The Bionic Woman (1976) s03e15 Episode Script

The Martians Are Coming, the Martians Are Coming

This area has the highest incidences of UFO
sightings I haven't been able to disprove.
What is wrong?
It's over the ocean!
There is someone out there.
I saw it. A light came
out of the saucer.
It lifted them right
off the pier. Who?
Ray Fisk and Rudy.
Hey, Bill, you going to give us
a hand? Let him enjoy the view.
Skies that color in Washington usually
come from the smog. That's not fair, Ray.
Washington's a beautiful city.
You know, I have to admit,
I was happy when Oscar asked
me to come out here with him
to counsel you fellas
on this project.
Mixing a little work with
pleasure is the only way to fly.
You know, after the two years we've
been here, my ulcer hasn't acted up once.
I wish this project
could go on forever.
Maybe next time you guys will
learn to work a little slower.
I'll go for that.
We better be on our way or
we're going to miss the big ones.
You sure you won't come
along, Bill? No, thank you.
I prefer catching my sea bass
at the local supermarket.
Besides which, Oscar and I
have some business to attend to.
So listen, Ray, when
he comes up here,
steer him over to your place. Norma
has promised us a delicious cup of coffee.
Will do.
Do you have the sunscreen?
I have everything except you.
You going to pick us
up at one? We'll be there.
I love you.
Let's go. Bill.
See you later.
Take care.
Hurry, hurry.
Hurry, Edna.
Can you see the dock there?
What's going on?
What's wrong?
It's over the ocean.
What is?
There's someone out there.
There sure is.
Here, this I've got to see.
It's Ray, Bill.
Oh, my God.
Oh, Ray. Ray!
Mr. Johnson, the saucer
stopped over the men. What then?
And then this light comes out of the saucer
and plucks them two guys right off the pier.
That's right. Did you see anyone
inside the saucer? Any spacemen?
Tell them, Harris.
It was just like what
Mrs, Green saw last spring.
Mrs, Green?
That's right.
Well, they was scaly,
like lizards or something,
And they were peeking through the
windows through their one big eye.
One eye?
Yeah, Right here,
Right here, in the center
of their head.
It wasn't scaly, Harris.
It was lumps,
Max, Max, please. Be patient. Okay? I'm
going to fix your breakfast in a minute.
We”, Mrs. Green saw scales.
Well, Mrs, Green's getting senile
and I think you're getting senile, too.
Thank you both for your vivid description,
The scene here at Paradise Cove can best
be described as frantic. This small costal
town was stunned early this morning
Wait a minute, that's Oscar.
appeared over the coast and
plucked two men from the pier.
Both local and federal officials
are combing the site of the abduction
for possible clues to the origin
of the mysterious craft, and are
trying to discourage flying saucer stories
until their investigation is complete.
Most witnesses describe the
object as being orange in color
One thing is certain, a red beam
came down from the center of the saucer
and enveloped two unidentified
men who were standing on the pier.
Eyewitnesses watched in horror
as the men seemed to disappear
inside the beam. When the beam
disintegrated, the men were gone.
More to come later on this
extraordinary sighting.
This is Sandi Smoiker reporting
forKNiS TV' Paradise Cove, California.
Paradise Cove. That is only
20 minutes away from here.
I don't know why Oscar
didn't call us, too.
You know, it's a good thing those folks
on the TV can't see the things that you do.
They'd figure you're from Mars too. Better
fix something for the both of us, huh?
Excuse me? I'm looking for
Oscar Goldman. He's with the OSI.
Can you tell me where he is?
Sorry, ma'am, but you'll have to
move on. I'm a very good friend of his,
so if you could just tell
me Move on, ma'am.
Hey, where do you
think you're going?
I told you about that before.
NORMA: Why Why
did it have to happen?
ROBBINS: [don't know,
Name. I don't know.
We'll find them. No, we won't.
It's because of that project.
They didn't want us to do it.
They didn't want Ray to do it.
Would you like some coffee?
Maybe something to eat? No.
There's something that I have
to do. Will you be okay, Norma?
