The Circle (2020) s03e13 Episode Script


[Buteau] Previously on The Circle,
there was a double blocking
-Buckle up your seat belts. Here we go.
-It is getting real.
-[both] Jackson!
-That's gonna hurt.
Oh my gosh!
[laughs in disbelief]
That is crazy.
[Buteau] a new player entered the game
I have arrived! Whoo!
[Buteau] and the two alliances
went to war.
Whoever gets Jacki
can take control over this game.
-"GetHerBeforeKaiDoes." Yes!
There is a clear divide
between these groups here.
[Buteau] The two rival leaders
went head-to-head.
Ooh, this where it gets tough.
This is such a massive blocking.
[Buteau] And James
was forced to give up an ally.
"I need your word that you intend
on going to the end with Kai and I."
My guy! Yes!
"Daniel. Blocked."
[Buteau] There was one last twist
from The Circle
[Buteau] as James made
the final blocking in person.
-Oh my God!
-Can I say I tried so hard?
[Buteau] leaving five players
with a chance of winning the $100,000.
["Just Like Heaven" by The Cure playing]
[Buteau] Good morning. Well, we did it.
We made it to The Circle finale.
Good morning, Circle! [squeals]
[Buteau] You better be excited, Kai.
We're down to our final five players.
We are at the finale.
Oh my God!
I couldn't even sleep last night
'cause I was so excited.
And by the end of the day,
one of them will be walking away
into The Circle sunset with 100 grand.
I could potentially be one of those people
to take home $100,000.
[Buteau] The most exciting part
of this morning, though?
Yeah! Your girl slo-moing her way
down that hallway! Polka damn!
Ain't no more hallway.
It's a Michelleway now, suckers.
Lost and lonely ♪
You ♪
Just like heaven ♪
Wait. Did no one go home last night?
[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-[all] "Alert!"
Nothing like an early morning alert.
Good morning, finalists.
It's Michelle here.
[squealing] Michelle!
[squealing] Hey, Michelle, girl!
Hi, Michelle, you gorgeous thing.
Congratulations on making it
all the way to the finale.
Thank you. [laughs]
You should be really proud
of playing a great game so far.
"So far"? Well, what that mean?
Today, one of you
will be announced the winner of The Circle
and take home that life-changing $100,000!
Life-changing is right!
Go on and practice saying my name, boo.
Say say it loud and proud,
"James, you are the winner of $100,000!"
Only one thing stands in your way.
That's each other.
Later, you guys will rate each other
for the last time.
So far, I've been just trying
to build alliances
and make sure I am still here,
but now I have to think of myself.
Now, be mindful of your choices
because your decisions will decide
who wins The Circle.
Okay, and this is for the 100K.
The 100 Kai!
Ah, strategy, heart.
I'm back and forth between the two.
If not you, then who?
But for now,
take a breath and try to chill.
Okay. Yeah. Sure. Yeah.
You're gonna say all that
and then tell me to chill?
I've sent you guys
a little something something,
and it's right outside your door
right now.
Enjoy. You're welcome.
What? Michelle,
you're too good to me, girl.
Uh-oh, I'm butt naked.
Michelle, I'll put some shorts on for you.
[grunts] I gotta go see what you got me.
[gasps, squeals]
I'm so excited!
[Nick] Let's see
this little something something.
-[James] Oh, let me see.
-[Sophia] What did she give me?
-[Nick] Ay-yo!
[Matthew] Oh my goodness.
I'm gonna have a little spa day!
Are you kidding me? I love a foot bath.
All right, what do we got?
-Ooh! [laughs]
-Ooh! [laughs]
A little mimosa action.
Mimosas! Ah!
Ooh, I'm so excited!
Bath foam?
Body butter?
Milk chocolate? Just like me.
Oh, this is gonna feel great.
-Don't mind if I do.
-[James and Matthew sigh]
-[bottle fizzes]
I got bubbles on my feet.
I got bubbles in my hand.
Ah, there's a little thing at the bottom
of the foot massager.
I'm a finalist, baby!
This foot bubbler, game changer.
[Buteau] Talking of game changers,
the game turned on its head last night
as anonymous influencers,
James and Nick, blocked Jacki.
Now it's time for the others to find out.
-[all] "The Newsfeed has been updated!"
Okay, I think we're gonna get some insight
as to what the hell is going on right now.
We don't even know who's blocked.
This has to be the video of Jacki.
Uh, let's see. I hope
she don't throw me under the bus at all.
Circle, take me to the Newsfeed.
Please don't be Nick,
and please don't be Ashley.
Circle, you put me through a lot,
but play this message.
Jacki. The big reveal.
[Jacki] Hi!
I'm Jacki. [giggles]
[screams, laughs]
She's so adorable!
She's the real deal.
I know, you can't believe
that this fabulousness is real,
but it is.
[chuckles] Oh my God.
My game plan was to be 100% me,
and I think that I did that.
You did, boo.
I'm so sad to be leaving.
I was loving y'all.
We loved you too.
Unfortunately, it's game over for me,
but y'all got one more life.
So may the best player win.
[laughs] Oh my God.
She has so much character.
The guilt that blocking Jacki was relieved
as soon as I met her,
and we had that conversation.
I knew Jacki's vibe was so awesome
and real. I knew she was herself.
You got yourself out there,
and in my book, you're a winner, baby.
I definitely believe that Nick
and James were the secret influencers,
because I was saved.
-[both] take me to Circle Chat.
I'm gonna miss saying that.
I'm so happy.
[chuckling] I can't stop smiling.
I don't think I'm gonna say right now
that I was the influencer.
I can't wait to see
what everybody has to say.
Circle, message,
"Wow! Jacki seems like a great girl."
"She is so bubbly and has great energy.
Starry-eyes emoji."
I agree, Nick.
It is sad to see that she got blocked,
but I'm so happy
to still be here with you guys.
"#WhatAJourney. #GroupHug."
Nick, hey, I'll give you
a group hug right now.
Circle, message, "I loved Jacki's video.
