The Equalizer (2021) s03e13 Episode Script

Patriot Game

Previously on The Equalizer
You are Colton Fisk.
And you are everything
Bishop always said you were.
You're arrangement with the Agency,
it's under my supervision now.
You work for me.
Your little playacting
got two good agents killed.
Everyone on that team
was guilty of something.
What was I guilty of?
Of getting Bishop killed.
If not for you, McCall
Bishop is still alive today.
You wanted to see me, here I am.
Before you hear it on the streets,
I thought you should hear it from me.
I cut a deal with the D.A.
So what do you need from me?
I want to meet your boys.
My grandkids.
Be a part of their lives. I'm asking
will you give me the chance
to know my grandsons, Marcus?
Hello, may I help you?
I have an appointment with Mr. Roth.
Let's see.
He has nothing scheduled.
What is your name?
It's okay. I'll announce myself.
He's got a gun!
That was so good, Auntie.
Yeah, Auntie, I mean,
you really outdid yourself again.
- Mm.
- Actually,
this is one of Trish's recipes.
I'm gonna see her later.
- I will be sure to tell her.
- Oh, please do.
Hey, baby girl, what you got going on?
Want to play some cards?
Uh, I can't.
I'm actually going to see
a movie with Jackson.
Um, I'm also headed over to
Dad's for the weekend, so
Jackson? From the boxing gym?
- Mm-hmm.
- Okay.
Well, remember, if he tries something,
you block with the right
shoot the jab with the left
- Mom
- Oh, my God.
- You have got to stop
- Uh, no.
Baby, leave those dishes alone.
I'm not going out until later.
- I got this.
- Thank you, Auntie.
- Love you.
- Have fun. Love you. Be safe.
Hey, what about you?
What about me?
Your social life has been, what
- How can I say this?
- Nonexistent?
No, I was going to be
a little bit more polite and say "slow."
What I got going on?
I got a lot of work to do.
Well, there's more to life
than work, you know.
At least, there should be.
I'll keep that in mind.
Speaking of,
I got a meeting.
Well, while you're setting
up these meetings,
how about you set one with
that handsome Detective Dante?
I don't know.
Things have been a little weird.
I'm not exactly sure where we stand.
Well, you figure that out
by calling him.
And who knows, maybe he'll
bring over his handcuffs.
- Auntie!
- That's right.
Don't you
- I know you done thought about it.
- Goodbye, Aunt Vi.
- Don't even try.
- Bye.
The screams,
people I was working with
side by side for years
Oh, God, there was so much blood.
Okay, all right, Devon.
Try to breathe.
There you go.
- You're safe now.
- No, that's just it, I'm not.
As soon as I got out of there,
I didn't have my phone,
I left it at my desk, when
The point is, I ran to
the nearest police station,
and he was there,
standing right outside.
Who was there? The killer.
He knew I was alive.
He was waiting for me.
Probably found your phone.
Which means he knows where I live.
And where my mother lives in Queens
Hey, hey, hey. Hey, look at me.
Look at me, look at me.
I've got you.
Now, I need you to think.
Do you have any idea who'd want
to do something like this?
Take out your entire office?
No one.
The company you work for,
what exactly do they do?
It's a research firm.
We specialize in marine biology.
The environmental impacts
of a proposed operation.
So, could it be a corporate client?
One that would lose a lot of money
if you turned in an unfavorable report?
No. We mostly work
with places like the EPA, nonprofits,
not individual companies.
Well, the first thing we need to do
is get you somewhere safe.
I'll send someone to do
the same for your mother.
Thank you.
- Yeah.
- They killed everybody.
Who would do something like this?
I don't know.
But that's exactly what
I'm gonna find out.
Can you imagine?
Y-You get up to go get a cup of coffee,
say hello to Sheila and Barry,
and the next thing you know
I'm traumatized just thinking about it,
and I don't even work with anyone.
Uh, hello?
Oh, come on. You're not an office mate.
You're more of a life-mate mate.
Harry, can you check all the street cams
that are facing Devon's office?
Yeah, maybe you can see
the killer coming or going.
Yeah. Already on it. And, uh
I'm gonna pull up all the cams
from the 39th precinct
where Devon said he saw
the killer waiting.
