The Equalizer (2021) s03e15 Episode Script

No Way Out

Previously on The Equalizer
People don't show up
at shooting ranges on a whim.
Can I ask you what happened?
- Mom!
- Robyn!
- Mom!
- No!
If you want to get better,
listen to Manny. He's the truth.
No business is conducted
near my gym ever.
This ain't over, old man.
- Did you see the shooter?
- No.
I did get into it
with a guy at the gym.
DANTE: Give me a name.
I just
- But, uh
- Oh, my God.
That is the most fun I have had in ages.
I'm so glad you finally
came out with us, Angie.
Oh, me, too. It's just been so hard
to get out these days,
with the kid and all.
Another reason why I'm happy
to keep singling and mingling.
Okay? (LAUGHS)
Oh, God, I I need to get home.
- Oh, what?
- Oh.
- Come grab a bite with us.
- No, no, no.
Rain check, okay?
- Mwah.
- Mwah.
Do you want us to walk you
to your train, Angie?
No, no, no, it's just
a couple blocks away.
- Mwah. Love you guys.
- Bye.
Don't hurt me!
Please! (SCREAMS) Shut up! Come here!
- Morning.
- Morning.
Have a wonderful day all.
I will see you all tonight.
Where are you off to?
My weekly massage with Angie.
Oh! Can't take care of everybody else
if you don't take care of yourself.
Hey, self-care is self-love.
ROBYN: True that.
How is Angie anyway? She still
working out of her house?
No, she's working
full-time out of a spa now.
Oh, come on,
cucumber water!
Well, um, just go easy
on the eucalyptus oil.
My eyes are still burning
from the last time.
Yeah, well, you're gonna have
to deal with it because I am
getting the works today.
Go pamper yourself, Auntie.
- You deserve it.
- You got that right.
Hey, what you doing today? You
got time to hang with your mom?
I'm sorry. Uh, Vera and I are actually
gonna go thrifting after school, so
Oh, that's a shame
because I haven't forgotten
my promise to help train you,
and I thought today might be
a great day to do
You know what?
I mean, I'm sure
Vera won't mind rescheduling.
Well, in that case, meet me at
Meyers and Linden after school.
So, what are we working on?
Strike combos? Takedowns?
You'll see.
Hey, Vi.
So, how was your week?
It was good.
I think I might be
getting through to my students.
One of 'em actually paid me
a compliment.
- It was well-deserved, I'm sure.
- How about you?
Well, Craig turned eight this week.
- Eight?
- Mm-hmm.
- No.
- Yes.
Let me see that. (GASPS)
Oh, how is the cutie doing?
He is growing like a weed!
I know.
Okay, well, I think
the room is almost ready.
And we going deep tissue
with eucalyptus today?
Yes. The more, the better.
Hey, what happened there? You all right?
Oh, yeah, I'm fine.
The-the porch was wet
after the rain a few nights ago,
and I slipped, but really, it's nothing.
- May I?
(GASPS) Angie,
you've got to get this looked at.
Yeah, I-I will.
No. Today.
My schedule is packed.
I can't just leave.
I'm sure your clients will
understand. I'll take you.
No. Vi, please. Thank you.
Ah, there's my princess.
What are you doing here?
Well, can't a guy bring
his beautiful wife
her favorite food for lunch?
That's so sweet of you, Doug. Thank you.
Uh, you remember Vi,
- long-time client?
- Viola Marsette.
Yeah. Yeah, hi.
I was just trying to convince
your wife to go see a doctor.
Angie, show him.
- Mm.
- Oh, honey,
I had no idea.
Yeah, guys, really, it's-it's okay.
I'm-I'm sorry. Viola's right.
Now go tell your manager.
I'm taking you to the doctor right now.
That's all there is to it.
ROBYN: Hey, Aunt Vi.
How was the massage? Should I
open up all the windows?
I never got that far. Angie had
to leave to go to the doctor.
Oh, no.
She okay?
Her arm was badly bruised, and given
how swollen it was,
I'd say it might even be broken.
But you know what's odd?
Her husband stopped by with lunch,
and he claimed he didn't know
anything about it.
Any reason she would hide
an injury from her husband?