I am sad to see that she was blocked,
but at the same time,
I know she had an amazing journey,
and this is a time for celebration."
[laughing] "#HopeTheyGotTequila."
He's so funny.
I feel you on that, James. [laughs]
I feel like everybody
really did not wanna see Jacki go,
but we pour one out for, Jacki,
but we also pour one up for ourselves.
My girl Kai said,
"Congratulations, family!"
"We made it!"
"Can you believe this is our final chat?"
"We completed the journey,
and I am extremely proud of all of you."
"#ThisIsSurreal. #CheersToUs."
Cheers to you, Kai.
Circle, message, "This is, by far,
one of the best mornings of my life."
"Hearing Michelle call me a finalist
was unreal."
"It feels like Christmas morning.
Heart emoji."
"#WeDidIt." We did do it, Isabella.
Circle, message,
"I mean it when I say
I had no idea coming into this
my journey with each of you
would transform me."
"I admire all of you."
"Also, Michelle's an icon." [chuckles]
"Champagne emoji, manicure emoji." Send.
So great. It's so surreal.
I feel you, Ashley.
Like, I can't believe that this journey
would have changed me either.
Circle, message,
"I am proud of every single one of you,
and I wouldn't want to take this journey
with anyone else,
and I raise my glass
and say cheers to the final five."
And send.
Circle, message,
"As much as I've loved talking
to these four beautiful photos,
I'm so stoked to meet you all
in real life. Confetti emoji."
[Sophia] Oh, Nick. [chuckles nervously]
I really hope
that excitement stays intact.
I really hope.
I don't wanna hurt your feelings, Nick.
Circle, message,
"It has been a journey to say the least."
"There has been ups
and downs and all the in-betweens"
"but you have all
made me feel so accepted,
and you will forever have a special place
in my heart. #CircleFamForLife."
Aw. Isabella!
I feel the same way, girl. I do.
Circle, message, capital letters,
"Cheers to the final five!" Send!
Cheers to you, boo. Cheers to you.
Even if you catfish, cheers.
"The Circle Chat is now closed."
I ain't gonna lie. Kind of feels good.
I'm just so happy to be here.
I just wish I had more champagne. [laughs]
To the final five. [chuckles]
I feel amazing.
I feel kind of like I could cry right now.
It's just it's so overwhelming.
It's beautiful,
but I do have, in the back of my head,
people seeing me later
and seeing that I'm a catfish.
And I I feel like it's just gonna take
a bit for them to get used to,
and I hope it doesn't disrupt
how they feel about me.
I feel like each of these people
are so special to me,
and I want nothing but the world for them
but just not $100,000 for them.
I want that for me.
But this is special.
[upbeat music playing]
[Buteau] The sun is setting
on their final day in The Circle,
and it'll all soon be over.
Among the many things
they'll miss, though,
I got a feeling it won't be one of these.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-It's an alert! Okay!
-[all] "Alert!"
-We got an alert, folks!
-[Sophia] Oh, gosh!
The alerts are hitting
a little different today.
I can't even say the words. Is this it?
"Players, you must now make
your final ratings." [grunts]
Let's do this once and for all.
It's game time.
"Your decision is not about
who becomes an influencer."
-The $100,000 ratings.
We about to do it.
[exhales deeply]
It's about to go down.
"You are deciding
which one of your fellow players
is truly the most popular."
I just got chills. I got chills!
All five of us deserve to win this.
There can only be one.
I don't know who to put where.
Oh my God.
I'mma rate according to how I feel.
A lot of mixed ideas
on which way to go here.
I think I know exactly
the players I want to put where.
This is it. This is it.
$100,000 is at stake here.
-[chuckles] Come on.
Let's not screw it up.
-It's a lot to think about.
-This is everything. [gasps]
I can't believe I'm saying this, but
[all] Circle
Take me to my final ratings.
[both] final ratings.
-Take me to my final ratings.
-Take me to my final ratings, please.
Oh, this is crazy.
My sweet, precious Nick. [chuckles]
Mr. RiNickulous.
My Circle MVP brother.
My ride-or-die
since our first conversation.
All crush aside, I think
Nick has played an incredible game.
I came in knowing
I was gonna flirt with somebody,
and I didn't think
it was gonna go this well. [chuckles]
I adore Nick as a person,
but I don't have a set opinion
on how I wanna use Nick tonight.
This is $100,000 at stake,
and rating Nick highly
may not be in my favor.
Nick's the one I'm having
the most difficulty with, in my heart.
I feel like
Kai and I have been butting heads
ever since day one.
She is definitely still
my biggest competition.
Kai was absolutely a threat
this entire game.
And that's impressive that she's
always been seen as "the threat"
and still made it here.
I'm glad I was in the position
to make sure she was here.
James and I have been thick as thieves
with every alliance that we've made,
and I really trust him.
He has been getting rated
higher and higher the longer he's been in.
He did point a finger at me at one point
and say I'm a catfish
and and was really gunning for me,
so it does worry me a little bit
as to where I am on James's list.
He's definitely a threat.
I love Isabella.
I truly believe, without Isabella,
I would not be here right now.
I can trust her 100%.
Isabella, I just didn't get
a connection with.
I definitely relied on Isabella a lot.
I I I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
There is a part of me
that feels like she is still a catfish,
but I respect her game
because it has brought her to the final.
Ashley, she's brought
a lot of value to to me.
I truly, truly enjoy Ashley.
We had such a great journey,
and I've seen so much growth in Ashley,
and I am impressed.
[Sophia] She proved constantly
that she was gonna be loyal to me
and had my back,
and I'm so thankful to have Ashley here.
Ashley has been one of the people
I could count on the most
ever since day one in The Circle.
I will probably rate her very highly.
["Legendary" by Welshly Arms playing]
You create these alliances and bonds
to get to the final five,
but when it comes down
to the final ratings,
you gotta do
what's best for your own game.
I've been going off I've been strategic,
driving myself crazy with numbers.