What do we know about
Devon's personal life?
Not much.
He was too shell-shocked
to get into all that.
I'll do a deep dive
into his personal life.
And all his coworkers.
And all the recent dealings of his firm.
Anything else? Uh, shoe sizes?
Pets' birthdays?
You're the best, babe.
Yeah, true story.
Hey, let us know what you find.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, you see that?
See that?
Ah, damn.
Your shot.
Damn. My bad.
- What's going on?
- What do you mean?
What do you mean what do I mean?
I mean, that right there
that was an easy shot for you.
Plus, you walk around
with that look on your face.
What look?
That look right there.
What, you in trouble?
You know, that's the same
look you had when, uh
what's his name
Ross stole your bike.
You know how many sidewalks I
had to shovel to buy that bike?
All I know is you was walking
up and down the street
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's 'cause I knew
what my father was gonna say.
Man, your pops was a piece of work, bro.
And when he found Ross,
what did he do?
He found that boy
and he made me fight him
even though he was
older than me, bigger than me
That's my father.
Yeah, and then he stood there
and watched you get
your ass handed to you.
Yeah, so I took
two ass-whippings that day
one from Ross, the other from my father
for losing.
Why do you think I spent
so much time at your dad's gym?
Man, our fathers were
two of a kind, brother.
Yeah, you could say that.
So, that's what's going on?
- Big Ben coming home soon?
- Not soon. Tomorrow.
You're gonna let the past
stay in the past?
Just because I agreed
to let him meet the boys,
doesn't mean I'm ready
to start playing catch
and fixing cars together.
So what you gonna do?
You know, when I was kid
I didn't have a choice.
I had to deal with him.
At least now I get to control what
between him and my boys.
First sign of smoke, I shut it down.
No, I'm talking about
what are you gonna do
between you and him?
There is no me and him.
That ship has sailed.
This is it.
Place seems quiet
from what went down here.
Too quiet.
What the hell?
I thought eight people were killed here.
That's what he told me.
Okay, so did he
hallucinate the whole thing?
Or, uh, was he just lying to you
this whole time?
No. The guy I talked to was
genuinely afraid for his life.
Something's off.
You know, I think
this was made to seem old.
Patched bullet holes.
The whole office was staged.
Devon wasn't lying.
And if this place was
completely cleaned up
in a matter of hours, then
We're dealing with some serious pros.
Hey, Harry, what you got for us?
So I tried pulling the footage
from the area surrounding Devon's work.
The operative word being "try."
What was the problem?
Every last street-cam
facing Devon's building was somehow
turned off an hour before
and two hours directly
after the attack took place.
Wait, are you saying
we're completely in the dark
about who's behind this?
Well, no, I didn't say that.
So, across the street,
where the cams were still functioning,
I managed to spot a ghost
walking away from the building
an hour and a half
after the attack took place.
A ghost, as in
This person knew the exact area
that the street cams covered
and was careful to avoid it.
But not careful enough.
I caught him in a reflection
on a parked car.
Was it clear enough
for you to get an ID?
No, not with the naked eye,
but I'm using an AI-based program
to try to enhance it, just hold tight.
Yeah, okay. There it is.
Sending you the reconstructed image.
What? You recognize him?
- Colton Fisk.
- Fisk?
You mean the guy that got
all those agents killed
the last time you worked with him?
Yeah, that's him.
Is it possible that Colton Fisk
is responsible for all this?
Seriously, Rob, how well
do you know this Fisk guy?
I don't.
But I did some recon after I met him.
- The guy's a ghost.
- Mm-hmm.
- One thing I do know
- Yeah?
He didn't hesitate to
put my life in danger,
all over some stupid test.
Ringing endorsement of his moral code.
It's the CIA.
You don't get to his level
with a moral code.
True. And we both know
the CIA is capable of
this kind of cover-up.
Thing is, Bishop trained Fisk.
Same as me.
Would Bishop put that much faith
in someone who would order
this kind of massacre?
People change, Rob.
That's why I can't rule Fisk out.
I got to get him face-to-face
and demand some answers.
- Needed that.
- Oh
- Same time next week?
- Yes, sir.
- Love you, baby.
- Love you too, bro.
