Roswell s03e15 Episode Script

Who Died and Made You King?

NARRATOR: Previously on Roswell: [GASPING.]
Max is dead.
Clayton, can you hear me? That's not me.
This can't be me.
You have to kill this body.
You have to stop Clayton.
- No.
MAX: You have to.
He'll kill you if you don't.
I love you.
JESSE: Have you called an ambulance? MICHAEL: No.
- The hell is wrong with you? - You can't take her to the hospital.
- You can't.
JESSE: Why? Tell me why.
MICHAEL: Because your wife isn't human.
She's alien.
We both are.
JESSE: I married Isabel Evans.
There is no Isabel Evans.
Where do we go from here? I have no idea.
They're looking at me differently.
It's understandable they're curious to see how you'll react to this information.
I don't think they trust me.
I think they think I'm a threat.
Do you think they're worried that you'll tell the truth about them? Yeah, maybe.
I don't know.
If they found out I was talking to you Let me assure you, you can talk freely.
As long as you don't tell me anyone's in trouble what we discuss in this session stays between you and me.
It's It's just I'm just scared, Dr.
You know? Where is all of this going to take me? I just wanted a normal life.
Your anxiety is completely normal.
And then let me be clear.
Isabel's a good person.
I love her.
You know, it's just them.
It's just, she's suffered protecting their secret and it's just, it's not You told me they were in the Mob.
Most people would have trouble condoning that.
You're suffering too, Jesse.
And we're here to fix that.
And hopefully in the process, we'll fix your marriage too.
- Let's go.
- Where? After him.
We gotta know what he's talking about.
If he's in therapy, he's obviously upset.
Getting in his face is a bad idea.
I'll figure it out.
I'm not gonna let you wait for something to happen.
Michael, I said I'd take care of it.
Let's get out of here.
Who Died and Made You King? MAX: So, what are you doing tonight? Working, studying.
Lights out by 11.
Hey, Max.
Hey, Mr.
- I'll be right out, Dad.
- Sure.
Is he giving you a hard time? No, he's being a total saint.
Winnaman wouldn't give back his deposit.
- Wow, that's terrible.
- Yeah.
So it seems like you're pretty busy tonight.
Why? I just thought it might be fun if we went out.
It's not that I don't want to it's just that things can't go back to the way they were.
Could we at least hang out like friends? [BELL RINGS.]
You know, my orders are backing up.
I'll have to call you.
: Sometimes life can be too much.
Admit it.
Stress affects even the best of us leaving the body fatigued and the mind cloudy.
Let us make life worth living again at the Roswell Desert Spa.
Our expert hair stylists can work their magic on any 'do from long to short, straight to curly.
Or how about treating yourself to a manicure? Or indulge your aching arches in our Foot Fantasy pedicure.
Or maybe you need a massage.
- You're home late.
- I was at the gym.
ISABEL: Good night.
ISABEL: What? Did you have a bad dream? Where are you going? - To the office.
- In the middle of the night? Um It's just the McAdams case is really weighing on me and I figured if I can't sleep, I might as well get work done.
When can I expect you home? Um, I'm not sure.
Look, I'm sorry, Isabel.
Really, go back to sleep.
I'll be back as soon as I can.
Damn it.
Damn it! I've been waiting 45 minutes.
Yes, Henley Street.
No, I'm not going anywhere.
- Car trouble? - What are you doing here? It's 2 in the morning.
When I can't sleep, I walk.
- Need some help? - No.
A tow truck is coming.
- I could take a look.
- No.
- Maybe I can fix it.
- I don't want any part of that alien crap.
- I've taken auto shop, Jesse.
- Just leave it alone.
I know that all of this probably doesn't seem real now but if you need someone to talk to Thanks, Max.
I've got that covered, okay? A doctor can't help you deal with this.
Trust me.
I've been in therapy before, and Have you been spying on me? You have to realize that if anyone finds out the truth, we're all in danger.
Not just us but Liz, Maria, Kyle, Valenti.
Think about it, Jesse.
I knew it.
I'm in charge.
Jesse, do you want me to make you? Were you even gonna leave me a note? I'm sorry, Isabel.
I can't stay here and pretend like everything's normal, because it's not.
But normal is sneaking out of our house while I'm sleeping? It's not like that.
I was waiting until you woke up.
Jesse, please just talk to me.
- Look, I don't know what to say.
- No! I am putting in all the effort - By pretending nothing's happened? I'm dealing with this the best I can.
- What else do you want from me? - I want you to love me and be the man I married.
That's hilarious, because I want you to be the woman that I married.
So that's it? It's over? I'll be at the Travel Inn.
And tell your brother to stop following me.
Please stop spying on Jesse.
He's seeing a therapist.
I don't have to tell you how dangerous that is.
- It's his private life.