I think I'm gonna go with my heart
this time and throw all this away.
I feel like maybe I should do
what has worked for me this far,
and that's just playing with my heart
and sticking to the people
that I have the best connection with.
-'Cause we're gonna be legends ♪
I would like to put James
in my first position.
The alliances that James was able to build
helped save me and keep me here,
and up until this point,
I believe he's truly had my back.
Isabella is the person that I felt like
I was always able to trust,
and I never had any doubts.
I've been relying on her
to get all the way here,
so I feel like I need to put her
in first position.
This is what we came for ♪
And we couldn't want it anymore ♪
[sighs] She's helped me the most
through this game.
She's been my strongest ally.
She's been Sophia's greatest friend.
She's been Isabella's number one fan.
And for those reasons,
I'd like to put Ashley in first place.
-Been dreaming of the payoff ♪
-All right.
-Moving on.
Circle, in my second position,
I would like to put Ashley.
Ashley has been consistently
one of my favorite people in The Circle.
Even though, at times,
it looks like I gave up on her,
that was me being strategic.
This is so hard!
-Third place.
-Third place.
-Third place position.
Oh, here goes a tough one.
I think Nick has worked the hardest,
and he's the most deserving one here.
And I wouldn't be here without him,
but he stands in my way
of winning the $100,000 the most.
So, Circle,
in my third place spot, put Nick.
I knew she was going to be
my biggest competition,
and so I have to try to bring her down
by putting her in my final spot.
So, Circle, lock Kai in fourth position.
-please submit my
final ratings.
Oh, that that's the last time
I'm ever gonna rate in my life.
Boom. "Ratings complete!" We are done.
[Buteau] Not yet, Nick.
Thought you would have known that
by now. Circle?
-[loud chiming]
-[Sophia gasps] Ah!
-[alarm blares]
-What we got going on now, Circle?
As soon as I think we done,
The Circle says,
"Uh-uh, you're coming right back."
[whimpering] I've got
nothing left to give!
-"your final ratings"
"are complete."
Yeah, they are.
[all] "Before the winner is revealed,
you are invited to one last Circle Chat."
[whiny] Oh.
"However [laughs] this chat"
"this chat will take place in person!"
Yes! Finally.
Oh God.
[chuckles] Ooh, I'm so ready for this.
I can't wait to give these people hugs.
I'm so nervous about them seeing me.
[sighs] I just got sweaty.
I just got sweaty.
[both] "Please get ready"
[both] "to meet each other"
[both] "face-to-face!"
No biggie.
Ooh, you know I'm ready for that.
After all this time
and all of the lies I've told,
they're all gonna know.
[sighs] They're all gonna know.
It's time to get ready.
But you better believe
I'm gonna be looking dapper.
I don't even know what I'll wear tonight.
I only got a couple outfits left.
Oh, this shit about to be fun. Let's go.
[electronic music playing]
[Buteau] They've been catfishing,
flirting, chatting, laughing, shouting,
crying, and cursing at each other
throughout their Circle journey.
And now, they're just moments away
from meeting,
which means one thing.
They'll all have
to choose an outfit to wear
that's one part glitz, one part glam,
and five parts "Oh my God!
I finally get to see real people!"
Definitely excited
to see the actual people
behind whoever I've been talking to.
Ashley, I think she's 100% real.
I would find it hard to believe
that somebody could be that good
at faking it.
I'm very nervous
for them to see that I'm a catfish.
A lot of pressure on it tonight.
I'm scared people are gonna be like,
"You were a catfish,
and you played Nick, and it sucks."
I don't know.
[Kai] I genuinely cannot wait
to put the true face
behind the profile pics
that I've been seeing for this long.
Oh God, I hope they're okay.
I hope they're not upset at me.
Normally, I don't ever lie,
so having to be like,
"Hey, I was lying the whole time,"
is really nerve-wracking,
and I kind of feel sick to my stomach.
Hopefully, she's who she said she is,
get my flirt on a little bit.
I'm ready for 'em.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Buteau] It's time,
and the first player
is strutting down that hallway
marching to the beat of his own drum,
even though
he's not actually a real drummer.
He's the MIT alpha nerd
bringing the Big Nick Energy.
[laughing] Let's go!
Oh, it's nice in here.
Okay! Gonna be honest.
I thought the Hangout was the place to be.
This is a lot more my speed.
This is it. First one here.
I see Isabella right there.
Whoever put the seating chart together,
thank you.
[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-Here we go.
"Isabella is on her way to meet you now."
All right, Isabella, let's see
if you are who you say you are.
[Buteau] You're about to find out, Nick,
'cause gliding down that hallway
like a purple-suited catfish is Isabella
AKA her little sister Sophia.
Why am I getting nervous?
I'm getting a little nervous.
[Buteau] She's a self-confessed goober,
but there ain't nothing stupid
about her game playing up in here.
All right, be cool, dude.
Just chill. You got this.
[Buteau] Nick, get ready to meet
your lesbian Circle girlfriend.
Oh my God.
I feel like I could throw up! Hi!
[laughing] Come here!
Oh my God! Hi!
-How are you?
-I'm good. How are you?
-I'm Nick. [chuckles]
-I'm not Isabella.
-[Nick] Aw.
I'm so sorry.
-Who are you?
-I'm Isabella's little sister.
No way!
-My name is Sophia.
-Well, Sophia, bring it in.
Well, this has been an experience.
-[Nick] Well, here you are.
-Um, oh my God!
Wow! This is incredible.
-So you just catfished everybody.
-[Sophia exhales]
I, um
It was an experience.
It was really, really difficult.
[exhales] Oh my God.
This is me. [chuckles]
It didn't, like, break your heart, right?
-No. We're good. We're good.
-Okay. Okay. Good.
I literally was like, "I would be so upset
if this guy, like,
really, really got his hopes up."
And I was like,
"But he seems so smart." Like [inhales]
I was trying so hard
not to, like, cross a line.
The picture was fake, and I am gay,
but other than that,
everything I said was genuine.