All right.
Hold that. Keep the pressure.
911? I need an ambulance.
GSW corner of 5th and Clinton.
I got you, brother. I got you.
You understand this is not how
our arrangement works, right, Mall Cop?
I call you when I need you,
not the other way around.
I don't have time for your nonsense.
Why were you at the scene
of a mass murder today?
How'd you know that?
I'm not taking questions
Keshegian must've spotted me.
Bishop was right, he's pretty good.
Keep Bishop's name out your mouth.
Especially when you try
to hold it over my head.
I get it.
I wouldn't want to be reminded, either.
Bishop knew the risk he was
taking when he got on that plane.
Man never did a damn thing
he didn't want to.
That's why I respected him.
So miss me with the guilt.
Fair enough.
Now stop deflecting
and answer my question.
I hate to disappoint you,
but I had zero to do with what happened
at that office today.
Oh, you just happened to be
in the neighborhood.
I picked up some background chatter
about some kind of incident.
I went down there to see,
only to find what
I'm assuming you did
that the place had already been cleaned.
By professionals who knew
what they were doing.
Like the CIA.
I just told you, the Company had
no involvement in any of this.
I'm just supposed to take your
word for that and walk away.
No, I want you to stay
and help me figure out
who's behind this.
You want us to work this together?
"Want" is kind of a
polite way of putting it.
I mean, do I really need to remind you
about your obligation
to your former employer?
But only because
you might be useful to me.
So, how'd you hear about this, anyway?
You just, uh, happened to
be in the neighborhood?
Need to know.
And you don't.
You're helping someone.
There was a survivor.
I don't know what you're talking about.
You really don't trust me, do you?
I'm still waiting for a reason.
I will share this
My sources say this is the guy
who shot up the office.
He's standing outside a police station.
Most likely waiting
for your client to show up.
Do you know him or not?
He's not in the system.
Carlos Ruiz.
You do know him.
We've crossed paths.
He's Nicaraguan Army, Special Forces.
Nicaraguan Army?
What do they have to do with this?
That's what Carlos is gonna
tell us when we find him.
Okay, so if I'm Carlos,
and I'm waiting for a scared civilian
to show their face,
where do I go?
His apartment.
Let's go, Mall Cop.
Pulse is weak and thready.
He's gonna be okay?
He's gonna make it, right?
You really trust Fisk
enough to work with him?
But that's not the nature of
my arrangement with the CIA.
Well, Rob, maybe it's time
for a new arrangement.
Yeah, it was one thing
working with Bishop,
- but this guy
- It's okay.
I think Fisk knows more
than he's letting on.
This way I get to find out what.
Okay, uh, what's the plan?
I'm on the way
to our client's apartment.
I think the shooter
might be waiting there.
How is Devon, anyway?
He's better now that
I brought his mother
to the safe house with him.
I mean, he's still
understandably freaked out
that someone tried to kill him
and we have no idea why.
Well, not no idea.
Did you find something?
Maybe. I did a deep dive
into Devon and his coworkers.
There's no red flags.
And then I started looking into
the dealings of his company.
Marine biology research, right?
Yeah. So I hacked into
the company's cloud
and, uh, scoured the employees'
Internet search history,
and while most of it was
just environmental stuff,
one search did stand out.
How so?
This one employee, Frank Terry,
seemed to be focused on South America
while everybody else's research
was North America-based.
And then, 45 minutes after
his last search inquiry,
- the bad guys show up.
- What was the search?
Three words Nicaragua, power, stone.
Fisk ID'd the guy we're looking for
as Nicaraguan Special Forces.
Well, that can't be a coincidence.
Nicaragua. Power. Stone.
What, specifically, was
that employee researching?
It's hard to say.
But I think he was just starting.
And somebody didn't want him to finish.
I just arrived at Devon's apartment.
Be careful, Rob. You still don't
know who you're dealing with.
Yeah, well neither do they.
Code name.
Blue Star checking in.
- Status?
- Urgent.
There's another player involved.
Abort. Return to checkpoint.
Copy on abort.
Returning to checkpoint.
Don't worry, they won't see me.
Damn it, Fisk.
We were supposed to question him!
When he drew on me, I had no choice.