What are you doing here? Well, I was
watching this circus on television. And
I saw you. And I didn't even
know you were in California.
Oh, so your curiosity was aroused
and you decided to come see me, huh?
Well, yes, that's true.
What's going on here?
Isn't that Bill Robbins over
there with that woman? Yes, it is.
Come over here.
I think it's safe to talk here.
So talk. I can't believe what I've
been hearing. Martians, flying saucers.
I know this is going
to sound crazy,
but there was something
out there. I saw it.
You saw it? Come on, Oscar.
What did you see?
A flying saucer. Everything that
these people are saying is true.
A great big flying saucer.
Really? Well, wait a minute. What
about Bill Robbins, he's a UFO expert.
Did he see it too?
He hasn't got the
faintest idea about it.
But it was there as plain as day. It
flew over them and they disappeared.
Yes. It was a beam.
A light came out of the saucer.
It lifted them right off the pier.
Who? Ray Fisk and
Rudy, Rudy Wells.
Oh, my God.
Okay, Oscar is flying back
to Washington
to put a lid on this thing,
but where are we going?
ROBBINS: To give you a guided
tour. A tour of what? Stagebrush?
You know, this kind of thing brings out every
reporter and crazy for a thousand miles.
Yeah. And if they start checking
out Ray or Rudy too closely,
this whole thing could
blow up in our faces.
What whole thing? That's
what you're about to find out.
10:00 a.m., William Robbins,
domestic operations chief for the OSI,
has just taken a young woman, possibly
an agent, into a barn near County Road 102.
Suspect high security and
something very valuable inside.
Well, for a barn, this
is quite a laboratory.
For a laboratory,
it's quite a laboratory.
Well, what is it?
What goes on here?
Well, what you see here is the
control center for the most sophisticated
tracking system in the world.
And it just happens to be located
underneath a barn in Southern California.
But there's a method
to this madness.
Okay. Now, Rudy created
this system about two years ago
but the OSI couldn't
rationalize building it
until they found
something to test it on.
What are you testing? Low
flying chickens? No. UFOs.
Okay, so that's where you come
in. Right. Now, as you can see,
this area has the highest incidence
of UFO sightings in the world.
I'm not surprised, Bill, with
the people I saw out there today.
No, legitimate sightings, Jaime.
Sightings I haven't been able to disprove.
So we decided to kill two birds.
Now, Rudy's system is supposed
to be able to track an object
up to one hundred thousand milles
an hour. Now, what better way to test it
than to have it attempt to track a
UFO? Is that from this morning?
And it doesn't look good.
What's the matter? Didn't it track?
Oh, it tracked, all right.
This is the cove.
Now, it approached the pier
and hovered for about a minute
then it went up the coastline, over
the cliffs and then straight out into space
and off of my scope.
Mr. Robbins, I don't mind
telling you, I'm scared.
I mean, Ray used to joke
about it, but
Excuse me. Wait a minute.
Is that Ray Fisk?
Yeah, Ray programmed all
the computers for this system.
Okay. What did he say?
Well, he used to joke about it.
Said that if the Martians find out we're
tracking them, they just might come down
and put us all away.
Or carry us away?
Oh, Mrs. Fisk, can I ask
you a couple questions?
Do you really think
they were Martians?
Excuse me, Mrs. Fisk, what do
you do now? What do you do now?
Your husband has been in
contact with them before, Mrs. Fisk?
Mrs. Fisk, as a woman, do you think this
will significantly alter your lifestyle?
All right, all right, that's
enough. Mrs. Fisk
Hey, we've got other
questions for her.
I represent
the entire women's
I said, that's enough. Mrs.
Fisk? I'm from the farm.
It's all right, let him through.
It's really been
an awful experience.
I know, I know, it's been
difficult and I'm sorry,
but we have to know exactly
what your husband was wearing.
Well, they were both wearing
old jeans and work shirts.
Ray had on a red and
white baseball hat
and he lent an old
green hat to Rudy.
It had Sherlock Holmes
ear flaps. You know.