-You killed it. Good job.
-You really believed me?
-Ah, you know, it was
I mean, I thought, like, there was
a chance everyone could be a catfish,
but I was like, "This seems genuine."
-Why not come in as yourself?
My whole life's basically just been like,
"Oh, your sisters are so pretty!"
"Oh, your sisters are so pretty."
So going into this, I was like,
"If I play
a beautiful, blonde, straight woman,
I might be able to flirt with the guys
and get people Sophia normally wouldn't."
-Um, so that was kind of
-Well, it worked out, clearly!
I know! [laughs]
I was like, "I'm here," so
'Cause I I genuinely adore you!
Like, I literally was like,
"I fucking love Nick!" I
-I mean, I needed you in there.
-[Sophia] Same.
-We were talking strategy. It was perfect.
-Same. That was, like, what I needed.
-You and the band were literally
-The band!
The band killed it.
And the fact you
I've always wanted to be in a band.
Like, I am not talented enough to be
in a band. My whole life, I've been like,
"I wish I could be in the band."
And when you came in with the band,
I was like, "This is final four!"
Let's go!
I was literally like,
"This is final four!"
-Well, congrats.
-[Sophia] You too.
-Stoked that we made it.
-We killed it.
The band was on fire.
Definitely the strongest alliance.
-Without a doubt.
-[Nick] Killed it.
[Sophia] Without a doubt.
-Oh, we got an alert! Let's go.
-Ah! That's still happening?
Okay, I was literally like,
"What? No! I can't do it!"
-"James." All right!
[Buteau] Proving
that a Boyz II Men fashion line
works in any decade,
it's our Circle class clown.
Oh no! I have to reintroduce myself again.
-You're gonna have to do that a few times.
-I don't want to do this anymore!
[Buteau] He may have entered late
but wasted no time
in rising to Circle elite status.
It's James.
-Hey! [chuckling]
There he is.
-I'm Isabella but not Isabella!
-[chuckling] Oh!
-Oh my gosh!
-[Sophia] Hi.
So are you Isabella, Isabella?
I'm Isabella's little sister.
My name is Sophia.
-Very nice to meet you.
-Okay. Still the same. The same
-What's up? Good to see you!
-Good to see you!
-Oh my gosh!
-You look good!
-Did I mess it up not wearing socks?
-[Sophia] You look slick.
-You guys look beautiful.
[James] So I missed the meeting.
How did it go when you first seen her
as the little sister?
-Older sister or younger?
-Older sister.
What made you choose your older sister?
-So I am the baby gay sister [laughs]
that I've been talking about,
and I've just always idolized
my big sisters. They're everything to me.
And I and I didn't realize
till I got here, I was like,
"I'm doing this because I've always wanted
to be just like her," you know?
[James] And so what's
what's your whole story?
-So I said I was a drummer.
But I just drum for fun,
but I actually work at a tech company.
I'm a program manager.
I just didn't want people to, like, think
I would be super strategic.
Because me and you never had,
like, a deep, deep connection.
Our deep connection was like competition,
I felt. I like
That's how I felt with Kai too,
me and Kai.
When we was in the influencer chat
for the first time,
it was it was like, "Okay, this is
two alpha males going at each other."
It was it was strong. Was it intense,
or was that just on my end?
No, it was intense, but I liked it.
-What's up, Player B?
-[chuckles] I don't know.
[both laughing]
-I knew it!
-Oh yeah.
-Also, I gotta admit, I was also Vince.
[Nick hesitates, laughs]
When Calvin got blocked,
he was able to give, like,
a popularity boost to someone,
which was, like, this burner profile
that I could try to use
to, like, boost my popularity.
So I was in a group chat
with you two
You invited me and myself to a group chat.
What the hell?
I was running between rooms
being Vince, being Nick.
I was like, "It can't be him,
'cause I was in a room,
and it was a well-balanced conversation."
-Damn! Oh, so you had the edge on us.
Also, I told that ghost story.
Completely made up.
Yeah, you killed that!
I'm not gonna lie,
when I read Vince's profile, I start
-I I talk shit for a living.
-[Sophia laughing] Yeah!
And I was dying.
When I saw ghost hunter,
I was I was laughing on the floor.
-[Sophia] I was so into it!
-[loud chiming]
-[Sophia screams] Oh my God! Who is it?
[gasps] Kai is on her way!
[Nick] Oh, here we go.
I'm so nervous. Oh!
[Buteau] She came into The Circle
with positivity, a solid game plan,
and even named her own strategy, CCCF.
-Kai better not be a catfish.
-I think Kai is.
I think Kai is, like, an older woman.
[Buteau] A true survivor,
she kept it genuine and stayed in the game
despite multiple attempts
to take her crown.
It's Southern queen Kai.
-[James] Damn. Yes!
-[Sophia] Oh my God!
Who said I was a catfish?
I knew you wasn't!
They was in here talking shit.
They said you was a catfish!
Oh my God!
Oh my goodness!
-[Nick] What's up?
-]Kai] Oh my God! How are you?
Oh my goodness!
Hi. So I am Isabella's little sister.
My name is Sophia.
-So you're not
-I'm not Isabella.
-I knew it! [screams]
-It's good to meet you.
-It's nice to meet you too!
-You look beautiful!
-Thank you.
They had me nervous.
They said you was a catfish.
You were just so good at this game,
that I was like, "She's gotta be wise."
-"She is an older woman."
-Everything you said was perfect.
He tried to he tried to call you out
when he tried to get you to block
I know you was trying to block her.
That was one of the reasons, the cons,
and I was just like, "I don't care."
[laughing] It was so crazy, though,
because, Nick, I think with you
I went back and forth the most.
In my head, I was like it's like,
"He saved me. Okay, we're good. Okay."
And then James was like, "No, no.
Nick was trying to get rid of you."
-"I'm not sure."
-He did go hard!
-[James] He did go hard on you.
-Yeah, I did. [laughs]
-You played me.
And I was like,
"We literally just had this conversation."