It was kill or be killed.
Oh, come on, you think
I shot him on purpose?
I want answers as much as you do.
Then let's get some.
All right.
Last call he made was
about five minutes ago.
What are you doing?
They're gonna know someone's onto them.
Yeah. They're gonna know
when Carlos doesn't check in,
- because you killed
- Code name?
Code name?
Code name
You hear that?
American accent. Strange.
American passport.
Forgery is perfect.
No one would be able
to tell this isn't real.
Only one place I know puts
out fakes of this quality
is Langley.
This guy worked for the CIA.
Hey, I thought we were friends.
What are you talking about, Harry?
So I, uh, traced that number
from your Nicaraguan buddy's phone
and it led me to the one place
that could get me thrown
back in the joint Langley.
Are you sure?
Yeah. No, I like my life.
And I intend to keep it,
so I've gone to extreme measures
to make sure that I'm alerted
anytime I'm anywhere near a CIA server.
Once I started tracking this number,
my system went berserk.
I'm so sorry, Harry.
I was blindsided, too.
I thought you said
the CIA wasn't involved.
We're not. At least not officially.
Okay, you got about five
seconds to start talking.
And then you can take
your arrangement
15 years ago, the Company initiated
a black ops program called Nomad.
Whose purpose was?
Destabilize global hotspots.
Create power vacuums
when it was in our interest.
Create chaos.
What the CIA does best.
It was mostly false flag operations.
Nomad would hire mercs from country A
to attack country B
who would think that it was
an act of sanctioned
aggression by country A.
The way the Company starts wars.
And exactly the kind of gutless
but effective program
that you would approve of.
I did, at first.
But the people running Nomad
were reckless, impatient.
You mean you couldn't control them.
Bombings and assassinations
became their go-to methods
to achieve faster results.
But there was too much
collateral damage.
As soon as I discovered
what was happening,
I shut the program down.
So you think Nomad has been reactivated.
I've had my suspicions for some time.
Well, when were you gonna
share them with me?
I'm sharing them with you now.
I just needed some kind of confirmation.
Like a Nicaraguan soldier
with ties to Langley.
Exactly like that,
but what I don't understand
is who has revived the program
and what are they planning.
Are you saying that the CIA doesn't know
that Nomad is back up and running?
I certainly hadn't heard about it.
Director Platt's in town
for a meeting at the U.N.
I'm seeing him first thing
in the morning.
I will brief you
as soon as I get answers.
I got red velvet cake from Melba's!
Ooh, I see you, Aunt Vi.
Little cake before your date?
No. I'm gonna have my dessert later.
Mm. Okay.
So, uh, where are you and Trish going?
New play at the Golden Theatre.
Okay. Well, Tell her I said hi.
You know I will.
What are you gonna do?
Smash this cake
and catch up on some shows.
All right, then. Good night.
Good night.
What you grinning about?
Hey, easy.
Try not to move.
You see the shooter?
Are you in some kind of trouble?
I did get into it with a guy at the gym.
- Give me a name.
- Lo-Lo.
He's a dealer. He was
pressing one of my fighters.
Sorry, Detective, I need
you to step into the hall.
I'll be right outside.
- Shawn.
- Uncle Marcus?
I'm so sorry.
Where is he?
Getting his vitals checked,
but he appears to be stable.
So, he's gonna live?
Yeah, doctors think so,
but he's not out of the woods yet.
A'ight, I'm off.
Look, I only came to make
sure he was gonna live.
- Shawn, he's your father.
- And?
What, what? I'm supposed to be
all broken up because
he's in a bad spot?
Where was he when me and
my mom were struggling?
I'll tell you where. At that damn gym.
Trying to help everybody
in the neighborhood
except for us.
About time you decided to show up.
I guess you don't trust me to brief you
on my convo with the director, huh?
I don't trust you, period.
Colton. The director
is ready to see you.
- Thanks Di. Owe you big-time.
- Oh, please.
After all the favors you've
done me over the years?
The Nomad project? Are you sure?
All signs point to it.
If you're right,
and anyone finds out about this,
the blowback on the Company
would be disastrous.
And innocent lives would be lost.
If they're planning a false flag attack,
we have to stop it.
And you don't know who's behind it?
