The Bionic Woman (1976) s03e16 Episode Script

Sanctuary Earth

My home planet is Zhorla.
It's another planet
in another solar system.
But how could you possibly
come down in that satellite?
I made myself
small enough to fit.
Now, watch.
Where are you?
I'm down here.
The Uloans will probably
be looking for me.
Those streamers are shooting
out over a hundred thousand miles
from the surface of the sun.
And at this scale, the size of
the Earth would be a tennis ball.
Sure gives you
a sense of perspective.
Which is very useful
once in awhile.
But to get down to Earth
Excuse the pun.
What can we expect from
this solar activity, Rudy?
Well, the usual radio
activity disruption,
spectacular aurora
borealis, magnetic storms.
Anything else?
Probably not.
We're just entering a new
11-year cycle of sunspot activity.
We do expect the greatest
concentration ever
of recorded solar
activity in this cycle.
So, we're watching
it very closely.
Anything specific?
Not at this point. Our data
projections don't indicate anything
other than an acceleration of
what we had during the last cycle.
Well, we've got a lot more
hardware up there now.
Gentlemen, what I'm
asking you is,
can we expect anything
Good. Well, it's always nice
to have a little bright optimism
for the day.
But there's no reason to be sure
nothing up there will be affected.
It was a short day.
Listen, don't you
worry about it, Oscar.
Let Rudy and I do it.
That's what we're paid for.
Boys, keep me
informed, will you?
I don't want to hear about
our problems on the 6:00 news.
Okay, Oscar. Bye.
So long, guys.
You sounded pretty
confident in there.
Yeah, didn't I?
Now, what do you really think?
You know as well as I do if
one or two of the satellites fail,
there's a domino effect.
And that could jeopardize
the entire program.
That's a lot of years
and a lot of dollars.
Listen, Rudy, you
wouldn't care to stop down
the Computer Center
on our way to lunch, would you?
I mean, just to check and
see how things are going?
You know, I thought
I might just do that.
Oh, I thought you
would. Let's go.
What am I doing wrong, Ernie?
This program won't
check out. I don't know.
That program looks good to me.
Dr. Wells?
Take a look at this,
please. What's up?
I don't know.
It looks like Lambda 14
is losing its orbit.
It's going elliptical.
Isn't that the
weather satellite?
Burned out?
No. That's what's strange.
All systems appear
to be functioning.
Well, you think a sudden
burst of solar activity
could have thrown
it off its course?
Well, that would show up
as a system malfunction.
The satellite's receiving
and transmitting perfectly.
It's simply not acting right.
Well, it certainly looks like
it's going down, doesn't it?
That satellite was designed to
function for eight to ten years.
It's been up there
less than four months.
Well, that won't be the first
time that's happened.
Yeah, but not like this.
Power sources have failed, the
guidance system's malfunctioned.
We have collisions
with space debris.
But never anything
quite like this.
Orbit's getting critical.
Institute recall procedures.
If we let it act on its own,
it'll burn up on reentry.
We'll use the southern
California landing site.
Well, do you think we should
go take a look ourselves?
I'm getting kind of curious.
Yeah. I think
we should.
You wouldn't have any
ulterior motive, would you?
Who, me?
Hi, teach. How's it going?
Hi, Chris. I was just thinking about
you a few minutes ago. Where are you?
Well, right now I'm
in Washington, but
Rudy and I will be heading
out your way within the hour.
Oh, yeah? What's
the occasion?
Occasion? There's no occasion.
We just decided
to charter a plane
and hop on out and see
your beautiful face.
Well, okay. So there's a small matter
of an unscheduled landing of a satellite.
Well that sounds more like it.
Okay, listen, we'll be out near
Ojai. Why don't you meet us?
I'll give you directions.
Comm-NASA tower, this is J4771,
requesting permission to land,
Roger, J4TI1, you are cleared
to land on runway one-niner right.
Please inform Dr. Wells that the
satellite recovery unit is standing by.
Will do, Comm-NASA.
How you doing?
Hi. I'm good.
Ah, you're just in time.
You should be able
to see it any minute now.
Let me see.
Take a look.
That's a roger, Comm-Truck.
Oh, yeah, there it is.
What? You're kidding.
It's right there.
Let me see.
Hey, good girl.
I'll go tell
the helicopters. Here.
They say the winds are
swirling pretty good up there.
It might make recovery a little
more difficult than we anticipated.
Tracer one, this is
Comm-Truck. Come in.