I was like, "How you getting rid of me?"
I was like, "So he's a threat."
"I can't trust him, but he saved me."
You were incredible.
I felt like, no lie, when I hit eighth
I knew there'd be a target on my back.
'Cause I was first, second, third,
and then it went eighth.
-I was like, "Whoa!" I was like, "Shit!"
-I was shocked by that.
I knew that they was gonna come for me,
but it had took some time!
You was at the house
and thought, "I'll get sixth."
Like, last.
It was just I never knew where you stood.
I never knew who you stood with.
-I knew you loved your girl Ruksana
-You know what?
It's crazy. As soon as you wrote me,
Ashley had wrote me the very next day.
You were like, "I'm sorry. I don't know.
I guess I was losing myself."
Then Ashley was like, "I'm sorry.
I threw you under the bus. I don't know."
And I was like,
"This sounds like they were mad
'cause I didn't talk to them."
-But that wasn't even the case.
I was just trying to be solid with Nick.
-Like, literally [laughs]
-We had things to work on. [laughs]
Nick and I had, like,
the craziest relationship.
I was like, "I gotta talk to Nick
and figure out what's going on."
I thought you were a catfish
since day one,
only because
you had a black-and-white photo.
-Like, "Who's using a filtered photo?"
And then Vince
Oh, do do you know who Vince was?
-Who was Vince? The burner profile?
-Who do you think? Guess.
Was it Ashley, or was it Nick?
-I thought it was either Ashley or Nick.
-Who who who was Vince?
Vince had a chat with Kai one-on-one.
Vince had a crush on you
'cause y'all both had
black-and-white photos.
[Sophia and Nick laughing]
-[James] I was gonna tell you.
-I was Vince.
-I knew it! I fucking knew it!
-[Nick] I knew you knew it.
-I knew it!
Because and it's crazy,
'cause I didn't even badmouth you
in that chat!
I was like, "If this was Nick,
I'm really glad
that I kept everything positive"
That's why I talked to you as Vince.
I was like, "I need to find out
if Kai actually likes me."
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-[all exclaim]
I'm so excited!
"Ashley is on her way to meet you now."
-[Sophia] Yes! [laughs]
[Buteau] Yeah, she is.
And hello, she looking fine.
Is she fake?
-I think she's real.
-I think she's real.
I think she's real.
[Buteau] Occupational therapist Ashley
AKA Matthew
from Long Island played the long game
and has made it to the finale
as only one of two surviving catfish.
Circle Chat's now open!
[Matthew] What's up, baby?
What the fuck?
-[Kai laughs]
-[Sophia] Oh!
-My queen!
-You gorgeous friggin' queen!
-Oh my God!
-Oh my God!
You are awesome.
[Matthew] Baby boy!
[Kai laughing]
-James! I'm sorry.
-Oh shit!
-Holy shit! Hello, gorgeous.
-[Sophia] Hi.
I'm also a catfish.
-Oh my God!
-I'm Isabella's little sister.
I was for sure Ashley was real.
-What's up?
-This man!
Daddy Nick in the house!
Did you guys have any idea?
I had no idea
the band had another dude in it!
I know! I kept saying,
"I think Ashley's hiding something major,
but I don't think she's a catfish."
-Not that major.
-What is your name?
-I'm Matthew.
-[Kai] Matthew?
I was like,
"Maybe Ashley, like the boy name Ashley."
-I'm gayer than sin. That's why it worked.
-Me too!
That's why it worked. A gay man
playing a lesbian worked that way.
I was totally fooled.
You talked about your coming-out story.
That was your coming-out story?
Yeah, everything I said was true.
I'm so mad I didn't call this one.
-[Matthew] What? The catfish?
Because I was pretty spot-on
with the people.
I called Jackson, her.
You didn't give me not one inkling!
-Not even a little bit.
You are the Oh, wow!
-You did great. You killed that shit.
-[Kai] You killed that.
Oh, stop it!
-I didn't see that coming at all!
-Like, period.
I didn't think
any of you guys were catfishes.
I definitely didn't think
you were a catfish.
-I knew she was a catfish.
-You did?
-In my head. I just knew it.
-I was I had no inkling
-[James] I did too.
I was like, "Ashley, she's just too real.
There's no way!"
-I'm still tripping out right now.
-[Kai] Me too!
-I'm like
-[Kai] Me too!
-I can't stop staring.
-[Kai] I know.
[all laughing]
You got your beard looking right
and everything.
Why your ass come in
as Ashley and not Matthew?
-I came in as Ashley because
-[Sophia] Yes, yes, yes.
So my whole life, like, I have
such a huge emotional and vulnerable side.
I operate with my heart on my sleeve.
I think there's a very strong societal
[grunts] understanding
or or thought of masculinity.
-Women have more Yeah!
-You can't wear your heart on your sleeve.
If you do, you're doing it to be a player.
So coming in as Ashley,
I could be super emotional,
but also I think, people,
when they mess up with catfishes,
is they don't show their layers,
and they stay very one-dimensional,
and then people pick up on them.
If I came in as myself,
it would take too long to break
that wall down for people to trust me.
-We had our alliance. James, we were good.
-We had a great conversation.
I'm like, "Kai thinks I'm a catfish."
We already had our alliance. We were like,
"We got to keep the band together."
"We have something good going."
There was four of us. It was,
"If we stay four strong,
we'll make it to the end."
Yeah, you could feel the alliances.
Like, it was crazy.
There were sides! [laughs]
It was sides!
And we didn't even care
that the other side knew.
We were just like,
"We can't worry about it." Yeah. [laughs]
-[James] It was unimportant.
-It was there, girl.
-It's a game. It sucks.
-[Kai] It is.
-It did start to blend in for a second.
-[Sophia] Yes.
I don't know how y'all stayed here
this whole time. I'm stressed out.
I was stressed out after day four.
I was just like
I was a monster.
I literally just, out of nowhere
It was like two days, that I was like,
"Get Kai out of here!"
We were influencers.
She said, "Let's get rid of Kai."