- A luxury he doesn't have anymore.
He moved out.
Everyone said this would happen.
I was such an idiot for thinking that I could make it work.
That I could be happy.
Jesse was trying to get help.
To me, that means he thinks there's something worth saving.
How's Liz? Cautious.
And she has every right to be, but - It's not easy.
- Yeah.
- They're following me.
- Who is? - My brother-in-law.
- To what extent? Well, he knows I'm coming here.
- Are you in danger? - No.
I don't know.
I don't I don't know anything anymore.
Jesse you're not helpless.
What is it that you want? I want out.
Then we're gonna figure out a way to get that, okay? Thanks.
Look, I've gotta get back to the office.
All right, then.
I'll see you later.
Thanks, Dr.
Hello? Hey, honey.
About 20 minutes.
Yeah, I'm almost finished here.
I love you.
What kind of man listens to someone's secrets for a living? - Please, don't hurt me.
- Does that make you feel powerful? Knowing the deep and dirty things that make someone tick? You don't know what you're dealing with, so drop Jesse Ramirez as a client.
Yes, uh, I need the police.
No, make that the FBI.
Thanks for meeting me.
I'm glad you called.
Thank you.
I brought your sweatshirt, the gray one.
You left it on the couch.
- I washed it.
- Thanks.
Look, I made a decision.
Please don't do this here, Jesse.
Not in public.
Let's pack our bags, tonight.
We'll go to the airport.
We'll leave Roswell.
We just won't come back again.
Uh - Hey, kids.
- Dad.
What are you doing clear across town? - We - Dirka's is having a furniture sale.
- We were looking for some - For end tables.
Yeah, we were looking for end tables.
So how about you? Uh, the Fallin case.
- So everything's okay? - Yes.
- Great.
- Okay.
I'll see you back in the office, Jesse.
And, Isabel, call your mother.
Oh, did you hear Liz Parker dropped out of boarding school? She wasn't gone very long.
Know anything about it? ISABEL: No.
I didn't even know she was back.
Must've been a very expensive two weeks for Jeff Parker.
Okay, see you later.
I respect your father.
I don't like lying to him.
I don't either, but he's convinced that Max is up to something.
We have to be very careful around him now.
See? That's why we have to leave.
I want to be married to you, Isabel.
But I can't be married to this situation.
Look, you say you want to make this work this is the only way I can see how.
What can I get you folks? Need more time? I do.
Let me know when you make up your mind.
You left your bike parked in front of Mrs.
Curry's door.
You know how pissed she gets.
- Did you hear me? - Yes, sir.
Isabel stopped by.
I promised her we'd stay out of this whole Jesse thing.
I know you're concerned, and I agree that our safety should be our number-one focus but we have to leave this to her.
Got it.
- What is that? - Jesse's file.
I took it.
I dealt with the therapist while I was there too.
Have you lost it? - I'm doing my job.
- You crossed the line.
Who said you could do that? How'd you get these? An after-hours withdrawal from the safety deposit box.
My name was the only one on the access card at the bank.
What, they're not safe with me? I want you to take this stuff back.
I want you to let go of this Jesse thing.
Michael, I'm serious.
What the hell is wrong with you? You.
You were dead, Max.
And now I'm looking at you and I don't know.
I mean, who you are? Are you a ghost? And you're here in my face all day, and you're freaking me out.
- Let me see your hand.
- I'm fine.
- Michael, you can't even move it.
- Hey, just leave me alone.
Your timing belt's broken.
I should be able to get another one by tomorrow.
I hate not having a car.
I feel trapped.
How are things going with Isabel? Fine.
- Look, if you ever need someone - To talk to? That's a popular sentiment around here.
Can you hand me that deep-socket wrench? - There you go.
- Look when I first found out, I couldn't I couldn't deal.
I had to get out of town for a couple months.
But once I got used to it, a lot of good came out of knowing.
Kyle, I'm an officer of the court and I see how lies catch up with people and bring them down.
There's nothing good that can come out of this conspiracy.
But I realize I'm part of something bigger than myself.
It's not bigger.
It's all-consuming.
There's a difference.
- They've robbed you of your life.
- They gave me one.
- Drop the cheerleader bit.
- It's not cheerleading.
I was shot.
And I would've died if Max Evans hadn't healed me.
Damn it.
I'll be right back.
Jesse Ramirez, you're coming with us.
JESSE: Who are you? Who are you? Kyle! Kyle! Hey! Hey.
You have no right to hold me here.
Anything you found in there constitutes an illegal search and seizure.
Who the hell are you? My name is Agent Burns.
What do you want? Last night, a local therapist was threatened.
Your therapist.
You said your wife's family's involved in organized crime.
There's been a mistake.
The guy who did it mentioned you by name.
There's no Mob connection.
