The Bionic Woman (1976) s03e17 Episode Script

Deadly Music

That's it.
The deadly music that
turns a shark into a killer.
The sharks will attack
only the beeper.
ANTON: You just make sure the
beeper is attached to the other divers,
Klempt to the Mary Louise, Klempt to
the Mary Louise, Come in, Mary Louise,
the Mary Louise. Do you read me?
Poorly, Frank.
Try another channel.
How's this, Dr. Klempt?
That's better, He's here, Frank.
His plane just arrived.
Is everything set there?
Yes, sir. The divers
are checking the cameras.
All we have to do is lower the
transponder, turn it on and hope it works.
Stand by, Frank.
Well, you certainly
arrived quickly.
Iwould've sprouted
wings if I had to.
You're looking good, Henry.
Well, if what you said
on the phone is true,
you're going to
be a very rich man.
Yeah? How rich?
Have I ever cheated
you before, Henry?
In all the years
we've done business?
This is gonna cost you
a great deal, Anton.
I've succeeded where the greatest
minds in marine biology have failed.
That's why I stopped at the
bank before I went to the airport.
Are you pleased?
That's it.
That's the sound I finally
isolated and reproduced.
That's the sound that a shark can
hear underwater from miles away.
That's the sound,
the deadly music,
that turns a shark
into a killer.
Where does that sound come from?
Everything on this earth
has sounds, Anton.
Vibrations. We just
can't hear all of them yet.
What you're listening to is
the low frequency vibration
that a weak or sick
or injured fish gives off.
Look, Henry
It's in the range of 25 to
100 Hertz pulsed sounds.
Forgive me, Henry.
I don't want a lecture.
I just want to see it work.
All right?
All right.
Let's get started, Frank.
FRANK: Okay, Dr, Klempt,
We'll have a picture
in a few minutes.
Divers in the water.
Transponder down.
I'm turning on the tape
for the transponder now.
Here goes the
underwater TV camera.
Underwater camera switch on.
That works.
I mean, I can see that
the sharks are attracted,
but you said that sound
makes them attack, Henry.
It will.
But first,
it changes its behavior.
Before it attacks, the shark
takes on an aggressive posture.
It lowers its fins
and arches its back.
This, just before the attack.
Oh, my word.
Great work, Henry.
That's exactly what I need
For a shark to attack a
specific person in the water.
A person?
Don't, Henry. Please.
This is very important to me.
Now this is just a down
payment of what you'll get.
How much of a down payment?
Hmm. Oh,
let's say 50%.
Let's say this is just 10%.
Okay. Ten percent.
Ten percent.
But what I want is a device
that can be attached
to a diver's wetsuit.
A device that will give
off that same sound,
that same deadly music,
which will make a shark
attack that diver.
That'll take several days
and I'll have to make a test.
Two days at most you've got.
Okay. Two days.
It's for you, Anton.
Thank you.
This is Dasovic.
Ritter here.
So? What's going on?
I want out.
What? Look,
you've been paid.
Yeah. Yeah, I've
been paid. It's just
Well, security's tightening up and
I don't want to risk getting caught.
Just a minute.
You can delay that dive
for two days, can't you?
You can't quit.
Just not now.
You can't pull a cat burglary
on a naval ship offshore,
and with those camera monitors,
how can you steal
anything underwater?
Ritter, will you listen to me?
I've got a device
and the means to help us steal
the OSI sub-detecting device.
You're dreaming.
Sharks, Ritter.
I've got a device that makes
them attack the other divers.
I've been diving
for a long time now,
and if there's one thing I
know, sharks are unpredictable.
And now you're telling me you
can control 'em? Come on, Dasovic.
No, what I'm telling you is that I'm
gonna be in San Pedro in two days
and you delay that dive
and just be there.
Okay, I've gotta see this shark
control device you're talking about.
I know. I know, Max.
There's gotta be
There's gotta be some
dog food here somewhere.
I can't believe
that I let it run out.
Looks like I did. I'm sorry,
Max. I can go to the store.
