The Following s03e13 Episode Script

A Simple Trade

Theo: This is a pairing I didn't expect.
Daisy: We can help each other.
There's a corrupt agent inside the FBI.
No, no.
You don't understand.
Mark: Smile.
Don't do it.
Hands up.
I'm not a traitor.
You've got a dead girl in your bathtub.
You're whatever we say you are.
There's got to be a way that I can fix us.
Ryan, you can't even fix yourself.
You want Tom to serve up Mike so Mark can torture-kill him, but first, you got to do something for me.
Give this to Tom.
Make sure he plugs it into the FBI server.
Bring me Mike Weston.
Where's Theo?! I don't care what you do.
She's lying to you, Ryan.
Go ahead.
Make her.
Do it.
Ohh! Aah! Ohh, ohh, ohh! Tom: He's here.
I'm done.
Now you are gonna get what you deserve.
Theo: Let him go! Theo: I know you have my sister.
How about we get together, just the 3 of us? Ryan.
Mike, talk to me.
Ryan, I'm fine.
They he's fine.
I want to talk to my sister.
Theo, Theo! Yeah, that's not gonna happen.
You don't set the terms, Ryan.
I'm proposing a simple trade, a life for a life.
And why should I trust you? Well, there are so many reasons why you shouldn't and one very convincing reason why you have to.
Wait for my call.
Wait, wait.
Hang on.
Damn it! I killed for you, I helped you hack into the FBI.
Mike's mine.
Let's just talk about this.
There's nothing to talk about.
You're upset.
I totally get it.
So does Mark.
We've both lost people.
Penny is not dead.
Ok, ok.
The only thing that matters is getting my sister back.
Mike is bait.
Once Penny is safe, he's off my hook, and you you will have your moment.
Until then, you don't touch him.
Are we clear? Could not be clearer.
Let's go.
Joe's voice: Mike's as good as dead.
You can't just give her back.
Use her to kill Theo that's what I'd do.
Been almost an hour.
Maybe your big brother doesn't care about you as much as you think.
Just do what my brother says, and you'll get your friend back.
Isn't that what you want? [Cell phone ringing.]
Ryan, we tracked Mike's cell phone to an abandoned warehouse in queens.
Call me back as soon as you get this.
Man: Clear! What do you got? I think it's Mike's phone and blood.
A lot of blood.
Ah! Right here.
You know, I took you for an intelligent guy, but trusting these two psychos seems like a dumb move.
Theo: Save your breath.
You don't have the skill or the insight to get inside my head.
I'm just saying.
Mark's pouting over there, looking at me like I killed his mom or something.
Mark: I bet Max is really gonna miss you.
You know, after I'm done with her, I'm gonna finish her off, too.
Shut up.
Daisy, you watch him.
You come with me.
We got work to do.
[Camera shutter clicking.]
[Radio chatter.]
Nick Donovan called me in to help.
Max: If if that belongs to Mike, there's no way anyone could survive losing that amount of blood.
Let's not draw any conclusions until the DNA comes back in.
Tell me about Tom Reyes.
You believe he's been compromised? He stole a laptop from the Gray safe house.
When Sloan got on to him, I believe he murdered her.
Where's where's Ryan? Figured he'd be front and center in this investigation.
I haven't been able to reach him.
[Doorbell buzzing.]
Max: Ryan! Ryan, open up! - No! - Shh! Quiet.
Ryan! Ryan, are you in there? Agh! What is this? Were you sleeping? Yeah.
Lisa, what are you doing here? Mike is missing.
What? What do you mean missing? Ok.
Let's discuss this inside.
I thought you were in trouble.
Ryan: No.
I'm fine.
Well, I've been calling you.
Yeah, well heh I turned my phone off because I was trying to get some sleep.
Yeah? Well, your niece was very worried about you.
I figured we'd find you here sleeping it off.
Ryan: That's not what's going on.
Lisa: Hey.
Just save it, ok? When was the last time you had contact with Mike? Yesterday.
According to his cell phone records, he called you a couple of hours ago.
Well, I I I I don't know what to tell you because I never got a call.
What about Tom Reyes? Tom Reyes? I don't know.
I haven't seen Tom Reyes.
Max, Max.
I'll get dressed.
I'll meet you guys at command, ok? Tom is the mole.
What? And he killed Sloan.
I trusted him.
I d I don't know how I didn't see it.
No, no, no, no.
You are not to blame for this, Max.
Mike could be dead because of him.
Are you sure he didn't say anything about where he might be going? No.
