Roswell s03e16 Episode Script


NARRATOR: Previously on Roswell: I won't lie to you.
I'm not the biggest fan of my brother-in-law.
But Max is just a kid.
He isn't from this world.
He's an alien pretending to be a normal teenage kid.
Oh, God.
We can leave Roswell and never come back.
There's nowhere to go.
I'm part of this for good now.
I saw the board.
I know what you're doing.
It isn't right to spy on your son.
I'm not spying.
I'm trying to figure out what's going on.
Michael, what is on your chest? You never shut up, now get out! - Michael - Get out! You died.
I'm king.
It's your turn to get in line.
- No.
- Okay, then.
Did you know there's a scholarship being offered to potential podiatry practitioners? Really? Have to keep my business south of the equator, though.
Couldn't you come a little farther north? What? What? Whatever.
No? - What? - Still no apologies from Michael.
Hey, you know the king tattoo on Michael's chest? - It's gone.
Max is king now.
- I know.
But what I was going to say is maybe Michael could get, "I'm eternally sorry" tattooed there and just flash it every half an hour, regardless.
Saves time, cuts stress.
- Do we know the faux pas? - Yeah.
He threatened my life shoved me out of a moving vehicle and left me in the middle of nowhere.
I never threatened to kill you! You implied it would be better if I was dead and everybody else who knows your little secret.
It was a suggestion.
Why am I always apologizing about who I am? - That wasn't you, Michael.
- Yes, it is me.
Max was dead.
I was king.
I did what I had to do.
- Fine.
- I'm not sorry about it, either.
- Fine.
- No, I'm not sorry.
Griffin, you okay? Hey! Anybody! [HELICOPTER HOVERING.]
Crash Here we go again: That's the attitude of most local residents to the news that another UFO has supposedly crashed outside of Roswell.
While local merchants hope that this latest close encounter will stimulate Roswell's dwindling tourist business Iocal officials are downplaying the entire incident.
Our inquiries to the NTSB - Anything yet? - They're downplaying it.
Even better.
Make it look like a cover-up.
Hey, Max, thanks for helping.
Would you mind remarking those prices? Sure.
What do you want them to be? - Double everything.
- I can do it, Dad.
You two have to be here to handle the rush.
The rush? Yeah.
Oh, you're too young to remember.
Back in 1986, there was another unexplained incident outside of town.
This place went wild.
Oh, Max, there's a box of neckties, the alien neckties in the backroom near the mustard containers.
You mind? - No problem.
- I don't think they're there anymore.
REPORTER: I believe we're going to get ready to start our news conference.
From what I'm told, Major Pete Carlson from the United States Air Force will conduct the briefing.
All he's gotta say is it's unexplained.
"Unexplained incident.
" An "unexplained encounter.
" Call it unexplained and those UFO freaks will flood this town and we will be swimming in cash! Here we are.
You okay? - I'm fine.
Why? - A ship from outer space crashes in the desert and you don't have a problem with it.
Odds are it's probably nothing.
You're not even curious? - Oh, you are.
- I have more important concerns.
- Really? JEFF: Liz! - Can you give me a hand out here? - Coming.
Where have you been? Investigating a potential threat to our existence.
- You were in the desert? - All night.
Couldn't see much.
They got perimeters around perimeters.
Leave it alone.
Max, are you nuts? I saw it.
It killed the engine on my bike.
It went right over my head.
What'd it look like? Like a really great sci-fi special effect, only real.
- Probably an Air Force jet.
- How do you know? Word's out.
Max, I could tell you an Air Force jet was involved, but the question is, in what? Look, we're too exposed right now.
Especially with Jesse.
- At least he came through.
- He killed a federal agent.
And right now the last thing we need is some bona fide alien looking for trouble.
- You scared I might find something? - I'm terrified they'll find you.
Then I'll handle it.
Come on, "unexplained.
" "Unexplained," baby.
One little word.
I'd even take "unknown.
" Come on, say it, say it.
REPORTER: Major Carlson, was it a UFO last night? Was it a UFO? Or a test flight? We're not getting many words from him.
Stepping up to the microphone right now is Major Carlson who is expected to confirm what most people in Roswell have heard through the grapevine: That the UFO seen last night was an Air Force jet on a cross-country test flight that apparently experienced Oh, thank you.
JESSE: You've reached the cell phone of Jesse Ramirez.
Please leave a message, and I'll call you back as soon as I can.
Hello? Who is it? DIANE: It's Mom.