What's going on in
that furry head of yours?
Max, what are you doing
with that book? You can't read.
No. Absolutely not.
There will be no spaghetti
marinara for dinner tonight.
We had it two nights ago. I
mean, once a week is enough.
Especially because you're a
dog, that's much too much anyway.
Besides, we don't
have any anchovies.
OSCAR: Jaime?
Yeah. We're up here.
Hi, babe. How are you?
Hi. I'm okay.
Good to see you.
Well, Max, hello there.
Yeah. Max is trying to get me to
cook spaghetti marinara for dinner.
Jaime, we're in a lot of
trouble. I need your help.
All I need is anchovies.
And what I need is for you to
start doing some deep sea diving.
Oh, that's close. I
could get some there.
You're gonna be trained
and briefed tonight.
Sit down.
And tomorrow morning.
Now, here's the setup.
Somebody is trying to prevent us from
testing our new submarine detector device.
One of the divers quit this morning
because of so-called accidents,
and the other two are about to.
Jaime, you're gonna be diving
in several hundred feet of water.
You're gonna have to be checked
out on your safety techniques.
Babe, we've gotta get these
devices planted and checked.
It's very important to us.
Oh, well, do you mind if
And besides, if you, a
beautiful, frail young lady,
is ready to go down there
after what's happened,
I'm counting on the men's macho
to keep them from backing out.
I thought, uh, chauvinism
was a thing of the past.
What do you say you pack a
bag and I'll take Max to the lab.
Wait a minute.
Okay, Max. Looks like it's a
fast food line for you today, kid.
What have we got?
Scrambled eggs? (WHINING)
You are gonna love it.
Don't give me
any lip about this.
I'll give 'em to you
raw like Rocky has 'em.
Welcome aboard.
Thank you.
Hi. Oh, boy!
(LAUGHING) How are you?
You look great!
Thank you. You look
pretty good yourself.
Oh, and you know how many
times I tried to get a hold of you?
You just disappeared.
(STUTTERING) I took a job that
involves a lot of traveling, so I just
I'm so glad to see you.
Oh, Oscar, this is Jed.
We met a couple of years ago
at a At a Washington party,
and we just kind of
danced all night.
And we drove down
to Chesapeake Bay.
And then we sailed all day.
Yeah. Yeah.
Oh, and we drove to Annapolis.
Annapolis. We had dinner at this,
uh, little old inn and pewter plates.
That all sounds just
marvelous, Commander.
Uh, my name is Oscar Goldman.
Oscar Goldman of OSI?
That's right.
I have an appointment with
my divers aboard the ship.
Yes, sir!
Uh, but
That's okay.
I'm with the OSI, too.
Wait, wait.
The message I got from CNO
was that Mr. Goldman was
bringing a new diver on board, but
Right. That's me.
Well, that's her.
It's you?
Uh, the divers, Commander.
Yes, sir.
Right this way.
Ooh, it's good to see you!
I'm sorry, sir, I really
didn't know who you were.
It's quite all right.
The divers are in the
conference room. Watch your step.
This way.
this is Miss Jaime Sommers,
your new diver.
You're on your own.
I'll be on the bridge.
So, this foxy lady's
the new diver, huh?
It'll sure make those hours in the
decompression chamber just whiz by.
Yeah and just think,
this morning I was fixing
on takin' a quit on this
jinxed project, but, uh
Might be kind of nice
to have her around.
There's only one little problem.
She doesn't look
much like a diver to me.
Well, just because she's prettier
than you guys, don't be misled.
She's had a lot
of diving experience.
Oh, cut it out, will you? I bet she
wouldn't know the difference between a
A PTC and a DDC.
A PTC is a Personnel
Transport Capsule.
A DDC is a Deck Decompression
Chamber. Anything else?
What kind of diving
have you done?
Not much saturation diving,
but I scuba dive to 300 feet.
Okay, so you've crammed a lot of
diving experience into a couple of years,
but see, this gig's jinxed.
A couple of guys have been
hurt already in practice runs.