Why did you say there was? It was an analogy.
I believe you.
Now let's talk about why you're really here, Jesse.
How much do you know about your brother-in-law, Max Evans? I won't lie to you.
I'm not the biggest fan of my brother-in-law.
But Max is just a kid.
Troubled, but not a threat to national security.
Most of these could never go public.
People couldn't get their minds around it.
He isn't from this world.
He's an alien pretending to be a normal teenage kid.
That's nuts, Agent Burns.
Really? Careers have been destroyed because of Max Evans.
People have died.
Good people.
If Max is the murderer you say he is, why haven't you arrested him yet? We tried.
I used to be in something called The Special Unit.
Now there are only a few of us left.
We knew how dangerous he was.
I have another theory.
There are more like him.
And they've been able to live here for 50 years under the cover of lies, murder and deceit.
I promise you, these creatures believe in survival of the fittest.
We're an inferior life form to them.
Nothing will stand in their way.
Those are just the victims we know about.
Trust me, Mr.
Ramirez, we're the good guys.
How can I help? He put his fist right through the wall.
He was hurt, but he wouldn't let me touch him.
He was probably embarrassed.
My old babysitter, Lynne, used to work at the snack shack.
She'd let me play here for free all the time.
In light of this new information, we should reconsider the rules.
No powers.
I'll let you use yours if I can use mine.
It's not so funny.
- Any sign of them lately? - No, not since Vermont and I'm not complaining.
By the way, my father is very curious about your sudden return.
I bet he thinks it has something to do with me.
Tell him what I told my father: That my drug-addicted roommate wanted me in a three-way with my Latin teacher.
I erred on the side of the dramatic.
So, anyway, what you were saying about Michael.
He can't stand to be around me.
I freak him out.
It's a hard enough thing to deal with somebody dying.
It's even weirder to have them come back to life.
Am I a ghost? Ow.
- Guess not.
- No, I mean are you afraid of me? No.
But I was wondering, uh what was it like when you were dead? I don't I don't want to talk about that.
To say it out loud makes it closer.
I understand.
But it changed me, Liz.
I'm not interested in dragging around these responsibilities anymore.
Or arguing with Michael about how we do things or keeping on this impossible quest to find my son.
- Max.
- I need to live in the now to appreciate all these things I've taken for granted.
Like Like going to school or smearing you in Putt-Putt.
- Oh, dream on.
And I want us to try again.
Hello? Hey, Is.
What? They shoved him in a van and drove off.
Are you sure it was the FBI? - They were wearing the uniform.
- I knew he'd turn on us.
He didn't turn on us.
He was taken against his will.
- We don't know that.
- I do.
MICHAEL: I'm going to find him.
- No, wait.
Look, here's what we're gonna do.
Kyle and Isabel go to the garage, look for clues in Jesse's car.
Liz, we'll canvass the streets for the feds.
Michael, take Maria to Isabel's I won't sit waiting for things to happen.
If Jesse gets away that's the first place he'll go.
No, I have my own plan.
Maxwell, I'm warning you, get out of my way.
I don't have time for your temper tantrums.
- And I don't have time - Stop it! Max is in charge.
My husband's life is at stake.
Just do what he says.
Thanks for that assignment, Max.
What is wrong with him? MAX: I don't know.
Let's go.
Vin Diesel, wrong turn.
Hello? Isabel's apartment is that way.
We're not going there.
We're doing things my way.
- Well, Max said - Max should've stayed dead.
- What did you just say? - I'm the leader now.
This is how it should've been from the start.
You know what, if this is a joke, note that I am not busting up.
Look where following Max got us.
Alex died.
Tess betrayed us.
He doesn't want to be king.
I want it.
I'm good at it.
I'm stopping this Jesse thing now.
- Jesse's not gonna tell anybody.
- Jesse is human.
Nasedo was right.
When someone finds out, they should be eliminated.
If you follow that line of thinking, that would apply to me too, huh? You said it.
I didn't.
This isn't you.
You know what really pisses me off? No one ever listens to me.
You didn't, even when we were together.
All you did was make me weak.
No, I loved you.
I stayed on this planet for you, you show appreciation by dumping me? Yeah.
You loved me.
Michael, what is on your chest? [TIRES SQUEALING.]
You never shut up, now get out! - Michael - Get out! Sorry, Philip, the grill's cold.
Actually, I'm not here to eat.
Oh, well, um, come on in, then.
Keeping busy? Been better.
What can I do for you? Look, I know I may be out of line with this, but it's Liz.
- What about her? - I was wondering what brought her back from Vermont so soon.
No offense, Philip, that's family business.
And I know it is, but you gotta think it's a little strange a smart girl like her, passing up an educational opportunity like that.
We've talked about this before.
How some of the things Max has Look.
The girls at Winnaman drank and did drugs.