Not that I know of, but
You think there's
something else going on?
I don't know.
Doug seemed genuinely concerned.
But Angie was so weird around him.
She she was almost
I don't know scared.
You suspect there's abuse involved?
I don't know.
- I'm probably just overreacting.
- ROBYN: Or maybe you're not.
You have good instincts,
Aunt Vi. You should trust them.
Okay, so what do I do?
Call Harry, ask him
to look into the husband.
Abusers don't turn violent overnight.
Maybe there's a history.
Okay, Douglas Novack
married Angie Martin
in San Francisco in 2013,
Works for a medical instruments firm.
He moved to New York
two years ago for the job.
By all accounts, he's a valued employee.
You know, works hard, recently promoted.
What about his past?
Any violent behavior, arrests,
restraining orders?
Nothing here, but sometimes
records like that are sealed.
Or if he abused someone
who didn't press charges,
then, there would be no record
of it at all.
HARRY: Yeah, I mean, I'll keep digging,
uh, but the picture I'm getting
is the exact opposite.
What do you mean?
He, uh, volunteers
for several non-profits,
he coaches his kid's soccer team,
he organizes father-son camping
weekends. I mean, the guy is
one puppy-adoption drive away
from being voted Father of the Year.
Or he's overcompensating
for bad behavior.
I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong.
He sounds like a really great guy.
You know who else seemed
like a great guy?
This doctor, a close friend of
mine from high school married
Tracy Rivera.
We were all so thrilled for her,
but then, I started noticing bruises.
And then, she wouldn't come out with us.
And then, she stopped
returning my calls.
And then, her number changed.
By the time I got it together
to go over there
and ask her about it, she was gone.
Moved away months ago,
her neighbor said.
Once in a while, I check the obituaries.
But, no.
She just disappeared.
Oh, sorry. I didn't know
about any of that.
It happened before I met you.
- I just wish I'd done something sooner.
- Well, look.
I-I-I'm gonna keep looking.
If there's anything in
this guy's past, I'll find it.
VI: Thanks, Harry.
Where did you come from?
I've been watching you
for the last ten minutes.
- You just didn't see me.
- Whoops.
You have to be hyper-aware of
your surroundings at all times.
And that's what today's
training is gonna be about.
Situational awareness
cornerstone of self-defense.
Well, you can start by
retiring this for the day.
Jackson, thanks for meeting me.
No problem.
- What you wanted to talk with me about?
- Lo-Lo.
Man, I don't know any Lo-Lo.
Really? You don't know the guy who was
making you deliver his packages
before Manny got him off your back?
What about him?
I'm trying to find him.
Seems he's a hard man to track down.
Yeah, I don't mess with him anymore.
Come on.
You worked for him.
You must know where he hangs,
where he operates out of.
I was a delivery boy.
Are you serious?
This lowlife tried to kill Manny,
the one person
who believes in your future,
and you're protecting him?
Look, man, straight up?
I'm scared, all right?
I love Manny, but everybody knows
Lo-Lo shot him,
and I ain't trying to be next.
That's exactly why I need to find him
so that you and everybody else
in the neighborhood
don't have to walk around in fear.
I wasn't lying when I said
I don't know where to find him.
Dude's always moving around.
Any info will help.
I overheard him once
talking about some of his spots.
Some-some girl's house in Queens,
an underpass in a park he likes
to use, and, um, his aunt
got a spot in Bushwick.
Details. Put it all down for me.
Vi. What are you doing here?
I hope I'm not overstepping.
I just thought I'd I'd check on you.
Oh. That's so nice of you.
Thank you. I'm fine.
So what did the doctor say?
Just like I thought a-a bruise,
and he gave me some Tylenol
and sent me home.
With all that swelling?
Which doctor did you go to?
Look, Vi, I appreciate your concern,
I-I really do, but showing up
like this, interrogating me
- it's too much.
- I don't mean to pry really, but
could I just come in
for a minute to talk?
No. I-I told you
I slipped in the driveway.
I'm fine. Just leave it alone.
Yes, but
you said you slipped on your porch.
Detective Dante.
- Come on in.
- How are you settling in, Captain?
Adjustment's not so bad.