And just yesterday,
a piece of equipment
that I checked myself,
broke down
and put another diver
in the hospital.
I know. I heard I heard
about the accidents.
But I also heard about the bonus
that we get when the job was done, see.
Okay, pretty lady.
What would you do
if the umbilical from the
PTC to the ship broke?
Well, the PTC has enough oxygen
in it to support four men for four days.
It also has its own emergency
batteries that come on automatically.
Okay, I'll dive with you.
Yeah. We've got three
towels. Are you ready?
All right, gentlemen,
it's settled.
You'll sail for the
moorings tomorrow,
as soon as the devices
are brought on board.
How 'bout a cup of coffee?
I drink tea.
Whatever you say, uh
I'm Chet, and this
ol' boy's Ritter.
Welcome aboard.
Thank you. Thank you. See you.
The miniaturized transponder
is on and working, Dr. Klempt.
Stand by, Frank.
It worked.
Tore the arm
right off the dummy!
That's exactly what I need.
Just hold it!
Just a minute.
Who is it?
It's me, Dasovic.
Thought you were coming earlier.
The plane was delayed.
Is that all right, Ritter?
Here it is.
That's it?
This is what's gonna
make the sharks attack?
It's a modified depth gauge.
Transmits low frequency
sound vibrations,
is picked up, then
broadcast by this beeper.
Wait a minute.
Now, what happens if the
sharks go crazy and attack me?
I've seen it work.
Look, I've spent a lot of
money to see it perfected.
The sharks will attack
only the beeper.
You just make sure the beeper
is attached to the other divers,
because once
the switch is thrown,
you can be as far away
as you want to.
Oh, by the way, the transmitter,
the range is over one mile.
Well, I still don't see how this is
gonna get you your sub-detecting device
and me my bonus.
The OSI's protection is on
the ship, not on the ocean floor.
We just move right in, we pick
them up, and then we're on our way.
It won't hurt if you knock over the TV
monitors when the sharks attack, all right?
You know, Dasovic,
for the first time I can see this
crazy scheme of yours working.
That's great, Ritter.
I'm glad.
I have something else
for you to do for me.
The name of that new diver
I had the pretty lady
checked out.
Seems like she's an
agent for the OSI.
Yeah, I figured that.
I want her out of the way.
I'll make sure she doesn't dive.
I hope so.
This is the Personnel
Transport Capsule,
Miss Sommers.
Watch your step.
Jed, why don't we just
set a course for Hawaii
and forget all about
this project. Okay?
Yes, you and the other divers
will be lowered in the capsule
to the ocean floor
about 250 feet.
We could go to South Mexico.
As you descend
Olé, As you descend, the
capsule will be pressurized
to correspond with the depth.
All right, we'll just, uh, cruise on up to
San Francisco for dinner, how's that?
Oh, and miss the
cuisine aboard my ship?
You must be out of your mind.
This ship is always connected
to the capsule by these cables.
They provide radio communication,
emergency oxygen, helium and
And nitrogen, as well as the power
for the lights and the TV cameras,
and I really have
no desire to go diving.
The water's much too cold.
Now, let's take a look at the monitoring
and life supply control systems,
and the decompression
chamber. Please
Follow me, Miss Sommers.
This way. Thank you.
So when you and the other divers
have completed your undersea work,
you'll be brought back up in the
capsule at the rate of 15 feet per minute.
that's fascinating.
That's about the size of the computer
brain that runs this entire system.
Oh, really?
Now, if you'll follow me, I'll show
you the decompression chamber.
Another unique feature of this dive is
this two-way, underwater voice relay,
so that you can talk to each
other and the ship at all times.
The steel mounting rods
for the devices
are placed no closer than 10
feet and no further apart than 12.
In position, they form a
triangle around this TV monitor.
The detector device
once in position,
must be connected to their
power packs and clamped
to the steel rods
in a horizontal position.
Once connected,
they are calibrated
with this device.
Once calibrated,
they're operational.
Come in, Snow White.
This is Grumpy.
This is Snow White. What
happened? Did anything go wrong?