Chris, is there a lab
animal on board there?
No, why? Well because
there's a sound coming from it.
It's just like a heartbeat.
That could be the servos
malfunctioning in the guidance system.
Look, I'm going to take the jeep. I
want to keep the 'copters in sight.
I don't want to lose them in one
of these canyons. You coming?
Oh, um
I'll meet you there.
I can get there faster on foot.
With those feet you can.
Jaime, I love your feet.
Thank you.
All right, let's go.
There you go. Whew.
That was a close one,
huh? Are you all right?
Hey, you okay? Huh?
Can you talk?
Can you tell me
what happened here?
Look, honey, if you're hurt,
there's one of the best doctors
in the world real close by.
He's on his way here right now.
Can you speak?
Can you speak at all?
I want to help you, but I
just don't know what to do.
Hey, wait. No. Come here. Come
here. Come here. Come back.
Hey, you all right? Listen,
relax, will you please?
Just lay back here and relax for a
minute. Come on, get your breath. Okay?
I'm not going to hurt you.
What's that?
I've never seen a stone
quite like that before.
It's so unusual.
May I touch it?
I'll be very careful.
It's incredible.
I wonder where on
Earth you got that.
I did not get it on Earth.
Well, you can speak.
Of course. It's just that your
language was unfamiliar to me.
I had to hear it for some
time before I found the key.
Ah, wait Wait a second.
Are you trying to tell me
you couldn't speak
English until just now?
Nor any other Earth language.
Any other Earth language?
Comm-Truck to Tracer One.
Have you got it? Over.
Tracer One to Comm-Truck.
Yes, sir, but we've
got a problem.
The chute came down in a small
lake over the rise from your position.
One lake in 25 square miles
and it had to find it.
All right, Tracer One, we'll
follow you in. Now, take it slow.
Roger, Comm-Truck.
Tracer One, out.
Look, I think we'd better
start over. Okay?
My name is Jaime Sommers,
I live over in Ojai.
Now, what's your name?
I'm Princess Aura.
My home planet is Zhorla.
It's another planet in another solar
system on the other side of the galaxy.
Look, Aura,
I I don't know if that's
your real name or not, but
You don't have to tell me who
you really are Aura is my name.
Okay, I can accept that. But this business
about you being from another planet
Look, honey, look,
you can level with me.
What did Did you
run away from home?
No. My parents sent me away.
Well, that's absurd. Why?
They were afraid I'd be captured
and held hostage in the war.
So they sent me to Pon.
That's a planet of sanctuary
on this side of the galaxy.
Ah, just
Wait a minute.
What war? Come on.
The war between
my planet and Ulo.
If you are from another planet,
then how did you get here?
Where is your spaceship?
We“, to gel 10 Pan, you
have to pass by your sun.
There was a solar storm, and it
caused my spacecraft to go off course.
I saw your little mechanical
moon whirling around.
What "mechanical moon"?
The one that landed in the lake.
Oh, you mean the satellite?
I moved alongside
it and got inside.
Then I forced it to land.
I, uh I saw that satellite coming down.
It's much too small for you to get in.
And besides that, it's
full of instruments.
That's true.
Well then, how did you do it?
What is that? It's It's
just a spotting helicopter.
It's leading the men from
the recovery team here.
I have to go. They mustn't know
I'm here. No. Where are you going?
Please, let go. No one can know I'm
here. It's bad enough that you saw me.
Look, I don't believe your little story
about you being from another planet, okay?
Now maybe you ran away from home
or you're in trouble with the
police, or something. But that's okay.
What I told you is true.
Just because something
is hard for you to believe,
does that mean it's not true?
Ah Look, wait a minute.
I'll make you a deal, okay?
I'm not going to leave
you out here alone.
Now listen, come to my house.
We'll get out of these wet clothes
and then you tell me the truth. Okay?
Start from the very beginning
and I promise I will listen to
you with an open mind. All right?
Okay. Come on.
I wonder where Jaime is? I
can't believe we beat her here.
Oh, she'll probably be along any
minute. Come on, let's go take a look.
That's great. Great.
Right time, wrong place.
Therefore, wrong equipment.
Yeah. Something about Murphy's
Law: All things being equal, we lose.
Got any idea how
deep this lake is?
I'd say about 20, 30 feet.
And plus, who knows what junk is
down there for it to get tangled up in.
Well, we're just going to have
to take our time and do it right.
You know something?
We're never going
to get divers and equipment
up here in time
before we lose the light.