You know, turns out we're
enforcing the same laws here
as we did at my last gig. (LAUGHS)
Glad to hear it.
If there's anything you need
to help with the transition,
don't hesitate to ask.
Actually, you can answer
something for me.
How has this precinct gone so long
without a commanding officer?
I'm not sure.
Fortunately, we don't have
to worry about that anymore.
Your reputation for charm
is well-earned, I see.
But not something I'm susceptible to.
Yes, ma'am.
- Mm.
Excuse me, Captain. Dante,
there's a woman out front
here to see you.
Thanks, Eva. Tell the desk sergeant
to bring her back.
I'll be right there.
Looks like we both got work to do.
Oh, and just so you know,
I'll be conducting a full
evaluation of the department.
Some changes on the horizon?
Not if everything is running
at max efficiency.
That's all, Detective.
Yes, ma'am.
- Ms. Marsette.
- Detective.
Have a seat.
Thank you for taking the time to see me.
Robyn told me a little about
what's going on with your friend Angie.
Did she tell you
that her husband hurt her?
Oh, no, she'd never admit that, but
her injuries and her behavior
show all the signs
of an abusive relationship.
Not surprising,
Angie's protecting her abuser.
I have way too much experience
with this.
We get over 600
domestic violence calls a day.
Is there anything
that you can do to help her?
Unfortunately, the way it works,
the burden is on Angie to press charges.
She won't talk to the cops.
Then I'm afraid our hands are tied.
If you want to help your friend,
you have to get her to talk to us.
- Here you go.
- All right, thank you.
Whoa. Never sit with
your back to the room.
All right.
Now, the first thing I do when
I walk into a space like this,
you identify your exits.
Okay. There.
- And there.
- Good.
Then you watch and listen
with your entire body.
For instance, that woman there
what's her story?
Uh, I'm-I'm not really sure.
Well, look at her non-verbal cues.
What's she saying?
She looks anxious, uncomfortable, like
she's waiting to meet someone
that she's not excited to see.
- An ex?
- Could be,
but look at the way she's dressed.
She wants to
impress, but it's not romantic.
Her outfit is expensive,
but look just behind the collar.
The price tag?
She wants to give off an air of wealth.
My guess would be
an old friend with a new zip code.
WOMAN: Emily, hi.
See, sometimes
it's about what doesn't belong.
And listen, even if you can't
figure it out right away,
always trust your gut.
If it's telling you
that something is off,
it probably is.
Thank you for making the time
to train me.
Really means a lot.
I will always make time for you,
no matter what.
Angie, I know you're in there.
- Please open the door.
What do you want? I said I'm fine.
There's something I need to
tell you, something important.
I don't know how
to make this any clearer,
but I do not need you to worry about me.
This isn't about you.
It's about me.
His name was Charles.
I met him when I was a young art student
traveling through Europe.
He was handsome, smart,
thought I was the most beautiful
woman in the world. Oh.
I was so hooked, I was ready
to follow him anywhere.
And then, one night,
a lovers' spat
turned into a night of terror
that I will never forget.
He was ashamed, and
begged for my forgiveness.
Swore up and down that
that it would never happen again.
And it didn't
because I'd made up my mind
the first time he hit me
would be the last.
And so you left him?
Took all of my strength.
Strength I didn't even think I had.
I just want to help you the way
the way I wish
someone would have helped me.
Doug hits me sometimes.
But it's not his fault.
You know, he's
He gets so stressed out by work,
and then
And then, on the weekends,
he's trying to be
a good dad to Craig, and-and
he's got his community work,
um, to keep our groundwater safe.
And you have no idea how much
toxic waste is disposed of
Angie, none of these things
are an excuse for him
- putting his hands on you.
- I know.
He's a good man, though.
He's just had a bad childhood.
What about your own boy
and what this is doing
to sweet little Craig?
Doug has never laid a hand on Craig.
Not yet, and even if he never does,
what is witnessing this violence
doing to your boy?
What kind of man is Doug
teaching Craig to become?
Craig is never in the room
when Doug gets violent.
I would never allow that.
Children are much smarter
than you think.
Viola, I cannot leave Doug.
I cannot take Craig away
from his father.