Look, can't you ask Bill Robbins
these questions? I'm really very tired.
I'm afraid Mr. Robbins
wouldn't be as cooperative.
He sent you here, didn't he?
No. I'm a stringer for
the National Wire Service.
Well then, how did you
know about the farm?
What's going on with
that project? No project.
How about your husband?
Does he work for the OSI? No.
Dr. Rudy Wells?
Then how about that saucer episode
this morning? Have anything to do with it?
Look, my husband
is probably dead
and you have the gall
to stand here
I don't believe your
husband is dead
Get out of here.
Get out of here!
Mobile operator 555-3131.
It's all set. They delivered
the first part of the money.
Are you all right? How
do you feel? How do I feel?
I feel like a very rich man,
Norma. Like a very rich man.
Nena said it came inland
and then down the coast.
And over the cliff.
What the
Oh, no, you don't. You're not
going to get away from me.
Hi there. Beautiful
view, isn't it?
Listen, you can save us a lot of
trouble by not trying to con me.
I know you didn't come up
here for the view and neither did I.
Oh, what did you
come up here for?
To ask you some questions.
How'd you get up here so fast?
Oh, just clean living, good nutrition,
a lot of mountain climbing experience.
Do the questions
get any harder? Yeah.
How do you know Oscar
Goldman? Oscar who?
Come on, I saw you talking to him down
there and I know he took an Air Force jet
back to Washington.
What's the OSI got to do with
this, and what's your connection with
Oscar Goldman and Robbins?
And what's in that barn?
You know, grilling like this usually
takes place in a very smoke-filled room
with a big white light beaming in on your
face. Not in a beautiful place like this.
You're being evasive. And
you're being obnoxious, Mr
Mr. Casey.
I'm not going to answer any questions I
don't feel like answering. You got that?
All right. Fair enough for
now. Do you mind if I tag along?
If you think you can keep up.
What's your name?
Hello, darling,
Yes, Ray. Now is the time to
deliver the other half of the plans.
You know what to do.
Yes. Yes, I know.
Are you sure that everything's
going to be all right?
Yes, I'm certain. Just do
everything the way we arranged it.
We'll be set for
the rest of our lives.
Hey, you're going to be
left behind. Come on.
Bingo. What is it?
What did you find?
Just proof that this flying saucer
business is a government hoax.
A fishing hat?
I don't understand.
Don't feed me that, Jaime.
You know this is the cap
Rudy Wells was wearing when he
was whisked away by your flying saucer.
That's what they sent you
here to find, isn't it?
Look, Rudy Wells dropped
his hat by accident
and the OSI doesn't
want any loose ends.
Loose ends for what?
I don't know. But it's got something to
do with that barn I saw you walk into.
Well, if that's what you want to believe,
go ahead. I'm not going to argue with you.
Are you sure that's Rudy's hat?
If you want to
believe Norma Fisk.
I've got a ton
of gravel in here.
You've got a grip like a lumberjack.
What kind of training they give you?
Hey, Iwasn't putting you down.
I put you down.
Jaime, listen, if
What do you hear?
A car coming.
I don't hear a thing.
Now I hear it.
That's Norma Fisk.
How do you know? I recognize
the car. It was in the driveway.
Well, the only place that road leads is to
a little canyon. I wonder what she's up to?
Shall we go?
It's the saucer!
Wow, it's just like Oscar said.
Look, she's disappeared.
RAY: The hard part of
the operation is over now
and it all worked out as
smooth as silk,
I'm glad it's behind us.
Far behind us. In 24 hours we
start a new life in South America,
We've got another sighting.
The coordinates place
it near a canyon
about a mile in from the
coast. No, wait a minute.
It's starting to move.
That's incredible. Do
you still think it's a hoax?
I don't believe in flying saucers.
It's got to be something else.
Wait a minute.
The government's trying to make it
look like Wells and the Fisksjust vanished
from the face of the Earth. So they
picked them up in a flying saucer?
No. There's got
to be a connection.
You're part of the government
cover-up. Where are you going?
I'm going to follow it. And I'll lay you
odds it leads me to a little red barn.
