The Following s03e14 Episode Script

Dead Or Alive

Strauss hinted at your reach, your power to make certain authorities turn a blind eye.
We're prepared to meet your ask, but there's one caveat.
No one is to know of our involvement or existence.
I understand.
Penny, get out of here! Unh! Now you're with me until I decide to let you go.
I'm recommending that Donovan suspend you immediately.
Doesn't matter.
Why the hell not? Because I just killed the only person that Theo ever loved, And he's coming after me with both barrels.
I can't do this anymore.
- Gina.
- I'm done.
This job steals your soul, Ryan.
Go live your life with Gwen while you still can.
I'm pregnant.
You're gonna be a father, so if you want to be in this baby's life, you need to change.
I never should have left you, Max.
You're the love of my life.
Mike! Mike! Mike! No! Unh! No, Mike! Aah! No! Officer down, officer down! I need an ambulance! All right.
What do we got? penetrating sharp force trauma, decreased breathing sounds on the right.
We needled his chest and intubated in the field.
Extensive blood lost.
Do you know his blood type? No.
Um, I can call Run blood type and cross-match as soon as we get in there.
Is he allergic to any medications? I don't I don't think so.
Is he gonna live? We're gonna do everything we can.
All right.
On 3.
Bag him.
All right let's roll him.
right posterior thorax, start massive transfusion protocol stat! Max.
It's gonna be all right.
I'll I'll call you back.
Agent Hardy, where do you want us? I need three agents outside O.
The rest of you can secure this wing.
Work with hospital security.
Pull rank if you have to.
Mike is vulnerable, ok? Theo is going to be targeting us.
I want you to be ready for anything.
Theo hacked into our system.
I don't want any of our protection protocols on the FBI server.
Got it.
What about the hospital? Mike's off-book.
No one outside the staff knows he's here.
Let's double up on Gwen's detail, and Max does not go home alone.
Dozens of agents have worked this case.
He could target any one of us.
So we make a list, and we make sure everybody's covered.
What about aunt Jenny? Oh.
My sister Jennifer Hardy.
She's in Miami, she has a detail, but I want her in protective custody.
Will do.
How is he? They won't tell us anything.
Max, has anyone taken a look at you? Um, why don't we get you cleaned up? I'll find you a change of clothes.
Thanks for coming.
After last night's brutal attack by Mark Gray, the agent's condition is unknown.
However, sources have confirmed that Mark Gray died at the scene.
Gray was the last member of the family of sociopaths that terrorized New Yor Pen Penny.
I know what I have to do.
If everything goes as planned today, you should be free tomorrow.
Mike's still in surgery.
He has a collapsed lung and a lacerated liver.
Will he make it? He has the best doctors in the world.
Can I talk to you for a second? Whatever it is, just say it.
I'd feel better if you stayed at my place for a while just until this is over.
Ryan, I was pretty clear.
Come on.
I'm not using it as an excuse to get back together, but I talked to your protection detail, and your place is a security nightmare multiple entrances.
I get it, but I want to stay here for a while.
I want to keep an eye on Mike.
Of course, of course.
If that's it How how how are you feeling? Any morning sickness? Some.
It's not that bad.
I went to a meeting last night.
I'm happy for you, but it's gonna take a lot more to convince me that you've changed.
I know.
I know that But You and This baby mean everything to me, which is why as soon as this is over I'm leaving the Bureau.
Uh Your job is your life.
I don't want it to be.
I want this, us, this family.
I really want to believe that for the baby's sake, but, uh I'm just not there yet.
But I have a shot? I have my first ultrasound later today.
I'll I'll call you after.
Unh! Well, gentlemen? Eliza! What are you doing here? Oh.
Unh! Are you crazy? A little bit.
We need to talk.
I should have you killed right now.
Tell the guards that are about to run in here to stand down, please.
Why would I do that? Because you brokered this deal.
Your reputation's on the line.
Like it or not, we're in this together.
Don't shoot.
Stand down.
Can you get Ryan Hardy or not? I have a plan.
Just need a little assistance, a couple of guys who know how to handle a gun.
You said you could take care of him yourself.
Things change.
My face is everywhere now.
I need someone the feds won't recognize.
