The Bionic Woman (1976) s03e14 Episode Script

The Antidote

Where is Oscar
conducting his meeting?
His life depends
on no one knowing that.
Oh, no! No!
What's wrong?
Jaime Sommers was given
a progressive poison.
She has less
than 20 hours to live.
They claim they have an
antidote. Tell them where Oscar is.
They want me to contact
him so they can kill him.
Its ultrasonic sound will
cause the poison to work faster.
It's like she's hearing
something that's killing her.
OSCAR: This is the most important
mission I've ever sent you on, Jaime,
My life depends on it.
You have to go to Washington
and get a letter from the Soviet
ambassador, Dmitri Zhukov.
MAN: That'll take care
of Jamie Sommers.
Yes, you are who you say
you are, Miss Sommers.
Well, I'm glad to know that.
I'd hate to think I've been
fooling myself all these years.
My government agrees
to support the treaty
Mr. Goldman is
attempting to negotiate
between the two
Middle East powers.
This letter covers our position.
You did not expect our support?
Well, your personal support
is a surprise, Mr. Zhukov.
You see, Oscar feels that
your faction of the party
opposes what he's trying to do.
He's quite right. I argued vigorously
against giving you that letter.
However, after expressing my opinion,
I obey the orders of my government.
Even when you disapprove?
That is the final test
of loyalty, is it not?
All right, then speaking
personally, I would like to know
how you can possibly
justify being against peace?
But I'm not. Peace is in the best
interest of everyone, Miss Sommers.
My argument is
the question of price
and how it is won.
You realize there
are terrorist groups
who would kill to know
what is in that envelope.
They would also kill to find out
where Oscar Goldman is
conducting his secret meetings.
Hi, how's my timing?
Well, you're a few seconds early, but
that's okay. This is my friend, Callahan.
We kind of figured that
a couple of girls at a party
was less conspicuous than my
meeting you somewhere alone.
Of course. You are Miss Callahan,
Oscar Goldman's secretary.
That's right. Have
we ever met before?
Unfortunately, I have
never had that pleasure.
Speaking of Oscar, where is
he conducting his meetings?
Well, as you said, his life
depends on no one knowing that.
Then how will you get
that document to him?
I will wait to be contacted
and it will be delivered.
Very wise.
Trust no one.
Would you care
for anything, sir?
Ah! Champagne?
No, thanks. I'm
working on my second.
Sure. Yes, please.
Thank you.
Ah! My favorite food.
You must have caviar.
It is the Soviet gift
to the capitalist world.
No, I can't really. My weight is
a highly classified secret, too,
and it was a pound
heavier this morning.
But you must. I insist.
It is our exotic breaking
of bread together.
Then definitely, I will.
Thank you.
To true peace in our time.
You should've had some.
PEGGY: Face it, Jaime.
A man who gives you caviar
and champagne can't be all bad.
JAIME: Well, there might be
something in what you say.
PEGGY: When do you
think Oscar will call?
JAIME: As soon as it's safe.
He knows the terrorists
will do anything
to find out where he's
meeting with the delegates.
To tell you the truth, the pressure of
this whole thing is really getting to me.
I mean, secret meetings to agree on what's
gonna be agreed on at public meetings.
Terrorists who don't want
war in the name of peace.
That's pretty heavy stuff for
a little kid from New England.
Well, this Ojai schoolteacher sometimes feels
like she's in over her head too, you know.
What's wrong?
I don't know.
My eyes. There's something
wrong with my eyes.
You okay?
Oh, no! Oh!
You okay?
Are you?
Oh, no.
Is it bad?
No. Don't touch it. My
Oh, I can't get out of here.
Can you open your door?
Okay. Sit back.
You think you can walk?
Yeah. How about you?
Yeah. I'm okay.
What's wrong? What's
wrong? Are you okay?
I don't
What's wrong?
Jaime? Jaime? Jaime?
No, no, no, you can't go
in there right now. All right?
What's wrong with her?
I don't know.
I'll tell you just as soon
as I know anything.
Listen, babe, you'd better
have emergency look at you, too.