I said, "Let's get rid of Calvin."
She said, "Why?"
I said, "Gotta get rid of the king
before you get rid of the queen, honey."
Whenever you said that, I just went
-Good line. You said that?
-[Kai] That was good.
[Matthew] You were the best players.
So was Daddy Nick.
But thank God he was in my alliance.
Dude, I was cracking up
at everything you said.
God has brought us here for a reason.
-[Kai] Absolutely.
-God's work. I love you all.
Seriously, I couldn't
-I'm crying already.
-[Sophia] I know! I love you guys!
-You guys are awesome!
-Cheers, guys!
[all cheering]
-[loud chiming]
-[James] "Alert!"
-[alarm blares]
-[all] "Alert!"
-[James] Let's go.
-What we got?
Good evening, players,
and congratulations
on making it to the finale.
You're so beautiful!
[Kai] She is beautiful!
Earlier today, you guys would've rated
each other for the last time
and met face-to-face
to find out who's real and who isn't.
-[Sophia] No pressure!
Apparently the band's full of frauds!
Now, there's
only one more thing left to do,
come meet me in the penthouse
so we can crown the winner of The Circle
and find out
who will be taking home that $100,000.
[squeals] I can't wait.
-Okay, well, let's go meet Michelle!
-[James] Let's go see Michelle.
Top five, baby! Cups in!
[all cheering]
[Buteau] And by we, I mean the losers.
Sorry. [chuckles] The blocked players,
Southern belle Michelle
and sisters Ava and Chanel.
-Here's to, uh, being Michelle.
There you go. [chuckles]
[Buteau] And joining double trouble?
It's Calvin.
-Oh my God!
-Oh my God!
[Buteau] Oh, he's real, but guess
who ain't. Jackson AKA Rachel.
-[in singsong] Jackson!
-Oh my God!
-You are Jackson? What's up?
-I am Jackson! [laughs]
-Oh my God!
-[Calvin] How are you?
[Rachel] How are you?
That is crazy! No way that's Jackson.
Ruksana! Let's go!
[women screaming]
I'm Jackson.
-Thank you! Let's Yeah!
-This is Jackson, everybody! Right?
-Knock, knock.
-[Calvin] Daniel, my boy.
-[women screaming]
-[Calvin] My boy.
My boy!
-God! You're here!
-[Ruksana laughing]
Hi, bitch! I tried, babe! I tried!
-I love you.
-[Calvin] Who is this?
-[Chanel] Who is this?
-[Calvin] Who is this?
-Jacki! What the fuck?
-[Calvin] Who is this?
Y'all have not met this
-Oh! Jacki
-I was the last player added. Yeah.
-[Calvin] Oh, right.
-Um, and
-[Ruksana] Oh, Jacki.
-Damn! They were still adding players?
-[Calvin] Yeah, I know
Michelle Buteau! Oh my God!
-[all screaming]
Oh hey, blocked players!
Everybody take a seat.
It's so nice to see you guys finally.
The snakeskin boots? I can't. I can't.
-Thank you so much!
-[Ruksana] Hey, girl!
Oh, it's so nice to finally meet you guys.
[Ruksana] Same! We love you.
Oh my goodness! You guys!
So much to talk about, obviously.
We mad.
-So much.
Let's start with Ava and Chanel.
[Buteau] You guys.
Sister, Sister! I'm just saying,
you guys were the first ones blocked.
[both] Yes.
But then you guys had the chance
to clone somebody,
and you picked Michelle.
-That's a beautiful name. How you doing?
-Good, girl.
Why did you pick Michelle?
We just felt like we had to size up
who was rated lowest.
Michelle, I have to ask you,
what was it like
when you found out you were being cloned?
Uh, it was like, "What"
-[Buteau] You can say it.
-"in the hell?"
-Oh, okay.
-[players laugh]
[Buteau] Ava and Chanel got blocked
right after.
-Did did they?
I told you you couldn't play
a Southern woman, honey.
Oh my goodness! So, Calvin, I gotta ask.
-You went to go see Kai.
-Yeah. I know I did.
Was it, "Oh Kai"?
[players laugh]
Well, yo, she's Like I said,
definitely see what's up with her after.
You know, see what's up.
-[players oohing]
-Just see what's up.
Rachel, it is so nice to meet you.
You got to see, uh, a-Nick.
And how was that?
You fanning yourself?
You sweating right now? Girl!
Oh, I have the biggest crush on him.
-I gotta talk to Ruksana about this. Okay?
-Being a fellow Jersey girl. Heyo!
-Hey! Heyo for real.
[Buteau] I know how we gets down.
You were part of the double blocking.
Why do you think Nick blocked you?
If you look at it from the outside,
I shouldn't be a threat. I'm married.
I'm a mom. I'm not maybe in the game.
That could also mean
that you're a threat, right?
-[Buteau] You know what I love, though?
I love that the friendship
between you and Daniel seemed so real.
Why do you think
you guys connected so fast, so quick?
[Daniel] You were the only mom in there,
and I was like,
"I genuinely just wanna talk
to this beautiful, brave human being
and just express how I feel."
I just fell in love with her after that.
I was like, "I'm obsessed."
-Oh my goodness.
-[Daniel] I love her.
But you were, like, the youngest one,
and you did such an amazing job.
-Thank you.
-[Buteau] You know what I mean?
You guys played a really good game.
Not good enough.
[all laughing]
Straight up!
'Cause you got blocked. [chuckles]
But this is the finale!
Are you guys ready
to finally meet the finalists?
-[players] Yeah! [cheering]
It's Nick!
[players cheering]
What's up, everybody?
[Calvin] My guy!
-Come here, Jackson!
Hey! How are you? Good to see y'all!
-Calvin, my guy!
-My guy!
Good to see everyone.
-Good to see you.
-[Nick] Good to see you.
Next up, it's Isabella AKA Sophia!
Yes! Yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah!
You guys are all so beautiful!
-Oh my God!
-I'm so excited.