I won't risk exposing one of our own.
If you can't honor the terms of our agreement, then You'll what? You'll what? Tell your friend the deal's off, that I'm a liability you brought to their door? Can't wait to see where your body turns up.
I appreciate your concern.
You can take Wade and Nathan, but I expect results.
By the end of the day, Ryan Hardy will be dead.
I'll call you when it's done.
Sorry about the mess, but something tells me your housekeeper's amazing.
You don't have to be here.
Yeah, I do.
We have other FBI agents.
You should go home, get some rest, and we'll call you the second we have a lead on anything.
Theo is a threat to everyone I love.
Unless you're suspending me, I'm staying.
Don't think I didn't try, but Donovan blocked me.
He thinks you're our best hope of finding this guy.
Well, then you're stuck with me.
I know I messed up before, but it's behind me.
I hope that's true.
So what are you thinking? Theo has lost the one thing that he cares about.
He's unhinged.
He knows that the best move would be to run, but that would mean giving up revenge.
He's trapped, he's desperate.
We turn up the pressure.
We make sure everybody in this city is looking for him.
I like it.
The FBI is tracking Theo Noble.
He is currently traveling with fellow serial killer Daisy Locke.
Now through our investigations, we have been able to uncover several aliases, and there could be countless others.
He could be your neighbor, he could be the guy that you just passed on the street or the man standing behind you at the checkout line.
If you have any information, any information at all, please do not hesitate to contact the authorities immediately.
Thank you.
How is he? Well, he's out of surgery, but I have to be honest with you.
The damage was extensive.
There was a great deal of internal bleeding.
But he'll heal, he'll wake up? Mike's condition is very delicate.
The next 12 hours are gonna be critical.
Thank you, Doctor.
I tried to get my gun out, but it happened so fast.
He saved my life, and I just sat there.
You did everything you could.
It wasn't enough, Gwen.
If he dies I know it's difficult for you Hardy to understand, but some things are out of your control.
This wasn't your fault.
Mark did this.
You should go home and get some sleep.
I'll call if anything changes.
How is he? All we can do is wait.
Then you should go home.
Like that's gonna happen.
I can help here.
I need to.
Ever since your press conference, the tip line's been flooded.
Theo gets around.
We haven't verified any of them.
There's always a ton of nuisance calls around a big case.
Nothing near my sister's place, and these sightings are too far upstate.
None of these are right.
I killed Penny.
The target is going to be somebody close to me.
Tip came in.
Caller said they saw two people matching Theo and Daisy's description going into an elevator in a building on the Upper East Side.
When I requested surveillance video from the building, turns out they had a glitch, and the feed went dead for 40 minutes right around the time of the sighting.
Same thing for any camera that was pointed towards the building's entrance.
That sounds like Theo.
It's risky to stay in the city.
Well, whatever's in that building, it's got to be important.
Let's go.
You're retired.
Are you sure this is really necessary? It's just a precaution.
A few days in protective custody until things calm down.
A few days? We packed luggage.
Dawn, just look at it like a vacation, ok? With incredibly intrusive, round the clock surveillance.
Dibs on the TV! Oh, God.
This could turn bloody quick.
I'm gonna get you! Hey.
What's this? Panic room.
It's just a precaution.
Dibs on the TV! Uh-uh.
No more TV.
Come on, buddy.
Pick out a game! You got this? Yes.
I will be fine.
Come on, little man.
I'll go start some lunch, ok, babe? All right.
All right.
What are we playing? Time for another sweep.
I'll go.
Besides, I can use the exercise.
Didn't you hear? Sitting is the new cancer.
Ha ha ha! Ohh! Get dressed.
Thought these might help.
Very nice of you.
Well, I've had my share of frigid stakeouts.
Where's your partner? Uh, he's around back, doing another sweep.
Well, stay warm.
Oh, damn.
Unh! So we ready to play? You bet you.
We're just waiting for mommy, right, guys? Who do you want to be? Do you want to be this guy? Yeah! You want to be that well, you have to choose your character.
Can you put it back down there again? You got it.
Is that a monkey? Yeah.
- Ha ha ha! - It's a gorilla.
So what are we playing? Start knocking on doors.
Yes, sir.