I'm sorry.
Lisa: You're bleeding.
I Broke a glass.
In your sleep? Before I went to sleep.
What difference does that make? [Cell phone ringing.]
This is Campbell.
They found Tom's car.
There's a body inside.
It was Reyes.
What about Mike? And Weston? There's no sign of him.
We'll be right there.
Let's go.
Yeah, Max.
Go with Campbell.
I'm gonna put some clothes on, and I'll meet you at command.
I'm right behind you.
Come on.
You guys go ahead.
I'll be right behind you.
Are you sure? Yeah.
I don't think Ryan should be alone right now.
[Chair scraping floor.]
Ryan, what the hell are you doing? Is that Theo's sister? Yes.
- You kidnapped her? - Max.
Have you been torturing her? Have you lost your mind? There is no explaining this away.
I am calling this in.
- No.
You can't do that.
- Watch me! I am not gonna be a part of this, and I'm not gonna let you no! Give Theo has Mike.
What?! The only reason Mike is still alive is because I have her.
He wants to make a trade.
And you weren't gonna tell me! You let me believe that Mike could be dead! I didn't want to get you involved.
I'm involved, Ryan! How could I not be? Ok, ok! So so Tom took Mike to Theo, and Theo killed Tom? Did the sister give you any information, anything that we can use? He's working with Mark and Daisy.
We have to alert the FBI.
We have to let them know what's going on.
- No.
We can't.
- Mark will kill him! We will make up some story about how you got Penny, ok? Listen to me, Max.
Theo hacked into the FBI servers before, right? Yes, but we have tightened our cyber security.
And you're absolutely sure about that, sure enough to put Mike's life on the line? Listen to me, Max.
Tom was inside.
We have to assume that the FBI communications have been compromised.
So So what then? It's just me and you with no tactical support, nothing? I don't see any other way.
Man: Yes, Mom.
I'm fine.
I'm working.
Do you have your hearing aid in? I told you I'm not gonna talk to you unless you wear it.
I love you, too.
I said I love you, too! [Sighs.]
[Ray noble and his orchestra's "midnight, the stars, and you" playing.]
Midnight, the stars, and you Midnight and a rendezvous Hello? Your eyes held a message tender Saying, "I surrender" "All my love to you" Hello? Midnight brought us sweet romance I know all my whole life through I'll be remembering you whate [Music stops.]
Hello? [Gasping.]
What the hell is this? You said to kill the caretaker.
I said find him, not kill him.
Eh, killing's what I do.
I had questions for him.
You wanted my help.
This is me helping.
Just help me get him to the stage.
- He call? - Not yet.
Just so we're clear.
Our priority is getting Mike back, right, even if it means losing Theo.
You really think I would put Mike's life at risk? I don't know, Ryan.
Ever since Joe's execution, you've been Off.
I need to know that I can trust you, that you're gonna be at your best during this whole thing.
Just say what you mean, Max.
The drinking, Ryan, it has to stop.
And the flask? Feel better? Yeah.
So how we doing this? Hmm.
Theo's gonna rig the meet with surveillance that he can control, so we're gonna need a signal jammer.
We're also gonna need secure radios so we can communicate.
The only way to get that stuff fast is through the bureau, but every piece of equipment is logged in and out through the computer, so if we request anything, Theo's gonna know.
Then I'm gonna have to steal it.
Can I get some water? Mmm.
I know what Theo wants, and I know what Mark wants.
You I'm not so sure about.
You're playing a dangerous game.
You think Theo's gonna let you live when he's done with you? He killed his wife, he almost killed his kids.
What do you think your chances are? What do you care? You're in a tank with two sharks.
I don't think that's what Kyle wanted for you.
You think I'm gonna get all teary and let you go just because you mentioned Kyle? You need to up your game.
I'm a safer bet for you than either of those guys.
Really? So, what, I I I turn on them, I let you go? What do I get? You put me in a cage for the rest of my life because I put your friend in a box.
You let me go, I let you run.
All I care about is killing Mark.
I've seen what Theo does when people turn on him.
It it's not pretty.
So you're just biding your time until he lets you go? I hope you're not counting on Mark to protect you from Theo.
That's not gonna happen.
He will leave you twisting in the wind the first chance he has to get his hands on me.
That's what I did.
I turned my back on Max to kill him.
He will do the same thing.
Sorry, honey.
It's quiet time.
Lisa: Let's go through everything, phone logs, e-mail.
We need to find out exactly who Tom has been communicating with.
Excuse me.
[Coughing, wheezing.]