Not yet. But I will.
Well, whoever it is,
they're missing an operative.
So they probably know
someone's onto them.
Which means if we don't move fast,
they might close up shop and disappear.
Smoke them out.
Put an end to this.
I'm sure Tate will be your first stop.
Ian Tate?
As in Tate Military Group?
You know him?
Only that any time
his private army gets called in,
it leads to bloodshed.
How is he involved?
Tate is the original founder
of the Nomad project.
He also hates my guts.
Because you're the one
who shut Nomad down
and got him kicked out of the CIA.
Well, guess it's time for a reunion.
Morning, chief. How you feeling?
Feeling good.
It's just Shawn I'm worried about.
Ah, all that stuff he was
saying? He didn't mean it.
No, he meant it.
I mean, granted,
he's only getting half the story
from his mother, but
I deserve it.
I pushed that boy hard
till I guess I just pushed him away.
And my father was tough on me,
so I was tough on him.
You know, right before my dad died,
he finally told me about all the crap
he dealt with growing up in the South.
I knew it was bad, but
nobody should have to endure that.
I never knew that.
Me, either.
I guess that was his way of
trying to apologize.
Never had a way to deal
with all that trauma,
so he just poured it onto me.
I just wish I knew
'cause I might have found
a way to forgive him.
No way you would've known.
Just how they were back then.
I didn't have to pass it on.
Hey, our fathers were the same
and look at you.
You found a way not to pass
that on to your boys.
Maybe it's not too late
for you and Shawn.
Yeah, I hope so.
If he can find a way
to get past all that anger,
I'd love to get another shot.
I just hate that I never had a chance
to reconcile with my father
before it was too late.
But sitting in this hospital,
I know for sure life is short.
Go, go, go!
Move, move!
Hold your fire!
It's not smart for you and
your friend to be here, Fisk.
Neither is using live ammo
for a training exercise.
We train how we fight.
The enemy doesn't use blanks,
neither do we.
Besides, my men have the best body armor
on the planet.
What the hell?
Not the time.
You're insane.
Nah, I'm just impatient.
What are you doing here, Colton?
I have intel suggesting
the Nomad project has been reactivated.
That doesn't answer my question.
You wouldn't happen to know
anything about that, would you?
You've got a lot
of nerve showing up here,
accusing me, after what you pulled.
Do you or don't you have an op planned
involving Nicaragua?
Nicaragua? You listen to me.
That lithium mine is ours. Lithium?
I got customers
willing to pay me top dollar
to secure that mine.
So whatever Nomad knockoff
the CIA deployed,
you tell them to back off
or I'll make the old program
look like a daycare center.
You guys have 60 seconds
before bullets start flying.
You think Nomad's after that lithium?
Fits their MO.
Use a false flag op to trigger
an invasion of Nicaragua.
But how does that benefit their program?
Rogue operations need two things
money and power.
Access to that lithium mine
gives them both.
But which country are
they trying to mobilize?
That's the question, isn't it?
I'm gonna take this intel back to Platt
and see if he can help us
make sense of it.
Let me guess.
You're gonna keep me posted.
The director will speak
much more frankly
if an outsider isn't there.
You left the Agency.
Okay. We'll do it your way.
Okay, so the search that
triggered the office massacre
was "Nicaragua," "power," and "stone."
But if this is all about controlling
that lithium mine in Nicaragua,
could power be lithium?
Yeah, power as in batteries?
I mean, you need lithium
to power electric vehicles.
That's on the verge of becoming
a trillion-dollar industry.
So the mine is priceless.
Okay. So, then, what does stone signify?
- Wait a minute. Yeah, maybe.
- You got something?
So I've been looking into
conflicts involving Nicaragua.
Turns out they have a long-standing feud
with Honduras.
Just recently, Nicaraguan troops
just torched
an entire village in Honduras
just across the border
and the Nicaraguan government
is totally denying it.
- So, a Nomad false flag attack?
- Yeah, maybe.
But why would Nomad try
to provoke Honduras?
They don't have a military strong
enough to invade Nicaragua.
Nope, but the U.S. does.
We're involved in that area, aren't we?
Politically, uh, the U.S.
strongly condemned the attacks
and issued sanctions.