Oh, my God! You almost gave me a heart attack.
I didn't mean to startle you.
You're Ryan Hardy, aren't you? Yeah.
Can I help you? May we come in? Uh, I was just leaving, but sure, of course.
We're looking for these two.
One of the building's tenants thought they got off the elevator on this level.
Their pictures are all over the news.
They were here? That's scary.
Did you see them? Oh, God, no.
I'd faint if I saw them.
You mind if we take a look around? No.
No, not at all.
Anyone else here? No.
Just me.
So may I ask what you do here, miss Annie, Annie Bechard.
This isn't my place.
It belongs to my boss.
Who's your boss? Artie Cole, hedge fund guy.
He's out of town, so I'm supposed to come by, water the plants, make sure everything's ok.
Pretty boring stuff.
I can't imagine doing what you do.
It's clear.
There's no one here.
There are a few empty units on this floor.
We'll check them out.
Uh, do you want to leave me your card? I can call and let you know if I see anything.
That would be great.
Thank you.
Ohh! Four damage! That means I won and I'm the king of Tokyo! I'm out! I get the room to myself.
Wow! Ok.
All right, little man.
It's time for a nap.
All right! You're the king of Tokyo, too.
Come on! I'll clean up down here.
Bye, guys! My room, my room.
Billy gets to sleep in the closet.
Oh, really? Yep.
Dawn, are you ok? Babe? Babe? Baby, I need you to watch your brother, ok? Mommy, I'm scared.
Don't be scared, baby.
I just need you to be brave.
I'm scared.
Listen to me.
Don't be scared.
This is a safe place, ok, but I need you to go inside and don't open this door except for me or Dawn, ok? - Ok.
- All right.
Dawn? Dawn? Dawn? Dawn? Let her go.
Leave her alone.
I'm the one you want.
I want your whole entire family.
You've reached Gwen.
Please leave a message.
It's me.
I just wanted to see how it went with the doctor today, so call me back.
I love you.
Building where Theo was spotted.
Any and all records.
Have cugh*** the units on the upper floor with a fine-toothed comb.
Check out all tenants and run the name Annie Bechard and see what comes back.
Make sure you're doing that search off the grid.
I'll take this.
Hey, Gina.
Everything ok? Everything's fine.
You got a second? Uh, kind of busy right now.
Well, I've been sitting here crawling the walls, so I started going over the case intel on Theo.
I think I might have found something in the evidence that we recovered from his Maryland home.
What'd you find? How he met Strauss.
I I thought it could help us catch him, but I don't think we should talk about it over the phone.
Do you think you can meet me at the safe house? Uh, it's really not a good time.
Look, Ryan.
You know, I wouldn't call you if I didn't think it was worth it.
I'll be there as soon as I can.
I'll see you then.
Good job.
What's wrong? Come with me.
I'll call you back.
Take the Sim cards out of your phone, both of you, right now.
What's going on? I think Theo got to Mendez.
That's not possible.
She's at an undisclosed safe house with two agents watching her.
I just got a call from her totally out of the blue.
Said she had a lead on Theo, wanted me to come to the safe house and talk to her about it.
She hasn't worked this case for weeks.
Didn't want any kind of part of it.
It just does not add up, and something about her was off on the phone.
Makes sense that Theo would go after her.
So it's a trap, huh, for you? I think so.
I'll get a whole HRT team ready to deploy, and we'll get three dozen agents no, no, no, no.
Can't put this out to the world.
Theo's gonna have eyes and ears on us and everyone around us.
All of our communications.
If he thinks for a second that we're on to him, he's gonna kill Mendez and her family.
How do you know he hasn't already? I don't.
What do you think we should do? All right.
Let's recruit agents that we know and trust.
Face to face, keep it down to around a dozen so word doesn't spread.
Let's make it happen.
Don't be sad.
You saved your little family.
Speaking of which Where are those beautiful little babies? Safe, where you can't get them.
She put them in the panic room before I could get to them.
Panic room.
Do you know when a panic room is truly useless? Hmm? When the house around it is burning down.
Heh heh heh! You do anything to tip off Ryan, and I will keep you alive long enough to hear them screaming in the fire.
The whole property's clear.
We're good to go.
Ryan's on his way.