Uh, yeah. Somebody just tried
to put me on the injured list, too.
Are you all right?
Yeah, I'm all right.
Any ideas?
The divers are the only ones who
have access to the bridge I came from.
Grumpy, I'd like nothing
better than to send a helicopter
and get you out of there,
but we've gotta get those
detectors planted on the ocean floor.
Yeah, okay. I'm gone.
Yeah. How's it going?
Good. I speared a half a dozen
fish and the chumming has worked.
The sharks are
circling down below.
Good deal. You better get
yourself some hot coffee. Okay.
The water looks cold.
It is.
Well, Ritter didn't get that
OSI woman on the ship.
Doesn't matter, though.
When she dives, the sharks
are gonna be more efficient.
I'm very thorough.
I don't understand why
we had to chum for sharks.
There must be hundreds
of them in these waters.
I have to make sure when
the beeper gives off the sound,
there're a lot of sharks nearby.
Jaime Good luck.
Jed Thank you.
Jed, I really enjoyed dinner last
night, as well as the conversation.
Well, we'll do it
again sometime.
As soon as you've
earned your keep.
Okay. It's a date.
Listen, if anything funky
happens down there
Like what?
Uh, just
If anything happens, please
just don't bring that capsule up,
until I say so, all right?
What are you worried about?
Of course.
The divers are aboard.
Have them check
their gear again.
Divers, check your gear.
Repeat, divers, check your gear.
Checking gear.
Turn around.
Marsden's okay.
You next, Miss Sommers.
Miss Sommers' gear is okay.
Check me, will you?
Okay. Ritter's gear's
all right.
Seal the hatches.
Seal the hatches.
Hatch sealed.
Well, good luck to us all.
MAN: (OVER PA) All hands prepare
to lower Personnel Transport Carrier,
Top deck line operators,
stand by.
This is Oscar Goldman speaking.
MAN: We just got word that
the divers are in the carrier
and about to be lowered
to the ocean bottom,
Good. I want a report
every 10 minutes, please.
Yes, sir.
MAN: (OVER PA) All stations
manned and ready,
Deck decompression
chamber is on alert.
The FTC and divers
are now in the water.
They're lowering the PTC.
PTC give any pressure reading?
A hundred and fifty feet.
Roger. Continue to relay
information every 50 feet.
How do the life
support systems feel?
Fine. Everything's
smooth down here.
Depth 200 feet. Everything's
fine, Commander.
Good. Allow yourselves two
minutes before opening the hatch.
MARSDEN: Two hundred
and fifty feet.
The coordinates for
the anchoring devices
are marked on steel
plates on the ocean floor.
You may have to dig around
in the sand to find them.
JAIME: Okay, Jed. We copy.
JAIME: Oh, look over here.
I found one of the markers.
RITTER: I'll go get
the steel rods.
Complete each device
before moving on to the next.
Roger, Kimball. We
read you loud and clear.
First detector's
being calibrated.
We've located marker
number two, Kimball.
I'll try and find
the last marker, Chet.
I'll have to go back
for the third rod.
JAIME: Jed, there's something
wrong with my earphones.
I'm I'm getting some kind
of a funny feedback sound,
Jaime, you're coming through all right.
Must be in your circuit. We'll check it.
One detector working.
Two to go.
JAIME: So far so good.
JAIME: Marsden,
we got some sharks.
Where'd they come from?
I don't know, but let's not
stick around to ask. Come on.
JAIME: Elk River, come in,
Marsden's been hit by a shark.
Jaime, how badly was he hit?
I'm going to him now, and I'll
let you know in just a second.
Chet! Chet,
are you okay?
Yeah. I think so, Jaime.
All right. Hang on.
I'm gonna check your gear.
Ritter, give us
a hand, will you?
RITTER: I can't move. Two
sharks are circling around me.
Well, there's no blood
on your back, Chet.
The shark bit right through your
air hose, okay. I I can't fix it.
But we can buddy breathe till I
get you back to the carrier, all right?
You've gotta get Marsden back into
the capsule before you're out of air.