Okay? Come on. Get going.
I'm okay. I'm okay.
WOMAN: Dr, Brammer
to ICU, please.
Dr. Brammer.
Max, you have to stay.
You can't come in. No.
Look, never mind looking cute.
They don't allow dogs in the hospital.
Look, don't wreck the car
while I'm gone. Please?
Oh, I came as soon as I heard.
Poor baby.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm okay.
How's Jaime?
I don't know.
No one's told me anything yet. But
Chris, she wasn't hurt in that accident.
It started way before that.
Her vision was blurred.
She couldn't see the road and
that's what made us turn over.
Hi, you guys.
This is Dr. Hamilton.
Chris Williams
and Peggy Callahan.
Chris is with the OSI
and Callahan is Oscar
Goldman's confidential secretary.
How much does the doctor know
about Jaime's special qualities?
When I tried to take her
pulse, I knew she was bionic.
Don't worry about security clearance,
I've studied bionics under Dr. Wells.
I didn't know about this young
lady, but I'm not surprised.
Listen, we're looking
for Rudy now.
Doctor, how is Jaime doing?
We're putting her
in intensive care.
She's been poisoned.
Now, wait a minute.
Well, apparently, it was given to
her in something she ate or drank.
Blood samples indicate
a poisonous compound,
probably of the organic
chloride grouping.
We're doing all we can
for her at the moment.
Well, how much is all we can?
Listen, Chris, that compound
can be any of 50 varieties.
We can't prescribe an antidote for
that until we know the exact composition.
Wait a second. He just
said it was organic chloride.
HAMILTON: But it's a very
involved compound.
We've found chemical traces of chlorophydrin
and what might be bromoacetone,
but we couldn't get
a fix on the rest of it.
Look, Doctor, Sarah's vouched for
us, why don't you just level with us, huh?
Well, there are a few
things I don't understand.
For instance?
Well, her symptoms indicate
a progressive-type poison.
Now, depending on its concentration,
its course could be predictable
within 12 to 24 hours.
Now, if someone wanted
to kill her quickly,
they could've chosen a
much faster acting compound.
That's strange.
Well, if you'll excuse me,
I better get back to her.
Sarah, what exactly
is a progressive poisoning?
Well, honey,
the body's normal functioning
depends on the central nervous system
transmitting automatic impulses to
see, to breathe, to cough or swallow.
Over-simplified, it means the compound
can attack the central nervous system
and block off those impulses.
What happens?
Distorted vision,
loss of coordination,
difficulty in breathing, coma.
CHRIS: It's all right.
Oh, Callahan, come on, honey,
you know I care about her, too.
I'm going to do everything
I can. I promise. Okay?
Memorial Hospital.
Miss Callahan, please. She's in
the intensive care waiting room.
Callahan, call on line one.
Who knows I'm here?
By this time you know Jaime Sommers
was given a progressive poison.
She has less than
20 hours to live.
Whether she does
or not is up to her.
Wait a second.
Who was it?
I don't know.
He said Jaime only has
less than 20 hours to live.
All right, now, start
from the beginning.
What did she do today?
Chris, there are some things
I can't even tell you about.
Callahan, this is me. Chris.
Remember? And that's Jaime in there.
Now start talking.
Where's the envelope now?
Sarah took it and
put it in Rudy's safe,
and there's about a
dozen guards around it.
Did Jaime read it?
No. No, she
didn't have to.
Oscar told her
what would be in it.
And you think this
Dmitri poisoned her?
I don't know who else
could have the chance.
He's the one that gave her
the champagne and canape.
All right, if he did, I'll be
back with the antidote.
Max and I are gonna pay
avisit to the Russian embassy.
What's Max doing here?
I was running some tests
with him in the country.
And I got the call on the
beeper and didn't have time
to get him back to the lab.
Look, stay with her. Okay?
Yeah, sure.
If we have to get in touch
with Oscar, can you do it?
No. Jaime's the only one
that knows where he is.
This is Carson.
Jaime Sommers is in the hospital
and our agent has access
to her at anytime.