Oh, this kind of operation is
four times as hard at night.
We're going to have to wait
for the examination.
All right. Look,
I'll, uh
I'll get the wheels in motion.
Yeah. And call the
Air Police, will you?
Have them send a couple
of guards down here
to keep the
souvenir hunters away.
You wouldn't care to stop back at the
Comp-Center and look over the data,
would you, Dr. Wells?
Can't think of anything I'd
rather do, Mr. Williams.
Okay. Then we can stop by Jaime's
car and see what happened to her.
All right.
You look a lot better.
Do you feel better, too?
Yes, I do. Thank you.
Well, I have fulfilled
my part of the bargain.
Now it's your turn, lady.
Well, my name is Aura,
and my parents rule
a planet called Zhorla.
We were recently attacked by
the soldiers of the planet Ulo.
Many people died in that
battle for our planet.
A short time ago,
our forces launched
a counterattack,
which will determine which
planet will be victorious.
My parents feared for my safety,
and they sent me to Pon.
That's a planet
of legal sanctuary.
If I was there, I'd
be safe. Here, I'm not.
Why not?
Because Earth isn't a sanctuary.
The Uloans will probably
be looking for me.
And if they capture me,
my father will have
to decide between my safety
and the welfare of the
people of our planet.
Well, how could they find you here? You
weren't even supposed to come to Earth.
I don't know.
The Uloans are the best
trackers in the galaxy.
I don't think you have
to worry about that, Aura.
There is no way anyone from
outer space could land on the Earth
without a lot of people
knowing about it,
including some
good friends of mine.
I don't know what to say.
You seem so honest,
your story so believable.
But it's so unbelievable.
I mean, how could you possibly
come down in that satellite, huh?
You said that before.
What do you mean by that?
Maybe that's not the right word.
I mean I made myself
small enough to fit.
Are you asking me to believe that
you can just make yourself small at will?
Why didn't I think
of that before?
Now, this is one thing you're not
going to have to take my word for.
Now, watch.
Aura. Where are you?
I'm down here.
Oh my
You mean that everything
that you've told me is true?
Then you really do
think that there are people
from this other
planet coming after you?
I know they are, if they can.
Okay. Well then, um
Look, you're going to need more
protection than I can give you.
I happen to work for a man
whose name is Oscar Goldman.
He's a good man.
He's also one of the most
powerful leaders on our planet.
Now, he has the resources
to protect you.
I think I should call him.
No. No one
can know I'm here.
Aura, your being here is one of the most
important things that's ever happened to us.
I can't just keep it to myself.
I have a responsibility to him.
I have a responsibility, too.
The survival of my people.
What is that?
That is just a telephone.
It's an instrument that we
use to talk over distances.
The people that, uh, that we ran away
from at the lake today are my friends.
Now, that's probably them calling
to find out what's happened to me.
What are you going to tell them?
Jaime, are you all right?
What happened to you?
Yeah, I'm fine. Hi, Chris.
Well, nothing happened. I just
got really tired all of a sudden
so I came home.
And then I was going to
call you, but I I fell asleep.
I'm sorry if I worried you. Did
you recover the satellite okay?
Would you believe it came
down in a lake.
We have to get some divers and
some underwater equipment out there.
So, we're going back tomorrow.
There is, however, one
bright spot in this whole mess.
We'll have the whole
evening together.
Oh, I think I'd better just go to bed
early and get some sleep. Okay?
Honey, are you sure
you're all right?
I'm fine, babe. Really. I'm
just I'm just pooped, okay?
Okay. I'll call you tomorrow,
let you know how we made out.
Listen, you get some rest.
Take it easy and get your
strength back, okay?
Okay. Bye.
Is she okay?
Yeah. Yeah. She said
she was tired and she went home.
That's not like her, Rudy.
Well, you know Jaime. If there was
something she thought you should know,
she'd tell you.
Yeah. Yeah.
I hate lying to people.
I understand, and I'm sorry. But
you won't have to lie for very long.
The war will be over soon.
How are you going to get
home without a spaceship?
Well, ithorla wins the war, my
parents will be able to retrieve me.
IfUlo wins, then
You won't have a home to go to.
Oh, that's okay. It's Max.
He's a friend of mine.
I think you two are going
to get along real good.
I thought you weren't
going to tell anyone.
Oh, well, you don't have to
worry. It's okay. Max, wait a minute.
He's very reliable.
His language is very strange. It may
take me longer to learn than yours.