How much time do they have left?
They're buddy breathing.
At that depth, they've got
Two minutes and 40 seconds.
Jaime, you've got to get him there
in two minutes. Do you hear me?
JAIME: We're on our
way, Jed. Hang on, Chet.
Ritter, what's happening?
RITTER: One shark
still circling around me.
I'm almost to the carrier.
JAIME: Stay put, Chet. I've
gotta take care of our friend here.
RITTER: I'm in the carrier, Jaime,
Now, where are you and Marsden?
You've got one minute,
20 seconds left, Jaime.
I don't get it.
Those sharks
They should have
attacked by now.
How are we gonna know
if they did or not?
When they bring the capsule
up in about 10 minutes or so,
with what's left of the divers,
that'll be the signal, Reese.
Thank you, Louise. This is
Oscar Goldman speaking.
Was Jaime injured?
Thank God.
Now, how many detectors were put
into place before the sharks attacked?
All three detectors
have to be connected.
No, we can't ask Jaime to do
that. Not after she's risked her life.
Let me know when they're
all safe aboard the Elk River,
I'll wait here.
You sure you're okay, Marsden?
Yeah, Kimball, I'm gonna live.
Ritter, you all right?
Never been better.
Yeah, I'm okay.
Still got that noise
in your earphones?
No. It's gone,
thank goodness.
Okay. Close the hatch,
we're bringing you up.
Well, now, wait a minute. We've still
got one more detector to set in place.
The word from Oscar
Goldman is negative on that.
Negative, Jaime, you hear me?
I'm game.
How about you, Ritter?
Yeah. She's right, Kimball.
Your system's worthless
without that third detector working.
Yeah, I'm game.
Okay. After you,
Mr. Ritter.
You okay?
Yeah, I'm good.
Help me with a fresh
tank, will you?
Easy does it.
Hold this for me, will you?
What's this?
Well, I think it's what's
been giving me an earache.
And I also think it's what makes
us look and sound like shark bait.
What do you know.
Don't leave
without us, all right?
Don't worry. I won't.
Take it easy.
Jaime, don't do it.
It's too dangerous.
It's too late, Kimball.
She's already gone.
This one's all set to go, Jaime.
JAIME: And so
are you, Ritter.
This time the sharks are going
to be coming in your direction.
RITTER: [don't know what
you're talking about,
To send out signals
to the sharks,
you've gotta have
a transmitter, right?
Where is it?
What's going on down there?
The only piece of extra gear you've
got, Ritter, is your depth gauge.
I think you've been down
here too long, Sommers.
Look, either you tell me who
paid you to sabotage this project,
or those sharks are gonna
get very friendly with you.
Another shark approaching,
Ritter. This is your last chance.
You're right. The transmitter,
it's inside the depth gauge.
Turn it off!
You still haven't told me
who paid you for this job.
It's Dasovic. Dasovic!
That's his name!
He's in a boat a few
miles from here, Tum it off!
Please! Turn it off!
Did you get all that, Jed?
You bet.
Jed, I think the
transmitter is shorting out.
Now the sharks
are coming after me.
Jaime, you okay?
JANE: Now, I am, yeah.
You sure you're okay?
Yeah, I'm okay.
I'm just a little scared.
Now you're scared?
I can afford to be scared now.
I've got the whole Navy
here to protect me.
Well, not the whole Navy,
but the most important part.
A very important part.
Jed, do you really think that those
beepers made those sharks attack?
I'm off this weekend.
I mean, I know that
the OSI is gonna test 'em,
but I can't imagine them
being that reliable.
That's incredible.
You'll love San Diego. Mission Bay's
just as beautiful as the Chesapeake.
Uh Of course, uh,
we don't have Annapolis.
I'm still gonna have to go down next
week and set up those sub-detectors.
Oh, there's Tijuana, Rosarito,
Ensenada, you'll love it.
You know what I'd love?
I would love it if we could both talk
about the same thing at the same time.
Oh, yeah.
All right.
Now, about this weekend.
About this weekend.
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