good.
But with the old fire, the old brilliance.
It is I who should thank you all of you for the faith uh Faith.
Faith and uh and Listen to me, Brubaker, don't quit on me now! Pull yourself together, man.
Pull yourself together! We want Governor Brubaker! We want Governor Brubaker! Where's Brubaker? We want Brubaker! Ladies and gentlemen- Ladies and gentlemen tonight is a historic occasion.
At long last, we are met in one great common cause.
What do we want? Let them hear you in Washington! James.
Look at him.
We- We will march together you and I to our manifest destiny.
Brubaker was just the face of authority.
The real power was always lurking in the shadows.
Yes, we want statehood! We have requested statehood! We have pleaded for it! We have even demanded it! Grant and his minions in Washington can deny us no longer! We want statehood! Tonight is the night! Statehood or independence! My friends, we are in a battle.
A battle for our lives.
A battle for our survival.
And in every battle, there are- There must be casualties.
Now I must tell you that the first warrior to fall in our struggle was our leader our great governor Winston E.
Less than an hour ago, Governor Brubaker was mortally wounded in a blatant effort to sabotage this rally and destroy our hopes! I ask you now, are you with me?! Did Winston Brubaker labor all his life, for nothing? No! Are we going to fight on? Yes! You with me? Yes! Let them hear it in Washington! Now, tonight, we make our decision, either to go forward or to fall back.
I ask you now are you with me? Stand up and be counted! My followers will be rewarded, but my enemies will be dealt with! There are no neutrals! The legion will deal with you! All of you! I am the power, I warn you! Not Brubaker.
Me! You fools.
Bru- Brubaker was nothing.
It was me! His ideas were mine! His speeches were mine! Everything he did, I was responsible for! Me! Come back! I will lead you, come back to me! It was me! It was me It was me.
Yeah, we know.
It's wonderful to have you back.
It's good to be back.
Jim! Ah! I was afraid that you weren't coming.
I try never to miss a good party.
You look lovely.
Thank you.
The party's almost over, and Artemus says that you and he are going to Washington tonight.
It's true.
I'm afraid so.
Artie, why don't you read this, huh? Well, thank you.
Oh, this is marvelous.
Listen to this.
"Congress has confirmed appointment "as territorial governor pro tem, Daniel Kittridge.
" "Convey my congratulations and gratitude.
" Signed, "Ulysses S.
Grant, President, United States of America.
" Congratulations, sir.
Thank you.
Congratulations, governor.
Thank you.
I wanna talk to you.
Um governor why don't we go out in the back.
There's a little something there I'd like to show you.
Yes? Did you bully President Grant into doing this? You don't bully our president into anything.
I just merely made a suggestion.
Which reminds me, I have a suggestion for the governor's new secretary.
New secretary? I forgot to mention it.
That's you.
What's the suggestion?
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