Sommers will tell us where to
find Goldman before we let her die.
Come on, Max.
It shouldn't be locked.
Yes, what is it?
My name's Williams.
I want to see Zhukov.
I'm sorry, but he's
not seeing anyone.
Well, I'm going to see him. Now,
you can call it a demand if you like.
Sir, this embassy
is Soviet territory
and you, uh You don't
demand anything here.
All right, I'm sorry,
but I've got to see him.
On what business?
I'll tell that to him.
I'm sorry, but he's
not available now.
Why not?
Well, that, sir,
is none of your business.
Well, we'll see about that.
Come on, Max. We're not gonna
to let them get away with this.
Max, we've got to get in here.
Now, I want you to bite
and pull, Max. Bite and pull.
All right, Max.
All right, now bite it, Max.
Pull it, Max.
Pull it. Pull, Max.
Good boy, Max.
Stay. Stay.
Stay, Max. Stay, Max.
Please, don't move.
I told you I'm gonna see Zhukov.
Now the only way you're going
to stop me is if he uses that thing.
Go turn off the alarm.
Go, go, go.
All right, that's far
enough. Where is he?
My persistent friend,
all the member of the Politburo couldn't
see him now even if they wanted to.
I'm going to see him.
He was poisoned this
afternoon. And he's dying.
You're lying.
Mr. Williams, I only
wish that I were.
Put it over there.
Hey, you're not supposed
to be in here, you know.
Yeah. I'm going bananas
waiting out there, Sarah.
Have you got an antidote yet?
No, the lab just can't
get a handle on it.
How's she doing?
Come on, Sarah, I am her
best friend. I have a right to know.
Well, the deterioration
is in the second stage now,
and, I'm going to have to put
her on a breathing machine soon.
Can I just go in there
just for a few minutes?
Just a few words to let
her know that I'm here?
Peggy, I'm sure she knows.
Please, Sarah.
Honey, she can't hear you
anyway. She's under sedation.
Come on, I'll go sit
with you for awhile.
No. You don't. You go back to
the lab and keep working. Okay?
You all right?
Yeah, I'm okay.
See ya.
Did you see him?
Peg, they claim
he was poisoned, too.
Do you believe them?
Oh, this is Chief Inspector Ball,
of the National Security Bureau.
Chris Williams.
I asked if you believed
Dmitri was dying?
Well, it's a dumb lie if they can't
back it up, isn't it? Yeah, I believe them.
Mr. Williams, who gave you
permission to go to the embassy?
Iwent there to help Jaime.
You should've called me.
I'm taking over
the investigation,
and from now on, I'll tell
you when I need your help.
Now, wait a minute, mister.
Now, you wait,
Mr. Williams.
We don't need any diplomatic incidents
or amateurs going off half-cocked.
All right, expert,
what're you doing?
Well, we checked out all
the servants at the party.
A waiter and waitress
were ringers.
The caterer hired them as last minute
replacements for a couple that didn't show up.
We found that couple, man and wife,
bound and gagged in their apartment.
Do we have any leads
on the other two?
Unfortunately, you rarely notice
the faces of people in uniform,
especially a waiter and waitress
in the crush of a cocktail party.
Mr. Williams or Miss Callahan. They're
in the waiting room in intensive care.
Williams or Miss Callahan.
There's a call for
you on line four,
This is Chris Williams.
WOMAN: Listen carefully.
Jaime Sommers now has 14 hours,
and you won't find an
antidote in time to save her.
Who is this?
Never mind. We demand to know
the present location of Oscar Goldman.
Trace this call.
As soon as you turn the
information over to us,
we will give you the proportions
and content of the poison.
You can work out
the antidote from it.
Well, how am I gonna know that you're
going to keep your end of the bargain?
Too late. They'd
already hung up.
I got to talk to Jaime.
What for?
You have the authority to
stop me from seeing her, too?
Not if her doctor approves.
Too bad.
I've got to talk to her.
That's ridiculous. You
can't possibly talk to her now.
Chris, she's under sedation.
Wake her up.