He loves that man, he worships him.
It would break both of their hearts.
You have my number.
This is my address
in case things get really bad
and you need a safe place to stay.
I won't, but thank you for the offer.
MAN: Ah, big Lo-Lo.
- What up, man?
- What up?
- Where's Lo-Lo?
- Right here.
What you want now?
What else he got?
MAN: Five-O.
Oh, Detective Marcus Dante.
Oh, this about
that washed-up fighter, right?
His name is Manny.
Yeah. Heard what happened to him.
- Damn shame.
- Like you had nothing to do with that.
Well, you got proof?
'Cause if you do, then go ahead.
- That's what I thought.
- MAN: What should we do with him?
Put him back on the street.
I'll hang onto this badge,
though, and this, too.
Five-O! Freeze! (LAUGHS)
Let's go, fool.
VI: Hello, Harry.
I'm sorry to say
it's exactly as we feared.
Angie admitted to being abused,
and she refuses to leave him.
Oh, well, maybe this'll change her mind.
Doug Novack may not have
a dark past, but
Felix White sure does.
He changed his name?
MEL: Yeah, and it's pretty clear why.
His first wife died
suddenly when she fell down the
stairs and she broke her neck.
Oh, my God. He pushed her?
HARRY: It was ruled an accident,
but the coroner did find
evidence of healed arm fractures.
There's no way Angie knows about this,
but she needs to immediately.
Thank you both.
Well, something smells
even better than these flowers.
Hey, I'm, uh
I'm sorry about your arm.
You know that, right?
Of course I do.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Uh, thank you, for these flowers.
So beautiful.
Why does the meat look funny?
Oh, I'm
I just got ground turkey instead
of beef. There was a sale,
- so I thought I'd just
- You know
we can afford the real beef, Ange.
You think I can't provide for you?
- No. No.
- For this family?
- That is not what I meant.
- Now, now you've ruined the sauce.
- You know I hate ground turkey.
- Okay. I'm-I'm sorry.
You-You've never complained
when I served it before.
- Are you calling me a liar?
- No, baby.
Doug, I said
- I'm sorry.
- Damn right you're sorry.
Craig, go to your room!
Stop it!
- Stop it!
- No!
- Stop it!
ANGIE: No! No!
- No, baby.
- Craig. Craig.
- Come here. Come here.
- No.
- No, baby. Come here.
You see what you made me do?!
- This is your fault! Your fault!
(GASPS) Angie!
Come in, come in.
- Are you all right?
I have been calling you
since last night.
Oh, my God.
We've got to get you to a doctor.
I don't need a doctor. I need a way out.
I've got to leave Doug
if I want to keep Craig safe.
I see that now.
I found a safe place
for both you and Craig.
But we've got to go to the police first.
I know a very nice detective
who can take your statement.
Now? I-I have to pick up
Craig from school soon.
All right, you go get Craig.
I'll meet you at the school,
and we can go
to the precinct from there.
Thank you.
Detective Dante.
Back so soon.
I'm beginning to think
your caseload is too light.
Actually, Captain,
I need to make a report.
Is it this department's policy
to make verbal reports
instead of utilizing the oh-so-many
designated forms?
This one is of a sensitive nature.
Go on.
While in pursuit of a suspect,
he and his crew got the drop
on me, and
They relieved me
of my shield and weapon.
You were trying
to apprehend the suspect?
- Where was your backup?
- I was off-duty.
What was the name of the suspect?
Lonnie Lofton, street name "Lo-Lo."
Why is that name ringing a bell?
Oh, here it is.
A complaint from Detective Hutchens
about your unwanted
involvement in his case.
- His case involved this Lo-Lo?
- Yes, Captain, but
- But you disregarded his request?
- If I may, Captain.
The detective who contacted me
hasn't been making this case
- the priority it needs to be.
- But you can,
because you have nothing else going on?
The victim of the shooting
is a friend of mine.
Isn't that a major reason for you
not to get involved in this case?
Respectfully, Captain,
Lo-Lo has been slinging dope to kids,
and no one's been making a move
to stop him.
- Somebody's got to bring him in.
- Agreed. But it won't be you.
You are too close to this, Detective.