But no military response.
No. They sent some troops down there,
but so far, no military intervention.
Who's in charge of the U.S.
troops deployed in that area?
Huh, what do you know?
General Maxwell Stone.
Stone! That's it. That's the third word.
They're gonna take out General Stone
to provoke the U.S.
into invading Nicaragua.
All for control of a lithium mine.
Where's General Stone now?
New York. Landed three hours ago.
Nomad is planning a false flag attack
right here in New York City.
We need to warn General Stone
that his life is in danger.
No way he'll listen to us.
But he will listen to Fisk.
- Hey, McCall.
- Fisk, you were right.
Nomad is planning a false flag attack,
but this time, it's not overseas.
- It's here in New York.
- What?
Are you sure?
They're gonna assassinate
General Maxwell Stone.
Of course. His stance
on the regional conflict.
If there's even a sliver of a chance
you're right,
we have to act immediately.
Which starts with warning Stone.
Except we can't
call him 'cause if Nomad's
been targeting him, they're gonna be
totally up on his communications.
And if they realize we're onto them,
it might force their hand.
We've got to warn him in person.
I'll meet you there.
If Nomad is gonna make this look like a
Nicaraguan-orchestrated attack,
you figure they're going to use
some agents from that region.
Yeah, mercs like Ruiz.
see if you can find
a record of any Nicaraguan
nationals entering the country.
I'll run facial rec on all plane,
private jet and boat arrivals.
Yeah, maybe we'll get lucky.
Yeah, maybe.
- You see him?
- Not yet.
He's by the elevators.
- General.
- Stand down.
As you were.
General Stone, I don't
have time to explain to you
who am I or how I know this,
but your life is in danger.
- What have you heard?
- We have intel
that rogue U.S. intelligence agents,
posing as Nicaraguan nationals,
are planning to assassinate you
to incite war in the region.
I'm supposed to just
take your word for it?
She's telling the truth, General.
We have a high-level CIA agent.
He'll be here any minute
to verify all this.
In the meantime,
we need to get you to a secure location.
Ma'am, I've seen combat
on four continents.
If I ran every time
someone threatened me
Sir, with all due respect,
on the chance that she's right,
we need to take this seriously
until we can assess
the credibility of the threat.
I'm not going anywhere
till I speak to this CIA agent.
Let me get his ETA.
Come on, Fisk
- Any luck?
- He's not picking up.
- You guys
- Harry.
I'm not sure Fisk is coming.
What you mean?
Whoever revived Nomad
has got to know about
the imminent attack on General Stone.
All right? So I started
looking into Ian Tate on the off chance
that he wasn't being 100% honest
when he told you and Fisk
he wasn't involved.
So Tate is behind this?
No, I didn't find
anything linking him
to the current operation,
but I found a lot of records
about the original Nomad.
Well, that's not surprising.
He founded it.
Well, actually, he cofounded it, right?
And you know who with?
Yeah, I'm afraid so.
So why would he hide
that information from us?
- Unless
- Unless he was playing you
the whole time.
He never gave me a damn thing
unless I forced his hand.
Ruiz being an agent.
The existence of the Nomad project.
He was on his way
to the director's office
by himself until I ambushed him.
If Fisk is involved,
and he knows
that you're with the general,
then you could be
walking into an ambush.
Okay, I would, I would get
Someone must be jamming it.
The hotel staff.
They're all Nomad agents.
On me!
Move, move!
Go! Go!
We got to get the general out of here!
And leave you here? No way!
Look, we got to keep him alive.
All right? I'll lay down cover fire. Go.
I'll be back as soon as I can.
General, let's go, go, go!
What happened?
Fisk happened.
Hey, Fisk
Are you kidding?
You founded the Nomad project.
I'm having trouble
hearing you, Mall Cop.
"Thanks for saving my ass,"
is that what you just said?
I wouldn't have needed saving
if you were there on time.
- Where the hell were you?
- Testing out a theory.
- What theory?
- I had a suspicion
that Director Platt was
behind Nomad's reactivation,
but I needed to find out.
So I took your call about
General Stone in front of him.
You wanted to show him
we were getting close.
If he tried to stop you,
- then you would know he was in on it.