I said, wake her up.
Jaime. Jaime.
Jaime, listen to me.
Can you understand
what I'm saying?
All right. Someone called. They
claim they've got an antidote.
They'll give it to us if you'll
tell them where Oscar is.
It's his life or mine?
I don't know that.
Jaime, please.
Jaime, please.
They want me to contact
him so they can kill him.
(COUGHING) They're not
They're not going to
keep me alive after that.
I'd just be killing both of us.
Why haven't you found Rudy yet?
If anybody could help her, he could.
We're trying to find him.
Oh, you know something?
I'm really getting tired
of people who are trying
and nobody
accomplishing anything.
Where is he?
He's at the OSI Weapons
Research Facility in Georgia.
Then what's the problem?
He has been working
night and day on a project.
He took a few days off, Chris. He's
camping somewhere on the base.
Somewhere on the base.
We've got all the personnel
that's there out looking for him,
but that facility covers
200 square miles.
Hello? Chris, it's for you.
A woman?
No, it's a man from
the Russian embassy.
This is Chris Williams.
Yes, Mr. Williams. Yanos.
Comrade Zhukov passed
away a few minutes ago.
He gave me a message
for Miss Sommers.
He said, "Dying for something you disapprove
of is the real final test of loyalty."
Apparently, they had
discussed it sometime.
I'm sorry.
Thank you for calling.
Zhukov died.
Why did it affect him
faster than Jaime?
I don't know. I'd have to see his
medical records to answer that.
Maybe he had a heart condition,
or, maybe the compound works
faster even than our poisoners know.
Oh, Jaime.
Jaime, can you hear me?
I'm going after Rudy.
Promise you'll hang
around till I get back?
I'm gonna need something with
Rudy's scent on it. A glove, anything.
Okay, but you're going to have
to stop by the lab to pick it up.
Watch her and continue
the present treatment.
If there's any change at all, I'm going to
be in toxicology, and I want you to call me.
Where's Inspector Ball?
I don't know.
I think he went back to his
office. You want me to get him?
No, I don't want him to
know where I'm going.
Use Oscar's influence,
get me ajet.
Then call Andrews
Air Force Base.
Tell them Max and I will be
there in 20 minutes. All right?
Yeah. Okay.
PILOT: Tower, this is Charlie
9736 requesting permission to land,
TOWER: Roger, Charlie 9736. You are
clear to land on runway one-niner right.
PILOT: Please notify
the base security officer
that Chris Williams will be
in his office in 10 minutes.
TOWER“. Will do, Charlie 9736.
I'm sorry, Mr. Williams. We
haven't been able to locate Dr. Wells
and I'm not sure when we will.
This base is bigger
than some states.
I know, that's why
I brought the dog.
If anybody can
find Rudy, it's Max.
Could I see your ID, please?
Listen, I don't have
the time for all this.
I'm afraid you'll have
to take the time.
Mr. Williams, we're
a security eight base.
Your clearance is only a six.
You got to be kidding.
I'll need Mr. Goldman's
personal okay before allowing
you into the restricted areas.
All right.
You can get in touch with his personal
secretary at Corey Memorial Hospital.
Good, as soon as she gets him on the
line, I'm sure you'll be well on your way.
Well, you can't get him
on the phone right now.
Why not?
He's out of the country.
Make yourself comfortable.
I'll run it through
channels as fast as I can.
Look, Captain, Goldman's life
and the life of one of his agents
may depend on whether
or not I can find Rudy Wells.
I“ let you through, somebody
else will just stop you.
That's part of the
fail-safe security system.
And there are no
exceptions to the rules.
Miss Wiser, contact the National
Security Board in Washington.
Tell them I need clearance to allow
an unauthorized person on the base.
MISS WISER: Yes, sir,
I'll call them right away.
I'll hold.
You've got to find Rudy, Max.
You've got to find Rudy. Okay.
All right, go.
Get that dog back here.
Sorry. I've been trying
to break him of this habit.
You don't know what he's
cost me in windows this month.
You know what you've done?
You just got that dog killed.
What do you mean?