[Wheezing stops.]
No, no, no, no, no.
Ahh! Theo: Hey.
Where's Mike? He wa he was just here.
You two check the service corridors.
You go with him.
Mark, you find him, you don't touch him.
Bring him to me.
He's not here, he's not here.
Don't do anything stupid.
We find Mike, and we bring him to Theo.
I don't think I can do that.
Theo will kill you.
I'm already dead! Can't you see that? Without my mom, without Luke, I'm I'm empty.
What about me? If you cross Theo, he'll kill both of us.
You get that, right? Is that what you want? [Clatter.]
Drop it.
Get on your knees.
Get on your knees! Daisy: Mark, stop! Daisy Please don't.
Unh! [Mike and Theo grunting.]
I'm I'm sorry.
Get up, get up.
Hey, Carl.
Agent Hardy.
Need a couple of battery packs.
[Telephone ringing.]
Excuse me.
Equipment, agent Hammond.
Max: Hi.
This is agent Williams.
I just got a notification that I never returned my vehicle tracker, but I definitely gave it to you last week.
I'm with somebody right now.
Can I call you back? No.
Actually, I am about to go through inspection Hey.
You mind if I go back and grab them myself? I'm kind of in a hurry.
You can't.
- You talking to me? - No.
Please, please.
I'm on thin ice as it is.
Come on, man.
It will take me two minutes.
Who am I gonna tell? Fine.
Aisle 3.
What was the name again? Sarah Williams.
I don't see it here.
You said it was a vehicle tracker? I'm I'm sorry, but, uh, it's not listed here.
You're gonna have to come down.
Wait, wait! [Sighs.]
I'm I'm I'm looking around everywhere.
I I I don't see them.
You said aisle 5, right? No.
Aisle 3.
Memory's not what it used to be.
Come on.
I'll show you.
Watch him.
Guess what I said earlier really landed.
You were right to turn on Mark.
Shut up.
The look on his face.
I mean, I hate the guy, and even I felt bad for him.
I said shut up! Theo: Daisy! It's time to go.
Ryan, where you going? Home.
What are you up to? Nothing.
I'm not stupid, Ryan! If you didn't have something going on, you'd be back upstairs cracking the whip, trying to find Mike.
What's in the backpack? What? Nothing? Show me.
Ryan, I am not screwing around, ok? We have one agent that's a traitor, another one that's missing.
Don't think I won't cuff you and drag your ass back up those steps! Show me what's in the backpack.
I'm a mess.
I've been drinking all night.
I I thought that I could come in here and get it done, but I I I can't.
I'm I'm no good to you right now, I'm no good to Mike.
I I would never be able to forgive myself if something happened to him because I was drunk.
[Cell phone ringing.]
I'm sorry.
It's my sponsor.
Get out of here, but don't think I'm not gonna tell Donovan when I talk to him.
I I understand thank you, Lisa.
I thought you weren't gonna answer there for a second.
I'm just spending some quality time with your sister.
So where and when are we gonna do this? One hour.
The old theater on 169th and Grand should give us all the privacy we need.
Use the South side door.
As long as you come alone with Penny, we shouldn't have any problems.
Max, get Penny ready to travel.
Time to get Mike back.
Daisy: It looks like he came alone.
What's that? Signal jammer.
He's trying to level the playing field.
We're blind without the cameras, ok? We should rethink this.
We need to get Penny back.
Stick to the plan.
I've I've never used one of these things before.
Too bad.
This was supposed to be Mark's job.
You have to handle it now.
Here we go.
Max, I'm in.
Me, too.
Theo! I'm here.
Let's get this done.
Unh! Theo: When you get to the bannister by the exit row, there's a pair of handcuffs.
Cuff Penny there.
What about Mike? Mike's gonna hang out up here with my buddy Saul.
[Ryan locking handcuffs.]
Now what? Move to the center aisle.
Penny, this will all be over soon.
Ryan: Will it really? You're on the top of the most wanted list.
Lights are on, and you're scurrying from rock to rock, but there's no darkness left to hide in.
Oh, there's always darkness, Ryan, but I don't have to tell you that.
You live there.
Tell me something.
How much vodka have you had today? You a little tipsy now, hmm? Or did you forget that I'm monitoring your credit cards and Gwen's, too? I got to ask.
Did she check into that hotel because you fell off the wagon? Your computer tricks, they're not gonna save you now, Theo.
Everything's changed.
No more playing dress-up.
I mean, you might as well give up, man.
Ryan, get down! [Gunshot.]