Hey, Mama.
How are you? Surprise.
I have a plan.
Since the men we live with are in Delaware on business I thought we should spend some money on clothes.
Isabel, what happened to all the furniture? Nothing.
I just, you know, felt like it was time for a change.
You can afford to replace all of the furniture in your apartment? We'll manage.
- Honey, are you okay? - Yeah, I'm fine.
I talked to your dad, and he felt that Jesse was acting a bit differently.
- Did you two have a fight? - No, Mom.
We're fine.
- I swear.
- Okay.
- Lf you need to talk - There's nothing to talk about.
If there were, it would be one of two things.
- Sex or money, one of which is great.
- Okay, then And the other is the budget I'm about to ignore.
- Let's go buy me some shoes.
- Let's go.
Contrary to some reports, this was not, repeat, not a UFO or an unexplained incident.
This morning, at 12 minutes past midnight I think it's time for a going-out-of-business sale.
I'm sorry, Dad.
I'm sorry.
- In the United States Air Force, crashed The jet was based at Edwards Air Force Base in California and was engaged in a cross-country test flight in night conditions.
There were no weapons on board.
The name of the pilot is Colonel Theodore Griffin.
He is the one and only casualty in this unfortunate accident.
That's all I'm prepared to say at this time.
However, Cadet Connie Griffin, Colonel Griffin's daughter would like to say a few words.
Good morning.
I know a lot of people in Roswell were hoping for some sort of extraterrestrial explanation to last night's incident.
But we know what happened.
We know the truth.
It's important to me that you know he died doing what he loved and you should know my father stayed with his plane until the end.
He made sure it went down someplace safe, to protect your homes, and lives.
He was a good man.
Excuse me.
Are you saying he didn't eject? - He didn't have the chance to eject.
- That's all we have time for now.
If we get any more information, we'll let you know.
You might want to keep your head clear.
Who the hell are you? I believe your father's alive.
He made it out of that plane.
- Where did you get this? - In the desert a half a mile from the crash site.
Next to his ejection seat.
But he wasn't there.
What kind of sick bastard are you, huh? Really, where did you get this? Some Army-Navy surplus? Did you buy rub-on letters after the news conference? There's something in the lining you might want to take a look at.
MICHAEL: Damn! Who are you? - I just want to know why they lied.
- It doesn't matter.
What? Whatever's going on, they must be doing it to protect national security.
They lied to you.
Whatever I'm told is for a reason.
- Your father could be alive.
- Carlson wouldn't lie about that.
- How do you know that? - Get out before I have you arrested for looting an investigation scene! That's a federal offense, buddy.
You could go away for a long time.
PHILIP: Battery's dead.
Your cigar.
Good work today.
You missing home? - Hmm? - Isabel.
- What about her? - You missing her? Yeah, sure.
Oh, my goodness.
Have you ever seen discounts like that? I mean, you'd think the whole town was having a fire sale.
- How's Max, Isabel? - Um, Max? Uh He's fine.
I think he's studying for finals right now.
Does? Does he know what he's gonna do when he graduates? Forget I'm your father-in-law for a second.
- That's impossible.
- Try.
- You trying? - Yes, Dad.
Try harder.
What do you want to know? Nothing worse than being alone in a house without the one you love, is there? I want to know if everything's okay.
Everything's a little more difficult than I expected.
What were you expecting? Less difficulty.
It's okay.
He won't be gone forever.
Oh, it drives me crazy.
I hate being alone in the house when your dad is gone.
The silence is deafening.
Look I'm glad you're concerned, really.
But I think I should just keep this between me and Isabel.
- I mean, I know you're her father and - At the moment, I'm your friend.
I'm serious about this, Jesse.
You can come to me with anything you want to discuss.
Even if it's about your wife.
I've known her slightly longer than you.
So the door's open, that's all I'm saying.
DIANE: I could sure use some company.
- Uh - I could make double-fudge brownies.
Not fair.
I am an evil, manipulative woman.
Just ask your dad.
What do you say? Sounds great.
What's this about, Cadet Griffin? I didn't feel comfortable coming on to the base with this.
With what? - Where'd you get this? - Through a friendly, sir.
Sir, is my father alive? Has your father been depressed lately? Acting different? Has he said anything that would indicate that - You think he killed himself? - We can't find him.
We believe he may have gone over with information relating to the Raptor.
- No.
- We have searched a 10-mile radius.
If he contacts you, I need to know about it.