Take your positions.
Just remember, when Hardy gets here, he's mine to kill.
If either of you messes that up for me, I will make sure that you suffer until your last breath.
I told you I would call when it's done.
There's been a change of plans.
We want Ryan Hardy alive.
What? Why would you? That's not your concern.
We need him alive, or the deal is off.
No, no, no, no, no! Don't! Aah! Leave her alone! Ryan could call back! And if you hurt her, I will not help you.
So you let her go.
Your wife, your kids, even you, you die when I decide.
No one else! Gahh! All right.
Listen up.
Strategically speaking, this place is a worst case scenario.
From the house, there's clear lines of sight in almost every single direction.
We also don't know what kind of surveillance Theo might have set up, so he could be monitoring the whole property for all we know.
So what's the plan? Theo believes that I am just visiting a friend, which is why I'm going in alone.
It's the only way.
If I spook him, there is no telling how he is gonna respond.
I've got to get him away from Mendez and her family before he realizes that I'm on to him.
The rest of you are gonna set up a perimeter around the outside of the property.
I want you to give me 10 minutes, If you don't hear from me, you come in weapons hot.
Either way, Theo does not walk away from this again.
Are we clear? - Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
- Barton.
- Yeah? Can I borrow your watch? Oh.
Of course.
Ryan, what are you doing? My job.
Alone? Come on, Ryan.
This is reckless even for you.
I'm asking for 10 minutes to make sure that Mendez and her family are out of harm's way.
Come on, Max.
I owe her that.
Make a sound, and Daisy cuts your wife's throat from ear to ear.
Evening, Agent Hardy.
Hey, guys.
All quiet? Yes, sir.
No sign of any trouble.
What about the family? They're tucked in safe and sound.
Come on.
I'll walk you inside.
What happened? He knew we weren't FBI.
Ehhh! Come on, Theo.
Don't even think about it.
Theo? Theo? Aah! Go ahead.
Kill her.
Put the gun down, Ryan.
First, you let them go.
It it's taking every last bit of discipline I have not to kill everyone in here.
You'll be dead, too.
Maybe, maybe, but, you know, I'm I'm I'm warming to the idea of going down in a fiery blaze of glory now that Penny's dead.
Last chance.
Drop the gun.
Do it.
You killed Kyle.
Daisy! Daisy! Daisy, kill them and the kids, and then you're free.
- No.
No, no.
- Do it.
The kids are in the panic room.
Something tells me that the screams of their parents will convince them to open it up.
You don't have to kill them, Theo.
You got me.
They've served your purpose oof! Save your breath.
You don't have much of it left.
Get him up! Take him outside.
We're going for a drive.
Get up.
You don't have to do this, Daisy.
This isn't who you are.
You don't know me, ok? Now get up.
I know you're not a child killer.
I don't have a choice.
Now move! Ok, ok.
Move! But you do.
You do have a choice, Daisy.
They're just kids.
They're just babies.
Shut up, shut up.
What would Kyle say, huh, Daisy? What would Kyle say if he knew you were gonna kill two children? Kyle is dead! No! Come on, babe.
Let's get upstairs.
Andrea, open the door! Andrea! Andrea, open the door! It's mommy! Ryan! Ryan! Ryan! Daisy's inside with Mendez and her family.
Somebody, get these off of me.
- Yes, sir.
- Clear the house! - I need a weapon! - Here you go.
All right.
You guys, with me.
Let's go! No sign of the suspect on the Southern perimeter.
It's me.
I got your message.
Mike's stable for now.
His vitals are a little stronger.
It's a good sign.
The ultrasound went great.
Maybe you could make the next one.
I thought I heard something.
The doctor sent me home with a recording of the baby's heartbeat.
You got something, barton? All clear.
I thought you might like to hear it, so He took my car.
He's heading north.
Put your hands on here.
Keep pressure on it, all right? You're good.
You're ok, all right? I'm gonna get you help.
I'm gonna get you help right now.
Special agent Ryan Hardy.
I need an ambulance right now.
I'm on a road someplace outside of I don't know.
Well I guess that's it.
Hang on.
Well, I I see a sign.
It felt wrong today, you not being there.
I missed you.
It's mile marker Good night.

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