To get to where we think Dr. Wells is,
that dog will have to cross an automated
defense zone with sophisticated
land mines and radar-directed lasers.
He hasn't got a chance.
You know me, don't you?
I'll have to kill you now,
and I can't wait for the poison.
How is she?
She woke up for just a moment.
Could I stay in here just
for a little while with her?
All right, I'll be back
in a few minutes.
Thank you.
Max! Here, boy.
Come here, Max.
Here, Max. That's a boy!
Come here. How you doing?
What're you doing here, huh?
What's this? What
have you got there?
Sommers recognized me.
Are you sure?
Of course I'm sure. I could
see the look in her eyes.
All right, I'll come
and we'll finish her off.
Yeah. But she hasn't told
us where Goldman is yet.
She will if the poison
starts working faster.
PILOT: Andrews Tower,
this is Charlie 9736.
I have Dr. Wells
and Chris Williams aboard.
Please notify Corey Memorial Hospital
that they'll arrive in a few minutes.
Where is she?
Just down the hall.
Another dose of this will
hurry up the process.
I've brought a better way.
Safer for us and just as effective.
It's ultra-sonic sound
tuned for bionic frequencies.
The impulse will speed up her heart
action and cause the poison to work faster.
What's the matter, Max?
Looks like he's in pain.
I can't help you now, boy.
I'll be back as soon as I can.
You stay, Max.
Digitalis, two cc's.
This reaction just
started, Rudy.
Hold her hand, Sarah.
What's she trying to do, Rudy?
It's probably just
an instinctive reaction.
Let her go, Sarah.
Go ahead.
Looks like she's hearing
something that's killing her.
Max. He must've
been hearing it, too.
All right, Max. Come here, boy.
Come on. I know you're hurting, baby.
I know you're hurting. But you've got
to find that sound. You've got to find it.
Please. Come on.
It must be an ultra-sonic
device tuned to bionic frequency.
OPERATOR: Dr. Sheller
to ICU three. Emergency.
Dr. Sheller, please
report to ICU three.
The extra strain's
finally lifting.
Good boy, Max. Good boy!
Come on.
Let's get out of here.
OPERATOR: Dr, Jeffers,
Dr. Jeffers
to the OB ward, please.
Dr. Jeffers to OB.
Yes, Chris?
It was hidden in the
room down the hall.
Just as I thought.
It's an ultra-sonic device.
JAIME: (WEAKLY) The nurse.
What, darling?
It's the nurse.
What is it, honey?
The nurse.
What about her?
She's the one that poisoned me.
Go after them.
Stop her, Max.
Call him off.
All right, what'd you give her?
I'm sure this'll tell us what we
want to know. Watch them, Max.
Rudy, we've got it.
Two cc's hydrochloride, four cc's
benzyl cyanide, one cc diphenylamine.
Let's work out the antidote.
Hey, you look chipper.
Well, thank you.
I have felt worse,
that's for sure.
Yeah, well, let's see.
Uh-huh. Strong.
Steady and healthy.
Well, I like your style. Every single piece
of information is better than the last.
I try.
Hey, how do you
feel about visitors?
The gang's been
waiting outside so long,
the staff's beginning to think
they're part of the furniture.
Well, sure.
Bring them in.
Hey, come on in, you three.
He says you're beautiful.
Oh, what do you say?
Well, I know you look terrific.
And I hate you.
Cause when I'm sick,
I really look yucky.
Oh, come on.
How's Oscar doing?
He's great. He'll be
back tomorrow morning.
There was enough agreement at the meeting
to guarantee an open peace conference.
Oh, so it was all worth it, huh?
Well, I don't know.
You know, a very strange
thing happened to me
when I thought I only
had a few hours to live.
I suddenly realized
how precious life is.
And that you have to take
advantage of every possible
moment because at any second it
could just be gone. You know that?
I mean, I'm alive
and I want to live.
And when can I get out of
here? When can I go home?
Tell her.
Oh, boy. Okay.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow,
what a beautiful word that is.
I never realized that
before. Here's to tomorrow.
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