Adventure Time with Finn & Jake s03e18 Episode Script

The New Frontier

Adventure Time Come on, grab your friends We'll go to very distant lands With Jake the Dog and Finn the Human The fun will never end It's Adventure Time [EERIE MUSIC PLAYS.]
Finn! Finn! Oh, my grarsh.
Finn, it was amazing! - Wha? I had a croak dream, Finn -- my croak dream! Oh my glob.
F-For real? With the cosmic owl and everything? Mm-hmm! Whoa.
A real croak dream.
Yeah, man.
There was a rocket ship.
You weren't there.
And there was a Banana man.
And I ran out of air in outer space.
Isn't that -- isn't that great, Finn? Yeah.
Well, no.
I mean, I don't want you to die.
And where was I? I'm your best friend! Aw, come on, Finn! There's nothing to worry about.
Think about it.
I don't know any Banana man, and rocket ships haven't been reinvented yet.
I'll probably live another hundred years, easy.
Um yeah.
I guess.
Someone's downstairs.
I'll take a look.
Pbbbbbbht! [WINDOW SLAMS.]
Who is it? It's the Banana man.
Pbbbbbbht! Shh! What do we do? FINN: I don't know.
Is he still out there? [WINDOW OPENS.]
Ah, no.
He left.
See? I told you today wasn't the day.
Hey, you want to make an ice-cream pizza? Jake, your croak dream just gave us the upper hand.
We can cheat now! We can cheat fate.
We'll track down that Banana man and crug up his schemes! And save you! [TRICKLING.]
Finn, when I die, my individual Earth consciousness is gonna go all over everywhere while glob tallies my deeds.
What? I'm gonna be all around you -- in your nose, in your dreams, in socks.
I'll be a part of you and your Earth mind.
It's gonna be great! Dude, stop saying all this crazy nonsense.
It's making me messed up.
I'm 13.
You're messing me up.
No one can change a croak dream, Finn, okay? Not even you.
We'll see about that! Come on! Wait.
Just let him walk a few more steps.
Why? Because that idiot's about to walk right into the sun and burn up.
And we'll be done with him.
No, man, he's walking into his house.
Oh, what? He built his house on the sun? This guy's insane! Finn, did you eat your breakfast? No.
Why? Because you forgot how the sun works.
The sun is actually far away.
It's not sitting right on the horizon.
Right on.
Let's chase after him! You got to eat your breakfast, man.
You need that protein.
Helps your brain.
Yeah, yeah.
Whatever you say, mom.
Let's go! Come on.
What's he doing with that glass? [CLUNK.]
Just like in my dream! [GRUNTS.]
Huh? Hmm.
Yeah! Here we go! Yo! Jake, stop talking about your croak dream.
Makes me uncomfortable.
Dude, just accept it.
No, dude! What are you doing, man?! Aah! Hand me some leaves and twigs and stuff.
I blows.]
Aah! Wait! You're not gonna kill him, are you?! No, man! Just a warning shot, to scare him into moving far away from here! [MUSIC CONTINUES.]
Yeah! Look out! Whoo-hoo! [LAUGHS.]
Whoo-hoo! Yeah! [LAUGHS.]
Do it! Yeah! Oh.
yeah! [LAUGHS.]
Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Ha ha! [GRUNTING.]
Yeah, baby! Move it! Moving it! Work it! [LAUGHS.]
I'm gonna try and shoot this arrow again.
Careful, man.
I want to be alive for my croak.
BANANA MAN: There's a move! [WHOOSH!.]
BOTH: Whoa! [CLONG!.]
Don't worry, Jake.
We're gonna get this guy.
Dude, man, I appreciate why you're doing this, but you're not gonna stop me from transcending into glob world.
I'm gonna cry, man.
If you say that one more time, I'm gonna let's go fetch that first arrow to reuse.
'Cause we're out of arrows.
Huh? Oh! The rocket from my croak dream! Oh, man.
I guess I guess this is it.
I've got to embrace destiny! Shushers! You're not getting on that rocket.
Jakel! You can't stop destiny, Finn! Jake!! No!! [BLOWING.]
Huh? No, man! [BLOWING.]
Huh? What in the -- [GASPS.]
No! N-No! No! I-It's not ready yet! [GRUNTING, YELLING.]
Yeah! [GROANS.]
Banana man! Get your butt on board! We've got a date with destiny! No! Get off! You can't mess with fate! No! I'm not gonna let you die! - Finn! - Don't do this! - Finn.
- No! Finn.
Let me go.
You have to let me go.
Destiny!! [CRACKLING.]
There's not enough boom-boom stick hole sticks in the stick hole! - Jake.
- Take care, brother.
You weren't by my side in my croak dream, but I'm glad you're here to see me off.
That's right.
I wasn't in his dream.
That means [CRACKLING.]
Ahh see you on the other side! [ENGINE REVS.]
Am I in glob world? [CRUNCHING.]
Jake! [GRUNTS.]
Jake, I'm coming with you! [SCREAMING.]
Hey, don't try to stop me, Finn! [GURGLING.]
No, it's okay.
I'm here to stay by your side.
Thanks, man.
I knew you'd come around.
Easy there, buddy.
I just wanted to borrow some sugar.
Ooh! [SIGHS.]
Poor Banana man.
So I guess that wasn't a real croak dream, after all.
Didn't really come together quite right.
So, wait.
In the croak dream, it was just me and Banana man.
But this time, you were here, too.
So it must be destined to happen again when you're not around.
Well, in that case, I'll just have to never leave your side ever again for the rest of our lives.
What are you doing? [CREEPILY.]
I can never leave your side ever again for the rest of our lives.
Get off of me! - Rest of our lives! - No! FINN: I know where you live! JAKE: No! Come on! FINN: Whoo-oo-oo! Whoo-oo! JAKE: I know you're not a ghost, Finn! Stop chasing me! Yeah, ha! Whoo-hoo! Ha ha! [HUMS.]
Ha ha! Wha! Yeah, ha ha! [CLAP, CLAP.]
Come along with me And the butterflies and bees We can wander through the forest And do so as we please Come along with me To a cliff under a tree FINN: This party is so crazy!
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