I mean, your poor judgment has
demonstrated as much.
- But, Captain
- Stay away from this Lo-Lo guy.
You still have your backup piece?
- Or did he take that, too?
- I still have it.
File the necessary paperwork
on the one they took.
Yes, Captain.
Such a nice day out.
Enjoy it. Take it all in.
The sights, the sounds, the smells.
Now tell me one big difference
in situational awareness between here
and that cafe.
Out here, you can't sit
with your back to the wall.
That's right.
See, inside, you could limit the scope
of your surroundings
to a 180-degree field of vision.
But when you're on the move,
that 180 turns into a full 360.
That's a lot of ground to cover.
It is, and since you don't have
eyes in the back of your head,
how do you do it?
Well, sights, sounds, smells.
You use your other senses.
Yeah, especially your hearing.
Listen for changes.
Every environment has its own rhythm.
Sounds that repeat.
You hear it?
DELILAH: Hmm. Footsteps.
Birds chirping.
The dog barking.
That's right.
Now, if that beat changes,
that means something new is happening,
and you have a split-second to evaluate
whether that change signifies a threat.
That's a lot to take in.
It is.
And you have to decipher
all that without losing sight
of what's right in front of you.
For example, that guy.
- The big one?
- ROBYN: Mm-hmm.
- He looks angry.
- Yeah, well,
you don't know whether he's
having a bad day, or whether
he has ill intentions,
and you don't know
what's under his jacket.
So I stay on guard
until after he passes.
What if he doesn't let you pass?
What if he pulls a gun on you
and tries to force you into a car?
Drop and attack from the ground?
Grab his wrist,
and use his momentum against him?
Wait, I know. Um,
attack his soft spots:
eyes, neck, groin.
No, baby girl.
You run!
As far and as fast as you can!
That guy's got 12 inches
and 150 pounds on you.
Sometimes flight is your
best weapon of self-defense.
Know when to use it.
I guess I have a lot to learn.
Detective Dante, you didn't have
to meet me down here, you know.
I figured this might be a better
place to take Angie's statement.
The precinct can be intimidating.
I've seen more than one
abuse victim change their mind
- at the last minute.
- Um, this way.
WOMAN: Bye. Don't forget to
get your permission slip signed.
GIRL: I will.
- Oh, can I help you?
- Hi. I'm Viola Marsette.
This is Detective Dante.
We're here to see
Craig Novack's mother Angie.
I'm afraid she's not here yet.
That's strange. She left to pick
up Craig over 30 minutes ago.
Is she often late to pick up her son?
Never. The odd thing is, I saw
her waiting outside earlier.
It was about 2:45.
And when the bell rang,
and I brought the kids out,
she wasn't there.
HARRY: All right,
I've got decent coverage
of the school's front
and side entrances.
Aunt Vi told me what's going on.
We're on with her and Dante now.
VI: Oh, Robyn, I'm so glad you're there.
- Of course.
- HARRY: All right.
Think I got her.
Dante, I'm sending you
the feed right now.
HARRY: Teacher was right.
She was standing
right outside the school
before dismissal.
So where did she go?
Wait. Who is that?
Is that him?
VI: That's Angie's husband.
I'll put out a BOLO.
We got to find her fast.
Doug, do not do this!
- No! No!
- You thought I wouldn't find out, huh?
- I'm not gonna leave.
- You think I'm stupid? Hmm?
Your toothbrush was gone,
Craig's medications.
No. No!
No! No! No!
You want to leave, huh? You want out?
- You want out?!
- Please!
- This is out.
- No!
Aunt Vi.
- Oh.
- Hey.
- Any news on Angie?
- Not yet.
Well, don't worry. We'll find her.
What if we don't?
Stay positive. We'll find her.
Okay, thanks. Just post
someone there in case they show.
Uni at Doug and Angie's place
says there's no one inside.
Doug's car is still in the driveway.
Neighbor says it's been there all day.
So where did he take her?
Find something, Harry?
Yeah, we got a ping from Angie's cell
in Jersey, near East Brunswick,
and it looks like her phone
- went dead a few minutes later.
- ROBYN: Jersey already?
MEL: They're definitely
traveling by car.