Liz felt uncomfortable around her roommate.
It was worth the inconvenience to bring her back home, that's all.
- Your son had nothing to do with it.
- I see.
- I'm sorry to bother you.
- Oh Oh, did they give you your deposit back? - No.
- Most private schools have an out clause.
I could look into that.
- No, it's all right.
- That's the least I can do.
I appreciate it.
Hey, Philip? Don't waste your time not trusting your son.
Life is complicated enough.
MARIA: Michael is a freak show.
LIZ: What happened? He's like a desert-wandering Anne Heche times a thousand saying Max should've stayed dead because he'd be a better king.
- It's insane.
- He had this weird thing on his chest.
- Like what? I don't know, it was like this weird V thing right here.
MAX: Did it look like this? - Yes, that's it.
- That's the royal seal of Antar.
It's a mark I have proving I'm the true king.
What if the people who sent you here built in a backup plan? If anything happened to you, Michael was encoded to be leader.
- Nothing happened to me.
I'm fine.
- No, you died.
Maxwell, you said that Michael broke his hand.
- He did.
- It looked fine to me.
Maybe he's inherited other things from you.
Like what? - It's not working.
I can't heal it.
LIZ: What about your other powers? I'm losing the ones unique to me.
So Michael's the boss man.
- Will he offer benefits? LIZ: Kyle.
What? I'm panicking.
I love the guy, but I don't want to be in his club.
- What do we do? - We have to stop him.
This is Michael to the nth degree.
Ruthless, impulsive, dangerous.
The switch got flipped because Max died.
Maybe Michael has to go through the same thing in order to be reset.
- No.
Max, no.
MAX: I won't kill him.
I just need to figure out a way to take the seal back.
Where'd he go? Isabel! Isabel! MICHAEL: You told them who we are? - Get the hell out.
- You sold us out, didn't you? - Get the hell out! - Didn't you! - No! I told Isabel not to bring another human into the secret.
But she was so in love, so Max said yes.
She was mine first.
Did you know that? We were together before you were born and we'll be together when you're only bones.
- What do we have here? - That's not mine.
- How'd it get in your case? - I don't know.
Goodbye, Jesse.
ISABEL: Michael, stop! Maxwell, I was right.
He was bugged.
He's working against us.
- Let him go.
- Get out, Isabel, he's crazy.
- Hey, shut up! - Back off, Michael.
No, he has to die.
Everybody out.
Now! Somebody please tell me it's gonna be okay.
Listen, Jesse, you were right.
We have to get away.
From all of this, so let's go.
Anywhere you want.
- Anywhere? - Yeah, anywhere.
Okay, go get the car.
BURNS: Hello? - Agent Burns? I'm coming in.
You let him go? You have to listen to me.
Hey, don't give orders to me.
You died.
I'm king.
It's your turn to get in line.
- No.
- Okay, then.
You're gonna be very sorry you did that.
Follow me or die again.
I will kill you, Michael, if that's what it takes but trust me, as someone who got back, you don't wanna go.
Listen, you have two minutes.
Destroy everything, okay? I told you I'd help you, and you put that mike on me.
I just wanted to make sure you were a man of your word.
When I file a complaint, you're finished, Burns.
- Now, give me the tape.
- That Michael Guerin has a big mouth.
He was a prime suspect but we couldn't pin anything on him.
I am serious.
I will shut you down.
I don't think so.
With this info, I'll have technicians knocking on doors tomorrow starting with your wife's.
That said, thanks for your help.
Jesse? Oh, God.
We have to go.
How are your eyes? They don't tickle.
Thanks for healing them.
That was the best I could do with that.
- Can I get you anything else? - No.
Look, Michael we both said some things we didn't really mean to.
And I - I wanted you to know that - Save the touchy-feely stuff, Maxwell.
You're the king.
You did what you had to do.
I don't consider myself your boss.
Got it.
It's been a suck day.
Can I get some sleep? If they find him, they'll identify him.
Not now.
If we drive all night, we can make it to Dallas.
- I killed a man.
- In self-defense.
I used my gun, Isabel.
Since when do you have a gun? Since college.
I kept it in a strongbox in the desk.
- I didn't know.
- I've got some secrets of my own.
Let's pack.
Come on, let's just No.
We can leave Roswell and never come back.
It doesn't matter, it'll always be with us.
- Please.
- There's nowhere to go.
I'm part of this for good now.
I love you.
: Use much, because it is fattening, so use as little as you can in order to do that, use a bit usually about a tablespoon.
Then we're gonna add about a cup of risotto or approximately a handful for each person.
A little more or less is okay because the way we'll know that's done cooking is by the texture of the rice so it doesn't matter what you start with.
About a cup for two people.
As we add the liquid, it'll absorb and then we'll know it's
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