Want to come?
It's moving up a
small canyon, 65 kah.
The heading is
82.130 degrees.
Jim, check the sheriff's office.
See if they have any reports.
That's not the way to the barn.
I don't know what
it is, General,
but I want a squadron of
interceptors down here immediately.
Mr. Robbins?
Wait a minute, General.
It's incredible.
What is? The saucer. It
just accelerated to mach 10
and took off into outer
space and off my scope again.
It is a hoax.
Honey, this is Mr. Spencer.
Spencer, this is my wife, Norma.
Welcome to our little
hideaway. Thank you.
Did you have a nice flight,
Mrs. Fisk? Yes, very good.
The only hard part was
climbing up the ladder.
Here are the plans that complete the
specifications for the tracking station.
Good. Our business
is almost complete.
You, too, Norma?
Well, there it is.
The complete specifications of the most
sophisticated tracking system in the world.
Don't think I don't
appreciate it.
The other half of your
money is in the freezer.
I put it in here
for safe keeping.
Do something.
Spencer. Spencer!
Sounds a little hot
under the collar.
This will cool them off a bit.
It's a holograph.
They've projected a three-dimensional
image of a flying saucer. It's incredible.
That's the chopper.
It is a hoax.
This is too good to be true.
Oh, no.
No, no, wait a minute.
Please. No, no. I've
got you nailed this time.
Will you get out of here?
It is dangerous for
you to be here.
I'm not leaving until
I find out what's going on.
Does this belong to the OSI?
I don't know who it belongs to.
Well You've got
Come on, tell me.
Please, just leave me alone,
okay? Would you just
Jaime, look out behind you!
Shut up!
Hold it right there. Don't move. Or
your friend here's going to pay for it.
Now, get your hands up
and come on over here.
Well, after all that exertion, you two
look like you need to cool off. Come on.
Hold it. Dr. Wells assures me
that you two will behave yourselves.
But I don't trust him.
You didn't have to do that.
Can you fix it?
Must've been metal fatigue
to pull out that easily.
Jaime, can you hear me?
If you get too cold, you'll lose all
your bionic power, except your hearing.
Now, if you hear me,
tap on the wall.
Mrs. Fisk.
You must be
Ray Fisk.
I suggest you two keep moving.
You might last a little longer.
Come on, Jaime.
Up and at 'em.
Come on. Come on.
On your feet.
Come on. You're not
numb yet. Come on.
My legs feel frozen.
Get up.
I'm not surprised. It's got to be below
zero in here. Come on, keep moving.
Jaime, can you hear me?
Tap on the wall.
Look, everybody, keep
your circulation going.
Ray Fisk?
I'm Jaime Sommers, from the OSI.
A-ha. You are
a government agent.
I'm sorry, Miss Sommers.
Wish I could undo what I've done.
Wait a minute.
What did you do?
I sold out my country and
the tracking system.
Well, if it's any
consolation to you at all,
that system still has some bugs in it.
So those guys you sold it to, they don't
have everything going
their way either.
It actually showed the flying
saucer going off into outer space.
Wait, wait. What tracking
system? What's this all about?
There's no flaw in the system.
I programmed it to do that.
Wait a minute. You say
the government was avictim
of the flying saucer hoax?
Okay, look, before you go writing any
headlines we've got some work to turn out.
Would you please go over there and just kind
of keep their attention away from the door
for a minute.
Okay? Please.
Mr. Fisk, I want to ask you
something about that flying saucer.
How does it work? It's a holographic
projection over the helicopter.
And that's what those arms are
on the chopper, right? Projectors?
Jaime, Jaime. Jaime, come on.
Let's keep moving. Just keep it moving.
Come on.
I don't want to walk, really. Just
prop me up against the wall, please.
All right, okay, here.
I have to think.
Did you hear that?
Jaime? Jaime, can you hear me?
If you hear me, rap on the wall.
Jaime, can you hear me?
Rap on the wall.
You may lose all your bionic power,
except your hearing, because of the cold.
Now if that's happened
already, rap on the wall.