But Doug's car's been home all day.
Harry, does he have any access
to a company car?
HARRY: No, I already checked.
No cars have been removed
from his workplace.
Wait a minute.
Angie said that Doug volunteers
someplace on the weekend.
A program that cleans up toxic waste.
ROBYN: Harry, can you get
into Doug's cell phone records?
Hold on. Okay, uh,
multiple outgoing calls,
uh, made to someplace called
"Clean Ground, Clean Water."
DANTE: Send me the number.
I'll make the call.
HARRY: On its way.
Robyn, I'm scared.
What if she's?
What if we're too late?
Now, in my experience, with guys
like this, it's about power.
They don't just kill.
They want to make their victims suffer.
Now, as horrible as that sounds,
it gives me hope that she's still alive.
DANTE: Okay.
I spoke to the office manager.
One of their service trucks is missing.
He says there's also a 55-gallon
oil drum missing, as well.
- Oh, no.
- ROBYN: Mel, Harry,
- did you hear that?
- HARRY: Yeah, loud and clear.
All right.
Ping from her cell came
from East Brunswick.
MEL: There! A chemical disposal plant
a few exits down the turnpike.
- Let's move.
- MEL: We'll meet you there.
Stand back.
If she's in one of these drums,
she's gonna run out of air.
Mel, Dante, you search over there.
Harry and I will search over here.
- Angie?
- Angie?
HARRY: Angie?
HARRY: Angie?
- Still nothing!
- HARRY: Angie?
- MEL: Angie!
- This barrel's been moved recently.
And it's sealed.
Dante, Mel, over here!
Angie! Angie!
Put her down. Careful.
She's alive!
Oh, thank God.
Okay, Angie, come on. Wake up, wake up.
Wake up. Angie! Get those off.
- Hey, hey, hey, breathe.
There you go. You're okay.
You're okay. We got you.
You're safe now.
Okay. Here we are.
Doctor said you should rest, so,
why don't you lie down
while I put this stuff away?
And you-you promise me Craig's okay?
Oh, absolutely.
He is safe with Child Services
until we can make arrangements
to get you both into the center.
Oh, I'm sorry. Did I scare you?
Oh, Angie.
You're safe now.
Doug's still out there.
He won't find you here.
I paid cash, I used a fake name.
There's a police officer downstairs,
and lots more
searching the city for him.
- There are?
- Yeah.
And they won't stop until they find him.
And I promise
I will stay with you tonight
and every night
until he's in custody.
You've done so much
for me already. I'd be dead
if it weren't for you and your friends.
Don't sell yourself short.
You had the courage to
leave an abusive marriage.
The strength
to stay alive in that barrel,
long after others would have given up.
Craig is all I thought about in there.
That's what kept me alive.
You know, he's been through
so much already.
I couldn't leave him without a mother.
He is so lucky to have you.
You don't think I could see him tonight?
- I just really want to hold him.
- I know.
But I think it's best
if you laid low tonight.
In the morning, we will
go to Child Services,
and you'll be able
to see him, I promise.
But right now,
you need to rest and to eat.
I don't know about you, but
- I am starving.
I could go for some comfort food.
Again thank you.
Any signs of Doug?
Checked under every rock his cards,
- Uh, still nothing.
All right, well, keep looking.
Dante, any updates on Doug?
(SIGHS) We have every
available unit out looking for him.
If he's anywhere in the
tristate area, we'll find him.
It's possible he's running.
Okay, we got to find this guy.
He's never gonna give Angie any peace.
Rob, you got to look at this.
Hold on.
What is it? That's not good.
That's not good at all.
Be right back. Grabbing a bite.

DOUG: You thought I wouldn't find you?
- Huh?!
Get away from her!
Get over here.
VI: I said get away from her.
Get out. Now.
Look at you.
Shaking like a leaf.
- Don't come any closer.
- DOUG: Or what?
You'll shoot me?
We both know you don't have
what it takes.
That's what I thought.
ROBYN: Aunt Vi.
It's okay.
Put it down. Take your finger
off the trigger.
It's me. Look, look at me.
It's me, Aunt Vi. Let it go.
Let it go. I'm here.
I'm here. I'm here.