My father's not a traitor, sir.
I hope you're right.
There's nothing else you can do here.
Go back to Colorado.
I will contact you if I hear anything.
Yes, sir.
That was quite a yarn.
Find the friendly that gave her the helmet.
I'll meet with you later.
Maybe we can split a malt, or something.
CONNIE: Help me, please! Somebody, please help me! Help.
Help me.
Hey, it's a beautiful night.
Just try and relax.
Enjoy the desert air.
Help me.
Somebody, please help me! Help.
Help me, please! Help me.
Help me, please! Cover your face.
- How did you do that? - Do what? - The door.
How? - The crash loosened the hinges.
- Come on.
- What? MICHAEL: I think we should get going.
- How did you know? - I told you they were lying.
I thought they'd try something once you turned that helmet in.
You followed me? Who the hell do you think you are? Any more questions? - Stop it.
- What? Pretending.
- What am I pretending? - That you don't know any of this.
It's all a mystery to me.
- Well, me too.
This is Connie.
Her father is the pilot of that crashed jet.
Air Force says he's a traitor on the run, but Connie and I don't buy it.
- They tried to kill her.
- Michael says you can help me.
- Do what? - Find my father.
Can I talk to you a second? - What's going on? - That's what we gotta try to figure out.
What I'm trying to figure out, Michael, is you.
- I don't know even know what to say.
- Trust me to know what's right.
What's right? What's next? J.
Was killed by aliens? - What's happening to you? - Me? What's happening to you? We've got a situation, and you don't care.
Which situation would that be? Her or you? MARIA: Ready to order? - Major? I'm fine with this.
Could I have a penne pasta with chicken, sun-dried tomatoes, in a marinara sauce? No.
We only have spaghetti.
That's not what I want.
MARIA: You want the Olive Garden.
- He'll have a hamburger.
Just bring him a hamburger.
I don't eat red meat.
Did you do it? - Did you find anything in her hotel room? - No.
What about the helmet? Who gave it to her? A kid named Michael Guerin.
I ID'd him off a local news tape.
- Are you sure it's him? - I will after I break a few of his fingers.
This is a great milk shake.
Sun-dried tomatoes.
- We need to talk.
- You should be slapped! - Who's this? - Connie Griffin.
- You're the pilot's daughter? - Yeah, she's in trouble.
- My father's missing.
MARIA: Missing? Isn't he? - The news has been saying - No, he's not dead.
Michael says the man with the Air Force guy is a killer.
He ran her car off the road and tried to blow it up because she has proof they're lying about her father.
The Air Force is hiding something.
Maybe a crashed UFO.
- What do you propose? - They're leaving.
Come here.
I say we hook the small fish to hook the big fish.
Do you really think there's a ship mixed up in this? I'm not sure.
But I'm not sure it's important anymore.
- So, what is? - Doing the right thing.
- Was there a collision? - What, between me and her? Between her father's ship and a UFO.
I don't know.
You gotta help me.
MAX: We force the little fish to talk, and we're at risk.
We may have to kill him.
I got a better idea.
- Pete.
- Ted.
So, what now? No more questions.
No more questions.
Well, I got one for you.
- Who was flying that thing? - When we can get the cockpit open we'll have an answer to that question.
- But I'm afraid you won't.
- Because I'll be dead.
Actually you already are.
I never ejected.
What does Connie think? What the rest of the media-fed world thinks: That you brought a malfunctioning billion-dollar jet down into an unpopulated area to save lives.
And the guards outside my door? They think you're a saboteur and spy, and they'd like to see you shot.
And here I am, just a guy that ran into a UFO.
Well, we've got protocol in these kinds of situations.
Protocol? I'm sorry, Ted.
- So it's a nice restaurant? - Yeah.
- Jesse likes it? - Yes.
But you like it more.
We like it exactly the same.
- You know, what does he hate? - What? Well, you know, honey, your father, he hates health food and French movies.
- What does Jesse hate? - I don't know.
You don't know? He doesn't hate anything.
- Mom, where is this going? - Hey, I'm just trying to make a little conversation, you know.
I miss talking to you about things that matter.
We used to do that.
- Mom.
- What? I just want to thank you.
For what? For letting me be who I am.
For accepting Jesse and me.
Honey, you don't have to thank me for that.
It's not a chore.
You're my daughter.
I should thank you for having all the patience you've had with me.
So how about blueberry pancakes? - Now? - No, no, in the morning.
I mean, your room is still there.