-[Sophia] I'm so sorry! Hi!
[Daniel] Yes!
Please welcome, Queen Kai!
[players cheering]
Oh, hey!
-Long time.
-I know. [gasps]
LA's finest, it's James.
[players cheering]
-Come on, come on. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, bruh.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
[players laugh]
Please help me welcome Ashley
AKA Matthew!
[players shouting]
Hi, Jackson!
Oh my God!
-Hi, Daniel!
Shut up!
-I love you. So good to see you!
-[Chanel] Look at Ruksana.
-Oh my God!
-Charlie's Angels my ass!
-[Ruksana] What the hell?
[Matthew] Charlie's Angels, baby!
[players laughing]
I'm still gay as sin.
Don't worry. I'm still gay as sin.
I I could tell by the cake you made.
Congratulations to each
and every one of you on being a finalist.
Because someone is gonna be leaving here
with that grand prize of $100,000.
[players] Yes!
I have a lot of questions.
I gotta start with the Big Nick Energy,
which I never wanna say again
for the rest of my life.
-Big regrets!
-[Buteau laughs]
How do you think you played the game?
Well, I definitely came in
wanting to be strategic,
make it to the end.
And if I have to stab someone in the back,
I'm doing it.
But then I actually ended up
making tons of friends,
and then it actually got really hard
to block everybody.
And it was actually way more emotional
than I thought it would be.
Right. You know what's interesting too?
Watching these alliances happening,
and, um, Kai,
your alliance were all real people.
And, Nick, you alliance were all catfish.
[all laughing]
I thought I was gonna come in
and be able to sniff out all the catfish.
-I hyped myself up so much.
-[Kai] No.
And I'm like, "My band is
the most loyal, authentic people ever."
-And they're all catfish!
-[Kai] No.
What was really going through your mind
when you found out Jackson
was that PYT over there called Rachel?
Yeah. Jackson walked into my room,
and I, like, was just
I couldn't say I was just in shock.
I didn't even know what to do.
First of all, I have to know.
Why did you pick Nick?
I saw Nick's photo,
and I instantly was, like, just swooning.
-I was soup!
I was like, "Oh my God. I think
I'm in love with this man." [laughs]
-[Buteau] Oh, wow!
Not in love, but I did have
a little bit of a crush the entire time.
It was so hard.
Is there something happening
after the show?
-I don't know.
-We'll find out, I guess.
I I mean, I don't wanna step on any toes.
-I know there was something
-I'm gay. I'm gay. I'm gay.
-[players laughing]
-"I'm gay. I'm gay. I'm gay."
-I was
-[Rachel] Yes! "I'm gay."
-[Sophia] I was
I was praying for a rebound!
Please go! Yes! My blessing.
-All right.
-[players laugh]
Sophia I mean Isabell
I don't know what to call you.
But look, you were Nick's girlfriend
in The Circle, essentially.
I mean, what was that like,
going in as your sister?
Um, so it was actually really strange,
because going into this,
I, as a full-blown lesbian
in a very happy, awesome relationship,
was like, "I don't know
how to talk to boys."
"I don't know what I'm doing."
So I was like, "My sister is stunning."
And so I was like, "I can take this beauty
that has been thrown
in my face my whole life
and win $100,000 by flirting with boys."
-I love that.
I'm not gonna say that I crushed it,
but I feel like I kind of crushed it.
-I fell for it.
[Kai laughs]
Kai. Hi, Calvin!
Hey, Calvin!
[players oohing]
Hi. What's up? [laughs]
I mean, was there a spark
that I seen between you two?
-Let me tell you. So
-[players laughing]
[Kai] Let me give you the tea, girl.
So what had happened was,
literally, I was not trying
Like, I saw his face,
and I was like, "Nope. Nope."
-Like that?
-[Kai] "I'm not going to do it."
Because I came in to be focused.
And then it was just, like,
one sunshine comment too many,
and I loved it, and I was like, "Ooh"
And I was like,
"Okay, no, I'm just gonna be cool."
Then I found out how genuine he was.
We would have private conversations
where he's just checking in on me,
like, "Hey, are you good?"
And that felt good, especially when it's
I mean, look, this game is hard.
You gotta find a little fantasy in it.
That's a part of my strategy. [laughs]
Outside of The Circle,
would y'all date each other?
-I would.
-[players gasping, oohing]
-I would 100%.
-[Daniel] Miss Kai?
I mean
[players laughing, screaming]
[Calvin] I mean
Well, I will definitely keep things open,
and I'll let y'all know
when I make my decision.
Maybe you could go on a double date
-[Kai] With?
-with Rachel and Nick.
-Let's do it.
-[players laughing]
What I love also was that, James,
I mean, you came in late in the game.
That's usually hard. How surprised
were you when you became an influencer?
-[James] I was shocked.
I just was like,
"What the hell just happened right now?"
I got scared immediately, 'cause I knew
it was either between Daniel
-And Ashley.
-or Ashley. Where Ashley at?
-Hey, girl.
-Ashley, damn!
[all laughing]
-[James] Then when we went in there
-Ashley look different!
She got her roots done.
[Kai] Right, exactly.
I tried to fight for you, Daniel. I tried.
Were we not in an alliance?
Did I miss that?
No, the problem was coming
coming coming on, um, late,
I didn't know nothing. I didn't know
the drama. I didn't know nothing.
He said all this stuff about,
"Oh, uh, Daniel got 45 alliances."
I'm like, "What?"
I may have exaggerated some things.
[Daniel] Me counting my
My dumb ass believed it,
so I was like, "Okay."
But that's the nature of the game, right?
With you and Mama Michelle, Daniel,
you guys had a connection
with the real Michelle,
but you were like,
"I don't have enough strong bonds
to fight for the real Michelle,
so I gotta protect myself,"
and that's sort of what James did too.
He had, um, a really great conversation
with Ashley
[James] Yeah.
[players laughing]
-[Buteau] um, about your trans brother.
And sometimes it just takes
that one conversation, that one connection
just to say, "Okay,
I would like to see more of this person."