It's okay. It's okay.
- (SOBS)
- Okay, okay.
Okay. You're good. It's all right.
It's all right.

Well, we figured out
how Doug knew she was here.
He bought some Bluetooth
trackers a few months ago.
We found one sewn into
the lining of Angie's purse.
Doug was a monster.
She's gonna need some time.
She's gonna need a big support system.
But I think we can help with that.
- Angie?
- Yeah.
I want you to take this card.
What is this?
It's a bank account number.
Funds have already been deposited.
Should be enough to help you
get back on your feet.
(SNIFFLING) I don't know what to say.
Just remember you're not alone in this.
- Ms. Novack.
- Yeah.
I can take you to see
your son, if you're ready.
VI: You take care of yourself.
I'll be checking on you.
Thank you.
That was quite an ordeal.
You sure you're okay?
Thanks to you showing up.
So, you want to tell me
how long you've been packing?
Since you were abducted.
Dee's not the only one who felt the need
- to protect herself.
- You should've come to me.
But I, I get it.
Are you sure you're okay?
Ms. Marsette, you up for
coming to the station?
Of course.
- Can't it wait till tomorrow?
- VI: Robyn.
Stop. I'm okay. I'll take care of him.
See you at the house.
Hey, you wanted to show me something?
- You okay?
- Yeah.
I'm happy that we
were able to help Angie.
But you're still thinking
about your friend, Tracy.
I just wish I knew what happened to her.
- You found her?
- Uh-huh.
She's okay.
She and her new husband,
whose last name she took.
Which is why you couldn't find her.
She looks so happy.
- Yeah.
What happened to her ex?
He died in prison last month.
Which is when she, not coincidentally,
started posting on social media again.
She finally felt safe.
Thank you.
For finding her.
And for being you.
Jackson, what's up?
JACKSON: I just got word
that Lo-Lo's leaving town.
He's stopping by his girl's house
to say goodbye, and then he's out.
395 Richards Street?
Yo, you didn't hear it from me.
I care about Manny too, all right?
- You get this guy.
- Trust me.
I'm taking him down.
You don't have to go.
Why wouldn't I?
- I'll be back, all right?
- Going somewhere, Lo-Lo?
Leave him alone!
Go, Lo-Lo!
DANTE: It's over, Lo-Lo.
Lo-Lo, stop!
ROBYN: Hey, Dee.
Hey, Mom. What's going on?
I'm just down here
keeping an eye on your Aunt Vi.
She's had a rough couple of days.
Is she okay?
Yeah, she's fine.

You know, remember when I told you that
flight can be your best weapon?
Well, Aunt Vi was put in a position
where running was not an option.
- What happened?
- The details aren't important.
Just that sometimes in life,
you will have your back
against the wall.
And you will have no choice
but to fight your way out of it.
That's where training comes in.
And having good people you can count on.
Like Aunt Vi does.
Like you always will.
It's hard to believe
someone as strong as Aunt Vi
could actually be afraid.
Did you ever run away from danger?
Yes. And I don't mind admitting it.
Because if I hadn't,
I probably wouldn't be here today.
And there's nothing
more important to me than that.
I love you.
Oh, I love you, too. I love you more.
I'm gonna go get ready for bed.
That sounds like a good plan.
Matter of fact, I'm gonna join you.
You okay?
I was, uh
just putting away the dishes and it,
it just slipped right out of my hand.
(STAMMERS) I don't know what,
- what's wrong with me.
- It's okay. That's okay.
We'll clean it up later.
Come here. Come with me.
Yeah, just sit down.
Sit down.
You want to talk about it?
It might help.
You prepare for something
like that, you
you do all this training,
- you
- Aunt Vi,
pointing a gun at someone
with the intent to kill
can be just as traumatic as
pulling the trigger.
How am I supposed to take care of
Protect you?
Aunt Vi, you protect us all the time.
It might not be in you to kill.
That doesn't make you weak.
That makes you human.
It's a good thing. It doesn't feel good.
Aunt Vi
there's enough violence in the world.
Truth is, I wish it weren't so
easy for me.
I'm so glad you were there.
I'm so grateful to be alive.
I'm there.

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