Help Max.
I'm going after them.
Penny, wait.
This way.
Go, go.
Take it.
Whoa, whoa! Oh.
Mike! Are you ok? Yeah.
You? - Yeah.
- Let's go.
T T! T, wait! We can't leave.
What are you what are you talking about? He tortured me, man.
He made me think I was drowning.
And we'll make him pay for that, I promise, but now is not the time, ok? Let's go! Penny! Penny! Aah! Penny! Penny! Penny, get out of here! Unh! Aah! Daisy: Theo, is Penny dead? We have to get out of here.
Why the hell didn't you tell me? I couldn't.
I had to assume that Tom gave Theo access to everything that we were doing here.
You could have said something privately.
We would have found a way.
I couldn't risk it.
One mistake, Theo kills Mike.
You're an FBI agent, Ryan, part of a team.
That means you don't get to run around playing cowboy.
- Are we done here? - No, not by a long shot.
Donovan has put me in charge of the whole investigation, and I am bringing in a formal review team, but you can start by explaining to me how Theo's sister ended up in your possession.
Penny attacked me at my apartment.
I arrested her.
As I was preparing to bring her in, Theo called.
I have no idea how he knew I had her, and he threatened to kill Mike if I didn't turn her over.
And Max will corroborate that? Yep.
Because it's the truth.
I doubt that because you're a liar and a drunk, Ryan, and if it were up to me, you would be working mall security.
I'm recommending that Donovan suspend you immediately.
Doesn't matter.
Why the hell not? Because I just killed the only person that Theo ever loved, and he's coming after me with both barrels.
Where are we going? Look.
I understand how heartbroken you you don't know anything about me.
Penny saved me, and I saved her.
Now she's gone.
If you don't want me around, I can go.
You had your chance to disappear.
Now you're with me until I decide to let you go.
- Hey.
- Hey.
So how'd the debrief go? Yeah, it was rough.
Only reason I still have this job is because we got you back.
I'm grateful.
I know you risked everything for me.
So Turns out Tom was quite the creep.
Clearly, you have lousy taste in men.
I need to tell you something.
Lisa: Mike, we're ready for you.
I'll tell you later.
I was hoping you wouldn't be here.
I'm just getting the last of my things.
Doc, please.
I reached out to you yesterday, and you hung up on me.
I want to be honest with you because I'm really tired of keeping secrets, and you were right all along.
Every time I went to that prison, Joe got deeper and deeper inside my head, and before he died, he made me admit things, things about myself That I'm ashamed of, and the lying, the drinking just me trying to push you away so that I wouldn't have to tell you the truth because if I did You would hate me.
So I lied, and I shut you out, and I don't deserve you.
I I think you should go And I promise that, um, I won't call you anymore.
Ryan There's something you deserve to know.
I'm pregnant.
You're gonna be a father, so if you want to be in this baby's life, you need to change right now.
Joe carroll might bring the darkness out in you, but there is a good man in there.
He's the one I fell in love with.
Fight for him.
Does anyone else want to share? My name's Ryan.
I'm an alcoholic.
Group: Hi, Ryan.
It's been a while since my last meeting.
Uh, I had over 18 months of sobriety, but I started drinking again, and I've hurt people that I love.
Uh, I've driven them away because I didn't think I deserved them, but I want to change.
I need to change, and I want to be the man who deserves the woman in his life, who deserves his family and his friends.
I want to be better.
I will be better.
So where'd you park? Just right here in this garage.
I'll walk you.
You're such a gentleman.
Ha ha! Not really.
I'm scared to walk alone.
I figure you'll protect me.
You remember the first time that we met? When you threatened me? Ha ha ha! Yeah.
Accused me of endangering Ryan.
Yeah, that's the one.
You know what I thought when I first saw you? That I was foxy? Clearly.
That Ryan was lucky to have someone that cared that much about him, had his back no matter what.
I guess I wanted to inspire that kind of passion.
You did.
You still do.
I never should have left you, Max.
You're the love of my life.
So you want to come over? Yeah.
Um I got to get my car.
Oh, yeah.
[Car starts.]
Ha! Kiss me again.
Mike! Mike! No! Aah! [Mike grunting.]
[Max screaming.]
No! Aah! [Panting.]
Aah! [Gunshots.]
Mike! Mike! Mike, Mike! Oh, God! Officer down! Officer down! I need an ambulance at the garage at 58th and 10th! God! Hey! Hey! Hang on, hang on, hang on.
You're gonna be all right.
Hang on, Mike!
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