"I should save them."
-I think that's what happened.
-[James] Yes.
Ashley. I just wanna call you Ashley,
because I felt like you were so good
-[Sophia] Yes.
-[Kai] Super good.
at catfishing.
Nobody Uh, did anyone suspect?
-[players] No!
-I didn't.
I think a lot of time
catfishes trip themselves up
because you stick to one certain layer,
and if you stick to a certain layer
and a very dry cut way of talking,
people are gonna catch on to you,
and that that was part of the strategy.
So I loved Daddy Nick from the start.
Like I said, I saw his picture
-Did you know he called you Daddy Nick?
-[Daniel] Yes!
[Buteau] That was
your nickname, Daddy Nick.
Ashley let "Daddy Nick" slip in the chat.
It was over my oven,
"Daddy Nick times Matt equals love."
[players laughing]
When you show more layers, I think
it shows people to believe you more.
I just kept layering At that point,
it looked like Daniel's cake.
I don't know
what I was layering on it, but
-It was better than most y'all's cakes!
-It was not!
-At least there was a concept. It was cut!
-It was not. You had time.
Okay, you guys, this is it.
It's time to find out who will be declared
the winner of The Circle
and take home that life-changing $100,000.
Everybody, please stand.
[Kai] Whoo-hoo.
Earlier today, you guys would've rated
each other for the last time.
And the final results
are in.
In fifth place
[suspenseful music playing]
-Good luck, everybody.
-[Buteau] Nick.
[players applauding]
[Nick] Good luck. Good luck.
-[Matthew] Thanks, dude.
-Good luck.
Good luck, boy.
-Played a great game.
-[suspenseful music continues]
Oh God.
And in fourth place
[Matthew exhales]
-[Buteau] Kai.
-[Sophia] Oh my God.
-Y'all got this.
-I got this, I promise.
-Y'all got this. Mwah.
-I love you so much.
Y'all got this. Go get it.
[Matthew exhaling]
[Sophia sighs]
In third place
[suspenseful music intensifies]
-[Buteau] Isabella AKA Sophia.
-[Sophia] Thank you! Congratulations!
I'm hugging you
like I'm afraid I'm gonna faint.
-How you guys feeling right now?
-Uh, nervous.
I love this man.
If it's not me, I want it to be him.
-I love you.
-Love you too.
Well, it's down to this.
Two players remain.
And one of you is about to win $100,000.
Oh shit.
The winner of The Circle is
[suspenseful music intensifies]
-Oh shit.
-[players scream]
-[Matthew] Let's go!
-[indistinct yelling]
-Oh my God!
-[Rachel] Yes!
[Matthew] Come on, James!
James, how do you feel?
I feel amazing, and I appreciate everyone.
I promise you. I do.
I know I didn't meet some of y'all,
but we're all family.
I freaking love every single one of y'all.
I promise you,
this is a win for everybody,
'cause we had great conversations,
and we're gonna speak
to millions of unheard voices,
because of what we talked about
on this show.
[players cheering]
Give it up for James,
our winner of The Circle this season!
-That's right! $100,000!
-[players cheering]
James! James! James! James! James!
James! James! James! James! James!
[players cheering, chanting]
[all laughing, cheering]
I'm so proud of you.
I'm literally so proud of you.
How do you feel? No, it's amazing!
You got all the way to the end!
[Nick] My real goal
was just to get to the finale.
You did amazing.
Literally did amazing. You killed it.
I thought I was gonna be able
to figure out all the catfish.
Apparently, I had no idea
my alliance was filled with catfish,
every single one of them.
When you came to see me, I was 100
-I know that.
-and completely smitten.
It was just it was hard,
and I was wondering what you was doing.
What's going on?
I was just praying that you would win.
The Circle has allowed me
to find a part of myself
that I didn't even really think was there,
learn a lot, and I got some great friends.
And I'm super pumped about building out
those "real genuine relationships"
after The Circle.
So I was gunning for Kai.
I'm not even gonna lie.
I was so obsessed with Kai.
I was like, "Kai is our biggest threat."
"If we don't get her out now,
she'll run the town."
-She's a smooth talker.
-I thought she'd win.
Honestly, I thought
I would be disappointed that I didn't win,
but I'm really not. I mean, James is
somebody who deserves it so much,
so it feels like a win still.
I wanna talk to y'all about letting
the dog lick you in the in the mouth.
Oh yes. Not tongue in the mouth,
but just on the snoot.
Y'all let your dog kiss you?
You not picking them up
and going like this?
-I'm not going like
-I'm not coming in open mouth.
Oh, my girl Ashley,
she's gonna be so proud of me
knowing I came in second.
She's literally gonna give me
the biggest hug,
and I can't wait
to laugh with her about it
and share all the stories using her face.
Best friend for 15 years.
We start and end this!
You have
a hundred thousand fucking dollars!
As as soon as I won,
I wanted to call my girl immediately,
'cause I know she's gonna lose her mind.
[producer] Would you like to call her now?
I just want to let you know I won.
-Stop playing around. Shut up.
-No, I'm not. I won.
Dead-ass. Everybody's right there.
There they go. See?
[players cheering]
-[James] I promise!
-[Sophia yells] We love him!
When it happened, I was just like
I'm so proud of you.
Hurry up and come home.
I wanna come home. I'mma come home.
I'mma buy you some shrimp and lobster.
[sobbing] I love you, baby.
I love you so much. I'm so proud of you.
I love you, mama.
I love you. Thank you so much.
Uh, people always ask us
why we haven't got married,
and it was always financial reasons.
Now, I don't got that excuse. [laughs]
[Buteau] Circle, message,
"James, you've proven
that it's not how long you play the game
but how you finished it."
"You turned The Circle
into your very own stage,
took the mic, and brought the house down."
"We're so proud of you,
your family's proud of you,
and your girlfriend's proud of you too."
"Now go get that girl a ring
and don't forget
to send me my invitation." Send.
[message chimes]
[theme music playing]
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