I don't think Max is going to
expect you to learn how to bark.
He's an animal?
Well, don't tell him that. My goodness,
you're going to hurt his feelings.
Max is my friend.
I bet you he'd be
your friend too
if you just kind of scratch
him on the head like that.
Why don't you two
kind of get acquainted
and I'm going to go see if I can find
you some Earth-type clothes. Okay?
Time to check in, Belden.
Belden reporting
from satellite landing.
Belden reporting from
satellite landing.
Go ahead, Belden.
Everything seems to be okay.
Check, Belden. You're clear.
You will report in again
at 2100 hours,
Will do, Lieutenant.
Get anything?
Yeah, a headache.
Will you grab that?
Hi, Chris. Oscar,
Hi, Oscar. What's up?
I'm calling about
what's down, pal.
You were the guy that told
me not to worry, remember?
No, Oscar, I'm the guy who told you
that Rudy and I would do the worrying.
And we are.
Hi, Oscar. I'm on.
Okay, boys, fill me in.
Well, the Lambda-14
came down in a lake
and we're going to have to
wait until morning for retrieval.
In the meantime, Chris and I have
been going over the data for a few hours,
What'd you find out?
Well, all the data seems to
point to the same thing.
The satellite's orbit decayed
because of a sudden increase in mass.
The mass returned to normal
after the satellite landed.
Do you suppose that the satellite
might have gotten fouled up
by those sunspots we've been
getting, throwing off the data?
That's possible, but unlikely,
Now, the data was too specific,
not like it would be in the
case of solar interference.
Well, what about magnetic
space garbage?
Do you suppose it might have
picked up something out there
and then lost it when it landed?
Well, that's possible, too.
Well, I know the Russians
aren't playing any games with us
or I would have heard about it.
Oscar, we won't know anything
until we've examined
the satellite in the morning.
Look, boys, I want you to keep
in touch with me this time.
I want to know everything.
All right?
Will do.
Okay, good luck.
So long.
Bye, Oscar.
You know something, Rudy?
I thought I'd seen every kind
of technical foul-up that there is.
There's always something to
hang on to. You know, something
Some kind of
logical explanation.
Well, we've gone through all
the logical explanations.
Why don't we start
with some illogical ones.
All right. For instance?
Internal tampering.
While the satellite
was out in space?
I don't know.
We fell in love
So long ago
But I was young
and I had much to learn
One thing I've learned
Is even Even a surprise to me
Oh dear
I learned that I could
Really love him
So much again
That was beautiful.
Thank you.
I wish you could
hear my mother sing.
It's so peaceful.
Well, maybe someday
I'll be able to.
Look at our fire.
Come on, we need some more wood.
Listen, you think you've got
a trick, kid? Watch this one.
How's that?
What do you call that?
Well, I'll tell you,
it's called bionics.
Actually, it just means
I have some special qualities
that makes me a little
stronger than most people.
Max does too.
Well, if you ever
crash land on Zhorla,
that's how you can make
them believe you are an alien.
That's a good thing to remember.
Listen, I'm starving.
How about you?
I think tonight, in honor of your
being here, we should have, uh
Jaime's Special Salad.
How about that?
Because it's out of this world.
Bad joke, huh?
Come on, you can
help me make it.
What should I do?
Oh, just get in the refrigerator
and get out all the things
that look like plants.
They're vegetables
and fruits, things like that.
We are going to create a
masterpiece and you are going to love it.
All right?
What's the matter?
I don't know how to get it open.
Oh, just pull on the handle.
Yeah, pull on it.
There you go. Okay?
The stuff on the bottom,
that's what you want.
All right, Max. I hear you. It'll
only take a few minutes, okay?
It's going to take a lot longer
if you continue to bug the chef.
I say no more.
Hmm. This is lettuce.
All right, now this is the
main substance for salad.
Usually, when I clean
it, I kind of like to
Well, it doesn't matter.
It's already been cleaned.
But I do take off some of the soft
leaves on the outside here. See?
Now, don't ever
cut lettuce with a knife.
It's much better when you just
pull it apart with your fingers.
And then we can put in some
tomatoes and mushrooms.
This cheese
is fantastic in salad.
Aura, are you okay?
Wake up, baby.
Come on.
Didn't I just knock you out?
What's the matter, Chris?
You as frustrated as I am?
What? I'm sorry, Rudy.
I was thinking about Jaime.
Something about
the way she sounded.