- Which he was.
And he did. He sent a team after me.
Which is why you were late.
So, what happened to the team he sent?
- Fisk happened, huh?
- Mm.
I was ready for them.
You think I, uh, carry
a flamethrower around
with me just in case?
Nothing you do would surprise me.
And that's not a compliment.
So, now what?
I notify the families of the
people Ruiz killed yesterday.
Tell them just enough
to give them closure.
I'll do the same with your client,
if you trust me enough
to let me know where he is.
You do trust me now, don't you?
More than I did,
which is not saying much.
But what about Nomad?
We have to make sure it's shut down.
Don't worry.
After a failure that colossal,
anyone involved with Nomad
will do whatever they can
to distance themselves.
And whoever winds up getting
blamed will go to ground.
And Director Platt? We need to bury him.
Ain't gonna happen.
So, you're just gonna
let him get away with it?
He's the head of the CIA.
You don't bury him. He buries you.
But he'll behave.
Just knowing I know what happened
will keep him in line.
You mean it'll give you leverage.
Checks and balances.
It's what our constitution
is based on, right?
You may be happy playing those games
but I'm not.
You have a chip in
the big game, Mall Cop.
Don't do anything rash.
Hey, what do you think?
I'm debuting this sweater tonight.
I don't know, it feels a little, uh
outr, even for me, no?
- You know what?
- What?
I'd like it better if it was, um
in a pile on the floor with
the rest of your clothes.
- Wow.
- Mm-hmm.
Uh, you know, we can, uh, stay in.
I'm not here. I'm not nauseous.
Uh, hi. Hey.
Uh, did you, uh, get
that file I sent you?
- I did. Great job.
- All right. You were right.
Everything of Platt's was
on his own private cloud,
not on the CIA server.
It's all in the file.
I mean, it's better
than a signed confession.
Did you get it over to them?
Me? Leak classified intel?
The question is, will they run it?
Oh, we're about to find out.
News alert.
In a still developing story,
anonymous sources confirmed
that an illegal CIA program
has been caught
targeting American citizens
right here on U.S. soil,
all with the blessing of
CIA Director Thomas Platt.
I don't believe it.
The program known as Nomad
Oh, like clockwork.
- Fisk.
- Yeah.
Someone's been busy.
Say what you got to say, Fisk.
What does it matter?
Nomad's been exposed,
Director Platt's gonna resign.
You got what you wanted.
I hope you're happy.
I'm happier than I was ten minutes ago.
No, I get it.
End of the day, we all have
our conscience to live with
and now you can live with yours.
So, you're not upset
about your coveted leverage?
As the old saying goes, you
can't always get what you want.
Quite the sob story, right?
Except we both know that your old friend
Assistant Director Greene
will probably be named
the new CIA director.
You think?
Bodes well for you.
Seeing how she owes you
for all those favors you did for her.
You know what your problem is, Mall Cop?
Enlighten me, bro.
You think too much.
Got to lighten up.
Have a beer.
You've earned it.
Well, thanks for your permission.
But my day's not over yet.
I have one more stop to make.
- Great, thanks.
- Coming right up.
Are you sure?
It's definitely over?
You don't have to be afraid anymore.
But the people looking for me?
They've been brought to justice.
All of them.
I still don't understand what happened.
- Why it happened.
- Listen
I don't have all the answers, Devon.
All I can say is that, in the end,
it had nothing to do with you.
Now, if that sounds crazy,
it's because it is.
My father used to say to me,
we can't control the
things that happen to us.
Just the way we react to them.
There you go.
You've got a new lease on life.
I hope you make the most of it.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Congrats, Big Ben.
What's the plan,
now that you're a free man?
Never seeing your ugly ass again.
No offense.
Call you a ride?
I'm good.
Need a lift?
Told you I didn't need anything.
Well, I'm here anyway.
Get in.
What are you doing here?
With Mom out of town,
I figured you needed a ride.
I was fine with walking.
Twenty-three miles?
Like I said, I was fine.
But, since you insist, you can drop me
at the halfway house on 57th.
I could do that.
we could stop at the bar.
Is that my pool cue?
You kept it?
So, what do you think?
Shoot a few games,
catch up?
I'd like that.
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