Oh, I should probably get back home.
I mean, Jesse might call.
You have your cell phone, don't you? Yeah, but I do kind of miss my old bed.
PHILIP: You got her to stay? - She's here.
She's asleep.
- I just don 't feel right about this, Philip.
- We're not doing anything they didn't do.
Well, what have they done? If you know something specific or have some proof, will you just tell me? - They are not who they say they are.
- Is Jesse telling you that? - No, Jesse's not talking.
- Maybe because there's nothing to say.
No, he's hiding something.
He's not the same man who married our daughter.
I think what changed him was knowledge.
- Of what? - That's what we're gonna find out.
Did you do what I told you? Yes.
Honey they left us with no choice.
They forced us to do this.
I know.
I know.
Oh, my God.
What do you want? What do you want? MICHAEL [IN DISTORTED VOICE.]
: Where is Colonel Griffin? MAX [IN DISTORTED VOICE.]
: Where is Colonel Griffin? I I don't know who that is.
What is this? MICHAEL: Where is our ship? MAX: Prepare the probe.
Wait, I swear I don't know anything! MICHAEL: Where is Colonel Griffin? Where is our ship? MAX: We will get answers.
- They're gonna kill him.
- What? MICHAEL: He saw something.
A clean team is gonna take him to the desert.
We're getting there first.
- Where'd you get those clothes? - We got a plan.
You've got a plan? No, no.
We're talking about my dad here.
- I'm not gonna let some high schoolers - Hey, we've had practice.
- Who are you people? - We're the good guys.
Maxwell, we gotta go.
MAX: Yeah.
- Know where to meet us? - In two hours.
All right.
Connie, we'll get him back.
I promise.
Hey, be careful.
If there really is a spaceship, don't get on it.
Not a chance in hell.
By the way, I'm sorry for ever suggesting you'd be better off dead.
Do a good thing.
They're gonna need IDs to get on the base.
: It's up here on the right.
- Go check out the ship, if there is one.
- And if there's occupants? - We'll deal with it later.
I got this.
- Okay.
- I'm here for him.
- And who are you? None of your damn business, soldier.
Eyes front! Don't look at me.
Open the door.
Close it.
Colonel Griffin.
Connie sent us.
- It'll be okay.
- Should've gone with them.
- Would've been stopped.
- They could die.
- They've had practice.
- Dying? No, I mean things like this.
Do things like this happen a lot around here? - Why don't you leave? - We've tried.
No place like home.
- Lf they get him LIZ: They will.
We won't be able to go home.
They'll come after us.
Let them.
- Is there a ship? - There's a ship.
- Damn.
- Hate it when I'm right? - Usually, but I don't hate you.
- I know that.
Where's Griffin? The guard gave me some trouble.
We gotta go.
: Major Carlson, call gate.
Major Carlson.
It was right here.
Give me your sidearm.
We've got a breach.
This is where I'd step on it.
- Thanks.
- Not a problem.
- Now, who are you? - The cavalry.
Your daughter's waiting.
She knows everything.
Everything? - She knows your lives will be different.
- We'll be running.
I guess so.
You should keep the UFO thing quiet.
- How do you know about that? - We've got our ways.
- Dad.
- Connie.
- I think you guys better get going.
- They're gonna be looking for a silver Wasn't that van? - How did you do that? - Like the man said, "We've got ways.
" Thank you.
Let's go.
That was different, saving somebody else's bacon.
It feels good.
MICHAEL: There's a ship.
And is there an alien pilot? - Don't know.
- Don't you want to find out? We should stay as far away as possible from that base.
MAX: Fine with me.
Let's go home.
We'll do this another day.
Isabel? Honey, breakfast is almost ready.
- Hello? JESSE: Did I wake you up? No, I'm up.
How are you? Jesse? Your father's asking questions.
- What do you mean? - I mean, he's onto you.
He knows I'm covering something up.
- He knows it's something bad.
- How can he know? - Because he's not stupid, Isabel.
- What did you tell him? I didn't tell him anything.
When are you coming home? We'll be back tonight.
Where are you? At my mom's.
She giving you the third degree? - Yes.
- It's just a matter of time.
- They're working on this together now.
- Damn it.
Damn it! - It's just a matter of time.
- I have to go.
Isabel? Are you all right, honey? Yes, Mother, I'm fine.
Just fine.
Honey, I'm home.
What's wrong? Hey, you okay? Honey, are you okay? Oh, my God.

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