I don't know, it's
just a feeling, but
Well, intuition has been one
of man's most valuable assets
since the beginning of time.
If you feel that way,
why don't you call her?
She's probably sleeping. I'd
hate to call and wake her up.
I'd feel like an idiot
if there was nothing wrong.
On the other hand, it's better to
feel like an idiot than be sorry, huh?
That's weird.
Huh? What is?
Yes, may I help you?
Yes, operator. I'd like to make
an emergency phone call, please.
555-7386 from
Christopher Williams.
One moment, sir, I'll try
that number for you.
Thank you.
I'm sorry, sir, that number is
temporarily out of service.
I'll be glad
to report it for you.
Thank you.
What's up?
Something's wrong
now. I know it.
Can I go out there?
Sure. Go ahead if you feel
that way. I'll hold down the fort.
Are those the two guys
you were telling me about?
They're Uloan soldiers.
Are they twins?
No, they're clones. That's why they
can communicate with mind-thought.
You know, those weapons that
they have are pretty powerful,
but what about
the guys themselves?
I mean, is there anything special
about them, without their little toys?
Not that I can think of.
Well, then all we have
to do is disarm them, right?
How about this light?
Do you know what this means?
I can't tell where
it's coming from.
It's an Uloan force field.
What's that?
Well, I think it's an energy
field that surrounds us
and keeps us inside this space.
I've never really
seen one before,
but I think that the more force you
apply to the field, the stronger it is.
Where does it get its power?
I'm not sure, but I think that
thing up there controls it.
Let's check it out, huh?
Remind me not to do that again.
Does it seem like they're
looking for something to you?
Their ship.
Does it seem like
they're having trouble?
The solar activity. Of course.
Your sun is interfering
with their signals
the same way it
interfered with my spacecraft.
How long does this solar
interference last?
That's unpredictable.
It could be very short, or
it could go on a long time.
But as soon as
they're successful
I'm sorry I got
you into all this.
They'll probably kill you too,
after they've shown you off on Ulo.
Hey, come on,
let's spend whatever time we have trying
to figure out how to get out of here.
Okay? Not worrying.
Okay, I'm sorry.
Don't be sorry.
Come on, you're doing just fine.
I mean, you've got to be
scared out of your mind anyway.
But I shouldn't be.
I am a princess.
My parents have taught me,
since I was able to speak,
that I've got to be prepared
to lead my people.
I'm not prepared,
I'm just scared.
Honey, you're still
a very young girl.
Even an adult would be
scared right now. I'm scared.
Okay? What we've
got to do is, um
Try and release some
of that fear. Okay?
Before we can get anything done.
Now, come on, take a deep
breath. Come on.
Let it go. Let it out.
Do it again.
Just let it go.
Okay, do you feel some of
the fear leaving your body?
A little bit?
Okay. Now we gotta figure
out what we're going to do.
Max. Stay. Don't.
Put your head down. Okay.
You see that over there, Max?
See the little box, huh?
Good boy. Now, don't
Not till I tell you.
What's that?
What's what?
Somebody's coming.
Max. Okay. Go now. Go get it.
Go on. Get that little thing over there.
Bite it.
Good boy.
Let's go. Come on.
Come on, Max,
we've got to move fast.
Okay, Max.
Okay, that's enough.
Get up.
Come on. Up.
Get over there.
Keep an eye on them,
Max. You okay, honey?
Yeah, just scared.
Yeah, I know the feeling.
We've got them, what are
we gonna do with them now?
It must be their ship.
Wonder why they didn't take us?
I don't know. There was
somebody at the door.
Chris. Chris, oh, baby.
Oh, no.
Aura, look at your pendant.
We won.
Zhorla won.
That's what happened. That's
why the Uloans didn't take us.
The war is over.
I can go home again.
This stone is very special.
It's like a lifeline.
My parents gave it to me
so no matter where
in the universe I was,
they could retrieve me once
it was safe to come home.
They're taking
me back there now.
I'll make sure that the people onhorla
never forget the debt they owe you.
And to this sanctuary, Earth.
And I'll never forget
you either, Jaime.
You've taught me so much.
You're far more evolved
than we thought.
Maybe we will
meet again someday.
Goodbye, Jaime.
I'll miss you. I'll miss
you too, little one.
Jaime! Are you all right?
Hi, are you okay?
You want to tell me about it?
Well, yeah. I want to tell you. I
want to tell everybody about it,
but I think you're probably the
only one who's going to believe me.
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