Can you get any cooperation
from that fellow in there with you?
Rap once for yes, twice for no.
Good. Then get him to warm
the arm somehow.
Rub that arm. Concentrate on it. Maybe
you can bring back some of the power
and force that freezer
door open.
Casey? I think I'm going
to need some help.
We about ready to take off?
Get our passenger ready.
And treat him gently, Harger.
He's avaluable
piece of property.
Yeah, that's correct. Now,
I want the entire global net
to check their records
for the past 24 hours.
There's got to be some
other record of that UFO.
Mr. Robbins, it's the sheriff.
Just a second.
What does he want?
Norma Fisk left her house three
hours ago and hasn't come back.
He's wondering
if we've seen her.
Well, tell him we haven't and
ask about Jaime.
She was supposed to check in
here a half an hour ago.
Okay. No, we haven't seen her.
You know, Jaime, warming up your
right arm doesn't make any sense.
I've got a better idea. Come on,
keep doing what you're doing, please.
In some parts of the world we'd
have to get married after this.
Oh, God bless America.
Listen, Casey, I don't have
much use of my legs left.
So, you're going to
have to help me stand up
while I try to get
that door open, okay?
Hey, listen, I know you're a
great mountain climber and all that,
but that door's latched
from the outside.
I have a little trick that
might work, might not.
Well, if it works,
it's a great big trick.
Well, if it does work and we do get out of
here, you're going to have to help me walk.
Okay? Until I can
get my legs warmed up.
Look, we're going to have to do it
right now. Help me get over to the door.
Come on, doctor. Come on!
Okay, hold on. Stand between
me and the Fisks. Okay?
Jaime, look out!
Stay right where you are.
Come on, there's another
exit. All right, let's go, Jaime.
I can barely stand. I can't
walk at all. We'll help you.
Your legs will come back.
Just like your arm.
That is it, hang on.
Spencer! Spencer,
they got out.
Got out? Why didn't
you shoot them?
They're heading for the canyon.
Come on. We'll follow
them in the chopper.
Can you feel your legs?
Yeah, a little.
They're coming
after us. Hurry.
Okay, okay. I think
I'm okay. Wait, wait, wait.
JAIME: Into the trees.
JAIME: Come on, get in here.
They know we're down here.
Well, they can't
get us if they can't see us.
Doesn't matter.
They're lousy shots anyway.
They're probably missing us intentionally
because we're so close together
and they want Rudy alive.
I've got an idea.
Come here. Come on.
Can you get a location on it? It can't
be more than 100 feet off the ground.
Flying erratically.
Let me see.
I'd say it's somewhere near
Spring Road in the foothills.
All right, now call the sheriff's
office and tell him to meet me there.
This may be our last
chance to save Ray and Rudy.
They've got to break
for it soon.
There's Wells. Get him!
Okay, move in on him.
It's the woman.
I don't believe this. She's got
to be doing 60 miles an hour.
This time, you
don't have to miss.
All right, it'll be
an easy shot.
We are going down.
Well, hello there. Did you
get your story filed?
Yes. "Flying Saucer
Becomes Helicopter Hoax."
That's very catchy.
Thank you.
Did you put anything
in there about the farm?
I was tempted, believe me. But when I thought
about the Fisks in prison for treason,
well, the temptation passed.
Well, I admire your discretion.
I also admire your new suit,
however. You look very nice tonight.
Thank you,
but before you get carried away,
I've got a few questions to ask you.
What's new? I'm
I'm hungry, Casey. Please.
How did you get that
freezer door open?
My stomach is growling.
Get in the car.
Hold it Hold it.
That helicopter
Spencer said you
downed it with a rock?
You're becoming very
unpopular, you know?
Like the prison? Listen, how
did you beat me to that prison?
I was in a car and
you were on foot.
I don't
And the cliff? How did
you get up that cliff?
Come on.
You're not listening
to me, are you?
No, I'm not listening to you.
Well you should
listen to me. What for?
I'm taking you out to
dinner. Yeah. Where?
Greasy spoon, if you
don't answer my questions.
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